Allan, H.H. 1961: Flora of New Zealand. Vol. I. Indigenous Tracheophyta: Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledones. Government Printer, Wellington.

Allan, H.H. 1961: Flora of New Zealand. Vol. I. Indigenous Tracheophyta: Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledones. Government Printer, Wellington.
Taxonomic concepts
Acaena anserinifolia var. antarctica (Cockayne) Druce
Acaena microphylla var. inermis (Hook.f.) Kirk
Acaena novae-zelandiae var. pallida Kirk
Acaena sanguisorbae (L.) Vahl
Acaena sanguisorbae subsp. antarctica (Cockayne) Bitter
Acaena sanguisorbae subsp. caesiglauca Bitter
Acaena sanguisorbae subsp. novae-zelandiae (Kirk) Bitter
Acaena sanguisorbae var. antarctica Cockayne
Acaena sanguisorbae var. aucklandica Bitter
Acaena sanguisorbae var. minor Hook.f.
Achras novozelandica F. Muell.
Aciphylla colensoi var. conspicua Kirk
Aciphylla flabellata Cockayne
Aciphylla poppelwelli Petrie var. poppelwelli
Aciphylla poppelwelli var. major Petrie
Aciphylla verticillata W.R.B.Oliv.
Albinia oresigenesa Hombr. & Jacquinot ex Decne.
Alectryon excelsus var. grandis Cheeseman
Alternanthera sessilis sensu Hook.f.
Anagosperma dispermum (Hook.f.) Wettst.
Anarthropteris lanceolata (J.Sm.) L.B.Moore in Allan
Ancistrum anserinifolium J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
Ancistrum decumbens Gaertn.
Ancistrum diandrum G.Forst.
Ancistrum sanguisorbae L.f.
Anisotome acutifolia (Kirk) Cockayne
Anisotome aromatica Hook.f. var. aromatica
Anisotome aromatica var. dissecta Allan
Anisotome aromatica var. incisa (Kirk) Cheeseman
Anisotome aromatica var. major Allan
Anisotome aromatica var. obtusa Allan
Anisotome aromatica var. pinnatisecta Allan
Anisotome deltoidea (Cheeseman) Cheeseman
Anisotome dissecta (Kirk) Cheeseman
Anisotome diversifolia
Anisotome flabellata
Anisotome flabellifolia G.Simpson
Anisotome haastii (F.Muell. ex Hook.f.) Cockayne & Laing
Anisotome imbricata (Hook.f.) Cockayne
Anisotome pilifera (Hook.f.) Cockayne & Laing
Aralia crassifolia Sol. ex A.Cunn.
Aralia polaris Hombr. & Jacquinot ex Hook.f.
Aristotelia fruticosa var. rigidula G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
Aristotelia fruticosa var. α. suberecta Hook.f.
Aristotelia fruticosa var. β. erecta Hook.f.
Aristotelia fruticosa var. γ. prostrata Hook.f.
Aristotelia fruticosa var. δ. microphylla Hook.f.
Aristotelia racemosa Hook.f.
Ascarina lanceolata Hook.f.
Atherosperma novae-zelandiae (A.Cunn.) Hook.f.
Australina novae-zelandiae Hook.f.
Azorella hydrocotyloides Hook.f.
Azorella reniformis Benth. & Hook.f.
Bulliarda moschata (G.Forst.) D'Urv.
Calosciadium antipodum Endl. ex Walp.
Calosciadium latifolium (Hook.f.) ex Walp.
Calpidia brunoniana Heimerl
Cardamine depressa var. stellata (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Cardamine heterophylla (G.Forst.) O.E.Schulz
Cardamine heterophylla (G.Forst.) O.E.Schulz var. heterophylla
Cardamine heterophylla var. hirtella O.E.Schulz
Cardamine heterophylla var. leiocarpa O.E.Schulz
Cardamine heterophylla var. macrostylis O.E.Schulz
Cardamine heterophylla var. uniflora (Hook.f.) Cockayne
Cardamine hirsuta var. corymbosa Hook.f.
Cardamine hirsuta var. debilis Banks ex Hook.f.
Cardamine hirsuta var. uniflora Hook.f.
Carmichaelia australis var. grandiflora Benth.
Celmisia clavata G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
Celmisia coriacea var. lanigera (Petrie) Cheeseman
Celmisia discolor Hook.f. var. discolor
Celmisia durietzii Cockayne & Allan
Celmisia glandulosa var. vera Cockayne
Celmisia hieraciifolia var. oblonga Kirk
Celmisia intermedia Petrie
Celmisia longifolia var. alpina Kirk
Celmisia longifolia var. graminifolia Kirk
Celmisia macmahonii var. hadfieldii W.Martin
Celmisia robusta Buchanan
Celmisia sessiliflora var. exigua G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
Celmisia sessiliflora var. minor Petrie
Celmisia sessiliflora var. pedunculata Kirk
Ceodes brunoniana Skottsb.
Chenopodium glaucum sensu A.Cunn.
Chenopodium triandrum sensu A.Rich.
Christella dentata (Forssk.) Brownsey & Jermy
Clematis integrifolia sensu G.Forst.
Colobanthus billardierei var. alpinus Kirk
Colobanthus billardierei var. brachypoda F.Muell.
Colobanthus crassifolius var. alpinus (Kirk) Cheeseman
Colobanthus muelleri var. strictus Cheeseman
Colobanthus subulatus sensu Hook.f.
Convolvulus truncatella Colenso
Convolvulus tuguriorum G.Forst.
Coprosma divaricata var. β. gracilis (A.Cunn.) Hook.f.
Coprosma divaricata var. γ. pallida Hook.f.
Coprosma divaricata var. δ. latifolia Hook.f.
Coprosma divaricata var. ε. coriacea Hook.f.
Coprosma gracilis A.Cunn.
Coprosma lucida var. angustifolia Cheeseman
Coprosma myrtillifolia var. linearis Hook.f.
Coprosma propinqua var. lineariifolia Hook.f.
Coprosma propinqua var. typica W.R.B.Oliv.
Coprosma pseudo-colensoi Cockayne & Allan
Coprosma rubra var. pendula (Colenso) Kirk
Coriaria lurida var. acuminata Cockayne & Allan
Coriaria lurida var. parviflora Cockayne & Allan
Coriaria thymifolia var. undulata Petrie
Corynocarpus laevigatus J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
Cotula dioica var. pulchella (Kirk) Cheeseman
Cotula goyenii var. pinnatisecta Kirk
Coxella dieffenbachii Cheeseman & Hemsl.
Crantzia novae-zelandiae Gand.
Craspedia fimbriata var. lanata Hook.f.
Craspedia fimbriata var. major Hook.f.
Craspedia fimbriata var. marginata Hook.f.
Craspedia fimbriata var. minor Hook.f.
Craspedia fimbriata var. robusta Hook.f.
Craspedia maritima Cockayne & Allan
Craspedia uniflora var. pedicellata Kirk
Craspedia uniflora var. viscosa (Colenso) Kirk
Crepis novae-zelandiae Hook.f.
Cyathodes articulata Colenso
Dacrydium bidwillii var. erecta Kirk
Dacrydium bidwillii var. reclinata Kirk
Dacrydium taxifolium Sol. ex D.Don
Demidovia tetragonioides Pall.
Dicera dentata J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
Dicera serrata J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
Dicksonia lanata Colenso var. lanata
Discaria australis var. apetala Hook.f.
Ditoca muscosa Banks ex Gaertn.
Dracophyllum cockayneanum Du Rietz
Dracophyllum latifolium var. matthewsis Carse
Dracophyllum longifolium var. retortum Homb. & Jacq.
Dracophyllum lyallii Hook.f.
Dracophyllum matthewsii Carse
Dracophyllum pyramidale W.R.B.Oliv.
Dracophyllum sinclairii Cheeseman
Dracophyllum squarrosum sensu Hook.f. 1844
Dracophyllum uniflorum Hook.f. var. uniflorum
Dracophyllum uniflorum var. frondosum G.Simpson
Dracophyllum urvilleanum var. filifolium Cheeseman 1925
Drimys axillaris J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
Drimys axillaris var. colorata (Raoul) Kirk
Edwardsia prostrata (Buchanan) W.R.B.Oliv.
Edwardsia tetraptera (J.S.Mill.) W.R.B.Oliv.
Elaeocarpus cunninghamii Raoul
Elaeocarpus hinau A.Cunn.
Elaeodendron micranthum Hook.f.
Elatine americana var. australiensis Benth.
Epacris frondosa Gaertn.
Epacris juniperina J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
Epacris longifolia J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
Epacris pumila J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
Epacris rosmarinifolia G.Forst.
Epacris sinclairii Hook.f.
Epilobium confertifolium var. tenuipes Hook.f.
Epilobium junceum var. hirtigerum Hook.f.
Epilobium parviflorum sensu G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
Epilobium pedunculare var. aprica Hausskn.
Epilobium pedunculare var. minimum Kirk
Erigeron novae-zelandiae Buchanan
Euphrasia cuneata var. tricolor (Colenso) Cheeseman
Eurybia alpina Lindl. & Paxton
Eurybia avicenniifolia (Raoul) Hook.f.
Eurybia dentata var. linearifolia Hook.f.
Eurybia dentata var. oblongifolia Hook.f.
Eurybia furfuracea (A.Rich.) DC.
Eurybia nummulariifolia Hook.f.
Eurybia semidentata (Decne.) F.Muell.
Ewartia sinclairii × Helichrysum bellidioides
Exarrhena macrantha Hook.f.
Fagus cliffortioides Hook.f.
Forstera aretiastrifolia
Friesia racemosa A.Cunn.
Fuchsia excorticata × perscandens
Fusanus cunninghamii Benth. & Hook.f. ex Kirk
Gaultheria antipoda var. erecta Cheeseman
Gaultheria antipoda var. fluviatilis (A.Cunn.) Hook.f.
Gaultheria rupestris var. lanceolata Cheeseman
Geniostoma ligustrifolium A.Cunn.
Geophila dichondrifolia A.Cunn.
Geranium dissectum var. glabratum Hook.f.
Geranium potentilloides sensu Hook.f.
Gnaphalium fasciculatum Buchanan
Gnaphalium keriense var. linifolia Hook.f.
Gnaphalium luteoalbum var. compactum Kirk
Gnaphalium luteoalbum var. incanum A.Rich.
Gnaphalium novae-zeelandiae Sch.Bip.
Gunnera monoica var. strigosa (Colenso) Kirk 1895
Gymnelaea apetala (Vahl) L.A.S.Johnson
Gymnelaea cunninghamii (Hook.f.) L.A.S.Johnson
Haloragis alata var. cartilaginea Cheeseman
Haloragis depressa var. aggregata (Buchanan) Kirk
Haloragis depressa var. spicata (Petrie) Schindler
Haloragis depressa var. uniflora (Kirk) Cheesem.
Haloragis diffusa sensu (Hook.f.) Cockayne
Haloragis tetragyna var. diffusa Hook.f.
Haloragis tetragyna var. incana Kirk
Haloragis uniflora var. bibracteolata (Col.) Schindler
Hartighsea spectabilis A.Juss.
Haxtonia furfuracea (A.Rich.) A.Cunn.
Hebe buxifolia var. pauciramosa Cockayne & Allan
Hebe carnosula (Hook.f.) Cockayne
Hebe lapidosa G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
Hedera crassifolia A.Gray
Heimerliodendron brunonianum (Endl.) Skottsb.
Helichrysum fowerakeri Cockayne
Helichrysum grahamii Petrie
Helichrysum loganii (Buchanan) Kirk
Helichrysum pauciflorum Kirk
Helichrysum intermedium var. humile G.Simpson
Helichrysum leontopodium Hook.f.
Helichrysum selago var. tomentosum Cheeseman
Hemiphues suffocata var. novae-zelandiae
Hoheria ovata Simpson & J.S.Thomson
Hoheria populnea A.Cunn. var. populnea
Hoheria populnea subsp. vulgaris Kirk var. vulgaris
Hoheria populnea subsp. vulgaris Kirk
Hoheria populnea var. angustifolia (Raoul) Hook.f.
Hoheria populnea var. lanceolata Hook.f.
Hoheria populnea subsp. vulgaris var. sinclaririi (Hook.f.) Kirk
Homalanthus nutans sensu Hook.f.
Hydrocotyle dichondraefolia A.Cunn.
Hydrocotyle involucrata Colenso
Hydrocotyle muscosa R.Br. ex A.Rich.
Hydrocotyle novae-zeelandiae var. involucrata (Colenso) Allan
Hydrocotyle novae-zeelandiae var. lobulata Kirk
Hymenanthera alpina (Kirk) W.R.B.Oliv.
Hymenanthera latifolia Kirk
Hymenanthera latifolia var. tasmanica Kirk
Hymenanthera traversii Buchanan
Jovellana sinclairii (Hook.) Kraenzl.
Kelleria dieffenbachii var. lyallii DC.
Kirkianella novae-zelandiae f. minor Allan
Laurus calicaris Sol. ex A.Cunn.
Lepidium oleraceum var. olearaceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.
Lepidium oleraceum var. acutidentatum Kirk
Lepidium oleraceum var. frondosum Kirk
Lepidium oleraceum var. serrulatum Thell.
Lepidium tenuicaule Kirk var. tenuicaule
Lepidium tenuicaule var. australe (Kirk) Kirk
Lepidium tenuicaule var. minor Cheeseman
Leptospermum ericoides var. lineare Kirk
Leptospermum ericoides var. lineatum sensu Kirk
Leptospermum lineatum Cockayne
Leptospermum perforatum J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
Leptospermum scandens J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
Leptospermum scoparium J.R.Forst. & G.Forst. var. scoparium
Leptospermum scoparium var. incanum Cockayne
Leucogenes grahamii (Petrie) Cheeseman
Leucogenes grandiceps (Hook.f.) Beauverd
Leucogenes grandiceps × Raoulia bryoides
Leucogenes leontopodium × Raoulia rubra
Leucopogon brevibarbis Stschegl.
Leucopogon richei (Labill.) R.Br.
Ligusticum antipodum Homb. & Jacquinot ex Decne
Ligusticum brevistyle Hook.f.
Ligusticum capillifolium Cheeseman
Ligusticum carnosulum Hook.f.
Ligusticum deltoideum Cheeseman
Ligusticum diversifolium Cheeseman
Ligusticum filifolium Hook.f.
Ligusticum flabellatum Kirk
Ligusticum haastii F.Muell.
Ligusticum piliferum Hook.f.
Limosella lineata Glück var. lineata
Limosella lineata var. spathulata Glück
Linum monogynum G.Forst. var. monogynum
Linum monogynum var. chathamicum Cockayne
Lophomyrtus ×ralphii (Hook.f.) Burret.
Loxogramme dictyopteris (Mett.) Copel.
Melaleuca perforata G.Forst.
Melicytus lanceolatus Hook.f. var. lanceolatus
Melicytus microphyllus Colenso
Mesembryanthemum australe W.T.Aiton
Metrosideros ×sub-tomentosa Carse
Metrosideros diffusa (G.Forst.) Sm.
Metrosideros fulgens Sol. ex Gaertn.
Metrosideros hypericifolia A.Cunn.
Metrosideros lucida (G.Forst.) A.Rich.
Metrosideros polymorpha sensu Hook.f.
Metrosideros robusta var. retusa Kirk
Metrosideros scandens Sol. ex Gaertn.
Microseris forsteri Hook.f.
Microseris scapigera f. linearis Allan
Microseris scapigera f. major Allan
Microseris scapigera f. obovata Allan
Microseris scapigera f. pinnatifida Allan
Microsorum pustulatum (G.Forst.) Copel.
Mniarum biflorum J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
Muehlenbeckia axillaris (Hook.f.) Endl.
Muehlenbeckia complexa (A.Cunn.) Meisn. var. complexa
Muehlenbeckia complexa var. grandifolia Carse
Muehlenbeckia complexa var. microphylla (Colenso) Cockayne
Muehlenbeckia complexa var. trilobata (Colenso) Cheeseman
Muehlenbeckia hypogaea Colenso
Muehlenbeckia muricatula Colenso
Muehlenbeckia paucifolia Colenso
Muehlenbeckia trilobata Colenso
Muehlenbeckia truncata Colenso
Myosotidium nobile (Hook.f.) Hook.
Myosotis cinerascens Petrie
Myosotis albida (Kirk) Cheeseman
Myosotis antarctica subsp. traillii Kirk
Myosotis australis var. lytteltonensis Laing & A.Wall
Myosotis capitata subsp. albida Kirk
Myosotis capitata var. albiflora J.B.Armstr.
Myosotis macrantha var. diversa G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
Myosotis macrantha var. pulchra Cheeseman
Myosotis macrantha var. westlandica Petrie
Myosotis pygmaea var. imbricata Cockayne
Myosotis pygmaea var. traillii (Kirk) Cockayne
Myosotis tenuis G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
Myosotis townsonii Cheeseman
Myosotis traversii var. cockayniana (Petrie) Cheeseman
Myrtus obcordata (Raoul) Hook.f.
Myrtus vitis-idaea (Raoul) Druce
Neomyrtus vitis-idaea (Raoul) Burret
Nertera dichondrifolia (A.Cunn.) Hook.f.
Nesodaphne tarairi (A.Cunn.) Hook.f.
Nestegis lanceolata (Hook.f.) L.A.S.Johnson
Nestegis montana (Hook.f.) L.A.S.Johnson
Nothofagus cliffortioides (Hook.f.) Oerst.
Nothofagus solandri var. cliffortioides (Hook.f.) Poole
Nothopanax linearis (Hook.f.) Harms
Olearia albida (Hook.f.) Hook.f. var. albida
Olearia arborescens var. angustifolia Cheeseman
Olearia arborescens var. cordatifolia Kirk
Olearia chathamica var. dendyi Cockayne
Olearia cunninghamii (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Olearia cunninghamii var. colorata
Olearia erythropappa Colenso
Olearia forsteri (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Olearia furfuracea (A.Rich.) Hook.f. var. furfuracea
Olearia ilicifolia var. ×mollis Kirk
Olearia multiflora Colenso
Olearia nitida (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Olearia nitida var. angustifolia Cheeseman
Olearia nummulariifolia (Hook.f.) Hook.f. var. nummulariifolia
Olearia nummulariifolia var. cymbifolia Hook.f.
Olearia populifolia Colenso
Olearia rani (A.Cunn.) Druce var. rani
Olearia rani var. colorata (Colenso) Kirk
Olearia suborbiculata Colenso
Oreomyrrhis andicola var. colensoi Kirk
Oreomyrrhis andicola var. ramosa Kirk
Oreomyrrhis colensoi Hook.f. var. colensoi
Oreomyrrhis colensoi var. delicatula Allan
Oreomyrrhis colensoi var. hispida Allan
Ozothamnus coralloides Hook.f.
Ozothamnus depressus Hook.f.
Ozothamnus glomeratus (Raoul) Hook.f.
Ozothamnus lanceolatus Buchanan
Panax crassifolius (Sol.) Decne & Planch.
Panax lessonii var. heterophyllus Kirk
Panax longissimus Hook.f.
Parsonsia capsularis var. parviflora Carse
Passerina pilosa sensu G.Forst.
Pelargonium australe var. erodioides Benth.
Pelargonium clandestinum L'Hér. ex DC.
Peperomia novae-zealandiae Colenso
Periploca capsularis Forst.f.
Phrygilanthus raoulii (Tiegh.) Engl.
Phyllachne clavigera (Hook.f.) F.Muell.
Phyllocladus alpinus Hook.f.
Phyllocladus trichomanoides var. alpinus (Hook.f.) Parl.
Phymatodes diversifolium (Willd.) Pic.Serm.
Phymatodes novae-zealandiae (Baker) Pic.Serm.
Phymatodes scandens (G.Forst.) C.Presl
Pimelea lyallii var. sericea Cheeseman
Piper tetraphyllum G.Forst.
Pittosporum colensoi var. fasciculatum Cheeseman
Pittosporum huttonianum var. viridifolium Kirk
Pittosporum matthewsii Petrie
Pittosporum rigidum Hook.f. var. rigidum
Pittosporum umbellatum Banks & Sol. ex Gaertn. var. umbellatum
Plagianthus lyallii sensu Hook.f.
Planchonella costata (Endl.) Pierre
Planchonella novo-zelandica (F.Muell.) Allan
Plectomirtha baylisiana W.R.B.Oliv.
Podocarpus Podocarpus cunninghamii Colenso × Podocarpus totara G.Benn. ex D.Don Cockayne
Podocarpus acutifolius Kirk
Podocarpus ferrugineus G.Benn ex D.Don
Podocarpus L'Her. ex Pers.
Podocarpus nivalis Hook.
Podocarpus spicatus R.Br. ex Mirb.
Podocarpus totara var. hallii (Kirk) Pilger
Polygonum australe (G.Forst.) A.Rich.
Polypodium pustulatum G.Forst.
Pomaderris edgerleyi Hook.f.
Pomaderris prunifolia var. edgerleyi (Hook.f.) L.B.Moore
Poranthera alpina sensu Cheeseman
Potentilla anserina var. anserinoides (Raoul) Hook.f.
Pouteria costata (Endl.) Baehni
Pouteria costata var. austro-montana (H.J.Lam) Baehni
Pozoa hydrocotyleoides Hook.f.
Pozoa trifoliata var. tripartita Hook.f.
Pratia angulata var. arenaria Hook.f.
Pseudopanax crassifolius var. trifoliolatum Kirk
Psychrophila novae-zelandiae (Hook.f.) W.A.Weber
Psychrophila obtusa (Cheeseman) W.A.Weber
Pyrrosia serpens (Forst.f.) Ching
Quintinia serrata var. elliptica (Hook.f.) Kirk
Ranunculus buchananii var. latilobus Allan
Ranunculus buchananii var. multifidus Allan
Ranunculus geraniifolius sensu Hook.f.
Ranunculus tenuicaulis Cheeseman
Raoulia gibbsii Cheeseman
Raoulia loganii (Buchanan) Cheeseman
Raoulia australis var. lutescens Kirk
Rapanea australis (A.Rich.) W.R.B. Oliver
Rapanea chathamica (F.Muell.) W.R.B. Oliver
Rapanea divaricata (A.Cunn.) W.R.B.Oliver
Rapanea kermadecensis (Cheeseman) Mez
Rapanea nummularia (Hook.f.) W.R.B.Oliver
Rapanea salicina (Hook.f.) Mez
Rubus australis var. cissoides (A.Cunn.) Hook.f.
Rubus australis var. glaber sensu Kirk
Rubus australis var. schmidelioides (A.Cunn.) Hook.f.
Rubus cissoides var. coloratus Kirk
Rubus cissoides var. subpauperatus (Cockayne) Cheeseman
Rubus schmidelioides A.Cunn. var. schmidelioides
Rubus subpauperatus Cockayne
Samolus repens (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) Pers. var. repens
Samolus repens var. procumbens R.Knuth
Samolus repens var. stricta Cockayne
Scandix glochidiata Labill. 1804
Schizaea fistulosa var. australis (Gaudich.) Hook.f.
Scleranthus biflorus var. uniflorus Cockayne
Scopolia lucida J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
Scorzonera scapigera G.Forst.
Scorzonera scapigera Sol. ex A.Cunn
Senecio banksii var. β velleia Hook.f.
Senecio banksii var. γ scabrosus Hook.f.
Senecio bellidioides var. glabratus Kirk 1899
Shawia furfuracea (A.Rich.) Raoul
Shawia paniculata J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
Shawia paniculata var. elliptica Kirk
Shawia paniculata var. obtusa Kirk
Shawia paniculata var. viscosa G.Simpson
Sheffieldia repens J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
Sideroxylon costatum (Endl.) F.Muell.
Sideroxylon novo-zelandicum (F.Muell.) Hemsl.
Skinnera excorticata J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
Solidago arborescens G.Forst.
Sophora tetraptera var. prostrata (Buchanan) Kirk
Stellaria decipiens Hook.f. var. decipiens
Strongylosperma australe (Spreng.) Less.
Suttonia divaricata (A. Cunn.) Hook.f.
Suttonia kermadecensis (Cheeseman) Cheeseman
Taxotrophis microphylla (Raoul) F.Muell.
Tetragonia halimifolia G.Forst.
Tetranthera calicaris Hook.f.
Tetranthera tangao R.Cunn. ex A.Cunn.
Teucridium parvifolium Hook.f. var. parvifolium
Tillaea novae-zealandiae Petrie
Todea barbara (L.) T.Moore
Trichilia spectabilis G.Forst.
Tricholoma elatinoides Benth.
Urtica incisa var. linearifolia Cheeseman
Urtica lucifuga var. linearifolia Hook.f.
Veronica armstrongii Johnson ex J.B.Armstr.
Veronica carnosula (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Veronica decumbens J.B.Armstr.
Veronica laevis var. carnosula Hook.f.
Veronica pinguifolia Hook.f.
Viola cunninghamii var. gracilis Hook.f.
Viscum lindsayi Oliv. ex Hook.f.
Viscum salicornoides A.Cunn.
Weinmannia betulina A.Cunn.
Wintera axillaris (J.R. Forst. & G. Forst.) G. Forst.
Wintera terminalis Tiegh.
Zanthoxylum novae-zeelandiae A.Rich.
Cited vernacular names
Capitula small, solitary or clustered (occ. only 2 together), sessile or on short scapes, heterogamous, discoid; phyll. few, in 2 series, subequal; receptacle nude. Anthers obtuse to pointed at base; style-arms of disk-florets short, truncate; pappus 0. Achenes 4-angled to terete or fusiform. Some 20 spp. of small ± mosslike glab. (or very nearly so) herbs with alt. entire lvs; of Fuegia, Falkland Is, Australia, Tasmania, N.Z. (these endemic).
Stock rather stout, multicipital, emitting short stolons or rhizomes with scalelike lvs; plant forming matted patches. Lvs rosulate, at nodes, 1-1∙5 cm. × 1-1∙5 mm., narrow-linear, obtuse, spreading to recurved, coriac. Peduncles up to 1∙5 cm. long in fr., with 1-2 short linear bracts or nude. Capitula up to 5 mm. diam.; phyll. 6-8, c. 2 mm. long, broad-oblong, obtuse, veins often obscure, margins scarious. Florets 6-8, not strongly dimorphic; achenes c. 2 mm. long, fusiform to obovoid, glab., obscurely ribbed to smooth.
Stock rather stout, multicipital, emitting short stolons densely clad in imbricate lvs, branches up to 3 cm. long; plant forming mosslike patches. Lvs close-set along branches, 6-10 × 1-2 mm., coriac., erect to patent, curved, narrowly linear to linear-oblong to subulate-oblong, subacute, ciliolate near sheathing base; midrib prominent. Capitula solitary, c. 3 mm. diam., subsessile, invested by lvs; phyll. up to 3 mm. long, linear-oblong, obtuse, scarious, nerves us. prominent. Florets 15-20; ♀ with slender corolla-tube, 4-lobed; disk-florets subfunnelform, us. 5-lobed. Achenes c. 1-2 mm. long, linear-clavate, distinctly to obscurely 4-ribbed, pubescent to glab.
Stock stout, multicipital, stems short. Lvs rosulate, 3-7 cm. × 1-2 mm. (sts dwarfed to 1 cm. long), obtuse, somewhat coriac., ± rufous-pilose on margins near sheathing bases. Peduncles slender, 1-10 cm. long in fr., bracts lflike. Capitula solitary, paired, or few together, c. 5 mm. diam. Phyll. 7-14, narrow-oblong-obovate, subacute, 4-5 mm. long; pair of lateral nerves distant from midrib. Florets 20-25, not strongly dimorphic; achenes c. 1·5 mm. long, indistinctly ± 4-ribbed or -angled.
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Stock slender, multicipital, or the branches elongate, creeping and rooting; lvs scattered along branches and tufted at base of erect peduncles clad in lflike bracts; ± 1-1∙5 cm. × 1 mm., linear, straight to falcate, spreading to recurved, apiculate to subacute, coriac., glab. to sparsely hairy near sheathing base. Peduncles slender, up to c. 2 cm. long in fr. Capitula c. 5 mm. diam.; phyll. 8-14, oblong, obtuse to subacute, c. 3 mm. long, veins often obscure. Florets 10-25; achenes linear-clavate, 4-ribbed on one face, each rib produced into a short appendage.
Stock rather stout, multicipital, lf-rosettes crowded; lvs 6-8 × 3-4 mm., narrow-ovate to lanceolate or lanceolate-oblong, acute, coriac. Capitula 3-6 together on very short peduncles hardly elongating in fr. Phyll. 5-10, linear-oblong, coriac., with a pair of prominent veins close to midrib. Florets 5-10; corolla of disk-florets quadrangular, of ♀ tubular. Achenes 2-3mm. long, glab., 4-angled, the angles produced into minute horns.
Stock stout, multicipital; lvs rosulate on short stems, spreading, narrowly obovate-spathulate, subacute, 1∙5-2∙5 cm. × 2-5 mm., subcoriac., gradually narrowed to flat petiole. Capitula c. 5, corymbosely crowded; peduncles elongating in fr. to ± 2-5 cm., rather stout, grooved, with lfy bracts up to and subtending corymb. Phyll. c. 10, narrowly ovate-lanceolate to ovate or oblong-ovate, c. 3·5 mm. long, almost cartilaginous, with a pair of prominent veins close to midrib. Florets 5-12, corolla of disk-florets quadrangular, of ♀ tubular from globose base. Achenes glab., 2-4 mm. long; of ♀ obovoid with 3 thickened ribs, of disk-florets tetragonous, sts abortive.
Main stems stout, woody, creeping and rooting, up to 1 m. long; branches ascending, up to 1 dm. or more long, pilose. Lvs 4·5-8 cm. long, with 9-13 lflts, petioles pilose; stipules up to c. 1 cm. long, deeply 5-6-fid or more. Upper lflts up to c. 1 cm. long, crenate-serrate, toothed almost to base, brownish green above, paler below; upper surface glab. or nearly so, lower densely pilose to pilose on veins only, teeth penicillate. Terminal lflt on petiolule c. 1·5 mm. long. Scapes up to 10 cm. long, pilose, stout, with or without one or more pairs of bracts. Heads, including spines, c. 1·5 cm. diam., bractlets c. 3 mm. long, often forked. Cupule c. 3-4 mm. long, obconic, tetragonous, pilose. Spines 3·5-6 mm. long, unequal, pale to dark brown or yellowish green, sts suffused with red. Sepals c. 1·5 mm. long, ovate, often tinged red, pilose below, ± papillose above. Stamens 2, anthers white. Stigma plumose.
Mains stems rather stout, creeping and rooting, sts subterranean, up to 5 dm. or more long; branchlets ascending, c. 1-2 cm. long, stout, ± pilose. Lvs 2-5 cm. long, occ. more, 11-13-foliolate. Axis and lflts densely hairy below, less densely hairy to glab. above, pale subglaucous green; stipules unidentate, pilose-ciliate. Upper lflts oblong to obovate, 3-5 × 3-4 mm., occ. larger; petiolule of terminal lflt 1-3 mm. long. Heads sessile or subsessile, 1·5-2.5 cm. diam. including spines, bractlets pilose. Cupules c. 2 mm. long, broad-turbinate, ± pilose. Spines rather stout to slender, up to 1·5 cm. long, pale to yellowish green, finally brownish yellow, occ. red-flushed (f. erubescens Bitter in Fedde Repert. nov. Spec. Regn. veg. 10, 1912, 499). Sepals ovate, subacute, yellowish green. Stamens 2, rarely 1 by abortion; anthers 2 (rarely 1 or 3), yellowish white, filaments elongating. Achenes 2, rarely 1 only developed.
Main stems rather stout, procumbent, rooting; branches densely pilose, ascending, c. 5 cm. long. Lvs 3·5-5 cm. long (on main stems up to 10 cm. long), 7-9-foliolate. Stipules lanceolate, simple or 1-2-fid. Lflts grey-glaucous on both surfaces, rather sparingly hairy above, clothed in silky hairs below; upper lflts up to 12 mm. long, dentate, subsessile; terminal lflt on petiolule up to 5 mm. long. Scapes densely pilose, up to 15 cm. long, with one or more pairs of bracts, sts with solitary fls in axils. Heads up to 2 cm. diam. including spines. Cupules obconic, 4-angled, densely pilose. Spines up to 5 mm. long, clear brown, sts with small accessory spines. Sepals lanceolate, densely hairy below. Stamens 2, rarely 3; anthers white. Stigma white, plumose.
Main stems rather slender, procumbent, often rooting; branches ascending to spreading, sparsely hairy or almost glab., up to 5 cm. long. Lvs 2.5-5 cm. long, 7-11-foliolate; upper three lflts much larger than rest, glaucescent on both sides. Stipules lfy, deeply 3-5-fid, teeth linear-lanceolate, up to 4 mm. long, penicillate. Upper lflts c. 6-8 mm. long, orbicular to broad-ovate, serrate-dentate, glab. or nearly so above, with appressed silky hairs below; teeth penicillate, often tinged reddish brown. Terminal lflts up to 1 × 1 cm., on petiolules 3-5 mm. long. Scapes slender, c. 8 cm. long, with or without one or more pairs of bracts, sparsely to rather densely pilose. Heads c. 1-2 cm. diam. including spines; bractlets linear, ciliate-pilose. Cupules c. 1·5 mm. long, clad in long hairs; spines 3-5 mm. long, brown, us. suffused with pale red; barbs slender. Sepals ovate-lanceolate, pilose below, green, often red-flushed. Stamens 2, anthers purple. Stigma plumose.
Main stems creeping and rooting, up to 5 dm. or more long; branches ascending, often crowded, c. 1 dm. long, stout, woody, glab. Lvs up to 5 cm. long; stipules up to 1 cm. long, 3-5-fid; lflts 7-11, inciso-serrate, obovate-oblong, upper pair up to 1·5 cm. long, pale brownish green, shining above, subglaucous below; terminal lflt with petiolule c. 2 mm. long. Scape glab., up to 1 dm. long, naked or with one or two pairs of bracts. Heads up to c. 2 cm. diam., green to purplish; bracts linear, ciliate. Cupules c. 5 × 4 mm., compressed, 4-winged, lateral pair conspicuous. Spines 4, seldom > 2 mm. long, without barbs. Sepals 4, broad-ovate, glab., purple-margined. Stamens 2, anthers white, filaments long. Stigma simple, fimbriate. Achene 1, obpyriform.
Main stems slender, sparingly hairy, creeping and rooting; branches ascending. Lvs 4-5 cm. long, 11-13-foliolate. Stipules broad-ovate, c. 5 mm. long, entire or deeply 2-4-fid. Lflts ashy glaucescent on both surfaces, clad in dense appressed hairs above, pilose on veins below, teeth not penicillate. Upper lflts subsessile, up to 9 mm. long, dentate, teeth obtuse; terminal lflt with short petiolule. Scape c. 11 cm. long in flowering state. Heads 5-6 mm. diam. in flowering state. Cupules clad in spreading hairs. Sepals broad-lanceolate, obtuse, sparingly hairy below. Stamens 2, anthers purple. Stigma purple, plumose.
Main stems stout, creeping and rooting, up to 1 m. or more long, branches ascending, short, seldom > 5 cm. long, sparsely hairy to glab. Lvs up to 5 cm. long, 7-15-foliolate, glab. to slightly hairy, stipules unidentate. Lflts crenate-dentate, above purplish to olive- or bronze-green (bright green in shade), below glaucescent; upper pair up to 5 mm. long, subsessile, suborbicular to broad-ovate, petiolule of terminal lflt up to 3 mm. long. Scapes pubescent to glab., up to 7 cm. long; bracts minute or absent. Heads up to 1 cm. diam., bracts linear, ± pilose. Cupules pilose to glab., c. 1-2 × 1-2 mm., turbinate, angles thickened. Spines absent. Sepals olive- to brownish-green, ovate, obtuse to subacute. Stamens 2, anthers white. Styles fimbriate on one side.
Main stems slender to rather stout, creeping and rooting, sts subterranean, up to c. 3 dm. long; branchlets ascending, up to c. 5 cm. long, glab. to pilose; lvs up to 3 cm. long, 7-13-foliolate; upper lflts c. 3 mm. long, rarely more, deeply crenate-dentate to subserrate, glab. except on veins below and at tips of teeth, suborbicular, subsessile to sessile; terminal lflt with petiolule c. 1 mm. long; stipules linear. Scapes pilose, up to 2 cm. long, bracts absent or minute. Heads c. 2.5 cm. diam. including spines, bractlets linear, entire or two-toothed at apex. Cupules glab., c. 1·5 mm. long, turbinate, angles thickened. Spines unarmed, up to 1 cm. long, bright to purplish red. Sepals ovate, dull green. Stamens 2, anthers white. Styles 2, fimbriate on one side. Achenes 2, seldom 1 only developed.
Main stems stout, creeping and rooting, up to 3 dm. or more long; branchlets ascending, c. 1-3 cm. long, pilose. Lvs c. 3 cm. long, 11-13-foliolate, lflts closely placed, petiole clad in long silky hairs, stipules 3-4 mm. long, trifid. Upper lflts c. 5 mm. long, serrate-dentate, subsessile to sessile, glab. above, densely pilose on veins below, teeth penicillate. Terminal lflt on petiolule c. 1 mm. long. Scapes c. 3 cm. long, appressed pilose, nude or with one or more bracts. Heads c. 1·5 cm. diam. including spines, bractlets linear. Cupules obconic, substipulate, c. 2 mm. long, pilose. Spines purplish, c. 4 mm. long, subequal. Sepals green, c. 2 mm. long, very shortly clawed, obovate-oblong, glab. to papillate above, pilose on midvein below. Stamens 2, anthers purple; stigma plumose.
Larger in all parts except heads; lvs up to 9·5 cm. long, upper lflts 18-20 mm. long, scapes 6-7 cm. long.
Infl. capitate or spicate; fls us. perfect, occ. unisexual. Cupule investing carpels, us. with 4 or more spines; sepals us. 4, petals 0; stamens us. few; carpels 1 or 2; stigmas plumose, ample. Herbs to semi-woody plants, us. prostrate, with ascending scapose flowering branchlets; lvs imparipinnate, stipules adnate. About 150, mainly southern hemisphere, spp. The N.Z. spp. all have capitate infl., and, if interpreted in a narrow sense, are endemic, though some forms are closely related to Australian ones.
Main stems stout, woody, creeping and rooting, up to 1m. long; branches ascending, stout, c. 5-10 cm. long, pilose. Lvs 5-10 cm. or more long, petioles silky-pilose, lflts 11-15. Stipules obliquely lanceolate, c. 6-8 mm. long, 3-4-fid. Upper lflts 12-15 mm. long, elliptic to obovate-oblong, subsessile, subserrate-crenate, vivid dark green and glab. above, pale below and pilose on veins; terminal lflt on petiolule c. 3 mm. long. Scapes c. 10 cm. long, stout, with or without one or more pairs of bracts. Heads, including spines, c. 3·5 cm. diam. sts smaller; bractlets linear, c. 4 mm. long. Cupules obconic, tetragonous, pilose, c. 3-4 mm. long. Spines c. 1 cm. long, occ. shorter, dark purple. Sepals lanceolate to broad-lanceolate, ± pilose below. Stamens 2, anthers white, stigma plumose.
Main stems very stout, up to 1 m. or more long, procumbent, rooting, pilose; branches stout, pilose, up to 15 cm. or more long. Lvs up to 10 cm. or more long, 9-13-foliolate. Stipules lfy, up to 1 cm. long, 3-fid to simple. Lflts brownish to pale green above, paler below, glab. or nearly so above, pilose on veins below; coarsely serrate-dentate. Upper lflts c. 2 × 1·5 cm., obovate-oblong to oblong, subsessile; terminal lflt similar, on petiolule up to 7 mm. long. Scapes stout, pilose, up to 15 cm. or more long, bracts of one or more pairs. Heads c. 4 cm. diam. including spines; spines pale brown, sts tinged with red; bractlets ± 6 mm. long. Cupules turbinate, slightly flattened, pilose, angles thickened. Sepals about ovate-oblong, pilose below. Stamens 2, anthers white. Stigma plumose.
Main stems rather slender, up to 5 dm. long, creeping and rooting; branches ascending, c. 3-5 cm. long, sparsely to densely pilose. Lvs 2.5-3·5 cm. long; stipules deeply 3-4-fld, up to 4 mm. long; lflts 9-11. Upper lflts 6·5-8·5 mm. long, deeply serrate, brownish green to green above, paler below, glab. or nearly so above, pilose on veins below, teeth penicillate. Scape up to 9 cm. long, slender, ± pilose, nude or with one or more bracts. Heads 1 cm. or more diam. including spines. Sepals ovate to broad-lanceolate, often tinged red, rather sparsely hairy below, ± papillose above. Cupules c. 2 mm. long, obconic, tetragonous, almost winged above, pilose. Spines subequal, up to 8 mm. long, yellowish green sts tinged red. Stamens 2, anthers white. Stigma plumose.
Main stems creeping and rooting, up to 3 dm. or more long, branches procumbent to ascending, up to 15 cm. long, glab. or nearly so. Lvs up to 5 cm. or more long, narrow in outline, c. 1 cm. wide, 9-15-foliolate, glab., glaucescent on both surfaces; stipules scarious, c. 4 mm. long, entire; deeply obtusely dentate, obovate-cuneate, terminal lflt with petiolule up to 5 mm. long. Scape up to 25 cm. long, with one to several pairs of bracts, glab. or nearly so, purple. Bracts occ. with axillary cupules. Heads up to 2 cm. diam., purplish, bractlets linear, ciliate. Cupules c. 5 mm. long, glab., golden brown, saccate, spines 4, barbed, purplish, us. with several minute spinelets. Sepals 4, greenish, suffused with purple, especially marginally, sparingly hairy to glab. Stamens 2-4, anthers purple. Stigma plumose. Achenes up to 4 mm. long, fusiform.
Main stems stout, creeping and rooting, up to 1 m. long; branchlets ascending, up to 10 cm. long, rather sparsely pilose to glab. Lvs c. 4-7 cm. long, 7-9-foliolate; stipules c. 1 cm. long, deeply 3-fld. Upper lflts elliptic to obovate-oblong, crenate-serrate, c. 1·5-2 cm. long, subsessile, bright green and glab. or nearly so above, paler and pilose on veins below. Terminal lflt on petiolule c. 3-4 mm. long. Scapes stout, up to 10 cm. long, ± pilose; bracts lfy, c. 1 cm. long. Heads c. 3 cm. diam. including spines; bractlets linear, up to 1 cm. long, often deeply toothed. Cupules obconic, tetragonous, almost winged above, pilose, c. 4 mm. long; spines unequal, up to 13 mm. long, pale green to pale yellow when mature. Sepals rather pale green, ovate-lanceolate, up to 1·5 mm. long, pilose below, glab. above. Stamens 2, anthers white. Stigma plumose.
Tufted, up to 6 dm. tall; taproot stout; lvs 2-3-pinnate up to 25-(50) cm. long, margins thickened, apex with spinulose process ± 2 mm. long. Sheaths membr., 7-10 × 1-2 cm., gradually tapering to 1-2-pinnate stipules up to c. 4 cm. long with linear pungent segs; petioles c. 3 cm. long, lowest internodes c. 2 cm. long. Primary pinnae 4-5-(8) pairs, ± 8-12 cm. × 4-5 mm.; secondary pinnae 4-6-(8) pairs, 1-3 cm. long, irregularly cut to middle into acicular segs, or again pinnately divided. Stems of male and female plants similar, up to 6 dm. × 2.5 cm., deeply grooved; infl. broad-oblong, up to 30 cm. long, densely fld. Bracts ∞, lower verticillate; sheaths ± 3 cm. long; stipules spinulose, up to 15 mm. long; lamina (1)-2-3-pinnate, lower ± 6 cm. long. Umbels up to ± 5 cm. diam., compact, sts polygamous, ± exceeded by sheaths; involucral bracts linear-lanceolate. Fr. c. 8 mm. long; mericarps with 5-(4) narrow wings.
Tufted, with pinnate lvs up to c. 3 dm. long; sheaths up to c. 5 cm. × 15-25 mm.; stipules 25-40 mm. long stiff, subpungent; petioles striate 5-6 cm. × 3-4 mm.; lowest internodes ± 25 mm. long. Primary pinnae 4 pairs, striate, up to 11 cm. × 5-7 mm.; margins smooth, cartilaginous, tapering to pungent acicle c. 2 mm. long. Stem (immature ) bearing a male infl. not yet extended; bracts with sheaths ± 25-28 × 15 mm., with ± 10 faintly serrulate ribs; stipules 10-15 × 3 mm.; lamina 3-foliolate, on striate petiole 6 × 3 mm., with lflts ± 25 × 4 mm.
Slender tufted herb up to ± 45 cm. tall including infl. Lvs few, 3-2-foliolate, or occ. reduced to terminal lflt (all forms may be found on a single plant). Sheaths thin, pale, ± 8 cm. × 10 mm., tapering to apex; stipules 0 or vestigial; petioles ± 7-8 cm. × 2 mm., keeled in lower part, flat in upper; internodes 0; primary pinnae 1 pair, approximate to terminal lflt, flat, striate, finely serrulate-crenulate, ± 8 cm. × 2 mm., abruptly narrowed to pungent point. Terminal lflt up to 10 cm. × 3 mm., sts with 1 short accessory pinnule. Stems of male plants slender, ribbed; lowest bracts sts empty; sheaths ± 3cm. long, thin, pale, tapering to narrow-linear, pungent, unequal stipules up to ± 5 mm. long. Lamina up to c. 7 cm. × 1 mm., pungent. Umbels rather distant, on very slender rays up to 2 cm. long; umbellules several. ± 3 mm. diam., on filiform rays ± 2 mm. long; fls minute. Stems of female plants stouter, up to 10 mm. diam. Bract-sheaths firmer, furrowed, rather broader; stipules often reduced to 1; lamina up to 10 cm. × 4 mm., midrib more evident, apex pungent. Umbels ± hidden by bracts, on short peduncles; umbellules few on short slender rays. Fr. narrow, ± 5 mm. long; mericarps with 3-5 narrowly winged ribs.
Plant forming yellow-green tussocks up to ± l m. × 1 m. Lvs 1-pinnate to irregularly 2-pinnate (sts only 1 secondary pinna developed) up to c. 7 dm. long. Sheaths rather thick, with rather thin margins, ± 25 mm. wide at apex; stipules up to c. 27 cm. × 5-8 mm., tapering to pungent apex. Petioles c. 10-20 cm. × 10-16 mm., finely serrulate on cartilaginous margins; internodes ± 5-6 cm. long. Primary pinnae 2-4, pairs, c 20 cm. × 7 mm., erect; midrib rather obscure, margins serrulate. Secondary pinnae a little shorter, pungent. Stems stout, ribbed, 8 dm. or more long, bracted along most of length; lower bracts empty, yellow. Lower sheaths up to 8 × 1·5 cm., tapering to c. 9 mm., thin, smooth; stipules up to 8 cm. × 2-3 mm., acicular; lamina us. simple, sts bifid, up to c. 22 cm. × 4 mm., acicular. Umbels of male plants distributed from base to apex of peduncles; involucral bracts linear, > rays. Umbels of female plants on peduncles up to 15 cm. long; umbellules crowded on short rays; involucral bracts linear.
Forming small to rather large tufts, with us. stout stems sts up to ± 1 m. tall. Lvs ± 3-5 dm. long, pinnate; occ. 2-pinnate lvs are present. Sheaths up to c. 6 × 3 cm. long, rather thin; stipules stiff, simple or occ. with accessory smaller pinnules, up to ± 7 cm. × 4 mm., tapering to pungent apex; petioles up to c. 10 cm. long, stout, winged; lower internodes up to ± 3-4 cm. long. Pinnae 2-4 pairs, slender strongly serrulate; midrib broad, prominent, red to orange; lower laminae up to 20-40-(45) cm. × ± 12 mm., narrowing to pungent apex. Infl. narrow-oblong. Lower bracts with sheath ± 30 × 12 mm., tapering to long pungent tips; lamina ribbed, ± 10 cm. × 3-4 mm., with stout prominent red to yellow midrib, with pungent point up to ± 3 mm. long. Umbels crowded, from near base to apex of peduncles; umbellules crowded, on slender rays to ± 1 cm. long; Fr. c. 8 mm. long. mericarps 4-3-winged. Vittae 2-4 per furrow. 5-6 commissural
Stock multicipital, plant forming compact masses of rosettes up to 3 dm. diam. Lvs rather soft, striate; sheaths thin, with hyaline margins, c. 6 cm. long, tapering from 2 cm. to 7 mm,; stipules c. 6·5 cm. × 5 mm., linear-oblong, abruptly narrowed to acicular tip; petioles flat, up to c. 8 mm. long, sts obsolete; internodes us. evident, up to 10 mm. long. Primary pinnae 2-3 paris, up to ± 6 cm. × 5 mm., abruptly narrowed to pungent apex. Male stems stout, up to 3 dm. × ± 15 mm. Bracts ± 5 cm. long; sheaths broad, up to c. 2.5 × 1·5 cm. Stipules and lamina lflike. Umbels 6-12, close-set, forming a globose head up to ± 12 cm. diam. Primary rays stout, ± 4 cm. long, ± whorled and subtended by whorl of bracts. Umbellules several, crowded, up to 2 cm. diam., on ∞ slender rays ± 5 mm. long. Female stems stout, up to ± 3 dm. tall including infl. up to 15 cm. diam. Primary rays stout, grooved, ± 6 cm. × 3 mm. Involucral bracts whorled; sheaths ± 10 × 7 mm., submembr.; stipules and lamina lflike, up to 4 cm. long. Umbellules ± 3 cm. diam., rays ∞ fls crowded. Fr. ± 4-5 mm. long; mericarps 4-5-winged.
Slender, forming rather lax tufts, up to ± 6 dm. tall. Lvs long, flexible, rather flaccid, pinnate, up to 15 cm. × 5 mm. Sheaths broad, thin; stipules slender, spinulose. Primary pinnae (1)-2-3-(4) pairs, linear, 5-15 cm. × 2-5 mm.; midrib often bright red; margins thickened, finely crenulate, tapering to pungent point. Stems of male plants very slender; infl. elongate, dense-fld but more open than in female, 1-3-(4) dm. long. Bracts ∞, spreading; sheaths short, membr.; stipules short, pungent; lamina slender, up to 4cm. long. Umbels and umbellules on long slender rays. Stems of female plants slender, with infl. up to ± 6 dm. long. Lowest bracts often empty; peduncles and rays long, slender. Fr. c. 4mm. long; mericarps 4-5-winged.
Stock very stout, woody, multicipital, bearing crowded rosettes up to 15 cm. diam. and 20 cm. tall; the whole plant forming cushionlike masses up to ± 6 dm. diam. Lvs extending along base of stem.; sheaths membr., c. 4 × 1·5 cm., narrowing to c. 1 cm. at apex; stipules c. 35 × 5 mm., narrowing to small mucro; petioles and internodes very short; pinnae 2-3 pairs, linear-oblong, ± 3 cm. × 3-4 mm., with slightly thickened yellowish margins and apex with pungent mucro. Stems grooved, ± 25 × (2)-4-5 cm.; upper nude part rather slender. Infl. ± globose head of compound umbels; involucral bracts with thick sheaths up to ± 2 cm. long and lflike stipules and lamina. Primary umbels us. several. c. 2.5 cm. diam., secondary on almost filiform rays.
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Tufted plant up to ± 4 dm. tall, closely invested by dead lf-sheaths. Sheath up to 8 × 1·5 cm., submembr.; stipules very slender, c. 2 cm. long, pungent; petioles concavo-convex to flat, ± 5-6 cm. long; lowest internodes ± 2 cm. long, upper very short. Primary pinnae 4-8 pairs, 4-7 cm. × 3 mm., tapering to pungent point, margins thickened. Secondary pinnae up to c. 5 cm. long; tertiary pinnae 1 pair, ± 2-3 cm. long, pale and swollen at base as are secondary pairs. Stems of male plants up to 5 dm. × 9 mm., us. smaller, ending in ± corymbose infl. up to c. 10 cm. diam. Lower bracts up to c. 12 cm. long, often empty; sheath ± 4 × 1 cm.; stipules up to 10 × 2 mm., acicular; lamina 3-2-1-pinnate, lflts up to 4 cm. × 1 -1·5 mm., acicular. Umbels forming heads up to ± 6 cm. diam., on slender rays up to 5 cm. long; umbellules rather crowded, rays several, very slender. Stems of female plants ending in ± globose panicle up to c. 10 cm. diam. Lower bracts involucrate; sheaths broad; stipules long, subulate, pungent; lamina linear, similar to stipules. Umbels on rays up to c. 2.5 cm. long; umbellules with very slender short rays. Fr. ± 4 mm. long.
Stock very stout, woody, multicipital, giving rise to close-set rosettes up to 15 cm. diam., the whole plant sts forming a cushionlike mass up to 6 dm. diam.; taproot up to c. 2 cm. diam., deeply descending. Lf-sheaths ± 5 cm. × 15 mm., thick, rigid; margins cartilaginous. Stipules ± 2 cm. long, c. 3 mm. wide at base, tapering to a hard mucro. Lamina rigid, coriac., slightly > stipules, with spinose apex. Stems stout. grooved, up to c. 3 dm. tall including the subcapitate infl. Primary rays 4-5, short, stout; umbels and umbellules crowded; bract-sheaths up to 4 × 2 cm., with stipules and lamina up to 5 cm. long and 9 mm. wide at base. Fr. narrow-oblong, up to 3·5 mm. long; mericarps 4-5-winged.
Very stout tussocks up to c. 1 m. tall. Lvs subflabellately pinnate, 2-4 pairs, up to ± 4 dm. long. Sheaths thick, coriac., ± 7 × 3 cm., tapering to c. 2 cm. Stipules rigid, ± 15 × 4 mm., tapering to rigid pungent tips. Petioles slightly concavo-convex, striate, ± 10-15 cm. × ± 15 mm., tapering to c. 10 mm.; margins cartilaginous, smooth. Lowest internodes up to c. 3 cm. long. Primary pinnae straight or nearly so, erect, lowest ± 15 cm. × 10-15 mm., with base ± 7 mm. wide, expanding to greatest width at ± middle, then tapering to pungent point; midrib us. rather obscure, margins serrulate-crenulate. Stems very stout, grooved; male plants with infl. c. 75 cm. long; bracts verticillate, lower whorl empty, ± 15 cm. distant from next whorl. Sheath submembr., ribbed, ± 9 cm. × 10 mm., gradually tapering to ± 6 mm. Stipules unequal, stiff, up to ± 7 cm. × 2 mm., pungent; central lflt up to c. 20 cm. × 4 mm. Upper bracts rigid; sheaths very coriac., ± 3 cm. × 5 mm.; stipules us. absent; lflt rigid, ± 5 cm. × 3 mm., midrib evident. Umbels ∞, on stout striate peduncles up to ± 8-10 cm. × 2-3 mm., bearing at intervals small umbels; main umbels on stiff rays up to c. 3 cm. long, with narrow lanceolate involucral bracts ± 5 mm. long. Umbellules on spreading rays up to 1 cm. long, ± 5 mm. diam. Fr. c. 4 mm. long.
Tufted herb up to c. 5 dm. tall. Lvs pinnate, us. 2 pairs; sheaths yellowish, smooth, shining, ribbed at base, with membr. margins, up to c. 8 cm. × 15 mm., tapering to 7mm. Stipules lflike, up to c. 9·5 cm. × 2.5 cm., acicular. Petioles ± 3-4 cm. long, with distinct midrib; internodes up to 2 cm. long; pinnae up to 10 cm. long, widening to 4 mm. at or near midway, then tapering to pungent point. Stems ribbed, c. 6 mm. diam., ± 35 cm. to infl. c. 10 cm. long. Bract-sheaths smooth, with membr. margains, lower ± 15 × 7·5 mm.; stipules up . 2 cm. long, pungent; lamina lflike. Umbels of female plants > sheaths; primary rays several, up to 10 mm. long. Umbelles crowded on very short rays. Fr. c. 5 × 2 mm.
"Affinis ., a qua differt caule valde majore, foliis majoribus, flaccidis, glaucis, vaginis bracteorum multo longioribus et angustioribus, segmentis mediis bracteorum haud reflexis." Lvs (2)-3-pinnate, glaucous or greyish green, flaccid, up to 1·5 m. long; margins serrulate-crenulate, tapering to pungent apex ± 5 mm. long. Sheath up to 2 dm. or more long × 7 cm. at base. Stipules 3-1-foliolate, central lflt stout, 3-10 cm. long with sheaths up to 5 × 2 cm. Petioles ribbed, up to c. 35 cm. × 15 mm., smooth; petiolules up to 10 cm. long; lower internodes ± 5 cm. long. Primary pinnae up to ± 20 cm. × 4-5 mm.; secondary pinnae up to 20 cm. × 4 mm.; terminal lflt up to 45 cm. long (sts not developed). Stems of male plants strongly ribbed, 1·5-2 m. × 7 cm. Infl. up to c. 4 dm. long, narrow-oblong, tapering. Bracts ∞, starting from near base of stem; sheaths yellow, 5-12 cm. × 4 mm.; stipules pinnate to simple, up to 5 cm. long; lamina 3-1-pinnate, of lower bracts up to 4 dm. long, not reflexed. Umbels exceeding bracts, on rather slender peduncles bearing umbellules near base and at apex; involucral bracts linear. Stems of female plants up to 2 m. tall; bracts partly concealing umbels; involucral bracts narrow-lanceolate, ± 8 mm. long; infl. otherwise similar to that of male, but denser.
Small rather delicate plant with apparently us. simple crown. Lvs few, pinnate (2 pairs), up to ± 20 cm. long. Sheath c. 30 × 8 mm., ribbed and dilated in lower part, smooth and narrow in upper. Stipules 10-20 mm. long, acicular. Petioles 25-35 mm. long, smooth. Pinnae up to 45 × 3 mm., smooth, acicular, occ. bearing accessory pinnules. Stems of male plants slender, striate, up to 22c m. × 2 mm. (including infl.) Panicle open; bracts ± 8, distant, with thin sheaths c. 20-25 × 5-7 mm. Bract-stipules 5-6 mm. long, acicular. Laminae of lower bracts 3-5-foliolate, of upper l-foliolate. Umbels on long peduncles, bracteoles linear, exceeding rays. Plants with ♀ not seen.
Small tufted plant up to c. 25 cm. tall including infl. Lf-sheaths 3-5 cm. × 8-10 mm., thin; stipules lflike, rather rigid, 5-6 cm. × 5 mm., oblong, abruptly narrowed to acicular apex; petioles stiff, flat, coriac., up to 1 cm. long. Pinnae 1 pair, approximate to terminal lflt. 3·5-6·5 cm. × 3-4 mm., rigid, margins finely crenulate-serrulate, abruptly narrowed to pungent apex. Stems of male plants 2-3 dm. long including dense to open infl. ± 8-15 cm. long. Bract-sheaths up to c. 15 mm. long; stipules very narrow, spreading, pungent, c. 1 cm. long; lamina up to 2 cm. long. Umbels ± 10 mm. diam., on very slender rays; umbellules very small, on filiform rays. Stems of female plants grooved, up to 3 dm. long including dense infl up to c. 15 cm. long. Bract-sheaths c. 10 × 5 mm., submembr.; stipules up to 2 cm. long; lamina ± 3 cm. long. Umbels ± enclosed in sheaths, on short rays; umbellules small, close-set, on very short rays. Fr. ± 4 mm. long; mericarps 3-5-winged.
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Similar in habit to A. ferox. Lvs pinnate (2-(3) pairs,) up to c. 8 dm. long; sheaths thick and coriac., c. 5 cm. wide at base, narrowing to 3 cm.; stipules simple, ± (10)-15-(25) cm. long, pungent. Petioles thick, coriac., ribbed; margins cartilaginous, serrulate; internodes short. Primary pinnae up to c. 4 dm. × 2-(3) cm., very coriac., finely striate, midrib obscure, us. strongly curved, lanceolate, margins serrulate, apex. pungent. Stems ± 1·5 m. tall, stout, strongly grooved, flowering through most of their length; infl. broad. Bracts ∞, the lower empty, or with ill-developed umbels. Bract-sheath ± 55 × 35 mm.; stipules up to 75 × 7 mm., distinctly ribbed; lamina simple, lanceolate, up to c. 185 × 15 mm., narrowing from widest part ± ⅔ way. Umbels ± = bract-sheaths; rays ∞, up to 3 cm. long. Umbellules of male plants on long slender rays, of females on shorter rays. Involucral bracts lanceolate. Fr. c. 4 mm. long; mericarps with 2 or 3 broad wings.
Stock stout, simple or branched; taproot deeply descending; stem stout, up to c. 6 dm. tall. Lvs ± 3 dm. long, pinnate; pinnae 3-foliolate or the lowest again pinnate. Sheaths c. 5 × 1 cm., thin, tapering to spinous-pointed stipules up to 2 cm. long (stipules occ. vestigial). Petioles 3-5 cm. long; midrib stout, winged; lower internodes 2-3 cm. long, midrib prominent. Primary pinnae us. 3-6 pairs, up to c. 15 cm. long. Terminal lflt up to 14 cm. × 5-8 mm., striate, with strong reddish to yellow midrib; margins thickened, serrulate-crenulate, apex pungent. Stems of male plants stout, up to 6 dm. × 10 mm. including stout oblong infl. up to 3 dm. long. Bracts ∞, sheaths up to 4 cm. × 14 mm.; stipules rigid, ± 10 mm. long; lamina us. simple, ± 5 cm. × 2-3 mm. Umbels on very slender primary rays ± 10 mm. long; umbellules up to c. 5 mm. diam., on few capillary rays. Stems of female plants up to 6 dm. × 10 mm.; infl. more compact. Bract-sheaths ± 4 cm. × 10 mm.; stipules up to c. 10 × 2 mm., gradually narrowed to pungent apex; lamina on petiole up to 10 mm. long, with a pair of 3-foliolate lflts, somewhat squarrose; longest lflt up to c. 4 cm. long. Umbels ∞, ± concealed by bracts. Fr. ± 3-4 mm. long.
Tufted, with spreading flexible 2-pinnate lvs up to 25 cm. long. Sheaths up to 40-45 × 20 mm., tapering to stipules 20-40 × 1 mm. Petioles 3-4 cm. long, lower internodes 2-3cm. long. Primary pinnae 4-5 pairs, striate, 7-8 cm. long; secondary 2-3 pairs, 5 cm. × 3 mm., striate, margins slightly thickened, tips with non-pungent acicle ± 1 mm. long. Stems of male plant finely grooved, c. 50 × 1 cm. including infl. c. 25 cm. long. Bracts in rather distant whorls; lower with sheaths ± 4 × 1·5 cm., tapering to apex; stipules linear, acicular, 10-15 mm. long; lamina irregularly pinnate, with c.3 pairs of segs up to c.3 cm. long, lower sts with a few secondary pinnules. Umbels ± 20, on slender rays, involucral bracts capillary.
Fls mostly unisexual, plants mostly dioec.; infl. of compound bracted umbels arranged along an elongate extension of the central stem (Elongatae) or on spreading peduncles at apex of stem (Paniculatae). Umbels of male plants us. laxer than those of females. Calyx-teeth minute to obsolete; petals white to yellowish, incurved, small; stylopodia of ♂ depressed, of ♀ erect. Fr. narrow-oblong in outline; mericarp ribs 5-4-3, winged; vittae 1-3 per furrow, 2-5 commissural. Glab. very small to very large perennial herbs with stout, often multicipital stocks and slender to very stout, deeply descending taproots; rarely rhizomatous. Lvs us. all basal, mostly compound, with close-set imbricated sheaths (dead sheaths often long remaining as an investiture). Lamina petiolate or not, us. pinnate to decompound; lflts mostly rigid and pungent-pointed. Some 39 described spp. of N.Z. and at least 1 of Australia.
Plant forming rigid tufts up to c. 3 dm. tall including infl. Lvs up to ± 20 × 2 cm.; sheaths thin, ± 5 × 1cm.; stipules lflike, up to 5 cm. × 5 mm., stiff, coriac., oblong, abruptly narrowed to pungent apex (rarely vestigial); petioles up to c. 1 cm. long; pinnae 1-(2) pairs, similar to stipules, very thick and coriac., margins much thickened, abruptly narrowed to pungent tips. Stems of male plants stout, strongly grooved, up to 4 dm. × 8 mm. including infl. c. 15 cm. long. Bracts rigid, erect, lower stipuled, upper us. simple; sheaths very short, stipules spreading, ± 2 cm. long; lamina narrow-oblong, up to 4 cm. × 2-3 mm., pungent. Umbels several, on very short rays. Stems of female flexuous, finely grooved; infl. 5-10 cm. long; Umbels several, ± 5-10-fld, fls sessile or nearly so. Fr. c. 5mm. long; mericarps 4-5-winged; vittae 1-2 per furrow, us. 4 commissural.
Stock stout, multicipital, producing approximate rosettes c. 7 cm. diam.; taproot stout, deeply descending. Lvs c. 5 cm. long, spreading, 3-foliolate (including the diverging stipules); sheaths ± 3·5 cm. long, white with hyaline margins, thickening above and curving outwards, striate, narrowing upwards to c. 6 mm. from base 10 mm. wide, milky juice cop. Lamina c. 1·6 cm. × 4 mm., linear-oblong, dark green, shallowly canaliculate; margins cartilaginous, apex blunt to retuse (but with short mucro). Male plants with striate stems up to c. 5 cm. long, surrounded by paniculately arranged compound umbels forming an infl. ± 4-6 cm. diam. Primary rays 3-4, rather stout, unequal, up to c. 4 cm. long, invested by general involucre of lflike bracts ± 2 cm. long. Secondary umbels up to 2-2.5 cm. diam., with narrow-linear acicular bracteoles c. 10 mm. long (occ. with trifoliolate lamina); rays 7-10, up to c. 6 mm. long. Tertiary umbels crowded, 5-6 mm. long; bracteoles filiform. Sepals greenish, incurved, linear, acute, enlarging after petal-fall to 2 mm. long, with short claw. Stamens exserted at anthesis; petals minute, white. Female plants not seen.
Stock rather stout, simple to branched; lvs pinnate, up to c. 3 dm. long. Sheaths ± 5 × 1 cm., with pale membr. margins; stipules ± 2 cm. × 2 mm., tapering to pungent apex; petioles ± keeled, up to c. 10 cm. long, lower internodes ± 3 cm. long. Primary pinnae 2 pairs, up to 10 cm. × 3 mm., sts with short accessory pinnule; margins thickened, smooth. Rarely some specimens have simple lvs and sts lvs are exstipulate. Stems of male plants slender to rather stout, up to c. 4 dm. long including narrow infl. up to 2 dm. long. Bract-sheaths ± 4 cm. × 15 mm., thin; stipules up to 15 mm. long, linear. pungent; lamina with ± 3 pairs of pinnae up to 15 mm. long, terminal lflt up to 2 cm. long. Umbels on slender peduncles up to ± 3 cm. long; umbellules several. up to c. 1 cm. diam., on filiform unequal rays. Stems of female plants grooved, up to 9 dm. × 5 mm. including infl. ± 2 dm. long, Bracts erect, ± concealing umbels; sheaths c. 4 cm. × 10 mm., rather thick; stipules ± 10 × 2 mm., narrowed to pungent apex; lamina of 1-2 pinnae ± 3 cm. long, terminal lflt slightly longer. Umbellules few. Fr. c. 5 mm. long; mericarps 5-winged; vittae 1-2 per furrow, 2-4 commissural.
Small tufted herb with ∞ crowded lvs. Sheaths ± 4 cm. × 8 mm., narrowing to stiff pungent stipules ± 15 mm. long; lamina ± 8-10 × 3-4 cm., lanceolate in outline, pinnate. Pinnae 4-6-(8) pairs, 2.5-4·5 cm. × 2-3-4 mm. striate, narrow-oblong, with pungent point; accessory pinnules sts present on inner side of lower pinnae, up to 2 cm. long. Infl. subpaniculate, on stems ± 2-(3) dm. long in female plants. shorter in males. Bract-sheaths ascending, lower up to c. 3 cm. × 3 mm.; stipules short, stiff, pungent, with simple lamina ± 3 cm. long. Umbels up to c. 25 mm. diam. on rather stout peduncles up to ± 3 cm. long; involucral bracts lanceolate, bristle-pointed, up to 1 cm. long. Umbellules c. 5-8, up to c. 1 cm. diam., on very slender rays; bracteoles c. 5 mm. long. Stylopodia pulvinate. Fr. c. 4-5 mm. long; mericarps 5-3-winged.
Stout tufted herb with simple or branched stock, forming clumps up to ± 25 cm. diam., and 4 dm. tall. Lvs 3-pinnatisect, lamina 6-10 cm. long. Sheath up to c. 5 × 2.5 cm., ribbed; margins membr. Stipules 2.5-5 cm. long, tapering from ± 1mm., on very short ligules, pungent. Petioles up to c. 15 cm. long, stout, rigid, concavo-convex; margins thickened. Internodes up to 15 mm. long. Primary pinnae (4)-6-(8) pairs; secondary 2-4 pairs; tertiary very slender to almost filiform, ± 2-4 cm. × 1 mm., pungent. Stems of female plants stout, up to 3 dm. long including infl. up to c. 15 cm. long. Bract-sheaths thin, ± 4 × 1 cm., including short ligule; stipules acicular, up to 1 cm. long; lamina 2-3-pinnate, up to c. 4 cm. long, on petiole ± 10 mm. long. Umbels ∞ forming a ± globose panicle ± 8-10 cm. diam. Primary rays up to c. 4 cm. × 1 mm. grooved. Umbellules many, up to c. 3 cm. diam. on rather slender rays. Fr. narrow, ± 3 mm. long; mericarps 5-(4)-winged.
Stock simple or branched, emitting rhizomes producing offset plants. Lf-sheaths ± 5 cm. × 12 mm.; stipules lflike, ± = lamina. Lamina up to c. 2 dm. long, divided to thick prominent yellow midrib into several subopp. to alt. rather distant, linear, pungent pinnules up to c. 3 cm. or more long, at wide angle to midrib. Stems ± 15-20 cm. to infl. ± 10-15 cm. long, stout, grooved. Bract-sheaths of male plants ± 6 × 2 cm.; stipules and lamina of flower bracts pinnatisect. Lower bract-sheaths of female plants c. 3 × 2 cm., deep orange; stipules and laminae similar to those of male plants. Fr. ± 5 mm. long; mericarps 3-5-winged.
Small, tufted, with erect stems up to 2 dm. tall, us. shorter. Lvs 2-3-pinnate (rarely only 1-pinnate), up to 15 cm. long. Sheaths c. 3 cm. × 8 mm.; stipules subfiliform, with slightly expanded base, unequal, up to 1 cm. long; Petioles ± 10-20 mm. long, internodes very short. Primary pinnae 4-6 pairs, ± 4 cm. long; secondary to c. 1 cm. long, very narrow-linear, flaccid; tertiary ± 1 mm. wide to capillary, mucronulate. Stems of male plants very slender, c. 15 cm. long including lax infl. ± 7 cm. long. Bracts small; sheaths ± 15 × 4 mm., thin; stipules capillary; lamina pinnately to bipinnately divided, up to c. 2 cm. long. Umbels forming a loose open panicle; rays very slender, unequal, up to c. 4 cm. long. Umbellules ± 5 mm. diam., on capillary rays. Stems of female plants stiff, slender, with lax infl. up to ± 5 cm. long. Bract-sheaths c. 10 mm. long; stipules ± linear-lanceolate; lamina pinnately divided. Umbels forming an open panicle, slightly more compound than in male plants; rays unequal, c. 2-3 cm. long, spreading; umbellules very small, on very short rays. Fr. c. 3 mm. long.
Forming huge tussocks up to 3 m. or more tall. Lvs up to ± 1·5 m. long, glaucous, lower 2-pinnate, upper 1-pinnate; margins rather obscurely serrulate-crenulate; midribs evident but not conspicuous. Sheaths ± 10 × 3·5 cm., tapering slightly to apex, pale yellowish, ribbed coriac. Stipules up to c. 6 cm. × 3 mm., tapering to rigid pungent point ± 3 mm. long; sts with a pair of stout basal pinnules up to 2 cm. long; Petioles ± concavo-convex. ± 20 cm. long; margins stout, minutely serrulate-crenulate; lower internodes ± 10-5 cm. long. Primary pinnae ± 35-45 cm. × 15-20 mm., widening from base, then rather abruptly narrowing to hard pungent point up to 5 mm. long; secondary similar, shorter, sts with accessory pinnules. Stems rigid, deeply grooved, 2-3-4 m. × ± 10 cm., gradually tapering to infl. ± 1m. tall. Bract-sheaths ± 10·5 × 2.5 cm., tapering slightly to apex; stipules ± 2.5 cm., rigid, tapering to hard pungent point; lamina up to c. 4 cm. long, irregularly 2-pinnate, with central lflt up to 15 cm. or more long; Umbels large, on branched peduncles or rays; male umbels ± 2-3 dm. long, females ± 1 dm. long. Umbellules ∞, rather lax, on slender rays. Fr. (4)-8-(10) mm. long; mericarps 4-3-winged.
Rather stout tufted plant up to 4 dm. tall. Lvs up to ± 25 cm. long, us. shorter, including sheath ± 6·5 × 1 cm., with smooth margins. Stipules stiff, almost capillary, up to 3 cm. long, pungent; petioles up to 8 cm. × 5 mm., flattened, smooth or nearly so; internodes ± 25 mm. long, midrib stout, wings narrow. Pinnae 4-10 pairs, up to 8 cm. × 2-4 mm., ascending, in one plane; margins thickened, cartilaginous. Stems of male plants 30-40 cm. long including panicle. Bract-sheaths much wider than in , lamina pinnate. Umbels several to many, forming an open panicle ± 10 cm. diam., on rather stout short rays; umbellules small on 10-15 short rays. Stems of female plants similar to those of male, infl. c. 15 cm. long. Bract-sheaths ± 2 cm. × 5-(10) mm., rather thin; stipules very narrow, c. 1 cm. long, on short ligules; lamina with 1-2 pairs of lflts, terminal lflt up to c. 15 mm. long. Umbels rather distant; rays ± 5 cm. long. slender, us. many. Involucral bracts narrow-linear, ± 1 cm. long. Umbellules ± 1 cm. diam.; rays ∞, up to 10 mm. long. Fr ± 3-4-(5) mm. long; mericarps 3-5-winged.
Stock us. multicipital, each branch bearing a dense rosette of lvs, the whole plant forming cushionlike masses up to 6 dm. diam. and 10 cm. tall. Lvs simple, sessile on submembr. sheaths up to ± 4 cm. × 10 mm. Lamina straight or curved, exstipulate, concavo-convex, 3-10 cm. long, tapering to blunt but mucronulate apex; hard, rigid. with thickened margins. Stems stout, grooved, up to c. 10 cm. × 5 mm.; infl. a ± globose panicle, with oblong-lanceolate, acute bracts up to 2.5 cm. long. Umbels few, densely fld, forming an infl. up to c. 5 cm. diam., on peduncles 10-25 mm. long. Umbellules globose, up to c. 15 mm. diam; rays very slender, short. Umbellules of female plants up to c. 3 cm. diam.
Stock stout, simple to multicipital, with solitary rosettes, or these forming clumps up to 3 dm. diam. Lvs rather soft, striate, with membr. sheaths ± 8 cm. × 15-20 mm., hyaline-margined. Stipules lflike, ± 6-7 cm. × 2-3 mm., pungent; petioles not > 5 mm. long; lflts subflabellately 5-foliolate, with very short internodes. Pinnae up to 8 cm. × 3 mm., subrigid, coriac., striate; margins and midribs thickened; apices pungent. Stems of male plants stout, up to 15 cm. long excluding ± globose infl. up to 10 cm. diam. Bracts flaccid, with broad membr. sheaths, short linear stipules and lamina of 5-6 pinnules. Umbels several to ∞ on peduncles up to 2.5 cm. long; umbellules without bracteoles. Calyx-teeth minute; petals white, clawed. Female infl. not known.
Us. large plants up to c. 1 m. tall, forming dense tussocks. Lvs ∞, 3-pinnate, spreading, subglaucous; margins and midribs crenulate-serrulate; occ. plants may have some lvs 2-pinnate. Sheaths erect, whitish, fleshy except membr. margins, up to 15 × 5 cm.; stipules with petiolate bases c. 2 × 1 cm., unequal, 3-foliolate, outer segs up to 20 cm., inner to 6 cm., terminal to 25 cm. long, pungent; petiolar or ligular portion sts up to c. 4cm. long. Petioles up to c. 15 cm. × 1-2 mm., internodes up to c. 5 cm. long. Primary pinnae us. 1 pair, again pinnate, internodes c. 3 cm. long; secondary pinnae us. 1 pair, again pinnate, sts bearing accessory pinnules; final segs up to 25 cm. × 4 mm., concavo-convex, with long pungent points. Stems of male plants ridged, up to ± 8 dm. × 2 cm. including infl. up to c. 4 dm. long. Bracts. ∞; sheaths pale, membr., ridged, up to 4 × 1 cm., tapering to apex. stipules unequal, up to 3 cm. × 1 mm. Lamina 3-foliolate; lateral pair of lflts up to c. 9 cm. long; terminal lflt to 20-25 cm. × 3 mm., stiff, pungent, becoming strongly reflexed. Umbels on stout peduncles up to c. 6-10 cm. long, us. with lateral umbellules near base as well as at apex, up to c. 4 cm. diam. Umbellules crowded, forming heads ± 2 cm. diam; rays ∞, ± 10 mm. long. Stems of female plants up to ± 1 m. tall including infl. up to c. 6 dm. tall. Bract-sheaths thin, ribbed; lower c. 5 × 2 cm. stipules unequal, 4-8-(15) cm. long. Lamina of lower sheaths pinnate, with occ. accessory pinnules; petiole flat, ± 10 mm. long, internodes to 2 cm. long; pinnae 2 pairs; terminal lflt up to 15 cm. long, at length strongly reflexed. Umbels c. 8, on stout peduncles ± 5 cm. long bearing lateral umbellules near base; involucral bracts linear. Umbellules ± 10, c. 15 mm. diam., on short rays. Petals pale yellow. Fr. c. 6-8 mm. long; mericarps 4-3-winged. Vittae 2-3 per furrow, 4-6 commissural.
Forming dense rosettes, stems up to 5 dm. long. Lvs narrowly subflabellately bipinnate. Sheaths rather thin, up to 2 cm. long to division into 2 ligules up to 10 mm. long; stipules irregularly bipinnate, up to c. 2 cm. long. Petioles ± 25 × 5 mm., concavo-convex; internodes ± 25 mm. long. Primary pinnae 3-4 pairs, strongly serrulate-crenulate on midrib and margins, sts again pinnate with lflts up to ± 20 cm. × 3 mm., acicular. Stems stout, grooved, up to c. 10 dm. × 25 mm. including infl. 5-6 dm. long. Bracts ∞, close-set; sheaths up to 7 × 1 cm.; stipules erect, simple to bifid, up to 15 cm. × 1 mm.; central lflt up to 30 cm. long, at length strongly reflexed, margins serrulate. Umbels exceeding the bract-sheaths especially in the male infl. Fr. ± 6 mm. long (not seen in mature state).
Similar in habit to the smaller forms of A. squarrosa. Lvs 2-pinnate, of male plants ± 25 cm., of female plants ± 40 cm. long; margins and midribs serrulate-crenulate, tips pungent. Sheaths up to 5 × 3 cm., tapering to 15 mm.; stipules 3-2-1-foliolate, on ligules up to c. 10 mm. long; lowest central lamina up to c. 5 cm. × 1·5 mm. Petioles c. 5 cm. long, concavo-convex. midrib stout; lower internodes ± 4 cm. long. Primary pinnae 2-5 pairs, the lower ones 3-foliolate, ± 10 cm. × 3-(5) mm. Secondary pinnae up to 5 cm. long, flat, striate, pungent. Stems of male plants ± 6 dm. × 5 mm. including infl. ± 4 dm. long. Lower bracts us. empty, up to 6 cm. long; sheaths c. 3 cm. × 8 mm., submembr.; stipules unequal, to 15 mm. long, pungent. Lamina ± 3 cm. long, ± 3-foliolate. Umbels ± 3 cm diam. on slender rays; involucral bracts capillary; umbellules ± 10-fld, on very short capillary rays. Stems of female plants c. 1 m. × 2 cm. including infl. ± 5 dm. long, oblong-lanceolate. Lower bracts us. empty, ± 8 cm. long; sheaths ± 4 × 1 cm., coriac.; stipules 1-2-3-foliolate, segs pungent, up to 4 cm. long. Lamina ± 3-foliolate to simple in uppermost bracts. Umbels ± 5 cm. diam., on slender rays; involucral bracts capillary. Umbellules ± 10-fld, on very short slender rays. Fr. ± 8 mm. long, broadly winged.
Slender, rather flaccid herb up to c. 3 dm. tall; lvs simple to trifoliolate to pinnate or bipinnate, up to 2 dm. long. Sheaths thin, ± 6 cm. × (4)-8 mm.; stipules 0 or unequal, filiform, up to 2 cm. long. Petioles very slender, up to c. 4 cm. long; internodes 0 or up to 25 mm. long. Primary pinnae occ. bipinnately divided near base, 2-4 distant pairs up to c. 7·5 cm. × 1-1·5 mm., pungent, margins minutely crenulate; ultimate segs up to c. 3 cm. × 1·5 mm. Stems of male plants up to c. 3 dm., sts ± lfy near base; infl. lax, up to ± 20 cm. long. Bracts ∞, lowest with compound lamina, upper with minute stipules and simple lamina; sheaths broad, up to c. 5 cm. long; stipules acicular, very slender, lower c. 10 mm. long; lower laminae on slender petioles up to 3 cm. long, with 1 pair of pinnae, or outer member or both absent. Umbels ∞, lowest on peduncles up to c. 5 cm. long; umbellules ± 5 mm. diam., on filiform rays up to 10 mm. long. Stems of female plants ± lfy near base. Bracts ∞, rather rigid, as in male plants. Umbels fewer than in male plants, on short erect peduncles, ± concealed by bracts. Fr. 3-5 mm. long; mericarps 5-3-winged.
Stock rather slender, simple or branched: plants forming small tufts up to 2 dm. tall including infl.; taproot rather stout. Lvs rather flaccid, becoming rather rigid when dry, up to c. 15 cm. long. Sheath narrow, thin, c. 5 cm. × 7 mm.; stipules unequal, up to 3 cm. × 2 mm. (rarely vestigial); petioles ± 2 cm. long; internodes obsolete or up to 10 mm long. Lamina of 1 pinna, or sts with 1 or 2 pairs of secondary pinnae. Primary lamina up to ± 5 cm. × 2-3 mm., coriac,.: midrib rather prominent, margins thickened, apex pungent. Secondary pinnae similar but shorter. Stems of male plants rather slender, up to c. 8 cm.long including infl. ± 4 cm. diam. Bract-sheaths inflated, c. 2 cm. long; stipules c. 1 cm. long; lamina ± 2 cm. long. Umbels rather lax, forming an open panicle; rays short, slender. Umbellules few, ± 5 mm. diam., ± distant, on short capillary rays. Stems of female plants slender to rather stout, grooved, up to c. 10 cm. long. Bract-sheaths broad, ± 2 cm. × 5 mm.; stipules short or absent, lamina short. Umbels ± concealed by bract-sheaths; umbellules very small, rays very short, filiform, Fr. c. 3 mm. long; mericarps with 5 winged ribs. Vittae 1-(2) per furrow, 2-4 commissural.
Plants ranging from 25 cm. to 1 m. tall, with slender to stout stems up to c. 5 cm. diam. near base. Lvs ∞, 15-75 cm. long, pinnate, rather flaccid, margins smooth or nearly so. Sheaths broad, c. 5 cm. long; stipules spinulose; petioles 10-25 cm. long; internodes up to 10 cm. long. Pinnae 2-4 pairs, 10-40 cm. × 4-12 mm., conspicuously articulated to axis, striate coriac., narrow-linear, pungent. Infl. a ± globose or open panicle. Bracts with broad, submembr. sheaths up to c. 4 cm. long, passing into a simple to 3-foliolate lamina up to c. 4 cm. × 5 mm.; stipules sts absent. Umbels ∞, solitary or 2 together in axils of bracts. Males on stout peduncles 2-12 cm.. long; females with shorter peduncles and denser umbellules, sts polygamous. Umbellules ± 2.5 cm. diam. Fr. 8-10 mm. long; mericarps 5-4-3-winged. Vittae 1-2 per furrow, 3-5 commissural.
Stout, up to c. 4 dm. tall, with simple or branched stock. Lvs ± 20-25 cm. long, very firm to rigid. Sheaths narrow, ± 3 cm. long; stipules unequal, up to 2.5cm. long, linear-subulate, pungent; petioles ± 3cm. long, narrow; internodes c. 2 mm., Primary pinnae 1-(2) pairs (pinnae rarely absent), margins yellow finely crenulate-serrulate, (8)-12-16 cm. × 5-9 mm. (at greatest width), striate, acuminate, pungent; midrib distinct, canaliculate. Stems of male plants stout, grooved, up to 2.5dm. long. Bracts close-set, many; sheaths up to 6 cm. long, rather narrow-oblong; stipules acicular; lamina stiff, acicular, up to c. 10 cm. long. Umbels several, small, distant, on stout peduncles ± 9cm. long. Stems of female plant deeply grooved, ± 6 mm. diam., bearing an oblong infl. ± 15 cm. long. Bracts ± concealing umbels; sheaths 35 × 10 mm., ribbed; stipules c. 15 mm. long, pungent; lamina up to 8 cm. × 4 mm., with stout midrib and pungent apex. Fr. ± 5 mm. long.
Tufted plant up to c. 25 cm. tall. Lf-sheaths up to ± 8 cm. × 12 mm., tapering to ± 8 mm.; margins membr. Stipules up to ± 10 cm. long (sts vestigial or absent in male plants). Lamina simple, 6-10 cm. × 3-5 mm., on petiole up to c. 5 cm. long, rather flaccid, acute to acicular. Stem of male plant c. 12 cm. long to infl. c. 16 cm. long. Lower bracts in whorls of c. 7, upper fewer; sheaths narrow, ± 4 cm. long; stipules up to 2 cm. long, acicular, sts vestigial or absent; lamina up to c. 5 cm. long, linear, acicular. Umbels rather close-set, lower up to c. 6 cm. long on rather stout rays; umbellules several, ± 5 mm. diam., on very short rays. Stems of female plants stout, ribbed, ± 20 cm. long to infl. c. 20 cm. long. Lowest bracts in whorls of ± 10, distant from next whorl; sheaths 5-6 cm. × 5-10 mm.; stipules lflike, ± 5-6 cm. × 2-2.5 mm; lamina simple, c. 8 cm. long apex acicular. Umbels short, dense-fld, in heads up to 2 cm. diam; umbellules small, rays slender. Fr. c. 5 mm. long, ribbed, with persistent calyx-teeth.
Fls unisexual to polygamous; panicles compound; sepals 5, united at base, valvate; petals 5, stamens 10, filaments filiform. Ovary 2-celled, styles persistent; ovules ∞; capsules coriac., 2-valved, septicidally dehiscent. Shrubs or trees with pinnate lvs. Genus of a few spp. in New Guinea, Australia, N.Z.; the N.Z. sp. endemic.
Flowering as a shrub, becoming a tree up to 12 m. tall; trunk up to 6 dm. diam.; branchlets, petioles, young lvs and panicle-branches covered with short brownish hairs. Lvs imparipinnate; lflts sharply serrate, subsessile. Lvs of juveniles submembr., up to 25 cm. long, 6-10-jugate; terminal lflt 3-6 cm. long, including petiolule, 1·5-3 cm. wide, ovate-elliptic; lateral lflts elliptic-oblong, diminishing downwards from 4-3 cm. to 1 cm. long. Lvs of adults subcoriac., 3-5-jugate; terminal lflt obovate-cuneate, acute, 4-7 cm. wide; lateral diminishing downwards from 4 cm. to 1 cm. long, elliptic-oblong; stipules foliaceous. Panicles much-branched, up to 15 cm. long; fls ∞, c. 3 mm. across. Sepals ovate, c. 1 mm. long; petals narrow, c. 1·5 mm. long, stamens exserted, styles c. 1 mm. long. Capsules ovoid, pilose, c. 3-4 mm. long, bearing persistent sepals and styles.
Rhizome slender, creeping, often above-ground; clad in linear-subulate attenuate rufous paleae c. 4 mm. long; stipites ± tufted at intervals along rhizome. Stipes very slender, glab., dark brown, shining, 5-25 cm. long, paleate towards base. Rhachis very slender to filiform, ± flexuous, bearing alt. distant pinnae. Lamina pale green, delicate, ovate- to deltoid-oblong, 3-(4) -pinnate, 15-30 × 7-15 cm. Primary pinnae long-stalked, ovate-lanceolate to deltoid, 4-10 × 2-4 cm. Secondary pinnae long-stalked, 2-3 × c. 1 cm. Tertiary pinnae distinctly stalked, rhomboid to suborbicular, up to 1 × 1 cm.; fertile ones us. rather smaller, shallowly lobed on upper margin, flabellately veined, cuneate to truncate at base. Sporangia protected by pale brown, lunulate to oblong, reflexed margin c. 2 mm. diam.; 2-(6) groups per pinna.
Rhizome stout, far-creeping, clad in stiff linear-attenuate dark brown paleae, up to 8 mm. long; stipites distributed along rhizome. Stipes wiry, shining, dark purple to almost black, scabrid towards paleate base; 8-25-(40)cm. long. Rhachis wiry, blackish purple, flexuose, glab.; secondary rhachides sts ± pubescent. Lamina 15-30-(40) × 7-20- (25) cm., ovate to narrow deltoid, bi- to tri-pinnate below, pinnate above, firm, pale to rather dark green above, ± glaucous below, glab. Primary pinnae up to 12 × 5 cm., ovate to oblong; secondary up to 4 × 2 cm.; terminal pinna up to 20 cm. or more long. Pinnules dimidiate-oblong to dimidiate-rhomboid or rhomboid; fertile 10-25 × 5-12 mm.; sterile up to 30 × 15 mm., with often acute lobes; lower margin entire, straight to concave-convex; upper margin with alternately shallow and rather deep crenate lobes. Sporangia in sinuses of shallower lobes, up to 14 groups per pinnule, protected by orbicular- reniform to lunulate, ± crenulate to toothed reflexed margins 1·5-2 mm. diam.
Rhizome short, ascending, clad in dark brown linear-subulate attenuate paleae, c. 3-4 mm. long, us. with small tuber-like expansions; stipites tufted to clustered. Stipes slender to filiform, very dark brown, glab. except at paleate base. Rhachis filiform, glab., ± flexuous, bearing simple pinnae or 1-4 secondary pinnae in lower portion. Lamina rather dark green, delicate, flaccid. bearing sparse minute stiff hairs, to glab., narrow- to ovate-oblong. Lateral pinnae (1-4, if present) 4-15 × 1-2 cm., stalked, narrow-oblong. Terminal or sole pinna up to 13 × 2.5 cm., oblong to ovate-oblong. Pinnules dimidiate-oblong, stalked, sparingly setulose, up to 15 × 8 mm.; lower margin entire, straight or slightly curved; upper with numerous lobes or teeth. Sporangia in sinuses of lobes, protected by reflexed pale to dark brown, lunulate margin; 4-8 groups per pinnule.
Rhizome stout, far-creeping, paleate; stipites distributed along rhizome. Stipes stout, scabrid, purplish to almost black, polished, paleate towards base; 30-70-(90) cm. long. Rhachis and secondary rhachides stout, polished, dark brown to almost black, ± hispid to pubescent, ± flexuose. Lamina dark green, firm, glab. or sparsely hairy, broadly deltoid, 3-4- pinnate, 30-70-(90) × 30-50 cm. Primary pinnae alt., 15-30-(40) × 10-20-(30) cm.; lower deltoid to ovate-lanceolate, again pinnate to bipinnate; upper with basal shorter pinnae. Secondary pinnae up to 15 × 3 cm., ovate-lanceolate; tertiary pinnae up to 3 × 1 cm. Pinnules numerous, rather close-set, stalked, dimidiate-oblong to subrhomboid, up to 15 × 5 mm.; lower margin entire, straight to concave or concave- convex; upper margin with alt. shallow and rather deep crenate lobes. Sporangia in sinuses of shallow lobes, protected by lunulate to oblong-or orbicular-reniform reflexed margins 1·5-2 mm. long, c. 8 groups per pinnule.
Rhizome rather slender, creeping, clad in dark to bright brown subulate-attenuate paleae, c. 3 mm. long; stipites often approximate. Stipes rather stout, black-brown, scabrid, ± clad in slender hairs, paleate in lower portion, 10-30 cm. long. Rhachis similar, flexuose, ± clad in dark to fulvous stiff hairs, as are secondary rhachides and costae. Lamina ovate-deltoid to deltoid, 2-3-pinnate, 15-40 × 7-24 cm., olive to pale green, firm; lower surface ± clad in setulose hairs. Primary pinnae up to 15 × 7 cm., alt. distant, ovate-deltoid, with 2-4 lateral and a terminal pinna. Secondary pinnae rather distant, up to 8 × 2 cm. Pinnules up to 2.5 cm. × 5 mm., very shortly stalked, approximate, dimidiately narrow-oblong, ± subfalcate; lower margin entire, concave-convex; upper margin with alternately shallow and rather deep crenate to serrate lobes. Sporangia in sinuses of shallow lobes, protected by reniform reflexed margins, in about 6 rather distant groups.
Rhizome stout, shortly creeping; stipites clustered. Stipes us. stout, scabrid, very dark brown, shining, 15-30-(40) cm. long; clad in greyish pubescence when young. Rhachis rather stout; densely clad, at least when young, in hispid hairs. Costae hispidulous. Lamina 15-35 × 10-30 cm., broadly flabellate, dark olive green (pink to red when immature), firm, glab. to ± hispid; divided into (5)-10-(15) branches. Primary pinnae 7-20 × 1-3 cm., about lanceolate-acuminate. Secondary pinnae up to 15 × 5 mm., dimidiate-oblong to dimidiate-rhomboid, very shortly stalked, very close-set; lower margin entire, upper with numerous small crenate teeth. Sporangia 10-15 groups per pinnule, close-set, in sinuses, protected by lunulate to reniform reflexed margin 1-2 mm. long.
Sporangia borne on veins or extending to interspaces on inner face of reflex portions of lamina margin; pedicel slender, annulus incomplete, vertical. Spores tetrahedral to bilateral, smooth, us. dark. Rhizome far-creeping to short and ascending, with narrow dark paleae. Lamina pinnately decompound to simply pinnate, mostly firm. Some 200 terrestrial spp. of wide distribution.
Monoec. tree, resiniferous, up to 30 m. or rarely up to 60 m., trunk up to 3 m. diam., occ. up to 7 m.; bark bluish grey, falling in large, thick flakes. Lvs alt. to subopp., sessile, thick, coriac., parallel-veined; of juveniles lanceolate, 5-10 cm. × 5-12 mm.; of adults 2-3·5 cm. long, about oblong, obtuse. Male strobili 2-5 cm. long, stout, cylindric; female cones subglobose, 5-7·5 cm. diam.; carpidia broad above, narrowing to base, rather thin, deciduous, uniovulate. Seeds ovate in outline, compressed, winged.
Plants monoec. or dioec. Male strobili solitary, axillary, cylindric to ovoid, with several scale lvs at base; sporophylls densely, spirally arranged on axis; sporangia 5-15. Female cones globular to subglobose terminating short branchlets; carpidia spirally arranged, coriac. to woody, broadly 3-angled and widened above, narrow at base, each with one inverted ovule. Seeds free, compressed, winged. Cots 2. Tall trees, us. very resiniferous; lvs thick, coriac., lanceolate to elliptic oval, with subparallel veins. About 15 spp.: Philippines to Polynesia, Australia and N.Z. The N.Z. sp. endemic.
Fls us. perfect, regular; calyx 5-8-lobed, tube free or adnate to ovary; petals 0; red to white petaloid staminodes ∞, inserted in calyx tube; stamens perig., few to many. Ovary 1- to several-celled; ovules one to many. Fr. various. Herbs or low shrubs, often fleshy, with us. opp. exstipulate lvs. Widespread, with some 20 genera and 650 spp. Often given the family name .
Tree up to ± 10 m. tall; trunk ± 6 dm. diam.; branches stout, bark nearly, black; branchlets, lflts, infl.-axes and capsules densely clad in ferruginous hairs when young. Lvs imparipinnate, ± 10-40 cm. long, on petioles ± 8 cm. long. Lflts alt. to subopp., 4-6 pairs on petiolules c. 5 mm. long. Lamina ± 5-10 × 2-5 cm. long, subcoriac., slightly obliquely ovate-lanceolate to ovate-oblong, acuminate, ± sinuate-undulate, coarsely irregularly serrate-dentate with teeth up to c. 5 mm. long, to obscurely toothed or entire. Panicles up to c. 3 dm. long, us. much and openly branched; pedicels slender, up to c. 5 mm. long. Calyx cupular, pubescent, ± deeply cleft into 5 triangular acute teeth. Stamens 6-8; anthers large, dark red. Ovary small, densely pubescent. Capsule somewhat woody, 8-12 mm. long, pubescent, winged above, the wing us. produced as a spur on one side. Seeds subglobose, black, lustrous; aril scarlet, fleshy, granular, us. investing lower half of seed, sts vestigial.
Fls perfect to unisexual in panicles; calyx 4-5-lobed, hairy within; petals 0; disk 8-lobed; stamens 5-8. Ovary obliquely obcordate, compressed, 1-celled; style short, stigma 2-3-lobed to simple; ovule solitary. Capsule ± woody, subglobose, crested; seeds arillate, cots spirally coiled. Trees with alt., pinnate, exstipulate lvs. About 20 spp. of Hawaii, Pacific Is, New Guinea, Australia. The N.Z. spp. endemic.
Tree up to ± 5 m. tall; branchlets with ferruginous pubescence. Lvs imparipinnate, alt., 20-30 cm. long, on short petioles. Lflts 2-3 pairs, very shortly petioluled; lamina ± coriac., broad- to ovate-oblong, obtuse to subacute, 10-18 × 5-9 cm., us. entire, ± pubescent on midrib and main veins. Fls ? Fr. globose, pubescent, winged, 18 mm. long, 12 mm. diam. Seeds black, shining.
Fls axillary or on naked wood, solitary or in small cymose fasicles; pedicels bracted. Receptacle adnate to ovary; sepals 5-4, ± united at base, valvate; corolla funnelform to tubular, long, valvately 5-4-lobed. Stamens 5, inserted near throat. Disk epig., anthers exserted; ovary 2-loculed, locules 2-5-ovuled. Style filiform, elongate; stigma clavate to capitate. Berry ellipsoid to globose; seeds with bony reticulate testa; endosperm cop., fleshy. Erect or spreading shrubs with alt., exstipulate lvs of very diverse size and shape; petioles often expanded and subamplexicaul at base; fls very fragrant; berry us. crimson. Genus endemic to N.Z.
Bushy slender shrub up to c. 1 m. tall; branchlets slender, spreading, red-brown, pubescent. Lvs on petioles up to 10 mm. long, slender, flattened, pubescent. Lamina submembr., us. ± red-flushed or -flecked, broad-ovate to broad-elliptic to obovate in outline, us. cuneately narrowed to base, of 2 main dimensions on different plants((a) 10-20 × 7-10-(14) mm.; (b) 5-10 × 5-7 mm. Margins coarsely toothed to deeply lobed, especially in upper part; often subentire in smaller lvd group. Infl. of solitary fls or 2-3 together. Fls (5)-8-12-(14) mm. long (plant may flower when only 30 cm. tall). Calyx ± pubescent; lobes 4, bluntly triangular, ± pubescent, Corolla ± 12 mm. long; tube very slightly flaring, greenish yellow, ± red-tinged as are the 4 broad-triangular fimbriate lobes. Berry puberulous when young, 5-9 × 4-7 mm., subglobose to subturbinate, red.
Erect bushy shrub up to ± 1 m. tall; branchlets slender, pubescent, ± close-set. Lvs crowded, on petioles c. 5 mm. long. Lamina submembr., obliquely to subfalcately linear to very narrowly lanceolate, acute to obtuse, of two main dimensions((a) 15-25 × 1-3 mm.; (b) 40-100 × 4-10 mm. Margins subentire or with a few minute teeth, in the larger form the teeth may be coarse and prominent. Infl. of solitary fls or 2-5 together. Fls 10-17 mm. long; corolla-tube slightly flaring, greenish yellow; lobes 4, ± erose and fimbriate. Berry ovoid to turbinate, 3-5 mm. diam., red.
Glab. much-branched shrub up to c. 2 m. tall; branchlets slender, ascending, reddish brown. Lvs on stout petioles up to ± 15 mm. long. Lamina coriac., obovate-cuneate to broad-elliptic to narrow-obovate, sts sublanceolate; subentire to rather distantly crenately to serrate-dentately lobed or toothed; lobes sts apiculate; of 3 main dimensions: (a) 7-15-(20) × (3)-4-6-(8) cm.; (b) 6-12 × 1·3-2.5 cm.; (c) 4-7 × 2-3 cm. Infl. of 2-5-fld fascicles or fls solitary. Fls (3)-3·5-4 cm. long. Calyx ± 5 mm. long; lobes narrow- to broad-triangular, acute to acuminate. Corolla crimson; tube flaring, lobes 5-(4), deltoid, margins fimbriate. Berry 8-10(13) × 5-6-(7) mm., oblong in outline, crimson.
Glab. shrub up to c. 5 dm. tall, unbranched or occ. with 1-2 branches, rarely taller and more branched; branchlets dark purple. Lvs on rather stout petioles up to 10 mm. long Lamina obovate, cunéately narrowed to base, obtuse, apiculate, (2.5)-7-(10) × 2-2.5-(3·5) cm., submembr., entire or with a few minute teeth. Infl. of us. solitary fls on glab. peduncles. Calyx 5-lobed; lobes deltoid, acute. Corolla ± 8-10 mm. long, yellowish to reddish; lobes 5, fimbriate. Berry ellipsoid, ± 9-12 × 5-6 mm., bright shining red.
Also recorded by Cheeseman (Man. N.Z. Fl. 1925, 881) from "Marlborough(Rai Valley, J. Rutland; Pelorus Sound, J. H. Macmahon; Mount Stokes, T. Kirk," The specimens from South Id that I have seen are referable rather to A. pusilla Col.
Decumbent branching herb 10-50 cm. long, rooting at lower nodes; branchlets sparsely pubescent when young. Lvs ( 1 )-2-4-(5) cm. long, including short petioles; lamina narrow-lanceolate to narrow-oblong to obovate-oblong (all forms may occur on same plant), obtuse to subacute, minutely denticulate. Fls in densely placed axillary clusters 5-8-(10) mm. diam.; fls ± 3 mm. long. Tepals white, scarious, in 2 unequal series(the longer ± 3 mm. long, linear-lanceolate, acuminate; the shorter broader, ± 2.5 mm. long; perfect stamens 2-3. Utricle much compressed, ± 1·5 × 2 mm., light brown, broad-obcordate, margins thickened.
Fls in sessile axillary congested clusters. Per. 5-partite; fertile stamens 2-3, filaments connate at base, anthers 1-celled; style very short or obsolete, stigma us. capitate; ovules solitary, pend. from basal funicle. Utricle compressed, margins often thickened or winged; seed vertical, lenticular. Herbs, us. decumbent, with opp. lvs. About 170 spp., mainly tropical and subtropical.
Fls small, regular, perfect, in clusters, spikes or racemes; tepals 3-5, scarious, free or nearly so, imbricate. Stamens us. 5, often with up to 5 staminodes, opp. tepals; filaments ± united towards base. Ovary superior, 1-celled; styles very short or 0; stigmas us. capitate. Ovules us. solitary. Fr. transversely dehiscent or ind.; seeds smooth, embryo annular, endosperm cop. Annual to perennial herbs with alt. or opp. exstipulate lvs. Widespread family of some 50 genera and 500 spp.
Fls perfect to unisexual, regular, panicled. Sepals 3-7, connate at base; petals 3-7 or 0, free; stamens us. 10 in 2 whorls; disk intrastaminal. Ovary superior, us. 1-celled; ovule 1, pend.; style 1. Fr. drupaceous, with resinous mesocarp; embryo curved, cots fleshy. Trees or shrubs with resinous bark, alt., compound, exstipulate lvs. Widespread family with about 75 genera and 600 spp. The N.Z. genus and sp. endemic to Three Kings Is. For a detailed account see Oliver (Rec. Auck. Inst. Mus. 3, 1948, 224-226).
Sori exindusiate, in a single series on each side of main vein, orbicular to subelliptic, with long paraphyses of three rows of cells; spores globose-elliptic. Rhizome creeping, dictyostelic, paleate; stipites not articulated to rhizome; lamina coriac., entire; main vein evident, veinlets hidden, without free veinlets in anastomoses.
Rhizome condensed, rarely elongate, densely clad in brown lanceolate paleae; rootlets woolly, descending or occ. ascending and emitting tufts of stipites; fronds crowded, bearing at base tufts of linear-lanceolate paleae up to 1 cm. long. Stipes 1-7 cm. long, winged by decurrent lamina. Main vein prominent, veins hidden, anastomosing, no included free veinlets. Lamina subcoriac. to almost fleshy, narrow-lanceolate, attenuate, entire, bright green above, paler below, 5-25 cm. × 10-20 mm.; margin entire or rarely sinuate to very shallowly lobed, recurved. Sori in a single row, on each side of and near the main vein, often obliquely paired, 6-24, globose to oblong, 6-2 mm. diam.
Fls solitary or in small umbels, hypog., us. perfect and regular. Per. uniseriate, petaloid; stamens ∞, outermost sts reduced to nectariferous staminodes. Carpels ∞, with a single suspended ovule; achenes with long styles. Perennial herbs with mostly palmately cut lvs; cauline lvs or bracts whorled. A widely distributed genus of about 120 spp.
A slender erect herb up to 5 dm. tall; rootstock erect or ascending, with ± fleshy rootlets. Lvs radical, glab. to sparsely hairy; petioles (2)-5-16 cm. long, expanding into membr. sheaths. Laminae ± ciliate and sparsely hairy on upper surface, (1)-2-5 cm. diam., subreniform in outline, divided nearly to base into 3-(5) rather broadly cuneate, toothed or lobed segs; terminal seg. us. trilobed, lateral ± deeply and irregularly 2-3-lobed and us. again cut or toothed. Scapes solitary to few, 8-35 cm. long, us. unbranched, finely grooved, 1-fld; cauline lvs or bracts 2-3, simple to dissected, c. midway or nearer to flower. Sepals 5-7, petaloid, c. 5 mm. long, reddish to pinkish or brownish, linear to ovate, attenuate. Stamens 5-20, filaments filiform, connective very slightly produced. Achenes up to 30 or more, c. 4-5 mm. long, fusiform, gradually narrowed into a long style hooked and ± twisted at apex.
Glab. herb c. 10-15 cm. tall; stock covered by If-remains; taproot stout, woody. Lvs radical, pinnate, on very short sheathing petioles. Lamina with 5-10 pairs of lflts 5-6-(12) mm. long; lflts of broad ovate-oblong order, sessile be cuneate base, submembr., irregularly rather deeply toothed to pinnatifid or pinnatisect; teeth narrow-triangular, blunt to subacute; terminal lflt us. tripartite. Peduncles us. nude, rather stout, up to c. 8 cm. long. Umbels compound, up to c. 4 cm. diam; primary rays (2)-4-(8), unequal, up to ± 2 cm. long. Involucral bracts few, linear to lanceolate, us. somewhat expanded at base. Calyx-teeth acute; petals white; style slender. Fr. ± 4-5 mm. long; mericarps narrowly 5-winged, 2 lateral wider than 3 dorsal; vittae 1 under each furrow, 2 commissural.
Slender softly woody liane, forming tangled masses in absence of support, up to c. 3 m. tall, rather sparingly branched; branches flexible, grooved. Lvs alt.,1-(3)-foliolate to 3-lobed or simple, on slender petioles up to ± 10 mm. long; sheaths broad, produced into 2 blunt lobes. Lflts up to c. 12 mm. diam., submembr., dark green above, glaucous below, orbicular to rhomboid to reniform, truncate to cordate at base, crenulate to subentire. Umbels axillary and terminal, compound, ± 10 mm. diam., on peduncles ± 2 cm. long. Rays (2)-3-6, slender, 5-(9) mm. long. Involucral bracts few, linear, attenuate. Calyx-teeth minute; petals white, inflexed at tips. Fr. c. 5-7 mm. long, oblong-ovate in outline, ± cordate at base. Mericarps strongly compressed; 2 lateral wings very broad, very thin. Dorsal ribs 3, narrow. Vittae 1 per furrow, 2 commissural.
Plant dioec. or polygamous; umbels compound; primary rays us.∞; general involucre of few bracts, or 0; secondary us. ∞. Calyx-teeth minute or 0; petals white to greenish. Fr. dorsally much compressed; commissure broad; mericarps almost flat, with 2 broad marginal wings and 3 prominent dorsal ribs. Vittae various in number. Perennial herbs or subshrubs with us. ternately or pinnately compound lvs. Some 70 spp., mainly of northern hemisphere; the N.Z. spp. endemic.
Perennial herb or subshrub with much-branched stems, woody towards base, up to c. 1 m. tall, us. shorter, arising from stout stock, often scrambling. Lvs cauline, pinnate, alt., on slender petioles with broad membr. 2-lobed sheathing bases. Lflts 2-5 pairs, 2.5-6·5 × (1)-3 cm., subcoriac., sessile, ± obliquely ovate to ovate-lanceolate, acute to acuminate, furnished with a minute pair of stipules; margins finely serrate. Umbels us. ∞, compound, axillary and terminal, up to ± 8 cm. diam. on slender peduncles up to c. 3 cm. long. Primary rays ∞, slender, up to c. 2 cm. long; secondary very short, umbellules densely fld. Calyx-teeth narrow-triangular; petals white. Fr. ovate-cordate in outline, ± 3-(4) mm. long; mericarps with 2 broad lateral wings, dorsal ribs prominent. Vittae 1 per furrow, 2 on commissural face.
Very stout, up to c. 1·5 m. tall. stems deeply furrowed, on stocks ± 3 cm. diam.; bracts with membr. sheaths up to 8 cm. long including blunt ligules, extended into laminae up to c. 8 cm. long with deeply dissected pinnae. Lvs, basal and cauline, on petioles c. 20-30 cm. long; sheaths up to c. 6 cm. long member., with obtuse ligule. Lamina very coriac., 20-25-40 × 20-30 cm., about ovate- to deltoid-oblong in outline. Primary pinnae 6-8 rather distant but overlapping pairs, 10-15 × 5-8 cm. Secondary pinnae ± 3-5 × 1-2 cm.; tertiary up to c. 2 cm. long, deeply to rather shallowly cut into segs ± 5 mm. long tipped by bristle-points. Umbels compound, upper ones approximate, ± 4-6 cm. diam., on stout peduncles up to c. 10 cm. long. Bracts similar to lvs of stem, but smaller. Primary rays stout, unequal, (10)-15-20, ± 2-3 cm. long; involucral bracts few to 0, narrow-lanceolate, ± 1 cm. long. Secondary short, many; involucral bracts linear. Fls c. 4-5 mm. diam.; calyx-lobes minute, bluntly triangular petals white with central brown stripe, ± 2 mm. long, ovate-oblong, subacute with minute hair-process. Fr. 4-5 mm. long, > rays; mericarps deeply 5-3-ribbed, with distinct wings.
Very robust, up to ± 1 m. tall. stems deeply furrowed. stock very stout, taproot deeply descending. Lvs on petioles 15-20 × (0·5)-1-2 cm.; sheaths broad, up to 8 cm. long, tapering to petiole, shortly bluntly ligulate. Lamina rigid, coriac., about oblong to deltoid in outline, (10)-15-(25) × (6)-12-(16) cm. Primary pinnae 5-10 pairs, (3)-4-6-(10) × 3-(8) cm., rather distant, but often overlapping; secondary pinnae deeply cut into narrow segs ± 25 × 1·5-2 mm., the cartilaginous margins extended into pungent tips ± 1-2 mm. long Umbels us. many, on long peduncles, compound, ± 5 cm. diam.; involucral bracts linear. Calyx-lobes triangular, subacute; petals reddish mauve to white. Fr. ± 6·5 mm. long; mericarps unequal, us. one with 5, the other with 3-4 well-developed wings.
Hooker gives a composite description based on various specimens from " Northern Island. East and south coasts, and interior, Banks and Solander, Colenso, etc. Middle Island, Bidwill, Lyall, etc. The smallest species I know, 8 inches to a foot high. Leaves all radical, except one at each fork of the stem, recurved. Petiole 4-6 inches long, stout, jointed, with eight pair of pinnae extending nearly to the base, ? inch broad across the pinnae, which coriaceous, deeply veined, cuneate-orbicular, more or less deeply toothed, or cut into linear segments, each ending is a little bristle. Stems or scapes slender sparingly divided. Male umbels 11/2-2 inches across, many-flowered; flowers white, one line across. Calyx lobes variable, sometimes obsolete. Female umbels much smaller, contracted, fewer-flowered. Involucral leaves partial and general, few, linear-subulate, shorter than the peduncles. Fruit shortly pedicellate. Carpels linear, 2 lines long, equal, each with five winged ribs. Seeds deeply grooved."
Stems slender, ± 5-10 cm. long; lamina 3-8 cm. long, on petiole up to c. 3 cm. long; pinnae 4-8 pairs, close-set, sts slightly overlapping, submembr., dark green, suborbicular-flabellate, rapidly cuneately narrowed to sessile or subsessile base, up to ± 8 × 8 mm.; irregularly, shallowly, sharply toothed; teeth with hair-process. Umbels small, compound, involucral bracts linear to filiform. Fr. 3-4 mm. long.
Stems very slender, flexible, finely striate, up to c. 5 dm. long; lamina narrow-oblong, up to 2 dm. long, on petiole up to c. 7 cm. long; pinnae (5)-10-(20) pairs, distant, up to ± 10 × 8 mm., rather abruptly cuneately narrowed to sessile or subsessile base, membr.; teeth sharp, fine, with short hair-process. Occ. pinnae deeply, irregularly lobed. Umbels small, compound, on slender peduncles up to c. 4 cm. long; primary rays almost filiform unequal, up to ± 3c m. long; involucral bracts narrow-linear, acuminate; secondary rays very short; umbellules not > 5 mm. diam. in fl.
Stems stout to rather slender, striate, up to c. 5 dm. tall; lamina narrow-oblong in outline, up to ± 20 cm. long, on petiole up to ± 10 cm. long; pinnae 5-10 pairs, flabellate to rhomboid in outline, distant, submembr., on petiolules up to ± 5 mm. long, or subsessile. Lamina of pinnae ± 20 × 25 mm., very deeply irregularly 3-(5)-lobed; lobes again deeply divided; final segs about oblong, rather abruptly narrowed to stiff hair-process. Umbel-bearing portion of stem very slender; bracts up to ± 2 cm. long, including delicate sheath and small lamina. Umbels compound, on slender peduncles up to c. 8 cm. long. Primary rays unequal, 5-10, very slender, up to 3 cm. long; involucral bracts few, filiform, secondary rays very short, up to 15. Umbellules c. 5-10 mm. diam. in fl.
Stems stout, finely grooved, up to c. 5 dm. tall; lamina narrow-oblong, up to c. 12 cm. long, on rather stout petiole ± 8 cm. long; sheaths delicate ± 2 cm. long, with short blunt ligule; pinnae 8-10 pairs, rather distant, submembr., flabellate, 10-20 × 10-20 mm., sessile by broad base; teeth subacute, with hair-process. Bracts foliaceous, with open sheaths narrowed to lamina up to c. 4 cm. long with ± 4 pairs of pinnae. Umbels axillary and terminal, compound, on peduncles c. 8 cm. long. Primary rays up to 15, up to 3 cm. long; involucral bracts linear, acuminate, up to 2 cm. long; secondary rays short, up to 15. Fr. narrow-ovoid, c. 5 mm. long.
Stems c. 15-20-(30) cm. tall, rather stout, strict; lamina ± 2-6 cm. long, on petiole ± 2 cm. long; pinnae 4-8 pairs, subcoriac., dark green, up to c. 6 × 5 mm., close-set, us. slightly overlapping; irregularly, shallowly, bluntly toothed; tips occ. apiculate, but lacking hair-processes. Umbels compound, condensed ± 1 cm. diam. Primary rays very short; involucral bracts lanceolate. Fr. ± 2 mm. long, styles slender; mericarps distinctly ribbed, ± winged.
Stems stiff, finely striate, up to c. 3 dm. tall; lamina up to ± 8 cm. long, on petiole c. 4-8 cm. long including broad membr. sheath; pinnae up to ± 9 pairs, subcoriac., distant, up to c. 10 × 10 mm., sessile to shortly petiolulate, pinnately divided to midvein into 2-3 pairs of distant linear lobes (these sts again lobed) with obtuse to subacute minutely apiculate apex. Umbels compound or simple, up to c. 3 cm. diam. in fr., us. several on common peduncle up to c. 6 cm. long; involucral bracts linear. Fr. ovate-oblong in outline; strongly compressed, ± 3-4 mm. long; mericarps with acute to winged ridges.
Rather stout; stems stiff, striate, up to ± 4 dm. long; stock stout. Lvs 2-3-pinnate, on petioles up to ± 15 cm. long; sheath 2-3 cm. long narrowed to apex; ligule 0 or obscure. Lamina (10)-15-20-(30) × 5-10-(15) cm.; narrow-oblong in outline. Primary pinnae 6-10 pairs. 4-7 × 3-5 cm.; secondary ± 2 × 1·5-2 cm.; tertiary pinnae or segs narrow-linear to filiform, (0·5)-1-2-(3) cm., rather distant, acicular. Umbels compound, us. several paniculately arranged. Primary rays unequal, slender, up to c. 3 cm. long; involucral bracts several, linear, acuminate, ± 5-10 mm. long. Secondary rays very short, ± = involucral bracts; umbellules ± 5 mm. diam. Fr. 3-4 mm. long; styles not >1 mm. long; mericarps with 5 narrow wings.
Rather stout: stems up to c. 25 cm. tall. Lvs us. many, crowded, erect or ascending, (5)-6-10-(15) × 2-5 cm., including stout petiole (2)-5-8 cm. long; sheath broad, narrowed to apex. Lamina 2-3-(4)-pinnate, pinnae plumosely arranged. Primary pinnae 8-12 pairs, ± 1·5-2 cm. × 5-10 cm.; lower distant, upper approximate, pinnately several times finely dissected; final segs c. 5-7 mm. long, capillary; hair-points flexuous, up to c. 5 mm. long. Umbels 1-4, compound, paniculately arranged. Bracts with broad sheathing base, narrowed to short lamina. primary rays 8-15, slender; involucral bracts linear. Fr. ovoid-oblong, ± 5 mm. long. Mericarps us. one 5-, the other 4-winged. Vittae 1-(2) per furrow, 2-(4) on commissural face.
Small herb hardly up to 15 cm. tall, everywhere thick and fleshy; aerial parts sprawling, dark slate- to blue-grey. Taproot stout, long, much-branched. Lvs few to many, on petioles 2-4-(5) cm. long; sheaths short, broad. Lamina ± 5-(8) × 4-(5) cm., 2-3 times ternately divided; final segs up to c. 2 cm. long, very narrow-linear, subterete, subacute to obtuse. Umbels solitary, compound, up to 5-(10) cm. diam., on stout peduncles up to c. 2 cm. long. Involucral bracts (4)-5-(6), lflike, ternately divided, surpassing umbel, segs to 2 cm. long. Primary rays ± 10, stout, almost woody, ribbed, ± 2-3 cm. long. Secondary rays ± 10, stout, ribbed ± 3 mm. long. ♂ and ♀ in same umbel; petals white, 2-3 mm. long strongly incurved. Carpophores slender, ± 5 mm. long. Fr.(3)-5-(6) × 2-3 mm., oblong in outline; mericarps with 5 broad, rounded ribs; commissural face ± rounded. Vittae 1 per furrow, 2 on commissural face. Styles rather stout, up to c. 5 mm. long.
Slender herb, seldom > 15 cm. tall, with rather stout stock. Lvs on petioles (2)-5-(10) cm. long; sheath c. 8 mm. long, delicate, with short rounded ligules. Lamina 3-5-(10) × 1·5-3-(5) cm., about deltoid in outline, with 3-5 pairs of distant pinnae. Lower pair of primary pinnae up to c. 6 cm. long, including petiole, again with ± 4 pairs of pinnae. Secondary pinnae up to ± 2 cm. long; tertiary pinnae, or lobes, ± 3 pairs, distant, narrow linear-lanceolate, acute, up to ± 5 mm. long, hair-tipped; or lobes broader, deeply and finely cut, cuneately narrowed to base. Peduncles up to c. 6cm. long; bracts small, sheathing. Umbels compound, ± 3-4-(5) cm. diam; primary rays unequal, spreading, up to c. 5 cm. long; involucral bracts few, short, filiform to capillary, expanded at base. Umbellules on rays up to c. 5 mm. long; fls minute, petals white or sts flushed with pink. Fr. narrow-oblong, (3)-4-5-(7) mm. long; mericarps 5-winged.
Similar in size, colouring, fleshiness and habit to A. carnosula. Radical lvs several, cauline lvs or bracts us. 1-3. Umbels solitary, compound, bisexual, (2)-3-5-(8) cm. diam.; sts small, simple or compound umbels occur in axils of cauline lvs. Primary rays 6-12, stout, stiff; involucral bracts 4-6, linear, acute, entire or occ. forked at tips, slightly but distinctly surpassing umbel. Secondary umbels small, with 8-12 linear, entire bracts. Calyx-teeth rather prominent; petals white or occ. pink-flushed. Fr.?
Low-growing tufted herb seldom up to 10 cm. tall. Lvs 1-pinnate, on petioles up to ± 4 cm. long with sheaths ± 1 cm. long, ± liguled. Lamina (3)-4-10 cm. long, coriac., glab. or nearly so, glaucous. Pinnae (4)-6-(10) pairs, ± 10 × 10 mm., shortly petioluled to subsessile, broadly ovate suborbicular, sharply toothed to ± ⅓ way, with occ. deeper incisions; teeth acute, not hair-pointed. Stem up to ± 10 cm. long, us. decumbent. Umbels us. compound, on peduncles up to c. 4 cm. long. Primary rays unequal, 2-5 slender, 6-20 mm. long; involucral bracts 2-3, connate into a cup-shaped involucre. Secondary rays 3-6, short; involucral bracts linear. Fls small. Fr. narrow-ovoid, 3-3·5 mm. long; mericarps with 5 rather obscure blunt ridges.
Slender herb up to ± 3 dm. or more tall, from stout stock; stems grooved, stiff, slender, branched above. Lvs on slender petioles up to c. 2 dm. long, us. shorter; sheaths broad, membr., up to ± 2 cm., long. shortly obtusely liguled. Lamina (5)-10-(40) × 5-10 mm.; pinnae 3-6 pairs, spreading, ternately divided into filiform or very narrow-linear acute segs, us. apiculate, up to c. 4 cm. long. Umbels several to few, compound, on slender peduncles up to ± 8c m. long. Bracts foliaceous. Primary rays very slender, unequal, ± 2-5 cm. long; involucral bracts few, short, linear. Umbellules ± 5 mm. diam.; fls small. Fr. 8-9 mm. long, narrow-oblong in outline, compressed. Mericarps thin, 5-winged, lateral wings distinctly > dorsal.
Herb seldom > 5 cm. tall. Lvs 1-pinnate, on petioles ± 3 mm. long, with broad sheaths up to 2 cm. long. Lamina narrow-oblong in outline, coriac., glab., 2-(4) cm. long. Pinnae 1-3 pairs, sts reduced to the terminal pinna, 4-8 × 4-8 mm., flabellate-cuneate to rhomboid, rounded at tip, sessile, coriac., glaucous; margins rather obscurely crenulate to entire, cartilaginous, ± recurved. Stem 1-4 cm. tall; umbels compound; primary rays 3-4 involucral bracts obsolete; secondary rays with involucre of 3 broad bracts, connate except on one side. Fr. about oblong in outline to suborbicular; mericarps 4-5-winged; vittae 4-5.
Stems rather stout, 3-6 dm. tall, grooved; stock c. 2-3 cm. diam. Lvs on stout petioles 8-12 cm. long, including sheath narrowed to apex and shortly liguled. Lamina about ovate-oblong, 15-25 × 6-12 cm., 2-3-(4)-pinnate. Primary pinnae 8-12 pairs, 4-8 × 2-3 cm., about obovate, cuneately narrowed to base. Secondary pinnae ± 2-(5) × 0·5-1cm., again pinnate or very deeply cut into linear lobes up to c. 15 × 1-2 mm., with flexuous hair-processes (1)-2-3-(4) mm. long. Stem-bracts or -lvs with sheaths ± 4 × 2 cm. tipped by lamina up to c. 6 cm. long. Umbels us. many, subpaniculately arranged, ± 5-8 cm. diam. Primary rays stout, c. 4-5 cm. long; involucral bracts linear to filiform, hair-tipped. Secondary rays ± 1-2 cm. long; involucral bracts similar, shorter. ♂ with caryx-lobes acute, ± 2 mm. long; ♀ with shorter blunter lobes; petals white, ± 3 mm. long. Fr. (4)-5-(6) mm. long, narrow-ovoid. Mericarps 5-(4)-ribbed and winged. Styles slender, 2-3 mm. long; stylopodia prominent.
Umbels us. compound, rays us. many; involucral bracts various, 0-(. Calyx-teeth very small, or obsolete; petals us. white, occ. pinkish to mauve or reddish, incurved; stamens incurved. Fr. us. ± narrow-oblong in outline; mericarps us. distinctly compressed, with us. 5 sub-equal very narrowly winged ribs. Vittae us. 1 per furrow and 2 on commissural face. Small to large tufted herbs, sts rhizomatous, mostly glab. or nearly so, aromatic; latex mostly cop. The stock is us. well-developed, often multicipital, and produced into a stout deeply descending taproot. Some 20 spp., a few of Australia; the N.Z. spp. endemic.
Compact herb up to ± 5 cm. tall, sts forming rather large patches by offset plants; lamina ± prostrate, 1-2-(4) cm. long, on petiole up to ± 5 mm. long, with broad membr. sheath up to 10 mm. long, produced into a short blunt ligule; pinnae 4-8 very close-set overlapping pairs, sessile, ± 2 mm. long, us. imbricate, 3-6-lobed or toothed, segs linear, hair-process ± 2 mm. long. Peduncle 2-4-(8) cm. long, ± decumbent. Umbels simple or compound, ± hidden among lvs; rays short; involucral bracts linear. Fr. broad-ovoid, c. 3-4 mm. long; mericarps distinctly 5-winged.
Very robust herb with watery sap, up to ± 2 m. tall; stem branched, grooved, up to ± 10 cm. diam. at base; stock very stout, taproot very deeply descending; offset plants arising from short stout rhizomes. Petioles (15)-20-30(40) cm. × (5)-10-20 mm., concave with stout median rib on ventral, convex on dorsal surface; sheath broad, tapering to petiole, with short broad rounded to toothed ligule, or ligule obsolete. Lamina about oblong to ovate-oblong in outline, 2-pinnate or sts ± 3-pinnate, (1)-2-4(6) dm. × (5)-15-20-(25) cm., coriac., light to rather dark green; veins evident on both surfaces. Primary pinnae, 5-10-(15) pairs, distant, broad ovate-oblong in outline, (5)-15-(20) × (3)-4-10 cm., with short slightly sheathing petiolule. Secondary pinnae 3-5 pairs, obliquely ovate-oblong, up to 5-(10) × 1-3 cm., sessile by very broad base, unequally 3-5 lobed; lobes about ovate-oblong, with cartilaginous margins produced into pungent points 2-3 mm. long. Stem-bracts with open concavo-convex sheaths up to 10 × 6 cm., narrowed to lamina up to c. 6 cm. long. Umbels compound, ± 4-8 cm. diam., us many ± aggregated into heads up to c. 2 dm. diam. Primary rays many, stout, unequal, up to ± 3 cm. long; involucral bracts linear, acute, pungent, 3-5 cm. × 5-10 mm. Secondary rays and bracts similar, shorter. Fls ∞; calyx-lobes unequal, narrowly ovate-triangular, subacute; petals broad-ovate, abruptly acute; ♂ with pistillodes bearing minute styles, ♀ with conical stylopodia and long styles. Fr. 4-5 mm. long; mericarps unequal, with 5-(4-3) ridges; vittae long, 1 per furrow.
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Very robust, up to ± 6 dm. tall with very stout stock up to c. 5 cm. diam.; subalpine forms sts reduced to c. 15 cm. tall. Lvs on stout petioles up to ± 10 cm. long; sheaths narrow, membr., up to c. 4 cm. long. Lamina pinnate (5)-10-20-(30) × (3)-5-10 cm., us. narrow-oblong in outline. Pinnae 5-10-(12) pairs, sessile, coriac., dark green to glaucous above, paler below, close-set, often overlapping, to rather distant; about deltoid in outline; coarsely toothed to 2-3-lobed to pinnatifid or pinnatisect (on different plants); segs 1-2 cm. × 4-5 mm., ovate-oblong to linear-lanceolate; hair-processes up to c. 4 mm. long or sts reduced to acicles. Bracts with open sheaths ± 4 cm. long, narrowed to foliaceous lamina up to c. 5 cm. long. Umbels compound, upper ones us. approximate, (3)-4-5-(10) cm. diam., on stout peduncles 4-8 cm. long; bracts foliaceous. Primary rays 15-20, very stout, grooved, unequal, up to c. 4 cm. long; involucral bracts linear to lanceolate-oblong, up to 2.5 cm. long. Secondary rays short, overtopped by broad hair-tipped involucral bracts ± 1 cm. long. Fls. c. 5 mm. diam.; calyx-lobes minute, blunt; petals white, ovate-oblong, us. only slightly incurved, ± 2.5 mm. long. Fr. ovate-oblong in outline, 3-4-(5) 3 mm.; mericarps us. 3-winged; styles slender, ± 1·5 mm. long.
Rhizome very short, weak, ascending, bearing linear ferruginous hairs; stipites tufted. Stipes filiform to very slender, nude except at very base, pale to rather dark brown, shining, 1-6 cm. long. Rhachis filiform to very slender, nude, with rather distant pinnae. Lamina pinnate to subbipinnate, narrow- to ovate-oblong, pale green, flaccid, glab., 1-8 cm. long. Pinnae 5-20 mm., stalked, flabellate-cuneate, deeply lobed, decurrent; lobes rounded, apiculate or not; pinnae sts again flabellately divided to subpinnate. Sporangia pale, clustered on veins, often covering most of lobe. Sts only the inner laminae are fertile.
Sporangia unprotected, in series along veins, without paraphyses; spores striate. Rhizome ill-developed, paleate to hairy. Fronds small, apparently annual; lamina often tripinnate, glab. to somewhat hairy; veins free, forked. Prothallus apparently perennial. A few rather ill-defined spp. of wide distribution.
Glab. perennial herb with stout deeply descending taproot up to c. 3 cm. diam. near often multicipital stock. Stems rather stout, sts up to ± 2 cm. diam. near base, grooved, sparingly to much branched, decumbent, up to c. 5 dm. long. Lvs on stout petioles up to c. 10 cm. long, sheathing at base. Lamina up to 4 cm. long, coriac., ± fleshy, shining, irregularly 2-3-pinnate. Lflts sessile or on petiolules up to 1 cm. long, irregularly 3-5-partite; segs broad or narrow, incised or deeply lobed; teeth crenate-dentate. Umbels subsessile, up to c. 15 mm. diam., (3)-4-8-(15)-rayed, rays up to c. 5 cm. long. Secondary umbels us. developed, rays 5-7, c. 6 mm. long. Petals white. Fr. broad-ovoid, glab., 2-3 mm. long; mericarps with prominent, thick, blunt ribs; vittae obscure.
Glab. perennial herb with slender deeply descending taproot; stems very slender, branching, prostrate to ascending, often sublianoid, up to c. 4 dm. long. Lvs mostly 3-foliolate (rarely with 1 or 2 further pairs of lflts), on very slender petioles up to ± 6cm. long. Lflts irregularly lobed or incised; terminal lflts up to c. 10 × 10 mm., us. 3-lobed, on petiolules up to 1 cm. long. Umbels up to 10 mm. diam., on very slender peduncles up to ± 3 cm. long; often 3 at a node or with secondary umbels. Rays unequal, 5-15, up to c. 5mm. long. Petals white. Fr. ovoid, ± compressed, subcordate at base; (1)-2 × 1-(2) mm.; ribs thick.
Umbels compound, us. lf-opposed, often subterminal; involucral bracts and bracteoles few to 0; calyx-teeth 0 or minute; petals white, ovate, acute, ± inflexed. Fr. subovoid, laterally compressed; commissure narrow; mericarps distinctly, obtusely 5-ribbed; vittae large, in furrows. Annual to perennial glab. herbs with compound lvs. Widely distributed genus of some 50 spp.
Fls perfect, regular, 5-(4)-merous, in bracted racemes or cymes to solitary. Calyx-lobes imbricate; corolla tubular, lobes contorted or imbricate. Stamens inserted on corolla-tube; filaments free; anthers 2-celled, dehiscing lengthwise, quite free to connivent, connective often produced. Disk us. annular. Ovary superior, 1-or 2-loculed; style single. Fr. various, seeds often winged or comose. Trees, shrubs or lianes with us. opp., simple, entire, exstipulate lvs. Subcosmopolitan family of some 300 genera and 1400 spp.
Plants us. dioec. or polygamodioec.; fls us. 5-merous, regular, bracted, small, in heads or simple to compound umbels. Petals early deciduous; stamens arising from nectariferous disk; anthers dorsifixed, 2-celled, dehiscing lengthwise. Ovary inferior, (1)-2-15-loculed and -styled; placentae axile. Ovules 1 per locule, pend.; fr. baccate. Herbs, shrubs, lianes or trees with us. alt. compound or simple exstipulate lvs. Mainly tropical family with some 65 genera and 800 spp.
Plants mostly dioec. Male strobili with ∞ sporophylls. Female cones woody, terminal on short branchlets. Carpidia ∞, spirally arranged; cots 2 or 4. Trees of Southern Hemisphere.
Much-branched, erect to low-growing, up to 2 m. tall; branches sub-divaricate to ascending, us. rigid, sts entangled; branchlets reddish brown, pubescent. Lvs opp. or in opp. fascicles on arrested branchlets, on petioles ± 2 mm. long. Lamina of 2 forms on different plants: (a) ± 5-7 × 4-5 mm., obovate to oblong, coriac., dark green; (b) ± 15 × 9 mm., of ovate to lanceolate order, less coriac., lighter green; margins distinctly serrate. Fls small, solitary or in small 3-6-fld cymes, pedicels short, pubescent. Sepals 4, oblong, pubescent; petals 4, slightly > sepals, us. with 1-4 crenate teeth. Stamens 4-6, anthers > filaments. Berry 3-4 mm. diam., globose, white, bright pink, dark red to black. Seeds 4-angled. Juvenile plants have narrow-lanceolate to ovate, acute to acuminate lvs; margins variously, us. deeply toothed.
Dioec. tree up to c. 10 m. tall; trunk c. 3 dm. diam., bark of branchlets rather light to dark red, pubescent. Lvs opp. to subopp., on slender pubescent petioles up to ± 5 cm. long. Lamina 5-12 × 4-8 cm., glabrate (pubescence long-persistent on veins below) broad-ovate, acuminate, membr.; deeply, doubly, irregularly, sharply serrate; light or dark green above, paler green or purplish below. Infl. paniculate, 6-10 cm. long; fls ∞, 4-6 mm. diam., on slender pubescent pedicels ± 5-10 mm. long. Sepals 4, ovate, ± 3 mm. long, pubescent; petals 4, 3-lobed, often deeply, c. 9 mm. long. Stamens ∞, on glandular disk, minutely pubescent. Ovary 3-4-celled, styles 3-4. Berry ± 5 × 4 mm. or sts larger, brighter or dark red or almost black. Seeds ± 8, angled.
Sori dorsal, in a single row on each side of costa, terminal on veinlets. Indusium round-reniform to vestigial. Sporangia of mixed maturation; spores oblong, with epispore. Rhizome epiphytic, far-creeping, solenostelic, paleate. Stipites articulated at or near rhizome. Fronds pinnate, articulated to rhachis; veins free. About 20 spp., mainly of New Guinea, New Caledonia and Madagascar. Genus published in Hook. f. Fl. N.Z. 2, 1855, 53.
Rhizome elongate, sparingly branched, up to 1 m. or more long, c. 2 mm. diam., densely clad in brown subulate-attenuate paleae; stipites distant. Stipes 2-6 cm. long, pale brown, ± clad, especially towards base, in subulate paleae; rhachis us. with scattered paleae. Lamina 10-25-(60) × 5-10-(15) cm., membr. to subcoriac., dark green, ovate-to lanceolate-oblong. Pinnae 3-8 cm × 5-10 mm., patent, stipitate distant, alt., narrow-lanceolate, us. acuminate; margins crenulate to almost entire (sterile and poorly fertile pinnae often ovate-oblong, obtuse); veins free, forked. Sori on acrostichal forks, in a single row on each side of costa and near to margin, c. 1-1·5 mm. diam., up to 40 per pinna; sori sts coalescent, occ. a few scattered sporangia present. Indusium absent or vestigial.
Plant dioec.; fls minute, subtended by 3 bracts (then stamen 1) or 1 bract (then stamens 2); spikes simple or branched; per. 0. Anther sessile, 2-celled; ovary with sessile stigma; fr. a small drupe. About 10 spp. of N.Z., Polynesia and Malaysia.
Glab. shrub or tree up to 6 m. or more tall; trunk up to 3 dm. diam. Branchlets slender, becoming striate, dark purple. Petioles ± 1 cm. long; lamina coriac., 2-7 × 1·5-3·5 cm., elliptic to oval to obovate, obtuse to acute to subacuminate (all forms may occur on same plant) cuneately narrowed to base; margins coarsely serrate; surface glossy dark green above, paler below. Spikes oppositely and openly branched, slender; branches ± 3 cm. long. Fls alt., subtended by deltoid to broad-ovate acute bract and a lateral smaller pair. Anther cylindric, ± 2.5 mm. long; ♀ solitary or 2 to 3 together; ovary sessile; stigma broad, sessile; fr. broadly ovoid, ± 2.5 mm. long.
Petioles up to 2 cm. long, lamina 3-8 cm. long, elliptic- to lanceolate- oblong, acuminate to acute; spikes rather closely branched; anthers ± 3 cm. long. Drupe subcylindric, ± 3 × 2 mm.; exocarp succulent, white, longitudinally purple-streaked.
Sori elongate along veinlets, completely covered when young by indusium, which opens towards costule. Indusium in some genera vestigial to absent. Sporangia long-stalked; spores bilateral, with perispore, smooth to tuberculate or spinulose; annulus vertical, incomplete. Rhizome short, ascending to very shortly creeping, dictyostelic; paleae clathrate, hairs us. present. Fronds tufted; stipes not articulated to rhizome, us. with two vascular strands. Lamina various; veins free or anastomosing without included veinlets. About 10 genera, terrestrial or epiphytic, of wide distribution.
Rhizome stout, ascending, clad in dark to pale brown linear-lanceolate, attenuate paleae up to 1 cm. long; stipites crowded, densely paleate at base. Stipes stiff, erect, pale green except towards darker base; ± paleate, becoming nude with age, 3-15 cm. long. Rhachis stout, sparingly paleate, with up to 12 alt. lateral pinnae and larger terminal pinna. Lamina irregularly ovate-oblong, 3-20 × 1·5-5 cm., subcoriac., greyish green, ± paleate below. Pinnae stalked, about ovate-oblong to broad-oblong, 15-35 × 2-15 mm., crenulate; lower pinnae often lobed towards base, or with a single pinnule up to 1 cm. long; veins obscure to distinct, simple or forked from near base. Terminal pinna up to 4 cm. × 15 mm., ovate, obtuse. Sori us. cop., oblong, 3-4 mm. long, sts confluent and covering most of surface; indusium firm, pale.
There is a considerable range in stature and plants only 10 cm. tall may bear sori.
Rhizome short, rather stout, clad in dark brown linear-attenuate paleae up to 5 mm. long; stipites tufted, rather few. Stipes green, very slender, reclining, 1-10 cm. long, with dense tuft of paleae at base and scattered paleae elsewhere when young. Rhachis very slender to filiform, decumbent to prostrate, often produced into long naked tips that root and produce offset plants; pinnae rather distant. Lamina 10-40 cm. long, linear, membr., flaccid, pale green, pinnate. Lateral pinnae 10-36; lower larger, subopp., upper gradually decreasing in size to apex of frond; flabellate-cuneate, very shortly stalked, coarsely crenate-dentate; veinlets flabellate. Two forms are met with: (a) larger pinnae 15-20 × 15-20 mm., sori up to 6 mm. long; (b) larger pinnae 3-10 × 3-10 mm., sori up to 4 mm. long. Sori oblique, narrow-oblong, us. cop., sts confluent; indusium delicate.
Rhizome short, stout, erect to shortly creeping, clad in brown linear-attenuate paleae c. 1 cm. long; stipites tufted to approximate, paleate at base, and with a few weaker paleae elsewhere when young. Rhachis winged, bearing scattered paleae. Laminae and pinnae diverse in size and shape, us. thick, long-pend. to short-erect; veins obscure, us. a single veinlet to each seg., sori oblong, us. submarginal; indusium pale, firm.
Rhizome short, erect, clad in dense linear-acuminate paleae c. 1 cm. long; stipites tufted, paleate at base. Stipes slender, 2-15 cm. long, ± paleate. Rhachis slender, compressed, densely paleate to nude, with about 11 lateral pinnae. Lamina ovate-oblong to lanceolate-oblong, acuminate to acute, dark green, membr., bipinnate to pinnate, 5-15-(25) × 2.5-5-(10) cm. Pinnae stalked to subsessile, ovate- to narrow-oblong, 2.5-8 cm. × 15-20 mm. Pinnules few ((3)-5-(10)), 5-10 × 3-10 mm., obovate-oblong to rhomboid, stalked to subsessile, obliquely cuneate at base, crenate- to inciso-serrate; veinlets forked. Sori remote from margin, 2-4 mm. long, oblong, sts confluent and covering most of undersurface of pinnule; indusium firm.
Rhachis very slender to filiform; lamina membr., delicate; pinnae again pinnate to pinnatisect; segs narrow-linear, obtuse, c. 2-5 mm. long; sori 2-4 mm. long, submarginal.
Indusium well-developed; sporangia and sori as in family. Rhizome short, ascending; stipites clustered; paleae us. conspicuous, hairs us. present. Fronds pinnate to decompound, rarely simple; lamina us. firm to coriac.; veins free or with occ. anastomoses. A subcosmopolitan genus with over 650 spp.
Rhizome creeping horizontally or slightly ascending, stout, up to 15 cm. or more long, emitting, at least in young plants, very slender horizontal roots up to ± 10 cm. long, bearing buds that produce offset plants. Stipites clustered to approximate. Stipes (10)-15-20 cm. long, deeply grooved above, ± paleate, stout, winged. Rhachis stout, winged, as are costae. Lamina 10-60 × 10-15 cm., lanceolate-oblong, submembr., rather pale green, very glossy above, bipinnate, acuminate. Primary pinnae numerous, 10-15 × 2.5-5 cm., lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, decurrent; again pinnate in lower part, pinnatifid in upper. Secondary pinnae 15-30 × (5)-10-15 mm., about oblong, crenately lobed, sessile by cuneately narrowed decurrent base. Sori narrow-oblong, 3-10 mm. long, nearer costule than margin; indusium firm.
Rhizome stout, branching, often forming hard woody mass above ground; clad in brown shining translucent ovate-acuminate paleae up to 3 cm. long; stipites tufted, paleate at base. Stipes 10-40-(50) cm. × 5-10 mm., stout, blackish towards base, ± clad in slender lanceolate-attenuate paleae up to 25 mm. long. Rhachis stout, narrowly winged, ± paleate, smooth, bearing distant subopp. to alt. pinnae. Lamina thinly coriac., dark green and glossy above, 30-100 × 15-35 cm., about lanceolate-oblong, acuminate, with 16-40 or more pinnae. Pinnae (5)-10-15-(20) cm. × (2)-30-(50) mm., about lanceolate-oblong, acuminate, ± paleate below when young, long-stalked, crenate-serrate, obliquely cuneate at base; veins evident, simple or forked. Sori oblique, linear, up to 2 cm. long; indusium firm.
Lamina thick, fleshy, narrow-lanceolate, acuminate. Pinnae 16-30, 7-12 × 1-2 cm., lanceolate-acuminate, often widened near obliquely cuneate base; coarsely, deeply toothed to pinnatifid; segs linear, often again toothed. Sori nearer margin, not over 1 cm. long.
Rhizome stout, branched, shortly creeping or ascending, often forming hard woody mass, densely clad in pale brown translucent linear-ovate-attenuate paleae c. 2 cm. long; stipites crowded to approximate, with dense tuft of paleae at base. Stipes 5-15 cm. × 2-5 mm., dark brown, with scattered shorter paleae. Rhachis stout, sparingly to rather densely paleate, very narrowly winged, with 8-30 subopp. lateral pinnae. Lamina ovate to oblong to deltoid, 6-30 × 3-10 cm., thick, fleshy; margins cartilaginous; veins simple or forked from near base, distinct to obscure. Pinnae (2)-4-6 cm. × 5-15-(20) mm., ovate-oblong to oblong, obtuse, obliquely cuneate at base, shortly stalked, dull green, crenate-serrate, ± paleate on veins and veinlets, sts slightly lobed near base. Sori cop., distinct to confluent, about 15 pairs, linear-oblong, 5-10 mm. long; indusium firm.
Stipes up to 50 cm. long; paleae ovate-lanceolate; pinnae 6-8 cm. × 7-20 mm., subacute to acute, serrate, more obliquely cuneate, more distinctly stalked.
Rhizome short, erect or ascending, sts shortly creeping, clad in dark brown subulate-acuminate paleae 5-8 mm. long; stipites tufted to approximate. Stipes slender to stout, us. stiff to rigid, erect or ascending, pale green, 5-15 cm. long, sparingly paleate when young. Rhachis slender to stout, grey-green, sparingly paleate to nude. Lamina dark green, subcoriac., 7-25 × 2.5-10-(15) cm., ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, 2-3-pinnate. Primary pinnae 3-5-(10) × 1-4 cm., ovate-lanceolate, acute to acuminate, stalked, up to 28. Secondary pinnae c. 2 × 1-2 cm., ovate-oblong, often overlapping, pinnatisect or again pinnate; segs linear-lanceolate to linear, up to 5 mm. long, acute to subacute, sts apiculate. Sori oblong, submarginal, 2-4 mm. long; indusium firm.
Rhizome short, ascending; stipites tufted. Stipes stout, up to 15 cm. long. Rhachis stout, smooth, nude, with about 20 alt. to subopp. pinnae. Lamina about ovate-oblong, 20-90 × 5-20 cm., coriac., yellowish green, subacuminate, 3-(4)-pinnate. Primary pinnae up to 10 × 3·5 cm., stalked, ovate-lanceolate, subacute (barren pinnae with broader, less dissected pinnules). Secondary pinnae stalked, c. 3 × 1 cm., about ovate-oblong to lanceolate. Tertiary pinnae c. 1 cm. long, pinnatifid to pinnatisect; segs linear to narrow-oblong, subacute, slightly expanded in region of sori. Sori near tips of segs, solitary, submarginal, oblong, c. 2 mm. long, us. plentiful.
Rhizome stout, ascending, invested with bases of fallen stipites, clad in dark linear-acuminate paleae up to 5 mm. long; stipites numerous, tufted. Stipes stiff, wiry, erect or ascending, dark brown, shining, 1-10 cm. long, paleate at base, elsewhere nude or nearly so. Rhachis stiff, dark brown, very narrowly winged, with rather distant subopp. pinnae. Lamina linear, 5-30 cm. long, subcoriac., dark green. Pinnae subsessile by narrowed base, 30-40-(80); oblong to obovate-oblong, occ. auricled, crenate-serrate to subentire, obliquely cuneate at base; larger 5-12 × 3-5 mm.; veinlets obscure, pinnate, forked. Sori cop., oblique, often confluent and covering whole of under-surface, up to 3 mm. long; indusium firm.
Rhizome stout, ascending, branched, clad in dark brown ovate, acute paleae c. 5 mm. long; stipites tufted. Stipes stout, pale to greenish brown, smooth, paleate in darker lower portion; 20-60 cm. × up to 5 mm. diam. Rhachis stout, nude, ± flexuous, pale brown to stramineous, with numerous distant alt. to subopp. pinnae. Lamina pale to rather dark green, 3-12 × 2-9 dm., membr., broadly deltoid-ovate, 2-(3)-pinnate; veins free. Primary pinnae 15-40-(50) × 10-20 cm.; ovate-to lanceolate-oblong, acuminate to acute; costa stout in lower portion. Secondary pinnae up to 5 × 2 cm., about lanceolate; deeply pinnatifid to pinnatisect. Segs up to 15 × 5 mm., oblong to lanceolate-oblong, acute, subfalcate, crenate-dentate, teeth apiculate. Sori numerous, in irregular pairs oblique to midvein, oblong, up to 8 per pinnule, 2-3 mm. long. Indusium inflated, membr., curved.
Sori dorsal; indusium us. elongate and curved across veinlet at distal end of sorus, or interrupted at distal end and produced on both sides of veinlet. Sporangia with slender stalks; annulus incomplete, vertical; spores bilateral. Rhizome dictyostelic, us. erect, sts creeping. Stipes with 2 vascular strands us. uniting above. Fronds us. large and decompound, veins rarely anastomosing. In a wide sense a genus of some 600 widely distributed spp., by some split into a number of genera.
Prostrate to decumbent, much-branched, monoec. herb up to ± 30 cm. diam., woody at base; branches terete, stiff, wiry, pale brown; branchlets slender, ± clad in farinose tomentum. Lvs on petioles 1-5 mm. long; lamina oblong to ovate-oblong, to suborbicular, entire, farinose on both surfaces, 3-7 × 2-5 mm. Fls ± 1·5 mm. long, axillary, solitary or in clusters of 2-5. ♂ mostly near tips of branchlets; per. cut to ± halfway into 5 oblong, minutely papillose segs; stamens 5, well exserted, with filiform filaments. ♀ per. minute; stigmas 2; seeds minute, compressed, minutely punctulate, adhering to suborbicular utricle. Bracteoles urceolately united, 2-lipped, remaining small, but concealing utricle.
Plant up to ± 20 cm. tall; stems and branches more slender, ascending to erect, flexible; branchlets farinose. Lvs rather distant in lower part, ± crowded in upper, 7-10 × 2-6 mm., ovate to narrowly ovate-oblong to ± elliptic, obtuse (rather narrow and broad lvs on same plant).
Fls unisexual, us. in clusters on simple or compound spikes; per. of ♂ 3-5-partite, stamens 3-5; ♀ enclosed by 2 bracteoles, per. absent; styles 2. Utricle concealed by bases of accrescent bracteoles; seeds vertical, embryo annular, endosperm cop. Herbs or subshrubs, us. with mealy indumentum and alt. lvs. Genus subcosmopolitan, with some 150 spp.
Prostrate or sprawling subshrub with stout branches ± 4 mm. diam., and up to 6 dm. long; branchlets farinose, becoming glab. Lvs on petioles 5-10-(25) mm. long; lamina 10-20-(50) × 7-20-(40) mm. (lvs of infl. region often reduced to 5 × 3 mm.) triangular-hastate; ± farinose, coarsely toothed in lower half, ± apiculate at apex. Infl. of clustered fls in axillary and terminal spikes up to ± 5 cm. long; bracteoles ± 3 mm. long, ovate-triangular with subcuneate base; margins ± toothed.
Fls small, in unisexual or androgynous axillary clusters. ♂ 1-5, clustered on a common peduncle; per. bilabiate, outer lip inflexed in bud, stamen 1. ♀ solitary to few together, sessile; per. ovoid; ovary free, stigma linear, pubescent, ovule erect. Achene invested by persistent per. Creeping to diffuse annual to perennial herbs with alt. lvs; stipules lateral. Genus of a few spp. of , South Africa, Australia and N.Z. The N.Z. sp. occurs in Australia and Tasmania, but the different forms need critical examination.
Stems slender, ± pubescent, branching, creeping and rooting, forming matted patches up to 6 dm. across. Lvs 10-15 × 10-15 mm., on almost filiform petioles up to 1·5 cm. long, often with accessory small lvs; lamina suborbicular, bluntly crenate, with cuneate to truncate base, asperous on both surfaces. Stipules minute, narrow-subulate. ♂ us. 2 at apex of common peduncle; per. subcampanulate, obscurely 2-lobed, pilose. ♀ solitary or 2-3 together; bracteoles minute or absent; per. subcompressed, hispidulous, tube inflated, mouth minute; stigma filiform, pubescent. Achene erect, brown, invested by persistent per.
Fls in cymes, often corymbose; calyx 5-partite; corolla-tube short, broad, lobes 4-5. Stamens 4, inserted at corolla-throat. Ovary with 4-winged central placenta; ovules 4, pend. Capsule coriac., 2-valved, 1-loculed. Seed solitary, erect; embryo large; cots large, radicle villous. Germination is well-advanced before fall of fr. Genus widespread, of some 10 spp., the N.Z. one endemic.
Small tree up to c. 8 m. tall (reduced to a shrub in southern part of range). Lateral roots spreading widely, emitting ∞ stout, erect "breathing" roots. Bark grey, furrowed; branches stout, spreading; branchlets pubescent. Lvs on narrowly winged petioles up to c. 1 cm. long. Lamina glab. above, densely clad in white to buff appressed tomentum below, coriac., ± 5-10 × 2-4 cm., ovate to elliptic-oblong, acute to subacute, sts mucronate; margins slightly recurved. Cymes contracted into small 4-8-fld heads on erect angled pubescent peduncles ± 2 cm. long. Fls c. 6-7 mm. diam.; calyx-lobes ovate-oblong, ± pilose; corolla-lobes coriac., ovate, silky-hairy. Capsule ± 2 cm. diam., ovoid.
Calyx subtended by pseudo-involucre of scalelike bractlets; corolla campanulate to rotate; stamens us. nearly equal. Ovary imperfectly 4-locular, with free-central ± 4-winged placenta. Ovules 4, ortho-tropous, pend. Capsule 2-valved, 1-seeded. Littoral shrubs or small trees with opp. entire lvs. Family of 1 genus with several spp., mainly of tropical and subtropical coasts.
Characters as for family.
Plants 1-2.5 cm. long, about ovate to suborbicular, bipinnate, often in extensive masses, green to reddish brown above. Fronds densely imbricate, c. 1·5 mm. long, 2-lobed, the lobes about ovate, obtuse. Larger sporocarps globose, c. 1·5 mm. diam. Massulae of microspores with numerous glochidia; megaspores with 3 floats.
Umbels terminal, few- to many-fld, on very short peduncles. Involucral bracts us. free; calyx-teeth prominent, sts petal-like. Disk thick and fleshy. Mericarps subterete or very slightly dorsally compressed, 5-ribbed. Densely tufted herbs, often forming cushionlike masses. Lvs alt., closely imbricate, ± appressed, entire to dissected. A genus of some 70 spp., mainly of southern S. America; the N.Z. sp. widespread in Antarctica.
Stems and branches close-set, ascending to erect, often forming globular masses up to ± 1 m. diam., disintegrating below into mass of dead parts; living stems up to ± 15 cm. long. Lvs alt., appressed, closely imbricate. Lamina coriac., bright green, up to c. 10 mm. long, on broad membr. sheathing petioles ± 5 mm. long; convex on dorsal surface, with a few long hairs on concave ventral surface; 3-5-partite to petiole, segs spreading, oblong-triangular, acute, us. with long slender apiculus. Umbels (1)-2-3-fld on very short peduncles, sunk among terminal lvs. Involucral bracts linear, subacute to acute. Calyx-teeth broadly triangular, acute. Petals pale rose, c. twice length calyx-teeth. Fr. ovoid, with persistent, elongate, clavate styles. Mericarps slightly compressed distinctly 5-ribbed.
Fls perfect; per. deciduous; tube short, segs 6; perfect stamens 9, in 3 series, two outer with introrse anthers and eglandular filaments, third with extrorse anthers and basally biglandular filaments; inner-most series reduced to staminodes. Fr. baccate to drupaceous. Trees and shrubs with alt. to opp. lvs. About 40 mainly tropical spp., the N.Z. ones endemic.
Tree up to 20 m. or more tall; trunk up to 1 m. diam.; bark dark brown, smooth; branchlets, young lvs, petioles and infl. branchlets densely clad in reddish brown tomentum. Lvs alt. to subopp., very coriac. on petioles 1-1·5 cm. long; lamina entire, 4-15 × 3-6 cm., glab. above, with impressed veins; ± glaucous below, with the very prominent veins clad in red-brown pubescence, surface with scattered hairs; broadly elliptic- to obovate-oblong, midrib excurrent. Panicles axillary, up to 10 cm. long, branches stout; fls 4-5 mm. diam.; bracts linear, obtuse, caducous; per. segs oblong to obovate, tomentose without. Drupe ovoid to ellipsoid, 2.5-3·5 cm. long, one-seeded; pericarp purple.
Tree up to 24 m. or more tall, trunk up to 1 m. diam., bark dark, smooth; branchlets slender, at first sparsely hairy. Lvs alt. to occ. subopp., on slender petioles up to 1 cm. long; lamina thinly coriac., entire, 5-10 × 1-2 cm., lanceolate to narrow-elliptic, acute to obtuse, ± glaucous below, midrib and main veins evident. Panicles axillary, up to 8 cm. long; peduncles and pedicels slender, glabrate. Fls 2-3 mm. diam., bracts linear, caducous; per. segs ovate to oblong, glabrate. Drupe ellipsoid to ovoid, 2-3 cm. long, one-seeded; pericarp dark purple.
Capitula solitary, or infl. compound. Phyll. in 2 series. outer foliaceous, inner membr.; receptacle ± flat, with chaffy deciduous scales. Ray-florets ligulate, neuter, or absent; disk-florets tubular, perfect. Achenes us. 4-angled, pappus of 2 to 4 barbed bristles. Annual to perennial herbs with opp. lvs. A widespread genus of some 200 spp., mainly of America.
Erect or spreading herb up to 6dm. or more tall; branches and branchlets angled. Lvs on petioles up to c. 3 cm. long; lamina simple, 2-5 cm. long, about ovate-lanceolate, thin, acute to acuminate, serrate. Sts some or all lvs are pinnately cut into 3-5 segs. Capitula up to ± 15 mm. diam., on long slender peduncles. Phyll. ± 6·5 mm. long. Ray-florets few, short, or 0. Achenes almost black, 4-angled, striate, c. 4-5 mm. long; bristles us. 4, up to c. 2 mm. long.
Fls perfect, irregular, showy, 5-merous, in compound cymes; calyx sts bilabiate; corolla campanulate to funnelform, sts bilabiate. Stamens epipetalous, us. 4, didynamous, with a posterior staminode; anthers opening lengthwise. Disk hypog.; ovary superior, 2-carpelled; placentae parietal or on septum, ovules ∞. Style simple, stigma 2-lobed. Fr. us. a 2-valved capsule. Seeds often winged, without endosperm. Lianes, shrubs or trees with opp., decussate, simple or pinnately compound, exstipulate lvs. A mainly tropical family of c. 110 genera and 750 spp.
Sori discrete or fused to form coenosori. Indusium marginal or superficial, || costa. Sporangia crowded, rather large; annulus vertical, interrupted. Spores bilateral, reniform to subglobose, us. smooth and with perispore. Rhizome dictyostelic, erect or creeping, sts forming a distinct caudex. Paleae not clathrate; stipes not articulated to rhizome, with several vascular strands. Fronds mostly bipinnate; veins free, forked, sts anastomosing. Prothallus cordate. About 5 genera of terrestrial ferns of wide distribution.
Rhizome stout, erect, invested by bases of fallen stipites, clad in dark linear- to ovate-attenuate paleae c. 1 cm. long; stipites tufted. Stipes stiff, paleate at base, narrowly winged, dark, 2-7 cm. long. Rhachis stout, nude, grooved above. Sterile lamina subcoriac., dark green above, paler below, sts ± glaucous, pinnate in lower portion, pinnatifid in upper; 5-30 cm. × 10-25 mm., linear-lanceolate, acuminate to obtuse. Pinnae close-set, 10-15 × 5-10 mm., oblong to suborbicular; margins entire. Lowest pinnae reduced, forming a sinuate wing. Fertile lamina 5-15 × 1-2 cm.; pinnae up to 10 × 5 mm., oblong to narrow-oblong. Sori covering whole of undersurface.
Rhizome very stout, often produced into an erect caudex up to 30 cm. or more tall, invested by bases of fallen stipites; clad in dark subulate-attenuate paleae up to 3 cm. long; emitting stolons bearing offset plants; stipites numerous, tufted, paleate at base. Stipes stout, brown, smooth, shining, 7-20 cm. × 2-4 mm., ± pilose, becoming nude. Rhachis stout, grooved, pale brown, ± pilose. Sterile lamina thinly coriac., about lanceolate, 30-100 × 5-15 cm.; pinnate below, pinnatifid above, pinnae numerous. Pinnae diminishing upwards and downwards from mid-region; ± paleate and pilose when young; apical pinnae sts ± fertile. Larger pinnae 3-8 cm. × 5-10 mm. or more, close-set, meeting at dilated bases, narrow-oblong, straight to subfalcate, acute to subacuminate, crenulate, green above, whitish to brownish below. Veinlets evident, us. forked. Fertile lamina up to 70 × 5 cm., narrow lanceolate, erect; pinnae 2-3-(4) cm. long, linear to oblong, attached by widened sterile base, rather distant, bearing slender hairs. Sori covering all but costa, indusium becoming erose.
Rhizome stout, ascending, sts produced into a short caudex, clad in brown linear-attenuate to ovate-lanceolate paleae up to 15 mm. long; stipites tufted. Stipes rigid, 2.5-5 cm. long, paleate in lower half, dark brown, ± pilose. Rhachis stout, prominent, deeply grooved above, ± pilose, bearing numerous pinnae. Sterile lamina coriac. to almost fleshy, oblong to lanceolate, dark green above, paler below, acute to acuminate, margins entire; veinlets mostly forked; lower and mid portion pinnate, upper pinnatifid; 15-40-(75) × 3-5-(10) cm. Pinnae sessile by widened base, approximate. Larger pinnae 2-4-(7) cm. × 4-6-(12) mm., narrow-oblong, obtuse to subacute, subfalcate; lower gradually decreasing in size. Fertile lamina 10-40 × 2-7 cm.; pinnae rather close-set, linear-oblong, rigid, obtuse, patent. Sori covering whole of undersurface.
Rhizome rather slender, sparingly branched, far-creeping, then high-climbing, 2-5 mm. diam., densely clad in dark brown linear-attenuate, squarrose paleae c. 5 mm. long; stipites distributed along rhizome. Stipes paleate; of juvenile plants slender, 1-2 cm. long; of adults stouter, up to 10 cm. long. Rhachis slender, paleate. Sterile laminae dimorphic, submembr., dark green, with numerous shortly stalked pinnae; costae ± paleate: (a) linear-lanceolate to narrow-oblong, obtuse to acuminate, 7-20 cm. × 15-30 mm., spreading; pinnae shortly stalked to subsessile, opp. to subopp., 5-15 × 3-10 mm., about oblong, coarsely dentate-serrate: (b) lanceolate-oblong, acuminate, pend., up to 35 × 5-15 cm.; pinnae more distant, subopp. to alt., oblong-lanceolate, acute to acuminate, up to 10 cm. × 15 mm., dentate-serrate, subfalcate; lower pinnae smaller, obtuse. Fertile laminae us. towards upper part of climbing portion of rhizome, ovate-oblong, up to 25 cm. long, slender to rather stout; pinnae spreading, rather distant: (a) narrow-linear to almost filiform, up to 5 cm. long: (b) linear, stouter, up to 15 cm. long. Sori covering whole of undersurface.
Rhizome stout, erect, clad in brown subulate-attenuate paleae c. 1 cm. long; stipites numerous, tufted, paleate at base. Stipes 5-20 cm. long, slender to stout, dark brown, procumbent to ascending, ± paleate, bearing up to 50 pairs of pinnae. Sterile lamina 25-40-(75) × 2-4 cm., linear to narrow-linear, spreading, dull green, submembr. Pinnae up to 2 × 1 cm., oblong to obovate-oblong, slightly narrowed to sessile base or very shortly stalked, subopp. to alt., minutely crenulate-dentate to sinuate. Fertile lamina erect, up to 30 cm. long, linear; pinnae ascending to erect, linear-oblong, up to 2 cm. long. Sori covering whole of undersurface, indusium becoming erose.
Rhizome stout, erect, extending into an erect caudex up to 60 cm. or more tall, c. 1-2 cm. diam., including appressed stipe bases; clad in dark linear-attenuate paleae c. 3-5 mm. long; stipites tufted. Stipes stiff, dark brown, (3)-5-20-(35) cm. long, densely paleate towards base, interruptedly winged; wings passing upwards into short pinnae. Rhachis stout, ± paleate, interruptedly winged with short triangular lobes. Lamina dark green, subcoriac., 20-50 × 10-25 cm., lanceolate- to ovate-oblong, acuminate, bipinnate or pinnae pinnatisect. Primary pinnae 5-12 cm. × 8-25 mm., lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, acuminate. Secondary pinnae or segs numerous, approximate to confluent at very base, up to 1 cm. × 3 mm., narrow oblong, acute to apiculate, subfalcate; crenate-dentate to subentire; veinlets mostly forked. Sori covering whole of undersurface.
Sori elongate, || costa, one on each side; indusium opening towards costa, firm, elongate. Sporangia rather large, crowded; annulus vertical, incomplete. Spores bilateral, reniform to subglobose, us. smooth. Rhizome dictyostelic, paleate, erect or ascending, sts forming a distinct caudex; or rhizome creeping, sts scandent. Fronds us. pinnate to pinnatifid, us. coriac. Over 200 spp., mainly of the southern hemisphere.
Rhizome stout, erect, sts produced into a short caudex invested by bases of fallen stipites; clad in dark linear-subulate paleae c. 5-10 mm. long; stipites tufted. Stipes 2-5-(15) cm., stiff; ± paleate, becoming glab., dark towards base. Rhachis stout, deeply grooved, with numerous pinnae diminishing downwards to rounded lobes. Sterile lamina lanceolate-acuminate, submembr., bright green, 15-30-(45) × 4-6-(10) cm. Pinnae approximate, larger 2-5 cm. × 5-10 mm., oblong to lanceolate-oblong, acute to obtuse, subfalcate, sinuate-crenulate to crenate-serrate, attached by widened base; veinlets mostly forked. Fertile lamina 15-20 × 2-5 cm. Pinnae narrow linear, up to 4 cm. long, attached by widened base. Sori covering whole of undersurface.
Rhizome stout, erect or ascending, invested by bases of fallen stipites, clad in dark subulate- to linear-attenuate paleae c. 5 mm. long; stipites tufted. Stipes slender, 1-5 cm. long, blackish, ± paleate. Rhachis slender, paleate to nude, bearing numerous pinnae. Sterile lamina membr., bright green, 5-15-(30) × 1-4 cm., narrow-lanceolate, acuminate. Pinnae close-set, lower distinct, upper merging into pinnatifid apex, (4)-10-(20) cm. × 2-7 mm., oblong to suborbicular, crenate- to dentate-serrate, attached by broad base. Fertile lamina 5-15 cm. long, linear-lanceolate; pinnae distant, linear, 4-15 mm. long. Sori covering whole of undersurface.
Rhizome stout, shortly creeping; densely clad in pale brown ovate- to subulate-attenuate paleae c. 1 cm. long; stipites crowded. Stipes 5-15 cm. long, slender to rather stout, paleate at base or throughout. Rhachis slender to rather stout, ± paleate, grooved; bearing 3-5 pairs of subopp. lateral pinnae. Sterile lamina 12-15 × 6-8 cm., coriac., dull green above, paler below. Lowest pinnae not much shorter than remainder, up to 3 × 1·5 cm. Larger pinnae 3·5-5 × 1·5-2 cm., oblong, obtuse to subacute, serrate; base truncate to subcordate, attached by costa; costa paleate to nude. Terminal pinna lanceolate, acuminate, up to 10 × 2 cm. Fertile lamina up to 12 × 8 cm.; pinnae distant, up to 6 cm. long, linear.
Rhizome stout, ascending, clad in pale brown oblong-attenuate paleae c. 4 mm. long, invested by bases of fallen stipites; stipites tufted. Stipes (2)-3-5-(8) cm. long, firm, dark brown, ± densely paleate and pilose. Rhachis ± pilose and paleate, bearing 8-16 lateral pinnae. Sterile lamina spreading, very dark green, membr., narrow-oblong, rufous-hairy when young; 7-20 × 2.5-5 cm. Lateral pinnae oblong to broad-oblong, crenate-serrate, sts irregularly lobed, sessile, 1-2 × c. 1 cm. Terminal pinna 3-5 × 2 cm., oblong, crenate, sts shallowly lobed. Fertile lamina 5-15 × 1·5-5 cm., erect; pinnae linear, distant, up to 3 cm. long, ascending; terminal pinna up to 6 cm. long. Sori covering whole of undersurface.
Rhizome stout, erect or ascending, invested by bases of fallen stipites, clad in dark brown linear-attenuate paleae c. 15 mm. long; stipites tufted. Stipes stout, blackish, smooth, 5-10 cm. long, ± paleate at base or throughout. Rhachis stout, smooth, deeply grooved, bearing numerous close-set pinnae. Sterile lamina subcoriac., dark to light green, lanceolate-oblong, acuminate, 30-90 × 7-15 cm. Lower pinnae reduced to lobules; larger pinnae 4-8 cm. × 8-15 mm., oblong-lanceolate, acute to acuminate, straight to subfalcate, attached by widened base, sinuate to crenulate; veinlets mostly forked. Fertile lamina 20-50 cm. long, pinnae linear, slender to almost filiform, arcuate, 3-8 cm. long. Sori covering whole of undersurface and us. obscuring costa.
Rhizome shortly creeping, up to 10 cm. or more long, 1-3 mm. diam., densely clad in dark brown ovate- to subulate-attenuate paleae up to 1 cm. long; stipites distributed. Stipes stout, blackish, 7-25 cm. long, paleate towards base. Rhachis or costa stout, ± sinuate, smooth. Sterile laminae of diverse forms on the same plant, coriac.; dark green above, paler below; costa prominent; margins entire, veins rather obscure, veinlets us. forked: (a) simple, narrow-oblong to lanceolate, 15-30-(45) cm. long, acuminate, sts irregularly lobed at base: (b) irregularly pinnatifid or pinnatisect, well up to 15 or more segs, broadly ovate, 30-50-(100) × 15-30 cm. Lower segs about oblong, abruptly acuminate, 10-20 × 3 cm., widely decurrent at base. Terminal pinna up to 20 × 5 cm. Fertile lamina up to 40 × 30 cm.; pinnae rather distant, decurrent, stout, linear, spreading, up to 25 cm. long. Sori covering all but costa.
Rhizome wiry, creeping, sparingly branched, up to 30 cm. or more long, and 3 mm. diam.; clad in pale brown to ferruginous ovate-acuminate paleae, c. 5 mm. long; stipites distributed, but often clustered. Stipes slender, shining, reddish brown, paleate to nude; of sterile frond procumbent to ascending, 2-15 cm. long; of fertile erect, 5-25 cm. long. Rhachis nude or nearly so, with numerous subopp. pinnae. Sterile lamina subcoriac. to submembr., green to bronze-green, linear to narrow-lanceolate, acute to acuminate, pinnate to pinnatifid, 5-15-(30) cm. × 10-15 mm. Pinnae close-set 3-5-(10) cm. × 2-5 mm., oblong to triangular, obtuse to subacute, crenulate. Fertile lamina 5-10 cm. × 6-10 mm.; pinnae narrow-linear to oblong, ± arcuate, distant, often with basal lobe. Sori covering whole of undersurface.
Rhizome stout, erect, invested by bases of fallen stipites, densely clad in dark brown subulate-attenuate paleae c. 1 cm. long; stipites tufted. Stipes pale brown, stiff, paleate towards base, ± asperous, ± compressed, 5-20-(35) cm. long. Rhachis stout, grooved, bearing numerous pinnae. Sterile lamina coriac., dull green, deltoid-oblong to -lanceolate, acute to acuminate, 10-35 × 5-12 cm.; ± softly pilose, margins crenulate to subentire, thickened; pinnatifid in apical portion. Pinnae approximate; lowest hardly diminished in size, often deflexed; largest 3-6 cm. × 5-10 mm., lanceolate-oblong to oblong, acute to obtuse, straight to falcate, attached by widened base; veinlets evident, us. forked. Fertile lamina up to 40 cm. long, with distant linear pinnae up to 5 cm. long, often arcuate; base somewhat widened. Sori covering all but costa, indusium becoming ± erose.
Tree up to 8 m. tall; branchlets pubescent. Lvs alt., 7-15 × 3-4 cm., on petioles up to 2.5 cm. long; lamina ovate to ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, serrate; glab. above, rugulose; white-hoary below; midrib and main veins prominent. Infl. of sessile, axillary glomerules. ♂ with acuminate per.-segs, 2-3 mm. long, clad in stiff hairs. ♀ with tubular per. 2 mm. long, contracted at 2-toothed apex; stigma filiform, exserted. Fruiting per. compressed, broadly winged; achenes very minute, ovoid.
Fls unisexual, in axillary simple to compound glomerules. ♂ with 3-5-partite per., segs valvate; stamens 3-5, inflexed in bud, opp. segs; ovary rud. ♀ with 2-4-toothed tubular per. Ovary sessile or stipitate; style filiform, persistent; ovule 1, erect. Achene invested by persistent per. Monoec. or dioec. trees with alt. or opp., toothed, stipulate lvs. About 75 spp., mainly tropical; the N.Z. sp. endemic to Kermadec Is.
Fls us. perfect and regular, hypog., 5-merous, us. in cymes; calyx ± deeply lobed; corolla 5-lobed, rotate, salverform, funnelform or campanulate, the tube often partly closed by hairs or scales; stamens 5 inserted on corolla and alternating with its lobes; anthers 2-celled, dehiscing longitudinally; ovary 2-celled or by false septum 4-celled and deeply 4-lobed; style simple, terminal or gynobasic; fr. of (2)-4 indehiscent nutlets, rarely a drupe. Seeds us. without endosperm, embryo straight or curved. Herbs, sts shrubs or trees, us. hispid or scabrid, with simple, us. entire, exstipulate lvs, alt. except sts towards base. About 90 genera, nearly 2000 spp., widely distributed.
Rhizome erect, stout, up to 3 cm. or more long; roots crowded, fleshy. Fronds 2-5-pinnate or dissected, fleshy, us. solitary, 5-50 cm. tall; stalks stout, basal appendages up to 5 mm. long. Sterile lamina 5-15 cm. long and broad, broadly deltoid in outline, ultimate pinnules 3-5 mm. wide. Fertile lamina us. longer and narrower; sporangia globular, crowded, sessile or subsessile, c. 1 mm. diam.
A more slender plant, with the ultimate pinnules dissected into narrow-linear lobes. More local in its occurrences.
Stipes stout; fronds 7-15 cm. tall, us. solitary; sterile seg. simply pinnate, pinnae 3-6-jugate, broad-flabellate to semi-circular or lunate. Sporangia close-set, yellowish.
Sporangia coriac., in two close marginal rows, mostly sessile, globular, opening transversely. Roots rather stout, ∞, clustered on erect rhizome. Lf-segs fleshy, pinnately to ternately divided or decompound. Genus subcosmopolitan, of some 35 spp.
Capitula small, in large panicles, campanulate, 10-12-fld; phyll. in one series, linear, scarious, with or without minute subulate scales at base; receptacle foveolate. Ray-florets pistillate, white to creamy, 2-lipped to ligulate; upper lip short, broad, obscurely toothed to entire; lower lip 2-1-lobed, lobes narrow, reflexed, sts absent. Disk-florets perfect, tubular-campanulate. Anther-cells not or shortly tailed at base; style-arms truncate, papillose at tip. Achenes subterete, hispid-papillose. Shrubs or small trees with alt. lvs, spreading branches and fragrant fls. Genus very closely related to Senecio, endemic to N.Z.
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Fls minute, unisexual, axillary, solitary, or ♂ and ♀ paired; ♂ reduced to 1 stamen with long slender filament; ♀ a 4-lobed ovary, 4-celled by secondary septa; styles 2, elongate, papillose; ovules solitary in each cell, pend. Fr. 4-lobed; lobes ± keeled or winged, separating into 4 compartments at maturity. Annual to perennial glab. herbs, us. aquatic or subaquatic, with very slender stems; lvs opp., us. entire, exstipulate. A single almost cosmopolitan genus with some 20 spp.
Stems slender, creeping, branched, ± succulent, up to ± 15 cm. long, us. forming patches on mud. Lvs on petioles 2-3 mm. long; lamina ± fleshy, 3-6-(10) × 1-2-3 mm., narrow- to oblong-spathulate, rounded at apex. Fr. broad-oblong to suborbicular, ± turgid, 1-1·5 × 1-1·5 mm.; lobes rounded to subacute, commissural groove shallow.
Stems filiform, much-branched, up to 2 dm. or more long in water, forming matted patches on mud. Lvs on filiform petioles up to 3 mm. long; lamina rhomboid to suborbicular, membr., (2)-3-4 × (1)-3-4 mm., ± cuneately narrowed to base; margins us. with 1 minute tooth, or a pair. ♂ and ♀ sts together, on very short peduncles; bracts 0; stamens and styles very short. Fr. ± orbicular, emarginate, ± 1·5 mm. diam.; commissural groove deep; wings pale, broad, ± crisped. Seeds brown.
Plants creeping, with ascending or erect branches 3-7 cm. high. dioec. or almost so. Lvs spathulate, thin, c. 2·2 mm. long (1·2-(6) mm.), the larger lvs often with short side veins arising from the midrib and two lateral veins. Fls solitary, us. alternately on either side of stem, ebracteate. Filaments elongating to 2-4 mm.; anthers c. 0·4 mm. wide. Styles 1·7-2·2 mm. long. Fr. broader than long, 0.6-0.75 × 0.7-0.9 mm., thicker at base than at top; commissural groove narrow and shallow; lobes rounded, not keeled, not winged; pedicel c. 0·2 mm. long.
Stems slender, up to 3 dm. or more long in water, sparingly branched; shorter on mud. Lowest lvs about linear to narrow-lanceolate, ± retuse. Mid-lvs on short petioles; lamina thin, ± 4-10 × 2-4 mm., about spathulate, rounded to emarginate. Uppermost lvs c. 5-15 × 2-5 mm. or more, forming floating rosettes, obovate- to spathulate-oblong, on petioles c. 3 mm. long. ♂ in upper, ♀ in lower axils; bracts falcate, persistent. Fr. suborbicular, c. 1·5-1·6 mm. diam., pale; wing distinctly narrower than cell; commissural groove deep; seeds pale.
Fls few to 1, perfect, regular, hypog. Sepals 5-10, petaloid, yellow or white; petals 0; stamens ∞; carpels 5-11, ovules several in 2 series. Fruit of a few follicles, each with several to many seeds. Perennial herbs with creeping rhizomes and ± cordate radical lvs. About 20 spp. of temperate regions. The N.Z. spp. are endemic and belong to the section Psychrophila as defined by Hill (Ann. Bot., Lond. 32, 1918, 421-422).
Glab. perennial up to 18 cm. tall, us. less, with stout rhizome. Lvs radical, clustered; petiole slender, grooved, up to 10 cm. long, expanded to membr. sheathing base. Lamina 8-25 × 4-12 mm., about ovate-oblong to oblong, subcordate at 2-lobed base, slightly sinuate to entire, deeply emarginate at apex. Lobes upturned and ± appressed to lamina, at most to midway. Scape solitary, short, 1-fld, finally up to 14 cm. long. Sepals 5-7, pale yellow, 3-nerved, linear-subulate, attenuate. Stamens 15-20; carpels 6-12, ovate in outline, 4-5 mm. long; style rather stout, c. 2 mm. long. Ripe heads c. 1·5 cm. diam.; seeds 2-5 per follicle.
Glab. perennial seldom > 5 cm. tall, with short rhizomes. Petioles slender, seldom > 1 cm. long; lamina seldom > 1 cm. diam., broadly oblong to suborbicular, subcordate and 2-lobed at base, crenate to crenate-dentate, emarginate. Lobes upturned, ± appressed to and not much shorter than lamina, crenate. Scapes rather stout, at first very short, later elongating. Sepals 5, white, about obovate, obtuse to acute; stamens 10-15; carpels narrow-ovate in outline; styles rather long, slender. Mature follicles not seen.
Rhizome creeping, branching; stems slender, branching, twining, glab., up to ± 2 m. long. Lvs on slender petioles up to c. 5 cm. long; lamina 2.5-7·5 cm. long, sagittate, acute to acuminate; basal lobes acute, divergent, often again toothed or lobed. Peduncles narrowly winged; bracts bluntly ovate, > subequal broad-ovate obtuse sepals. Corolla white, c. 12 mm. diam.; ovary imperfectly 2-loculed. Capsule globose, seeds us. 4.
Fls solitary, subtended by 2 large bracts enclosing calyx, on axillary peduncles. Sepals or calyx-lobes subequal; corolla funnelform, 5-angled. Staminal filaments dilated at base. Ovary 1- or imperfectly 2-loculed and 4-ovuled. Style filiform; stigmas 2, broad. Capsule subglobose, us. 1-celled, seed glab. Twining lianes or prostrate to rambling us. glab. herbs with alt. entire or lobed lvs. Some 10 spp., mostly of temperate regions. No N.Z. sp. is endemic.
Rhizome far-creeping, branching; stems slender, up to ± 3 m. tall, sparingly branched. Petioles up to 10 cm. long. Lamina membr., glab. or nearly so, ± 5-10 × 4-7 cm., oblong-sagittate to hastate, acute or acuminate; cordate at base, sinus deep and narrow; lobes rounded to truncate. Peduncles long, us. narrowly winged; bracts large, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, enclosing subequal ovate-lanceolate sepals. Corolla ± 4-8 cm. diam., white or pink. Ovary incompletely 2-loculed; capsule c. 12 mm. diam., glab., apiculate. Seeds smooth.
Rhizome creeping, branching; stems spreading, branching, up to 5 dm. long, stout, us. nearly glab.; plant forming large patches or low mounds up to ± 2 m. diam. Petioles up to 8 cm. long, rather stout; lamina (1)-2-5 cm. diam., reniform, subfleshy, glossy; sinus broad, shallow. Peduncles solitary, 1-fld, up to 10 cm. long; bracts ovate-cordate, obtuse, hardly = subequal, broad-ovate, obtuse sepals. Corolla 25-40 mm. diam., white to pale pink or purplish. Ovary incompletely 2-loculed; capsule broad-ovoid, apiculate. Seeds dark brown.
Rhizome creeping, branched; stems slender, branched, high-climbing, or prostrate in absence of support, glab. to puberulous. Lvs membr., on slender petioles up to c. 4 cm. long; lamina broadly ovate-cordate to deltoid, acute to acuminate, (1)-2-4 × (1·5)-2-3-(4) cm., entire or sinuate; sinus broad, shallow. Peduncles terete or sts very narrowly winged; bracts ovate-cordate to suborbicular, apiculate, = subequal, broad-ovate, obtuse to subacute or sts apiculate sepals. Corolla (2.5)-4-5 cm. diam., white to pink. Ovary imperfectly 2-loculed; capsule ± 8 mm. long, broad-ovoid, apiculate. Seeds yellowish red.
Fls perfect, regular, in modified cymes or solitary. Receptacle adnate to ovary; calyx (3)-5-10-lobed. Corolla campanulate to tubular; lobes 5, valvate. Stamens alt. with corolla-lobes, inserted near base or on disk; filaments free; anthers 2-celled, dehiscing lengthwise. Ovary inferior, 2-10-loculed; placentae axile, ovules ∞. Fr. capsular to baccate. Mostly herbs or subshrubs with milky sap, alt. simple exstipulate lvs. Widely distributed family of some 40 genera and 1000 spp.
Fls in axillary racemes, calyx 2-lipped, standard reflexed, stamens monadelphous. Ovary stipitate, ovules ∞, style filiform, beardless; stigma terminal. Pods large, about oblong, 2-valved, valves ridged. Hilum linear. About 30, mainly tropical, spp. of erect or trailing herbs. The N.Z. sp. is widespread in the tropics.
Stems up to 1 m. or more long, trailing, pubescent when young. Lflts 5-10 cm. long, broad-obovate to orbicular. Racemes few-fld on stout peduncles up to 25 cm. long. Fls pink, standard orbicular, c. 2 cm. diam.; pods 10 cm. or more long, c. 2.5 cm. diam., wings narrow.
Fls perfect, us. 5-4-merous, regular or slightly irregular, mostly in bracted cymes. Ovary adnate to receptacle. Sepals ± connate at base, soon falling. Petals united to long tube seated on margin of epig. disk, lobes spreading. Stamens inserted on corolla-tube, alt. with lobes; anthers 2-celled, dehiscing lengthwise. Ovary 2-5-loculed, style terminal, stigma ± capitate; ovules pend. or axile, us. 1 per locule. Fr. a berry, seeds with cop. endosperm. Mostly shrubs with opp., simple, exstipulate lvs. Some 20 genera and 275 spp., mostly of the northern hemisphere.
Glab. to sparsely hairy herb up to 10 cm. tall, us. less, stock rather stout, branched above. Lvs radical, on slender petioles up to c. 5 cm. long, ± deeply trilobed, sts almost trifoliolate, sts entire, rarely with a further small pair of pinnules. Infl. us. branched; fls few, on slender spreading peduncles up to 2 cm. long; sepals oblong, c. 2 cm. long, margins hyaline; petals white, c. (5)-7-10 mm. long, broad-ovate, claw narrow, c. 2 mm. long. Siliques up to 2.5 cm. long, narrow, spreading; style very slender. Seeds c. 30.
Perennial glabrate to pilose slender herb, with rather stout branched stock, stems decumbent to ascending, up to 10 cm. long, very slender, somewhat flexuose. Lvs scattered, few, on slender to filiform petioles up to 3 cm. or more long, simple to trifoliolate, rarely with a further pair of minute pinnules; terminal lflt broad-ovate to suborbicular, cordate to broad-cuneate at base, up to c. 1 cm. × 7·5 mm., shallowly lobed· to entire. Aerial fls solitary to clustered or corymbosely arranged, on slender pedicels c. 3-4 cm. long; sepals oblong, up to 2 mm. long; petals white, obovate, up to c. 3 mm. long, rarely obsolescent, shortly clawed. Siliques 1-2 cm. × 1-1·5 mm.; style hardly 1mm. long. Subterranean cleistogamic fls apetalous, solitary, on recurved peduncles; sepals minute; stamens minute, 1 to 4; siliques conical, c. 3-5 mm. long, curved; seeds 1-6.
A polymorphic sp. not fully resolvable into distinct vars without breeding and cultural tests, owing to the interplay of genetic and habitat factors. It is closely related to , which is naturalized and possibly hybridizes with it. The two vars described below show clear-cut differences. A third, more complex, group is also described. Names are not given in view of the uncertainty as to the type.
Glab. to glabrate herb up to 3 cm. or more tall; stock often branched above; lvs radical or crowded on arrested branches, somewhat fleshy, up to c. 5 cm. long; lamina up to 2 cm. long, obovate to obovate-spathulate, entire to irregularly pinnatifidly lobed, often sparsely ciliate, narrowed into petiole up to c. 3 cm. long. Fls solitary; pedicels spreading to suberect, rather stout, elongating in fr. to c. 3 cm. Sepals ovate-oblong to oblong, c. 1·5 mm. long, or sts almost = petals; petals narrow- spathulate, clawed, c. 3-4 mm. long. Siliques erect, up to 2.5 cm. × 1·5 mm.; style c. 0·5 mm. long. Seeds c. 20.
Sepals erect with spreading tips; petals clawed. Stamens 6, or rarely fewer; stigmas simple or 2-lobed, subsessile; siliques linear, straight; ovules us. ∞, in one series, flattened; cots accumbent. Annual or perennial herbs, glab. or pubescent; lvs simple to compound. About 120 spp., mainly of temperate regions. is reported from Macquarie Id; occurs there and is reported from Fuegia. The other N.Z. spp. are endemic.
Rather fleshy perennial herb with stout stock branched above; petioles dilating and sheathing at base. Fls white, pink or purplish; sepals oblong, c. 2 mm. long; petals narrow obovate-oblong to spathulate, c. 4·5 mm. long, hardly clawed. Related to
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Lamina reniform, 4-6 cells thick, coriac. when mature. Veins dichotomously divided, radiating from sinus. Sori marginal. Indusium cylindric, immersed. Receptacle stout, far exserted. Type and only known sp.:
Erect shrub or tree up to c. 10 m. tall, with trunk up to 20 cm. diam. Branchlets much-flattened, finely grooved, (4)-6-7 mm. wide, glab. or nearly so. Lvs on young plants glab., (1)-5-7-foliolate; lflts obcordate-to obovate-cuneate, up to 15 × 12 mm. Infl. of 1-3 racemes, 8-12-fld, on pubescent peduncles up to c. 10 mm. long. Fls c. 4 × 3 mm., on pedicels ± 1 mm. long. Calyx 1·5-2 × 1·5-2 mm., glab.; teeth broad-triangular. Standard, keel and wings white, purple-veined and -flushed; auricles rounded or bluntly pointed. Ovary glab. Pods black, subturgid, obliquely oblong, c. 8-10 × 4-5 mm.; beak 1-2 mm. long, subulate. Seeds (1)-2-(3), orange-red, ± black-mottled, c. 2-3 × 1-2 mm.
Erect to spreading much-branched shrub or small tree up to 2 m. tall. Branchlets glab. or nearly so, sinuate, ± 2 mm. diam., slightly compressed, grooved, at a wide angle to axis, ± drooping and interlacing. Lvs 3-4-(7)-foliolate, ± pilose when young, on petioles c. 10 mm. long; lflts very shortly stalked, obcordate-cuneate, ± 4 × 2 mm. Young plants in shade have lflts up to 15 × 10 mm., more distinctly stalked. Infl. of strict, us. solitary (10)-20-30-(40)-fld racemes on peduncles ± pilose, ± 20 mm. long. Fls shortly stalked, ± 4 × 3 mm. Calyx c. 2 × 2 mm., ± pilose; teeth very short, broad-triangular, blunt, ciliate; standard purple-veined, purple-blotched towards base, pale towards apex; keel white or purple-flushed, auricles rounded; wings white, veins pale purple, auricles bluntly pointed. Ovary glab. or nearly so. Pods stramineous, 7-8 × 3-4 mm., ± ovate-oblong, slightly compressed; beak c. 2 mm., stout, subulate. Seeds 2-4, ± 3 mm. diam., pale to dark brown.
More openly branched; branchlets less sinuate, distinctly pubescent. Lflts us. 7, pubescent, ± glaucous below, ± rounded or truncate at apex. Racemes and calyx densely appressed-hairy. Ovary and young pods pilose.
Prostrate much-branched summer-lfy shrub, forming mats up to c. 2 m. diam. Branchlets 1-2 mm. diam., compressed, sparsely hairy. Lvs 1-3-(5)-foliolate; lflts sessile, c. 4 × 3 mm., obcordate, pilose. Racemes 1-3 per notch, densely 2-7-fld, on peduncles ± 4 mm. long. Fls c. 5 × 5 mm., on pedicels ± 3 mm. long. Calyx c. 2 × 2 mm.; teeth minute. Standard purple-veined; keel whitish, auricles rounded; wings white, purple-flushed towards apex, auricles rounded. Ovary glab. Pods obliquely oblong, 7-8 × 3-4 mm., dark brown, slightly compressed; beak 1-2 mm. long, slender. Seeds 2-4, yellowish green, black-mottled.
Much-branched shrub or tree up to 3-5 m. tall; branches ascending, ∞; branchlets us. close-set, strict, compressed, striate, glab., 1-2-(3) mm. wide. Lvs (1)-3-(5)-foliolate, glab. or nearly so; lflts up to 6 × 4 mm., obcordate-cuneate, or lobes acute, sinus narrow. Infl. of 1-3 racemes per notch, subumbellately 3-5-fld, on peduncles up to 10 mm. long, us. less. Fls ± 5 × 4 mm., on glab. pedicels c. 2 mm. long. Calyx c. 2 × 2 mm., glab. or nearly so; teeth minute, broad-triangular. Standard with purple centre and veins; keel whitish, with greenish base, auricles rounded; wings white, purple-veined, auricles bluntly pointed. Ovary glab. Pods obliquely broad-oblong, (8)-9-10 × 4-5 mm., subcompressed, dark brown to black; beak stout, subulate, almost pungent, 3-4-(5) mm. long, somewhat obliquely placed. Seeds 2-4, pale to yellowish green, ± heavily black-mottled (some plants otherwise similar have seeds with distinctly red ground-colour).
Shrub up to c. 5 dm. tall, main branches procumbent, secondary ascending; branchlets ascending, much-compressed, ± 5-10 cm. × (1)-2-(3) mm., glab. Lvs 3-5-foliolate; lflts obcordate, 3-5 mm. long. Infl. of 1-3 racemes per notch, subumbellately 3-5-fld on ± pilose peduncles 3-5 mm. long. Fls ± 5 × 4 mm. on pilose pedicels c. 1 mm. long. Calyx glab., c. 2 mm. long; teeth triangular, blunt. "Standard dark purple at the centre and upper margin, heavily striped on the outer lobes; keel whitish, dull purple at the tip, auricles rounded; wings whitish, faintly striped at the tip, auricles pointed." Ovary glab. Pods obliquely elliptic-oblong, ± 10-12-(15) × 3-4 mm., slightly compressed, very dark brown to black; beak straight, stiff, c. 2 mm. long. Seeds 2-4, dark red, heavily black-mottled.
Low-growing shrub with branches up to 6 dm. long; branchlets ascending, rigid, grooved, ± pilose, rounded at apex, much compressed, up to 12 cm. × 4-5-(8) mm. Lvs on young plants unifoliolate, sessile or nearly so, 4 × 2 mm., obcordate, pilose. Infl. of lax 3-7-fld racemes, peduncles and pedicels pubescent. Fls ± 10 × 5-7 mm. Calyx c. 5 × 3 mm., densely clad in ± appressed hairs; teeth 2-3 mm. long, narrow-triangular, acute; standard c. 10 × 7 mm., whitish, purple-veined, with basal purple blotch; wings c. 6 × 2-3 mm., purple-veined, auricles narrow, pointed; keel ± 8 mm. long, purplish, with darker veins, auricles rounded. Ovary glab. Pods (12)-15-20 × 4-7 mm., obliquely oblong, subturgid, dark brown to black; beak oblique, stout, subulate, up to 3 mm. long. Seeds 4-8, 2-3 mm. long, reniform, pale green to yellowish, sparsely black-spotted, becoming brownish.
Erect fastigiately much-branched shrub up to c. 1 m. tall; ultimate branchlets ∞, wiry, terete, 1-2 mm. diam., striate, glab. Infl. us. of 1 raceme per notch; racemes (3)-5-(10)-fld, us. compact, on glab. peduncles up to 10 mm. long. Fls c. 5 × 5 mm., on glab. pedicels up to 4 mm. long. Calyx ± 2 × 2 mm., glab.; teeth acute. Standard dark purple near base, purple-veined and -flushed above; keel whitish, auricles bluntly pointed; wings white, purple-veined, auricles rounded. Ovary glab. Pods obliquely obovate-oblong, ± turgid, breadth > depth, 4-5 × 3 mm., stramineous (to brown, rarely black); valves reticulate; beak subulate, ± 1 mm. long. Seeds 1-2, yellowish, mottled with dark brown or black.
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Shrub up to 3 m. tall, with spreading branches. Branchlets much-compressed, glab., 2-4 mm. wide. Lvs on young plants (1)-3-5-foliolate; lflts obcordate, c. 5 × 5 mm. Infl. of 1-3 racemes per notch on ± pilose peduncles c. 10 mm. long, (3)-5-(7)-fld. Fls ± 4 mm. long, on pubescent pedicels c. 1 mm. long. Calyx c. 1 × 1 mm., sparsely hairy; teeth minute, triangular. Standard flushed and veined with purple; keel white, purple-flushed at apex, auricles rounded; wings white, auricles bluntly pointed. Ovary glab. Pods ± compressed, about oblong to suborbicular, (7)-9-10 × (3)-4-5 mm., black; beak rather stout to slender, c. 2 mm. long. Seeds 1-2, orange-red, sts ± black-mottled.
Slender rather sparingly branched ± sprawling shrub up to 1 m. long; branchlets 1-2 mm. diam., subterete, grooved, ± pilose when young. Lvs 1-3-foliolate; lflts small, narrow, ± pilose. Infl. of 8-10-fld congested racemes on pilose peduncles up to 10 mm. long (us. much shorter). Fls ± 4 × 3 mm. on pilose pedicels ± 1 mm. long. Calyx pilose, ± 1 × 1 mm.; teeth minute, ciliolate. "Corolla rather large, creamy-yellow striped with purple; the standard longer than the wings, broad, very obtuse" (fide Petrie, loc. cit.). "Standard 3 mm. broad, purple in 2 bands from base to tip, elsewhere white striped with purple" (fide Simpson loc. cit. 281). Keel greenish, purple at apex, auricles bluntly pointed; wings white, purple at apex, auricles bluntly pointed. Ovary pilose. Pods glab. or nearly so when mature, 3-4-(5) × 2-3 mm., light brown, ± turgid, breadth > depth; beak rather stout ± 1 mm. long, ± curved (the slender stylar portion long-persistent). Seeds (1)-2-(3), pale to yellowish green, black-mottled, ± 1 mm. diam.
Erect shrub up to c. 2 m. tall, us. less; branchlets strict, erect to ascending, close-set, glab. or nearly so, finely grooved, much-compressed, ± plano-convex, (1)-2-(3) mm. wide. Lvs 3-5-foliolate, lflts up to 8 × 5 mm., obcordate to obovate, sparsely hairy. Infl. of (1)-2-(3) ascending racemes per notch, (3)-5-(7)-fld, on glab. peduncles up to 10 mm. long. Fls c. 4 × 3 mm., on glab. pedicels ± 2 mm. long. Calyx c. 1·5 × 1·5 mm., glab.; teeth minute, broad-triangular, acute. Standard white, purple-flushed, with basal dark purple blotch; keel greenish, auricles rounded; wings white, veins purple, auricles rounded. Ovary glab. Pods obliquely oblong, 9-11 × 4-6 mm., black, slightly compressed; beak stout, subulate, 1-2 mm. long. Seeds c. 4, orange-red, c. 2 mm. diam.
Dwarf shrub, lfless when adult, up to c. 5 cm. tall, forming dense patches up to ± 10 cm. diam. Taproot stout, up to ± 15 mm. diam. Branches very close-set, erect; branchlets up to 25 × 1-2 mm., glab., much-compressed, finely striate. Lvs on juveniles very small, suborbicular, emarginate. Infl. of 1-2, 1-3-fld racemes on peduncles ± 5 mm. long. Fls 5 × 4 mm.; calyx 1 mm. diam., with short blunt to acute teeth; standard rather narrow, purplish with darker veins; keel greenish to purplish, auricles rounded; wings ± = keel. Ovary glab. Pods 1-(5), us. pale, on short pedicels, 6-8 × 4-5 mm., suborbicular to broad-oblong, compressed till dehiscing; replum sts incomplete; beak short, curved. Seeds 1-(3), hardly 3 mm. diam., reniform, dull black.
Branchlets ± 3-5 cm. × 1·5-2 mm.; spreading, rather less close-set. Fls up to 7 mm. long, paler; pods pale, suborbicular, ± 5 mm. diam. Seeds "light green, mottled with black". In type specimen now pale to dark brown with little evidence of mottling.
Prostrate slender shrub with branches up to 4 dm. or occ. 8 dm. long; branchlets 1-2 mm. wide, compressed, striate, sparsely hairy. Lvs 1-3-foliolate; lflts ± linear, glab. or nearly so. Infl. of short 2-3-fld racemes on pilose peduncles hardly > 3 mm. long. Fls ± 4 × 3 mm., on minute ± pilose pedicels. Calyx c. 2 × 1 mm., glab. or nearly so; teeth minute, blunt. Standard white, with purple basal blotch and purple veins; keel whitish, auricles pointed; wings white, auricles bluntly pointed. Pods 3-4 × 2-3 mm., ovoid, turgid, dark brown to black; beak stout to slender, ± 1 mm. long, stylar portion long-persistent. Seeds yellowish brown, ± heavily black-mottled.
Much-branched glab. shrub 1-2-(3) m. tall, branches slender; young branches and branchlets drooping; branchlets c. 1 mm. diam., plano-convex, striate. Lvs ± 3-foliolate; lflts 2-3 mm. diam., subsessile, obcordate-cuneate, ± pilose below. Infl. of 2-4 racemes per notch, subumbellately (3)-5-(7)-fld, on peduncles hardly > 2 mm. long. Fls c. 4 × 3 mm. or less, on pedicels ± 1 mm. long. Calyx c. 1 mm. long; teeth minute. Standard flushed purple and purple-veined, auricles pointed; wings > keel. Ovary glab. Pods ± compressed, obliquely suborbicular, c. 5 mm. diam., dark brown; beak stout, straight, abruptly narrowed to acute apex, obliquely placed, ± 2 mm. long. Seeds (1)-2, red, ± black-mottled.
Habit similar; racemes with 2-6 pods. Pods (6)-9-(10) × c. 3 mm., subcompressed, subfalcate, obliquely narrow-ovate, tapering to straight beak ± 2 mm. long. Seeds 2, c. 2 × 1 mm., greenish yellow to reddish, heavily black-mottled.
Habit similar; racemes with pilose peduncles and pedicels; pods rather light to dark brown, broad-oblong to suborbicular, 6-7-(8) mm. long.
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Bushy shrub up to c. 2 m. tall, with spreading branches; branchlets spring- and summer-lfy, glab. or nearly so, ± drooping, up to 20 cm. × 3 mm., much-compressed, grooved. Lvs of young plants 5-10-foliolate, of adults 3-5-foliolate; lflts subsessile, about obcordate, ± 4 × 2 mm. Infl. of solitary ascending to spreading racemes on peduncles ± 10 mm. long, densely 8-10-(15)-fld. Fls c. 5 × 5 mm., on pedicels ± 1 mm. long. Calyx ± 3 × 2 mm., teeth triangular, long-pointed. Standard purple-veined, purple-blotched; keel white, auricles rounded; wings white, purple-blotched and -veined. Ovary glab. Pods strict, crowded, stramineous to light brown, ovate, subcompressed, ± 5 × 3 mm.; beak 1-2 mm. long, subulate, sharp-pointed. Seeds us. 2, ± flattened, 2 mm. diam., dark brown with or without darker markings.
Robust shrub with stout main stem arising from stout taproot up to c. 2 cm. diam. Branches sprawling, up to 6 dm. long. Branchlets compressed, plano-convex, (2)-4-5 mm. wide, deeply grooved, at first ± pilose, rounded at apex. Lvs of young plants 1-3-foliolate, lflts c. 6 mm. long, obcordate-cuneate, pilose. Infl. of 1-3, 4-6-fld racemes on short pilose peduncles. Fls c. 6 × 5 mm.; calyx c. 2 × 1 mm., teeth triangular; standard white, purple-veined, with purple basal blotch; keel greenish, purple-veined, auricles rounded; wings whitish, with greenish basal blotch, auricles bluntly pointed. Ovary glab. Pods (10)-15 × 3-4 mm., obliquely narrow-oblong, dark brown to black; beak stout, curved, ± 1 mm. long. Seeds c. 6, pale yellowish, black-spotted, reniform.
Erect shrub up to 2 m. tall, us. less, with spreading branches; branchlets subfastigiate, striate, 1-2 mm. diam., glab., plano-convex. Lvs (1)-3-(5)-foliolate; lflts obcordate-cuneate, sinus shallow to rather deep. Infl. us. cop. of (3)-5-(10)-fld, congested racemes on pubescent peduncles 2-3 mm. long. Fls ± 5 × 4 mm., on pubescent pedicels ± 1 mm. long. Calyx c. 1 × 1 mm., glab.; teeth minute, ciliolate. Standard broad, slightly > keel, dark purple at base, purple-veined; wings white, ± = keel, purple-veined, auricles rounded; keel whitish, purple-veined, auricles rounded. Ovary glab. Pods (6)-8-(10) × (3)-4-5 mm., compressed, ± ovate-oblong, sts slightly curved, brown to almost black; beak 1-2 mm., straight, ± obliquely placed. Seeds (1)-2-4-(6), pale yellow, ± heavily black-mottled.
Spring- and summer-lfy semi-liane or scrambler up to 2-(4) m. long, with weak, openly branched, often interlacing stems. Branches up to 3 dm. long, internodes up to c. 8 cm. long; final branchlets subterete, c. 1 mm. diam., deeply striate, sparsely silky-hairy to glab. Lvs up to 25 × 8 mm., on ± silky petioles. Lflts 3-5, 4-5 × 3-4 mm., broadly obcordate, glab. or nearly so. Infl. a 2-6-fld open raceme, on slender ± silky peduncle; bracteoles ciliate; pedicels ± 2 mm. long. Fls 6-10 × 4-8 mm.; calyx c. 4 × 2 mm., campanulate; teeth narrow-triangular, acute, glab. without, ± villous within. Standard broad, 2-lobed, slightly > keel, white to cream, purple-veined and -blotched; keel ± 3 mm. broad, greenish white; wings 2-4 mm. long, whitish, faintly purple-veined; auricles pointed. Ovary glab. Pods 8-15 × 4-6 mm., turgid, ellipsoid; valves dark brown, replum thick; beak straight, stout, subulate, 4-5 mm. long. Seeds 2-4, ± 3 mm. diam.; white, sts tinged pale blue, ± heavily black-mottled.
Branchlets shorter, rather stouter, densely clad in white strigose hairs; calyx-teeth broader, blunt.
Shrub, ± erect, much-branched from crown of stout rootstock, up to c. 3 dm. tall. Branchlets subterete, ± 1 mm. diam., finely grooved, clad in appressed hairs. Lvs 1-3-foliolate, lflts minute. Infl. of 1-2 racemes per notch, 3-6-fld, on pilose peduncles 1-3 mm. long. Fls ± 3 × 3 mm., subsessile. Calyx ± 1 × 1 mm., sparsely hairy; teeth minute, blunt. Standard white, purple-veined; keel whitish, auricles bluntly pointed; wings white, auricles bluntly pointed. Ovary glab. Pods 3-4 × 1-2 mm., brown, subturgid; beak minute, subulate, obliquely placed, slightly curved, stylar portion long-persistent. Seeds 1-2, pale brown.
Dwarf robust shrub 5-15 cm. tall, with close-set erect branches and branchlets arising from stout stock ± 1 cm. diam., forming hard patches up to ± 2 dm. diam. Branchlets c. 2-4 mm. wide, much-compressed, slightly plano-convex, rigid, grooved, obtuse to subacute at apex. Infl. of solitary or paired lax racemes, 2-5-fld, on slender pilose peduncles. Fls 6-10 × 4-6 mm., on subfiliform pilose pedicels ± 5 mm. long. Calyx c. 3 × 2 mm., appressed-hairy, teeth triangular, acute; standard white, purple-veined, with purple basal blotch; keel ± = standard, c. 3 mm. wide, auricles rounded; wings ± 1 × 1 mm., whitish with basal greenish blotch, auricles rounded. Ovary glab. Pods ± 15 × 4 mm., very dark brown to black, ± wrinkled, subfalcate; beak ± 1 mm., stout, slightly curved. Seeds 8-12, ± 2 mm. diam., yellowish, black-mottled.
Branchlets ± 4 mm. wide, flattened; peduncles, pedicels and calyx densely hairy; calyx-teeth blunt. Standard ± = wings, colour brighter; keel c. 2 mm. longer than standard.
Decumbent much-branched slender shrub with branches up to c. 1 m. long; branchlets ascending, c. 1 mm. wide, compressed, striate, sparsely hairy. Lvs 1-3-foliolate, ± hairy; lflts 3-5 mm. long, narrow, emarginate. Infl. of 1-3, 5-10-fld racemes on pilose peduncles c. 6 mm. long. Fls c. 3 × 2 mm., on pilose pedicels c. 1 mm. long. Calyx sparsely hairy; teeth short, blunt. Standard white, with purplish basal blotch and veins; keel whitish, purple-veined, auricles bluntly pointed. Ovary glab. or nearly so. Pods ± 4 × 1·5 mm., obliquely oblong, slightly compressed, black; beak subulate, curved, obliquely placed. Seeds 2-4, pale brown, reniform, c. 1·5 mm. long.
Bushy spring- and summer-lfy shrub up to 2 m. tall; branches spreading; branchlets drooping, flanged, much-compressed, striate to grooved, ± pilose, up to 20 cm. × 2 mm. Lvs 5-7-foliolate; lflts subsessile, obcordate to obovate, 3 × 2 mm., ± pilose. Infl. of simple, ascending to erect, 5-10-(15)-fld racemes on ± pubescent peduncles ± 10 mm. long. Fls 3-4 × 3 mm. on pubescent pedicels c. 1 mm. long. Calyx ± 1 × 1 mm., ciliate; teeth minute, broad-triangular. Standard, keel and wings all white, purple-veined, auricles rounded. Ovary glab. or nearly so. Pods stramineous, c. 7 × 4 mm., broad-ovate to suborbicular, ± compressed; beak rather stout, straight, subulate, almost pungent, 2-3 mm. long. Seeds 1-2, c. 3 × 2 mm., somewhat flattened, pale brown to straw-coloured, us. with dark blotch.
Indumentum of branchlets, lvs, racemes and calyx more pronounced. Ovary and immature pods pilose.
Depressed shrub up to 8 cm. tall, forming small patches. Taproot rather slender, deeply descending. Branches erect, rigid, very close-set, lfless when adult, glab. Branchlets 2-3 cm. × 2-3-(4) mm., strongly compressed, striate, obtuse at apex. Infl. of 1-2-(5) racemes, 1-3-fld. Fls ± 5 × 4 mm., on slender slightly hairy decurved pedicels; bracteoles minute, ovate, ciliate. Calyx ± 1 mm. diam., teeth acute; standard obcordate, lilac with purplish blotch, c. 4 mm. diam.; keel greenish white, auricles rounded. Ovary glab. Pods suborbicular to broad-oblong, compressed, 4-5-(6) mm. long, black or very dark brown; replum stout; beak rather stout, curved. Seeds 1-2, reniform, dull olive-green, black-mottled.
Erect shrub up to 2 m. tall, with spreading branches; branchlets 1-(2) mm. diam., somewhat compressed, glab. or nearly so, finely grooved. Lvs 1-3-foliolate; lflts narrow-cuneate, shallowly notched, lobes rounded. Infl. of (1)-3-5-fld racemes on ± pilose peduncles c. 4 mm. long. Fls up to 5 × 3 mm. on ± pilose pedicels c. 1 mm. long. Calyx ± 2 × 2 mm., ± pilose towards base; teeth minute, bluntly triangular. Standard purple-flushed and -veined; keel whitish, auricles bluntly pointed; wings white, auricles pointed. Ovary glab. Pods obliquely broad-ovate to suborbicular; (5)-6 × (3)-4 mm., subcompressed, dark brown; beak subfalcate, obliquely placed c. 1·5 mm. long. Seeds us. 2, ± 2 mm. diam., pale to deep yellowish green, us. heavily black-mottled. (Plants otherwise similar sts have seeds with reddish ground-colour).
Stout, erect, openly branched shrub up to c. 2 m. tall. Branchlets yellow-green, rigid, terete to plano-convex, ± 10 cm. × 3-4 mm., almost pungent-pointed. A few lvs occ. present on adults, 1-3-foliolate, pilose; terminal lflt up to c. 5 mm. long, lateral minute. Infl. of 1-3 short racemes per notch, (3)-5-(8)-fld, on pubescent to pilose peduncles. Fls ± 6 × 5 mm., on very short slender pubescent pedicels. Calyx campanulate, silky, ± 3 × 2 mm.; teeth minute, acute to subacute. Standard > keel, purple-flushed towards apex, paler to base, purple-veined; keel greenish white, purplish towards apex, auricles rounded; wings whitish, purplish towards apex, auricles rounded. Ovary glab. Pods obliquely oblong, turgid, dark brown, 8-10 × 4 mm., beak c. 1 mm. long, subulate. Seeds 1-2, greenish yellow, us. much black-mottled.
A smaller and more slender shrub hardly > 1·5 m. tall; branchlets hardly > 2 mm. wide, more flattened; fls c. 4 × 3 mm.; calyx 1 × 1 mm. Pods seldom > 6 × 3 mm., pale to very dark brown; seeds 2-4, yellowish green, black-mottled.
Prostrate slender shrub up to ± 5 dm. long; branchlets 1-(2) mm. wide, striate, compressed, ± pilose. Lvs 1-5-folioliate, pilose, narrowly obcordate-cuneate. Infl. of densely 3-7-fld racemes on pilose peduncles. Fls ± 4 × 5 mm., on pubescent pedicels hardly 1 mm. long. Calyx ± 1 × 1 mm., glab.; teeth minute. Standard purple towards base, purple-veined; keel yellowish, purplish at apex, auricles pointed; wings whitish, auricles pointed. Ovary glab. Pods ± 3 × 2 mm., narrowly obliquely ovate-oblong, subturgid, brownish; beak rather slender, curved. Seeds (1)-2, pale brown, ± heavily black-mottled.
Pods on spreading pedicels, dehiscing by the valves opening along ventral margin, or from base and apex, or from base, but finally separating completely. Radicle with a double fold. Shrubs or small trees of diverse habit, with few or no lvs in adult stage.
Fls in simple or branched racemes to solitary; calyx ± campanulate, 5-toothed; standard ± orbicular, clawed; keel incurved, clawed, auricled; wings ± falcate, auricled. Stamens diadelphous. Ovary with slender style (persisting as a "beak") and minute capitate stigma; ovules us. few. Fr. ("pod") dry; margins thickened, persistent ("replum"). Valves 2, hardened in fr. Both valves or one completely or partly separating from replum in dehiscence (pod ind., except rarely, in subgenera Monroella and Huttonella). Seeds 1-12 per pod, ± reniform. Shrubs or small trees, of diverse habits. Besides the N.Z. spp. there is of Lord Howe Id, of the subgenus Carmichaelia.
Erect stout shrub, closely and divaricately branched, up to c. 2.5 m. tall. Branchlets dark green, grooved, slightly compressed, glab., 1-2 mm. diam. Lvs 1-3-foliolate, pilose, ± 3 × 2 mm. Infl. of 1-3 subumbellate, shortly peduncled racemes with 3-5 fls. Fls ± 5 × 4 mm., on very short ± pubescent pedicels. Calyx c. 2 × 1 mm., ± pubescent, campanulate; teeth minute, triangular; standard purple-veined, purple-flushed, except towards white apex, auricles rounded; keel whitish, slightly purple-flushed, auricles rounded; wings whitish, purple-veined, auricles pointed. Ovary pilose. Pods c. 7-8 × 3 mm., obliquely elliptic-oblong, slightly compressed, dark brown; beak short, stout, subulate. Seeds 2-(3), pale yellow-green, black-mottled.
Shrub up to c. 1 m. tall; branches stout, spreading; branchlets spreading, stiff, ± 2-3 mm. wide, plano-convex, grooved, glab. to ± pilose. Lvs 3-5-(7)-foliolate; lflts subsessile, obcordate-cuneate. Racemes 1-3 per notch, 4-6-fld, on pilose peduncles up to 15 mm. long. Fls ± 4 × 3 mm., on slender pilose to pubescent pedicels c. 2 mm. long. Calyx ± 2 × 1 mm., glab. or nearly so; teeth minute, narrow-triangular, ciliolate. Standard dark purplish red, lobes red-veined; keel ± 1 mm. long, whitish, purplish at apex, auricles bluntly pointed; wings white, purplish at apex, auricles bluntly pointed. Ovary glab. Pods 8-10 × 3-4 mm., obliquely elliptic-oblong (some pods may be ± arcuate), slightly compressed, very dark brown to black; beak c. 1 mm. long, rather stout. Seeds 2-4, quite black to yellow-green and very heavily black-mottled.
Shrub up to 2 m. tall, us. less; branches spreading; branchlets rather stout, plano-convex to subterete, finely grooved, pubescent at apex when young, 1-2-(3) mm. diam. Lvs 1-3-5-foliolate; lflts 1-3 mm. long, obcordate. Racemes 1-3 per notch, laxly to rather closely 3-8-fld, on pubescent peduncles up to 10 mm. long. Fls ± 5 × 4 mm., on pedicels 1-2 mm. long. Calyx c. 2 × 2 mm., pubescent; teeth minute, acute. Standard dark purple, purple-veined; wings whitish, enclosing keel, auricles bluntly pointed; keel whitish, auricles rounded. Ovary glab. Pods obliquely elliptic-oblong, (6)-7-10 × 3-4 mm., ± turgid, pale to dark brown (occ. pods are ± curved); beak ± 1 mm. long. Seeds (3)-4-8, yellowish, ± black-mottled, c. 2 mm. diam.
Shrub or tree up to 10 m. tall. Branchlets 3-5 mm. wide, much-compressed, finely grooved, glab. or nearly so. Infl. of solitary, simple or branched racemes on peduncles ± 5 mm. long, 5-10-fld. Fls 4-5 mm. long on pilose pedicels c. 2 mm. long or more; "standard with a purple base, elsewhere striped". Calyx campanulate, c. 2 × 2 mm.; teeth narrow-triangular, sharply pointed. Pods 15-17 × 5-6 mm., narrow-ovate, subturgid, black; beak stout, c. 2 mm. long, slightly curved. Seeds 4-8, orange-red, sparingly black-mottled, ± 2 × 1·5 mm.
"Habitat: Low coastal forest and forest margins. Type specimens No. 324 ex the author's herbarium, from a plant in cultivation collected at Whakatane by Miss L. B. Moore, in the Herbarium Plant Research Bureau, Wellington."
A very slender dwarf shrub spreading by very slender rhizomes, forming lax to rather compact patches up to c. 8 cm. tall. Branchlets up to 5 cm. × 1 mm., us. narrow, slightly compressed, finely striate, spreading, obtuse to subacute at apex. Fls 1-(2) on glab. peduncles, c. 8 mm. long, bracteoles minute; colouring much as in C. uniflora. Calyx-teeth obtuse to subacute; standard suborbicular; wings oblong, rounded. Ovary glab. Pods obliquely elliptic-oblong, 10-(15) × 3-(4) mm., ± wrinkled. Seeds 2-4-(6), reniform, purplish black.
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Shrub up to c. 1 m. tall, with spreading grooved branches; branchlets plano-convex, finely grooved, 1-3 mm. wide. Lvs 1-3-5-foliolate; lflts ± pilose, 1-4 mm. long, obcordate. Racemes 1-4 per notch, 3-8-fld, on pubescent peduncles up to 5 mm. long. Fls 4-5 mm. long, on pubescent pedicels hardly 1 mm. long. Calyx 1·5-2 × 1·5-2 mm., campanulate, sparsely pubescent; teeth minute, obtuse to subacute. Standard white, with purple basal blotch and veins; wings white, purple-veined, auricles bluntly pointed; keel white, auricles small, rounded. Ovary ± pubescent. Pods 6-8-10 × 3-4 mm., slightly compressed, sparsely hairy when young, dark brown to black; beak stout, subulate, ± 1·5 mm. long. Seeds 2-6, palish- to olive-green, heavily black-mottled to completely black, ± 2 mm. diam.
Erect, virgately much-branched shrub up to c. 2 m. tall. Branches ∞; branchlets slender, ± terete, striate, c. 1 mm. diam., ± pilose when young. Young plants lfy, adults with few or no lvs; lflts minute, ± hairy. Infl. of 1-3 racemes per notch, on short us. glab. peduncles. Fls 2-5, lax, c. 4 × 4 mm. on us. glab. pedicels. Calyx glab. or nearly so, campanulate, c. 2 × 2 mm.; teeth short, acute to subacute. Standard > keel, broad, white, purple-veined; keel whitish, purple-veined, long-clawed, auricles rounded; wings white, auricles rounded. Ovary glab. Pods 6-8 × 3 mm., obliquely oblong, ± turgid, ± narrowed to apex and base, light to dark brown; beak ± 1 mm., straight, subulate. Seeds (1)-2-4, pale green, heavily black-mottled.
Erect shrub or small tree up to ± 4 m. tall; trunk up to c. 10 cm. diam. Branchlets c. 8-12 mm. wide, much-compressed, closely grooved, glab. Lvs of young plants 1-3-foliolate; lflts narrow-obcordate to obovate. Infl. of 1-2 racemes per notch, 1-5-fld on ± pubescent peduncles ± 10 mm. long. Fls falcate, 20-25-(30) mm. long, on ± pubescent stout pedicels 5-10 mm. long. Calyx 5-6 × 4-5 mm., campanulate; teeth narrow-triangular, acute. Standard, keel and wings yellowish, ± purple-veined and -blotched, auricles rounded or bluntly pointed. Ovary glab. Pods ± 20-30 × 6-7 mm., about elliptic-oblong, very dark brown to black. Seeds 6-15, up to 5 × 4 mm., red, black-mottled or not.
Fls small, panicled. Calyx-tube or receptacle turbinate, adnate to ovary; lobes 5-6, deciduous. Petals 5-6, inserted under margin of epig. disk, valvate. Stamens 5-6 alt. with petals; filaments short. Ovary half-inferior, 3-5-celled; stigma capitate; ovules ∞. Fr. globose, ind.; seeds ∞, small, axile, pend. Shrubs or small trees with alt., exstipulate lvs. Genus of a few spp. in New Guinea and one endemic to N.Z.
Tree up to 10 m. tall; trunk up to 2 dm. or more diam.; sts flowering in semi-juvenile state. Juvenile plants and reversion shoots with slender, zigzag, almost divaricate branchlets; lvs 1-3 × 1-2 cm., on petioles up to 1 cm. long; lamina broad-ovate to broad-elliptic to suborbicular, membr., sts irregularly lobed. Young branchlets, petioles, peduncles and pedicels pubescent; lenticels prominent. Lvs of adults 4-6 × 2-3 cm., on slender petioles c. 1 cm. long; lamina thinly coriac., ovate-elliptic to broad-elliptic, acute to obtuse, often mottled, rather distantly finely serrate. Panicles up to 5 cm. long and broad; fls 5-6 mm. across; calyx-lobes c. 1 mm. long, triangular-attenuate; petals white, ovate, 3-4 mm. long. Capsules ind., subglobose, c. 4-6 mm. diam.; integument subfleshy, black when mature; girt by rim of calyx-tube or receptacle.
Fls in simple to compound cymes, or solitary; us. perfect, hypog. or perig.; sepals 4-5, free or joined below; petals as many as sepals, often small or absent, free, often bifid or emarginate; stamens up to 10, anthers dehiscing longitudinally; ovary one-celled, at least in upper part, ovules 1-∞ on basal or free-central placenta, embryo us. curved; fr. us. a dry capsule opening by teeth or valves. Annual to perennial herbs; lvs us. simple, entire, opp., often connate, or with scarious stipules. About 80 genera and 1400 spp. Cosmopolitan, with most spp. in temperate regions.
Shrub hardly up to 1 m. tall; branchlets stout, greyish-tomentose. Lvs ± 6-18 × 2-3 mm., finally spreading, narrow linear-obovate to narrow-spathulate on short erect petioles, coriac., glab. above when mature, densely white-tomentose below, margins slightly revolute. Capitula ∞, in close corymbs, pedicels short. Phyll. in 3-4 series, outer tomentose to pubescent on back, inner with white radiating tips; forming a narrow-turbinate involucre 4-5 mm. long. Florets 4-6; scales of receptacle absent or up to 2, white-tipped. Achenes c. 1 mm. long, pubescent to silky-hairy; pappus-hairs up to 3·5 mm. long, slightly thickened at tips.
Shrub up to 2 m. tall; branchlets slender, glutinous, clad in fulvous tomentum. Lvs ± glutinous when young, becoming glab. above, retaining fulvous tomentum below; 4-8 × c. 1 mm., linear to linear-spathulate, coriac., spreading when mature from erect petiole, margins slightly revolute. Capitula ∞, c. 35 per corymb. Phyll. in 3-4 series, outer pubescent to glab., inner with white radiating tips; forming cylindric to very narrow-turbinate involucre up to 5 mm. long. Florets 5-10 per capitulum; scales of receptacle absent or 1-2. Achenes hardly 1 mm. long, pubescent to glab.; pappus-hairs up to 3·5 mm. long, slightly thickened at tips or not.
Branching rather compact; lvs up to 3 mm. wide, oblong- to obovate-spathulate; capitula c. 40 per corymb; phyll. pubescent, often red-tipped; achenes pubescent; pappus-hairs flattened and thickened at tips.
Shrub up to 2 m. tall; branchlets slender, greyish-tomentose. Lvs 2-4 × 1-2.5 mm., narrow-linear to linear-spathulate, margins slightly revolute; lamina erect to spreading from appressed short petiole, coriac., becoming glab. above, beneath clad in white tomentum. Capitula ∞ in small dense corymbs, pedicels short; phyll. in 3-4 series, outer glab. to pubescent-ciliate, inner with short white radiating tips; forming a narrow-turbinate involucre 3-4 mm. long. Scales of receptacle ∞, white-tipped; florets 6-10. Achenes c. 1 mm. long, glab. or nearly so; pappus-hairs up to 4 mm. long, slender, slightly thickened at tips.
Lvs linear-spathulate; tomentum pale yellow; involucres c. 3 mm. long, 2 mm. diam.; phyll. more hairy; pappus-hairs up to 3 mm. long, distinctly thickened at tips.
Capitula small, in corymbose panicles, mainly homogamous; phyll. in several series, imbricate, scarious; receptacle us. with scarious white-tipped scales. Florets perfect, tubular, 5-toothed, or a few outer ones filiform, pistillate. Anthers sagittate at base, cells produced into filiform tails; style-arms terete, truncate. Achenes small, angled or subterete or slightly compressed; pappus-hairs slender, in one series. Shrubs or undershrubs with alt. entire lvs. About 20 spp. of Australia, N.Z. and S. Africa. The N.Z. spp. are endemic and belong to , with inner phyll. bearing white radiating tips; capitula us. with 1 or 2 filiform pistillate outer florets.
Shrub up to 5 m. tall; branchlets stout, white-tomentose. Lvs 2-5 × 1-2 mm., c. linear-oblong to narrow-obovate, margins revolute; lamina rather strongly recurved from erect short petiole, coriac., becoming glab. above, beneath clad in dense white tomentum, (sts yellowish). Capitula 3-10 or more in small corymbs, on short pedicels; phyll. in 3-4 series, tomentose on back, inner with short white tips; forming a turbinate involucre 4-7 mm. long, up to 9 mm. diam. Scales of receptacle ∞, with erect white tips; florets 10-20. Achenes c. 1 mm. long, glab.; pappus-hairs up to 3·5 mm. long, slender, hardly or not thickened at tips.
Shrub up to 3 m. tall; branchlets rather stout, furrowed, ± glutinous, clad in fulvous tomentum. Lvs 5-12 × 2-3 mm., finally spreading from erect petioles, coriac., becoming glab. above, clad in fulvous tomentum below, linear-spathulate to narrow oblong-obovate, margins slightly revolute, midrib prominent below. Capitula 10-20 or more, in dense corymbs, pedicels short. Phyll. in 3-4 series, outer tomentose on back, inner with white radiating tips; forming a turbinate involucre c. 4 mm. long. Scales of receptacle ∞, white-tipped; florets 8-15; achenes hardly 1 mm. long, glab. to sparsely pubescent; pappus-hairs up to 4·5 mm. long, distinctly thickened at tips.
Branchlets and lvs clad in dense white tomentum; lvs linear-spathulate, becoming glab. above; midrib very prominent below.
Branchlets and lvs clad in white tomentum; lvs up to 2 cm. long, very glutinous when young, upper surface retaining white tomentum when mature.
Branchlets and lvs clad in greenish yellow tomentum. Lvs c. 10 × 2-3 mm., narrow oblong-spathulate; corymbs dense, capitula c. 35, florets c. 15; achenes pubescent.
Lvs c. 4 mm. long; tomentum pale brown; midrib less distinct. Corymbs c. 1·5 cm. diam.; capitula c. 20.
Fls small, perfect, 3-bracteolate, in spikes or racemes; per. tube with 6 segs. Perfect stamens 9 in 3 series; two outer with introrse anthers, filaments eglandular; inner with extrorse anthers, filaments biglandular at base; innermost of 3 staminodes. Stigma small, fr. enclosed in enlarged per. tube, crowned by persistent segs. Twining parasites attached to host by suckers; lvs absent or reduced to minute scales. About 15, mainly Australian, spp., but extending to S. Africa and Borneo. The N.Z. sp. occurs also in Australia.
Plant parasitic on herbs and shrubs, forming tangled masses. Stems yellowish green, up to 3 m. or more long; branches c. 3 mm. diam.; branchlets faintly pubescent at tips; scales few, minute, ovate, acute. Spikes simple or branched, up to 5 cm. long; fls sessile, ± 3 mm. diam.; per. glab., 3 outer segs minute. Fr, globose, ± 3 mm. diam., enclosed in succulent, enlarged, glabrate, ribbed per. tube.
Tufted herb with simple or sparingly branched stock, pseudo-stem up to ± 6 cm. long. Lamina subcoriac., acute, often with fine apiculus, (9)-10-15-(30) cm. × 10-15-(25) mm., narrowly oblong-lanceolate to almost linear-oblong (diverse forms may occur on same plant); upper surface glab. or nearly so, with ± distinct thin pellicle, midrib broad, grooved, main veins ± evident; lower clad in soft white appressed or subappressed tomentum, midrib prominent; margins distantly finely denticulate, narrowing to petiole up to c. 3 cm. long; sheath ± 5 cm. × 15 mm., veins evident, surface tomentum ± as in lamina, margins floccose. Scape 15-30-(40) cm. long, rather slender, often flexuous, ± flattened, ± clad in floccose tomentum. Bracts us. few, up to 1 cm. long, lamina almost filiform. Capitula ± 3-4 cm. diam.; phyll. linear-subulate to narrow-lanceolate, c. 12 mm. long, margins ciliolate, midrib evident. Ray-florets ∞, up to c. 25 mm. long, tube slender; limb gradually widened to 4-toothed apex, veins distinct. Disk-florets c. 6 mm. long, narrow-funnelform, teeth narrow-triangular. Achenes glab., strongly ribbed, narrowly compressed-cylindric to very narrowly obovoid, ± 4 mm. long. Pappus-hairs sordid-white, up to 5 mm. long, slender, finely barbellate.
Shorter and stouter in all parts; lamina ± 15-25 cm. × 10-15 mm., ± sulcate; sheath more floccose, up to c. 4 cm. long. Scape stouter, densely floccose, up to c. 15 cm. long. Capitula up to c. 5 cm. diam. Achenes hardly > 3 mm. long.
Laxly branched subshrub, branches densely clad in imbricate lf-remains; living lvs rosulate, ascending, at tips of branchlets. Lamina thin, flexible, 3-4-(7) × 1-1·5 cm., elliptic- to spathulate-oblong to obovate; upper surface clad in loose greyish to white soft ± deciduous hairs; lower in ± dense soft felted white tomentum, midrib hardly evident; apex obtuse, ± apiculate; margins entire, flat or nearly so, narrowed to thin petiole up to 2 cm. × 5 mm. Sheath submembr., up to 25 × 7 mm., glab. (in some forms with floccose hairs), ribs prominent. Scape slender to rather stout, up to c. 25 cm. long, ribbed, glab. or tomentum variously developed in different forms. Bracts up to 25 mm. long, linear to linear-oblong, apiculate, ± tomentose. Capitula 30-35 mm. diam.; phyll. linear, ± reflexed at apex, scarious, up to ± 12 mm. long, hairy on margins and in apical portion. Ray-florets ∞, c. 15 mm. long, tube narrow; limb narrowly obovate-oblong, veins distinct. Disk-florets tubular, ± 7 mm. long, teeth minute, triangular. Achenes ± 5 mm. long, narrow, compressed-cylindric, ribs clad in short ascending hairs. Pappus-hairs slender, up to 8 mm. long, white, finely barbellate.
Tufted herb with us. much and closely branched woody stock up to ± 6 cm. long, pseudo-stems up to c. 2 cm. long, close-set. Lvs very narrow-linear, subcoriac.; lamina ± 15-30 × (0·5)-0.75-1 mm.; upper surface canaliculate, grey-green, glab.; lower densely clad in appressed soft white tomentum, midrib evident; apex acute, sts shortly apiculate; margins us. much recurved, entire, narrowed to glab., pale, thin sheath c. 10 × 1 mm., with evident midrib. Scape 3-5 cm. long, very slender, finely grooved, ± clad in deciduous floccose hairs; bracts almost filiform, ascending, up to 10 mm. long. Capitula ± 15-20 mm. diam. Outer phyll. narrow-ovate, c. 7 mm. long; inner narrowly linear-subulate to narrow-lanceolate, c. 9 mm. long; both series almost scarious, midrib evident, margins sparingly hairy, tips acute, dark. Ray-florets ± 12 mm. long, tube very slender, limb widening to apex; disk-florets ± 5 mm. long, tubular to very narrowly funnelform, teeth narrow-triangular. Achenes narrow-cylindric, finely ribbed, c. 2.5-3 mm. long, glab. Pappus-hairs white, slender, up to 5 mm. long, very finely barbellate.
Small subshrub with woody, often multicipital, stock; branches close-set, clad in imbricate If-remains; living lvs rosulate at tips of branchlets. Lamina coriac., viscid, (2.5)-3-5 cm. × (2)-3·5-(6) mm., linear to occ. linear-spathulate; upper surface clad in thin ± deciduous pellicle; lower in appressed somewhat soft to satiny white tomentum; midrib pale, us. evident; apex obtuse to subacute; margins entire or minutely denticulate. Base suddenly expanded into sheath ± 15 × 5-6 mm., glab., transculent, longitudinal veins fine. Scape slender, viscid, up to c. 15 cm. long; bracts linear-subulate, remote, lower with lamina c. 2 cm. long. Capitula 2-3-4 cm. diam. Phyll. c. 10 mm. long, linear-lanceolate, indurated towards base and pale brown, with very prominent midrib; upper half thin, floccose on margins and ± viscid. Ray-florets c. 16 mm. long, linear, ± glandular, limb much recurved when dry, apex 3-4-toothed. Disk-florets c. 6 mm. long, very narrow-funnelform, teeth c. 1mm. long, ovate-triangular. Achenes c. 3 mm. long, cylindric, ribs densely clad in rather long ascending silky hairs. Pappus-hairs up to c. 5 mm. long, white, slender, very finely barbellate.
Densely branched subshrub up to 2 dm. tall, us. rather shorter; branches ascending, stout, clad in lf-remains, up to c. 15 cm. long, woody; branchlets very close-set, ± 5 cm. long, erect or ascending. Lvs ∞, very densely imbricate, ascending; plant forming small cushions or sts mats up to ± 2 dm. diam. Lamina ± 6-12 × 0·5-1·5 mm., coriac., linear-subulate, clad on both surfaces in greyish white appressed tomentum, concavo-convex; apex subacute to acute, sts subcucullate. Sheath ± = lamina, rather broader, pale, membr., clad in long silky hairs on margins and back, becoming glab. or nearly so. Capitula sessile or nearly so, terminal, sunk among apical lvs, ± 6-12 mm. diam.; phyll. linear-subulate, almost scarious, pale except at dark tip, up to c. 10 mm. long, glab. except for a few hairs at tip, midvein distinct. Ray-florets 8-10 mm. long, tube very slender, limb about lanceolate, 3-4-toothed, veins evident. Disk-florets c. 7 mm. long, very narrow-funnelform, teeth minute, triangular. Achenes c. 3 mm. long, narrow-cyclindric, subcompressed, ribs clad in very short ascending hairs. Pappus-hairs up to 6 mm. long, white, slender, very finely barbellate.
Herb forming large tufts, lf-sheaths densely imbricate around stem. Lamina acute to acuminate, rigid, coriac., ± (15)-20-35-(40) × 1-2 cm., narrow linear-lanceolate to subensiform; upper surface longitudinally ribbed, yellow-green, with a broad yellow band lateral to midrib, clad in delicate greyish pellicle; lower surface densely clad in appressed satiny tomentum, midrib stiff, broad, prominent; margins entire, recurved, gradually narrowed to broad sheath 7-10 cm. long, with ∞ nerves, glab. within, clad on back with white floccose deciduous tomentum. Scape stout to rather slender, c. 25 cm. long, clad in white floccose tomentum; bracts ∞, linear, ascending, acute to acuminate, lower up to c. 5 cm. long. Capitula (3)-4-(5) cm. diam.; phyll. up to 17 mm. long, pale brown, glab., ± scarious. Ray-florets ∞, c. 16 mm. long; tube filiform, limb narrow-obovate; disk-florets glab., ∞, narrow-funnelform, 7-8 mm. long, teeth narrow-triangular, c. 5 mm. long. Achenes compressed-cylindric, 5-6 mm. long, ribbed, calloused at base, with very fine white ascending hairs on ribs. Pappus-hairs very slender, up to 7 mm. long, white, hardly barbellate.
Creeping much-branched mat-forming herb; main stems slender to rather stout, slightly woody at base; branches much-divided, prostrate, rooting, clad in lf-remains; branchlets clad at apex in close rosettes of spreading living lvs. Lamina subcoriac., almost fleshy, glab., narrowly obovate-oblong to oblong to spathulate, (7)-8-12-(15) × 3-4-(6) mm.; upper surface dark green, glossy; lower paler; midrib impressed above, prominent below. Apex rounded; margins entire or sts obscurely toothed, narrowed to ± floccose sheath c. 5 mm. long. Scape slender, up to ± 5 cm. long, glab. or with sparse white hairs; bracts ∞, narrow-linear, obtuse to subacute, lower up to c. 1 cm. long. Capitula ± 20 mm. diam.; phyll. green, sts becoming pale, linear- to lanceolate-oblong, glab., thin, up to 10 mm. long. Ray-florets us. ∞, ± 11 mm. long; tube very slender, occ. with sparse hairs; limb narrow-obovate. Disk-florets narrow-funnelform, c. 6 mm. long; teeth minute, triangular. Achenes compressed-cylindric, ribbed, 3-4 mm. long, ± densely clad in short ascending silky hairs. Pappus-hairs up to 5 mm. long, slender, white to rufous, very finely or hardly barbellate.
Stout, us. sparingly branched low-growing subshrub forming loose patches up to ± 5 dm. diam.; branches long-clad in reflexed Ivs; living Ivs viscid, in ± rosulate tufts at tips of branchlets. Lamina coriac., (4)-6-10 × (1·5)-2-3 cm., elliptic-obovate to elliptic-oblong to obovate; upper surface glab., ± lustrous, midrib ± evident; lower surface clad in closely appressed white satiny tomentum, midrib dark, prominent. Apex subacute to obtuse, sts apiculate; margins sinuate, sts distantly denticulate, cuneately narrowed to broad petiole up to c. 10 mm. long. Sheath submembr., glab., 2-3 × 1·5-2 cm., veins prominent. Scape rather stout, ± compressed, glab. or nearly so, ± glandular, ± 15-30 cm. long. Bracts several, linear-subulate, lowermost up to c. 25 mm. long, ± floccose at junction with sheath. Capitula c. 3-5 cm. diam.; phyll. Up to c. 11 mm. long, thin, pale, glab. or nearly so in lower half, pilose and ciliate in upper half, glandular towards apex. Ray-florets linear, up to c. 15 mm. long, widening to 5-toothed apex; disk-florets 7-8 mm. long, ± cylindric, widening to 5-toothed mouth. Anthers without tails. Achenes cylindric, 2.5-3 mm. long, with sparse hairs on ribs, sts papillose. Pappus-hairs sordid-white, slender, ± 6·5 mm. long, very obscurely barbellate.
Sprawling subshrub forming loose clumps up to c. 4 dm. diam.; stems and branches stout, woody, clad in lf-remains for long time; branchlets rather stout, clad in imbricate, suberect, finally ± reflexed lvs. Lamina coriac., 10-15-(20) × 6-9 mm., oblong to obovate-oblong; upper surface viscid, at first clad in thin pellicle, or pellicle long enduring; lower surface clad in subappressed soft white or almost satiny tomentum, midrib evident or obscured; apex obtuse, margins remotely and minutely toothed to subentire, very slightly recurved; base abruptly narrowed to sheath or very short petiole. Sheath very thin, glab., ± translucent, up to 10 mm. long, closely appressed to branchlet. Scape slender, viscid, ± 4-8 cm. long, erect; bracts few, lamina linear, up to c. 10 mm. long. Capitula 2-3 cm. diam.; phyll. narrow-linear to narrow linear-spathulate, c. 8 mm. long, ± densely clad in floccose hairs on margins and towards apex, midrib evident. Ray-florets narrow-spathulate to linear, tube ± glandular, limb-apex 3-4-toothed, margins recurved when dry. Disk-florets 5-6 mm. long, narrowly funnelform, teeth triangular. Achenes 2-3 mm. long, compressed-cylindric, ribs rather densely clad in short ascending hairs. Pappus-hairs slender, white to sordid-white, up to c. 5 mm. long, very finely barbellate.
Capitula solitary on bracted scapes (occ. forms may be found with branched scapes). Phyll. us. ∞, imbricate in several to occ. rather many series, narrow; receptacle pitted, sts strongly so, ± convex. Ray-florets pistillate, us. in 1 row, often ∞; limb white, rarely flushed lilac to pale mauve or very pale yellow. Disk-florets perfect, ∞, corolla funnelform to tubular, 5-toothed, yellow (purple in , or apparently very rarely very pale yellow). Anthers ± sagittate, tails, if present, very short. Style-arms flattened, apically appendaged. Achenes us. ± narrow-cylindric and ribbed, hairy to glab.; pappus of us. ∞ unequal strongly to weakly barbellate hairs. Perennial herbs or subshrubs of diverse habit; lvs densely tufted or imbricate along branches; us. tomentose, at least on lower surface, petioled or lamina passing almost directly into a persistent sheath. Some 58 spp. endemic to N.Z. and a few in Australia and Tasmania. Type sp. of Australia.
Tufted herb with lf-sheaths densely imbricate around stem. Lamina plicate, coriac., ± 9-12 × 4-5 cm., elliptic- to broad ovate-oblong; upper surface glab. or with scattered sparse hairs, dull green, midrib and main veins ± distinct; lower surface densely clad in felted velvety ferruginous tomentum; apex obtuse to subacute, base cordate with rather narrow sinus; margins recurved, entire, ± sinuate. Petiole stout, up to ± 12 cm. long, densely clad in floccose ferruginous hairs, gradually widening into sheath up to c. 8 cm. long. Scape stout, up to 30 cm. long, clad in ferruginous tomentum; bracts linear, with deciduous tomentum. Capitula ± 4-5 cm. diam.; phyll. ∞, linear, up to ± 15 mm. long, clad in spreading ferruginous hairs in upper half, midrib evident. Ray-florets c. 20 mm. long, base thickened, limb linear, 3-toothed, veins evident. Disk-florets narrow-funnelform, c. 8 mm. long, teeth triangular. Achenes narrow-cylindric, glab., very strongly ribbed. Pappus-hairs up to 7 mm. long, sordid-white to rufous, very finely barbellate.
Very close to type in all but characters of tomentum, which is markedly different except for the ferruginous covering of the scapes; lower lf-surface and other parts with appressed soft white to greyish tomentum.
Robust tufted herb, sts forming large clumps of offset plants from branched runners; sheaths densely compacted to form a thick pseudostem up to c. 10 cm. long. Lamina lanceolate to lanceolate- or ovate-oblong, sulcate, coriac., (2)-3-4-(6) dm. × (2.5)-4-8-(10) cm., acute to acuminate; upper surface covered by conspicuous pellicle of matted glistening hairs, separating when old; lower clad in dense closely appressed white satiny tomentum, midrib us. distinct; margins entire, slightly recurved, narrowed to short petiole; sheath clad in dense long white hairs, often forming a ± deciduous pellicle. Scape stout, up to c. 4 dm. long, clad in appressed white satiny tomentum; bracts ∞, lamina linear-subulate, up to c. 10 cm. long, the uppermost us. crowded, forming a pseudo-involucre around capitulum 4-10 cm. diam. Phyll. ∞, linear-subulate, up to c. 2 cm. long, acute, strongly veined, floccose on margins and towards apex. Ray-florets ∞, (2)-3-4 cm. long; limb narrow-oblong, very conspicuous, us. 4-toothed. Disk-florets c. 7-8 mm. long, narrow-funnelform; teeth minute, broad-triangular. Achenes compressed-cylindric to almost fusiform, often curved, strongly grooved, glab., 5-7 mm. long. Pappus-hairs slender, white, up to 9 mm. long, very finely barbellate.
Robust tufted ± viscid herb arising from us. simple stock up to ± 6 cm. long, pseudo-stem ± 6 cm. long. Lamina obovate-oblong to obovate-lanceolate, coriac., subacute to obtuse, us. apiculate; (8)-10-15-(20) × (3)-4-(5) cm.; upper surface glab., midrib and main veins evident; lower densely clad in appressed satiny white to pale buff tomentum, midrib stout, grooved, main veins evident through tomentum. Margins slightly upturned, sharply minutely toothed, narrowed to base, then suddenly widened to thinly coriac., glab., prominently ribbed sheath 4-5 × ± 2 cm. Scape stout, ± flattened, strongly ribbed, (15)-20-30-(45) cm. long. Bracts us. ∞, foliaceous, tomentum as in lvs, lower (25)-35-50 × 6-12 mm.; uppermost forming a pseudo-involucre. Capitula 35-40-(65) mm. diam. Phyll. ± viscid, outer ovate-oblong, foliaceous, similar to upper bracts; inner ± 12 × 2 mm., membr., viscid, ciliate. Ray-florets ∞, c. 15 mm. long, tube slender, limb narrow, gradually widening to 3-4-toothed apex. Disk-florets narrow-tubular to narrow-funnelform, c. 7 mm. long, teeth triangular. Anthers distinctly tailed. Achenes compressed narrow-cylindric, (2)-3-(4) mm. long, pilose on rather weak ribs. Pappus-hairs slender, up to c. 7 mm. long, minutely barbellate.
Tufted herb with stout woody simple or sparingly branched stock; lf-sheaths densely imbricating, forming a pseudo-stem. Lamina coriac., narrow- to narrowly obovate-oblong, ± 6-12-(1·5) × 1·5-2.5-(4) cm., obtuse or subacute; upper surface glab. or nearly so; lower densely clad in appressed white satiny tomentum; both with evident midrib; margins very slightly recurved, bluntly (sts apiculately) crenate-sinuate, narrowed to petiole of diverse dimensions; sheath strongly ribbed, glab. or very nearly so, c. 5 × 1 cm. Scape ± 15-25-(40) cm. long. glab., glandular-viscid, purplish, stout; bracts linear, lamina ± 25-40 mm. long, apiculate, clad below in white satiny tomentum. Capitula 25-40 mm. diam.; phyll. ∞, linear-subulate, glab., viscid, up to c. 15 mm. long, ± hairy at tip. Ray-florets c. 15-20 mm. long, narrow; disk-florets 7-8 mm. long, funnelform, teeth narrow-triangular, c. 1 mm. long. Achenes compressed-cylindric, c. 6 mm. long, strongly grooved, with appressed silky hairs on ribs. Pappus-hairs slender, up to c. 6 mm. long, white to sordid-white, barbellate.
Stems rather stout, woody, prostrate to sprawling; branches clad in lf-remains; lvs closely imbricate, living ones forming ± crowded rosulate tufts--a single plant may extend to c. 1 m. diam. Lamina coriac., spreading, 2-4 cm. × 8-12 mm., oblong to obovate-oblong to ± spathulate, obtuse or subacute, ± cuneately narrowed to base; upper surface clad in soft appressed hairs or thin pellicle (type described as glab., some forms ± viscid); lower surface clad in very dense appressed white satiny tomentum; margins distantly denticulate; petiole 0 or flat, up to c. 5 mm. long. Sheath subcoriac., glab. to sparsely hairy, c. 15 mm. long. Scape ± 10-15 cm. long, slender, glandular-pubescent, often clad in white tomentum; bracts linear-subulate, up to 2 cm. long, indumentum as in lvs. Capitula 2-3 cm. diam.; phyll. linear-subulate, acute to acuminate, up to ± 10 mm. long, clad without in dense white sub-floccose tomentum, ± glab. within, midrib evident. Ray-florets c. 12 mm. long, limb narrow-oblong; disk-florets ± 6 mm. long, tubular-funnelform, teeth minute. Achenes slender, cylindric, c. 3 mm. long, rather densely clad in short stiff ascending hairs. Pappus-hairs white, up to c. 5 mm. long, very minutely barbellate.
Hooker (loc. cit. 123) gives the diagnosis: "Caule brevi robusto diviso, folioso, foliis congestis patulis lineari- v. oblongo-obovatis obtusis subacutisve remote et obscure dentatis superne glaberrimis subsulcatis luride viridibus subtus lana arcte appressa argenteis, petiolo brevi lato vagina sulcata sericea, scapis gracilibus bracteis subulatis involucrique (subsquarrosi) squamis glanduloso-pubescentibus, capitulis ut in , acheniis sericeis, receptaculo profunde alveolato."
Stems very stout, up to ± 35 cm. long and 5 mm. diam. Lamina viscid, obovate-oblong, ± 3-4 × 1-1·5 cm., minutely apiculate, remotely denticulate; petiole flat, ± 5 mm. long, abruptly expanded into sheath. Scape ± 10 cm. long, glandular-pubescent; bracts linear-spathulate, apiculate, lower up to 2 cm. long. Capitula ± 25 mm. diam.; phyll. to 10-12 mm. long, linear-oblong, upper 2/3 floccose, lower 1/3 pale, indurated, with marginal hairs. Achenes ± 3 mm. long, compressed-obovoid; ribs fine, clad in soft spreading hairs.
Lamina narrow-obovate to elliptic-spathulate, ± 15 × 6-10 mm., sub-acute, cuneately narrowed to petiole. Scapes very slender, up to c. 15 cm. long. Capitula 10-15 mm. diam.
Stems up to 12 mm. diam., branches clad in lf-remains; branchlets with rosulate tufts of lvs; plants forming often extensive patches. Lamina coriac., ± (3)-5-15 cm. × 10-15 mm.; narrow-oblong to elliptic to lanceolate; upper surface glab., us. plicate, at first covered by distinct pellicle; lower surface densely clad in very closely appressed white satiny tomentum, midrib distinct; apex subacute to acute, sts apiculate; margins us. somewhat recurved, entire or very obscurely toothed, cuneately narrowed to slender petiole up to ± 15 mm. long. Sheath c. 3-6 cm. long; tomentum of mingled loose and appressed hairs, at length deciduous. Scape slender, ± 10-25 cm. long, white with floccose tomentum; bracts linear to linear-spathulate, lower up to c. 3 cm. long. Capitula ± 2-3 cm. diam.; outermost phyll. floccose without, ± glab. within, c. 7 mm. long; inner phyll. glab., up to 10 mm. long; all linear-subulate, acute. Ray-florets many, c. 12 mm. long, limb linear-oblong to narrow-obovate; disk-florets 6-7 mm. long, narrow-funnelform, teeth minute. Achenes c. 3 mm. long, compressed-cylindric; ribs fine, with very few hairs to glab. Pappus-hairs slender, up to ± 6 mm. long, barbellate.
Rather small subshrub with sparingly branched woody stems. Lvs ∞, closely imbricate along ascending branchlets. Lamina 10-15-(20) × 2-3·5 mm., spreading from sheathing base, finally reflexed, linear-lanceolate, coriac., midrib impressed above, prominent below; upper surface glab., rather pale green; lower surface with rather sparse minute deciduous scurfy scales; apex thickened, obtuse to subacute; base hardly widened to membr. sheath bearing scurfy scales; margins thick, revolute almost to midrib. Scape ± 4-5-(6) cm. long, slender, sparsely clad in scurfy scales; bracts ∞, lamina linear-oblong, ± 4 mm. long, sheath ± 3 mm. long, appressed. Capitula 2-2.5 cm. diam.; phyll. narrow-oblong, obtuse to subacute, ascending to patent, sts with tuft of hairs at tip, widened at base, up to c. 7 mm. long. Ray-florets ∞, elliptic-oblong, 3-5-toothed, up to 15 mm. long, bearing a few appressed hairs. Disk-florets tubular-funnelform, up to ± 6 mm. long. Achenes c. 2 mm. long, narrow-cylindric, ribs with sparse stiff hairs. Pappus-hairs white, up to 5·5 mm. long, very finely barbellate.
Stoloniferous herb with stout rather woody main stem, bearing rosulate lvs and emitting stolons up to c. 25 cm. long, rooting at nodes and there with rosulate lvs. Lamina coriac. to submembr., oblong to oblong-spathulate to nearly obovate, glandular-pubescent on both surfaces with evident reticulate veins and midrib, bright green above, paler below, (10)-15-25-(30) × (5)-10-15 mm.; apex obtuse to subacute, us. apiculate; margins remotely to rather closely, coarsely serrate-dentate, teeth often apiculate; petiole c. 10-15 mm. long, winged, parallel ribs distinct; sheath narrow, membr., glab., ± 10 mm. long. Scape slender, glandular-pubescent, 5-15 cm. long, rather stiff; bracts linear-oblong, acute to acuminate, glandular, lower up to 15 mm. long. Capitula (12)-20-30 mm. diam.; phyll. linear-subulate, acuminate, clad in soft hairs, especially marginally, up to 8-9 mm. long. Ray-florets conspicuous, spreading, up to c. 15 mm. long; limb obovate-oblong, up to c. 4 mm. wide, 3-toothed. Disk-florets funnelform, 6-8 mm. long; teeth minute, ascending, narrow-triangular. Achenes narrow-cylindric, 2-3 mm. long, ribs with fine ascending hairs. Pappus-hairs up to 8 mm. long, very slender, very finely barbellate.
Lamina 10-20 × 5-8 mm., scape ± 5-10 cm. long. Widespread.
Lamina broadly oblong-spathulate to obovate, obtuse, ± 2-3 × 1-2 cm.; petiole up to 15 × 3 mm.
Laminae of somewhat diverse forms in different plants--obovate-oblong to lanceolate-oblong to elliptic, obtuse to subacute, apiculate, 2-4 × 1-1·5 cm. Petiole ± 2 cm. long. Scape very slender, erect, 12-15-(20) cm. long; bracts us. ∞.
Slender tufted herb with pseudo-stem ± 5 cm. long. Lamina subcoriac., flexible, rather flaccid, ascending, (5)-10-15-(20) cm. × 2-4 mm. (not including recurved portion), linear, tapering regularly from base to acute, often apiculate apex. Upper surface with us. long-persistent silvery pellicle; lower densely clad, as is evident midrib, in appressed almost satiny white tomentum. Margins entire or nearly so, strongly recurved, almost or quite to midrib. Sheath thin, pale, glab. or slightly hairy; midrib and principal veins us. evident. Scape slender, 25-40 cm. long, us. clad in appressed almost satiny white tomentum. Bracts narrow-linear, us. rather distant, with appressed soft white tomentum, lowermost lamina c. 3 cm. long, remainder regularly diminishing towards capitulum. Capitula ± 12-20 mm. diam. Phyll. up to c. 13 mm. long, linear-subulate, pale, glab. or ciliate, somewhat indurated below, darkened, especially marginally, in upper floccose part. Ray-florets up to c. 25 mm. long, tube very slender, limb gradually widened to 4-toothed apex, ascending. Disk-florets narrow-funnelform, up to 1 cm. long, teeth triangular. Achenes compressed-cylindric, ribbed, glab., c. 5 mm. long. Pappus-hairs very slender, white, up to c. 10 mm. long, hardly barbellate.
Slender tufted herb arising from rather stout simple or branched stock. Lamina thin, membr., sts almost flaccid, of diverse sizes and shapes (a single plant often bearing two or more forms), 5-15-20-(40) cm. × 4-5-(10) mm.; upper surface glab. when mature or carrying remains of thin pellicle, midrib and sts a pair of lateral nerves evident; lower clad in dense felt of soft white hairs or indumentum almost satiny; ± linear-lanceolate in the larger forms to ovate-lanceolate in some of the smaller, tapering to an acute apiculate apex; margins flat to very slightly recurved, entire or almost so, tapering gradually to petiole up to c. 2 cm. × 1 mm., then abruptly expanded into a very thin sheath ± 2-4 cm. × 5-7 mm., midnerve and lateral veins evident. Scape very slender, ± 10-20 cm. long, ribbed, rather densely clad in persistent appressed white tomentum; bracts us. few, very narrow-linear, with lamina up to c. 2 cm. long. Capitula ± 20-25-30 mm. diam.; phyll. almost scarious, up to c. 10 mm. long, linear-subulate, us. purplish on margins and in upper half, pale in lower half, ± ciliolate on margins and at apex. Ray-florets up to c. 15 mm. long; tube very slender, limb linear, midvein us. rather faint. Disk-florets c. 6 mm. long, narrow-funnelform, often pale yellow, teeth triangular. Achenes ± 4 mm. long, cylindric, glab., us. strongly ribbed. Pappus-hairs up to c. 6 mm. long, very slender, very finely barbellate.
Rather stout low-growing branching subshrub forming small to large patches; branchlets ascending to erect, invested in lower parts by If-remains, in upper part by If-rosettes with a grey-green appearance. Lamina ± (3)-4-8 cm. × 10-15-(25) mm., broadly elliptic-oblong to obovate-spathulate, subcoriac. to coriac.; upper surface glab., us. longitudinally furrowed, pale green; lower surface clad in closely appressed ± satiny tomentum, midrib tomentose but ± evident; apex obtuse to subacute; margins slightly recurved, very minutely distantly denticulate, cuneately narrowed to winged petiole c. 5 mm. long. Sheath delicate, pale yellowish green, ± 2-3 cm. × 5 mm.; veins evident. Scape c. 5-15 cm. long, densely tomentose to almost glab., rather stout to slender; bracts several to ∞, linear-subulate, acute to subacute, up to c. 2 cm. long or more. Capitula 25-40 mm. diam.; phyll. linearlanceolate, membr., softly hairy without, up to c. 12 mm. long. Rayflorets 15-20 mm. long; limb narrow-oblong to narrow obovate-oblong, 3-5 toothed. Disk-florets funnelform, shortly 5-toothed, 6-8 mm. long. Achenes narrow-cylindric, glab., 3-4 mm. long. Pappus-hairs up to 5-6 mm. long, very finely barbellate.
The description of the authors is: "Similar to the type in shape and habit, but the upper surface white with a thin papery tomentum. Habitat: Moist slopes near runnels on the Rock and Pillar Range, Otago, 1200-1500 m. altitude." The type specimen (BD 50011, G. Simpson) is a single rosette with a flowering scape 10 cm. long and capitulum 3 cm. diam. Lamina up to 3 × 1 cm., minutely but distinctly apiculate; tomentum of upper surface of very dense short soft hairs, separating as a pellicle. Topotype material is similar.
Stout much-branched subshrub forming low patches up to ± 1 m. diam.; stems woody, ± 5 mm. diam.; branches clad in If-remains, branchlets ± close-set bearing If-rosettes. Lamina linear- to spathulate-oblong or linear-obovate, coriac., (10)-15-20-(25) × (3)-5-7-(10) mm.; upper surface densely clad in appressed ± scurfy white tomentum, sts separating as a pellicle; lower surface clad in appressed whitish satiny tomentum; apex obtuse to subacute, often apiculate; margins entire or nearly so, slightly recurved, gradually narrowed nearly to base, then widening into thinly coriac., glab. sheath c. 5 mm. long. Scape rather stout, 4-8-10 cm. long, densely clad in floccose hairs. Bracts ∞, linear, up to 1cm. long, tomentose. Capitula 20-25-(30) mm. diam.; phyll. linear-subulate, obtuse to subacute, up to c. 12 mm. long, clad in spreading hairs, especially marginally. Ray-florets c. 15 mm. long; limb elliptic-oblong, 3-toothed. Disk-florets 8-9 mm. long, narrow-funnelform; teeth becoming reflexed, narrow-triangular. Achenes 2.5-3 mm. long, cylindric; hairs few to many on ribs, ascending. Pappus-hairs up to 6 mm. long, white, minutely barbellate.
Lamina ± 1·5-2.5 cm. × 2-4 mm.; linear to very narrow-obovate, subacute to obtuse on same plant; margins entire or nearly so. Scape slender, glandular-pubescent, up to c. 12 cm. long; capitula 2-3 cm. diam.
Smaller in most parts; lamina 3-5-(7) cm. × 4-10-(15) mm.; narrow-oblong to narrow-spathulate, teeth smaller, us. fewer, sts very few. Scapes slender, 5-10-(20) cm. long; capitula 2-3-(4) cm. diam. Ray-florets ± 5 mm. long. Achenes (2)-4-(5) mm. long.
Large tufted herb with lvs all radical, sheaths imbricate around stout stem. Lamina (12)-15-20-(30) × (2.5)-4-5-(6·5) cm., coriac., oblong-to elliptic-lanceolate; upper surface glab.; lower surface densely clad in closely appressed white satiny tomentum, midrib prominent, dark; apex acute to subacuminate, us. distinctly apiculate; margins flat, rather distantly denticulate, narrowed to base or very short broad petiole. Sheath ± 4 × 1·5 cm., coriac., glab., ribbed. Scape stout to rather slender, angled or flattened, ± 18-30-(60) cm. long. Bracts linear-subulate, c. 25-35 mm. long (outer up to 50 mm.). Capitula (5)-6-7 cm. diam., subtending bracts similar to upper scape-bracts. Phyll. 10-15-(25) mm. long; inner narrow, glab., glandular-pubescent; outer broader, lanceolate, tomentose without. Ray-florets ∞, c. 25 mm. long, narrow; limb gradually widening to obtuse 3-toothed apex. Disk-florets tubular to funnelform, c. 7-8 mm. long. Achenes 5-6 mm. long, obovoid-compressed to subfusiform, densely clad in short ascending hairs. Pappus-hairs c. 5-7 mm. long, white to sordid-white, becoming rufous.
Large tufted herb with lf-sheaths densely imbricate around stem, stock stout. Lamina ± 20-30-(50) × 4-8 cm., coriac., oblong to spathulate-oblong to broad-lanceolate; upper surface dark green, glab. to thinly floccose; lower surface densely clad in closely appressed ± lustrous soft white to pale buff tomentum, midrib prominent, main veins us. evident; apex acute; margins entire or obscurely toothed, clad in woolly hairs, narrowed to short petiole or directly into coriac. floccose sheath up to 7 × 1 cm. Scape stout, ± 30 cm. long, clad in appressed to spreading silky hairs. Bracts ∞, linear to narrowly spathulate, lower up to ± 12 × 1 cm., including petiole and sheath. Capitula ± 6-10.cm. diam.; phyll. linear-subulate, softly white-woolly without, glab. or nearly so within, up to 2 cm. × 2 mm. Ray-florets ± 25 mm. long; limb narrow, minutely 3-toothed. Disk-florets tubular, somewhat thickened below, up to 8 mm. long. Achenes glab. or very nearly so, narrow-cylindric, ± compressed, grooved, c. 2.5-3 mm. long. Pappus-hairs slender, barbellate, up to c. 8 mm. long.
Stems stout, woody, up to ± 10 cm. diam.; branches stout, woody, clad in long-persistent reflexed lvs; living lvs in close rosettes, patent. Lamina (20)-25-40 × (10)-12-15 mm., obovate-oblong, coriac.; upper surface ± densely clad in appressed white tomentum forming a pellicle; lower surface densely clad in similar but more appressed tomentum, midrib evident to obscured; apex subacute to obtuse, often apiculate; margins very slightly recurved, remotely denticulate, narrowed to very short petiole up to 5 mm. broad, or sts directly into thin almost glab. striate sheath c. 10-15 × 7-10 mm. Scape slender, up to ± 10 cm. long, often short at flowering stage, densely clad in floccose hairs. Capitula 25-35 mm. diam.; phyll. linear-subulate, many, 10-15 mm. long, floccose on outer surface, glandular near apex. Ray-florets narrow, up to ± 12 mm. long; limb gradually widening to apex. Disk-florets funnelform, ± 7-8 mm. long, teeth narrow-triangular; anthers us. distinctly but shortly tailed. Achenes 3-3·5 mm. long, compressed-cylindric; ribs rather obscure, clad in rather stiff ascending hairs. Pappus of white or sordid-white slender, minutely barbellate hairs up to 7-8 mm. long.
Tufted herb with pseudo-stem ± 6 cm. long. Lvs rather rigid, thick, coriac.; lamina linear to linear-oblong, tapering regularly from base to acute or subacute stiff apex, ± 10-15-(30) cm. × (3)-4-5-(8) mm.; upper surface showing dark green when fresh, white-silvery when dry, owing to conspicuous transversely wrinkled ± sulcate pellicle; lower clad in dense white appressed satiny tomentum, midrib prominent, rounded or keeled, veins manifest; margins entire, not or slightly recurved, or rarely much-recurved; base widened to thinly coriac., ± floccose, strongly nerved sheath ± 6 cm. × 5 mm., nerves ∞. Scape flattened, at least in lower half, ± 15-30 cm. long, rather stout, clad in subappressed to floccose white hairs. Bracts ∞, lower laminae up to ± 4 cm. long, linear-subulate, tomentum white, appressed. Capitula ± 4 cm. diam. Phyll. ∞, midrib evident; outer ovate, acuminate, up to 15 × 3 mm.; inner scarious towards apex, floccose on margins and base. Ray-florets ∞, ± 16 mm. long, tube slender, limb ± oblanceolate, teeth 2-4, conspicuous. Disk-florets c. 7 mm. long, narrow-funnelform, teeth oblong-triangular. Achenes ± 3 mm. long, compressed-cylindric, ribbed, densely clad in short ascending silky hairs. Pappus-hairs white to sordid-white, very slender, up to c. 6 mm. long, hardly barbellate.
Large tufted herb; lf-sheaths densely imbricate around stem. Lamina sulcate, rigid, coriac., acute, ± 25-30 × (2)-2.5-4 cm., oblong- to narrow-lanceolate; upper surface with very thin us. loose pellicle, midrib stout, yellowish to orange, 3-5 mm. wide near base, prominent; lower surface densely clad in appressed satiny white tomentum; margins entire, recurved, subobliquely tapering to short broad petiole or directly into coriac., ribbed, pale sheath c. 15 × 2-3 cm., clad without in floccose white hairs. Scape ± compressed, stout, c. 30-35 cm. long, clad in white. floccose tomentum; bracts ∞, lower lflike, ± appressed to scape c. 10 × 1 cm. including sheath. Capitula (3)-4-6-(7) cm. diam.; phyll. linear-subulate, acuminate, scarious, ± fleshy at base, c. 2-2.5 cm. long, clad in ± floccose hairs. Ray-florets ∞, ± 15 mm. long, limb very narrow; disk-florets narrowly tubular-funnelform, c. 7 mm. long, teeth minute. Achenes c. 4 mm. long, narrow-cylindric, ribs with minute stiff ascending hairs. Pappus-hairs white, up to 8 mm. long, finely barbellate.
Small slender branched subshrub up to c. 15 cm. tall; branches slender, diverging, clad in lf-remains; branchlets densely clad in imbricate, ascending, finally recurved, lvs. Lamina very narrow-linear, ± 10-15-(20) × 1-1·5 mm., subcoriac.; upper surface with a delicate deciduous pellicle, lower clad in a very thin white appressed tomentum; apex produced into a delicate acicular point c. 2 mm. long, easily broken off; margin recurved nearly or quite to midrib; base slightly narrowed to pale scarious ± pilose sheath ± 8 × 1-1·5 mm. Scape ± 5-10 cm. long, very slender to almost filiform, ± clad in loose floccose deciduous hairs; bracts few, narrow-subulate, minute, sts absent. Capitula c. 1-2 cm. diam.; phyll. subulate to linear-lanceolate, erect, membr., c. 7 mm. long. Ray-florets several, prominent, up to c. 12 mm. long, limb gradually widening to apex; disk-florets funnelform to campanulate, hardly > 5 mm. long. Achenes slender, compressed-cylindric, ± 3 mm. long, clad in ascending stiff hairs; pappus-hairs white, up to 4·5 mm. long, very minutely barbellate.
Prostrate or scrambling subshrub with slender branched stems up to c. 3 dm. long; branchlets us. close-set, forming patches, ± 5 cm. long. Lvs ∞, densely imbricate, ascending, incurved at tips but becoming reflexed. Lamina 6-8-(12) × 1-1·5 mm.; linear, grading into sheath, coriac.; upper surface glab., ± glandular; lower surface similar; apex acuminate to obtuse; ± glandular-pubescent; sheath 2-3 mm. long, membr., with a few ± appressed hairs at base. Scape slender, 4-8 cm. long, glandular-pubescent, with or without floccose hairs; bracts similar to lvs, up to 10 mm. long. Capitula 10-20 mm. diam.; phyll. several, subulate-lanceolate to narrow-oblong, acute, up to 8 mm. long, glandular, hairs ± floccose. Ray-florets c. 10 mm. long, linear, abruptly expanded towards 3-5-toothed apex; disk-florets tubular, slightly > pappus. Achenes narrow-cylindric, compressed, 2-3 mm. long, ribs with long ascending hairs. Pappus-hairs sordid-white, very slender to filiform, finely barbellate, up to c. 5 mm. long.
Lvs clad on both surfaces and margins in glandular hairs, lamina rather quickly narrowed into acicular tip. Scapes glandular-pubescent, also ± clad in floccose hairs; phyll. with scarious margins, ± clad in soft hairs at tips. Achenes c. 1·5 mm. long, ± glandular, ± pilose, pappus-hairs very slender.
Robust subshrub, low-growing, forming patches up to c. 2 m. diam.; stems very stout, branched, up to c. 15 mm. diam.; branches creeping or ascending, clad in long-persistent reflexed Ivs; living Ivs in approximate rosulate tufts at ends of branchlets. Lamina coriac., viscid, narrow-oblong to sublanceolate or elliptic, ± 10-15 × 1·5-2.5 cm.; upper surface without tomentum, lower densely clad in appressed white satiny tomentum, midrib dark, stout, prominent; apex obtuse to subacute; margins sinuate, slightly thickened, entire to remotely denticulate, narrowed to petiole ± 2.5-3 × 1·5-2.5 mm. Sheath c. 3 × 1 cm., glab., coriac.; nerves parallel, us. prominent. Scape (5)-10-(20) cm., slender, flexuous, very sparingly hairy; lower bracts lflike, up to c. 3 cm. long, upper linear. Capitula (25)-30-40-(50) mm. diam.; phyll. linear, up to 12 mm. long, subfloccose in apical half, midrib distinct. Ray-florets linear, c. 12-15 mm. long; disk-florets ∞, tubular, c. 6-8 mm. long, teeth broad-triangular. Achenes narrow-cylindric, ± compressed, 3-4 mm. long; ribs prominent, rather densely clad in short ascending hairs. Pappus-hairs white, becoming ± rufous, up to 6-7 mm. long, barbellate.
Tufted rigid herb with short pseudo-stem arising from us. simple stock. Lvs rigid, coriac., narrow-ensiform tapering regularly to pungent apex; lamina ± 20-30-45 cm. × 6-9 mm.; upper surface glab., very finely striate to smooth; lower surface strongly grooved, densely clad in thin appressed white satiny tomentum to almost glab. (in different plants); margins slightly recurved, entire. Sheath abruptly widened from somewhat constricted lamina-base, 3-4-(8) cm. × 10-15 mm., thin, grooved, clad in appressed white satiny tomentum. Scape ± 15-30 cm. long, rather slender, white with ± floccose tomentum, ± concealed by bract-sheaths. Bracts us. ∞, crowded; lowest lflike, to 6 cm. long, remainder decreasing regularly in size, uppermost c. 1 cm. long, forming a pseudo-involucre. Capitula 25-50 mm. diam.; phyll. linear-subulate, rigid, indurated, ± 20 mm. long, midrib prominent. Ray-florets very slender, ± 12 mm. long; limb hardly wider than tube, 4-toothed. Disk-florets 6-7 mm. long, tubular, lobes triangular. Achenes 2-3 mm. long, compressed-cylindric, strongly grooved; hairs minute, stiff, very minutely barbellate.
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Small subshrub forming compact cushions up to c. 4 dm. diam.; stems and branches stout, woody; living lvs in dense rosettes at tips of branchlets. Lamina of narrow obovate-oblong order, ± 20-35 × 6-8 mm., coriac.; both surfaces densely clad in buff to ferruginous long subappressed silky hairs; apex subacute, ± apiculate; margins slightly narrowed to petiole c. 6-7 mm. long; sheath c. 10 × 6·5 mm., clad without in very long hairs, very distinctly veined on inner surface. Scape c. 7·5-12.5 cm. long, densely clad in floccose buff to ferruginous tomentum; bracts ∞, linear-subulate, ascending, up to ± 2 cm. long, lamina floccose. Capitula 20-25 mm. diam.; phyll. ∞, linear-subulate, up to c. 12 mm. long, acute to acuminate, densely clad on both surfaces in long silky buff hairs. Ray-florets ± 12-15 mm. long, ∞; limb oblong, distinctly 3-toothed; disk-florets tubular, flaring at teeth, 5-7 mm. long. Achenes compressed-cylindric, grooved, ± 2 mm. long; ribs clad in long ascending hairs. Pappus-hairs up to c. 6 mm. long, slender, white, finely barbellate.
Stock hard, woody, deeply descending; branchlets very densely compacted; lamina ± 25-30 × 4-5 mm., linear-subulate, apiculate, rigid; sheath c. 15 × 7 mm., sparsely hairy without; bracts up to 20 × 1-2 mm. long, crowded.
Herb with tufted lvs arising from simple to multicipital stock, pseudo-stem ± 6 cm. long. Lamina (10)-15-20-(40) cm. × (5)-10-(20) mm.; narrow-linear tapering regularly from sheath to acute apex, coriac.; upper surface clad in thin pellicle (thicker towards base), sulcate; lower densely clad in silvery white satiny appressed tomentum, midrib evident; margins distinctly recurved. Sheath pale, thin, c. 6 cm. long, nerves evident, margins ± densely clad in floccose hairs in upper part. Scape stout up to ± 20 cm. long, pellicled to subfloccose; bracts ascending, lamina almost filiform up to 25 mm. long, tomentum as in lvs; uppermost bracts forming a distinct pseudo-involucre. Capitula 2-4 cm. diam.; phyll. linear-subulate acuminate, ciliate, glab. on surfaces, up to 2 cm. long. Ray-florets ∞, c. 2 cm. long, tube very slender, limb gradually widening to apex. Disk-florets funnelform, c. 9 mm. long, teeth narrow-triangular. Achenes narrow-cylindric, grooved, glab. or very nearly so, c. 6-7 mm. long. Pappus-hairs white, very slender, hardly barbellate, up to 8 mm. long.
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Tufted herb up to c. 20 cm. tall (shade forms may be distinctly larger) with simple to branched stock, pseudo-stem up to c. 15 cm., us. shorter. Lamina c. (7)-10-(15) cm. × (5)-10-(15)-(20) mm., lanceolate-elliptic to elliptic-oblong, coriac., us. rather stiff to almost rigid; upper surface ± sulcate, clad in silvery pellicle; lower densely clad in white silvery shining appressed tomentum, midrib us. prominent; apex sub-acute, margins slightly recurved, entire or nearly so, narrowed to petiole c. 2-3 cm. long. Sheath up to 10 cm. long, ± densely clad on outer surface and margins in white floccose deciduous tomentum. Scape up to ± 20 cm. long, rather stout, densely floccose; bracts ∞, lower up to c. 30 mm. long, clad in white subfloccose hairs. Capitula 25-30-(40) mm. diam.; phyll. ∞, linear, up to 25 mm. long, or linear-subulate, outer surface clad in floccose hairs, inner glab. except towards apex. Ray-florets ∞, c. 20 mm. long; tube slender, cylindric, limb narrowly obovate-oblong. Disk-florets narrow-funnelform, 6-9 mm. long, teeth narrow-triangular. Achenes glab., or with a very few short hairs on ribs, narrow compressed-cylindric, c. 5-6 mm. long. Pappus-hairs up to 8 mm. long, slender, white, very finely barbellate.
Small to rather large tufted herb; lf-sheaths densely imbricate around stem. Lamina membr. to submembr., ± flaccid, narrow-lanceolate, acuminate, 15-25-30-(35) × 1-4 cm.; upper surface glab. or nearly so except for us. distinct thin pellicle, midrib and main veins evident; lower surface clad in closely appressed white satiny tomentum, midrib prominent, pale. Margins entire, ± sinuate, slightly recurved, narrowing to slender ribbed petiole (3)-5-10 cm. long, which widens into ribbed, subcoriac., ± 5-10 cm. long sheath, ± clad in soft subfloccose deciduous hairs. Scape rather slender, up to c. 35 cm. long, clad in deciduous floccose hairs; bracts ∞, narrow-linear, ascending, rather stiff, lowest up to 10 cm., uppermost 10 mm. long, tomentum as in lvs. Capitula c. (2)-3-(5) cm. diam.; phyll. linear-subulate, subacuminate, up to 14 mm. long, ± hairy on back, midvein evident. Ray-florets ∞, ± 25 mm. long, tube narrow-cylindric; limb narrow-oblong, 3-4-toothed, veins evident. Disk-florets c. 7-10 mm. long, narrow-funnelform; teeth narrowly ovate-oblong. Achenes narrow, compressed-cylindric, glab. or nearly so, grooved, 3-4 mm. long. Pappus-hairs slender, white to sordid-white, up to c. 7 mm. long, hardly barbellate.
Small branching herb hugging ground in small patches; lvs spreading, rosulate at tips of branchlets. Lamina submembr., ± 10-20-(30) × (3)-5-10 mm.; linear- to oblong-lanceolate to narrow-oblong; upper surface glab. or nearly so, midrib and us. main veins evident; lower surface densely clad in appressed soft to satiny white hairs, midrib us. distinct; apex subacute, apiculate; margins slightly recurved, minutely distantly denticulate, cuneately narrowed to slender petiole up to 2 cm. long; sheath membr., ± = lamina. Scape almost filiform, glab. or with a few spreading hairs, ± 4-10 cm. long; bracts almost filiform, with widened bases, few (sts absent), lowermost up to c. 10 mm. long. Capitula ± 10-15 mm. diam.; phyll. linear-subulate, acute to acuminate, apiculate, scarious, midrib distinct. Rays-florets linear, up to c. 8 mm. long, teeth very narrow-triangular; disk-florets 4-5 mm. long, ± glandular at base, teeth triangular. Achenes narrow-cylindric, 1-2 mm. long, glab. or nearly so (in some forms with stiff hairs on obscure ribs). Pappus-hairs up to 4-5 mm. long, very slender, sordid-white, very minutely barbellate.
Rather large tufted herb with lf-sheaths densely imbricate around stem. Lamina subcoriac., ± 7·5-15-(30) × (2)-3-4 cm., elliptic- to narrow-oblong to lanceolate-oblong; upper surface bright green, ± pilose, midrib us. distinct; lower surface clad in appressed white satiny, often tinged brown, tomentum, midrib conspicuous, purple, lateral veins us. evident. Apex subacute, apiculate; margins entire or finely distantly denticulate, ± ciliate with white to pale brown hairs, narrowed to grooved, purplish, sparingly silky, flat, ± 3 cm. long, winged petiole. Sheath widening from petiole, thin, ribbed, c. 5 cm. long, ± pilose. Scape ± 15-20-(30) cm. long, ± villous, often purplish; bracts linear, ∞, lower up to c. 6 cm. long, ± villous. Capitula (3)-5-(7) cm. diam.; phyll. pilose to nearly glab., ± 15 mm. long. Ray-florets ± 2-3 cm. long, limb narrow-oblong, 3-toothed; disk-florets tubular, ± 5 mm. long, suddenly expanded to toothed apex. Anthers almost tailed. Achenes grooved, cylindric, 5-6 mm. long, us. glab. or nearly so. Pappus-hairs up to 8 mm. long, finely barbellate, white.
Stout tufted herb with strict, rigid, coriac. lvs; lf-sheaths densely imbricate around stems. Lamina (15)-20-30-(50) × 1-2-(3) cm., linear-lanceolate, acuminate, subpungent; upper surface glab., with a stout pair of ribs (sts doubled) parallel to rather obscure midrib (sts with a further pair ± developed); lower surface completely clad in closely appressed white satiny tomentum, midrib and lateral pair evident; margins ± recurved, gradually narrowed to sheath or with very short petiole; sheath (4)-5-8 cm. long, coriac., finely grooved, midrib prominent, both surfaces clad in deciduous white satiny tomentum. Scape ± 2-5 dm. long, stout, clad in dense floccose hairs; bracts narrow-linear; lower with lamina up to c. 8 cm. long. Capitula 3-4 cm. diam.; phyll. linear-subulate, acuminate, up to c. 17 mm. long, pale brown, ± floccose-hairy on back, glab. within, midrib evident. Ray-florets ± 17-20 mm. long, tube narrow-cylindric, limb narrow-oblong. Disk-florets 6-7 mm. long, tubular, teeth minute. Achenes cylindric, grooved, 2-3 mm. long, with minute stiff white hairs on ribs. Pappus-hairs up to c. 7 mm. long, slender, minutely barbellate.
Herb with stout, much-branched stock clad in lf-remains, branches creeping, rooting at nodes, living lvs in close rosettes at tips of branchlets; plant viscid, forming patches up to ± 1 m. diam. Lamina subcoriac., ± 35-50-(80) × 12-15-(25) mm.; elliptic- to obovate-oblong; both surfaces strongly longitudinally wrinkled, upper glab. or nearly so, lower with very thin deciduous pellicle and distinct ± pilose midrib. Apex subacute; margins coarsely serrate, slightly recurved; base narrowed to flat petiole ± 10 mm. long. Sheath submembr., strongly striate, very viscid. Scape up to c. 20 cm. long, rather stout, angled, viscid, and with a few hairs; bracts ∞, broadly subulate, lower with lamina up to c. 25 mm. long. Capitula (2)-3-(4) cm. diam.; phyll. scarious, viscid, linear, up to ± 12 mm. long, crowned by tuft of floccose hairs. Ray-florets c. 15-20 mm. long, with very slender tube and narrow-oblong limb; disk-florets narrow-funnelform, c. 7 mm. long, teeth narrow-triangular. Achenes narrow-cylindric, 2.5-3 mm. long, densely clad in ascending ± deciduous silky hairs on ribs. Pappus-hairs white, becoming rufous, up to 7 mm. long, finely barbellate.
Small shrub or subshrub with rather stout procumbent to ascending branched woody stems up to c. 2 dm. long; branchlets stiff, rather close-set, ± 5 cm. long. Lvs densely imbricate, erect, finally reflexed. Lamina ± 5-10 × 1·5-2 mm., linear-oblong to subulate, coriac.; upper surface glab. or nearly so, pale green; lower surface densely clad in soft white tomentum obscuring midrib; margins strongly revolute; apex obtuse, ± trigonous-cucullate; base passing into broad pale membr. glab. sheath ± = lamina, with distinct midrib. Scape c. 1-4 cm. long, slender, densely glandular-pubescent; bracts few. ± 5 mm. long, linear. Capitula 2-2.5 cm. diam.; phyll. c. 5 mm. long, linear-oblong, acute to subacute, densely glandular-pubescent. Ray-florets narrow, disk-florets narrow-tubular, c. 5 mm. long. Achenes c. 3-4 mm. long, narrow-cylindric, obscurely ribbed, with a few hairs. Pappus-hairs fine, white to sordid-white, up to ± 4 mm. long, very minutely barbellate.
Upper surface and especially margins of lamina studded with minute papillae, mingled with a few rather stout hairs. Scapes slender, ± 5 cm. long; bracts somewhat widened at base. "Ray flowers linear oblong, 1·5 cm. or longer, 2 mm. broad, obtuse, thickened and incurved at the tip."
Stout tufted herb, lf-sheaths densely imbricate along stem. Lamina thick, coriac., ± rigid; ± 10-15 × (3)-5-7 cm., oblong- to ovate-lanceolate to elliptic-oblong, obtuse; upper surface glab. or clad in thin pellicle; lower surface densely clad in soft velvety ferruginous to white tomentum; purple to green midrib and main veins evident to prominent on both surfaces. Margins densely clad in white floccose hairs, obliquely rounded to coriac. purplish sheath ± 8 × 2 cm., at first clad without in white ± floccose tomentum. Scape rather stout, up to c. 20 cm. long, us. clad in dense white floccose tomentum; bracts linear, lower up to c. 8 cm. long. Capitula ± 3-5 cm. diam.; phyll. pale brown, linear-subulate, clad on back with long white floccose hairs, glab. within except towards tips. Ray-florets c. 20-(25) mm. long; tube cylindric, filiform, limb narrow-oblong; disk-florets funnelform to tubular, 6-7 mm. long, teeth narrow-triangular. Achenes subcompressed-cylindric, 4-5 mm. long, with ∞ acute strong ribs bearing a few stiff hairs. Pappus-hairs rather sordid-white, finely barbellate, up to c. 7 mm. long.
Prostrate or straggling shrub with stems up to ± 1 m. long and 10 mm. diam., branched; branchlets rather slender to stout, up to c. 15 cm. long. Lvs ∞, densely imbricate; lamina (10)-20-(25) × 2.5-3 mm., narrowly linear-spathulate, coriac., gradually narrowed to sheath; upper surface rather densely clad in soft white not appressed hairs, midrib concealed by hairs; lower surface similarly clad, but more densely so; apex obtuse to subacute, us. apiculate; margins strongly revolute, but not to midrib. Sheath broad, membr., hairy. Scape glandular-pubescent, slender, up to ± 15 cm. long; bracts ∞, lower lflike, lamina ± 10 mm. long expanding into sheath. Capitula ± 25 mm. diam.; phyll. several, narrow-linear, c. 5 mm. long, glandular-pubescent, ± clad in floccose hairs Ray-florets many, narrow, clawed, limb ± 6 mm. long; disk-florets ± 4 mm. long, tubular. Achenes subcylindric, 2-2.5 mm. long, ribs with rather sparse hairs. Pappus-hairs sordid-white, up to c. 5 mm. long.
Rather small tufted herb with lf-sheaths densely imbricate along stem. Lamina very coriac. ± 5-15 × (1·5) ×3-4-(6) cm., ovate- to obovate-oblong to ovate-lanceolate (several forms often occur on a single plant); upper surface glab., ± plicate, or with a silvery pellicle; lower surface clad in closely appressed silvery satiny tomentum, midrib and lateral veins obvious; apex acute to subacuminate; margins recurved, entire or minutely distantly denticulate, rather abruptly narrowed to petiole c. 2 cm. long, clad in snow-white deciduous tomentum. Sheath c. 6 cm. long, clad in floccose white hairs. Scape c. 15-25 cm. long, clad in white floccose hairs; bracts ∞, up to c. 2 cm. long, linear, acuminate. Capitula 2.5-4 cm. diam.; phyll. linear-subulate, ± acuminate, up to c. 16 × 2 mm., with a few hairs, midrib distinct. Ray-florets several to many, ± 12 mm. long, with linear limb; disk-florets ∞, c. 7 mm. long, narrow-funnelform, teeth triangular, acute. Achenes narrow-cylindric, grooved, c. 3 mm. long, with scattered ± patent hairs to almost glab. Pappus-hairs white to sordid-white, up to ± 6 mm. long, hardly barbellate.
Robust densely branched subshrub up to 10 cm. tall; branchlets close-set, densely clad in imbricate lvs forming compacted rosettes; plant often forming dense patches up to c. 1 m. diam. Lvs erect, becoming reflexed, sheaths persistent. Lamina 10-15-20-(30) × 1·5-2-(3) mm., linear to linear-subulate, coriac., rather rigid; both surfaces densely clad in short appressed white matted hairs; apex obtuse to sub-acute, sts subcucullate, sts apiculate; slightly narrowed at base to pale membr. sheath ± = lamina, ± clad in deciduous matted hairs. Scape reduced to minute stalk densely clad in floccose hairs, sts elongating to c. 5 cm. at fruiting stage and then hairs sparse or absent, ebracteate. Capitula 10-20 mm. diam. or more, at first at least closely subtended by lvs; phyll. pale, slender, linear-subulate, up to c. 12 mm. long, ± scarious, pilose (hairs long-persistent at apex). Ray-florets c. 15-17 mm. long, linear, slightly expanded at tips; disk-florets c. 8 mm. long, narrow-funnelform, flaring at 5-toothed apex. Achenes 3-4 mm. long, cylindric-compressed; hairs on rather obscure ribs short, rather stiff. Pappus us. white; hairs up to 9 mm. long, minutely barbellate.
Small low-growing subshrub with stems branching from near base; branches short, ascending to spreading, clad in lf-remains; living lvs rosulate at tips of branchlets. Lamina bright green, glab. on both surfaces, ± 5-7 cm. × 15 mm., obovate- to elliptic-spathulate, rather thin; lower surface with conspicuous midrib; apex obtuse to subacute, apiculate; margins entire to obscurely denticulate, gradually narrowed to short petiole, then expanded into striate, glab., thin sheath ± 25 × 6 mm. Scape slender, almost glab., ± 15 cm. long; bracts linear-subulate, 8-9 mm. long, ± ciliolate. Capitula 3-4 cm. diam.; phyll. linear-subulate, spreading, ± ciliolate at apex. Ray-florets ∞, linear, c. 8-12 mm. long, obtuse. Disk-florets narrow-funnelform, c. 5-6 mm. long. Achenes silky-hairy on ribs. Pappus-hairs up to 6 mm. long, slender, barbellate.
Stout herb with simple to multicipital stock, sts with offset tufts from rhizomes, forming large patches; If-sheaths erect, densely imbricate and compacted forming a pseudo-stem. Lamina us. very coriac., ± (5)-10-15-(25) × 1-2.5 cm., ovate- to lanceolate-oblong to narrow-oblong in different forms. Upper surface glab., ± shining, sulcate, deep to pale green, midrib us. distinct; lower densely clad in fulvous to pale buff or occ. white soft felted tomentum; midrib distinct in basal half; obtuse to subacute, us. apiculate; margins entire, slightly recurved, or obscurely remotely crenate-dentate. Petiole hardly differentiated, rather thin, midrib and veins us. evident. Sheath softly laxly clad in deciduous ascending ± floccose white hairs, becoming glab. or nearly so, 10-25-(40) × 15-20 mm. Scape densely clad in white floccose hairs, stout, up to ± 25 cm. long; bracts mostly in upper half of scape, narrow-linear, clad in white floccose hairs, lamina up to 3-4 cm. long. Capitula linear-subulate, ± 3-5 cm. diam.; phyll. linear-subulate, up to 15 mm. long, glab. and indurated in basal third, upper portion densely clad without in white floccose hairs. Ray-florets ∞, ± 2 cm. long, tube slender, limb narrow-obovate to narrow-oblong. Disk-florets ∞, funnel-form, 7-9 mm. long; tube sts with scattered short hairs, teeth broad- to narrow-triangular. Achenes slender, cylindric, grooved, c. 5 mm. long, glab. or nearly so. Pappus-hairs white, up to ± 7 mm. long, distinctly barbellate.
Herb with lvs in dense tufts arising from stout simple to branched stock, pseudo-stem ± 3-4 cm. long. Lamina linear, becoming subpatent, coriac., ± rigid, (4)-5-10-(20) cm. × 2-3-(4) mm.; upper surface ± canaliculate, clad in greyish closely appressed pellicle; lower ± densely clad in appressed to subfloccose white tomentum, midrib stout, rather prominent. Margins narrowed gradually to acute long-apiculate apex, strongly to slightly recurved, entire; narrowed to sheath or with very short petiole. Sheath ± 3-5 cm. × 3-6 mm., thin, clad in ± deciduous pellicle, floccose on margins. Scape rather slender, stiff, ± 6-15 cm. long, floccose; bracts ∞, ascending, linear to linear-lanceolate, lower up to c. 4 cm. long. Capitula 25-30-(40) mm. diam.; phyll. up to c. 10 mm. long, delicate, linear-subulate, pale in lower, purplish in upper half, margins and apical portion ciliolate, midvein us. indistinct. Ray-florets c. 10 mm. long, limb narrow spathulate-oblong, obtuse to subacute. Disk-florets c. 5 mm. long, narrow-funnelform, teeth broadly ovate-triangular. Achenes c. 2 mm. long, compressed-cylindric, ribs clad in short white ascending to subappressed hairs. Pappus-hairs very unequal, up to c. 5 mm. long, slender, white, hardly barbellate.
Stems rather stout, hard, closely branched; living lvs forming dense flat rosettes at tips of branchlets. Lamina ± 10-15 × 3-5 mm., obovate-to narrow-oblong, obtuse, sts apiculate, coriac.; upper surface dull green, ± plicate, ± setulose; lower setulose, glab. or with scattered hairs, sts forming a distinct pellicle, midrib distinct; margins minutely irregularly denticulate towards apex, cuneately narrowed into petiole c. 3 mm. long, then expanded into short sheath. Scape slender, glandular-pubescent, ± 4-7 cm. long; bracts linear-oblong, up to 1 cm. long. Capitula 15-20 mm. diam.; phyll. narrowly lanceolate to oblong, up to c. 10 mm. long. Ray-florets ∞, slender, ± 15 mm. long, with pilose tube and long linear limb; disk-florets funnelform, 5-6 mm. long, teeth narrow-triangular. Achenes cylindric, 2.5-3 mm. long, densely clad on strong ribs in long ascending silky hairs. Pappus-hairs white, up to c. 5 mm. long, barbellate.
Herb forming very large tufts with lf-sheaths densely imbricate around stem. Lamina (10)-15-25-(40) × 4-5-(7) cm., rather thick, coriac.; oblong to broad-oblong to sublanceolate; upper surface glab. or nearly so, except evident midrib and main veins; lower surface and margins densely clad in rich to pale ferruginous soft velvety tomentum, midrib prominent, purple, soon glab. Apex obtuse or sts subacute, margins us. hidden by tomentum, narrowing to purplish petiole (5)-10-15 cm. long, merging into sheath 5-10 × 1-2 cm. with floccose white tomentum without and silvery pellicle within. Scape very stout, ± flattened, 20-50 cm. long, with loose ferruginous tomentum. Bracts few, towards upper part of scape; lamina linear-subulate, up to c. 6 cm. long. Capitula ± 4-5 cm. diam.; phyll. ∞, subulate-linear, acute, up to c. 2 cm. long, clad in pale brown to ferruginous spreading hairs. Ray-florets ∞, up to 2 cm. long, narrow-elliptic, limb ± pilose in lower part, glab. in upper, 3-toothed. Achenes glab., 4-5 mm. long, cylindric, grooved. Pappus-hairs up to 8 mm. long, white, slender, finely barbellate.
Large tufted herb, lf-sheaths closely imbricate around stem. Lamina ± 15-25 × 2.5-5 cm., coriac., elliptic- to oblong-lanceolate to elliptic-ovate; upper surface ± sparsely hairy when young, becoming glab., midrib and main veins evident; lower surface densely clad in white to very pale buff appressed velvety tomentum, midrib prominent, rather dark to pale. Apex acute to subacuminate; margins inrolled, entire or with a few teeth obscured by hairs, cuneately narrowed to ribbed petiole c. 5 × 1·5 cm. Sheath up to 10 × 3 cm., often flushed pale purple, clad in dense subappressed tomentum within. Scape (15)-30-40 cm. long, stout, ribbed, clad in deciduous floccose hairs; bracts ∞, lower ones lflike, up to 15 cm. long, including sheath; upper linear, up to 25 mm. long, floccose. Capitula (25)-40-50 mm. diam.; phyll. linear, acuminate, ± 15 mm. long, glab. except in apical part. Ray-florets ∞, ± 2 cm. long, limb narrow-spathulate, 3-toothed. Disk-florets 7-8 mm. long, tubular to narrow-funnelform, teeth narrow-triangular. Achenes glab. or with very few hairs, cylindric, strongly ribbed, 3-4 mm. long. Pappus-hairs white, up to c. 7 mm. long, finely barbellate.
Stout subshrub with ∞ low-growing branches, forming patches up to ± 1m. diam.; main stems up to 2 cm. diam., branches c. 10 mm. diam., clad in If-remains; branchlets erect to ascending, living Ivs in subrosulate tufts, ascending, finally reflexed. Lamina rigid, thick, coriac., very viscid, 6-8-(15) cm. × 6-9 mm., linear-subulate to narrow-oblong, gradually tapering from base to subacute apex; upper surface bright green, glab. or occ. pellicled, coarsely longitudinally grooved; lower surface white with appressed soft white felted tomentum; ribs ∞, prominent, parallel. Margins not or very slightly recurved, very minutely denticulate. Sheath abruptly widening from lamina, 20-25 × 10-15 mm., glab., grooved, brown to purplish. Scape stout, ± 15-20-(30) cm. long, densely glandular-pubescent; bracts ∞ to few, viscid, linear-subulate, up to 2 cm. long. Capitula 3-4 cm. diam.; phyll. ∞, linear-subulate, acuminate, up to c. 2 cm. long, densely glandular-pubescent, except towards base. Ray-florets spreading, 10-15-(20) mm. long, limb narrow-oblong; disk-florets ∞, tubular, 3-5 mm. long. Achenes narrow-cylindric, ± compressed, 3-4 mm. long; ribs with short ascending hairs. Pappus-hairs up to c. 6·5 mm. long, white, very slender, hardly barbellate.
Sprawling, sts lianoid, shrub with main stems up to ± 2 m. long and 5-15 mm. diam.; branches and branchlets stout, woody, ± invested by persistent lf-sheaths. Lvs slightly viscid, ∞, densely imbricated along branchlets. Lamina (2)-3-5 cm. × 3-5 mm., erect but becoming patent and finally reflexed; narrow-oblong to narrowly obovate-oblong, slightly narrowed to sheath, coriac.; upper surface glab., ± viscid, grooved, midrib impressed; lower surface clad in soft white appressed tomentum, midrib evident; apex ± acute; margins flat, rather obscurely toothed; sheath pale, slightly wider than lamina at apex, 15 × 4 mm., pale brown, thinly coriac. Scape 10-15-(20) cm. long, slender, ± glandular-pubescent; bracts several, linear-subulate, up to 2 cm. long. Capitula 2-4 cm. diam.; phyll. linear, 6-8 mm. long, pale, ± glandular-pubescent to glab., margins ciliolate, midrib distinct. Ray-florets ∞; claw ± compressed, ± 6 mm. long, limb ± 6 mm. long, elliptic-oblong. Disk-florets 6-7 mm. long, narrow-funnelform; teeth minute, triangular. Achenes c. 5 mm. long, subcompressed-cylindric; ribs rather obscure, with minute ascending hairs. Pappus of sordid-white minutely barbellate hairs up to ± 6 mm. long.
Infl. a simple umbel subtended by 2 us. conspicuous bracts, Calyxteeth obsolete; petals whitish, imbricate in bud. Fr. laterally compressed, orbicular in outline, with narrow commissure. Mericarps flattened; primary ribs 3-5; secondary 3-5, prominent. Creeping perennial herbs with simple lvs; lamina ovate to ovate-cordate to reniform. About 25 spp., mainly of S. Africa and Asia, the N.Z. sp. endemic.
Stems rather stout, branching, rooting at nodes. Lvs on petioles (1)-3-5-(15) cm. long; stipules ovate, up to c. 4 mm. long. Lamina glab. or sts loosely hairy towards base and on veins, orbicular to reniform, or oblong-reniform, (5)-10-(20) mm. diam., occ. larger; sinus open or base ± truncate; margins finely, regularly crenulate to nearly entire. Peduncles (2.5)-3-4-(25) mm. long, slender, ± pilose. Bracts 2, suborbicular to ovate, glab. Fls 1-2-(4), sessile, forming heads ± 5 mm. diam.; petals ovate, purple to whitish. Fr. suborbicular, somewhat compressed, c. 3-(4) mm. diam., with broad commissure. Mericarps rounded on dorsal edge, obscurely to distinctly 3-5-(7)-ribbed on face.
Capitula small, solitary and sessile or subsessile, or in racemes, heterogamous, discoid. Involucre subhemispheric; phyll. subequal, in c. 2 series, margins scarious, receptacle nude. ♀ exterior in several rows, fertile, with minute tubular corolla. Florets of disk few, perfect, ± campanulate. Anthers obtuse at base, style-arms of perfect florets truncate. Achenes bluntly 3-4-ribbed; pappus 0. Annual to perennial herbs with alt. lvs. A genus of some 15 spp., mostly of Chile, but a few in Madagascar, tropical Asia, Australia. The N.Z. sp. widespread, doubtfully indigenous.
A small bushy much-branched herb with stems up to ± 2 dm. long. Lvs ± 6-15 × 4-10 mm., of oblong to obovate order, us. diverse on the same plant, sparingly toothed to subpinnatifid, glab. to hairy. Capitula ± 5 mm. diam., subglobose, solitary, sessile or subsessile, axillary. Phyll. broad-oblong, membr. ♀ ∞, corolla minute, 4-lobed. Perfect florets few, corolla subcampanulate, 4-lobed. Achenes tetragonous, slightly hairy.
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Stock stout up to 1·8 cm. diam. with deeply descending taproot, crowned by dense rosette of basal lvs. Radical lvs up to c. 7 cm. long, obovate-spathulate to linear-spathulate, narrowed into flat petiole, apex acute to obtuse, coarsely irregularly inciso-serrate, coriac., glab. to sparsely clad in simple long hairs. Cauline lvs smaller, narrower, upper- most subentire. Infl. of few to many simple or branched stems, forming rounded or elongate masses up to 3 dm. or more tall; fls ∞ in the racemes, pedicels slender, ascending. Sepals c. 4 mm. long, narrow- oblong; petals white, ± 6-8 mm. long, narrow-spathulate, long-clawed. Siliques 4 cm. or more long, arcuate to straight, c. 1·5-2 mm. wide; style slender, c. 1 mm. long. Seeds 1-1·5 mm. long, compressed, reddish brown.
Stock often widely branched; lvs more regularly, less coarsely toothed, clad in stellate hairs; infl. branches stellate-pubescent below; siliques c. 5 cm. long.
Stock stout with deeply descending taproot, up to ± 1·5 cm. diam., crowned by rosette of basal lvs. Radical lvs up to c. 5 cm. long, narrow linear-spathulate, subacute, narrowed into flat petiole, subcoriac., rather distantly and sharply toothed to subentire, glab. or with sparingly ciliate margins. Cauline lvs similar, smaller, uppermost subentire. Infl. up to 5 dm. or more long, much branched; fls ∞ in racemes; pedicels slender, up to 2 cm. long. Sepals c. 3 mm. long, oblong; petals white, c. 6 mm. long, spathulate, long-clawed. Siliques (1·5)-3-6 cm. × 4-6 mm., styles slender, c. 1-2 mm. long. Seeds c. 2 mm. long, broad-oblong in outline, compressed, reddish brown.
Sepals linear to oblong, not saccate; petals white, spathulate; pistil subsessile; ovary with 12-36 ovules; style very short. Siliques linear to narrow-oblong, midnerve thin, lateral nerves faint. Seeds in two rows, obovate to rounded, or pyriform, somewhat flattened; cots accumbent. Perennial herbs with very stout stock, rosulate basal lvs; cauline lvs us. present. The N.Z. spp. are endemic. is endemic to Tasmania.
Stock stout, with deeply. descending taproot, crowned by dense rosette of basal lvs. Lvs up to 18 cm. long, coriac., glab., lanceolate-spathulate; lamina ± 2-5 × 1-2.5 cm., very deeply 4-lobed; lobes obtuse, mucronulate; petiole broad, flat. Cauline lvs absent. Infl. an unbranched raceme up to 3 dm. tall, with ∞ subcorymbosely arranged fls. Sepals ± 4-5 mm. long, oblong; petals white, ± 10 mm. long, spathulate, long- clawed. Siliques suberect, narrow-linear, up to 5 cm. × 3 mm. Seeds compressed.
Rhizome shortly creeping, ascending, clad in pale brown to ferruginous subulate-attenuate paleae c. 4 mm. long; stipites clustered. Stipes 2-5-(10) cm. long, stiff, erect, dark brown, clad in similar paleae. Rhachis similar to stipes, with distant to approximate subopp. to alt. pinnae. Lamina pinnate to bipinnate, narrow- to ovate-oblong, subcoriac., (3)-5-15 × 1-3 cm. Pinnae stalked, 8-16 mm. long, about ovate, pinnatifid to pinnatisect, sts lower pinnules very shortly stalked; lower surface densely clad in pale to ferruginous subulate-attenuate paleae; upper surface dull green, ± paleate. Sori interrupted to coalescent, extending along margin, hardly or not protected by slightly reflexed lamina margin.
Rhizome shortly creeping, clad in hair-like pale to dark brown paleae up to 8 mm. long; stipites densely clustered. Stipes (5)-10-15-(25)cm. long, slender, stiff, wiry, very dark brown, ± lustrous, glab. except at very base. Rhachis similar to stipes, bearing subopp. distant pinnae. Lamina 5-20-(25) × 1·5-2.5-(4) cm., narrow oblong, glab. or nearly so, dull green. Primary pinnae stalked, ascending, about ovate, up to 2.5 cm. × 7 mm. Secondary pinnae or segs shortly stalked to sessile, c. 5 mm. long, narrow-oblong, crenulate; margins ± recurved in dry state. Sori distinct to confluent, ± protected by reflexed pale margin.
Sori marginal on tips of veins, often approximate, protected by the modified reflexed margin of lamina, sts unprotected. Sporangia stalked; annulus incomplete, vertical, with many-celled stomium; spores tetrahedral, ± globose, smooth to granulose. Rhizome ascending or shortly creeping, paleate. Fronds us. clustered, pinnate to decompound; veins free. Terrestrial ferns of some 180 spp. of tropical and temperate areas.
Rhizome shortly creeping, ascending, densely clad in pale to ferruginous hair-like paleae, 3-5 mm. long; stipites clustered. Stipes stiff, wiry, erect, dark-brown, lustrous, (5)-15-(25) cm., glab. except at paleate base. Rhachis similar to stipes, with distant to approximate, subopp. to alt. pinnae. Lamina ovate-deltoid, (3)-10-20-(25) × (1)-2-5-(10)cm., submembr., dull to rather bright green, glab. or nearly so, 2-3-pinnate. Primary pinnae stalked, up to 6 × 2 cm., ovate-oblong to deltoid, again pinnate. Secondary pinnae up to 1 cm. or more long, ovate-oblong, pinnatifid to pinnatisect; final segs oblong, crenate to subentire. Sori us. coalescent and extending along whole of margin, ± protected by reflexed crenulate edges.
Fls very small, often bracted, greenish, perfect or unisexual, regular or nearly so. Per. 3-5-lobed or 0; in ♀ often accrescent; stamens us. 3-5, free, anthers 2-celled. Ovary 1-celled, ind.; embryo annular. Annual to perennial herbs or shrubs with mostly alt., simple, exstipulate lvs. A cosmopolitan family of some 75 genera and over 500 spp.
Procumbent slender herb, woody at base, occ. scrambling through low support. Branches slender, at length glab., up to 40 cm. long, us. less; base up to ± 6 mm. diam. Lvs thin, glab., entire or nearly so, of 2 main forms: (a) petiole filiform, seldom > 5 mm. long; lamina 4-10 × 4-10 mm., broad-ovate to suborbicular, ± emarginate and mucronulate (occ. with a few larger lvs): (b) petiole very slender, up to 2 cm. long; lamina 20-25 × 10-15 mm., oblong-ovate, occ. subacuminate, cuneately narrowed to base or truncate, not mucronulate. Specimens showing both forms are sts met with. Infl. of axillary and terminal very slender spikes, up to 10 cm. long, us. less; clusters few-fld, rather distant (sts lower part of spike nude). Per. segs 5, connate towards base, narrow-triangular, margined; stamens us. 5, styles 2. Fr. covered by persistent per.; pericarp adherent. Seed ± 1 mm. diam., black, horizontal (rarely vertical).
Prostrate branching herb with diam. up to 6 dm., with stout deeply descending main root; stems glab., ridged, with ∞ branches. Lvs on flattened petioles (2)-5-10-(15) mm. long; lamina (2)-4-10-(20) × (2)-3-5-(12) mm., thick, fleshy, glab. and dark green to reddish above, glaucous to white below, with appressed tomentum; obovate-cuneate to rhomboid to oblong, distantly to rather closely dentate, rarely crenate; often 1 pair of teeth exceeding rest. F1. clusters small, in simple or compound axillary and terminal spikes. Per. segs 3-4, obtuse, not completely covering fr. Seeds 1-1·5 mm. long, black, shining; margins rounded.
Decumbent, evil-smelling, branching herb up to ± 6 dm. diam., with deeply descending main root. Branches stiff, slender, glabrate, pale, 20-30 cm. or more long. Lvs on slender petioles, 2-5 mm. long; lamina 4-10-(20) × 4-10-(15) cm., rhomboid to ovate-rhomboid, acute, cuneately narrowed to base, entire or with a pair of lateral teeth. Fls in dense axillary clusters, forming a spikelike infl. Per. segs 4-5, oblong, obtuse, not hiding fr.; stamens us. 4. Utricle horizontal, depressed, minutely punctulate, ± 1 mm. diam.
Fls perfect or ♀ in small axillary clusters, or the clusters in simple or compound spikes. Per. segs 2-5 ± united; stamens (0)-2-5. Styles 2-3, ± free. Fr. a membr. utricle ± invested by persistent per. Seed with crustaceous variously marked testa; embryo annular, endosperm cop. Annual to perennial herbs or shrubs with over 100 spp., mainly of temperate regions.
Decumbent branching glandular-pubescent herb up to 15 cm. diam., with stout deeply descending main root; branches slender, lfy, radiating. Lvs on slender petioles up to 5 mm. long; lamina pubescent on both surfaces, thin, 3-5-(10) × 2-5-(10) mm.; broad- to ovate-oblong, entire, occ. slightly sinuate. Most lvs do not exceed 5 × 5 mm., but occ. specimens have some lvs of greater dimensions. Fls minute, in axillary clusters; per. segs 4, narrow-oblong, pubescent. Stamen us. 1; utricle ovate in outline, erect, compressed; pericarp free.
Plant monoec. or dioec.; fls small, in bracted heads, spikes, or panicles, regular; per. 0 to rud.; stamens 1 to 3 (connate); ovary inferior, 1-carpelled; ovules pend. Herbs, shrubs, or trees with minutely stipulate opp. lvs; petioles sts connate at base. Four genera, mainly tropical to subtropical; about 75 spp.
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Glab. ± succulent perennial herb with slender to rather stout branching stems creeping, rooting at nodes; forming dense to loose patches up to 15 cm. or more across; stems often expanded and cormose at intervals, roots often bearing pale cormose submoniliform starch-rich swellings up to 2 cm. long. Lvs on filiform petioles (0·5)-1-(3) cm. long, expanded into a scarious sheath below, alt. or in alt. clusters; lamina (0·5)-1-5 cm. long, filiform to narrow-linear to narrow-spathulate, obtuse to subacute. Fls up to 2 cm. diam., solitary or paired or in few-fld racemes, on slender peduncles 1-3 cm. long. Sepals 2, enclosing petals in bud, ovate-oblong to suborbicular, ± 3 mm. diam.; petals us. white, sts rose, 6-8 mm. long, obovate. Capsule ± globose; seeds us. 3, ± 1·5 mm. diam, lenticular, smooth, glossy, dark brown to black.
Fls solitary to cymosely arrayed; stamens 5; style-branches 3; capsules 3-valved, 3-6-seeded, dehiscing explosively. Petals white to rose, > sepals. Seeds suborbicular in outline, ± flattened, dark brown to black, smooth, shiny. Annual to perennial glab. herbs with opp. or alt., sts fascicled, exstipulate lvs. Stems us. somewhat stout, bearing starch-rich cormose swellings. About 25 spp., mainly of Australia, Asia, N. America.
Stems ∞, up to 3 m. long, stiff, wiry, grooved, glab., forming large masses in rocky and open ground, occ. scandent. Branches yellowish green, 3-4 mm. diam., terete, finely grooved, bound together by lf-tendrils; nodes distant. Lvs reduced to petioles and petiolules up to 6 cm. long, strongly spirally coiled. Laminae developed in shade and on young plants, small, entire, ovate, acute. Infl. axillary; fls solitary or in panicles of 2-5 on pilose peduncles 1-2 cm. long; bracts pilose-pubescent, narrow-ovate, c. 2 mm. long. ♂ 3-4 cm. diam.; sepals 4 (rarely 5), c. 2 cm. long, ovate-oblong, obtuse to subacute, greenish yellow; stamens ∞, anthers linear-oblong, c. 2 mm. long. ♀ similar, but smaller; achenes ∞, 3-4 mm. long, ovoid, reddish brown, pilose-pubescent; styles c. 2 cm. long.
Liane with slender stems and branches, climbing over shrubs and small trees; branchlets very slender, grooved, ± pubescent, becoming glab. Lvs 3-foliolate, subcoriac. to submembr., glab., on petioles up to 5 cm. or more long; petiolules ± pubescent, c. 1-2 cm. long. Lflts 2-3·5 cm. long, pinnate below, pinnatisect to pinnatifid above; pinnae up to 1·5 cm. long, rarely more, rather deeply lobed, obtuse, us. apiculate. Infl. of solitary fl. or few-fld panicles on peduncles up to 6 cm. long. Bracts linear-entire or lobed, 6-25 mm. long, often foliaceous; pedicels ± pubescent. ♂ up to 3 cm. diam.; sepals 5-8, ± silky-hairy, white or very pale yellow, c.2 cm. long, ovate-oblong, obtuse. Stamens several; anthers linear-oblong, c.2 mm. long. ♀ sepals pale yellow, smaller; achenes 3-4 mm. long, fusiform to ovoid, dark reddish brown, margins thickened, pubescent when young, becoming glab.
Lflts pinnate, on petiolules c. 5-10 mm. long; pinnae up to 1 cm. long, again pinnate to pinnatifid; lobes obtuse, up to 4 mm. long. Fls mainly solitary in axils, on peduncles up to 2 cm. long; sepals of ♀ more silky; bracts 3-4 mm. long, linear-subulate; achenes glab. when mature.
Liane with rather stout main stems up to c. 6 cm. diam. at base, ascending to 6 m. or more; branchlets grooved, densely fulvous tomentose when young as are the unfolding lvs. Lvs 3-foliolate on rather stout pubescent-pilose petioles c. 3 cm. long. Lflts on petiolules c. 5-10 mm. long, rather dark green, subcoriac., ovate, obtuse to acute, truncate to subcordate at base, entire to sinuate or ± crenately toothed; pubescent-pilose, at length glab.; 2.5-6 × 2-4 cm. Subfloral lflts smaller; often entire or subentire. Infl. of axillary us. ample panicles; pedicels up to 4 cm. long, slender, pilose; bracts ovate, acute to acuminate, connate. Fls strongly scented. ♂ up to 2.5 cm. diam. Sepals 5-8, yellow, pubescent-pilose without, 1·5 cm. long, ovate-oblong, obtuse to subacute. Stamens ∞, filaments c. 1 cm. long; anthers 1-2 mm. long, narrow oblong. ♀ up to 1·5 cm. Sepals 5-8, c. 1 cm. long, ovate, obtuse, pubescent-pilose without, yellow. Stamens us. abortive. Achenes c. 3 mm. long, ∞, ± pubescent-pilose; styles c. 2-3 cm. long, plumose.
Liane of lower stature and more slender habit than C. paniculata; branchlets grooved, glab. Lvs 3-foliolate, on rather slender petioles c. 4-6 cm. long. Lflts on slender petiolules c. 1·5-2 cm. long; bright green, thinly coriac., glab., 3-8 × 1-4·5 cm., narrow- to broad-ovate, obtuse to acute or subacuminate, cordate at base, crenate or crenately lobed, lobes often apiculate. Subfloral lvs smaller, often entire or sub-entire. Infl. axillary, us. ample, the peduncles simple or branched, ± pubescent, up to 10 cm. long; bracts narrow-ovate, acute to acuminate. Fls fragrant. ♂ c. 3-4 cm. diam.; sepals white, 5-8, narrow-ovate to narrow-oblong, glabrate to ± pubescent without; 2-2.5 cm. × 5-8 mm. Stamens ∞, filaments c.1 cm. long; anthers narrow-oblong, c. 3 mm. long. ♀ smaller, sepals 5-8, elliptic to narrow-ovate, c. 1·5-2 cm. × 5 mm., ± pubescent without. Stamens us. abortive. Achenes c. 3 mm. long; pubescent, becoming glab.; style plumose, c. 3 cm. long.
Liane with slender stems and branches, climbing over shrubs and small trees or scrambling over rocks; branchlets finely grooved, glab. (or ± pubescent when young). Lvs 3-6-foliolate, on petioles c. 2- 4 cm. long, ovate; lflts truncate at base, crenately to crenate-serrately toothed or lobed, glab., 1-2-(3) cm. × 5-15-(20) mm. Infl. of solitary or few fls in axils, on peduncles up to 3 cm. long; bracts narrow-ovate, acute, 1-3 mm. long. ♂ up to 3 cm. diam., often less; sepals 5-8, ± pubescent-pilose, greenish to pale yellow, ovate-oblong; stamens ∞; anthers 1-1·5 mm. long, narrow-oblong. ♀ smaller, sepals us. more pubescent; achenes pilose, becoming glab., ovoid to elliptic, margins thickened; 3-4 mm. long; styles up to 3 cm. long.
Lvs 6-foliolate; lflts 2-3-lobed, on very slender petiolules; laminae up to 7 × 7 mm. (sts rather larger on lower branchlets). Lobes up to 4 mm. long, ovate to obovate, obtuse, us. apiculate. Fls solitary or few in axils, on peduncles c. 2 cm. long, pubescent-pilose; bracts c. 3 mm. long, pubescent-pilose, ovate-oblong, subacute. Achenes densely pubescent-pilose, ovoid, c. 2 mm. long; styles c. 2 cm. long.
Sepals 4-8, petaloid, valvate; petals 0; stamens ∞, anthers adnate. Carpels ∞; ovule solitary, suspended. Fruit a cluster of sessile achenes with elongate persistent styles. Soft-wooded lianes or sub-shrubs with opp. us. compound lvs. Some 250 spp., mainly of temperate regions. The N.Z. spp. are endemic and dioec. or polygamo-dioec.
Liane with main stems high-climbing, up to 10 cm. diam. or more at base, branching; branchlets stout, glab., grooved. Lvs 3-foliolate, on petioles c. 4 cm. × 2 mm. Lflts on stout petiolules c. 1-2 cm. long, dark green, coriac., glab., broadly ovate, cordate to truncate at base, to broad-oblong; (2.5)-5-10 × (1·5)-3-5 cm., entire to crenately toothed or lobed at apex. Subfloral lvs smaller. Infl. of axillary, us. ample, panicles; bracts ovate-acuminate, lower ones often foliaceous, petiolate, trifoliolate; pedicels rather stout, up to 4 cm. long, ± pubescent. Fls fragrant. ♂ 5-10 cm. diam. Sepals white, spathulate to obovate or oblong, c. 4 × 1 cm., glab. Stamens ∞, filaments 1-1·5 cm. long, anthers c. 2 mm. long, narrow-oblong, obtuse. ♀ with smaller sepals; stamens few, us. abortive; achenes ∞, pubescent, c. 2 mm. long; style plumose, 3-5 cm. long.
Lianes with slender main stems up to 3 m. or more tall; branchlets finely grooved, pilose when young. Lvs 3-foliolate on slender pilose-pubescent petioles c. 3 cm. long. Lflts pubescent-pilose, becoming glab. on petiolules c. 1 cm. long; ovate, us. cordate at base, submembr., entire or crenately toothed or lobed, lobes often apiculate; 1·5-4 × 1-2 cm. Infl. in axillary rather few-fld panicles up to 8 cm. long; peduncles slender, pubescent-pilose, as are the very slender to filiform pedicels c. 2-3 cm. long. Bracts linear-oblong, ± connate at base, pilose. Fls slightly fragrant. ♂ 1-2-(2.5) cm. diam.; sepals 5-8, narrow-oblong to elliptic-oblong, yellowish, c. 1-1·5 cm. long, subacute, ± pubescent. Stamens ∞, with filaments up to 1 cm. long; anthers c. 1-1·5 mm. long, ovate-oblong to elliptic; connective produced into minute blunt apiculus. ♀ with smaller sepals; stamens us. abortive; achenes 1-2 mm. long, pilose, becoming glab.; styles c. 1-2 cm. long, white-plumose.
Liane with slender stems and branches climbing over shrubs and small trees, or scrambling over rocks; branchlets grooved, ± pubescent when young. Lvs with petioles up to 3 cm. long, biternately or ternately branched. Lflts (0·5)-1-3-(4) × 0·5-2-(2.5) cm., subcoriac., ovate to ovate-oblong, obtuse, entire or with 1-2, rarely more, blunt lateral lobes, especially on terminal lflt; the larger lflts sts truncate at base. Infl. of axillary, solitary fls or few-fld panicles, on pubescent-pilose peduncles up to 2 cm. long. Bracts us. small, ovate, acute, ± connate at base; sts foliaceous, narrow-lanceolate, up to 1 cm. long. ♂ c. 3·5 cm. diam.; sepals 5-8, greenish yellow, up to 2 cm. long, ovate-oblong, pubescent; stamens ∞, filaments c. 1 cm. long; anthers c. 2 mm. long, narrow-oblong. ♀ up to 3 cm. diam.; sepals up to 1·5 cm. long, ovate-oblong, greenish yellow, pubescent. Achenes ∞, ovoid, 4-5 mm. long, dark red, margins strongly thickened, glab. when mature; styles c. 3 cm. long.
Softly woody shrub with spreading branches, up to 2 m. tall; branchlets subherbaceous, silky-pubescent to glabrate. Lvs imparipinnate, up to 15 cm. long, with up to 15 pairs of lflts; lfls subsessile, 1·5-2.5 cm. long, linear-oblong, retuse to obtuse at apex. Racemes pend., up to 15-fld; fls scarlet, up to 8 cm. long. Calyx campanulate, teeth subulate, erect, 1·5-3 mm. long; standard ovate-acuminate, c. 6 cm. long; wings c. 3 cm. long, lanceolate-falcate, acute; keel c. 6 cm. or more long, falcate-acuminate. Pods up to 8 cm. long, turgid; seeds ∞.
A white-fld form is plentiful as a cultivated plant. Cheeseman (Man. N.Z. Fl. 1925, 527) states: "A white-flowered variety is said by the Maoris to grow on the Tiniroto Cliffs. Possibly this is the source of the white-flowered form sometimes grown in gardens, which I have proved to come true from seed." Hybrids of intermediate colour have been raised.
Fls large, in racemes. Calyx 5-toothed, standard acuminate, reflexed; wings shorter, keel = or > standard. Ovary stipitate, ovules ∞; style subulate, bearded. Pods terete, turgid, beaked. Seeds ∞, reniform. Softly woody shrubs with imparipinnate lvs; lflts ∞. One sp. in N.Z., one in Australia.
Plant several cm. across, branches robust, many, up to 8 cm. long or more, c. 1 cm. thick including lvs, with few side branches and easily separated from one another. Lvs densely imbricated all round stems and along their length, shining, firm, rounded on back, sheaths short and hidden; blade 5-7 mm. long, subulate, without obvious border or midrib, tapering gradually to long acicular point. Peduncles very short. Fls to 7 mm. long; sepals 5, subulate, firm, rounded on back, gradually tapering into long acicular points like those of lvs; stamens and styles short; capsule narrow, splitting into 5 narrow lobes 1/2-⅔ length of sepals when mature.
Clumps several cm. across formed of one or more plants. Branches many, mostly short, occ. 3, rarely 5 cm. long, clothed with old lf-bases. Lvs soft, ± grassy; sheath short, broad; blade 5-15-35 mm. long, linear, ending in short but definite apiculate tip. Peduncles about = lvs or longer. Fls very broad; sepals 5, ± 3 mm. long, much broader than lvs, ovate, obtuse or at most subacute, often purple-bordered; capsule valves up to ⅓ longer than sepals when fully open; seeds with very low rounded papillae only.
Plant simple or several to many tufted. Branches mostly very short. Lvs grassy, erect, flexuous or recurved, blade 10-25 mm. long, linear to very narrow-linear, with short apicula. Peduncles about = lvs, becoming longer; fls fairly broad, sepals 5, 3-4 mm. long, broad and partly membr. below, tapering to short apicula; capsule 5-valved, valves almost = sepals when mature. Seeds with low rounded papillae.
Lf blade 15-40 mm. long gradually tapering into short acicular tip. Peduncles mostly longer than lvs, occ. 10 cm. long, often ∞ . Fls broad, sepals (4)-5-(7) mm. long, broad-lanceolate, tapering gradually to short or very short apicula.
Fls hermaphrodite, solitary. Sepals 4-5 free; petals 0; stamens as many as sepals and alternating with them; ovary 1-celled, styles as many as sepals, free to base; capsule opening by as many teeth as there are sepals; seeds ∞.Small, densely lfy, glab. herbs, lvs narrow, opp., connate at base, exstipulate. Mostly with strong tap root. A southern genus of more than 20 spp. known from Australia, Tasmania, Kerguelen Is, S. America, Falkland Is, S. Georgia, and extending to Antarctica. Of the 13 N.Z. spp. all but 2 are endemic.
Plant forming hard tight rigid cushion, often hemispherical, up to 8 cm. across, with many short stiff tightly-packed branches closely covered with lvs. Lvs firm, densely imbricated, incurved towards stem; sheath as long as blade but ± hidden; blade subulate, rounded on back, 2-3 mm. long, bluntly contracted into a distinct, us. long, acicular tip; neither border nor midrib evident. Peduncles short. Fls 3 mm. long; sepals 5, ± ovate, broader than lvs, with thickened midrib, ending in short acicular tip; capsule splitting barely to middle, = or > sepals when mature.
Plant us. of rather compact habit, stems 1-3 cm. or longer in sheltered habitats. Lvs us. closely placed over length of stem, spreading; sheath short, blade linear-subulate, 5-10 mm. long, tapering to often long acicular tips, strongly bordered when dry. Peduncles short (occ. 1 cm. long). Fls (4)-5-(8) mm. long; sepals 5, subulate from broad base, thickened on midrib, us. with long acicular tips; capsule splitting into 5 narrow valves, shorter than sepals, sts much shorter.
Plant a compact cushion, branches close, lfy along their length. Lvs stiff, squarrose, sheath short and inconspicuous; blade c. 3-4 mm. long, subulate, canaliculate, narrowed into short acicular tip, strongly bordered, in younger lvs with groove between border and broad rounded midrib when dry. Peduncles short. Fls 2.5-3 mm. long; sepals 5, ovate to broadly triangular, with thickened keel and often margin also, obtuse or tapering to short apicula; capsule splitting into 5 narrow lobes = or slightly > calyx.
Plant forming compact cushion several cm. across, branches many and close, 2-3 cm. long, lfy throughout. Lvs closely imbricated, incurved towards stem, rigid and shining; sheaths mostly hidden; blades 4-5 mm. long, subulate, tapering from base to short acicular tip; border and midrib distinguishable in very young lvs when dry. Peduncles about = lvs. Fls 3-3·5 mm. long; sepals us. 5, broader than lvs, ovate-subulate, pouched at base, tapering to very short acicular tip, midrib forming flattish keel; capsule lobes about = sepals.
Plant forming a cushion up to 7 cm. across and with strong tap root. Branches many, up to 3 cm. long, clothed with long-persistent bases of dead lvs. Lvs rather soft, patent or recurved; sheath pale, short; blade c. 7 × 1 mm., narrow-oblong, bluntly contracted into short apicula, and with very narrow colourless border. Peduncles short. Fls c. 5 mm. long; sepals 5 (occ. fl. is 4-merous), broader than lvs, broadly triangular to oblong, obtuse with small apicula, with very narrow membr. border; capsule valves 5, c. ⅔ length of sepals when just mature; seeds differing from those of all other N.Z. spp. in bearing sharply pointed papillae.
Plant several cm. across, forming cushion 2-4 cm. deep; branches many and close, up to 4 cm. long, lfy throughout length. Lvs closely spaced but spreading, sheath short but obvious, blade linear-subulate, c. 5 mm. long, without midrib but with strongly thickened margins running into short acicular tip. Peduncles short, sts elongating to exceed lvs in fr. Sepals 4, c. 3 mm. long, linear-subulate, bordered strongly near short acicular tip; stamens short; styles short; capsule splitting almost to base into 4 broad lobes that often exceed sepals when mature.
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Plant forming deep cushions up to many cm. across; branches many, us. close, lfy throughout their length, which may reach 5 cm. or more. Adventitious roots ∞ amongst old lf-bases, binding lower parts of cushion into peat-forming mass. Lvs fleshy, closely spaced, ± spreading, sheath membr., pale, large and persisting after blade withers; blade subulate to linear-subulate, 4-10 mm. long, when dry strongly bordered above and round the obtuse tip where also a short length of midrib is thickened. Peduncles us. short, fls 3 mm. long, amongst lvs. Disk obvious, sepals 4, subulate, obtuse and bordered like the lvs; stamens short; capule splitting into 4 narrow lobes longer than sepals when mature.
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Fls (florets) densely clustered in heads (capitula) on a common receptacle invested by an involucre of imbricating phyllaries in 1 or more series. Florets all similar (head homogamous) or disk-florets and ray-florets dissimilar (head heterogamous). Calyx united to ovary crowned by pappus of hairs or scales or nude. Corolla ligulate or tubular; stamens 5, epicorolline; anthers syngenesious, often appendaged. Ovary inferior, 1-celled; ovule basal, anatropous. Style branched into 2 stigmatic arms. Fr. an achene. A nearly cosmopolitan family with over 900 genera and 14000 spp. Practically all the main growth-forms are represented. Endemic to N.Z. are: , , , , , , .
Fls axillary, solitary or in dichasia, perfect, regular, 5-merous (rarely 4-merous), sts cleistogamous; bracts often forming an involucre. Calyx imbricate, persistent, us. cut to or almost to base. Corolla gamopetalous, funnelform to campanulate; lobes us. twisted in blud. Stamens basally epipetalous, alt. with lobes; anthers 2-celled, dorsifixed, us. introrse, longitudinally dehiscent; disk us. present. Ovary superior, us. 2-loculed; placentae axile; ovules 1-2 per locule, erect, sessile. Capsule loculicidally dehiscent, sts opening irregularly, or fr. fleshy and indehiscent. Endosperm hard. Herbs, lianes, shrubs or trees with us. milky sap and alt. simple exstipulate lvs. Widespread, with some 50 genera and 1200 spp.
Perennial creeping herb or subshrub; stems arising from stout us. multicipital stock, us. rhizomatous, much-branched, up to ± 3 dm. long; aerial parts ± densely clad in greyish ± villous hairs. Lvs on slender petioles 1-2 cm. long or more, us. clustered at tips of branchlets. Laminae of diverse shapes and sizes, several forms us. present on any particular plant. Three main groups may be recognized: (a) rather similar to those of C. verecundus but us. rather larger and with a pair of basal lobes; passing into (b) basal lobes larger, terminal lobe up to c. 3 cm. long, linear; (c) petioles linear to filiform, up to 5 cm. long; basal lobes up to 10 mm. long, linear, at right angles to linear, entire, sinuate or toothed terminal lobe up to 5 cm. long. Fls axillary, solitary, on slender to almost filiform peduncles up to 6 cm. long. Bracts paired, linear, c. 2-3 mm. long, near to or rather distant from calyx. Outer sepals > inner, broad-ovate, ± crenulate, ± 5 mm. long. Corolla white, ± 2 cm. long and diam. Seeds almost black, up to 5 mm. diam., finely tuberculate.
Fls solitary or in few-fld axillary or terminal corymbs; bracts small, distant from fl.; calyx divided nearly or quite to base; corolla 5-angled, stamens inserted at base of corolla-tube; style filiform, stigmas 2, linear; capsule 2-loculed, each locule with 1-2 seeds. Annual or perennial herbs, sts woody near base. About 200, mainly temperate, spp.; the N.Z. spp. endemic.
Low-growing ± pubescent perennial herb or subshrub; stock rather stout, often multicipital; branches spreading, slender, ± woody at base, up to c. 3 dm. long. All parts silky-hairy or in some forms nearly glab. Lvs alt., often several together at nodes, on slender petioles up to 2-3 cm. long. Lamina grey-green, broad-ovate to oblong or suborbicular, (5)-8-20 × (5)-8-15-(20) mm.; apex emarginate, base truncate to subcordate, sinus very shallow, margins ± sinuate to rather coarsely crenate. Peduncles very slender, 1-4 cm. long, us. 1-fld, us. with a pair of linear bracts ± 1-3 mm. long, rather distant from calyx. Sepals obovate-oblong, persistent, 3-5 mm. long, pubescent. Corolla white, c. 15 mm. long and diam. Capsule 5-6-(7) mm. diam., valves thin, glab. or very nearly so. Seeds wrinkled, ± hairy, tubercled, c. 3 mm. diam., very dark brown.
Low-growing, with slender flexible, sprawling to prostrate, interlacing branches and branchlets, forming a ± cushionlike mass up to c. 2 m. diam., occ. up to 2m. tall. Branchlets ∞ with yellowish brown bark, pubescent when young. Lvs in opp. Pairs or fascicles, on yellowish petioles. Stipules rounded-obtuse to broadly triangular, ± pubescent, ciliolate. Lamina coriac., yellowish green, linear obtuse, 7-12 × 1-1·5- (2) mm. Midrib alone evident. Fls solitary, terminal on short branchlets. ♂ with calyx 0 or vestigial; corolla funnelform, lobes ovate-oblong, subacute, ± = tube. ♀ with acute, narrow-triangular calyx-teeth; corolla funnelform, lobes narrow-oblong, obtuse. Drupe translucent, very pale to pale blue, often with darker flecks, globose, c. 7 mm. diam.
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Shrub up to 2 m. tall, us. shorter; branches with light to rather dark grey bark; branchlets crowded, pubescent. Lvs close-set, sessile or nearly so, mostly fascicled. Stipules triangular, obtuse to subacute, pubescent, ciliolate, sts with terminal denticle. Lamina linear to narrow-oblong, acute, glab., membr., ± 10-13 × 1-2 mm. Midrib alone evident. Fls solitary; ♂ without calyx; ♀ with evident calyx-lobes, corolla-lobes narrow, ± = tube. Drupe oblong, c. 4 mm. long.
Tree up to c. 10 m. tall; trunk 2-4 dm. diam.; branches rather close-set; branchlets slender, pubescent. Lvs on petioles winged in upper half, (8)-12-(20) mm. long. Stipules short, triangular, connate near base, ciliolate, with prominent denticle. Lamina rather thin, glab., ovate to broad-elliptic to oblong, sts suborbicular; apex rounded or retuse, sts apiculate or mucronulate; cuneately or abruptly narrowed to petiole; margins thickened, indistinctly waved, often subcrenulate; ± 50-60 × 35-40 mm.; lvs on young plants smaller, lamina ± 15-25 × 10-17 mm. Reticulations obscure above, us. distinct below. ♂ in dense glomerules, terminal on main and axillary branches; calyx-teeth linear, obtuse, ciliolate; corolla funnelform, lobes ovoid, acute, ± = tube. ♀ in clusters of 2-4; calyx-teeth obtuse, ciliolate; corolla-tube short, lobes long, acute. Drupe white, broad-oblong, c. 7 mm. long.
Shrub or tree up to 3-(5) m. tall; branches slender, us. fastigiate, bark grey; branchlets finely pubescent. Lvs fascicled on short branchlets; petioles slender, finely pubescent to pilose, winged 3-7 mm. long. Stipules small. obtuse, pubescent to pilose, with conspicuous sharp denticle. Lamina membr., glab. or nearly so above, sparsely pubescent below, broad-elliptic to obovate, acute to subacuminate, apiculate, cuneately narrowed to base, ± 9-10-(17) × 7-10 mm. Reticulated veins evident above and below. Fls solitary or 2-4 together, terminal on short branchlets. ♂ without calyx; corolla broad-funnelform, lobes ovate, acute, ± = tube. ♀ with minute calyx-teeth; corolla subcampanulate, lobes ± = tube. Drupe dark purple to almost black, globose, 4-5 mm. diam.
Slender shrub up to 1-(2) m. tall; branches flexible, with dark to very dark brown bark; branchlets us. finely pubescent when young. Lvs us. in rather distant pairs or fascicles, petioles very slender, 1-2-(3) mm. long. Stipules oblong-triangular, subacute to obtuse, pubescent, ciliate, with apical tuft of long hairs. Lamina subcoriac., glab., linear to very narrow-cuneate, ± curved, truncate to obtuse, ± retuse, sts mucronulate, (6)-10-16 × (0·5)-2-(3) mm. Midrib evident below, us. impressed above. ♂ solitary or 2-4 together, terminal on short branchlets, calyx 0; corolla funnelform, tube ± = narrow acute lobes. ♀ solitary, terminal; calyx-teeth very short; corolla narrow-funnelform, lobes narrow, acute, ± = tube. Drupe clear red, globose, 4-5 mm. diam.
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Prostrate to sprawling with slender flexible interlacing branches and branchlets forming flattened us. rather open mats up to c. 2 m. diam. Branches with dark brown bark, branchlets pubescent. Lvs in opp. pairs or fascicles on very short petioles. Stipules broadly triangular, obtuse, pubescent, ciliolate. Lamina coriac., dark brownish green, glab., linear, obtuse, 5-8-(13) × 0·5-1 mm. Midrib alone evident. Fls solitary, terminal on short lfy branchlets. ♂ with calyx vestigial or 0; corolla broadly campanulate, lobes acute, ± = tube. ♀ with calyx minutely toothed; corolla tubular, lobes acute, ± = tube. Drupe translucent pale blue or with pale blue flecks, globose, 5-6 mm. diam.
Tree up to 15 m. tall; trunk up to c. 6 dm. diam.; branches and branchlets rather stout, densely pubescent when young. Lvs on short stout petioles. Stipules triangular, pubescent, densely ciliate; denticle prominent. Lamina subcoriac., ovate to ovate-oblong, obtuse, mucronulate, gradually narrowed to base, dark green and rather glossy above, paler below; ± 35-75 × 20-35 mm. Reticulated veins evident below. ♂ few together on shortly branched axillary peduncles; calyx 0 or vestigial; corolla funnelform, lobes 5, acuminate, > tube. ♀ 1-3 together; calyx-teeth short, ciliolate; corolla tubular, lobes ovate, acute, > tube. Drupe yellowish red, obovoid, c. 9 × 9 mm.
Prostrate to sprawling shrub up to c. 5 dm. tall; branches ± divaricate, branchlets slender; pubescent. Lvs very shortly petioled. Stipules broadly triangular, obtuse, pubescent to villous, ciliate especially at apex. Lamina coriac., olive-green, linear to narrow-oblong, acute, ± 8-11 × 1-2 mm., margins us. reddish brown. Midrib alone evident. Fls solitary, terminal on short branchlets. ♂ without calyx; corolla broadly campanulate; lobes 4-6, acute to subacute, ± = tube. ♀ with calyx-teeth evident, acute, corolla-tube short, lobes linear ± reflexed. Drupe orange-red, globose, 6-7 mm. diam.
Erect or spreading or sts subprostrate shrub up to c. 3 m. tall; branches slender, branchlets pubescent. Lvs on petioles (1)-2-3-(4) mm. long, hairy. Stipules subacute, pubescent, densely ciliate, with conspicuous tuft at apex. Lamina thin, pubescent, broad-ovate to oval to oblong, acute to obtuse, (6)-10-(20) × (1·5)-4-5-(10) mm. Midrib (pilose above and below) and principal secondary veins us. evident on both surfaces. Fls solitary, axillary. ? without calyx; corolla funnelform, lobes ovate-triangular, acute, = tube. ? with acute, short, triangular calyx-teeth; corolla subcampanulate, cut 1/2 way into acute lobes. Drupe yellow, globose to oblong, c. 6-7 mm. diam. Campbell Id specimens show a range of colours from clear white through yellow and orange to purplish red.
Slender to rather stout spreading shrub up to 2-(3) m. tall; branches with dark red-brown bark; branchlets pubescent to glab. Lvs on pubescent petioles 2-3 mm. long. Stipules triangular, subacute to obtuse, with scattered patches of short hairs, ciliolate. Lamina glab., coriac., oblong to broad-oblong to obovate to elliptic (several forms us. on one plant), (7)-9-15-(20) × (3)-5-8 mm., obtuse to truncate or retuse, narrowed abruptly to petiole. Midrib and many secondary veins evident. Fls solitary on decurved peduncles. ♂ without calyx; corolla subcampanulate, lobes ovate, acute, ± = tube. ♀ with small, obtuse teeth; corolla tubular, lobes acute, > tube. Drupe crimson, broad-oblong, 6-7 mm. long.
Much-branched, up to 1-2-(4) m. tall; branches rigid, divaricate, bark dark reddish brown; branchlets rather slender, ± interlacing, pubescent when young. Lvs few together in fascicles on short branchlets, or paired; petioles narrowly winged, 1-2 mm. long, pubescent. Stipules triangular, acute, pubescent, ciliolate. Lamina thick, coriac., dark green above, whitish to subglaucous below, suborbicular to oval to broad-oblong, rounded to subtruncate, abruptly narrowed to base, 6-10-(15) × (3)-5-(10) mm.; margins ciliolate when young, recurved. Venation ± obscure on both surfaces, or midrib evident below. ♂ solitary or 2-4 together on short branchlets; calyx 0; corolla funnelform, lobes ovate, acute, = or > tube. ♀ solitary, terminal on short branchlets; calyx-teeth minute; corolla-tube short, lobes long, narrow, acute. Drupe yellow or white, globose, 5-6 mm. diam. [Oliver, loc. cit. 81, has of the ♀ "corolla with short tube and 4 long, narrow, acute lobes, or tubular with short lobes".]
Procumbent shrub with long trailing branches, bark light grey; branchlets ∞, ± tetragonous, pubescent. Lvs on short stout petioles. Stipules short, truncate, with 3 conspicuous denticles, ciliolate. Lamina thick, coriac., glab., on short stout petioles, obovate to obovate-oblong, retuse, cuneately narrowed to base, ± 9-10-(20) × 3-5 mm.; margins thickened, minutely crenulate towards apex. Midrib prominent below, impressed above. Fls solitary, terminal. ♂ without calyx; corolla funnelform, c. 6 mm. long, tube c. 4 mm. long, lobes us. 5, ovate-triangular, acute; stamens us. 5. ♀ with minute calyx-teeth; corolla funnelform to tubular, cut halfway into 5 acute lobes. Drupe yellowish red, ovoid, c. 6 mm. long.
Scrambling or suberect, up to c. 2 m. tall, us. shorter; branches slender, ± divaricate, bark dark brown; branchlets ± interlacing, very slender, pubescent. Lvs fascicled on very short branchlets. Stipules triangular, pubescent, obtuse to subacute, ciliolate with long tuft at apex. Lamina rigid, coriac., dark green above, paler below, narrow-cuneate, us. ± arcuate, (5)-9-16 × (1)-2-(3·5) mm., retuse or sts rounded, occ. mucronulate, gradually narrowed to base; margins thickened, recurved. Midrib and sts secondary veins evident, at least below. Fls solitary on arrested branchlets. Drupe clear red, globose. 3-(5) mm. diam.
Prostrate, with long slender rooting branches; branchlets finely pubescent. Lvs on petioles 2-4 mm. long. Stipules rather large, long-triangular, ± pubescent, ciliate; sheath short, whitish. Lamina coriac., broad-ovate, obtuse to subobtuse, 5-7-9 × 1-3-5 mm. Midrib and us. a few secondary veins evident, at least below. Fls solitary, terminal on short branchlets. ♂ without calyx; corolla funnelform, lobes acutely ovate, ± = tube. ♀ with narrow-triangular, acute calyx-teeth; corolla with narrow-triangular acute lobes. Drupe red, globose, 5-6 mm. diam.
"A shrub, 2-3 meters tall, with slender, erect, opposite branches arising at narrow angles from the stem. Branchlets slender, green, glabrous." Bark of branches reddish brown; branchlets sts whorled. Lvs on slender petioles 10-20 mm. long. Stipules triangular, denticle prominent. Lamina bright green above, not shining, paler below, thinly coriac., narrow-obovate to obovate, acute to obtuse, midrib mucronulately produced; gradually narrowed to petiole; (65)-100-110-(120) × (20)-30-35 mm.; margins waved to subundulate. Reticulated nerves ± evident on both surfaces. ♂ not observed. ♀ in clusters of 3 on peduncles 10-20 mm. long; calyx-teeth rather long, acute; corolla not seen. Drupe orange-red, oblong, 6-9 mm. long.
Shrub or tree up to 3-(6) m. tall, us. open-branched. Branches rather brittle, bark dark brown; branchlets glab. Lvs foetid when bruised, on slender narrowly winged petioles ± 8-15 mm. long. Stipules truncate, but produced into a us. conspicuous long denticle (subsidiary denticles may be present); ciliolate, with tufts of unequal hairs at tips. Lamina membr. to subcoriac., obovate to oblong to broadly ovate (several forms may be on one plant), obtuse, ± apiculate to mucronulate, (20)-30-50 × (10)-14-20 mm. Reticulations of veins evident, at least below. Fls solitary, terminal on branchlets. ♂ without calyx; corolla c. 10 mm. long, subcampanulate, lobes 5-7, acute, ± = tube; stamens us. 5-7. ♀ with minute calyx-teeth; corolla tubular, slightly flaring, lobes 4-5, short, subacute. Drupe pale to full orange, oblong, 7-10 mm. long.
Slender erect or spreading openly branched shrub up to c. 2m. tall; branches and branchlets ± divaricate; branchlets pubescent when young, bark pale to rather dark brown. Lvs in opp. pairs or fascicles on slender petioles 1-2 mm. long. Stipules minute, broadly oblong-triangular, obtuse, ciliolate. Lamina narrow-oblong to narrowly obovate-oblong, sts slightly curved, subacute, apiculate, (7)-9-10-(15) × 1-2 mm.; margins reddish. Midrib and sts principal secondary veins evident below. ♂? ♀ solitary, shortly stalked; calyx 2 mm. long with linear-triangular lobes; corolla purplish, c. 5 mm. long, tubular, deeply cut into linear subacute lobes. Drupe (seen by me only in dry state) c. 4 mm. long.
Plants prevailingly dioec., but with several types of sexual expression. Fls solitary or in fascicles or cymes, seated in a cup formed by the partial fusion of 2 stipulate bracts (forming a calyculus). Calyx-teeth 4-5, us. minute, often absent in ♂. Corolla-tube us. narrow-funnelform, sts campanulate, lobes valvate. Stamens us. inserted near base of corolla-tube; filaments filiform; anthers us. far-exserted, ± sagittate, apiculate, pend. Ovary us. 2-loculed; styles us. 2, very slender, sts narrowly clavate in stigmatic region, us. far-exserted. Fr. a succulent ± globose drups with 2-(4) plano-convex pyrenes, us. crowned by withered persistent calyx. Shrubs or trees with simple opp. lvs and interpetiolar stipules us. gland-tipped when young. Over 90 spp., c. 45 in N.Z., c. 20 in Hawaii; a few in Borneo, Java, New Guinea, islands of the Pacific Ocean to Australia, Tasmania. The N.Z. spp. endemic except . Type sp. .
Tree up to ± 6 m. tall, with a definite trunk, sts reduced to a shrub; wood yellow; branchlets slender, ± drooping, puberulous, subtetragonous. Lvs on slender petioles 1-2 mm. long. Stipules connate into tubular sheath c. 4-5 mm. long, ciliate, with 2 acute to acuminate denticles. Lamina coriac., dark green above, paler below, obliquely linear to linear-lanceolate, acute, ciliate, sts slightly curved to arcuate, (15)-20-30-(40) × 2-4-(5) mm. Margins us. purplish with minute crenulations. Midrib (impressed above) and us. some secondary veins visible below. ♂ in clusters of 2-5 terminal on lateral branchlets, clusters invested by 2-3 broad stipular sheaths; calyx 0; corolla campanulate, lobes broad-triangular, acute, ± = tube. ♀ solitary, terminal on lateral branchlets, invested by stipular sheath; calyx-lobes c. 2 mm. long, narrow; corolla-lobes linear, subacute to obtuse, ± = tube. Drupe translucent, white, oblong, c. 6 mm. long.
Shrub or tree up to 3-(6) m. tall; branches and branchlets stout, glab.; bark reddish brown. Lvs opp. on stout glab. petioles 10-30 mm. long; wing narrow, decurrent. Stipules short, triangular-truncate, ± ciliolate; denticles 1-3, prominent. Lamina thick, coriac., glab., glossy dark green above, paler below, obovate to narrow-obovate to broad-elliptic, abruptly narrowed to produced midrib, cuneately narrowed to petiole; ± (8) - 12-17 × 3-4 cm.; margins sts waved or distantly crenulate. Veins with close reticulations, evident below and often above. ♂ in dense clusters on simple or branched peduncles 10-15 mm. long, often with Iflike bracts at angles; calyx cupular, teeth 4-5, obtuse; corolla funnelform, lobes 5-6, acute, ± = tube. ♀ 3-4 per cluster, on trichotomously branched peduncles, main peduncle c. 3 cm. long; calyx cupular, teeth 5-6, short, triangular; corolla funnelform, tube ± 2 mm., lobes 5-6, acute. Drupe orange-red, oblong 8-12 mm. long.
Lvs narrowly obovate-oblong, ± 100-120 × 15-25 mm., gradually narrowed to petiole, apex acute to subacute.
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Subshrub forming dense low mats or cushions up to ± 2 m. diam., us. smaller; branches creeping and rooting, bark dark brown; branchlets slender, pubescent. Lvs densely crowded, sessile or subsessile, us. fascicled on short branchlets. Stipules rather broadly triangular, subacute, sheathing, pubescent, ciliolate. Lamina coriac., dark green above, paler below, ± pubescent, narrowly elliptic to obovate to oblong, cuneately narrowed to base, acute, (3)-5-(10) × 1-3 mm.; margins entire. Midrib alone evident or obscure. Fls greenish. ♂ solitary, terminal, ± 2 cm. long, filaments lengthening at anthesis; calyx obsolete or vestigial; corolla funnelform, lobes acute or subacute. ♀ solitary, terminal; calyx-teeth narrow-triangular; corolla tubular, short. Drupes purplish red or pale blue, globose, 6-8 mm. diam.
Cheeseman gives the drupe-colour as "bluish", Cockayne and Allan as "translucent, faintly stained very pale blue". Deeper blue forms also occur.
Drupes ± colour of port-wine, foliage darker than in .
Spreading shrub up to 2 m. tall; branches slender, ± divaricate; branchlets very slender, finely pubescent. Lvs on very slender pubescent petioles 1-2-(4) mm. long. Stipules small, triangular, pubescent. Lamina thin, of diverse form on same plant; broad- to narrow-ovate to elliptic to lanceolate or almost linear, ± curved (sts all lvs narrow), obtuse to subacute, ± cuneately narrowed to base, ± (8)-10-20-(25) × (1) -2-6-(12) mm. Reticulated veins us. obscure above, us. evident below. Fls solitary or 2 together, terminal on arrested branchlets. ♂ without calyx; corolla funnelform, lobes ± = tube, ovate, acute. ♀ with minute calyx-teeth; corolla tubular, lobes narrow, acute, > tube. Drupe dark red, globose, c. 3 mm. diam.
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Spreading shrub; branchlets pubescent to nearly glab. Stipules tubular. Lamina narrow-oblong, obtuse to acute, contracted to base, ± 10-14 × 1-5-2.5 mm. Dist. of sp.
Spreading much-branched shrub, prostrate when very strongly insolated. Stipules often nearly free. Petioles slender, winged, 1-2-(4) mm. long. Lamina obovate- to elliptic-oblong, obtuse, (5)-8-10 × (2)-5-6 mm. Shaded lvs ± 12-15 × 8-10 mm., on petioles up to 10 mm. long.
Compact densely lvd shrub; branches ascending at narrow angle; branchlets densely clad in long ± appressed hairs. Stipules with short sheath. Lamina linear-lanceolate, acute, ± 15-20 × 3-4 mm.
Spreading shrub up to c. 3 m. tall, us. shorter, sts reduced to ± 5 cm. when much exposed (the lvs also reduced). Branches rather stout; branchlets subtetragonous, ± pubescent. Lvs fascicled on short branches; petioles short, stout. Stipules ovate- oblong, obtuse, glab. or nearly so on surfaces, sheathing at base; marginal cilia long, white. Lamina thick, coriac., dark green above, paler below; cuneate-oblong to narrow-obovate, ± curved, obtuse to subacute, cuneately narrowed to base, (5)-15-20 × (1·5)-2-4-6 mm. Midrib obscure above, evident (and sts a few secondary veins) below. Fls solitary, terminal on short branchlets. ♂ without calyx; corolla campanulate, lobes oblong, obtuse, ± = tube. ♀ with linear obtuse calyx-teeth ± 2 mm. long; corolla tubular, lobes narrowly ovate-oblong, > tube. Drupe scarlet, oblong, 5-6 mm. long.
Stems prostrate, creeping and rooting, up to c. 6 dm. long, ± monoec.; branches with dark brown to greyish bark; branchlets slender, glab. Lvs often fascicled, on petioles 1-3 mm. long; stipules triangular, subacute, ciliolate. Lamina coriac. to subfleshy, glab., elliptic to obovate-elliptic, (3)-4-10 × (1)-4 mm., obtuse to subacute, narrowed into winged petiole; margins entire. Midrib alone evident below, impressed above. ♂ solitary, terminal; bracts stipulate, small, calyx-teeth acute; corolla-tube narrowly funnelform, lobes acute; stamens 4-3.♀ solitary, terminal; calyx-teeth acuminate; corolla tubular, lobes acute, style-branches (2)-3-4. Drupe globose, red, 6-10 mm. diam., pyrenes 2-4.
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Spreading much-branched shrub up to 1-(2) m. tall; branches stiff, rather slender, ± divaricate; bark reddish-brown; branchlets finely pubescent. Lvs often fascicled on short branchlets; petioles 1-2-(3) mm., pubescent. Stipules very small, suboblong, obtuse, pubescent, surmounted by conspicuous sharp denticle. Lamina coriac. to submembr., glab., orbicular to broad-ovate to broadly ovate-oblong (young lvs linear-lanceolate or of adult form), obtuse or rounded to truncate to acute, sts apiculate; 7-12 × 4-14 mm., us. showing some diversity on an individual plant; margins us. thickened. Reticulations of veins evident, at least below. ♂ solitary or 2-4 together on short branchlets; calyx 0; corolla funnelform, lobes c. 4 mm. long, > tube, ovate, acute. ♀ solitary on short branchlets; calyx-teeth minute; corolla tubular, lobes narrow, acute, ± = tube. Drupe dark crimson to almost black, depressed-globose, 3-4 mm. diam.
Erect shrub up to 2-(5) m. tall, with stiff divaricate branches; bark reddish brown; branchlets wiry, somewhat shining. Lvs on petioles 2-3 mm. long. Stipules triangular, acute, ciliolate, with terminal denticle or not. Lamina thick, coriac., glab., obovate to oblong, rounded to subtruncate at apex, cuneately narrowed to base, ± 10-20 × 3-9 mm. Midrib and principal secondary veins evident, at least below. Fls solitary, terminal on short branchlets. ♂ without calyx; corolla broadly campanulate, lobes broad-ovate acute, = tube. ♀ with short obtuse calyx-teeth; corolla with short tube and rather long, narrow, acute lobes. Drupe orange-yellow or white, ± obovoid, c. 4-6 mm. long.
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Rather slender shrub or tree up to 2-3-(5) m. tall; branches spreading to divaricate; branchlets pubescent to villous. Lvs on ± villous petioles (3)-4-6-(8) mm. long. Stipules obtuse, oblong, sheathing, pubescent to villous, us. with 1 denticle. Lamina membr., ± hairy, especially on margins, dull green, us. blotched brown, obtuse, sts apiculate, rounded to truncate to subcordate at base (us. on same plant): (15)-20-25 × (10)-14-20 mm. Reticulations of veins evident on both surfaces. Fls in axillary cluster of 2-4. ♂ without calyx; corolla funnelform to subcampanulate, lobes ovate, acute, > tube. ♀ with ± pubescent minutely toothed calyx; corolla tubular, lobes triangular, 4-5 mm. long, subacute, sparsely hairy. Drupe red (occ. white), depressed-globose, sts didymous, 4-5 mm. diam.
Shrub up to 2-(4) m. tall; branches rather slender, ± divaricate, bark reddish brown; branchlets finely pubescent. Lvs membr., on ± pubescent and ciliolate winged petioles 4-6 mm. long. Stipules small, triangular, pubescent, us. terminated by denticle. Lamina glab. or nearly so, broad-ovate to oblong, obtuse, sts mucronulate, narrowed to subtruncate base; 10-15-(25) × (6)-10-12-(15) mm.; margins sts ciliolate. Reticulations us. evident on both surfaces, at least when lf fresh. ? 6-1 on short branchlets; calyx 0; corolla funnelform, lobes = tube, ovate, acute. ? solitary or 2-3 together on short branchlets; calyx-teeth linear-triangular, obtuse, c. 3/4 length of corolla-tube, which has narrow-linear lobes > tube. Drupe yellowish white, oblong, 4-6 mm. long.
Rather strict, rigid, erect shrub up to c. 3 m. tall with stout main stem; branches stout, ± divaricate; branchlets slender, stiff, ± tetragonous, pubescent, with dark reddish brown bark. Lvs opp. or in opp. fascicles on short branchlets, shortly petioled. Stipules subtruncate, ciliolate. Lamina coriac., darkish green above, paler below, linear to very narrowly cuneate, obtuse, ± 10-14 × 1-1*5 mm. Midrib alone, or sts principal secondary veins visible. ? 1-2 on arrested branchlets; calyx 0; corolla cut almost to base into acute lobes. ? solitary on arrested branchlets: calyx-lobes narrow, conspicuous; corolla tubular, lobes acute, ± 1/2 length of tube. Drupe translucent, stained pale blue, globose to broad-oblong, 6-8 mm. diam.
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Sometwhat fastigiate shrub up to c. 2 m. tall, branches and branchlets slender, pubescent. Lvs on winged petioles 7-10-15 mm. long. Stipules narrow-triangular, obtuse, ± ciliolate, denticle prominent. Lamina thick, coriac., glab., ± glossy, orbicular to broad-oblong, truncate to emarginate or retuse, sts apiculate, narrowed to petiole; ± 10-20 × 10-20 mm. Midrib and principal veins evident, reticulations obscure. Fls solitary or paired, terminal on arrested branchlets. ♂ with long linear calyx-teeth; corolla tubular, lobes ovate, acute, > tube. ♀ with 4-5 acuminate calyx-teeth; corolla tubular, lobes narrow, acuminate, > tube. Drupe dark orange, red, or almost black, globose to oblong, 6-8 mm. long.
Shrub up to c. 3 m. tall; branches slender, subdivaricate, us. ± interlacing; branchlets slender, pubescent. Lvs on ± winged slender pubescent petioles 3-5 mm. long. Stipules small, triangular, subacute, ± pubescent, ciliate, terminal tuft consipicuous. Lamina subcorica., glab., orbicular-ovate, spathulate, obtuse, minutely apiculate, ± 8-13 × 8-10 mm. Reticulations of veins evident on both surfaces. ♂ in fascicles of 3-6; calyx 0; corolla funnelform, lobes ± = tube, ovate, acute. ♀ solitary or in axillary clusters of 2-4 along short branchlets; calyx-teeth minute; corolla funnelform, lobes ovate, acute, = or > tube. Drupe black, globose, 3-4 mm. diam.
Rather slender shrub or tree up to c. 5 m. tall, with stoutish glab. ascending branches and branchlets. Lvs on slender pubescent petioles 10-25 mm. long. Stipules broad-oblong, connate, obtuse, ± ciliolate; denticle prominent, stout, acute to acuminate. Lamina membr. to thinly coriac., pubescent above on midrib, ovate to oblong, acute, us. apiculate, rather abruptly narrowed into petiole; margins slightly wavy, sts crenulate; ± 70-106 × 30-45 mm. Reticulated veins fine, evident. ♂ in clusters of 2-3 on short branchlets; calyx 0; corolla subcampanulate, lobes short, acute. ♀ in clusters of opp. pairs, on short lfy branchlets; calyx-teeth short, ciliolate; corolla tubular, lobes short, acute. Drupe orange, ovoid, 7-8 mm. long.
Subdivaricate shrub up to 2-(5) m. tall with grey bark; branches slender, ascending; branchlets very slender, subtetragonous, flexible, interlacing, glab. or nearly so. Lvs often fascicled, on slender glab. petioles 2-4-(6) mm. long. Stipules subacute to obtuse, broadly triangular, connate near base, ± pubescent to glab.; denticles us. 3. Lamina subcoriac., glab., ovate to ovate-oblong, obtuse, abruptly narrowed to petiole, (4)-5-9 × 3-6 mm.; margins sts waved or with a few blunt teeth. Reticulations of veins us. evident on both surfaces, at least when lamina fresh. ♂ 1-2 on short branchlets; calyx 0; corolla funnelform, lobes ovate, acute, much > tube. ♀ solitary on short branchlets; calyx-teeth minute, ciliolate; corolla tubular, lobes acute, ± = tube. Drupe yellowish white, oblong, 5-6 mm. long.
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Rigid shrub up to 2 m. tall, with stout subcylindric branches and stout, erect, yellowish, deeply grooved branchlets with alt. notches, somewhat flattened, up to 1 cm. or more diam. Lvs small, rarely seen; of juveniles suborbicular, of adults about oblong. Infl. of up to 20 densely fascicled creamy fls with densely pilose pedicels and calyx. Calyx turbinate, bluntly 5-toothed, c. 4 mm. long; standard c. 5-6 mm. long, reflexed; keel about 6 mm. long, incurved, wings falcate, stouter than keel. Ovary villous, ovules 2-4. Pods c. 6-7 mm. long, us. one-seeded, ind.
Branchlets c. 4 mm. diam., more spreading, less rigid, grooves narrower. Calyx-teeth acute; fls fewer to fascicle, or racemose.
Fls in dense fascicles; calyx pilose, 5-toothed; standard reflexed, stamens monadelphous; ovary villous; style silky at base. Pods 2-valved, rounded and winged dorsally; valves thin, replum not developed. Erect shrub, lfless or nearly so when mature; branchlets deeply grooved. Seed us. solitary, radicle with double flexure. One sp., endemic to South Id.
Stems erect, up to ± 5 dm. tall, herbaceous except towards base, close-set, quadrangular, arising from slender to stout branching rhizomes. Branches ascending, very slender; branchlets filiform, ∞, ascending, glab. Lvs opp. or subopp., on slender petioles hardly 1 mm. long. Lamina narrow-linear to filiform, membr., 7-10 × 1-2 mm. Lvs at base of branchlets sts broad-ovate, with 2 to 4 distinct lateral nerves. Racemes 3-5-(7) cm. long, with us. a few lvs towards base. Fls distant, on filiform pedicels up to 4 mm. long; sepals ovate-oblong, acute, up to c. 2 mm. long; petals similar, a little shorter. Carpels 10.
Stout shrub, much-branched from base, up to ± 6 m. tall; trunk short, inclined, up to c. 3 dm. diam. Rarely a tree with erect cylindric trunk up to 3 m. long. Branches ± fluted; bark dark brown to grey. Branchlets with distinct lenticels and lf-scars, ± quadrangular, at first green. Lvs opp. or with occ. whorls of 3, on stout petioles 1-3 mm. long. Lamina (30)-50-80-(100) × (25)-40-50-(60) mm.; broad-ovate to broadly ovate-oblong, rather abruptly acuminate or acute, subcordate to rounded at base; subcoriac., dark shining green above, paler below, glab.; 2-4 lateral veins conspicuous, arching to apex; margins flat or slightly undulate. Racemes (10)-15-20-(30) cm. long, slender, drooping, pubescent. Fls ∞, rather distant to rather close-set, on patent very slender pedicels up to c. 5 mm. long. Sepals broad-ovate to ovate-oblong, 3-4 mm. long, ± crenulate; petals ovate-oblong, c. 1·5 mm. long. Ripe carpels 5, surrounded by enlarged, succulent, dark purple petals c. 4 mm. long.
"Folia ovata vel anguste ovata, acuta vel acuminata. Sunday Island. Type specimen collected by W. R. B. Oliver in Dominion Museum (DM. 44). . . [leaf] length 5-6·5 cm., breadth 2-2·9 cm. On an average, too, the flower pedicels are shorter."
Stems erect or spreading, arising from the far-creeping branched rhizomes, up to ± 4 dm. long; quadrangular, slender to rather stout; branchlets ± pubescent, slender. Lvs on petioles hardly 1 mm. long; lamina ovate to narrow-ovate or ovate-lanceolate, (10)-12-15-(20) × (3)-5-10-(13) mm., subcoriac., acute to subacuminate, rounded to truncate at base, with a pair of prominent lateral nerves; margins strongly, crisply, sinuate-undulate. Racemes axillary or terminal on branchlets, ascending to spreading, ± 5-7 cm. long; fls rather distant, on pedicels ± 4 mm. long. Sepals oblong-ovate, ± 1·5 mm. long; petals similar, slightly smaller. Carpels 5-(7).
Summer-green subshrub; stems branched, prostrate to ascending, close-set, slender, quadrangular, up to c. 4 dm. long, arising from slender to rather stout branching rhizomes. Branches and branchlets very slender. Lvs opp. or subopp., on petioles ± 1 mm. long. Lamina ovate-lanceolate to lanceolate, acuminate to acute, rounded to truncate at base; (5)-6-8-(10) × 1·5-3 mm., membr.; margins flat. Lvs at base of branchlets ovate, ± 7 × 5 mm., acute. Racemes 3-6 cm. long, us. with a few lvs towards base; fls solitary or 2-3 together, rather distant, on slender patent pedicels up to c. 3 mm. long. Sepals broad-ovate to oblong, ± apiculate, c. 1·5 mm. long; petals similar. Carpels 10.
Low-growing summer-green subshrub with slender, quadrangular, branching stems up to ± 4 dm. long, arising from slender, branched rhizomes. Branches and branchlets very slender. Lvs opp. distant, subsessile or on slender petioles hardly 0·5 mm. long. Lamina oblong to broad-ovate, ± apiculate, rounded at apex, truncate at base, submembr., us. purplish, (5)-6-8-(9) × (4)-5-6-(9) mm., margins sinuate-undulate. Racemes terminal on stems and sts on main branches, 4-14 cm. long. Fls distant, on slender pedicels up to 7 mm. long; sepals broad-ovate, ± toothed, c. 1·5 mm. long; petals similar; carpels 5, ribbed.
Stems close-set, erect, up to 6 dm. tall, arising from rather slender branched rhizomes; bark dark brown. Branchlets quadrangular, very slender, pubescent. Lvs on slender petioles c. 1 mm. long. Lamina narrow-lanceolate to narrow ovate-lanceolate (on same plant) acuminate; (10)-15-25 × (1)-2-4 mm., glab. or nearly so, submembr., with a prominent pair of lateral veins; margins flat. Lvs at base of branchlets ± 10 × 6 mm., ovate. Racemes, sts branched, very slender, ascending to spreading, up to ± 5 cm. long, us. with a few lvs at base. Fls solitary rather distant, or 2-3 together, on filiform patent pedicels up to 5 mm. long. Sepals broad-ovate, ± 1·5 mm. long; petals similar, slightly shorter. Carpels 5-10.
Subshrub with close-set erect or spreading stems up to ± 1 m. tall, arising from a branched rhizome. Stems branched above; branches and branchlets quadrangular, ± summer-green. Lvs on flat petioles up to 2 mm. long; lamina (3)-4-5 × (1·5)-2-3 cm., broad- to narrow-ovate to ovate-oblong, abruptly acuminate or acute, subcoriac. to submembr.; 4-6 lateral nerves prominent, arching to apex. Racemes ascending to spreading, ± 5-8 cm. long; pedicels 3-4-5 mm. long; fls rather laxly placed; sepals ovate-oblong, ± 2-3 mm. long; petals slightly shorter. Carpels 5-10.
Fls small, 5-merous, us. in racemes; sepals imbricate, persistent; petals keeled on inside. Stamens 10, free, or the petal-opposed ones adnate; anthers large. Carpels free, 5-10, 1-celled; receptacles conical; styles free, elongate. Frs of 5-10 ind. cocci surrounded by the enlarged, succulent petals; ovules solitary in each carpel, pend. Seeds compressed, with thin endosperm and straight embryos. A single genus of some 30 spp.; subshrubs, shrubs, or small trees with quadrangular branchlets, and simple opp. or whorled exstipulate lvs. Dist.-(a) southern Europe, (b) eastern Asia, (c) South and Central America, (d) N.Z. (possibly all endemic). For details see Good (New Phytol. 29, 1930, 196).
Fls regular, perfect or unisexual, in panicles, racemes, fascicles, or solitary. Calyx-tube (receptacle) adnate to ovary; calyx-segs 4-5; petals 4-5; stamens 4-5, alt. with petals. Ovary inferior, 1-4-loculed, ovules 1 per locule, pend. Fr. a drupe or berry. Trees or shrubs with opp. or alt. simple, entire, exstipulate lvs. About 15 genera, mostly of northern hemisphere.
Fls small, 5-merous, bright yellow, in axillary or terminal panicles, racemes, fascicles, or solitary. Receptacle turbinate; calyx-segs valvate. Petals valvate, with small scale at base. Stamens 5. Ovary 1-2-celled, stigma 2-lobed. Drupe ovoid to broad-oblong in outline, crowned by persistent sepals. Shrubs with alt. lvs; young branchlets, petioles, lvs below, peduncles and pedicels densely clad in appressed silvery-white tomentum. Genus endemic to N.Z.
Much-branched shrub up to 3 m. or more tall; branchlets slender, not divaricate; bark dark, rough. Lvs alt., coriac., 5-15 × 1-3 cm., on stout petioles up to 1 cm. long; lamina narrow- to rather broad-lanceolate, acuminate to acute. Panicles terminal and axillary, up to 5 cm. long; fls c. 7-10 mm. diam. Calyx-segs ovate-oblong, obtuse, c. 2-3 mm. long; petals bright to pale yellow, c. 5 mm. long, ovate-lanceolate-oblong, subacute. Drupes bright to dark red to black, c. 6-7 mm. long.
Lvs 4·5-8 cm. × 4-6 mm., linear-lanceolate.
Much-branched shrub up to 3 m. or more tall; branchlets rigid, divaricate; bark dark, rough. Lvs of seedlings obovate-spathulate, often elongate and 3-lobed. Lvs of adults varying in size according to exposure, alt. or in alt. fascicles, obovate-cuneate to obovate-oblong to suborbicular, obtuse, emarginate or not; lamina 2-15 × 2-10 mm., on flattened petiole up to 2 cm. long. Fls axillary and terminal, solitary or in fascicles of 2-4; 5-8 mm. diam. Calyx-segs 1-1·5 mm. long, ovate-triangular, pubescent on backs; petals bright yellow, c. 4-5 mm. long, narrow oblong-ovate, acute to subacute, pubescent on backs. Drupes red or yellow, 5-8 mm. long.
Shrub or tree up to 6 m. tall; branches rather stout; bark dark, rough. Lvs alt., coriac.; lamina 4-8 × 1·5-3·5 cm., on stout petiole up to c. 1 cm. long; shade lvs sts up to 15 × 4·5 cm.; fully exposed lvs sts reduced to 2.5 cm. long; obovate-cuneate to broad-oblanceolate to elliptic-oblong, apiculate. Racemes c. 3 cm. long, axillary; fls up to 1 cm. diam. Calyx-segs ovate-attenuate, c. 3 mm. long; petals bright yellow, 5-6 mm. long, lanceolate-oblong, acute. Fr. nearly 1 cm. long, red.
Fls perfect, regular, 5-merous, in terminal panicles; petals adnate to base of sepals; stamens perig., opp. petals, alternating with 5 subpetaloid staminodes; anthers 2-celled, opening lengthwise; disk-glands prominent. Ovary superior. 1-2-celled; styles 1-2, free; ovule solitary, pend. Fr. a drupe, seed lacking endosperm. Trees with alt., simple, entire exstipulate lvs. One genus of a few spp. apparently confined to N.Z., New Hebrides and New Caledonia.
Characters of family, sepals and petals imbricate.
Canopy tree up to ± 15 m. tall; trunk up to ± 6 dm. diam.; branches stout. Lvs on stout petioles c. 10-15 mm. long; lamina thick, coriac., elliptic- to obovate-oblong, (5)-10-15-(20) × (3)-5-7 cm., dark green, glossy; margins recurved. Fls 4-5 mm. diam., in stout stiff panicles up to c. 2 dm. long; peduncles and pedicels short. Sepals suborbicular; petals greenish yellow, ± 5 mm. long, minutely crenately toothed; obovate-spathulate; staminodes spathulate, minutely toothed; style c. 2 mm. long, thick; stigma capitate. Drupe 2.5-4 cm. long, ellipsoid to ovoid, orange; seed with distinct testa-veins; cots plano-convex, fleshy.
Simpson's description is: "Stems 8-10 cm. long, slender, 1 mm. diam., creeping below the ground, rooting and putting up sparingly leafy fascicles, brown when exposed, sparingly pubescent with long white hairs. Leaves green, brownish at the base, linear-obovate in outline, 1-2 cm. long, 4-5 mm. broad, thinly pubescent, thin, pitted, pinnatisect, the petiole one-third of the length of the blade. Segments in 6-7 pairs and a terminal one flat, the upper ones entire or sparingly toothed, the lower entire and obovate. Peduncles 2 cm. long, light brownish-green, thinly pubescent with long white hairs. Head (disc only seen) small, 3 mm. diam.; involucral bracts few, in two series, ovate, pubescent, with scarious upper margins; florets small, trumpet shaped, with 4 triangular green lobes. Receptacle convex."
Stems stout, sulcate, creeping, up to 2 dm. long; branches ascending, up to ± 15 cm. long, lfy, densely glandular-pubescent. Lvs in basal clusters and also distributed along branches. Lamina narrow-oblong to narrow-obovate in outline, (10)-15-20-(40) × (5)-15-20 mm., thick, fleshy, glandular-pubescent; pinnatifid to pinnatisect with flat petiole ± 1 cm. long widening to almost scarious sheath with evident veins. Pinnae up to c. 12 pairs, often again pinnately cut, ultimate segs very small, ± linear. Scape 3-6 cm. long; bracts several, lflike, lower up to c. 3 cm. long. Capitula (8)-10-15-20 mm. diam., receptacle slightly convex to hemispherical. Phyll. in 2-4 series; outer linear-subulate to narrow-spathulate, up to 6 mm. long; inner obovate, petiolate, to 5 mm. long; all clad in subappressed hairs and ± toothed. Florets black, ± glandular-pubescent, bearing scattered hairs; ♀ in 3-5 series, corolla cylindric, ± rugulose, 3-4-toothed; ♂ with long tube and 4-toothed limb. Achenes c. 3 mm. long, narrow-obovoid, rugulose.
Slender weak diffusely branched annual or winter annual up to ± 10 cm. tall, us. bearing lax spreading hairs. Lvs ± 12-30 mm. long, membr., ± oblong, pinnatisect to bipinnatisect; segs linear, entire, acute, sts apiculate. Scapes very slender; capitula ± 2.5-5 mm. diam.; phyll. in c. 2 series, narrow-oblong, obtuse. Florets white; ♀ ∞, in c. 3 series, on very slender pedicels; disk-florets perfect, very few. Achenes obovoid, glandular, wings thick.
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Stems rather stout, much-branched, creeping, rooting, glab. or with scattered hairs; plants forming dense to rather open patches up to c. 3 dm. diam. Lvs tufted at nodes or alt. Lamina membr., ± flaccid, dull green, glab. or nearly so, broad- to narrow-obovate to spathulate, obtuse, ± 20-30 × 5-9 mm. (but see also description of vars) on slender petioles up to ± 15 mm. long; upper portion crenately toothed, lower portion pinnatifid to pinnatisect; segs 6-8 pairs, subopp., oblong, subacute, entire, or upper margins with a few teeth, lowest segs minute. Scapes axillary, ± pubescent, c. 3 cm. long, nude; receptacle convex. Capitula of ♀ 8-10 mm. diam.; phyll. several in 3-4 series, inturned and concealing florets. Capitula of ♂ 4-7 mm. diam.; phyll. few. in c. 2 series, orbicular-oblong, pubescent, with broad purple scarious margins. Florets eglandular; ♀ subconic, inflated at base, minutely 4-toothed at apex; ♂ funnelform. Achenes obovoid, slightly curved, rounded at back, c. 2 mm. long, glab.
Robust herb, subwoody at base; stems decumbent, up to 3 dm. × 5 mm., ascending at tips; branches ∞, at first clad in soft pubescence. Lvs alt., bases persistent; lamina (15)-20-35-(50) × (6)-8-10-(12) mm., almost sessile; obovate- to oblong-cuneate or spathulate, 3-toothed to entire at apex; fleshy, margins ± cartilaginous; densely clad in fine soft pubescence above and below. Scapes axillary and terminal, densely glandular-hairy, 12-25 mm. long, stout, pilose; capitula (5)-8-10 mm. diam.; phyll. 10-15 in c. 2 series, outer ovate-lanceolate, inner broad-oblong, thinly hairy on outer surfaces. Florets yellow, eglandular; ♀ ∞, pedicellate, corolla minute, pale yellow, indistinctly toothed; ♂ ∞, tubular, 4-toothed. Achenes compressed obovoid-cylindric, slightly to densely glandular, strongly ribbed, 1-2 × 0·5 mm.
Stems wiry, densely to sparsely clad in long silky hairs, rooting at nodes; branches ∞, short, ascending, concealed by densely imbricate ± glab. lvs with sheaths closely appressed. Lamina c. 3-5 mm. long, cut straight down to truncate or rounded sheath into 5-7 linear-subulate erect teeth. Sheath chartaceous, 2-2.5 × 2-2·25 mm. Scape 3-5 mm. long, terminal, clad in ascending slender hairs, nude. Capitula terminal, 3-4 mm. long; receptacle hemispherical. Phyll. in 1-2 series, ovate-oblong, obtuse; margins purple, scarious, ± ciliolate; ± 2 mm. long, midvein purplish. ♀ "few, in 1 series; corolla ovoid, compressed, narrowed at the mouth. Disc-florets numerous, funnel-shaped". Achenes compressed-obovoid, glab., weakly ribbed.
Capitula discoid, heterogamous to homogamous, on short or long, stout or slender ebracteate or bracteate scapes (plants sts dioec.). Phyll. in 1 to several series, imbricate; margins or whole lamina often scarious, often purple-tinged, sts erose, occ. incurved and ± concealing florets. Receptacle nude, flat to convex or conical. ♀forming a marginal band in 1 or 2 series, occ. more, sts with 1 or a few perfect florets. Disk-florets us. ∞, perfect or functionally ♂; anthers obtuse at base; style-arms truncate to obtuse. Achenes ± compressed, sts curved, often plano-convex, weakly to strongly ribbed, sts winged, sts stipitate. Pappus 0. Tufted to creeping perennial herbs, rarely annual or biennial, ± glandular and aromatic with alt. to fascicled lvs. Lamina imparipinnately pinnate to pinnatisect or pinnatifid, rarely entire or nearly so. Some 60 spp.; the genus widespread, the subgenus Leptinella apparently confined to N.Z., Australia, Tasmania, Kerguelen, Marion and Crozet Is and Fuegia. Of the ± 24 spp. of N.Z. 21 are endemic.
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"Small, dark-green, rather thick and fleshy, aromatic, sparingly pilose. Stems prostrate, branched, ascending at the tips. Leaves alternate, 1/2-11/2 in. long, narrow-linear or linear-spathulate, obtuse, gradually narrowed to the sheathing base, quite entire, coriaceous, gland-dotted. Peduncles 2-4 in. long, slender, terminal, with 4-8 small linear bracts. Heads unisexual, 1/4-⅓ in. diam.; involucral bracts in about 3 series, linear-oblong, obtuse, with purplish scarious margins. Receptacle convex. Florets studded with transparent glands; female corolla swollen at the base, obscurely tetragonous, narrowed above, minutely 4-toothed; corolla of the males smaller and more slender, narrow funnel-shaped, 4-lobed. Achene linear-obovoid, compressed."
Stems and branches creeping, rooting; plants forming dense to open patches or mats; stems up to ± 10 cm., silky-hairy; branches and branchlets with close-set fascicles of very hairy lvs on petioles dilated and sheathing at base. Lamina membr., narrow-oblong, costa slender; sheathing base c. 1 mm. long; pinnate to pinnatisect, densely clad in slender silky hairs; pinnae ± 5 subopp. pairs, linear-subulate, to 1·5 mm. long. Scape rather stout, nude, 2-3 mm. long. Capitula 2.5-4 mm. diam.; receptacle conical. Phyll. in c. 2 series, broad-oblong to obovate, obtuse, ± scarious, erose, silky-hairy on outer surface. ♀ in 1 series, corolla almost filiform, 2-lipped. ♂ distinctly larger than ♀; corolla funnelform, tube long, 4-5-toothed. Achenes cylindric, turgid, glab., hardly winged.
Stems creeping, rooting, up to c. 4 dm. long, glab. to silky-hairy; branches very slender to almost filiform, often glab. or nearly so; lvs alt. or fascicled at nodes. Lamina narrowly obovate-oblong, thin, membr., glab. or slightly hairy when young, (10)-15-30-(50) × 5-10 mm.; pinnatisect to pinnate. Pinnae c. 10 pairs, rather distant, subopp.; upper ± oblong, ± 5 × 3 mm., sessile, us. deeply toothed all round, teeth ovate-oblong, acute, apiculate; lower rather distant, c. 2 mm. long, often entire. Costa flat, glab. or sparsely glandular. Petioles chartaceous, 5-(10) mm. long, with sheathing bases. Scape ± 15 mm. long, slender to filiform, nude, with minute sparse hairs. Capitula (2)-3-5 mm. diam.; receptacle slightly convex. Phyll. c. 10, broad-oblong to ovate-oblong, 1-2 mm. long, margins us. purple. Florets and achenes glandular. ♀ in 3-4 series, corolla broad-ovoid, 2-3-toothed or entire; ♂ ∞, funnelform, tube c. 2 mm. long; teeth minute, narrow-triangular. Achenes obovoid, compressed, c. 1 mm. long.
Stems and branches creeping, rooting, silky-hairy to nearly glab., wiry, forming rather open patches up to c. 2 dm. diam. Lvs scattered to close set in tufts at nodes, rather narrow-oblong, on slender, rigid, erect petioles up to 10 mm. long. Lamina ± 20-30-40 × 10-20 mm. in open state, glab. to sparsely hairy, pinnate to pinnatisect; pinnae linear, c. 3-5 pairs, rather rigid, subcoriac., acute, us. apiculate; upper c. 7 × 1 mm., lower us. minute; costa rigid, slender, ± clad in ascending hairs. Scape very slender, up to 10 cm. long, nude or with 1 minute bract near middle. Capitula c. 5-7 mm. diam.; receptacle conical. Phyll. up to c. 20 in 2-3 series, 3-3·5 mm. long, ± oblong, densely clad on outside in long subappressed hairs; apex purplish, erose, midvein evident. Florets white. ♀ in several series; corolla ovoid, narrowed at mouth, minutely 2-4-toothed. ♂ funnelform, glandular, tube c. 3 mm. long, teeth ovate-triangular, c. 1 mm. long. Achenes narrow-obovoid, compressed, c. 2 mm. long, ± glandular, strongly grooved.
Stems creeping, rooting, branching, rather rigid, wiry, us. with delicate white ± patent hairs; plant forming patches up to ± 3 dm. diam., branchlets clad in persistent lf-sheaths. Lvs close-set in tufts on branchlets; petioles slender, up to c. 10 mm. long, clad in long slender hairs; sheaths scarious, up to 10 mm. long. Lamina narrow-oblong to narrow-obovate to obovate-oblong, membr., silky-hairy on both surfaces, 10-20-25 × 3-7 mm.; pinnatisect to pinnate. Pinnae c. 8-12 pairs (sts to 20 pairs), markedly decreasing in size downwards, mid-pinnae c. 5 × 1 mm., rather distant, entire; costa narrow, flat. Scape stout, rigid, 5-10-(20) mm. long, nude; receptacle slightly convex; phyll. with scarious purple margins. Capitula of ♀ 5-7 mm. diam.; phyll. in 3-4 series, broad-ovate, up to 8 mm. long, concealing florets. Capitula of ♂ 3-5 mm. diam.; phyll. in 1-2 series, broad-oblong to obovate, up to 7 mm. long. Florets ∞, eglandular, 3-4 mm. long; corolla of ♀ ovoid, minutely toothed, of ♂ funnelform. Achenes slightly curved, plano-convex to obscurely trigonous, glab., ribs hardly developed.
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Stems creeping, rooting, branched, ± clad in ascending hairs; lvs alt., often tufted at nodes. Lamina membr., gland-dotted, obovate to narrow-obovate, glab. or nearly so, (2)-4-5-(8) × 1-2 cm.; lower part pinnatisect, upper pinnatifid; pinnae ± irregularly crenately to serrately toothed, ± 15 mm. long, uppermost close-set, subentire. Petioles 2-5 cm. long, flat; bases expanded, semiamplexicaul. Scape axillary, ± 5-8 cm. long, nude, ± pubescent. Capitula 8-10 mm. diam.; receptacle convex. Phyll. ± 30 in 2-3 series, broad-ovate to ovate-oblong, subacute to obtuse, sparsely hairy. Florets eglandular; ♀ in c. 3 series with ovoid corolla, style-arms very short; ♂ tubular, 4-toothed, style undivided. Achenes slightly glandular, ± clavate, tetragonous, narrowly winged.
Us. very aromatic glab. herb; stems much-branched, creeping, rooting, ascending at tips, stout, c. 2-4 mm. diam.; plant forming close to rather open patches up to ± 1 m. diam.; branches stout, ringed by lf-scars. Lvs clustered on branchlets on rather fleshy petioles ± (10)-20-25 mm. long, prolonged into broad sheaths 10-30 mm. long. Lamina pinnate to pinnatisect, broad-oblong, 10-15-(40) × 4-15 mm. Pinnae us. 2 pairs below terminal 3-lobed apical portion, but sts more compound, coriac., ± fleshy, glab., opp., obliquely oblanceolate, acute to subacute, gland-dotted, up to 7 × 2 mm. Scape slender, ± 5-10 cm. long, sparsely to rather densely clad in ascending white hairs; bracts several to 1, distant, linear, up to ± 5 mm. long. Capitula (8)-10-15-(20) mm. diam.; receptacle convex. Phyll. in 2-3 series, ovate- to narrow-oblong, 4-5 mm. long, ± hairy on outer surface, glandular; margins purple, ± erose, scarious, sts apiculate, sts accrescent. Florets glandular, ♂ and ♀ us. on same plant, but plants sts dioec. ♀ with corolla cut above into 4 ovate-triangular teeth, ± 1 mm. long; ♂ funnelform, 3-6 mm. long; teeth 4, minute, triangular. Achenes compressed-obovoid, eglandular, to glandular, 2-3 mm. long, ribbed, ± muriculate.
Simpson's description is: "Similar to the species, but everywhere stouter. Stems 3 mm. diam. Leaves green, fleshy, 3 cm. long, 1 cm. broad, with a long sheathing base. Petiole equalling the blade, flattened 2 mm. broad; sheath membranous, 5 mm. broad. Blade ovate or broadly ovate in outline, closely pinnate or deeply pinnatifid, with 1-4 (3) pairs of obovate obtuse pinnae and a terminal one, occasional pinnae irregularly 1-3 lobed. Peduncles 5-7 cm. long, with 4-10 narrow-linear bracts with scarious tips. Heads 1·5 cm. diam."
Stems rather stout, wiry, creeping, rooting, closely branched, ± silky-hairy to glab.; branches stiff, ascending at tips, internodes short. Lvs tufted at nodes, on petioles up to c. 7 mm. long including sheathing base. Lamina densely clad in silky subappressed hairs, membr., 8-16 × 2-4 mm., narrow- to obovate-oblong to oblong, pinnate to pinnatisect; pinnae linear-subulate, close-set, 8-12 pairs, apiculate, toothed on upper margins or sts entire. Scape rather stout, (5)-10-15-(20) mm. long, densely clad in ascending silky hairs, nude. Capitula 5-8-(10) mm. diam.; receptacle very slightly convex. Phyll. in 2-3 series, densely silky-hairy on outer surface; outer obovate-oblong to narrowly ovate-lanceolate, c. 4 mm. long; inner ± broad-ovate, c. 3 mm. long. Florets very glandular; ♀ in 2-3 series, corolla ovoid, minutely 2-4-toothed. ♂ tubular to narrow-funnelform, c. 2 mm. long, 4-toothed. Achenes ± curved, narrow-obovoid compressed, 1-2 mm. long, plano-convex, ± keeled, eglandular.
Stems slender, branched, wiry, ± pilose, creeping, rooting; plant forming patches up to ± 4 dm. diam. Lvs mostly clustered at nodes; petioles slender, ± pilose, 1-2 cm. long; sheaths scarious, ± 5 mm. long, us. pilose. Lamina of narrow-obovate order, membr., clad in soft hairs to almost glab.; ± 3-5 cm. × 5-10 mm. (shade forms may be much longer, insolated much smaller); pinnate in lower part, pinnatisect to pinnatifid in upper; costa narrow, flat, ± pilose. Pinnae 8-15 pairs; mid-pinnae up to c. 5 mm. long, upper margins deeply incised, teeth triangular, acute, apiculate, up to 1∙5 mm. long; lower margins curved, us. entire. Lowest pinnae minute, narrow. Scapes of very diverse lengths, ranging from 10-75 mm. long, slender, with delicate spreading hairs, nude; receptacle slightly convex. Capitula of ♂ 4-5 mm. diam.; phyll. few in 2 series, broadly obovate-oblong, ± purple-tipped and -margined, silky outside, scarious. Capitula of ♀ 6-9 mm. diam.; phyll. in 3-4 series, c. 3 mm. long, broad, obtuse, silky, purple-margined, incurved over eglandular florets. ♀ ∞, with ovoid corolla, much-constricted at minutely 4-toothed apex; ♂ funnelform, minutely 4-toothed. Achenes ± curved, obconic, glab., grooved, almost subtrigonous.
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Rather stout herb, creeping, rooting; all parts ± clad in long greyish hairs; branches us. short, stout. Lvs ± fascicled or close-set; lamina of narrow-obovate order, somewhat fleshy, densely clad in appressed to spreading long hairs, (1·5)-2.5-3·5-4 cm. × 5-7 mm., suboppositely pinnatisect to pinnate, costa winged; pinnae c. 5 pairs, obovate-cuneate, subacute, entire or occ. with 1-2 minute apical teeth, to 5 × 1·75 mm. Scape very slender, clad in dense short ascending hairs, (1·5)-3-6 cm. long, nude or with 1 minute bract. Capitula (5)-6-8-(10) mm. diam.; receptacle slightly convex. Phyll. in 2-3 series, obovate-oblong to oblong-lanceolate, 2.5-3·75 mm. long, purple and scarious at apex, veins ± evident. ♀ in 1-2 series, tubular, bluntly 4-lobed; ♂ funnelform, lobes 4, triangular. Achenes obovoid-compressed, ribbed, minutely glandular-pubescent, 1-2 mm. long.
Stems and ∞ branches wiry, creeping, rooting, sparsely hairy to nearly glab., us. forming rather compact patches. Lvs us. rather densely fascicled at nodes, on petioles ± 5-12 mm. long, sheathing. Lamina narrow-obovate to narrow-oblong, gland-dotted, ± fleshy, glab. or very nearly so, sts with sparse marginal hairs, (5)-7-10 × (5)-7-10 mm. Pinnae few, sts 1 pair with a terminal lobe, 2-4 pairs, or sts the lamina is irregularly cut into several segs. Scape 1-3-(5) cm. long, slender, ± clad in subappressed silky hairs, nude. Capitula 6-8-10 mm. diam., receptacle convex. Phyll. in 1-2 series, ± clad in dense appressed hairs on outside; outer linear, ± 4 mm. long, inner ovate to oval, ± 2 mm. long, midvein evident, tips purplish, erose, margins scarious. ♀ in 2-3 series (not seen by me); ♂ c. 3 mm. long, narrow-funnelform, with 4 minute triangular teeth. Achenes narrow-obovoid, compressed, eglandular, 1-1·5 mm. long, weakly ribbed.
Infl. of several umbels paniculately arranged on branches of stout peduncle. Involucral bracts few; calyx-teeth evident; petals white. Fr. broad-oblong in outline, much dorsally compressed, ± equally 5-winged. Mericarps, one 3- the other 2-(3)-winged. Vittae rather large, inconspicuous, often 3 commissural, 2 lateral. Seed sulcate. Erect glab. perennial herb with pinnately decompound lvs and linear, somewhat flaccid, non-pungent segs. Genus known only from a singly sp. of Chatham Is, closely related to .
Glab. perennial herb with very stout deeply descending taproot. Flowering stem erect, up to c. 1 m. tall and 4 cm. diam. Lvs up to c. 6 dm. long, including sheathing petiole with 2 delicate blunt lobes. Lamina ± 15-30 × 10-20 cm. Primary pinnae 4-5 pairs, segs up to 8 cm. × 3 mm., linear, ± flaccid, bluntly mucronate. Infl. of several umbels, subpaniculately arranged, on stout peduncles c. 5-10-(15) cm. long. Primary bracts with broad base and pinnatisect lamina. Male umbels slender, with up to 15 rays ± 1 cm. long. Female umbels with 3-6 rays. Involucral bracts few, linear-lanceolate, acuminate. ♂ with distinct triangular acute calyx-teeth; petals oblong to ovate-oblong, ± 2 mm. long, inflexed. ♀ with distinct narrow-triangular, subacute calyx-teeth; petals c. 1·5 mm. long, obovate, inflexed. Fr. ± 15 × 10 mm., dorsally much-compressed. Mericarps, one 3- the other 2-(3)-winged; wings up to c. 3 mm. wide. Vittae 1-2 in each groove, 2-3 on commissural face.
Infl. contracted into a dense glomerule subtended by scarious to lflike short bracts; general receptacle slightly convex, bearing short hyaline scales. Capitula ∞, homogamous, discoid, subsessile to distinctly pedicellate; phyll. about linear, hyaline except at extreme base; florets 3-8, perfect. Corolla tubular-campanulate, 5-toothed, white, yellow, or rarely pink to purplish. Achenes turbinate to oblong-compressed, us. silky-hairy; pappus-hairs in one series, plumose, flattened towards base. Rosette herbs with undivided scape terminated by a single glomerule. A genus of a few ill-defined spp. confined to Australia, Tasmania and N.Z. The N.Z. spp. have not been adequately compared with those of Tasmania and Australia.
Lvs and scapes very densely clad in soft snow-white floccose tomentum. Rosette-lvs c. 5-10 × 2-3 cm., obovate-spathulate, gradually narrowed to flat petiole. Lower scape-lvs similar but narrower, subacute; uppermost bractlike. Scapes c. 10-30 cm. long, c. 3 mm. diam., woolly covering ± deciduous when aged. Glomerules c. 2-3 cm. diam.; phyll. c. 5 mm. long, lanceolate to linear-oblong, subacute. Florets c. 4 mm. long, yellow. Achenes c. 4-5 mm. long, up to 1 mm. wide, obovoid, minutely papillose-pubescent; pappus-hairs c. 4 mm. long.
Lvs and scapes clad in dense appressed to subappressed greyish white tomentum; upper surface sts becoming glab. when aged. Rosette-lvs c. 5-10 × 1·5-2.5 cm., obovate, gradually narrowed to flat petiole c. 3 cm. long. Lower scape-lvs similar, smaller; upper ovate, uppermost bractlike. Scapes c. 6-30 cm. long, c. 2 mm. diam. Glomerules c. 1·5-2 cm. diam., phyll. c. 4 mm. long, linear to oblong, obtuse to subacute. Florets c. 4 mm. long, yellow or white. Achenes c. 2 mm. long, subovoid to oblong, densely silky-hairy; pappus-hairs c. 4 mm. long.
Lamina of rosette-lvs narrow-obovate, 8-10 × 1-2.5 cm., acute to subacute, on petiole 5-10 cm. long; lower scape-lvs oblong- to ovate-lanceolate, apiculate. Scapes up to 50 cm. long, ± clad in woolly hairs. Glomerules up to 2 cm. diam., florets up to 4·5 mm. long; achenes up to 2.5 mm. long; phyll. c. 5 mm. long.
Rosette-lvs 6-20 × 1·5-2.5 cm., petiole about = lamina; thin with evident venation; narrow- to rather broad-obovate, cuneately narrowed to petiole, apiculate, surfaces glab. to very sparsely clad in short hairs; margins nude to ciliate, or with obscure fringe of hairs. Scape-lvs ovate, lower up to 5 cm. long. Scapes 15-40 cm. or more tall, 1-2 mm. diam., glab. or with scattered short hairs. Glomerules 1·5-2 cm. diam., phyll. c. 4 mm. long, about oblong; florets c. 4 mm. long, yellow. Achenes c. 2.5 mm. long, turbinate to subcompressed, densely clad in long silky hairs; pappus-hairs c. 4 mm. long.
Rosette-lvs 2-5 × 0·5-1·5 cm., obovate-spathulate, sparingly clad in subhispid hairs to glab. on both surfaces; margins not woolly-fimbriate, sts with inconspicuous cottony hairs. Scape-lvs distant, small; lower oblong-ovate, c. 1 cm. long. Scapes very slender to almost filiform, not > 1 mm. diam., 10-25 cm. long. Glomerules 6-15 mm. diam. Phyll. c. 4 mm. long, lanceolate-oblong, obtuse to subacute; florets c. 4 mm. long. Achenes c. 1 mm. long, turbinate to subcompressed, densely clad in silky hairs; pappus-hairs c. 3 mm. long.
Rather larger and more viscid; rosette-lvs 2.5-5 × 0·5-2 cm., obovate-spathulate, apiculate or not; upper surface very densely clad in short subhispid hairs, lower surface less densely so; margins ± ciliate but not showing a distinct white fringe of hairs. Scapes up to 30 cm. long, up to nearly 2 mm. diam., clad in short hispid hairs, becoming glab. Glomerules 1·25-2 cm. diam.; achenes 1 mm. long, clad in silky hairs, becoming glab.
Rosette-lvs 10-20 × 2-4 cm., petiole about = lamina, submembr., venation evident; narrow elliptic-obovate tapering to apiculate tip, to broad obovate-spathulate; glab. to ± clad in subhispid hairs, margins ciliate to nude, without distinct fringe of hairs. Lower scape-lvs oblong-spathulate to broad-obovate or ovate, up to 10 × 3 cm. Scapes stout, deeply grooved, up to 60 cm. or more tall, up to 5 mm. diam.; glab. to sparsely clad in stiff hairs. Glomerules 2.5-4 cm. or more diam.; phyll. 4 mm. long, oblong; florets 4 mm. long. Achenes c. 2 mm. long, densely to sparsely clad in subappressed hairs; pappus-hairs c. 4 mm. long.
Rosette-lvs up to 15 × 5 cm.; glomerules up to 5 cm. diam. Capitula on pedicels 4-8 mm. long; florets up to 6 mm. long, exceeding pappus-hairs up to 5 mm. long.
Rosette-lvs broad-ovate to elliptic-spathulate, us. apiculate, margins distinctly white with tangled cottony hairs, surfaces ± clad in short hairs, a few long and cottony. Scape-lvs ovate to narrow-lanceolate or elliptic: Scapes 15-45 cm. long, hairs us. short, sts becoming glab. Glomerules 1·5-3 cm. diam. Florets white or yellow. Achenes silky-hairy, sts becoming nearly glab. Pappus-hairs c. 4 mm. long.
The Forster specimen at K has lvs obovate- to lanceolate-spathulate, c. 7 × 1·5 cm., the white margin conspicuous; scapes c. 12 cm. long, glomerules c. 1·5 cm. diam. Scapes are us. slender, c. 1 mm. diam., with short hairs or almost glab. Achenes c. 3 mm. long.
Rosette-lvs c. 10-15 × 2 cm., obovate-spathulate, apiculate, cuneately narrowed to petiole, surfaces with sparse cottony and subhispid hairs, woolly margin narrow but distinct. Lower scape-lvs narrow-obovate to elliptic. Scapes 15-45 cm. long, 2-3 mm. diam., sparsely clad in cottony hairs, becoming glab.; glomerules c.2 cm. diam.; achenes c. 1·5 mm. long, clad in appressed silky hairs.
Rosette-lvs c. 6-15 × 2-4 cm., broad-obovate, shortly apiculate, sparsely clad in cottony and short subhispid hairs; woolly margin conspicuous. Lower scape-lvs ovate-lanceolate, up to 4 cm. long. Scapes up to 30 cm. or more tall, c. 3 mm. diam., strongly ribbed, sparsely clad in cottony hairs. Glomerules 2.5-3 cm. diam.; florets yellow; achenes c. 2 mm. long, densely silky-hairy.
Rosette-lvs c. 4-5 × 1-1·5 cm., obovate- to elliptic-spathulate, surfaces densely studded with short subhispid hairs, margins with dense fringe of white hairs. Scapes up to 15 cm. long, clad in white subappressed tomentum. Glomerules 1·5-2 cm. diam.; achenes c. 1mm. long, silky-hairy.
Fls regular, perfect, us. in cymes; calyx us. 4-5-lobed or of separate sepals; petals same number as sepals, free or ± united; stamens same number as petals, or twice as many, anthers introrse; carpels same number as petals, free or united at base, us. each subtended by a nectariferous scale. Ovules us. many (few in Tillaea); frs of follicles with minute seeds; embryo straight, endosperm us. fleshy. Herbs or subshrubs, mostly succulent, with exstipulate opp. or alt. lvs. Subcosmopolitan with over 30 genera and c. 1300 spp.
Fls perfect, regular, or nearly so, us. in bractless racemes; sepals 4, petals 4-(0); stamens us. 6, tetradynamous; anthers 2-(1)-celled. Ovary us. of 2 united carpels divided by a thin membrane into "cells"; stigmas 2, often connate; fr. us. dehiscent. Seeds us. without endosperm; cots accumbent [0= ] incumbent [0|| ] or sts conduplicate [0)) ]. Annual to perennial herbs or subshrubs with mostly alt. exstipulate lvs. Subcosmopolitan with some 350 genera and 2500 spp.
Rhizome rather stout, short, erect, ± clad in dark brown linear-subulate paleae, c. 5 mm. long; stipites tufted. Stipes slender, 10-20-(35) cm. long, sparingly paleate to nude at base, glabrate in upper part. Rhachis grooved, narrowly winged, ± densely clad in reddish hairs to glabrate. Lamina rather dark green, submembr., narrow ovate to ovate-deltoid, acuminate, glabrate, 2-(3)-pinnate; 15-30-(35) × 5-15-(25) cm. Larger (lowest) pinnae 4-12 × 2-8 cm., ovate to rather obliquely deltoid, acuminate. Secondary pinnae oblong to lanceolate, up to 3-(6) × 1-2 cm., pinnatifid to pinnatisect; segs ovate to triangular, acute to aristate. Sori 1-(3) per seg., 0·5-1 mm. diam., submarginal to about halfway between margins; indusium round-reniform.
Rhizome stout, erect, densely clad in dark to pale brown linear-subulate paleae up to 15 mm. long; stipites tufted. Stipes stout, 15-50 cm. long, paleate towards base, densely to rather sparsely clad in soft ferruginous hairs in upper part. Rhachis stout, ± densely clad in soft ferruginous hairs. Lamina dark green, soft membr., velvety, ± clad in silky hairs above and below, 2-3-(4)-pinnate; 20-45 × 15(35 cm. Lower (largest) pinnae up to 25 × 15 cm., obliquely ovate-deltoid; secondary pinnae up to 10×4 cm., about lanceolate. Tertiary pinnae up to 2 × 1 cm., again pinnate or pinnatisect to pinnatifid, about oblong; final lobes oblong to triangular, acute to obtuse. Sori c. 1 mm. diam., 1-4-(6) per lobe; indusium round-reniform, ± pubescent.
Scandent herbs, us. monoec. or dioec. Infl. axillary, cymose to a solitary fl.; fls regular, 5-merous. ♂ with variously modified androecium, anthers dehiscing by a longitudinal slit; ♀ with inferior, us. 3-carpelled, ovary. Fr. baccate, with ∞ seeds; cots large, endosperm 0. Family mainly tropical and subtropical with some 100 genera and over 850 spp.
Fls small, perfect to unisexual, panicled or racemed to solitary. Sepals 4-5, petals 0 or 4-5; stamens 4-5 or ∞; carpels free or united into 2-5-celled ovary; styles 2. Trees or shrubs with opp., us. pinnately compound stipulate lvs. About 25 genera, mostly Australian, a few in S. Africa and S. America; the N.Z. spp. endemic.
Plants monoec. or dioec.; cone scales whorled or opp., us. woody Microsporophylls with 3-5 sporangia; ovules 2 to ∞.About 15 genera of trees and shrubs with wide distribution.
Fls small, us. bracted, 5-(4) -merous, in cymose clusters; sepals mostly united at base; stamens alt. with corolla-lobes, inserted at throat. Corolla urceolate to campanulate; staminal filaments each with fringed scale at base; ovary 2-loculed, 2-ovuled; styles distinct. Capsule ± circumscissile, embryo filiform. Parasitic annual herbs with filiform twining stems attached to host by haustoria; lvs minute, scalelike. Widespread genus with over 160 spp.
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HAB. New Zealand, Forster. Northern Island: Wycari River, Bay of Islands, A. Cunningham. Mountains of the east coast and interior, Colenso. Auckland, Sinclair. Nat. name, 'Punui', Col."
Caudex up to 10 m. tall with basal diam. 45 cm., us. smaller; bases of stipites long-persistent. Stipes rather stout, ± 4 cm. diam. near base; paleae shining dark brown, c. 5 cm. long; hairs yellow-brown, cop., deciduous. Lamina up to 3 × 1 m. or more, 2-3-pinnate; subcoriac., attenuate; dark green above. Juvenile plants with lamina pale green below; subsequent fronds becoming patched with white to glaucous bloom below; adult plants with lamina almost completely white or glaucous below. Primary pinnae 30-50 cm. long, oblong-acuminate; secondary up to 10 cm. or more, oblong-lanceolate, attenuate. Tertiary pinnae or segs up to 15 mm. long, subfalcate, subacute to acute, crenate-serrate in upper half, margins slightly recurved, veinlets free. Sori us. cop., globose, c. 1 mm. diam. (may be present on only partly dealbate fronds). Indusium thin, at first covering sorus, persisting as a shallow cup.
Caudex slender, 15-20 m. tall, widened towards base by mass of rootlets and there up to 2 m. diam. Stipes slender, deeply grooved above (as are rhachides and costae), clad at base with cop. linear brown paleae, upper surface densely clad in yellow-brown woolly hairs mingled with small linear paleae, undersurface sparingly so clad. Fronds 3-4 m. × 70-90 cm., 2-3-pinnate, subcoriac. to almost membr., flaccid, dull green above, paler below, falling to leave a clean scar. Primary pinnae 35-45 × 12-14 cm., oblong-lanceolate, acute; secondary pinnae 60-70 × 15-18 mm., linear-oblong, acute to acuminate, obscurely falcate, deeply pinnatifid. Segs 8-9 × 3 mm., oblong, falcate, obtuse to subacute, entire to finely crenulate, or the fertile segs lobulate. Sori cop., 0·5-0.6 mm. diam.; indusium membr., splitting irregularly, persistent.
Caudex up to 15 m. or more tall, and 30 cm. diam., except towards base much thickened by dense mass of rootlets, black, marked by hexagonal scars of fallen stipites. Stipes stout, black, to 1 m. long, up to ± 8 cm. diam. near base; tuberculate; copiously clad towards base by black linear paleae c. 3 mm. long. Rhachis (and secondary rhachides and costae) stout, pale brown, muricate, clad in brownish hairs, later glabrate. Lamina up to c. 6 × 2 m., 2-3-pinnate, coriac., dark green above, pale green below. Primary pinnae up to 1 m. long, oblong-lanceolate, attenuate; secondary up to 15 cm. long, narrow-oblong attenuate. Pinnules c. 1 cm. long, lower distinct, upper confluent, narrow-oblong obtuse to acute, subfalcate, crenate-serrate to crenulately lobed; margins recurved, veins several times forked. Sori up to c. 16 per pinnule, 1 mm. or more diam., us. cop. Indusium thin, at first covering sorus, splitting irregularly.
Caudex stout, 2-8 m. tall, invested by bases of fallen stipites; dead fronds hanging, long persistent; base widened by mass of rootlets, 50-80 cm. diam. Fronds 2.5-4 ×1·2 m.; coriac., shining dark green above, paler below. Stipes stout, clad at base with cop. linear brown paleae, under surface closely tuberculate. Rhachis (and secondary rhachides and costae) green, asperous, slightly grooved above, sparingly clad in deciduous yellow-brown woolly hairs mingled with paleae. Primary pinnae 45-60 × 20-23 cm., oblong-lanceolate, abruptly attenuate; secondary pinnae 11-12.5 × 2-2.5 cm., linear-oblong, falcate, attenuate, apex deeply serrate; deeply pinnatifid or pinnate. Segs 12-15 × 4 mm., oblong, falcate, acute, obscurely crenate-serrate, margins slightly recurved, under surface often scaly pubescent. Sori cop., 0·8-0.9 mm. diam. Indusium membr., splitting irregularly, persistent.
Characters as given above. As here treated includes (indusium complete, covering sorus when young, persisting as a ± split cup surrounding sorus), 1810 (indusium incomplete, not covering sorus when young, at most half surrounding sorus), 1810 (indusium absent). The family is likely to be again split up on different lines.
Caudex up to 8 m. tall or more and 30 cm. diam., sts forked, invested above with persistent pend. withered fronds, widened towards base by mass of rootlets. Stipes rather slender, 15-30 cm. long, asperulous, dark, grooved, densely clad at base in chestnut to pale brown subulate-attenuate paleae, c. 3 cm. long. Rhachis stout, pale yellowish green, finely muricate, ± paleate; at first densely clad in reddish hairs, later glabrate. Lamina 1-2 m. or more long, membr., soft, bright green above, paler below, 2-3-pinnate, oblong-lanceolate, acute to acuminate. Primary pinnae 15-40 × 5-10 cm., lanceolate-oblong, acute to acuminate, with strigillose costae. Secondary pinnae 3-6 cm. long, crenate-serrate, narrow-oblong, acute, subfalcate. Sori c. 1 mm. diam., cop., indusium hemispherical to nearly cup-shaped, on costal side of sorus.
Sori superficial, dorsal. Indusium either complete, globose, at first covering sorus, finally splitting into lobes; or incomplete, never covering sorus, or vestigial, or absent. Sporangia small, shortly stalked, attached to short or elongate receptacle, often with paraphyses; maturation gradate. Annulus complete, oblique, with definite stomium, dehiscence by lateral slit. Spores 64, tetrahedral, without perispore. Caudex well-developed, dictyostelic. Paleae present, hairs present or not. Fronds us. very large, pinnately compound, mostly coriac.; veins free. Tree ferns of tropical and temperate regions.
Rather stout prostrate to decumbent shrub forming dense to rather lax patches up to c. 2 m. diam., branchlets erect to ascending. Lvs sessile or subsessile, glab., erect or ascending, becoming patent, glaucous below, with 5-3 distinct nerves below, 5-9 × 1-2-(3) mm., narrow-oblong, concavo-convex; margins thickened, ± recurved, ciliolate; apex obtuse, us. apiculate to mucronulate. Infl. of (2)-3-5-fld short, stout, terminal racemes. Bracts 2-3, broad-ovate, c. 2.5 mm. long, obtuse, ciliolate. Fls up to c. 7 mm. long; calyx-lobes obtuse, ciliolate, c. 4 mm. long. elliptic-oblong; corolla-tube 4-5 mm. long hairy on upper part; corolla-lobes ± 3 mm. long, densely hairy on upper surface. Fr. white to pink to red to dark crimson, globose, 4-5 mm. diam.; locules 5.
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Rather laxly branched spreading shrub up to c. 5 m. tall, varying in habit according to exposure; branches slender, bark black; branchlets pubescent, bark brownish. Lvs coriac., flat, patent; petioles obsolete. Lamina glab., green above, paler below; linear to narrow-lanceolate or linear-oblong, narrowed to base; ± 12-25 × 2-4 mm.; nerves 3-7, margins minutely ciliolate, denticulate; acute to acuminate, subpungent, rarely obtuse. Infl. of 6-12-fld axillary and terminal drooping racemes or spikes ± 1-3 cm. long. Bracts obtuse, ciliolate, appressed. Fls 3-4 mm. long; calyx ciliolate, lobes oblong to ovate-triangular, c. 2 mm. long. Corolla greenish white, tube slightly > calyx; lobes ovate-triangular acute to obtuse, ± hirsute to subglab. on upper surface. Fr. oblong in outline, 2-4 mm. long, red or rarely whitish; locules 2'-3.
Prostrate to low-growing shrub up to c. 15 cm. tall or more, forming extensive dense patches; branches decumbent to ascending; branchlets close-set, minutely puberulous when young, densely clad in erect imbricate lvs. Lamina sessile or subsessile, coriac., glab., us. brownish green above, paler below, finely nerved, ± 4-9 × 1-2 mm., obovate-oblong; margins scarious to cartilaginous, finely ciliolate; abruptly narrowed to pungent tip ± 2 mm. long. Infl. of axillary solitary sessile fls; bracts minute, apiculate. Fls small; calyx-lobes acute. Corolla-tube cylindric. > twice length calyx; lobes short, acute, densely hairy on upper surfaces. Fr. orange to yellow, broad-oblong in outline, 8-9 mm. long.
Branchlets very close-set, very slender, c. 2-3 cm. long; lvs ± 2 mm. long, hardly 1 mm. wide; apiculus c. 0·5 mm. long. Fls c. 7 mm. long, 2 mm. diam. Fr. orange to yellow.
Erect or spreading shrub up to c. 5 m. tall; bark black, branchlets divergent. Lvs coriac., patent or reflexed, sessile to very shortly petioled, glaucous below, 6-15-(20) × 0·5-1 mm.; margins ± recurved, ciliolate; apex with fine pungent tip c. 1 mm. long; veins 3-7, branched above. Infl. of solitary axillary fls on recurved peduncles ± 5 mm. long. Bracts imbricate, ovate-oblong, investing peduncle, up to c. 1 mm. long. Fls 3-4 mm. long; calyx-lobes ovate-oblong, c. 3 mm. long, ciliolate. Corollatube hardly > calyx, whitish green; lobes spreading, whitish green, acute or subacute, us. glab. on upper surface. Fr. white to pink to red to crimson to dark purple; 4-7-(9) mm. diam., globose; locules 5.
Lvs 18-20 × 1-2 mm., pungent tip c. 2 mm. long, veins not branched.
Fls small, 5-merous, solitary or in spikes or racemes; bracts of peduncles few to several, sts ± concealing calyx; corolla-lobes densely hairy on upper surface to glab. or nearly so; stamens inserted near top of corolla-tube; filaments short, anthers included to half-exserted. ovary (2)-3-5-(8)-loculed. Ovules solitary in each locule, pend. Fr. with fleshy mesocarp and bony endocarp, locules 1-seeded. Prostrate to erect shrubs with small, often crowded lvs. Some 175 spp. of Australia, Tasmania, Polynesia, New Guinea, Malaya. The N.Z. sp. are endemic except and which occur also in Australia and Tasmania.
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Prostrate shrub forming dense patches up to c. 4 dm. diam; branches ∞, ascending at tips; branchlets ascending. Lvs close-set, imbricate. erect, coriac., subsessile, glab., paler below; 3-5 × 1-2 mm., narrow-oblong to narrow-elliptic, us. minutely apiculate; margins ± thickened towards base. Fls minute, solitary, axillary and/or terminal. bracts ∞, investing peduncle. Calyx-lobes broad-oblong, obtuse, ciliolate. Corolla-tube cylindric, much > calyx; lobes acute, densely hairy on upper surface. Style minutely 5-lobed. Fr. dark, c. 4-5 mm. diam., globose; locules us. 5.
Similar to but much stouter, up to c. 5 m. tall. Lvs coriac., rigid, patent, 12-20 × 3-7 mm., 5-11-nerved, narrow-oblong to narrow-lanceolate, subsessile to shortly petioled; margins recurved; apex obtuse to subacute, callous tip blunt. Infl. of solitary axillary fls on curved peduncles. Bracts many, imbricate, broad, obtuse. Fls c. 3 mm. long; corolla-tube but little > calyx, lobes glab. on upper surface. Fr. red, globose, 7-12 mm. diam.
Sori globose; indusium delicate, attached at base, elsewhere free. Sporangia globose, without paraphyses; spores reniform, smooth to muriculate. Rhizome short, clad in brown broad attenuate paleae. Lamina thin, flaccid, pinnate to bipinnate; veins free. A few spp. of uncertain delimitation.
Rhizome rather stout to slender, shortly creeping, us. with ascending branches; clad in pale brown to reddish ovate- to lanceolate-attenuate paleae, c. 2-5 mm. long; stipites clustered at tips of branches. Stipes slender to filiform, 2-15-(20) cm. long, stramineous to rather dark brown, shining, nude except at very base. Rhachis very slender, naked, narrowly winged in upper part. Lamina delicate, flaccid, pale green, narrow-lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, pinnate to subbipinnate, 3-25 × 1-5 cm., often bearing sori in smallest state. Pinnae distant, alt. to subopp., lower shortly stalked, upper sessile and decurrent, 5 mm.-4 cm. × 4-15 mm. Shape various: ovate, pinnatifid, lobes crenately toothed to entire; ovate- to lanceolate-oblong, pinnatisect, lobes crenately toothed; ovate-oblong, again pinnate in lower, pinnatifid in upper portion, crenate-dentate, with secondary pinnae ovate-oblong up to 1 × 1cm., cuneately narrowed at base, lobes sts incised. Sori medial, 1-4 per lobe, 1-2 mm. diam., sts approximate to confluent. Indusium caducous, ovate, entire to ovate-oblong, shallowly toothed to subentire.
Spreading or erect shrub up to 3·5 m., trunk up to 4 dm. diam. Lvs of juveniles 5-10 × 1-1·5 mm., linear, rigid, patent, obtuse to subacute, midvein distinct below; of adults 1-2 mm. long, imbricate, appressed, obtuse to subacute, thick, coriac. Final branchlets 1-1·5 mm. diam., tetragonous. Male strobili solitary, terminal, c. 3-5 mm. long; apiculus obtuse. Carpidia solitary or paired, subterminal, rather larger than scale lvs. Epimatium adnate to base of carpidium, coriac., covering inverted, pend. ovule; integument free, membr. Seed 2-3 mm. long, subovoid, compressed. Aril white to yellowish.
Shrub or tree up to 10 m., trunk up to 6 dm. diam., bark dark brown, wood pinkish. Lvs of juveniles and reversion shoots 1-2 cm. × 1·5-3 mm. or more, linear, acute, sts mucronate; petiole short, broad, twisted, midvein us. distinct; stomatal lines evident. Lvs of adults 2 mm. long, densely imbricate, appressed, obtuse, prominently keeled, rhomboid, margins hyaline. Final branchlets 3-4 mm. diam., sub-tetragonous. Male strobili solitary, terminal, c. 4 mm. long; apiculus triangular, obtuse, keeled. Carpidia solitary or paired, towards apices of branchlets, resembling scale lvs, but subpatent; ovules ovoid, compressed. Epimatium adnate to carpidium at base, coriac., surrounding pend. inverted ovule; integument membr. Seed 2-3 mm. long, about oblong in outline, compressed. Aril orange.
Tree up to 15m., trunk up to 1 m. diam., bark brownish grey. Lvs of juveniles 6-12 mm. long, narrow-linear-subulate, subterete, decurrent; of semi-juveniles (sts flowering and fruiting in this stage) 3-4·5 mm. long, narrow-lanceolate, acute, subfalcate, flattish, subdistichous; of adults 1-2.5 mm. long, rhomboid, obtuse to subacute, coriac., keeled, imbricate, appressed. Ultimate branchlets c. 1·5 mm. diam. Male strobili solitary, terminal, 3-5 mm. long or more, c. 1·5 mm. wide; apiculus short, triangular, acute. Ovules solitary or paired, terminal, final scale lvs thin, rather lax, spreading; epimatium transversely keeled, about ?-1/2 length of seed, which is 2-4 mm. long, broadly ovoid-oblong, black.
Tree up to 35m., rarely up to 60m., trunk up to 1·5m. or more diam., bark dark brown, scaling off in thick flakes, wood dark red; branchlets slender, pend. Lvs imbricate, of juveniles 4-7 mm. or more long, 0·5-1 mm. wide, keeled, acute, linear-subulate, subfalcate, de-current; of semi-juveniles (often flowering and fruiting in this stage) ascending, incurved, c. 4 mm. long, rhomboid; of adults more appressed, 2-3 mm. long, rigid, subacute, subtrigonous. Male strobili solitary or paired, terminal 0·5-1 cm. long; apiculus ovate-acuminate. Ovules solitary, terminal on curved branchlets, ultimate lvs forming a swollen, red, succulent receptacle, or rarely dry. Carpidium embracing lower part of seed, which is about 4 mm. long, oblong-ovoid or narrow-ovoid, little compressed.
Tree up to 15m., trunk 3-6 dm., bark brownish grey. Wood yellow. Lvs of juveniles 9-15 mm. long, spreading, narrow-linear-subulate, acute, recurved, subterete; of semi-juveniles (often flowering and fruiting in this stage) 3-6 mm. long, closer set, subpatent, broadly subulate, trigonous, acute to subacute; of adults 1·5-3 mm. long, imbricate, appressed, rhomboid, obtuse, keeled, coriac. Male strobili solitary, terminal, 5-6 mm. long, c. 2 mm. wide; apiculus broadly triangular, obtuse. Ovule solitary, terminal, final 3-4 scale lvs thin; ovule erect; epimatium not more than 1/4 length of seed, which is 3-5 mm. long, narrow to broad-oblong, nutlike, black, apiculus curved.
Tree up to 25 m., trunk up to 1 m. diam., bark greyish brown, wood pale brownish red. Lvs of juveniles and reversion shoots 1·5-4 cm. × 1-3 mm., patent, linear, obtuse to acute to mucronate; petiole short, twisted; of adults 2-3 mm. long, obtuse, ovate-oblong to rhomboid, coriac., margin hyaline. Final branchlets 1-2 mm. diam., subterete. Male strobili solitary, terminal, sessile up to 1 cm. long; apiculus obtusely triangular. Carpidia 3-5, clustered at tips of branchlets, larger than lvs with solitary ovules. Seeds ovoid-oblong somewhat compressed, striate, 3-8 mm. long. Epimatium completely covering seed, which is pend. from the summit and free. Aril orange.
Prostrate to sublianoid shrub with branches c. 2-5 mm. diam. towards base, up to 1 m. long or more; branchlets ∞, very slender, flexuous. Lvs polymorphic; of juveniles 5-12 mm. long, subulate to narrow-linear, acute, flat, often curved; later lvs lessening to 2-3 mm. long (often flowering and fruiting in this stage); fully adult lvs 1-2 mm. long, appressed, imbricating, oblong-ovate, obtuse, keeled; branchlets often showing admixture of lf-forms. Plants often monoec.; male strobili solitary, terminal, sessile, up to 8 mm. long; apiculus broadly triangular, acute. Ovule solitary, terminal; receptacle swollen, crimson, succulent, rarely dry; seed 3-5 mm. long, nutlike, oblong-cylindrical, obtuse, with stout, curved apiculus, far exserted beyond epimatium. Aril red.
Plants dioec., rarely monoec. Male strobili terminal, rarely axillary, subtended by basal scales; sporophylls densely imbricate, bisporangiate, apiculus prominent. Female branchlets terminal or subapical. Carpidia one to several, free, with solitary ovules. Epimatium affixed to ovule at base only, otherwise free, well-developed, covering the immature inverted ovule, which later erects. Rarely the nutlike seed remains inverted and included in the hardened epimatium, the integument remaining membr., but always free from epimatium. Lvs dimorphic; of juveniles and reversion shoots about linear, of adults small, scalelike. Shrubs or trees. Spp. about 20--Malaysia, New Caledonia, Tasmania, N.Z. One sp. In Chile. The N.Z. spp. are endemic.
Dioec. root-parasite. Spadices aggregated in terminal capitula surrounded by scale lvs. Fls densely crowded; ♂ with 0-2-(4) filamentous per.-segs, and us. single stamen with short filament and one adnate bilobed anther; ♀ with per. adnate to ovary, with subulate processes, ovary 2-loculed, style filiform, stigma simple; fr. a hard-walled nut, one-seeded. Rhizome ± hemispherical, attached over broad irregular surface to expanded end of host root; shoots ∞, arising irregularly, lvs entire, sessile. One sp. endemic to N.Z.
Rhizome up to 30 cm. diam., ± globose, mostly below soil surface, at first lateral but always finally terminal on host root; fleshy and ± starchy within, surface dark brown, without lvs but covered with hard angular papillae; shoots ∞, unbranched, to 20 cm. long, c. 1 cm. diam., covered with brownish sessile imbricating scale lvs; lamina 5-15 mm. long tapering from base 5 mm. wide, entire, subacute, glab., larger, more membr, and redder above. Infl. a capitulum of 15-20 spadices on flat top of lfy shoot, 2-4 cm. diam. including involucre of scale lvs; spadix-axis erect, 2-2.5 cm. long, ± grooved, fls crowded on upper ⅔, more scattered and sts with bracts in lower ⅓; ♂ us. of single almost sessile stamen with 2 filamentous per.-segs, pollen whitish, abundant; ♀ with 2 us. unequal per.-segs, style > ovary. Fr. to 2 mm. long, red-brown.
Herb of diverse size according to habitat conditions, from c. 1-3 dm. or more tall, sparingly to much branched. Stems and branches us. glab. or nearly so, ribbed or striate. Lvs flaccid, glab. to ± clad in stiff hairs, 2-3-pinnate, on ± glab. petioles (1)-5-15 cm. long, expanded and semiamplexicaul at base. Primary lflts in (2)-4-(6) pairs, on petiolules up to ± 5 mm. long; secondary lflts pinnatisect to pinnatifid, linear-oblong to linear-spathulate, ± mucronulate. Umbels axillary and terminal, compound or in dwarfed specimens sts simple, on slender to stout peduncles up to c. 15 cm. Rays very unequal; primary 4-10, up to c. 15 cm., us. less; secondary up to ± 1 cm. long. Involucral bracts entire to dissected, caducous. Fls minute; petals white to red, soon falling. Fr. about oblong in outline, ± 3 mm. long. Mericarps with glochidia ± 1 mm. long, reddish to pale brown; primary ribs us. with a double row of spreading minute bristles.
Umbels us. compound, bracts us. ∞; calyx-teeth small or obsolete; petals white to red, notched, inflexed at apex. Fr. ± ovoid-cylindric. Mericarps convex; 5 primary ribs very slender, us. with double row of short spreading bristles; 4 secondary ribs prominent, with a row of conspicuous glochidiate bristles. Vittae under primary ridges. Annual to biennial tap-rooted herbs with few to many branches; lvs pinnately compound. About 60 spp., mostly of northern hemisphere.
Sori terminal on veinlets; indusium elongate, attached by base and sides. Sporangia long-stalked; annulus incomplete, vertical; spores oblong-reniform, hyaline. Rhizome elongate, dictyostelic; paleae ciliate; stipes articulated to rhizome; lamina decompound, coriac.; veins free. About 40 epiphytic spp., mostly of E. Asia and Polynesia, but extending to Madagascar, Natal and N.Z.
Rhizome stout, elongate, c. 15 mm. diam., very densely clad in dark brown subulate-attenuate squarrose ciliate paleae; stipites distributed. Stipes stout, rigid, glab., dark brown, 5-25 cm. long. Rhachis stout, paler. Lamina 10-30 × 7-24 cm., broadly deltoid, very coriac., 2-3-pinnate. Lower primary pinnae broadly deltoid to rhomboid, up to 15 × 5 cm.; upper smaller, about ovate-lanceolate. Secondary pinnae oblong to ovate-oblong, up to 3 × 1 cm., pinnatisect or again pinnate. Tertiary pinnae or final segs oblong, subacute to obtuse, hardly attaining 5 mm. long. Sori us. found on each seg., submarginal. Indusium c. 2 mm. long, narrowly or rather broadly cup-shaped.
The family is not well-defined, of about 10 genera, some often placed in . Holttum (Biol. Rev. 24, 1949, 286) places here, and , in .
Sori terminal on veinlets; indusium cup-shaped or 2-lipped, lower lip sts lacking. Sporangia graduate or mixed; annulus oblique to nearly vertical; spores tetrahedral. Rhizome creeping, solenostelic, bearing hairs but not paleae; stipes not articulated to rhizome; vascular strand about U-shaped. Lamina compound; much dissected. Prothallus cordate. About 10 genera of wide distribution.
Prostrate herb with rather close-set stems, branches and lvs often forming turfy patches; plant us. distinctly less hairy than D. repens. Petioles rather stout, flattened, up to c. 2 cm. long; lamina 3-6-(8) mm. diam., suborbicular to reniform, emarginate or rounded at apex, cordate, sinus rather shallow, rather broad. Peduncles short, erect, us. > lvs. Fls. c. 6·5 mm. diam.; sepals obovate, silky; corolla much > sepals, yellowish. Capsule = calyx.
Fls small, solitary, axillary, 5-merous; calyx cut to base into subequal sepals; corolla deeply lobed, broadly campanulate, lobes induplicate. Staminal filaments filiform, anthers included. Ovary of 2 distinct 1-2-ovuled carpels; styles basal. Capsule membr., us. 1-seeded, opening irregularly. Small creeping perennial herbs, rooting at nodes, with entire lvs. A widespread genus of warm regions, with some 10 spp.
Low-growing creeping silky-pubescent herb; stems finely grooved, slender, branching, with appressed hairs, rooting at nodes, up to 3 dm. long; plant often forming rather open patches up to c. 5 dm. diam. Lvs alt., sts in clusters of 2 or more at nodes; petioles slender, up to 3 cm. long; lamina ± (6)-10-20-(25) mm. diam., suborbicular to reniform, emarginate or rounded at apex, cordate at base with narrow sinus, silky-hairy on both surfaces. Peduncles very slender to filiform, up to c. 5 cm. long; basal bracts linear. Fls c. 4-5 mm. diam.; sepals obovate, silky, c. 4 mm. long; corolla c. 5 mm. long, greenish yellow, lobes narrow-spathulate, ± apiculate. Capsule c. 2-3 mm. diam., globose, hairy, enclosed in persistent calyx.
Spreading rhizomes not developed. Caudex up to 6 m. tall, densely invested with matted rootlets so that the diam. is up to 6 dm. or more in the lower part. Dead fronds long persistent, pendent. Stipes very short, densely clad near base with soft, light red-brown hairs: rhachides clad in soft pale brown hairs, glabrate in age. Lamina about lanceolate, 2-3-pinnate, up to 2 m. long, coriac. Primary pinnae 15-30 cm. long, oblong-lanceolate, acuminate; secondary up to 5 cm. long, rather close-set. Pinnules c. 5 mm. long, acute, widened and confluent at base. Fertile lobes rounded, strongly concavo-convex, each bearing a sorus; barren lobes, shallowly concavo-convex, subfalcate, acute, toothed or not. Indusium submembr., concavo-convex.
Caudex either (a) prostrate, slender, up to 5 cm. or more diam., branching to form clumps, or (b) erect, stout, up to 2 m. tall. Stipes 20-60 cm. long, densely clad in lower part in shining red-brown hairs up to 2 cm. long, and in shorter brown hairs in furrow. Rhachis similarly clad, glabrate in age. Lamina 30-50 cm. long, ovate to deltoid, acuminate, coriac., yellowish green above, paler below, 2-3-pinnate. Primary pinnae diminishing upwards and downwards from 15-25 cm. long, lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, acute. Secondary pinnae up to 5 cm. or more long, us. less. Pinnules close-set, up to 5 mm. long; barren ovate-oblong, acute to obtuse, slightly concave, crenately toothed; fertile with rounded strongly concavo-convex lobes, each bearing a sorus Indusium subcoriac.
Veins pinnately forked. Sorus globose, on apices of veinlets; receptacle ± elevated; sporangia subsessile; indusium coriac. to submembr. About 25 spp.
Rhizomes spreading from main stock to 1 m. or more, giving rise to subsidiary erect caudices, often forming a grove. Caudex slender, up to c. 10 cm. diam., up to 6 m. or more tall, invested by long-persistent bases of stipites; bearing dormant buds near base, or these developing into short or long branches. Stipes densely clad in deciduous dark filiform hairs up to 4 cm. long; roughened by enlarged persistent bases of fallen hairs. Rhachis clad in dark reddish brown hairs when young, becoming rough in age. Lamina 10-25 dm. long, about oblong-lanceolate, 2-3-pinnate, coriac. Primary pinnae 25-50 cm. long, deltoid-ovate, acuminate; secondary rather close-set, 5-8 cm. long, acute. Fertile pinnules close-set, confluent at base, 10-15 mm. long; lobes strongly concavo-convex c. 5 mm. long, rounded, each bearing a sorus. Lobes of barren pinnules shallowly concave, acute, us. sharply toothed. Indusium rather delicate, concavo-convex.
Sori marginal, terminal on veinlets, protected by incurved lobes of pinnules and a concavo-convex indusium. Sporangia gradate, annulus conspicuous, oblique; spores tetrahedral. Stock develops into a stout erect or sts prostrate caudex densely clad in hairs or bristles. Fronds large, decompound, veins free. About 4 genera and some 30 spp., mainly tropical.
Fls axillary, fascicled or solitary; calyx free or adnate to ovary at base, of 4-5 sepals; petals 4-5, ± cucullate, or absent. Stamens 4-5 on short filaments. Disk adnate to ovary to base of calyx. Ovary ± sunk in disk, 3-lobed and 3-loculed; style slender, stigma 3-lobed. Fr. dry, nutlike, separating into 3 cocci; testa coriac. Shrubs or trees with us. rigid branches and opp. lvs. About 15 spp. of S. America, Australia, N.Z.; the N.Z. sp. endemic.
Much-branched ± deciduous spiny shrub or tree up to 5 m. or more tall; branches divaricate, stiff; branchlets terete, green, ± flexible. Secondary lateral branchlets stiff, short, or reduced to spines up to ± 5 cm. long. Lvs opp. or in opp. fascicles, rarely absent, (5)-10-20 × (2)-5 mm., narrow-obovate to obovate-oblong, coriac., obtuse, ± glossy above. Fls in few-fld cymose fascicles to solitary, ± 3-5 mm. diam., on short puberulous pedicels. Sepals 4-5, greenish to clear white, reflexed; petals 0. Fr. c. 5 mm. diam., globose, us. deeply 3-lobed.
Stems stout, ± 5 mm. diam., branching, prostrate, up to 1 m. or more long. Lvs opp. or in opp. clusters, connate at base, (1)-2-4-(5) cm. long, linear to linear-oblong to narrow-spathulate when dry, succulent and triquetrous when fresh, acute to obtuse. Fls 2-3 cm. diam.; peduncle stout, thickening upwards, 1-4 cm. long. Calyx-tube turbinate, thick, fleshy; lobes 5, 2 much longer than rest. Staminodes ∞, spreading, linear to ligulate, pink to white, c. 1 cm. long. Carpels 5-8-celled; styles 5-8.
Calyx tube turbinate, fleshy; lobes 5, 2 much > rest; coloured staminodes ∞; styles 5-8.
Fls unisexual to polygamous, us. in racemes or panicles. Sepals 2-5; petals 0; stamens (5)-8-(10). Ovary 3-6-celled, ovules 2 per cell. Capsule 2-6-sided, septicidally dehiscent, valves winged. Seeds 1-2 per cell, compressed; funicle thickened, embryo spirally coiled. Shrubs or trees, often viscid. Some 50 spp., mainly Australian, with scattered members in tropics and subtropics.
Dioec. glab. shrub or tree up to 6 m. tall or occ. much more, but us. flowering when ± 2 m. tall; sts prostrate in coastal strongly insolated places. Bark reddish brown, falling in flakes; young branchlets compressed to triangular, viscid. Lvs alt. to subopp., occ. three close-set, on petioles up to 10 mm. long. Lamina thinly coriac., ± 4-10 × 1-3 cm., pale green, entire, narrow-obovate to narrow-elliptic, obtuse (rarely subacute, sts minutely retuse) gradually narrowed to base. Infl. a terminal rather densely fld panicle, ± 3-4 cm. long. Fls greenish to yellowish or reddish, on pubescent pedicels ± 4 mm. long. ♂ with 4 c. oblong sepals; 8-10 stamens, filaments very short. ♀ with 4 narrower sepals; style 2-fid, far exserted. Capsule ± 15 × 15 mm. including broad wings, compressed. Sts 3 wings are present.
Characters as for family
Very densely branched herb with erect crowded stems up to c. 10 cm. tall; forming compact, often broad, cushions. Branches and branchlets very densely clad in white floccose hairs. Lvs densely imbricate, long-persistent, appressed, linear-subulate to ligulate, ± 5-10 mm. long, thick, coriac., obtuse, glossy, ± hirsute at base. Fls sessile, solitary, mostly terminal, 8-10 mm. diam.; receptacle ± hairy at base. Calyx c. 1 mm. long; lobes 5, acute, ovate to broad-triangular; petals 5, c. 2-3 mm. long, white, rather fleshy, ovate-oblong, obtuse. Stamens 2, short, adnate to styles at base; anthers extrorse. Styles 2, short, thick, recurved, connate towards base; stigma capitate. Ovules on pend. apical placentae. Capsule indehiscent, ± 5 mm. long.
Fls axillary and terminal, solitary; receptacle adnate to ovary. Sepals (3)-5-(7); petals 5-10; stamens 2-3, inserted on middle of epig. disk, adnate to style-bases, otherwise free; anthers extrorse, didymous; filaments short, thick. Ovary inferior, 2-3-celled; styles 2-3, short; stigmas capitate; ovules ∞, on pend. placentae. Capsule indehiscent, 2-(3)-celled. Seeds with membr. testa, fleshy endosperm, minute embryo. Family of 2 known spp. of Donatia.
Rhizome ascending, clad in dark paleae, invested by bases of fallen tufted stipites. Stipes slender, smooth to asperous, 5-15 cm. long, blackish brown towards base, elsewhere brown. Rhachis smooth to asperous, slender, pale brown, with up to 30 subopp., rather distant pinnae. Lamina lanceolate to linear-oblong, caudate, membr. to subcoriac., rather pale green. Barren laminae c. 15. × 2-3-(8) cm., ± decumbent. Fertile laminae 20-40 × 3-5 cm., erect. Pinnae dentate-serrate. Pinnae of barren fronds: lower c. 10 × 5 mm., stalked, ovate, auriculately lobed at base: mid 10-15 cm. × 5-10 mm., oblong, stalked, auriculate or not: upper smaller, subsessile to sessile and decurrent: terminal seg. c. 5 × 1 cm., oblong. Pinnae of fertile laminae linear to linear-lanceolate, auriculate at base, up to 25 × 3 mm., in distant pairs. Terminal seg. linear, up to 15 cm. long. Sori in a single row, discrete to approximate or ± confluent, c. 2 mm. long.
Rhizome ascending, clad in dark paleae up to 5 mm. long, invested by bases of fallen crowded stipites. Stipes stiff, asperous, ± densely paleate, (4)-10-25-(30) cm. long, blackish brown in lower portion, lighter brown above, becoming smooth in age. Rhachis asperous, ± paleate; with ∞ alt. to subopp. pinnae. Lamina 30-45 × 5-10 cm., harsh, coriac., dark green, linear-lanceolate to oblanceolate, acuminate, pinnatifid in apical portion. Lower pinnae stalked, in distant pairs, 5-20 × 5-10 mm., ovate-cordate, sharply serrate. Mid pinnae up to 4-6 cm. × c. 5 mm. lanceolate-oblong to linear-lanceolate, ± arcuate, subsessile to sessile and decurrent at base, sts confluent, sharply serrate, mucronate, sts auricled at base. Upper gradually decreasing in size; terminal portion sts caudate. Sori in a single row, or with an irregular outer row, c. 2 mm. long, often approximate, occ. ± confluent.
Lamina 30-70 × 15-30 cm.; pinnae up to 12 × 1 cm., dentate-serrate, long acuminate; sori in 2 rows.
Sori in one or more rows on each side of costa, oblong, distant to approximate; indusium firm, opening towards costa. Sporangia stalked; annulus incomplete, vertical. Rhizome ascending, paleae harsh, stipites crowded. Lamina us. harsh; veins forked, lower veinlets anastomosing. About 10 spp. of terrestrial ferns of Australia, N.Z., Polynesia, Ceylon, Juan Fernandez, Hawaii.
Erect, strict, up to c. 2m. tall; branches slender, bark grey; branchlets very slender, ascending to spreading, bark reddish brown. Lvs ascending; sheath ciliolate, 10-(20) × 3-5 mm., narrowing to lamina by ciliolate, truncate, auricled shoulder. Lamina linear, concavo-convex, 60-80-(190) × 1-1·5 mm.; margins minutely serrate towards pungent apex. Fls solitary on short persistent peduncles towards tips of branchlets. Sepals narrow-ovate. acute to acuminate, ± = corolla-tube, margins ciliolate. Corolla-tube 5-7 mm. long, lobes c 2.5 mm. long.
Erect shrub, up to c. 1m. tall; branches rather close-set, slender; branchlets very slender, ∞.Lvs thin, imbricate; sheath truncate, not or obseurely auricled, (6)-8 × (2.5)-5 mm. Lamina linear, flat, ± 65-75 × 2-3 mm., gradually narrowed into long acuminate subpungent apex. Infl. of slender spikelike 4-5-(10)-fld racemes ± 2-3 cm. long. Bracts caducous, broad-ovate, apiculate, ciliate. Fls approximate, nearly sessile; sepals broad-ovate-lanceolate, acute, thin, ciliolate, c. 4 mm. long. Corolla-tube c. 5 mm. long, subcylindric; lobes white, ovate, subacute, patent to reflexed; anthers hardly exserted. Capsule c. 3 mm. diam.
Shrub or tree up to 10 m. tall; branches ± fastigiate, rather stout, bark greyish to almost black; branchlets slender, ascending, bark dark red-brown. Lvs clustered towards tips of branchlets. Sheath 6-10 × 4-5 mm., expanded in upper part then narrowing to rigid coriac. lamina ± 5-8 cm. × 1·5-2 mm., pubescent to almost tomentose, gradually tapering to acicular apex; margins minutely serrulate-crenulate, densely ciliate. Racemes 3-6-(10)-fld, 2-3 cm. long. Bracts persistent, ciliate; lower lflike, sheath 3-4 mm. long, lamina up to c. 2 cm. long. Sepals ovate, acute, ciliate, c. 5 mm. long; corolla-tube campanulate, c. 5 mm. long, lobes obtuse.
Shrub with inner branches erect, sts as much as 2 m. tall; outer prostrate; bark dark grey. Branchlets us. densely clad in imbricate persistent lvs or lf-bases throughout, bark reddish brown. Sheath ciliolate, 2-3 × 1-2 mm., margins white, narrowed into linear plano-convex, sts keeled lamina ± 10-12 × 0·5 mm., margins almost entire, apex obtuse. Fls solitary, terminal on branchlets; lower bracts narrow-ovate, gradually tapering to apex, ciliolate. Sepals narrow-ovate, ciliolate. Corolla-tube c. 5 mm. long; lobes white, triangular. c. 1·5 mm. long. Anthers sessile at throat. Capsule ± 2 mm. diam., truncate, 5-lobed.
Shrub or tree to c.2 m. tall; branches ± fastigiate, slender; bark dark brown to blackish; branchlets very slender, flexible. Lvs with sheaths ± 10-15 mm. long, narrow, margins submembr., passing by truncate to auricled shoulder into filiform, erecto-patent lamina ± (6)-10-16 cm. × 0·5-1 mm.; apex triquetrous. Racemes ± 25 mm. long, (4)-6-9-fld, terminal on slender lateral branchlets. Sepals ± = corolla-tube, broad-ovate, acuminate, margins ciliolate. Corolla-tube c. 5 mm. long, lobes broad-ovate. Capsule 3-4 mm. diam., invested by persistent calyx.
Robust, not or sparingly branched, up to c. 3 m. tall, trunk up to c. 4 cm. diam. Lvs thick, coriac., in very large clusters towards apex of stem; sheath ± 6 × 3 cm., very gradually tapering into lamina ± 6-7 dm. × 4-5 cm.; margins smooth, narrowing to acuminate apex. Panicle 10-12-(15) cm. long, arising on stem below lvs; axis stout, curved; branches 2-5 cm. long. Fls ∞, rather crowded; sepals ovate, acute, c. 2.5 mm. long; corolla-tube = sepals, lobes reflexed. Anthers exserted. Capsule 2 × 2.5 mm. (fide Oliver loc. cit. 1929, 706). In specimens seen by me up to c. 4 mm. diam.
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Fls 5-merous in panicles, racemes or spikes, or solitary. Sepals persistent, us. quite free; corolla-lobes imbricate, apex ± incurved; anthers us. included, dorsifixed. Hypog. scales free, ± oblong; stigmas minutely to distinctly 5-lobed. Ovules ∞, placentae decurved. Capsule loculicidally dehiscent. Shrubs or small trees of diverse habit; lvs simple, of linear order, us. minutely serrulate-crenulate on margins; base prolonged into an appressed sheath leaving a linear scar at If-fall. Some 28 spp. in subgenus , all endemic to N.Z. except (confined to Tasmania). Some 20 spp, in subgenus , 8 endemic to N.Z., 9 to New Caledonia, 1 in Australia, 1 in Tasmania, 1 in Lord Howe Id.
Tree up to c. 7 m. tall, trunk up to c. 3 dm. diam., bark rough; branches candelabra-like. Lvs in dense clusters towards apex of branches, ± squarrosely spreading to reflexed, coriac., glab. Sheath c. 4 × 2.5 cm., gradually tapering into lamina ± 25-60 × 2.5-3·5 cm., gradually narrowing into very long fine point; margins very minutely serrulate-crenulate. Panicle rather slender, ± 15-30-(45) cm. long; at first erect or ascending, drooping in fruiting stage; branches close-set, ± 3·5 cm. long, at acute angle to axis. Bracts ovate-oblong, pubescent. Fls close-set on pubescent pedicels c. 3-4 mm. long. Sepals short, broad-ovate, acute to subacute, reflexed. Corolla-tube ± 3 mm. long, lobes oblong, obtuse, reddish. Anthers slightly exserted. Capsule depressed-globose, c. 2.5 mm. diam.
Shrub or small tree up to 10 m. tall, stouter than . Branches erect or ascending, bark greyish; branchlets slender, bark greyish brown. Lvs crowded towards tips of branchlets. Sheath pale, 5-6-(10) × 2-3 mm., truncate, us distinctly auricled. Lamina canaliculate for ± halfway, semi-terete, ± 6-8-10 cm. × 1-1·5 mm.; margins serrulate, sparsely ciliolate; apex acute. Infl. of 6-8-fld racemes, ± 3 cm. long, terminal on short lateral branchlets, often clustered. Lower bracts lflike, persistent; sheaths c·5 × 2.5 mm., with acuminate lamina ± 10 mm. long. Sepals oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, slightly > corolla-tube, which is 5-6 mm. long. Corolla-lobes narrowly ovate-triangular, c. 2.5 mm. long, obtuse.
Shrub or tree up to c. 12 m. tall with trunk up to 4 dm. diam., but us. smaller without distinct trunk. Branches and branchlets us. slender, erect or spreading. Lvs stiff, us. crowded towards tips of branchlets; sheath ± 15 × 10 mm., pale, passing by rounded to truncate, sts auricled shoulder into lamina ± 10-25 cm. × 3-5 mm., rigid, coriac., slightly rounded on dorsal surface, sts ± pubescent above, tapering to long acuminate apex; margins entire to minutely serrulate. Infl. of erect to drooping 6-15-fld racemes 4-5 cm. long, terminal on branchlets. Bracts caducous, lower long, lflike. Sepals persistent, ovate-lanceolate, acute, ciliate, c. = corolla-tube. Corolla subcampanulate, tube ± 5 mm. long, lobes ovate-triangular, inflexed at tips; anthers included or barely exserted. Capsule ± 4-5 mm. long.
Oliver (loc. cit. 1952, 11) says: "The typical variety is a rather slender tree with long and broad juvenile leaves and long adult leaves which, along the shores of the Fiordland Sounds and in Stewart Island, hang downwards on slender branchlets." He gives lf-measurements with the range: adults 14-23 cm. × 2-4 mm., juveniles 16-24 cm. × 6-10 mm. The distribution is given as: S. Mount Arthur southwards. My measurements of lvs from adults in the Nelson area gave the range: sheaths 9-10 × 3-5 mm., mostly truncate and ± auricled; lamina 6·5-10 cm. × 1 mm.
Lvs stiff, sheaths 10-18 × 5-10 mm.; lamina (6)-9-10-(14) cm. long. Width of Auckland Id specimens 2-4 mm., of Campbell Id 2-2.5 mm. Racemes c. 4-5 cm. long, erect to ascending, sts becoming spreading.
Slender shrub or tree up to c. 5 m. tall; branches not verticillate, branchlets very slender. Lvs with sheaths ± 3 × 1·5 cm., gradually narrowed into rather thin lamina (10)-20-30 cm. × 10-25 mm., slightly widening near base then tapering to acute apex; margins smooth or nearly so. Panicle terminal, rather slender, drooping, ± 10-30 cm. long, branching at an acute to subacute angle; branches up to c. 5 cm. long, again branched. Bracts c. 2-3 mm. long, ovate, pubescent. Fls on pubescent pedicels c. 1·5 mm. long. Sepals yellowish green, c. 1 mm. long, ovate, pubescent. Corolla-tube c. 2 mm. long; lobes oblong, obtuse, c. 3 mm. long, purplish red to almost black. Anthers exserted; style slender, c. 2.5 mm. long. Capsule depressed-globose, c. 2-3 mm. diam.
Low spreading to erect shrub up to 2 m. or more tall; branches us. several, robust; bark greyish; branchlets stout. Lvs crowded near tips of branchlets, patent to ± reflexed, rigid, very coriac.; sheath glab., ± 25 × 20 mm., gradually tapering into lamina 10-15-(20) × 1·5-2 cm.; margins serrulate to crenulate; apex gradually tapering to fine point. Panicle ± 7·5-12 cm. long, stout, drooping, on short stout stalk, arising below lvs; sts in whorls of 3, sts almost reduced to racemes; rhachis pubescent. Bracts short, broad, ovate, suddenly contracted to sharp point. Fls c. 8-9 mm. long on short curved pubescent pedicels. Sepals 1·5-2 mm. long, broad-ovate, subacute. Corolla-tube c. 6 mm. long, subcampanulate; lobes c. 2-3 mm. long, oblong, obtuse, reflexed. Anthers us. included. Capsule 5-7-valved, (4)-5-6 mm. long, depressed-globose.
Plant with woody subterranean stems and very close-set subherbaceous slender erect branches up to c. 4 cm. tall; branchlets ± 25 × 2.5 mm., including the densely imbricate lvs. Sheath broad-ovate, c. 1 mm. long with thin margins, rather abruptly tapering into shining, rigid, ovate-subulate, minutely ciliolate lamina c. 2 mm. long; apex obtuse. Lower lvs sts without subulate apex. Fls solitary, terminal, ± 3-4 mm. long. Sepals = corolla-tube, ovate, rather abruptly narrowed to obtuse tip. Corolla white; tube cylindric, 2-5 mm, long, lobes broad, obtuse to subacute.
Erect, up to c. 2 m. tall; branches with blackish bark; branchlets slender, ascending, becoming nude below, bark greyish. Lvs narrow-subulate; sheaths 5-8 × (2)-3-4 mm., abruptly narrowed to truncate subauricled shoulder. Lamina minutely pubescent, becoming glab., rigid, 4-5-(7) cm. × 1·5-2 mm., tapering gradually to subpungent apex; margins minutely pubescent. Fls in erect, often clustered, 5-10-fld racemes on short lateral branches. Bracts caducous; lower lflike up to 25 mm. long, subpersistent; upper c. 5 × 3 mm., broad-ovate, suddenly narrowed to subulate blunt apex. Sepals persistent, c. 6 mm. long, ovate-acuminate. Corolla-tube 3-4 mm. long; lobes spreading, subacute, ± reflexed. Capsule c. 5 mm. diam.
Spreading shrub up to c. 2 m. tall; branches rather slender, bark almost black; branchlets ∞, slender, rather close-set, bark reddish brown. Sheath ± 5 mm. long, narrowed to subfiliform lamina ± 30-40 × 1-1·5 mm., narrowed to acute apex; margins minutely ciliolate. Fls solitary or in 2-4-(6)-fld racemes ± 2 cm. long; sheaths of bracts with pale ciliolate margins, rather abruptly narrowed to linear lamina. Sepals ovate-triangular, obtuse, ciliate on margins, pubescent on back. Corolla-tube subcampanulate, oblong, 3-4 mm. long; lobes white, c. 2 mm. long, ovate-triangular, obtuse.
Strict, erect, up to ± 1 m. tall; branches slender, bark purplish brown; branchlets very slender, sparingly lfy. Lamina filiform, 20-25-(50) mm. long, apex blunt. Fls solitary, axillary, peduncled, occ. in few-fld racemes. Bracts rather broad; margins conspicuous, pale, ciliolate. Sepals narrow-ovate, ± = corolla-tube which is 4-5 mm. long with acute lobes.
Small robust shrub; lvs ascending, becoming patent. Sheath 8-10 × 3-4 mm. with scarious margins, narrowed to thick subulate lamina (35)-40 × 6-6·5 mm., acute, very minutely serrulate. Racemes (2)-5-6-fld, terminal on lateral branchlets bearing a tuft of lvs just below infl. Lowest bracts lflike; sheath 3-4 mm. long, ciliate on shoulder, lamina ± 15 mm. long, ciliolate, ± pubescent near sheath. Sepals broad, acute, sparingly ciliolate. Corolla-tube c. 4 mm. long, subcampanulate; style stout, c. 2 mm. long; capsule ± 2 mm. diam.
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Prostrate shrub with close-set stout branches, sts forming very compact cushionlike masses: branchlets densely clad in persistent imbricate lvs, bark brown. Sheaths broad, not or very sparsely ciliolate, passing into concavo-convex, smooth, polished, appressed, rigid, slightly arcuate lamina (6)-8-10 mm. long; apex very obtuse. Fls solitary, terminal, almost hidden by lvs; bracts broad, obtuse. Sepals ovate, acute, ciliolate, a little > corolla-tube.
Prostrate to trailing rather rigid shrub, branches stiff, bark blackish; branchlets short, bark reddish brown to dark brown. Lvs not long-persistent, aggregated towards tips of branchlets; sheath 2-3-(4) × 1-2 mm., membr., rather abruptly narrowed to coriac., lamina ± 5-12 × c. 1 mm., gradually tapering from base to obtuse or subacute thickened apex; margins very minutely serrulate. Fls solitary, terminal on lateral branchlets, not hidden by lvs. Lower bracts lflike, up to c. 5 mm. long. Sepals acuminate, = corolla-tube. Corolla-tube c. 4 mm. long, subcampanulate; lobes white, ovate-oblong, 1-2 mm. long, very obtuse, reflexed. Capsule 2-2.5 mm. long.
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Sprawling to prostrate; branches stout, us. rather close-set; branchlets with dark reddish brown bark. Lvs crowded towards tips of branchlets. Sheath 5-7 × 4-5 mm., slightly shouldered or gradually narrowed to lamina (25)-35-50-(60) × (3)-4-8 mm. Lamina concavo-convex, erect to patent, coriac., glaucous, amply pubescent when young, becoming almost glab.; apex acute to acuminate, pungent. Infl. of 3-5-fld racemes or spikes, or the fls occ. solitary, terminal on lateral branchlets. Bracts lflike, ovate, acuminate, ciliolate. Sepals ovate to ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, ± = corolla-tube 5-6 mm. long. Corolla-lobes white, triangular, acute. Capsule obovoid.
Rather slender tree up to c. 10 m. tall with smooth dark grey bark; branches slender, bark brown. Lvs thick, coriac., densely clustered towards tips of branchlets; sheath ± 5 × 4 cm., gradually tapering into lamina ± 5-6 dm. × 2.5-3 cm.; margins smooth or nearly so, apex acuminate. Panicle very stout, terminal, erect, ± conical, 20-30 × 10 cm.; branches stout, at wide angle to axis, again several times branched, branchlets up to ± 3 cm. long. Fls? Capsule ± 2 mm. diam., depressed-globose, shortly pedicelled to sessile, invested by persistent broadly ovate-oblong ciliate sepals c. 1·5 mm. long.
Us. a low spreading shrub, sts attaining 1 m. tall and ± 1 m. diam.; branches wide-spreading, bark dark grey to blackish; branchlets slender, reddish brown. Lvs crowded towards tips of branchlets, spreading to strongly reflexed, us. dark coloured. Sheath membr., 2.5-4(6) mm. broad, ciliolate, abruptly narrowed to coriac., dark red-brown, linear-subulate lamina (green in shade) 2-4 cm. × 1-1·5 mm.; margins minutely serrulate, apex acute to subacute. Racemes terminal on branchlets, 4-10-fld, 12-25 mm. long with stout axis. Bracts persistent, almost concealing fls; lower lflike, tips subulate to lanceolate, c. 5 mm. long. Sepals ovate-lanceolate, acute, ciliolate, ± = corolla-tube. Corolla narrow-campanulate to cylindric; tube c. 6 mm. long, lobes c. 3 mm. long, sub-acute, ovate-triangular, red to white. Anthers included; style stout, c. 2 mm. long. Capsule 3-4 mm. diam., concealed by persistent sepals.
Erect, much-branched, up to ± 5 dm. tall; branches rather close-set. ± 10-15 cm. long, ascending; branchlets terminated by tufts of lvs, bark reddish brown. Sheath ± 7-12 mm. long, abruptly to gradually narrowed into lamina (2)-3-4-(5) cm. × 1-2-(3) mm., tapering to blunt or subacute apex; margins minutely ciliolate. Fls solitary on short lateral branchlets near tips of branches; bracts short, broad. Sepals narrow-ovate, margins pale, minutely ciliolate; corolla-tube c. 6 mm. long, lobes triangular; anthers not or hardly exserted. Capsule depressed-obovoid, 5-valved.
Erect, up to c. 2 m. tall, branches stout, strict, with dark chestnut-brown to nearly black bark; branchlets strict, crowded. Lvs rather rigid, close-set, crowded towards tips of branchlets. Sheath cililate, thin-margined, (10)-12-(15) × (3)-4-7 mm., passing by subtruncate shoulder into lamina (3)-6-8 cm. × (1)-2-(3) mm., tomentose above, glab. below, gradually tapering to subpungent apex; margins densely clad in silky hairs, very minutely serrulate. Infl. of 3-6-fld racemes ± 3 cm. long, or fls solitary. Bracts broad-ovate with subulate tips and white ciliolate margins, pubescent above near tips. Fls shortly peduncled, inconspicuous; sepals pubescent near tips, ovate, ± = corolla-tube which is 3-4-(5) mm. long. Corolla-lobes ovate-oblong, obtuse. Capsule obovoid.
Erect, up to 3 m. or occ. 6 m. tall; branches with blackish brown bark; branchlets slender. Lvs subcoriac., spreading to somewhat reflexed; sheath gradually narrowed into lamina ± 3·5-12.5 cm. × (3)-4-8 mm., narrowed into long acuminate apex; margins finely serrulate. Infl. of clustered 4-8-fld racemes c. 2.5-5 cm. long, terminal or subterminal on short lateral branchlets. Bracts persistent, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate. Sepals acute, ± ciliolate, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, ± = corolla-tube, which is c. 4 mm. long. Anthers included, style stout, capsule concealed by persistent sepals.
Erect shrub; branches subverticillate; branchlets brown, tinged red. Lvs suberect, becoming patent to reflexed. Sheath ± 20 × 9 mm., passing by inconspicuous rounded shoulder into coriac. lamina, subglaucous below, (3·5)-10 cm. × 7-12 mm., somewhat constricted at base, rapidly widening then tapering gradually to acute or subacute ± subpungent apex; margins finely serrulate-crenulate. Panicle rather slender, erect, 5-10 × c. 2 cm.; branches spreading, short, ± pubescent. Bracts caducous. Fls rather crowded on short ± pubescent pedicels. Sepals ovate, acute, ciliolate, c. 2 mm. long; corolla-tube narrow-campanulate, c. 4 mm. long; lobes short, broad-triangular, with inflexed tips. Anthers included. Capsule depressed-globose, c. 2.5 mm. diam.
Erect, up to c. 2m. tall; branches rather slender, subfastigiate, bark blackish grey; branchlets lfy at tips only, bark reddish brown. Lvs imbricate, rigid, coriac., erect or ascending. Sheath (2)-3-4 × (1)-2-3 mm., passing by rounded to subtruncate ciliolate shoulder to linear-subulate lamina (12)-20-30 × ± 1 mm.; margins minutely serrulate, apex triquetrous, pungent. Infl. of 2-6-fld racemes 6-9 mm. long, terminal on lateral branchlets, often clustered (fls sts solitary). Bracts light-margined, persistent, broad-ovate, ciliolate, tapering to subulate tip, lower up to c. 1 cm. long. Sepals broad-ovate, acute to acuminate, slighty > corolla-tube. Corolla-tube narrow-campanulate, c, 2-3 mm. long; lobes white, broad, c. 3 mm. long, ovate-oblong, obtuse, recurved; anthers included or nearly so.
Shrub or tree up to c. 6 m. tall; branches stout, bark dark brown to almost black. Lvs in dense clusters towards apex of branches; sheath gradually narrowed into stiff coriac. lamina 15-30 cm. × 8-15 mm., very gradually narrowed into fine point; margins minutely serrulate-crenulate. Panicles arising below lvs, compact, drooping, 5-8-(10) cm. long; main stalk and branches stout. Bracts c. 4 mm. broad, abruptly contracted into obtuse tips. Fls crowded, subsessile; sepals ovate-oblong, obtuse Corolla ± campanulate; tube c. 4-5 mm. long; lobes oblong, obtuse c. 2-3 mm. long, strongly reflexed. Anthers distinctly exserted; style c. 5 mm. long, rather slender. Capsule slightly depressed, globose, c. (3)-4 mm. long.
Tree to 10-(13) m. tall; trunk to 6 dm. diam.; branches stout with smooth dark brown to almost black bark; branchlets rather stout, dark reddish brown. Sheaths ± 3 cm. long, gradually tapering into coriac. lamina narrowing regularly into subfiliform tip, ± 3-6 dm. × 4-5 cm.; margins smooth to very obscurely serrulate-crenulate. Panicle stout, terminal, strict, narrow-oblong; branches suberect, puberulous. Bracts close-set, obtuse, glab. or nearly so, ± orbicular. Fls subsessile, crowded; sepals oblong, us. glab., ± orbicular. Corolla rather broadly campanulate; tube ± = sepals, lobes reflexed. Anthers ± exserted. Styles stout; capsule ± 3 mm. diam.
Erect, up to c. 3m. tall; branches stout, bark greyish; branchlets ∞, slender; bark grey to dark brown. Lvs crowded towards tips of branchlets. Sheath 5-6 × 2 mm., ciliolate, rather abruptly narrowed to lamina 40-45 × 2.5-3 mm., minutely pubescent on both surfaces, canaliculate, ascending, gradually narrowed to pungent apex; margins very minutely serrulate. Fls solitary or in 2-3-fld racemes, bracts lflike. Sepals narrow-ovate, acicular; corolla-tube ± 4 mm. long, lobes white, ovate. Anthers slightly exserted; capsule truncate.
Stout erect shrub to 1 m. tall; branches with dark reddish brown bark; branchlets slender, ascending, rather close-set; lvs imbricate, us. 8. Sheath c. 2.5-3·5 mm. broad, passing by subtruncate to rounded shoulder into erect, rigid, coriac., semiterete lamina ± pubescent on upper surface, 12-15-(18) × 1·3-2 mm., tapering to pungent apex; margins minutely ciliolate. Fls solitary, terminal on lateral branchlets; bracts narrow. Sepals lanceolate, acute, c. = corolla-tube. Corolla subcampanulate, tube c. 5 mm. long; lobes broad-ovate, obtuse, white, c. 2 mm. long; anthers included.
Much-branched prostrate to sprawling shrub with stout main branches up to 1 m. or more long; ultimate branchlets ∞, up to c. 5 cm. long, densely clad in imbricate, rigid, coriac. lvs. Sheath 4-6 × 2-3 mm., ciliolate, subtruncate to rather abruptly narrowed into rigid coriac. lamina ± 20-30-(50) × 1-1·5-(2) mm.; surface ± pubescent, margins ciliolate, apex pungent. Fls solitary, terminal on branchlets; sepals unequal, longest = corolla-tube, lanceolate, acute, ciliolate; corolla-tube 7-10 × 3-4 mm., lobes white, short, ovate-triangular. Capsule depressed, broad-obovoid, ± 4 × 3 mm. Style persistent, c. 3 mm. long.
Erect branching shrub ± 1 m. or more tall, bark blackish; branchlets slender, glab., reddish brown. Lvs glab., rigid, subcanaliculate, crowded towards tips of branchlets. Sheath c. 6-8 mm. long, abruptly narrowed to lamina; margins thin, ciliolate. Lamina linear, acute, 70-75 × 1-1·5 mm.; margins minutely serrulate. Infl. of 2-3-fld subspicate racemes near apex of branchlets, rarely fls solitary. Bracts deciduous, ciliolate; sheath suddenly narrowed to very acute apex. Sepals linear-oblong, ciliolate, acute, persistent, ± = corolla-tube. Corolla-tube 4-5 mm. long; lobes ovate, ± acuminate, patent; anthers sessile, inserted on throat. Capsule depressed-ovoid, seeds ∞.
Much-branched shrub or tree up to 5 m. tall; branches rather stout, bark very dark brown; branchlets rather slender, reddish brown, lfy towards tips. Lvs thin, becoming patent. Sheath ± 10 × 6 mm., gradually narrowed to lamina or sts indistinctly shouldered. Lamina ± (4)-5-7 cm. × c. 5-6·5 mm. Racemes lax, 5-6-fld, slender, arising immediately below tufts of lvs on branchlets. Bracts thin, narrow, acuminate. Sepals acute, narrow, sparingly ciliolate. Corolla-tube c. 4 mm. long.
Fls perfect to functionally unisexual, sessile in small heads; receptacle villous. Per. tube funnelform to subcampanulate; lobes 4, patent; throat us. with 1-2 scales opp. each lobe. Stamens 4, inserted on throat, filaments short. Ovary sessile, 1-celled, 1-ovuled; style long, stigma capitate. Fr. dry or drupaceous; endocarp crustaceous, finally free from outer layers. Low-growing shrubs with small alt. imbricating lvs. Genus of a few spp. of Fuegia, N.Z., Australia, New Guinea, Borneo. The N.Z. spp. are endemic.
Plant forming dense to lax patches up to 25 cm. or more diam.; stems and branches prostrate and rooting, up to 3 mm. diam.; branchlets approximate, prostrate or ascending, glabrate, up to 5 cm. long. Lvs erect to appressed, sts incurved, 2.5-3·5 mm. long, obtuse, strongly concavo-convex, coriac., tapering from base 0·5-1 mm. wide; nerves prominent to obscure, margins ciliate, apex densely penicillate. Fls 3-8 per head; scales 4, sts 2-lobed or separated into 4 closely approximate pairs. Per. tube sparsely to densely pilose, 1·5-2.5 mm. long; lobes 1·5-2 mm. long, broad- to ovate-oblong, densely to sparsely pilose. Ovary ovoid, apex penicillate. Fr. ovoid, 1·5 mm. long.
Plant forming lax patches up to 30 cm. or more diam.; stems and branches prostrate and rooting, up to 4 mm. diam.; branchlets spreading to suberect, up to 5 cm. long, glabrate except at lf-bases. Lvs erecto-patent, densely imbricate, 4-5 × 1-1·5 mm., linear- to elliptic-oblong, rounded at apex, nearly flat, submembr.; venation us. evident, margins ciliate, apex penicillate. Fls 3-8 per head; scales 8, minute, distinct. Per. tube villous, 1·75-2 mm. long; lobes 1·5-1·75 mm. long, oblong. Ovary ovoid, villous at apex. Fr. ovoid, 2 mm. long.
Plant forming small low cushions up to 10 cm. diam. Main stem short, stout, erect; branches erect or ascending, approximate; branchlets glabrate. Lvs densely imbricate, erecto-patent, 2-3 × 1 mm., ovate-triangular to ovate-oblong, subacute to acute, rounded on back, sub-membr., nerves not prominent, margins ciliate, apex penicillate. Fls solitary to 2-3 per head; scales 8, distinct. Per. tube broadly funnel-form to subcampanulate; lobes glabrate, 2-2.5 × 1·5-2 mm., ovate-oblong. Ovary ovoid, pilose at apex; fr. ovoid, 2 × 1 mm.
Plant forming low lax mats up to 30 cm. or more diam.; stems and branches prostrate, robust, up to 5 mm. or more diam.; branchlets densely clad in ascending white to greyish hairs, prostrate to ascending, up to 6 cm. long. Lvs erect, densely imbricate, 4-7 × 0·5-1 mm., linear-lanceolate to narrow oblong-lanceolate, often slightly curved, obtuse, coriac., nerves us. conspicuous, margins ciliate, apex pencillate. Fls 5-15 per head; scales 8, distinct. Per. tube villous, 2-3 mm. long; lobes 1·5-2 mm. long, ovate-oblong, sts villous within. Ovary ovoid, villous at apex. Fr. ovoid, 1·5-2 × 1 mm.
Plant forming low mats or patches up to 30 cm. or more diam. Main stems and branches prostrate and rooting, up to 4 mm. or more diam.; branchlets up to 4 cm. long, densely clad in subappressed greyish to white hairs. Lvs densely imbricate, erect or ascending, often incurved, 2.5-4 × 0·5-1 mm., narrow-subulate, slightly concavo-convex, obtuse to subacute, subcoriac., nerves distinct but hardly prominent, margins ciliate, apex strongly penicillate. Fls 3-4 per head; scales 8, distinct. Per. tube ± appressed-pilose within, funnelform, 3 mm. long; lobes 2-2.5 mm. long, oblong to ovate-oblong. Ovary ovoid, pilose at least at apex. Fr. ovoid, 1·5 mm. long.
Stock short, invested with remains of lf-bases. Lvs exstipulate, linear-ligulate, bases sheathing; petiole glab., up to 5 cm.× 8 mm.; lamina up to 7 cm. × 8·5 mm., clad in stalked glandular hairs. Peduncles solitary or few, glab., up to 15 cm. long, with one or rarely up to 3 fls. Sepals connate at the base, narrow elliptic-oblong, up to 8 × 2 mm.; petals white, broad-ovate to obovate, up to 8 mm. long. Style branches 3-4, rarely again divided, dilated at apices. Capsule c. 1 cm. long.
Stock slender, up to 5 cm. long, arising from small tuber. Stems slender, erect, flexuous, glab., up to 30 cm. or more long, often sub- scandent. Basal lvs rosulate; petioles flat, up to 10 mm. long; lamina orbicular, 3 mm. diam., or lvs reduced to scales. Cauline lvs alt.; petiole filiform, up to 15 mm. long; lamina peltate-lunate, pubescent, with marginal stalked glandular hairs. Peduncle simple, up to 10 cm. long; pedicels erect or ascending, ± 5 mm. long; bracts linear. Sepals elliptic- ovate, entire to erose, up to 5 mm. long; petals rose, obovate, up to 8 mm. long. Style branches 3, dichotomously divided, segs dilated. Capsule ± 2 mm. diam.; seeds minute.
Stock short. Lvs radical, pubescent, erect or spreading; stipules membr., often trifid, up to 7·5 mm. long; petiole glab., up to 35 cm. long; lamina 2- to 4-fid or more; segs linear, up to 15 cm. × 2 mm. with stalked glandular marginal hairs. Peduncles few, erect, glab., up to 50 cm. or more long; sparingly corymbosely branched above; pedicels up to 15 mm. long; fls us. ∞.Sepals connate at base, obovate to elliptic, up to 6 mm. long, glandular; petals white, obovate, up to 10 mm. long. Style branches 3, several times dichotomously branched, segs dilated. Capsule subglobose, c. 2 mm. long.
Sepals 5 or 4 or 8, connate at base or gamosepalous; petals and stamens same number as sepals; carpels 3-5. Capsule loculicidally 3-5-valved; style branches 3-5, often again divided; seeds ∞ . Herbs or subshrubs, mostly perennial, furnished with irritable glandular hairs. Subcosmopolitan genus with some 100 spp., well developed in Australia. Five of the N.Z. spp. occur in Australia and Tasmania. extends to Malaya, China and southern Japan. is endemic to N.Z.
Stock extremely short. Lvs radical, appressed, rosulate; stipules scarious, up to 5 mm. long, trifid; segs laciniate; petioles flattened, glab., up to 6mm. long; lamina subpeltate, suborbicular, 1·5-2 mm. diam., clad in stalked glandular hairs. Peduncles solitary or few, filiform, up to 2.5 cm. long; fl. solitary, tetramerous. Sepals connate at base, ± oblong, up to 2 mm. long; petals white, up to 2.5 mm. long, ovate, obtuse. Style branches 4, clavate. Capsule 4-valved, elliptic-oblong.
Stock very short. Lvs radical, rosulate; stipules membr., up to 7 mm. long; mostly trifid, segs laciniate; petiole up to 10 mm. long, glandular, gradually widening to the 5 mm. long obovate lamina clad in stalked glandular hairs. Peduncles solitary or few, glandular above, terminating in glandular racemes with up to 15 subsecund fls; pedicels very short. Sepals connate at base, lanceolate to oblong, 3-5 mm. long; petals white or rose, obovate, up to 6 mm. long, cuneately narrowed into claw. Style branches 3, bipartite to base. Capsule c. 1·5 mm. long.
Stock short, invested with remains of lf-bases. Lvs exstipulate, narrow-spathulate; petioles glab., up to 5 cm. long, lamina up to 2 cm. × 5 mm., clad in stalked glandular hairs. Peduncle solitary, glab., up to 20 cm. long, one-fld. Sepals connate into 5-lobed calyx; lobes 3·5 mm. long, rounded. Petals white, cuneate-obovate, up to 1 cm. long. Style branches 3, multifid. Capsule 7 mm. long.
Fls regular, perfect, solitary or in cymes; sepals ± connate at base, imbricate, persistent; petals 5, hypog. Stamens (4)-5-(20), mostly free; anthers 2-celled, extrorse. Ovary 1-celled, placentae parietal or sub-basal; ovules us. many. Fr. a loculicidal capsule; seeds with fleshy endosperm. Annual to perennial herbs or subshrubs, mostly bog plants, strongly glandular-hairy, insectivorous. Genera 4, only being subcosmopolitan.
Holttum (Biol. Rev. 24, 1949, 286) restricts to and places it in his ; he includes in his , on account of the raised costae bearing multicellular hairs.
Fls in cymose panicles; sepals and petals 4-5; staminal tube cylindric, toothed at mouth; anthers 8-10, included in tube; disk tubular, sheathing 3-5-celled ovary. Ovules us. 2 per cell; capsule loculicidally dehiscent; seeds and cots large. Trees with alt. pinnate lvs. Some 150 spp., mainly tropical and subtropical. The N.Z. sp. endemic.
Tree up to c. 15 m. tall; trunk up to ± 1 m. diam.; branches stout, bark pale. Lvs imparipinnate, alt., on petioles up to 4 cm. long, pulvinate at base; lflt-pairs us. 4, opp. or subopp., on pulvinate petiolules up to ± 1·5 cm. long. Lamina (5)-7-15-(20) × (2)-3-4-(8) cm., somewhat obliquely ovate- to obovate-oblong, coriac., abruptly bluntly pointed, undulate. Lateral veins at wide angle, prominent. Infl. us. cauliflorous; fls up to ± 3 cm. diam., in drooping panicles up to ± 4 dm. long; pedicels short. Calyx divided to base; lobes broad-oblong, abruptly pointed, ciliate. Petals linear, spreading, waxy white, up to 10 mm. or more long. Staminal column cylindric, fleshy, toothed; anthers subsessile. Style ± silky-hairy; stigma discoid, slightly exserted, surrounded by thin concentric cup. Capsule broad-obovoid to subglobose, 3-4-celled, ± 25 mm. long,. on thickened pedicel. Seeds 2 per cell; aril orange to scarlet.
Fls us. perfect, regular, in racemes or panicles; sepals 4-5, often connate, valvate; petals 4-5-(0), often ± incised, us. valvate. Stamens ∞; anthers dehiscing by terminal pores or slits, situated on disk. Pistil 1; ovary superior, 2-∞-loculed; placentae axile; seeds pend., 2-several per locule; style 1. Fr. capsular or drupaceous; embryo straight. Trees or shrubs with simple, alt. or opp. stipulate lvs. Some 7 genera and 125 spp., mostly tropical.
Canopy tree up to 15 m. or more tall; trunk up to 1 m. diam.; bark grey; branchlets silky when young. Lvs on stout petioles up to 25 mm. long. Lamina (5)-10-12 × 2-3 cm., narrow- to obovate-oblong, obtuse to abruptly acuminate (on same plant), coriac., ± white silky-hairy below; margins ± sinuate, ± recurved, bluntly serrate to subentire. Racemes c. 10-(18) cm. long, 8-12-fld, on silky-hairy pedicels c. 1cm. long. Fls drooping, 8-12-15 mm. diam.; petals white, obovate-cuneate, 3-5-lobed, ± 10 mm. long; sepals ± 6 mm. long, pubescent, about lanceolate-oblong. Stamens 10-20, filaments short, anthers linear. Ovary 2-celled, at first silky-hairy. Drupe ± 12-18 × 9 mm., ovoid, purplish; endocarp rugulose.
Lamina broad-obovate 5-7 × 3-5 cm., narrowed to long slender petiole.
Canopy tree up to ± 12 m. tall, trunk up to 1 m. diam., bark pale. Lvs 3-11 × 1-3 cm., lanceolate- to narrow-oblong, obtuse to acute, coriac., glab., ± sinuate, crenate to bluntly serrate; margins flat. Racemes slender; fls drooping, on pedicels ± 1 cm. long. Sepals lanceolate, ± 3 mm. long; petals ± 4-5 mm. long, greenish white, 4-7-lobed or laciniate. Stamens c. 15. Drupe purplish, ovoid, ± 8 mm. long, endocarp rugulose.
Sepals and petals 4-5, inserted around disk. Stamens ∞; anthers linear, ± awned, opening by terminal pores or slits. Ovary 2-5-celled; ovules 2 to several per cell, pend. Style subulate, stigma simple. Fr. a drupe, endocarp stony, often rugose, 2-5-(1)-celled. Seeds solitary in each cell. Trees. Some 90 mainly tropical spp., ours endemic.
Fls small, regular, perfect, axillary; sepals and petals 2-5; stamens = or twice number of petals. Ovary superior, 2-5-celled, with axile placentae; styles 2-5, ovules ∞.Capsule septicidal; seeds minute, lacking endosperm. Herbs or small subshrubs with opp. or whorled lvs; stipules paired. Two genera and c. 30 spp., subcosmopolitan.
Small subsucculent annual herbs. Land forms glab. or with a few scattered hairs; stems and branches slender, rooting at nodes, forming loose or rather dense patches up to 15 cm. across. Lvs very shortly petioled; lamina (1)-2-4-(5) × 0·5-3 mm., oblong to ovate to elliptic, obtuse; margins sparingly glandular, entire to sinuate or minutely serrulate; stipules minute, fugaceous. Fls minute, solitary, sessile; sepals 3, petals 3 > sepals or 0; stamens 6-3. Capsules globose-depressed, seeds up to 10, ridged, transversely wrinkled. Submerged forms rooted in mud up to 30 cm. below water-surface; stems and branches erect, reaching water-surface, internodes elongate; lvs up to 12 × 6 mm. or more, entire to shallowly sinuate.
Sepals and petals 2-4; stamens and styles same number or twice as many as petals. Capsule membr., 2-4-celled and valved; seeds us. ∞.About 15 temperate and tropical spp.
Fls minute, unisexual, in axillary clusters us. subtended by involucral bracts; ♂ with 4-5-partite per., stamens 4-5, inflexed in bud, ovary obsolete; ♀ with per. 0 or of 3-5 minute segs, staminodes us. present, stigmas sessile, penicillate, ovule erect. Achene minute, compressed, ovate to elliptic in outline. Herbs with distichous, alt. or opp., stipulate lvs, of old world tropics and subtropics; the N.Z. sp. endemic.
Stems stout, fleshy, decumbent and woody at base, then erect or suberect up to 15 dm. tall, sparingly branched. Lvs alt., 8-25 × 2.5-6 cm., auricled and semiamplexicaul at base; lamina obliquely obovate-oblong to lanceolate, membr., sharply and coarsely serrate, rugose, beset with minute asperities. Stipules lanceolate, deciduous. Glomerules unisexual or sts mixed. Staminate glomerules up to 15 mm. diam. or more, with broad bracts; fls pedicelled; bracteoles broad, glab.; per.-segs hyaline, acuminate. Pistillate glomerules with narrower bracts and bracteoles; fls subsessile, per. of 4 hyaline pubescent segs. Achene minute, ovoid.
"Differs from all other genera in possessing a reduced corolla shorter than the calyx and wholly or almost wholly tubular. Type n. sp."
"Glabrous tree with smooth bark." Lvs on stout petioles ± 10 mm. long; lamina very coriac., entire, obovate to broad-obovate, ± 10-18 × 4-9 cm. Infl. a panicle c. 5 cm. diam., enlarging in fr.; bracts caducous. Fls "yellowish" on pedicels ± 5 mm. long; sepals ovate, acute, ± 1·5 mm. long; corolla c. 2.5 mm. diam., c. 1 mm. long, rather obscurely lobed. Stamens c. 3·5 mm. long, filaments gradually widening to base. Pistil ± 2.5 mm. long, tapering to stigmatic pit; ovules 2-4. Fr. bright red, subglobose, ± 17 mm. diam.
Fls perfect, cymosely arranged; outer tepals reduced to truncate or toothed rim to receptacle; inner connivent to connate into tube, splitting into 5-6, us. highly coloured segs. Anthers basifixed, style filiform, stigma clavate to capitate. Ovary adnate to receptacle, ± 2-several-celled. Fr. globose to broad-cylindric. Hemiparasitic shrubs with us. opp., coriac. lvs. About 50 spp. from India to Malaya, Polynesia, Australia. The N.Z. spp. endemic.
Glab. bushy shrub up to 1 m. or more diam. Branches arising from rather massive base, branchlets terete. Lvs opp., on stout petioles up to c. 2 cm. long. Lamina thick, coriac., veins obscure; broad-oblong to obovate or suborbicular; margins entire or occ. crenulate; apex sts emarginate. Infl. axillary, (3)-5-10-fld on stout peduncles 1-2.5 cm. long. Fls sessile, each subtended by broad-obovate bract ± 4-5 mm. long. Receptacle cupular, us. with truncate rim (sts 4-5-toothed). Per. cylindric in bud, inflated at base and apex, splitting into 4 linear scarlet tepals up to 2.5 cm. long. Anthers very narrow, basifixed; style ± = tepals. Fr. ovoid-ellipsoid.
Rather openly branched glab. shrub up to ± 1 m. tall; branchlets subterete. Lvs opp. on slender flattened petioles up to 5 mm. long. Lamina narrow-oblong to narrow-elliptic, thick, coriac.; veins us. distinct on lower surface; margins thickened, ± crenulate. Infl. of (5)-10-15-fld axillary racemose cymes; axis up to c. 5 cm. long, rather slender; pedicels opp. and decussate, 2-5 mm. long, very slender, ± tetragonous. Bracts obsolete. Receptacle-rim with minute teeth or truncate. Tepals ± 1-2 cm. long, orange-yellow to yellow, inflated above base, splitting almost to middle, linear-spathulate. Anthers very narrow-oblong; styles us. slightly > tepals, stigma large, capitate. Fr. turbinate to ± ovoid, 4-5 mm. long.
Glab. bushy shrub up to 1 m. or more tall, us. much-branched from base; branchlets ± compressed, ± pubescent when young. Lvs opp., ± decussate, on short petioles. Lamina thick, coriac., elliptic- to ovate-oblong; veins obscure. Fls axillary, solitary, or in few-fld cymes on short rather stout peduncles. Receptacle with ± 4-toothed rim. Tepals 4, ± 2.5-3·5 cm. long, dilated and ± 4-angled at base, bright red to orange, splitting to base. Anthers narrow, basifixed; style ± = tepals; stigma capitate to clavate. Fr. turbinate to cylindric, 4-5 mm. long.
Shrub or canopy tree up to c. 6 m. tall; trunk up to 25 cm. diam., wood-weight very light. Branchlets, lvs, petioles, infl. densely clad in soft whitish branched hairs; bark grey; lf-scars ± oval. Lvs alt. on petioles up to 2 dm. long, us. less; stipules linear-acuminate, ± persistent. Lamina (5)-10-15-(25) × 5-10-15-(20) cm., obliquely very broad-ovate, abruptly acuminate, cordate at base, doubly crenate-serrate, sts obscurely lobed, 5-7-subpalmately lobed. Sepals acuminate; petals white, crumpled, (3)-4-5. Ovary hispid, 5-7-celled, capsule ± 2 cm. diam., subglobose, invested with rather rigid hairs c. 15-25 mm. long.
Fls (3)-4-5-merous, in subumbellate cymes; sepals free, petals crumpled; stamens us. ∞, free or united only at very base; anthers versatile. Ovary 4-6-7-celled; style simple, stigma fringed or toothed; ovules ∞; capsule globose, invested by long bristles, loculicidally dehiscent. Seeds ∞, testa coriac. Only 1 sp. known.
Fls small, mostly perfect, regular, bracted, 4-5-merous, solitary or in spikes or racemes, occ. panicled. Calyx persistent; corolla hypog., lobes imbricate or valvate. Stamens epipetalous or hypog., alt. with corolla-lobes, sts with tufts of hairs or glands between. Anthers 1-celled, dehiscing lengthwise. Ovary often subtended by a glandular disk, style simple Fr. a capsule or drupe with us. axile placentae; seeds with straight embryo, endosperm fleshy. Shrubs or small trees with us. alt., exstipulate, simple lvs. Some 30 genera and 400 spp. of Australia, Tasmania, N.Z., with a few outliers.
Erect or spreading slender shrub up to ± 1 m. tall, often decumbent at base; branches slender, branchlets puberulous towards tips. Lvs close-set, becoming ± paten, coriac., glab., on very short subappressed petioles widening to base, concavo-convex, keeled on back; 3-5 × 1·5-2mm., ovate-oblong to elliptic, obtuse to subactue; midrib stout, veins obscure. Fls solitary, axillary, on short peduncles towards tip of branchlets. Bracts 5-6, broad-ovate, small, increasing upwards to c. 2 mm. long. Fls up to c. 7 mm. long; calyx-lobes obtuse, ciliolate, 2-3 mm. long; corolla white, tube short, lobes spreading, obtuse, ovate-triangular. Stigma capitate, on stout style. Capsule ± 1·5 mm. long, subglobose, 5-lobed; locules 5.
Fls 5-merous, axillary, solitary, sessile or shortly peduncled. Bracts ∞, imbricate, investing peduncle. Staminal filaments short, inserted on corolla-tube; anthers not or hardly exserted. Disk hypog., us. of 5 free scales. Ovules ∞, attached to a central placenta; capsule loculicidally dehiscent, seeds ∞. Mostly erect rather rigid shrubs with subsessile crowded lvs. Some 50 mostly Australian spp., with a few in Tasmania, N.Z., New Caledonia. The N.Z. sp. endemic.
Slender erect shrub to ± 2 m. tall, sts reduced; branches often fascicled, erect, ± virgate; branchlets puberulous when young. Lvs ascending, close-set, coriac., glab., often tinted red, on very short petioles; 4-7-(10) × 1-2 mm., ovate to rhomboid-ovate to oblong-ovate, concavo-convex, becoming patent, veins obscure; apex narrowed acuminately to blunt apiculus. Fls solitary, axillary, aggregated towards tips of branchlets, on peduncles c. 1·5 mm. long. Corolla white, lobes patent, broad-oblong, obtuse to subacute. Capsule ± 1·5 mm. long, subglobose, lobed; locules 5.
Plant up to c. 3 dm. tall; lvs 4-7 mm. long narrow lanceolate-oblong to oblong, obtuse.
Stems us. several, rooting at base, ascending above, ± branched, up to 30 cm. long, us. shorter, pale green, pubescent, becoming ± glab.; branchlets very slender. Lvs opp., floral alt. on petioles ± 1 mm. long. Lamina orbicular to broad-ovate, 5-12 × 4-5 mm., subcoriac., glab.; margins entire or minutely, remotely denticulate. Fls ± 5 mm. diam.; calyx ± = petals, lobes ovate-lanceolate; petals white. Capsules 20-40 mm. long, uniformly grey-pubescent; peduncles (15)-25-50-(70) mm. long, pubescent. Seeds papillose.
Stems simple or sparingly branched, stout, arcuate, then erect, woody at base, green to red, up to ± 6 dm. tall, bifariously pubescent when young. Lvs opp., except in floral region, crowded, overlapping, ascending, sessile. Lamina narrow-oblong to broad-ovate or elliptic, 20-30-(40) × 8-14 mm., subcoriac., glab.; margins closely, rather finely, irregularly denticulate. Fls 4-5 mm. diam., in some forms 10-12 mm.; calyx ± = petals, lobes ovate-lanceolate, ± pubescent; petals pink, obovate, emarginate. Capsules (25)-40-60-(65) mm. long, hoary; peduncles 10-15 mm. long. Seeds minutely papillose.
Stock hard, woody, emitting several to many stout stems, woody at base, up to ± 4 mm. diam., up to 40 cm. long, reddish to dark purple, straggling; branchlets ± 10 cm. long, crowded, often almost black, stout, glab. Lvs crowded, opp. even in floral region, on slender petioles up to 15 mm. long. Lamina coriac., about elliptic-lanceolate to ovate-oblong, acute or subacute, glossy, ± reddish, (12)-20-(25) × 6-10 mm.; margins remotely denticulate, except towards base, sts almost entire. Fls almost or quite sessile, (6)-10 mm. diam.; calyx 3-5 mm. long, lobes lanceolate, acute to acuminate, reddish purple; petals white or pale rose, cleft to halfway or more, 6-9 mm. long. Capsules slender to rather stout, glab., (20)-25-30-(40) mm. long; peduncles rather stout to slender, 5-10 mm. long. Seeds smooth, minutely reticulate.
Stock slender, rather woody; stems decumbent in basal parts and rooting, then ascending or sprawling, slender, simple or sparingly branched, up to ± 1 m. long; tips and branchlets pale, thinly puberulous. Lvs opp., except in floral region, distant, subsessile or on petioles up to 2 mm. long. Lamina ovate-oblong to oblong-lanceolate, 20-30-(40) × 8-10 mm., pale green, membr., glab.; margins very minutely denticulate. Fls (8)-12-15-(20) mm. diam.; calyx deeply cleft, ± 5 mm. long, lobes lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, puberulous to glabrate; petals white, obcordate, ± 10 mm. long. Capsules rather stout 40-60-(70) mm. long, ± puberulous; peduncles 20-50 mm. long, slender, puberulous. Seeds smooth.
Herb with stout to rather slender stems, often much-branched from near the somewhat woody stock, ± 15-45 cm. tall; branchlets ascending, bifariously pubescent to almost pilose, rather stout. Lvs opp., floral sts alt., ± remote, on broad ± pubescent petioles up to 2 mm. long. Lamina green to brownish green, broad-ovate to ovate-oblong, sts subacute, (8)-12-(20) × 6-(14) mm., subcoriac., glab. or very nearly so; margins rounded to subcordate at base, rather remotely but distinctly rather coarsely denticulate. Fls 8-12 mm. diam.; calyx ± 5 mm. long, lobes ovate-lanceolate, cleft to ± halfway; petals white or rose, 8-9 mm. long. Capsules rather stout, 3-4 cm. long, green to erubescent, sparsely ± glandular hairy; peduncles ± pilose, 20-25 mm. long. Seeds papillose.
Basal parts more distinctly woody, plant very robust; lamina ± 20 × 12 mm.; fls 20-30 mm. diam.; capsules dark purple ± 3-4 cm. long; peduncles ± 4 mm. long.
Stems stiff, erect, us. much-branched from a stout woody base, up to 6 dm. tall; branches ± virgate, terete, lfy, ashy-pubescent, becoming glab.; branchlets very slender. Lvs subopp., sts fascicled, sessile. Lamina linear, ± spathulate, us. mucronulate, 6-15 × 1-3 mm., with occ. ones up to ± 20 mm. long, submembr., clad in ash-grey pubescence on both surfaces; margins distinctly, rather coarsely denticulate to subentire. Fls us. extending well down stems, ± 3-4 mm. diam.; calyx 3-4 mm. long, cut to ± halfway into ovate, pubescent lobes; petals reddish to rose, rarely white, ± 4-5 mm. long. Capsule ashy-pubescent, obscurely tetragonous, 40-50 mm. long; peduncles very slender, finely pubescent, 15-20 mm. long. Seeds minutely papillose.
Caespitose herb with ∞ close-set stems, decumbent at base then erect or ascending, 10-15-(25) cm. long; branches pale green or reddish, bifariously to uniformly pubescent, becoming glab. Lvs opp., crowded to approximate, floral alt., subsessile or with petiole not > 1 mm. Lamina (5)-10-14 × (3)-5-8 mm., broad-ovate to ovate-elliptic or ovate-oblong, thin, glab.; margins remotely, obscurely toothed. Fls ± 4-6 mm. diam.; calyx-lobes lanceolate; petals white or faint rose, us. ± twice length of calyx. Capsules glab. or nearly so, brown, 25-40-(50) mm. long; peduncles 20-40 mm. long, reddish, faintly puberulous. Seeds glab.
Prostrate herb, us. much-branched, forming patches up to ± 20 cm. diam.; branches ascending at tips, obscurely to distinctly bifariously pubescent. Lvs opp., approximate, often overlapping, on petioles ± 1 mm. long. Lamina oblong-obovate to oblong to ovate-oblong to elliptic, us. several forms on same plant, glab., 6-12 X 3-6 mm.; margins remotely, obscurely denticulate to entire. Fls ± 5 mm. diam.; calyx deeply cleft, lobes lanceolate to narrow-obovate, ± 3 mm. long; petals shades of magenta to white, bifid to ± halfway. Capsules glab., pale green to reddish brown, sts purplish, (8)-10-20 mm. long; peduncles 5-10 mm. long, ± = lvs, sts up to 2 cm. long. Seeds very minutely densely papillose.
Stock woody; stems woody at base, creeping, rooting at nodes, stout, ±fleshy in apical region, 5-15 cm. long; branches densely lfy, ascending at tips, glab. Lvs opp., crowded, on broad petioles up to ± 15 mm. long. Lamina obovate- to spathulate-oblong, (20)-30-35-(40) × 9-14 mm., coriac., thick and fleshy, glab.; margins ± thickened, sub-entire to remotely, obscurely denticulate. Fls 8-10 mm. diam.; calyx about half length petals, lobes lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate; petals rose or white, ± 9 mm. long, bifid to ⅓ way to base. Capsules glab., rather stout, 35-50-(60) mm. long; peduncles rather stout, 40-60 mm. long, rigid. Seeds minutely papillose.
Stems simple, erect, much-branched, rigid, terete, up to 1 m. or sts 2 m. tall; branches reddish, glabrate to sparingly pubescent. Lvs sessile or nearly so, rather distant, opp. except in floral region. Lamina ovate-to narrow-lanceolate, attached by broad base, subpatent, 35-65-(90) × 8-15 mm., membr., glab. except sts on margins and main nerves; margins closely to rather remotely denticulate. Infl. us. ample; fls ∞, ± 5 mm. diam.; calyx deeply divided, ± pubescent to pilose, lobes narrow-lanceolate, ± 4 mm. long; petals magenta or paler, 5-6·5 mm. long, shortly 2-lobed. Capsules 50-60-(75) mm. long, finely and evenly pubescent to almost pilose; peduncles ± 6 mm. long, pubescent. Seeds papillose.
Stock woody, very stout; stems ∞, arcuate, crowded, rigid, sparingly branched, up to ± 20 cm. tall; branchlets erect, with 2-4 pubescent lines, purplish. Lvs very close-set, overlapping, hiding stems, opp. except in floral region, erect or ascending, sessile or very nearly so. Lamina narrow- to ovate-oblong, 15-20 × 5 mm., subacute, cuneately narrowed to base, thick, coriac., ± rugulose below, glab.; margins distantly denticulate. Fls concentrated at tips of branches, ± 8 mm. diam.; calyx-lobes lanceolate to narrow-ovate 4-5 mm. long; petals ± 8 mm. long, pale rose. Capsules glab., shining, purplish, 30-40 mm. long; peduncles up to 4 mm. long, glab. Seeds densely papillose.
Roots ∞, fleshy, deeply descending from thick fleshy stock; stems few, fleshy, pale to dark red, clad below in remains of withered lvs, erect or spreading above, up to 20 cm. tall, us. branched in upper part. Branches erect or spreading, fleshy, glandular. Lvs opp., subpatent to ascending, crowded, mostly overlapping. Lamina obovate to broad-obovate, (10)-15-25 × (7)-10-14 mm., gradually narrowed to broad petiole up to 5 mm. long, ± fleshy, viscid-glandular on both surfaces, green tinged red; margins coarsely denticulate. Fls glab., in axils of upper lvs, ± 8 mm. diam.; calyx ± 5 mm. long, pale; lobes ovate, acute, ± 3 mm. long, white, pink-margined; petals ± 10 mm. long, flushed rose-pink, obovate, emarginate. Stigma clavate-cylindric. Capsules 15-20 × 3-5 mm., subsessile, green, viscid-glandular, slightly curved, narrowed to apex and base; peduncles obsolete or very short. Seeds very minutely papillose.
Stems us. many, up to 35 cm., decumbent and woody at base, erect above; branches us. several ascending, not rigid, often purple to reddish, with 2-4 lines of pubescence. Lvs somewhat remote to close-set, opp. except in floral region, subsessile or on petioles up to 2 mm. long. Lamina narrow-ovate to narrow-oblong to elliptic-oblong, (8)-10-15-(20) × (3)-5-(8) mm., submembr. to coriac., often red- or purple-tinged, glab., glossy; margins rather remotely sinuate-denticulate. Fls 5-10 mm. diam.; calyx 5-8 mm. long, cut ⅔ way into ovate-lanceolate lobes; petals white or pink, 6-10 mm. long. Capsules glab., slender, pale brown to purplish, 25-30-(50) mm. long; peduncles (5)-10-(15) mm. long. Seeds densely minutely papillose.
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Stems slender, close-set, ascending or erect in upper part, us. branched below, (5)-15-(30) cm. long; branchlets pale green to reddish, uniformly or occ. bifariously pubescent. Lvs opp., alt. in floral region, rather distant, on petioles ± 1 mm. long. Lamina oblong to linear-oblong, 5-8-12 × 2-4 mm.; subcoriac., glab.; margins entire to remotely, sts distinctly, denticulate. Fls 5-(8) mm. diam.; calyx ± 4 mm. long, lobes ovate-lanceolate; petals white ± 6 mm. long. Capsules 10-25 mm. long, purplish red, slender, pubescent on angles at least when young; peduncles ± 2 cm. long, slender, pubescent. Seeds smooth or very minutely papillose.
Stock woody; stems several, stiff, erect from arcuate base, clad in villous hairs, simple or branched; branches ± virgate, hoary with mingled long and short hairs. Lower lvs subopp., rest alt., ± crowded, ascending, sessile or very nearly so. Lamina narrow-lanceolate, 25-50-(65) × 3-8-(10) mm., subcoriac., densely (sts sparsely) hairy, becoming glab.; margins ± entire in lower part, coarsely denticulate towards apex. Fls ± 6·5 mm. diam.; calyx-lobes lanceolate, villous; petals purplish, a little > calyx. Capsules 50-60 mm. or more long, rather stout, densely villous; peduncles 5-12 mm. long, ± pilose. Seeds densely papillose.
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Fls us. solitary, regular, 4-merous; perig. with very short calyx-tube; petals us. 2-lobed; stamens 8, in 2 series; ovary 4-celled, ovules ∞; stigma capitate to 4-lobed. Fr. a long narrow capsule with loculicidal dehiscence; seeds mostly papillose, with a chalazal brush of hairs (coma). Herbs or subshrubs with at least lower lvs opp. Some 200 spp., mainly of temperate regions.
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Stems slender, branching from near base, up to 25 cm. long, creeping and rooting in lower part, ascending in upper part, purplish. Branchlets ± bifariously pubescent, sts evenly so. Lvs opp., rather distant, on slender petioles up to ± 4 mm. long; lamina (6)-10-15-(20) × 4-10 mm., ovate to ovate-oblong, subcoriac., glab.; margins obscurely to distinctly denticulate to entire or sinuate. Fls few, near or remote from upper part of branchlets, (6)-9-12 mm. or more diam. Calyx deeply cleft; lobes lanceolate, acute, glab., about 1/2 length petals; petals white, bifid. Capsules (20)-40-50 mm. long, glab.; peduncles 5-10-(15) cm. long. Seeds smooth, testa minutely reticulate.
Stems few, sparingly branched, from a hard woody stock, purplish to reddish, up to 25 cm. long, us. shorter, faintly bifariously pubescent, straggling. Lvs opp., except in floral region, sessile or on very short broad petioles, us. close-set. Lamina rather broad-elliptic to obovate, 15-25 × 6-12 mm., often tinged red, membr., glab.; margins remotely denticulate to subentire. Fls ± 10 mm. diam.; calyx ± 5 mm. long, lobes lanceolate; petals pinkish in bud, then white, ± 8 mm. long, obovate. Capsules (20)-30-(40) mm. long, pale brown to reddish, glab.; peduncles glab. 15-(25) mm. long. Seeds papillose.
Stock hard, woody, emitting several to many erect stems up to 35 cm. long, simple or sparingly branched, almost black, pubescent on angles; branchlets slender, wiry; lines of pubescence 2-4. Lvs opp., floral alt., approximate, sessile or very shortly petioled. Lamina lanceolate to linear-oblong, often apiculate, (6)-10-12-(18) × ± 3-4 mm., coriac., glab., us. stained dark red; margins rather deeply, coarsely toothed. Fls ± 5 mm. diam.; calyx deeply cleft; lobes ± 4 mm., narrow-ovate, acute to acuminate; petals white to pink, ± 5 mm. long, bifid. Capsules glab., slender, purplish to almost black, 10-25 mm. long; peduncles ± 5 mm. long. Seeds papillose.
The common var., as described above, often occurring in extensive populations.
Stems and lvs grass-green; capsules pale except on angles.
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Branches prostrate, radiating from stock, peduncles ± 10-(5) mm. long.
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Stock and main stems woody, us. much-branched, up to 25 cm. long; branchlets pale, slender, erect or ascending, bifariously pubescent. Lvs opp. except in floral region, sessile or nearly so, rather distant. Lamina ± 12-15 × 3-4 mm., pale green, ovate to ovate-oblong to elliptic, thin, glab.; margins rather distantly but distinctly denticulate. Fls ± 5 mm. diam.; calyx ± 3 mm. long, lobes ovate; petals white ± 4 mm. long. Capsules glab., pale green to erubescent, 20-40 mm. long; peduncles slender, 10-20 mm. long, glab. Seeds minutely papillose, with minute narrow process.
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Stock woody, emitting one or more stout, erect stems up to 1 m. or more tall; branchlets few, puberulous, becoming glab. Lvs opp., except in floral region, sessile by broad base or very shortly petioled. Lamina of lanceolate order, acute or obtuse, sts of ovate-lanceolate order; 20-40 × 4-12 mm., subcoriac., glab. except sts with pubescence on main veins and margins; margins rather distantly obscurely to distinctly denticulate. Fls ± 15-20 mm. diam.; calyx 8-10 mm. long, pubescent, lobes lanceolate; petals white or pale rose, obcordate, 10-15-(20) mm. long. Capsules (4)-5-10 cm. long; finely, densely pubescent; peduncles ± 10 mm. long. Seeds minutely papillose.
Herb forming dense or lax patches up to ± 20 cm. diam.; stems pale green to reddish purple, with internodes ± 1 cm. long; branchlets at first faintly bifariously pubescent. Lvs opp. ± crowded, subsessile; lamina ovate to suborbicular, 3-5-(10) mm. diam., pale green, often red-tinged below, subcoriac., glab.; entire or with a few minute denticles. Fls ± 3-5 mm. diam.; calyx-lobes ovate-lanceolate, glab.; petals white or pale pink. Capsules glab., reddish, (10)-20-40 mm. long; peduncles glab. (30)-50-100 mm. long. Seeds densely papillose.
Stems often tinged brown; petioles ± 3 mm. long; lamina ± 9 mm. long, ovate-oblong to suborbicular, becoming tinged brown when exposed to bright light; calyx-lobes narrow-oblong, brownish; capsules ± 5 cm. long; peduncles up to 7 cm. long.
Plant forming matted patches up to ± 20 cm. diam. Stems very slender, reddish purple; lvs on petioles ± 1 mm. long; lamina 2.5-5 mm. diam., suborbicular to broad-ovate, dark green, somewhat glossy, us. tinged dark red below. Fls minute, petals white; capsules purplish ± 10-12-(20) mm. long; peduncles filiform, purplish, up to 4 cm. long.
Stems slender, pale green; lamina oblong to ovate-oblong to suborbicular, remotely and rather obscurely denticulate, up to ± 7 mm. diam. Cockayne says: "pedunculis brevibus 5-11 mm. longis; capsulis circ 2·8 cm. longis; viridibus secundum suturam brunneo tinctis."
Branching herb forming patches up to ± 10 cm. diam. Lvs us. crowded, on petioles up to ± 3 mm. long; lamina 3-5-(7) mm. long, glossy and ± purple above, concavo-convex, ± fleshy, glab.; margins entire or nearly so, ± recurved. Fls 10-16 mm. or slightly more diam.; calyx-lobes oblong-lanceolate, acute, ± 4 mm. long; petals ± 8 mm. long, emarginate, white, with ± 10 purple lines, broad-ovate. Capsules ± 30 mm. long, glab., slender; peduncles ± 50-60 mm. long, slender, brownish red. Seeds smooth or very minutely papillose.
Slender laxly branched herb up to ± 25 cm. tall; stems slender, decumbent at base; branchlets ascending or spreading, finely and densely pubescent. Lvs opp., sessile or nearly so, rather distant, floral lvs alt. Lamina narrow-ovate to ovate- or elliptic-oblong (10)-15-20 × (4)-5-7 mm., rather abruptly narrowed to base, pale to bright green, us. distinctly mottled grey, ± reddish below, membr., glab.; margins rather coarsely and sharply toothed. Fls ± 5 mm. diam.; calyx almost as long as petals, lobes ovate-lanceolate; petals pinkish or white, 3-4 mm. long. Capsules slender, densely pubescent to almost hoary, 20-40 mm. long; peduncles ± 3-4 mm. long. Seeds smooth.
"From its colouring this may have been confused with , but that plant has a prostrate and rooting habit, and Buchanan's specimens have pedicels 3-4 cm long, elongating in fruit to 6 cm."
Stock woody; stems arcuate and woody at base, then erect, simple or branched, stout to slender, when young uniformly pubescent. Lvs opp. except in floral region, on slender petioles ± 5-10 mm. long. Lamina 15-35-40 × 10-20-(25) mm., ovate to broad-ovate to ovate-oblong or elliptic (sts a pair of small lflts are developed at the base of the petioles), membr., densely pubescent on both surfaces; margins finely to rather coarsely toothed, except towards base. Fls 5-6-(10) mm. diam.; calyx ± 5 mm. long, lobes lanceolate; petals ± 7 mm. long, obcordate,.pink to white. Capsules (25)-30-40-(50) mm. long, pubescent; peduncles 5-10-(15) mm. long, pubescent. Seeds minutely papillose.
Stems rather stiff, stout, glab., purplish black; plant forming dense to rather open patches up to ± 15 cm. diam.; branchlets few. Lvs opp., crowded, on short petioles; lamina (5)-10-12 × (4)-5-7 mm., broad-oblong to suborbicular, sts ovate-oblong, thick, coriac., glab., often purplish below; margins minutely toothed or entire. Fls? Capsules 30-50 mm. long, stout, purplish black, glab.; peduncles stout, purplish, 25-50 mm. long; seeds papillose.
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Small herb, with several to many wiry stems arising from a woody stock; stems and branches stiff, erect, or ascending, uniformly grey-pubescent, 4-12-(15) cm. tall. Lvs opp., floral alt., close-set, us. overlapping, on slender petioles up to 2 mm. long. Lamina narrow-oblong, often apiculate, (3)-5-8-(10) × 1-3 mm., coriac., glab. except near base; coarsely toothed. Fls ± 3-5 mm. diam.; calyx pubescent, ± 5 mm. long; lobes ovate-oblong to ovate-lanceolate; petals pink to white, up to 10 mm. long, often shorter. Capsules 10-15-(20) mm. long, curved, suddenly narrowed to apex and base; hoary pubescent, becoming glab., sts glabrate even when immature. Peduncles obsolete or very short. Seeds minutely papillose.
Plants depressed, stems spreading, all parts densely pubescent and rather more fleshy.
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Stems simple or sparingly branched, slender, ascending to erect from prostrate base, up to ± 10 cm. long; branches bifariously pubescent. Lvs opp., crowded, alt. in floral region, stiff, erect to subpatent, sessile or nearly so. Lamina ± 5-10 × 1-3 mm., linear-oblong, lower obtuse, upper acute or apiculate, glab., subcoriac.; margins remotely denticulate or subentire. Fls solitary or few, ± 4 mm. diam.; calyx-lobes lanceolate, acuminate; petals white. Capsule slender 15-25 mm. long, glab. or slightly puberulous; peduncles very slender, up to 8 cm. long, finely pubescent. Seeds smooth or very minutely papillose.
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Stems several from stock, slender, dark purple, simple or sparingly branched, decumbent at base, then sprawling, ascending at tips, up to 30 cm. or more long; bifariously pubescent, sts evenly so. Lvs opp., floral alt., on slender petioles up to 3 mm. long. Lamina oblong-lanceolate to oblong-ovate to elliptic, 15-20-(30) × 7-10 mm., membr., glab. or ± puberulous; margins distinctly to rather obscurely, remotely denticulate. Fls (6)-15-(20) mm. diam.; calyx ± 10 mm. long, cleft to halfway or more, linear-lanceolate to narrow-ovate, acute to acuminate; pink in bud becoming white, ± 15 mm. long, broad-obcordate. Capsules 20-30 mm. long or more; sparingly, evenly pubescent; peduncles very slender, 10-20 mm. long, sparsely pubescent. Seeds ridged, papillose.
"Leaves and floral characters exactly as the type, stems and leaves pale green in colour, nowhere dark red or reddish. Common on moist limestone in the gorge of the Ure River, Marlborough. The variety seeds freely in cultivation, and the seedlings are all as the parent plant."
Stock simple or shortly branched, giving rise annually to 1 or 2 erect simple sulcate stems up to ± 6 dm. tall and c. 5 mm. diam. at rather woody base; branches 0 or few, near infl. Lower lvs rather crowded, spreading, submembr., c. 9-10 × 1 cm., linear to narrow-spathulate to lanceolate-oblong, glab. or nearly so when mature, obtuse, entire or distantly minutely denticulate. Petiole very short, or sts ± = lamina, semiamplexicaul, not or minutely auricled. Mid laminae suberect, ± 6 cm. × 3 mm., linear-lanceolate to linear, us. entire; upper laminae merging into bracts of infl. Infl. laxly subcorymbose, capitula c. 6 mm. long, 5 mm. diam., ∞ to few. Calyculus of few to several minute bracteoles. Phyll. c. 12, 4-5 mm. long, linear, margins hyaline. Florets with teeth thickened slightly at tips; ♀ 4-toothed, perfect 5-toothed. Achenes (1)-2-3 mm. long, subfusiform, finely grooved, hispidulous on ridges only. Pappus-hairs fine, white, 5-8 mm. long.
Short-lived perennial herb; stems up to ± 5 dm. long, erect, sulcate, us. much-branched from hard woody stock; branches clad in dense white cobwebby tomentum, thinning with age. Lower and mid lvs subsessile, ± 5-10 cm. × 2-5 mm., linear to narrow-lanceolate, strongly recurved, often almost to midrib, acute to subacuminate, clad in cobwebby white hairs on both surfaces, becoming ± glab. above with age, obscurely and remotely denticulate. Upper lvs similar, us. with small auricles at base, merging into linear bracts of infl. Infl. a lax corymbose panicle with ∞ capitula up to 10 mm. long, 7 mm. diam. on slender hairy pedicels; calyculus of a few bracteoles c. 2 mm. long. Phyll. 10-14, ± 6·5-8 mm. long, narrowed from base to acute apex, margins ciliolate, scarious. Florets ± 20-30; ♀ filiform, 5·5-6 mm. long, (3)-4-toothed; perfect slender-funnelform, teeth 4-5, slightly thickened at tips. Achenes narrow-cylindric, very slightly curved, narrowed abruptly to apex, scabridulous on flattish ribs, c. 2.5-3-(4) mm. long. Pappus-hairs fine, white, 5-6 mm. long.
Capitula narrow, ± cylindric, subcorymbosely arranged, heterogamous, discoid. Florets whitish; pistillate marginal, in 2-3 series, filiform, minutely 3-5-toothed; perfect florets fewer, tubular, 5-toothed. Anthers obtuse at base; style-arms of perfect florets elongate, truncate. Achenes ± cylindric, striate or ribbed. Pappus-hairs ∞, soft, very slender, very obscurely barbellate. Phyll. in 1 row, linear, acute, subequal; subtended by a calyculus of a few minute bracteoles. Receptacle ± flat, nude. Annual or biennial herbs, or sts with a short-lived woody crown. Genus of c. 20 spp. of N. and S. America, Java, New Guinea, Australia, Tasmania, N.Z. Of the N.Z. spp. 4 are endemic, 4 occur also in Australia and/or Tasmania. The synonymy is confused.
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Fls perfect, regular, axillary, solitary or in racemes or panicles. Calyx 4-7-lobed, persistent; corolla 4-7-lobed, inserted below fleshy disk, funnelform to urceolate. Stamens twice as many as corolla-lobes (rarely the same number) inserted on disk. Anthers 2-celled, often tailed, dehiscing us. by terminal pores. Ovary superior, with single style and stigma; us. 5-loculed with axile placentae; ovules us. ∞. Fr. a capsule or berry; seed with straight embryo. Mostly shrubs or small trees, with alt. or whorled simple, coriac., exstipulate lvs. Widely distributed family with some 70 genera and 1900 spp.
Fls nectariferous, subsessile, bracted, in dense heads subtended by foliaceous bracts. Calyx-teeth prominent, persistent, rigid; petals notched, inflexed. Fr. ovoid to obovoid, covered in tubercles or scales; vittae 5; commissure broad; mericarps obscurely ribbed. Perennial herbs with mainly radical lvs; teeth us. pungent. Widespread genus of some 220 spp.; the N.Z. sp. also in Tasmania and Australia.
Small tufted herb with deep taproot ± 5 mm. diam. at crown and ∞ radical lvs; stolons or rhizomes few to many, forming offset plants at nodes, the whole forming patches up to ± 3 dm. diam. Radical lvs rosulate, ± 5-15 cm. long, subfleshy, coriac., pale green to glaucous, lanceolate to oblanceolate to spathulate in outline; margins ± undulate; deeply, coarsely toothed or lobed; teeth c. 5 mm. long, spinous. Cauline lvs similar, smaller, often 3-lobed. Peduncles rigid, up to c. 5 cm. long; umbels up to 2 cm. diam., ± 15-20-fld; fls subsessile, crowded. Calyxtube us. densely scaly, petals white. Involucral bracts lanceolate to linear, exceeding heads, spinous. Fr. ovoid, ribs obscure.
Fls us. perfect, in racemes or panicles; sepals 5, united below; petals 5, us. quite free; stamens us. 5, alternating with lobes of disk; ovary superior to inferior, 1-6-celled; ovules us. ∞. Fr. capsular or baccate. Trees or shrubs with simple alt. to subopp. exstipulate lvs. A few genera of southern hemisphere.
Fls us. 4-merous, in terminal compound cymes; receptacle globose to turbinate; stamens ∞; ovary us. 2-celled, with filiform style and small stigma. Fr. us. baccate, seeds solitary or few per cell. Embryo thick, fleshy; testa thin, radicle short. Shrubs or trees with aromatic gland-dotted opp. lvs. Some 800 mostly tropical and subtropical spp., the N.Z. one endemic.
Glab. tree up to 10 m. or more tall; trunk up to 6 dm. diam.; young bark pale, branchlets 4-angled. Lvs on slender petioles 5-10 mm. long; lamina entire, (25)-40-50 × 10-15 mm., ± undulate or sinuate, about elliptic-oblong. Infl. of several- to many-fld corymbose cymes up to 8 cm. across. Fls ± 12 mm. diam.; receptacles broad-obconic, slightly exceeding berry. Sepals broad-oblong; petals white, soon falling; filaments c. 12-15 mm. long; ovary adnate to base of receptacle, 2-celled, ovules ∞. Berry ± 10-12 mm. diam., ± globose to ovoid, red; seed solitary, large, with hard testa.
Glab. rhizomatous herb with erect stems up to ± 1 m. tall; lf-scars prominent, linear; branches subumbellately arranged. Lvs crowded, sessile, 2-10 × 1·5-2.5 cm., elliptic to oblanceolate to oblong-obovate, obtuse, ± glaucous, entire, ± apiculate. Subfloral lvs broader, c. 20 × 15 mm., ± concealing cyathium. Umbels with 5-6 forked rays. Cyathium campanulate; glands 4-5, dark purple, crescentic. Capsule pend., globose; seeds smooth, greyish to straw-coloured, c. 2.5 mm. diam.
Monoec. herbs with milky acrid sap. Lvs us. alt., stipulate. Fls nude, in compound cymes, subumbellately arranged, grouped within a cyathium; the small teeth alternating with conspicuous glands. ♂ ∞, of solitary stamens; ♀ a pedicelled 3-celled ovary; styles 3, stigmas often bifid; ovules 1 per cell. Fr. a 3-valved capsule. Subcosmopolitan genus of about 2000 spp., as us. understood. The N.Z. sp. also occurs in Norfolk Id.
Plants monoec. or dioec. Fls unisexual, us. 5-merous; ovary superior, us. trilocular, with axile placentae; ovules 1-2 per locule, pend.; styles 3, stigmas 3 or 6. Fr. us. splitting into 3 dehiscent cocci, seed with cop. endosperm. Herbs, shrubs, or trees, often with milky sap; lvs alt., opp., or whorled, us. stipulate. Subcosmopolitan family with some 285 genera and over 730 spp.
Slender sparingly-branched annual herb 5-20 cm. tall, branches bifariously white-pubescent and ± glandular-pilose, internodes very elongated. Lvs sessile, up to 10-12 × 7-8 mm., ± obovate-cuneate with 2-3 pairs of acute teeth, sts almost suborbicular with teeth obtuse, glab. or with sparse long glandular hairs, sts sparsely white-pubescent, margins thickened and revolute. Fls few towards the tips of the branches, pedicels short or up to 10 mm. in fl., us. elongated and up to 25 mm. in fr. Calyx 4-6 mm. long, sts enlarged in fr. up to 12 × 8 mm., pilose with long glandular hairs and sts also white-pubescent; lobes acute to obtuse, margins and midribs thickened. Corolla white, ± 10-12 mm. long; tube slightly to much > calyx; lobes of lower lip 1·5-3 mm. wide, entire. Anthers yellow to golden brown, margins sparsely hairy to glab., awns slender, almost equal. Capsule ± = calyx or much shorter, ± 5-6 × 5 mm., obovate, finely setose at apex; seeds c. 4-6 per locule.
Slender succulent annual herb 5-10 cm. high with lax ascending bifariously pubescent branches up to 20 cm. or more long. Lvs sessile, distant, 4-10 × 3-8 mm., ovate to ovate-oblong with 2-4 pairs of obtuse to subacute crenations and obtuse tip, submembr., subglab. or finely white-pubescent, margins and veins below thickened and scabrid or setose with fine stiff hairs. Fls few and us. distant towards the upper part of the branches, pedicels slender, white-pubescent and sts also glandular-hairy, up to 30 mm. long and us. much > lvs, us. ± curved in fr. Calyx 3-4 mm. long, subevenly divided c. ⅓ way into obtuse lobes with margins and midribs thickened and white-pubescent, sts glandular hairs also present. Corolla white, 8-12 mm. long; tube much > calyx; lobes of lower lip 2.5-3 mm. wide, entire. Anthers golden yellow, margins hairy, awns unequal. Capsule = or > calyx, 3-4 × 3-3·5 mm., obovate to suborbicular, finely setose at apex; seeds 2 per locule or 1 by abortion, c. 2 mm. long.
Slender erect ± succulent annual herb 5-10 cm. tall, sparingly branched from base, branches pilose with lax transparent hairs and us. dense long jointed glandular hairs. Lvs sessile, rather distant, 4-12 × 3-10 mm., quadrate-ovate to suborbicular in outline with 2-4 pairs of subacute to acute teeth, cuneate at base, scabrid with stiff appressed hairs, especially on thickened revolute margins, and us. densely pilose with long jointed glandular and smaller non-glandular hairs. Fls few or several pairs towards the tips of the branches, sessile or on pedicels up to 4 mm. long. Calyx 5-8 mm. long (sts up to 10 × 6 mm. in fr.), pubescent as lvs, subevenly divided ?-1/2 way; lobes acute, margins and midribs thickened. Corolla bright yellow, 10-12 mm. long; tube ± = or > calyx; lobes of lower lip up to 3 mm. wide, shallowly emarginate. Anthers golden yellow, margins hairy, awns us. very unequal. Capsule > calyx, 5-8 × 4-5 mm., obovate to pyriform, glab.; seeds 6-8 per locule, 1·5-2 mm. long.
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Succulent prostrate annual herb forming loosely matted patches but not rooting at nodes; main stem 1-2 mm. diam., ± umbellately divided into us. 5 far-spreading, copiously oppositely branched stems up to c. 2 dm. or more long, or whole plant much smaller; stems and branches glab. or ± pilose. Lvs sessile, fleshy, up to c. 6 × 2.5 mm., lanceolate to ovate to quadrate in outline, acuminate, apiculate, entire or with a pair of narrow to filiform apiculate teeth up to 1·5 mm. long about the middle (both forms us. on same plant), glab. or ± pilose, segs sts tipped with cluster of hairs. Fls borne singly along the branches on short ± horizontal pedicels which are bent abruptly at junction with calyx so that fl. stands erect. Calyx 4-6 mm. long, glab. or ± pilose, cut c. 1/2 way into narrow, acuminate, sts hair-tipped lobes, anterior clefts us. > other 3. Corolla white to cream, 1-6·5 cm. long; tube up to 6 cm. long, very narrow to filiform, flaring suddenly into limb 5-10 mm. diam.; lobes of lower lip 1·5-3 mm. wide, entire, of upper lip very short but wider, up to 5 mm. wide. Anthers free, erect, golden yellow with completely glab. margins, awns small, almost equal. Ovary with 1 ovule per locule; capsule broader than tall, rupturing calyx at anterior cleft; sts 2-seeded and symmetrically obcordate or bicornute, more often 1-seeded by abortion and asymmetric, c. 2 × 4 mm. and ovate to triangular in outline; apparently indehiscent. Seed ± ovate, c. 3 mm. long.
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Small, prostrate, glab., succulent herb forming loosely matted patches, branches rooting at nodes, ascending at tips. Lvs sessile, 3-4 mm. long and ± 1 mm. diam. at base, obovoid-acuminate, apiculate, succulent, entire. Fls few towards the tips of the branches, subsessile or on pedicels ± = lvs. Calyx 3-5 mm. long, cut c. 1/2 way or less; lobes triangular, apiculate, succulent. Corolla white, 8-13 mm. long; tube up to 10 mm. long, much > calyx; lobes of lower lip up to 2 mm. wide, entire. Anthers brown, margins hairy, awns stout, almost equal. Mature capsule not seen.
Fls axillary, us. in terminal racemes or spikes, sts solitary. Calyx campanulate, 4-lobed, clefts even or uneven. Corolla-tube funnelform, short or much-elongated, ± pilose without; limb 2-lipped, upper lip concave, shortly 2-lobed, lower lip 3-lobed, spreading. Stamens 4, didynamous, inserted at throat of corolla; anthers cohering by margins, us. carried laterally by curvature of filaments, rarely free and erect, cells us. marginally hairy, equally or unequally awned at base. Style slender, stigma ± clavate to capitate, sts imperfectly 2-lobed. Fr. a loculicidal laterally compressed capsule, rarely indehiscent; seeds 1-(, testa whitish and furrowed. Annual to perennial semi-parasitic herbs or subshrubs with opp. lvs. Genus of c. 100 spp. widespread in temperate regions of both hemi-spheres, the N.Z. spp. endemic.
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Densely branched perennial herb or subshrub arising from stout woody stock up to 4 mm. diam.; stems stout, woody in lower parts, not or hardly rooting, crowded, sts branched in upper parts, us. naked below and densely lfy at tips, bifariously white-pubescent. Lvs sessile, us. Close-set, spreading, 5-10 × 3-6 mm., obovate to obovate-cuneate with 1-2 pairs of us. shallow incisions near broad obtuse apex, glab., very cartilaginous and us. blackish when dry with glossy thickened margins. Fls us. few in tight cluster at tips of branches, pedicels up to 4 mm. long, us. hidden; occ. infl. more elongated. Calyx 6-8 mm. long, glab. or nearly so, ± unevenly divided ?-1/2 way; lobes obtuse with thickened margins and midribs. Corolla white, 10-15 mm. long; tube us. much > calyx and rather narrow; lobes of lower lip up to 6 mm. wide, shallowly emarginate. Anthers golden brown to red-brown, marginal hairs ∞, awns stout, almost equal. Capsule ± = calyx or occ. exceeding it, broadly oblong, glab.; seeds ∞, c. 2 mm. long.
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Low tufted perennial herb sts with woody stock up to 2 mm. diam.; stems slender, rooting at nodes and stoloniferous, branches ∞, erect, up to c. 5 cm. tall, slender to filiform, white-pubescent. Lvs sessile, us. rather close-set, 2-10 × 1-5 mm., narrow- to rhomboid-cuneate with 1 pair of small acute teeth below large triangular or rounded terminal lobe, glab., margins thickened and revolute. Fls single or few at tips of branches, subsessile or on white-pubescent pedicels up to c. 5 mm. long. Calyx 5-8 mm. long, white-pubescent, evenly or subevenly divided c. ⅓ way; lobes acute to subacute, margins and midribs thickened and reddish. Corolla white, 10-15 mm. long and diam.; tube us. much > calyx; lobes of lower lip 3-5 mm. wide, entire or shallowly emarginate. Anthers red-brown, margins hairy, awns unequal, stout. Capsule ± = calyx, c. 6-7 × 3-4 mm., oblong to obovate, sparsely setose at apex; seeds ∞, 1-1·5 mm. long.
Slender tufted perennial herb sts with stout woody stock; stems slender, much-branched and rooting at nodes, branches erect, 5-15 cm. tall, slender to filiform, us. densely pubescent with lax flattened white hairs. Lvs sessile, us. rather distant, 4-10-(15) × 2-4-(7) mm., narrow- to ovate-rhomboid with 1-2 pairs of narrow acute teeth and large triangular acute terminal lobe, cuneate at base, glab. or with sparse glandular or non-glandular hairs, margins thickened and revolute. Fls few towards the tips of the branches on slender straight pedicels 5-20 mm. long, us. distinctly > lvs; calyx and pedicels densely pilose with flattened white hairs and long glandular hairs. Calyx 5-8 mm. long, ± evenly divided ?-1/2 way; lobes lanceolate to triangular, acute, margins and midribs thickened and reddish. Corolla white, (10)-15-20 mm. long and diam.; tube much > calyx; lobes of lower lip 4-9 mm. wide, us. deeply emarginate, of upper lip 2-5 mm. wide, entire to emarginate. Anthers golden yellow, marginal hairs ∞, awns us. very unequal, stout. Capsule ± = calyx or much shorter, 3-7 × 2.5-4 mm., broad-oblong to obovate or almost suborbicular, glab. or nearly so; seeds 8-10 per locule, 1-1·5 mm. long.
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Capitula discoid, florets ∞; (a) pistillate, mixed with fertile imperfectly hermaphrodite florets in the same infl.; (b) all florets hermaphrodite, sterile or rarely fertile. Involucre subhemispherical, with rigid imbricating scarious shortly white-tipped and radiate phyll. Receptacle very narrow, alveolate, at first pilose, later glab. Corolla of ♀ filiform, 3-4-toothed, ± papillate; of hermaphrodites tubular, 5-fid, campanulate. Fertile anthers sagittate at base, cells produced into fine tails. Style-arms: (a) of functionally male hermaphrodites truncate, papillate; (b) of ♀ linear-filiform; (c) of perfect hermaphrodites ovate-lanceolate, papillose. Achenes fusiform, papillate to puberulous; pappus-hairs in one series, slender, minutely barbellate. Perennial herbs with stout woody stock, branches woody at base, lvs densely tomentose. A genus of c. 5 spp. in Australia, Tasmania and N.Z. The N.Z. sp. is endemic.
Perennial subshrub up to ± 4 dm. tall, much-branched from stout woody stock. Main branches c. 3 mm. diam. at woody base, clad in sub-appressed to floccose white tomentum, becoming glab. Branchlets slender, spreading to ascending, densely white-tomentose, terminated by cymose close clusters of capitula. Lvs imbricate, c. 6-10 × 2 mm., spreading from sheathing base, lanceolate- to obovate-spathulate, obtuse, hardly diminishing in size to base of infl., densely clad on both surfaces in white felted tomentum. Capitula c. 6 × 4 mm., in clusters of c. 25 forming a head 1·5-2 cm. diam. Pedicels short, stout, bracts us. aristate. Phyll. ∞, in several series; outer with floccose tomentum on back near hardened base, acute to aristate; inner less hairy, c. 4 mm. long, oblong, with white erect to subradiate tips. Achenes fusiform, hardly 1 mm. long, glab. or nearly so; pappus-hairs c. 3 mm. long, thickened and papillose at tips, minutely scaberulous at base.
Fls unisexual, small; ♂ in spikes, per. with 4-6 imbricate lobes, stamens few to ∞; ♀ solitary, surrounded by an involucre of imbricate scales; ovary inferior, 3-6-celled, with as many styles; ovules 2 per cell, one us. aborting. Fr. a nut enclosed in the often hardened involucre. Trees or shrubs with simple, alt., stipulate lvs, of temperate and sub-tropical regions except Africa.
Stems rather slender, decumbent and rooting near base, then ascending to erect, ± branched, up to 2 dm. long, us. shorter. Lvs ascending, then patent to reflexed, us. rather less densely imbricate than in the two previous spp., ± 6-12 × 2-3 mm., linear-oblong to narrowly obovate-oblong to elliptic, obtuse or subacute; costa indistinct, narrow; cartilaginous margins narrow. Peduncles 1-3-fld, up to 10 cm. long, us. shorter, slender. Fls (5)-6-10 mm. long and diam. Bracts narrow-oblong. Calyx-lobes 5-6, ovate. Corolla white; lobes 5-7, obovate-oblong; glands linear, conspicious. Epig. glands 2, subulate. Capsule c. 10 mm. long, narrow-ovoid.
Branches us. several, close-set, ± 4 cm. long. Lvs ± 6-10 × 4 mm. (rarely up to 20 × 6 mm.), very densely imbricate, erect, then patent, very coriac., costa more evident. Bracts ± 6-8 mm. long, linear. Peduncles ± 4-6 cm. long, 1-2-fld. Fls up to 15 mm. long; calyx-lobes ovate-oblong.
Fls 1-2-(5) on slender peduncles; receptacle ± ovoid. Calyx-lobes ± equal, 5-(6); corolla subregular, tube short, lobes 5-(9), subequal. Column short, erect; stigma 2-lobed. Capsule 1-celled, opening at apex; seeds ∞, with lax testa produced at each end. Glab. perennial sparsely branched herbs with small, entire, imbricate, coriac. lvs; lf-bases persistent. Genus of a few spp. of N.Z., Tasmania, Fuegia. The N.Z. spp. apparently endemic, but very imperfectly studied, requiring cultural treatment.
Stems us. several, simple or branched, rather stout, decumbent and rooting at base, then ascending, up to 15-(20) cm. long. Lvs patent, later reflexed; ± 8-10 × 2-2.5 mm.; narrow-oblong to linear, acute or sub-acute; gland prominent, cartilaginous margin distinct; costa prominent, c. 0.75 mm. wide at base. Peduncles terminal or sts axillary, slender, up to ± 6 cm. long, 1-3-fld; pedicels ± 4-5 mm. long. Bracts 1-3, linear, up to 4·5 mm. long. Fls ± 15 mm. diam. Calyx-lobes 4-6 mm. long, linear, ciliolate at apex. Corolla white, sts red-spotted; lobes (5)-6-(7), c. 8 × 4 mm., obovate-cuneate. Glands 2-3, linear. Column slender, c. 4 mm. long; anthers white, subreniform. Epig. glands subulate. Capsule narrow-oblong, c. 8 × 3 mm.
Stems simple or few, very slender, decumbent and rooting near base, ascending or sprawling above. Lvs us. distinctly separated, not imbricate, patent, on petioles c. 1 mm. long. Lamina subcoriac., narrow-oblong to narrow-obovate, (6)-8-10-(15) × 3-5 mm.; margins ± recurved, cartilaginous; costa inconspicuous to obsolete. Peduncles very slender to filiform, 5-10 cm. long, 1-2-3-fld; pedicels up to c. 5 mm. long. Bracts filiform, c. 5 mm. long. Fls 8-10 mm. diam.; calyx-lobes 5-6, broad- to narrow-oblong. Corolla white, 5-6-lobed, 8-9 mm. long; lobes ovate-oblong; glands 2, linear. Epig. glands 2, subulate. Capsule narrow-ovoid, elongating to 8-10 mm. long.
Gynodioec. tree up to ± 12 m. tall; trunk up to 3 dm. or rarely 6 dm. or even more diam. Main branches stout, spreading; bark light brown, thin, flaking, revealing chlorophyll tissue; branchlets ± puberulous. Lvs on slender petioles (1)-2-(4) cm. long; stipules ovate, acuminate, ± 1 mm. long, puberulous. Lamina (3)-10 × (1·5)-3 cm., us. ovate-lanceolate to ovate-oblong, acuminate to acute, rounded or cuneately narrowed to base, glab. except on veins and margins, thin, pale green, pale to silvery below, or occ. suffused with red or purple; margins entire or sinuate, sts obscurely toothed. Fls 20-30 mm. long, us. solitary, sts on naked branches, on slender to capillary peduncles up to ± 15 mm. long. Hypanthium ± 4-angled, up to 15 mm. long. Sepals ovate-lanceolate, 8-14 mm. long; petals dark purple, 2-5 mm. long. Berry dark purple to almost black, ellipsoid, ± 10 mm. long.
Fls us. perfect, axillary, solitary or clustered, us. pend., regular, epig., with a bell-shaped or tubular hypanthium ("calyx-tube"). Sepals and petals us. 4; stamens us. 8, exserted. Ovary 4-celled, stigma 4-lobed to capitate; berry with us. ∞ seeds. Erect or spreading shrubs or small trees, sts lianoid. Lvs simple opp. or alt. -the stipules caducous. Besides the N.Z. spp. there is one in Tahiti and some 100 ranging from Mexico to Fuegia.
Gynodioec. liane with stout main stems up to 5 cm. diam., ± 5 m. long; sparingly branched; bark pale brown, ± flaking; branchlets at first pubescent. Lvs rather distant, on slender to subfiliform petioles 10-20 mm. long. Lamina membr., pale green above, subglaucous below, glab. except on veins and margins, (10)-25-30 × (10)-20-25 mm., broad-ovate to suborbicular, subacute, subcordate to truncate at base; margins sinuate, remotely obscurely dentate. Fls solitary or occ. 2-3 together, on very slender peduncles ± 10 mm. long. Hypanthium ± 9 mm. long; sepals ± 7 mm. long, narrow-ovate, acuminate, patent to reflexed; petals dark purple, narrow-oblong, ± 2.5 mm. long. Stamens with purple filaments; stigma capitate. Berry dark purple, subcylindric, ± 10 × 5 mm.
Trioecious prostrate shrub, sts slightly scandent in presence of low support, or pend. over banks. Stems very slender, up to 5 dm. or more long; branchlets very slender. Lvs on subfiliform petioles up to 15-(30) mm. long; stipules minute, ovate. Lamina membr., 6-12-(15) × 7-10-(12) mm., suborbicular to broad-ovate, subcordate; margins sinuate to subserrulate, ± pubescent, as are main veins. Fls erect ± 12-20 mm. long, on peduncles up to 12 mm. long. Hypanthium dark red to purple, tubular-campanulate, glab., 7-8 mm. long. Sepals sharply reflexed, purplish at tips, narrow-lanceolate, ± 6 mm. long; petals 0; staminal filaments slender; receptive stigmas ± 2 mm. diam. Berry ovoid-oblong to obovoid, ± 20 mm. in longest diam., bright red to magenta.
Fls small, perfect, or plants polygamous or dioec. Infl. cymose or reduced to a solitary fl. Calyx a minute ring, teeth obsolete; corolla rotate. tube very short. lobes (3)-4-(5). valvate; stamens 4. exserted; styles 2, connate near base, stigmas capitate. Ovary 2-celled, ovules 1 per cell, disk nectariferous. Fr. mostly dry, of paired 1-seeded cocci, testa adherent to pericarp. Annual to perennial slender herbs with 4-angled stems and lvs and lflike stipules forming whorls of 4-12. Sub-cosmopolitan genus with over 300 spp. The N.Z. spp. endemic Flowering and fruiting season ±11-6.
Prostrate to ascending perennial with weak glab. very slender stems and branches; branchlets filiform, occ. bearing a few hairs. Lvs and stipules forming rather close-set to rather distant whorls of 4, sts subimbricating, erect or ascending on filiform petioles c. 0·5 mm. long. Lamina ± 1·5-3-(5) × 1-3 mm., linear- to elliptic-lanceolate to linear-oblanceolate, sts ± arcuate, tapering to acute or acuminate apex, sts apiculate, more often awned; margins us. ciliolate. Fls c. 2 mm. diam., axillary and terminal, solitary, often unisexual; ♂ us. on filiform peduncles 1-1·5 mm. long, ♀ sessile. Corolla-tube 0·5-1-(1·5) mm. long, lobes linear-oblong, obtuse, us. > tube. Style branched near apex, stigma capitate. Fr. up to 4 mm. diam., of 2 obscurely granulate cocci.
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Slender, straggling to sublianoid; stems up to 3 dm. or more long, slightly scabrid on angles or nearly glab., hairs retrorse; branches and branchlets similar, very slender. Lvs and stipules similar, forming rather distant whorls of 4, on flat retrorsely hairly petioles c. 1 mm. long. Lamina patent, linear- to narrowly oblong-lanceolate to narrow-oblanceolate (all forms may be on single plant), 6-10-15-(20) × 2-4 mm.; acuminate, sts awned, sts apiculate, gradually narrowed to base; margins, and midrib below, scabridulous. Fls c. 2 mm. diam., in (1)-3-4-fld axillary cymes. Peduncles slender, c. 15 mm. long, decurved in fr.; pedicels filiform, c. 4 mm. long. Calyx minute; corolla white, tube minute. Fr. of 2 globose cocci 1-1·5 mm. diam., very dark brown, with sparse appressed hairs to glab
Erect, ± spreading, up to c. 2 m. tall; branchlets densely to rather sparsely clad in long setose hairs and pubescence. Lvs on slender pubescent petioles up to c. 2 mm. long. Lamina coriac., glab or nearly so, (5)-7-10-(15) × (3)-6-10-(15) mm., suborbicular to broad-oblong to subovate, obtuse to subacute, apiculate; margins ± undulate, crenulate-denticulate to serrate; teeth minutely apiculate. Uppermost lvs sts so reduced that the infl. appears racemose. Fls solitary axillary, on pubescent bracteolate pedicels. Calyx deeply cut; lobes ovate-triangular, subacute to acute; corolla urceolate, lobes triangular, recurved. Fr. dry, surrounded by enlarged, ± fleshy, white to red or purplish calyx, up to c.10mm. diam.
Low-growing, ± sprawling; branchlets ± pubescent, without setose hairs. Lvs rather uniform, stiff, coriac., on petioles up to ± 1 mm. long. Lamina ± 8-12 × 5-9 mm., oblong to broad-oblong, obtuse, ± mucronulate, subtruncate at base; margins crenulate to subentire. Fls in terminal and occ. subterminal racemes up to c. 4 cm. long; pedicels at first pendent, up to c. 5 mm. long, erecting in fr.; bracteoles ovate-acuminate to ovate-acute, ± 2.5 mm. long. Calyx deeply 5-lobed; lobes ovate-triangular, acute or subacute, c. 1·5 mm. long. Corolla urceolate, pubescent within; tube 2.5 mm. long, lobes short-triangular, recurved. Filaments up to 2 mm. long, widened towards base, then narrowed to insertion; anther-awns distinct. Capsule ± 3 mm. diam.
Stout, much-branched, up to c. 1 m. tall, dwarfed at the higher altitudes; branchlets with sparse setose hairs. Lvs on stout petioles ± 1 mm. long; lamina very thick and coriac., subrigid, brownish green; 10-15-(20) × 5-7-(10) mm., us. shallowly concavo-convex, us. apiculate; margins finely crenulate-serrulate. Racemes up to ± 4 cm. long with pubescent axis and pedicels, terminal and subterminal, simple or forming panicles. Pedicels up to c. 5 mm. long; bracteoles oblong- to triangular-ovate, subacute, c. 2 mm. long. Calyx deeply cut; lobes triangular-ovate,± 2.5 mm. long, ± denticulate. Corolla pubescent within; tube urceolate, ± 3·5 mm. long; lobes triangular, obtuse, recurved; style cylindric, c. 2 mm. long; filaments c. 1·5 mm. long, widened near base, then abruptly narrowed to insertion; anther-cells with 2 distinct awns. Capsule ± 2 mm. diam., loosely invested by persistent dry calyx.
Stems much-branched, ± interlacing, creeping and rooting, forming low mats seldom > 1 dm. tall; branchlets ± setose. Lvs on very short petioles; lamina coriac., elliptic to elliptic-oblong to suborbicular (the different forms sts all present on the same plant), ± 5-10-(12) × 4-6 mm., crenulate, setose on margins when young. Fls subsessile, solitary in the axils of the uppermost lvs; bracteoles 2, rounded, very small. Calyx deeply cut; lobes ovate-triangular, acute or subacute. Corolla c. 1·5 mm. long, lobes very small, obtuse, spreading to recurved. Capsule 3-4mm. diam., surrounded by enlarged, fleshy, white or red calyx.
Calyx 5-lobed, persistent; corolla 5-lobed, urceolate to campanulate, with 5 imbricate lobes. Stamens 10; anthers 2-celled, not exserted, dehiscing by pores, each cell tipped by 2 erect awns; filaments ± dilated at base. Ovary 5-loculed, style cylindric, stigma simple. Capsule loculicidally dehiscent, often invested by enlarged and succulent calyx; seeds ∞, minute. Widespread genus with c. 120 spp., mostly shrubs. The N.Z. spp. endemic, except , which occurs in Tasmania.
Much-branched, erect to spreading, up to c. 2 m. tall; branchlets glab. to sparingly setose. Lvs opp. or subopp., sessile or subsessile, sts ± amplexicaul. Lamina thick, coriac., glab., dull green above, paler below, ± 3-6 × 2-3 cm., cordate to subtruncate at base, about ovate-oblong, subacute, mucronulate; margins crenate-serrate, teeth apiculate. Fls in terminal and subterminal oppositely branched racemes 5-10 cm. long, forming ample panicles. Pedicels pubescent, up to c. 5 mm. long; bracteoles ovate, obtuse, c 2.5 mm. long. Calyx deeply cut; lobes ovate triangular to ovate-oblong, c. 1 5 mm long, margins ± ciliolate. Corolla glab. or rarely ± pubescent within, urceolate, 2-3 mm. long; lobes slightly recurved; anther-cells conspicuously 2-awned; filaments expanded towards base, abruptly contracted to insertion. Capsule c. 3-4 mm. diam., surrounded by dry, not enlarged, calyx.
Erect shrub up to c. 2 m. tall, with ascending to spreading branches; branchlets ± setose. Lvs alt., on thick petioles c.3 mm. long; lamina coriac., elliptic to oblong-elliptic, 3-5 × 1-2 cm., abruptly mucronate, rather abruptly narrowed to base; margins finely serrulate-crenulate, us. rather densely clad in stiff hairs when young. Fls towards the tips of the branchlets in axillary panicles up to c.6cm. long and broad. Axisclad in whitish hairs; bracts keeled, ovate, acuminate, ± 3 mm. long. Pedicels c. 4-6 mm. long, pubescent, setose hairs few, bracteoles 2, ovate, c.1·5 mm. long. Calyx deeply 5-lobed; lobes ovate-triangular, acute to acuminate, glab., 2-2.5 mm. long. Corolla glab., urceolate; tube 3·5-6 mm. long; lobes c. 1·25 mm. long, oblong, recurved. Anthercells distinctly 2-awned; filaments 1·5 mm. long, papillose, slightly expanded towards base, then abruptly narrowed to insertion. Capsule 3-4 × 3-4 mm., invested by dry calyx. Style cylindric, c. 2 mm. long.
Branches erect or spreading, up to c. 1 m. tall; branchlets with scattered sparse to rather dense setose hairs, ± pubescent. Lvs on stout petioles up to c. 3 mm. long, lamina coriac., dull green above, paler below, 20-35-(45) × 6-10-(16) cm., ± apiculate, elliptic to elliptic-oblong to lanceolate-oblong (several forms on one plant; young plants sts have lvs of the larger dimensions); margins finely or occ. rather coarsely serrate. Fls in terminal and subterminal simple or sparingly branched racemes up to c. 8 cm. long, often paniculate; axis ± pubescent, pedicels 3-5 mm. long, pubescent at first curved. Bracteoles c. 2 mm. long, broad-ovate, subacute. Calyx deeply cut; lobes c. 3 mm. long, ovate-triangular, subacute, apiculate, minutely denticulate. Corolla urceolate; tube c. 3 mm. long, lobes broad-ovate, ± 1 mm. long, recurved. Anther-cells distinctly 2-awned, styles cylindric, c. 2 mm. long. Capsule ± 3-4 mm. diam., invested by dry persistent calyx.
Much-branched, up to c. 1 m. tall; branchlets with few setose hairs. Lvs rather close-set, on stout glab. petioles up to c. 2 mm long. Lamina subcoriac., glab., 15-20-(30) × 5-7-(10) mm., elliptic-oblong, occ. laminae sublanceolate or obovate-oblong, obtuse to subacute, us. apiculate, closely serrulate-crenulate. Racemes ± 4 cm. long, terminal and subterminal. sts branched. forming panicles ± 2.5 cm. diam. Pedicels at first curved, finely pubescent, up to c. 5 mm. long. Bracteoles us. very finely serrulate, broad-ovate, abruptly acute, up to ± 2 mm. long. Calyx rather deeply cut; lobes ± 1·5 mm. long, acute, very minutely serrulate. Corolla glab. within; tube urceolate, c 2.5-3·5 mm. long; lobes very small, recurved, ovate-oblong, obtuse. Style cylindric, ± 2 mm. long; anther-awns distinct, rather stout. Fr. 3-4 mm. diam., invested by enlarged, dry calyx.
Fls 5-merous in axillary ± congested cymes. Calyx-lobes acute; corolla campanulate to rotate, us. contorted in bud, lobes spreading when fl. expanded. Stamens affixed at or near throat on short filaments. Ovary 2-loculed, style simple, stigma capitate. Capsule ± globose; valves 2, separating from axis. Seeds ∞, enveloped by persistent placentae. Glab. shrubs, with opp. lvs connected by stipular line. Some 35 spp. of Madagascar, Mauritius, Malaya, New Guinea, Polynesia, Australia. The N.Z. sp. endemic.
Glab. bushy shrub up to ± 3 m. tall; branches slender, brittle. Lvs on petioles 5-10 mm. long; lamina us. membr., pale green above, paler below (sts subglaucous); (2.5)-5-7-(9) × (1·5)-2-3-(4) cm.; ovate to broad- to elliptic-ovate, rather abruptly narrowed to acuminate apex. Infl. a cyme up to c.3 cm. diam., pedicels slender, bracted, 3-5-(10) mm. long. Calyx ± 3 mm. long; lobes ovate, acuminate, ciliolate. Corolla ± 6 mm. long, greenish to clear white; tube short, lobes at length spreading, pubescent on upper surface, ciliolate, acuminate. Anther-connective produced, lobes divergent. Ovary subglobose, style short, stigma 2-lobed. Capsule ± 5 mm. diam., 5-7-(10) mm. long, splitting into 2 mucronate valves. Seeds ∞, 1-2 mm. long, testa greyish, minutely pitted, long remaining attached to apex.
Annual with stout, erect, densely lfy stems up to ± 7·5-25 cm. tall. Basal lvs (2)-3-5 cm. long, coriac., rather fleshy, upper surface ± wrinkled to rugulose; lamina oblong or spathulate-oblong (occ. ± lanceolate), with 3-5 distinct nerves, narrowed into flat petiole c. 3 cm. long. Cauline lvs ∞, smaller, oblong-spathulate to oblong on short broad petioles nearly ═ lamina. Fls crowded in much-branched slender axillary lfy cymes, each fl. subtended by a slightly longer linear bract. Calyx ± 9 mm. long, cut nearly to base into linear-oblong obtuse lobes. Corolla ± 11 mm. long, lobes oblong, obtuse.
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Slender spreading to erect perennial with slender to stout root, stock simple to multicipital. Stems several to ∞, slender, sparingly or much branched, 8-20-(30) cm. long, rarely up to 45 cm., finely striate, margined. Basal and lower lvs in rather crowded pairs, almost connate at base, rather flaccid, 1·5-2 cm × 1-2.5 mm.; linear or slightly expanded at tips, acute or subacute, margins ± recurved, midrib rather obscure; petiole short, slender, expanding to base. Cauline lvs in several to many similar but smaller connate pairs. Fls few to several, us. solitary, on slender pedicels ± 10 mm. long. Calyx cut 4/5 way into linear-subulate unequal lobes ± 10 mm. long, sinus rounded. Corolla white, c. 15 mm. long, deeply cut into oblong-lanceolate to narrow-obovate, subacute, apiculate, distinctly veined lobes.
Perennial with rather stout root, stock simple to multicipital; stems us. several to many, simple or branched, (2.5)-5-10-(15) cm. tall. Basal lvs ∞, crowded in rosulate tufts; lamina coriac., ± fleshy, ± 10-15 × 5-7 mm., elliptic-spathulate to narrowly obovate-spathulate, obtuse, narrowed to petiole ± 5 mm. long. Cauline lvs 3-4 similar smaller pairs, subsessile. Fls terminal, solitary or in 2-6-fld umbelliform cymes ± 4 cm. diam. Calyx 8-9 mm. long, c. 1/2 length corolla, cut at least 3/4 way into subulate subacute lobes, sinus narrow. Corolla 15-18 mm. long, rotate to subcampanulate, white with fine purple veins, divided at least 3/4 way into obovate-oblong obtuse lobes.
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Stems up to c. 45 cm. long, slender, decumbent at base, then suberect. Lvs spathulate-oblong, us. petiolate; cauline more remote. Fls us. in rather lax corymbose cymes. Calyx-lobes broad-oblong.
Erect annual ± 15-30 cm. tall; stems simple or sparingly branched, rather slender; branches decumbent in lower part, then ascending, weak. Basal lvs in rosettes, diverse in size and shape on same plant; lamina ± 10-30 × 8-15 mm., on very short petiole to almost sessile, ovate- to oblong-spathulate to broad-oblong, obtuse, thin. Cauline lvs 1-2 pairs, ovate to oblong, sessile by broad almost cordate base, ± 20 × 15 mm. Fls axillary, paired or solitary, and in terminal 3-12-fld umbels, each subtended by 1 or more linear-subulate bracts, sts in whorls of 3-5. Calyx 6-7 mm. long, cut c. 3/4 way into narrow-oblong obtuse thin lobes. Corolla white, 8-9 mm. long, narrowly subcampanulate, cut ?-3/4 way into oblong or obovate-oblong lobes; veins distinct, sts pink.
Annual with much-branched erect or ascending stems up to 12 cm. long. Basal lvs ∞, close-set, coriac.; lamina ± 8-20 × 3-7 mm., oblong-spathulate to linear-oblong, ± fleshy, often recurved, gradually narrowed into a broad flat petiole. Cauline lvs similar, smaller. Fls solitary in axils of upper lvs, often 8, c. 8-12 mm. (us. distinctly smaller than in G. cerina), sessile or shortly pedicelled. Calyx c. ? corolla-length, cut 3/4 way into linear-oblong, obtuse lobes. Corolla white streaked with red or purple or altogether red; rotate to subcampanulate, lobes narrow- to obovate-oblong, obtuse, 2-3 mm. wide.
Perennial with deeply descending root c. 1-3 cm. diam. near stock. Stems simple or rarely 2-3-branched, stout, striate, margined, 3-4·5-(6) dm. tall. Basal Ivs ∞, rosulate, 5-10-15 cm. × 6-15-20 mm., coriac., us. fleshy, oblong or narrowly oblong-spathulate, 1-3-nerved, obtuse or sub-acute, narrowed to short or long petiole. Cauline Ivs 2-5-(7·5) cm. long, narrow-oblong to narrow-lanceolate. Infl. a terminal compact umbelliform or corymbose cyme 5-15 cm. diam., or occ. much larger; pedicels slender, margined. Calyx us. c. 1/2 length corolla, campanulate to tubular, cut hardly 1/2 way into deltoid-lanceolate or subulate acute to acuminate lobes; sinus broad. Corolla white, 12-20 mm. diam. or more, cut c. ⅔ way into broad-oblong rounded lobes.
Perennial, closely branched, often forming subhemispherical masses 5-15 cm. diam. Stems ∞, much-branched from near base, ± 15-20 cm. tall, striate, margined. Basal lvs membr., ∞, 10-50-(75) × 15-20 mm., broad-obovate to obovate-spathulate, rounded, 3-5-nerved, gradually narrowed into broad flat petiole. Cauline lvs smaller, narrower, sub-sessile to sessile, lower ± 20 × 10 mm. Infl. of lax open to dense corymbose cymes sts almost concealing Ivs; pedicels narrowly margined. Calyx rather > 1/2 corolla-length, cut 3/4 way or nearly to base into linear-oblong obtuse lobes. Corolla white, 2-2.5 cm. diam., cut nearly to base into rounded broad-oblong lobes.
Basal Ivs ∞, rosulate, obovate-spathulate, fleshy, ± 30 × 15 mm., shortly petiolate, subacute; stems 8, up to 7*5 cm. long; cauline Ivs few or 0, ± 30 × 9 mm., oblong, acute or subacute. Fls pedicellate in axils of linear bracts, forming a globular mass up to ± 20 cm. diam. Calyx c. 1/2 corolla-length, cut ⅔ way into broad-oblong subacute to obtuse lobes 3-5 mm. broad. Corolla c. 2 mm. long, deeply cut; lobes broad, rounded.
Pale green annual 2.5-7·5 cm. tall, forming small tufts or ball-like clumps. Stems simple or branched, erect, very slender, sparingly lfy, us. ∞, sts flowering when ± 15 mm. long. Basal lvs us. few, ± 10 × 2-4mm., narrow-spathulate, obtuse; cauline lvs few, 4-9 × 2-3 mm., oblong- to obovate-spathulate; petiole very short, upper lvs sessile. Fls solitary, terminal, sts closely subtended by bracts. Calyx 5-6 mm. long, cut 1/2-⅔ way; lobes broad-ovate, acute to apiculate. Corolla ± 1 × 1 cm., cut > ⅓ way; lobes ovate, subacute, apiculate.
Annual (?) with stiff rather slender root. Stems us. several from stock, 7·5-15 cm. tall, ascending to erect, ± branched (sts much-branched) forming small clumps. Basal lvs thin to rather coriac., few, ovate-spathulate, apparently soon falling; lamina ± 10 × 3-4 mm., on flat petioles up to 10 mm. long. Cauline lvs us. several pairs, sessile or sub-sessile, narrow- to rather broad-ovate, acute, ± 10-15 × 4-6 mm., sts lanceolate. Fls solitary, terminal. Calyx ± 15-20 mm. long, = corolla or nearly so; cut almost to base into narrow-subulate acute to sub-acuminate lobes. Corolla white, cut 4/5 way into narrow ovate-lanceolate, acute to acuminate, subapiculate, conspicuously veined lobes.
Perennial forming lax to rather compact patches up to c. 15 cm. diam.; stems us. several, up to ± 15 cm. long, arising from a simple or branched stock, decumbent at base, then erect or ascending, slender. Lvs ∞, crowded at base of stems and branches, dark green, glossy above. Basal and lower lvs ∞, crowded, sessile or subsessile, with several minute scales at base, ± 8-15 × 2-3 mm., narrow-spathulate to narrow-elliptic to sublanceolate, rather thick and coriac. Upper cauline lvs similar, shorter, in 2-4 distant pairs. Infl. terminal and subterminal, fls paired or in threes or occ. solitary; bracts paired, similar to upper cauline lvs. Calyx c. 8 mm. long, cut ? way or more into narrow-triangular or subulate to subacuminate lobes. Corolla white, ± 12 mm. diam. and long, sub-campanulate, cut ? to 3/4 way into oblong- to broad-obovate obtuse lobes.
Slender lax annual arising from weak often filiform root; stems very slender, weak, decumbent, then ascending to erect, openly branched, ± 7·5-20-(35) cm. long; branches weak, few to many, lax. Basal lvs spathulate or oblong-spathulate; lamina thin, of lower lvs ± 15-20 × 8-10 mm., on petiole ± = lamina. Cauline lvs smaller, remote, sessile or subsessile, oblong or ovate-oblong, obtuse or subacute, thin; upper-most reduced to bracts. Fls terminal, 8-12-(17) mm. long, solitary or paired, on almost filiform pedicels up to 3 cm. long. Calyx cut 3/4 way into linear-subulate acute to acuminate lobes c.*8 mm. long, midrib us. distinct. Corolla white, narrow-campanulate, cut > 1/2 way into narrow-ovate to oblong, acute to subacute lobes.
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Perennial, up to 10cm. tall, forming dense tufts or compact swards c. 15 cm. diam. Stems much-branched from stock, wiry. Basal lvs ± (8)-10-15-(20) × 0·8-1-(2) mm., narrowly linear- to oblong-lanceolate, thin, acute to subacute, narrowed into flat petiole up to 5 mm. long. Cauline lvs 2-3 pairs, sessile, linear to filiform or reduced to bracts. Fls solitary, terminal, (6)-10-15 mm. long. Calyx cut at least 4/5 way into linear-subulate, acute to acuminate, sts apiculate lobes 7-10 × 0·5-1·5 mm., with midrib evident. Corolla cut fully ⅔ way into ovate, acute, apiculate lobes 10-12 × 2-3 mm.
Annual (?) 15-25 cm. tall, rather slender, branched from base and again ± divided; branches slender, subquadrangular, margined. Basal lvs few, subrosulate, thin; lamina 1-3 cm. × ± 6 mm., spathulate, obtuse or subacute, narrowed to flat petiole 1-2 cm. long. Cauline lvs sessile or lower ones subsessile, broad-ovate to ovate-triangular, subacute, semiamplexicaul, 8-12 mm. long, in distant pairs, sts minutely apiculate. Fls rather plentiful, solitary, terminal on branchlets, occ. paired or in threes. Calyx c. 8 mm. long, cut 3/4 way into ovate-oblong to narrow-ovate subacute lobes. Corolla white, 10-15 mm. long; lobes subacute, veins distinct.
Stout perennial ± 25-50-(60) cm. tall. Stems 1 to several arising from a stout woody often multicipital stock, simple, terete, stout, decumbent at base, striate, margined. Basal lvs us. ∞, densely rosulate, spreading; lamina 15-20-(40) × 8-15-(20) mm., broadly obovate-spathulate, coriac., 3-5-nerved, rounded or subacute, gradually narrowed into broad flat petiole 5-10 mm. long. Cauline lvs in 2-6 distant pairs, sessile or sts with very short petioles; lamina broad-ovate to oblong, ± 20 × 15 mm., 3-5-(7)-nerved, obtuse to subacute, often cordate at base. Infl. a broad, up to 10-fld, umbelliform, terminal, involucrate cyme; bracts broad, us. whorled. Pedicels 2*5-5 cm. long, slender to rather stout. Calyx c. 15 mm. long, cut 3/4 way into narrow-subulate acute to acuminate lobes. Corolla white, c. 25 mm. long, cut at least 1/2 way into broad-oblong to obovate, rounded, subacute to obtuse lobes.
Plant less stout; stems emitting long stolons or prostrate branches up to ± 20 cm. long. Basal lvs 25-50-(75) ×10-15-(20) mm., obovate-spathulate, rather thin, main veins distinct, tapering to narrow petiole. Cauline lvs and those of stolons similar, in rather distant pairs of somewhat diverse form, broad-obovate, broad-elliptic, spathulate, ± 10-15 × 10 mm. Fls 12-20 mm. diam., with purplish stripes.
Perennial, root stout or slender, stock often multicipital, giving rise to 1 or several simple or branched stems, decumbent at base then erect, (10)-20-30-(50) cm. tall, rather stout, striate. Basal Ivs us. ∞, densely rosulate, (1·5)-2.5-7·5 × 1-2 cm., oblong- to ovate- to lanceolate-spathulate, coriac. to submembr., acute or obtuse; petioles up to c. 5 mm. long. Cauline Ivs 1-5 pairs, sessile, oblong to narrow-oblong; lower ± 15 × 10 mm., ovate-oblong, obtuse. Infl. of few- to c. 10-fld umbelliform or corymbose cymes. Calyx c. 10 mm. long, divided 1/2-3/4 way into linear-oblong to narrow-ovate subacute to obtuse lobes. Corolla white, 20-25 mm. diam., deeply cut into oblong to broad-oblong to obovate rounded lobes with purplish central vein.
Perennial, with stout us. much-branched stems which are prostrate below (often ± buried) then ascending to suberect, 7·5-15 cm. long. Basal lvs ∞, crowded; lamina thick to rather thin, 10-20 × 5-7-9 mm., spathulate or linear-spathulate, obtuse, narrowed to slender petiole ═ or > lamina, nerves not evident. Exposed lvs ± fleshy. Cauline lvs similar, on shorter petioles, close together or distant. Fls terminal, solitary, or in 2-5-fld cymes at tips of branches. Calyx broad, often c. ? corolla-length, cut nearly 3/4 way into linear or linear-ligulate obtuse or subacute lobes recurved at tips; sinuses us. narrow and acute, or one or more broad and rounded. Corolla often up to 20 mm. diam., white, broadly campanulate to subrotate, cut rather > 1/2 way into oblong, obtuse lobes.
A translation of Cockayne's description is: Biennial (?) herb c. 15 cm. tall. Stem slender, simple, terete, strict, purplish, 2-striate. Radical lvs rosulate, few, spathulate, ± 2 cm. long, obtuse; cauline lvs in remote opp. pairs, sessile, connate at base, narrowly triangular, ± 1*5 cm. long, acute, margin us. brownish-purple. Fls 3-5, c. 15 mm. diam., in umbels or terminal and solitary; calyx ± 8 mm. long, cut 1/2-? way into 4 subulate, acuminate lobes; corolla 21/2 times as long as calyx, white, deeply cut into obovate, obtuse, very shortly mucronate lobes.
Annual, with a single stem to several very slender erect stems ± 7·5-15-(25) cm. tall. Basal lvs ∞, rosulate, subcoriac., dark green (reddened when exposed); lamina broadly ovate- to obovate- spathulate, 20-40-(50) mm. long, narrowed into a broad flat petiole = or > lamina, 3-(5)-nerved. Cauline lvs few, narrowly oblong-spathulate; petioles shorter. Fls in 2-4-fld lateral or terminal involucrate umbels, or often the umbels densely 5-12-fld, each stem us. with a terminal umbel and 2 lateral ones. Umbels surrounded by a whorl of 5-7 oblong-spathulate lvs > fls. Calyx cut 3/4 way or almost to base into unequal lobes, the broadest spathulate, obtuse and ± foliaceous, the narrowest linear, acute and membr. Corolla white, us. with purple to dark red or violet veins, c. 12 mm. long, hardly > calyx, cut c. ⅔ way into narrow-oblong, obtuse lobes.
Perennial with erect simple stems up to ± 30-40 cm. × 2-3 mm., subterete, striate, margined. Basal Ivs crowded in broad rosettes; lamina thin, obovate-spathulate, ± 8-14 × 2-3·5 cm., obtuse to subacute, with 3-5 arcuate nerves and evident reticulations, narrowed to petiole ± ═ lamina. Cauline lvs 2-3 pairs, sessile, subacute, semiamplexicaul, diminishing upwards from c. 7 × 3 cm. to 3 × 1·5 cm. or less, internodes ± 12 cm. Fls several in bracteate terminal and axillary umbels. Bracts broad, nearly concealing fls; pedicels almost filiform, 4-5 mm. long. Calyx c. 7-10 mm. long, cut 3/4 way into linear-subulate lobes with evident midrib; sinus rounded. Corolla white, c. 12-15 mm. long, deeply cut into 5 acute or subacute apiculate lobes.
Erect annual with rather slender, simple, terete, very finely striate, margined stems 25-45 cm. long; internodes between cauline lvs 7-8 cm. long. Basal lvs few, thin, 3-5-nerved, reticulations evident; lamina 25-35 × 10-16 mm., narrow-ovate to ovate or occ. obovate, subacute, narrowed into thin flat petiole 15-20 mm. long or more. Lowest cauline lvs similar but shorter; upper in c. 4 pairs, ovate-cuneate to subcordate, sessile, ± 20 × 10 mm. Infl. a terminal 4-7-fld bracted umbel, with or without a few long-peduncled smaller umbels or solitary fls. Bracts lflike, subtending umbel. Calyx nearly 1/2 corolla-length, cut at least ⅔ way into linear-subulate 1-nerved subacuminate lobes. Corolla c. 16 mm. long, cut ⅔way into obovate rounded lobes.
Perennial from rather deeply descending root; stock simple or branched. Stems solitary or several, occ. branched, erect, wiry, 15-30-(50) cm. tall, rather slender, margined, very finely striate. Basal lvs crowded, subrosulate, coriac., subfleshy, ± glossy. Lamina somewhat diversely shaped, (10)-20-30-(40) × 4-8-(10) mm., elliptic- to obovate-oblong to ± lanceolate, subacute, narrowed to petiole ± 2-5-(10) mm. long. Lower cauline lvs similar, upper sessile, subacute, in 2-5 ± lanceolate pairs, diminishing upwards into infl.-bracts; lower internodes up to c. 8 cm. long. Infl. an irregular terminal bracted compound umbel. Fls 5-15; bracts us. whorled, 10-12 mm. long, lanceolate-subulate; pedicels slender. Calyx 10-12 mm. long, cut at least 3/4 way into lanceolate to subulate acute lobes; midvein evident, sinus narrow. Corolla white, 14-15 × 14-15 mm., cut at least 3/4 way into distinctly veined broad-obovate to broad-oblong lobes.
Perennial with long slender root crowned by us. branched stock emitting 1-5 stout margined stems, decumbent, then ascending to erect, 10-25 cm. long. Basal lvs ∞ in compact tufts; lamina narrow-lanceolate to linear-oblong, 10-35 × 3-8 mm., subacuminate, dark green, glossy above, thick towards apex, sessile by broad base. Cauline lvs ∞, crowded towards base of branch; lamina ± 20 × 4 mm., acute; upper in distant pairs, similar but smaller. Fls 12-20 mm. diam., in 2-7-fld terminal umbels or corymbose cymes. Bracts ± 15 × 5 mm., similar to upper cauline lvs, apiculate. Pedicels slender, c. 10 mm. long. Calyx c. 8-9 mm. long; lobes subulate to lanceolate, acute or subacute, sinus narrow. Corolla 12-20 mm. diam., white, cut ± 3/4 way into obovate-oblong obtuse lobes.
Infl. us. a dichasial cyme, often umbelliform, sts reduced to a single fl. Fls perfect, regular, 5-4-merous; calyx-lobes imbricate; corolla-lobes contorted in bud, ± persistent. Stamens epipetalous, alt. with corolla-lobes; anthers 2-celled, introrse; style with a simple or 2-lobed stigma (stigmas occ. 2, free); ovary superior, unilocular; placentae 2, parietal, sts produced and almost meeting. Fr. us. a septicidal capsule (Gentianoideae), sts fleshy, indehiscent (Menyanthoideae). Annual to perennial glab. herbs (rarely with a few hairs) with us. opp. entire exstipulate sessile or subsessile lvs; sap bitter. Family subcosmopolitan, with some 80 genera and 850 spp. The recognition of the Meny-anthaceae as a separate family appears well justified.
Perennial herb, us. summer-green, clad in appressed to spreading or retrorse hairs; stock stout, hard, woody, up to 2 cm. diam., deeply descending, often multicipital. Stems slender, branching from base upwards, (8)-30-(60) cm. long. Lvs on very slender petioles 4-15 cm. long, stipules linear-lanceolate, acuminate, (2)-3-(5) mm. long, sts more. Lamina ± reniform (10)-30-45 mm. diam., thin, (3)-5-(7)-lobed almost to base; lobes narrow-oblong, up to ± 3 mm. wide; primary lobes again cut into 3-5 segs. Peduncles very slender c. 2-4 cm. long, pedicels c. 1 cm. long. Fls 1-2; sepals broad-ovate, acute, ± awned, 4-6 mm. long; petals obcordate, emarginate, 6-9 mm. long; carpels ± 15 mm. long, including beak; seeds ± 2 mm. long, oblong in outline, finely striate-reticulate.
Fls 5-merous, hypog., solitary or in cymes, mostly perfect and regular or nearly so; sepals and petals imbricate; glands of disk 5. Stamens and staminodes in 3 whorls; ovary us. 3-5-celled, long-styled; ovules axile, us. 2 per cell, one maturing. Fr. a lobed beaked capsule, the carpels opening from base to apex; embryo us. curved, endosperm scanty to 0. Herbaceous to shrubby annuals, biennials, or perennials, with alt., stipulate, simple to compound lvs. Some 11 genera of wide distribution, and 750 spp.
Fls paired to solitary, occ. several per peduncle, bracted, regular or nearly so, not spurred; stamens us. 10; seeds 1 per carpel. Dehiscence by carpels curling upward, remaining attached at apex. Herbs or subshrubs with us. palmately lobed, stipulate lvs. Widely distributed genus of some 300 spp.
Stock simple or with few branches, slender, merging into deeply descending taproot. Stems very slender, few to many, prostrate to straggling, up to 30 cm. or more long, often much-branched. Branchlets, petioles, laminae, peduncles and calyx rather thinly to ± densely clad in appressed retrorse white hairs. Lvs on very slender petioles up to ± 15 cm. long; lamina thin, (5)-10-20-(25) mm. diam., reniform in outline, cut to halfway or more into (3)-5-7 obcuneate lobes; lobes again divided into 1-5 oblong-cuneate, apiculate teeth. Stipules small, linear-acuminate. Peduncles 1-2-fld, up to ± 1 cm. long; fls ± 8 mm. diam.; sepals narrow-ovate to lanceolate, ± 3 mm. long, awned; petals white occ. pinkish, ± 5 mm. long, entire to retuse, sts with several blunt teeth, obovate, clawed. Carpels smooth, with appressed hairs, ± 10 mm. long including beak. Seeds finely striate-reticulate.
"Petioles dotted with spreading hairs. Blade rounded, broader than long, with 5-7 openly divided segments and the sinus rather wide, yellowish brown above, mottled with pale yellow, sparingly strigose, paler beneath and almost pubescent; segments with 3-5 rounded lobes or the outermost lobes subacute; peduncles and pedicels sparingly pilose. Flowers white; calyx with long hairs. Carpels dotted with minute hairs. Seeds striated. Habitat: Moist shaded valleys and bush margins . . .The variety was first shown to us by Mr. W. B. Brockie, and with him we collected it on the Port Hills and in the tributary valleys of the Hope River, near Hanmer."
"Leaves orbicular or broader than long, brownish or reddish brown, pubescent by fine retrorse hairs; segments 3-5-lobed, petioles, peduncles and pedicels pubescent. Flowers white; calyx with long hairs. Carpels silky. Seed striated. Habitat: Grassland from near sea-level to 900 m. . . . a common grassland plant easily separated from the form we refer to the type."
Depressed perennial herb; stock stout, often multicipital; stems very short or obsolete. Lvs mostly in radical rosettes; petioles long, slender; lamina ± orbicular, up to 20 mm. diam., deeply divided into 3-5 lobes, these again segmented. Peduncles 1-fld, short; fls small, sepals oblong, petals us. white > sepals. Carpels ± densely hairy; seeds smooth.
Stock very stout, up to c. 1 cm. diam., multicipital, branches up to ± 6 cm. long, clad in persistent lf-bases and stipules. Lvs in rosettes at tips of stock branches, on slender, densely retrorsely hairy petioles up to ± 6 cm. long. Lamina up to ± 15 mm. diam., rather densely clad in appressed hairs giving the surface a greyish colour, irregularly 3-5-7-lobed and again ± crenately toothed. Peduncles us. 1-fld, 2-3 cm. long, at first densely retrorsely hairy. Sepals ± 5 mm. long, oblong to ovate, obtuse, awned, densely clad in appressed hairs; petals ± 6 mm. long, white; carpels ± 10 mm. long, including beak. Seeds ± 2 mm. long, smooth.
Stock abbreviated, us. rather slender; petioles 5-8 cm. long, very slender, hairs retrorse, appressed. Lamina 10-20 cm. diam., subglaucous, (3)-5-lobed to 3/4 way and again bluntly toothed, hairs appressed; mottled mainly at sinuses and base. Peduncles short, densely hairy; calyx clad in long appressed hairs; petals pink; carpels silky.
Low-growing perennial herb with stout stock and deeply descending taproot, densely clad in silvery hairs in all parts, forming compact rosettes. Stems rather stout, branching, often producing arched runners that root and produce off-set plants. Radical lvs on slender petioles up to ± 20 cm. long; stipules broad-ovate, cuspidate. Lamina (15)-20-50-(80) mm. diam., suborbicular in outline, 5-7-lobed to c. halfway; lobes cuneate, toothed or again lobed; silky-hairy on both surfaces. Cauline lvs smaller, teeth narrower. Fls solitary, 20-25 mm. diam., on peduncles up to ± 10 cm. long; bracts narrow-lanceolate, subacuminate. Sepals c. 8 mm. long, broad-ovate, cuspidate; petals white or pink, broad-ovate to obovate-oblong, shortly clawed c. 12 × 10 mm. Carpels silky-hairy ± 6 mm. long, including beak; seeds finely reticulate.
Fls rather larger, petals pink, veined on upper surface with fine lines of darker pink.
Fls 5-merous, perfect, irregular, solitary or in cymes. Calyx us. tubular, free or adnate to ovary; lobes us. valvate. Corolla obliquely ± 2-lipped, lobes imbricate. Stamens 4 or 2, with or without a staminode, epipetalous; anthers connate or connivent in pairs, 2-celled, dehiscing lengthwise; disk annular or of separate glands. Ovary superior to inferior, 1-loculed; placentae parietal, sts projecting so far inwards as to fuse incompletely; style 1, slender. Fr. us. capsular, seeds ∞. Herbs, shrubs, lianes, or trees with radical or opp., often anisophyllous, lvs. Some 85 genera and 1200 spp., mainly tropical and subtropical.
Stock creeping, stout, woody; lvs radical, up to 6 cm. long; terminal lflt c. 2-3·5 cm. across, orbicular-reniform, coarsely crenate-dentate, sparsely hairy, margins densely ciliate with long whitish hairs; lateral lflts in 2-4 pairs, minute, about lanceolate, ciliate. Scape up to 10 cm. tall, slender, pubescent; bracts up to 5, up to 2 cm. long, lanceolate, toothed or incised. Fls 5 to solitary, up to 3 cm. diam.; calyx-lobes pubescent, ovate-lanceolate, acute to acuminate, bractlets small; petals 5, c. 1 cm. long, yellow, obovate. Receptacle ± villous. Achenes villous, style long, glab., recurved at tip.
Fls paniculate to corymbose or solitary, perfect; calyx with 5 persistent lobes, us. alternating with 5 bractlets; stamens ∞; carpels ∞, style terminal, slender; achenes with persistent style, us. jointed towards tip. Herbs, us. sparingly branched, sts scapose only; lvs radical and cauline, or cauline lvs reduced to bracts, pinnate to lyrate-pinnate. About 60 spp., all but two of the N.Z. spp. endemic.
Up to ± 2 dm. tall, with rather slender stock. Lvs mainly radical, rosulate, pinnate, up to 5 cm. long, sparsely to densely clad in slender hairs; terminal lflt c. 1-2 cm. long, broad-ovate to suborbicular, sharply serrate-dentate; lateral lflts 5-10 pairs, small, incised. Scapes simple to sparingly branched above, erect, up to 2 dm. long, pubescent, with intermingled long hairs; bracts lflike to reduced, incised, in several pairs. Fls few, c. 6-9 mm. diam.; calyx-lobes deltoid, bractlets minute; petals 5-6, white, suborbicular. Receptacle elongate, villous; achenes glab., ∞, subturgid, c. 2 mm. long, narrow-oblong; style very short, glab., recurved.
Up to 3 dm. tall, stock stout, woody; lvs radical and cauline, or the latter reduced to bracts; terminal lflt ± 2-5 × 1·5-6 cm., orbicular to oblong-cordate, doubly crenate, sparsely to densely pilose, veins impressed above, prominent below; lateral lflts in few to 15 pairs, uppermost up to 1·5 cm. long, serrate-crenate, lower much smaller. Scapes up to 3 dm. long, sparingly to much branched, rather stout, villous; cauline lvs in several pairs, up to 3 cm. long, oblong, deeply serrate, or reduced to bracts. Infl. of small panicles, fls sts clustered and surrounded by lflike bracts in young state; peduncles and pedicels elongating in fr., bracteate. Fls c. 1 cm. diam.; calyx pubescent to pilose, lobes c. 5 mm. long, ovate; bractlets small, sts bifurcate; petals 4-5 mm. long, white, ovate to obovate, sts ciliate-margined on claw. Receptacle villous; achenes ∞, flattened, stipitate, c. 1·5 mm. long, villous to ciliate on margins only; styles c. 2.5 mm. long, villous towards achene, tip recurved.
Achenes 2 mm. long, styles 1·5 mm. long. Plant up to 2.5 dm. tall, but us. much smaller. Lvs us. densely villous, but in larger specimens much less so; veins us. more prominent below than in the mainland form.
Up to 1 dm. tall, with slender stock. Lvs radical, up to 2.5 cm. long, sparsely strigose, pinnate; terminal lflt c. 7 mm. long, suborbicular, crenate; lateral lflts c. 5 pairs, small. Scapes us. c. 5 cm. tall, with one or more minute bracts, or nude, pubescent. Fls solitary, minute; calyx-lobes ovate, bractlets minute; petals 5-6, white, about oblong. Receptacle elongate, villous; achenes glab., minute, obliquely obovoid-oblong; style minute, recurved.
Up to 2.5 dm. tall, with stout, woody, creeping stock up to 5 dm. long. Lvs radical, rosulate, up to 1 dm. long, glab. to rather densely pilose; terminal lflt 2-4 × 1·5-3 cm., broadly ovate to oblong-cordate, crenate, margins densely ciliate with slender golden yellow to tawny hairs; lateral lflts of 1-2 minute, toothed or entire pairs. Scapes up to 15 cm. tall, pubescent and villous; bracts few, small, entire or toothed. Fls solitary, c. 2.5 cm. diam.; petals broad-ovate, white, c. 1·5 cm. long; calyx pubescent and villous, lobes c. 6 mm. long, narrow-ovate, bractlets shorter, often bifurcate. Achenes ∞, villous, compressed, c. 2 mm. long; style c. 5 mm. long, pilose towards achene, recurved at tip.
Rhizome stout, up to 6 mm. or more diam., invested with very dark brown, shining, triangular-acuminate, ± fimbriate scales. Stipes 10-20 cm. long, ± clad in pale brown scales and hairs. Pinnae 15-30 cm. long, narrow-lanceolate in outline, ± spreading in a horizontal plane. Pinnules coriac., 1-2 cm. long, linear, broadening slightly to base, acute, glaucous below; veins once-forked. Sori cop., sporangia 2-5 per sorus, yellowish-brown.
Rhizome stout, up to 6 mm. diam., clad in subulate, acuminate, ± laciniate, reddish brown scales. Stipes stout, up to 40 cm. long and 5 mm. wide, smooth and polished except near base. Branches several, ascending, pinnate almost to base. Pinnae 10-30 cm. long, lanceolate in outline, ascending. Pinnules 3-5 cm. long, coriac., narrow-linear, serrulate towards apices; dark green above, paler green below, with or without scales; veins once-forked. Sori cop.; sporangia 3-5 per sorus, yellowish-brown.
Rhizome slender, clad in long narrow reddish brown fimbriate to laciniate scales. Stipes slender, smooth, 10-30 cm. long or more, often reduced. Branches repeatedly forked. Pinnae 10-30 cm. long, lanceolate in outline with pair of accessory pinnae up to 6 cm. long at base of lower forks. Pinnules 1-2 cm. or more long, linear, pale green; veins, at least lower ones, several times forked. Sori with 6-12 pale yellowish-white sporangia.
Rhizome slender, wiry, clad in reddish-brown fimbriate scales, mingled with slender paler hairs, becoming glab. Stipes similarly clad, becoming glab., c. 2 mm. diam., up to 30 cm. long. Fronds us. several times branched, branches ± clad in stellate hairs and fimbriate scales. Pinnae 1-4 cm. long; pinnules 30-50, close-set, up to 3 mm. long, oblong-triangular, blunt, flat to slightly concave, often glaucous below. Sporangia 2-4 per sorus, rarely fewer by abortion, shining, bright to brownish-yellow.
Characters as given for family; fronds always bipinnate or more compound.
Sori dorsal, exindusiate, in a single row on either side of mid-vein of pinnule. Sporangia 1-12 per sorus, seldom more, radiate about central receptacle; annulus complete, medial, transverse. Rhizome far-creeping, dichotomously branched, ± clad, as are stipites and rhachides, in slender hairs, and acuminate scales. Fronds us. much-branched by abortion or arrestment of terminal bud and elongation of subapical lateral pinnae. Veins free. Some 130 spp., mainly of genus Gleichenia, of tropical to south temperate regions.
Stems branching, slightly stouter than in G. submersum, forming masses up to ± 15 cm. diam., branches ± ascending at tips. Lvs opp., petioled, 3-7 mm. long, narrow-spathulate to narrow-obovate, obtuse, entire, membr., gradually narrowed into petiole ± = lamina, often elongating at fruiting period. Fls c. 2.5-3·5 mm. diam.; calyx subcampanulate, obtusely (3)-4-lobed. Corolla very small, white, pilose to very nearly glab., margins ± ciliate; upper lip 2-lobed, lower (slightly larger) 3-lobed. Stamens 4, not exserted. Stigma large, spathulate, irritable. Capsule small, ovoid-globose.
Minute herb forming small rather dense patches. Stems almost filiform, ± imbricate, creeping, rooting at nodes. Lvs (2)-4-6 mm. long, linear to linear-spathulate, opp. or sts fascicled, entire, glab., petiole ± = lamina. Fls c. 1·5 mm. diam., peduncles ± = lvs, axillary. Calyx obtusely 3-lobed; corolla hardly > calyx, lobes blunt. Stamens 2, enclosed in corolla. Capsule globose, not > calyx, c. 1·5-1·75 mm. diam.
Fls minute, axillary, solitary, ebracteate. Calyx subcampanulate, shortly obtusely 3-4-lobed. Corolla-tube short, lobes 5, subequal. Stamens 2 or 4, inserted on corolla-tube, filaments filiform, anther-cells diverging at base, confluent at apex. Ovary 2-celled, style dilated in upper part into a broad spathulate stigmatic lamella us. curving over stamens. Capsule globular to ovoid, covered by persistent calyx, 2-valved, loculicidally dehiscent from central axis. Seeds small, ovoid. Slender creeping matted herbs rooting at nodes. Lvs entire, opp. or in fascicles. Perhaps 5 spp. of Australia, N.Z., Asia, Africa.
Perennial herb with creeping rhizomes or stolons bearing tufts of lvs at nodes, tufts us. close together. Stems scapiform, slender, up to 15 cm. or more long, bracts foliaceous below, rapidly reduced above. Lower lvs obovate-spathulate, petiolate, apiculate, up to 4 cm. or more long, softly woolly-hairy above (becoming glab. or nearly so), densely softly white-tomentose below, margins slightly revolute, undulate to plane. Stems slender, tomentose, with rather distant lvs, the upper sessile, the uppermost reduced to bracts. Infl. of a single terminal glomerule, or with 1-3 axillary small glomerules also. Subtending bracts seldom up to 2 cm. long. Glomerules c. 1∙5 cm. diam., with 10-20 capitula floccose-hairy at base. Capitula 3-4 mm. diam.; receptacle 1-2 mm. diam., convex; phyll. c. 5 mm. long, broadly oblong, obtuse to subacute, scarious, translucent, light brown. Achenes c. 0∙5-0∙75 mm. long, linear, not compressed. papillose and with scattered appressed white hairs. Pappus c. 3-4 mm. long, with c. 20 filiform sordid-white hairs.
Main stems prostrate, up to 1 m. long, woody, 2-5 mm. diam.; branches decumbent, flowering portions ascending, tomentose. Lvs sessile, 1∙5-3 cm. × 5-10 mm., obovate-apiculate, us. mucronate; margins slightly revolute; upper surface glab. when mature, lower with appressed white tomentum; midrib us. evident below, lateral veins invisible or obscure. Infl. of few tomentose bracteate branchlets; capitula seldom > 10, c. 1∙5 cm. diam.; receptacle c. 4 mm. diam., often distinctly concave with raised centre, closely alveolate. Phyll. c. 7 mm. long, white, clawed. Achenes linear-oblong, c. 1 mm. long. Pappus 3-4 mm. long, of c. 10 hairs.
Annual to biennial herbs with single or few stems arising from stock, unbranched, angled, appressed-tomentose, becoming glab. or nearly so below, up to c. 4 dm. tall. Lvs narrow-linear to narrow-lanceolate or narrow-oblanceolate, apiculate, semiamplexicaul at base, glab. above, clad in appressed white tomentum below; lower lvs ± 10-20 cm. × 5-10 mm., upper lvs smaller. Infl. of a single terminal glomerule of capitula subtended by foliaceous bracts of unequal size from 2-7 cm. long, having woolly hairs at base, innermost short, widely expanded at base. Capitula c. 10-15 per glomerule, c. 3-5 mm. diam., invested with white floccose hairs at base. Phyll. scarious; outer broad, obtuse; inner linear, subacute, c. 4 mm. long. Receptacle c. 2 mm. diam., convex, finely alveolate. Pappus-hairs c. 10, filiform, sordid-white, c. 3 mm. long. Achenes c. 0∙5 mm. long, linear, minutely papillose and with scattered appressed hairs.
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Capitula small, solitary, clustered or corymbose, heterogamous; phyll. imbricate, in several series; receptacle plane to alveolate. Outer florets pistillate, ∞, filiform, minutely toothed; inner perfect, fewer, tubular. Anther-cells produced at base into filiform tails; style-arms of disk-florets nearly terete, truncate to capitate. Achenes not ribbed. Pappus-hairs in one series, caducous. Annual to perennial herbs with alt., entire lvs. Genus of cosmopolitan distribution, with c. 150 spp. Of the N.Z. spp. 1 is widespread elsewhere, 3 occur in Australia, the others are endemic.
Sparingly to much branched annual to perennial herb up to c. 50 cm. tall, ± completely clad in white or greyish cottony dense to sparse tomentum; branches decumbent to ascending. Lower lvs obovate-spathulate, c. 2-3 cm. × 2-5-(10) mm., margins slightly recurved, undulate to plane; upper lvs ∞, similar but narrower, subpatent, us. apiculate. Infl. of ∞ fascicled capitula corymbosely arranged. Capitula c. 5 mm. diam.; phyll. scarious, translucent, oblong, obtuse, pale brown, shining; receptacle c. 2 mm. diam., very slightly convex, finely alveolate. Achenes c. 5 mm. long, not compressed, very finely papillose. Pappus-hairs c. 10-15, filiform, up to 3 mm. long.
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Stems simple to sparingly branched, clad except in age with dense white soft more appressed tomentum, as are the lvs. Lvs narrows-spathulate to linear, us. apiculate; lower c. 4 cm. × 4 mm., spreading; upper ascending, very densely placed, narrower; uppermost small, narrow-linear. Fascicles few to solitary.
Herb up to 10 cm. tall with densely packed branchlets clad in imbricate lvs. Lvs at first erect then reflexed from appressed scarious nearly glab. base; c. 1 cm. long, oblong-obovate; free portion clad in appressed silky shining brown tomentum, with floccose hairs at junction with base. Capitula solitary, subsessile or sessile, c. 7 mm. diam.; phyll. glab., scarious, translucent, inner up to 8 × 2 mm., obtuse, narrowed to base. Achenes linear, narrowed below, c. 1 mm. long, with scattered appressed hairs, becoming glab. Pappus of c. 30 filiform hairs, c. 6 mm. long.
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Main stems decumbent, branches ∞, branchlets stiff, suberect, brittle, c. 2-3 mm. diam. Lvs 2-4 cm. × 2-5 mm., linear-oblanceolate, apiculate, margins us. strongly revolute; upper surface glab., lower with appressed white tomentum, midrib evident, lateral veins invisible or very obscure. Infl. corymbose; branchlets slender, tomentose, bracteate. Capitula c. 1-1∙5 cm. diam.; phyll. white, c. 5 mm. long, clawed. Achenes hardly > 0∙5 mm. long, glab. Pappus-hairs c. 10, hardly > 2 mm. long.
Tufted herb up to 10 cm. tall clad in dense soft white tomentum. Lvs mainly radical, ascending, linear to linear-spathulate to obovate-spathulate, 2-5 cm. × 3-6 mm.; slender petiole = or > lamina. Stems few or solitary, scapiform, very slender, lvs diminishing to linear bracts. Capitula solitary, c. 1 cm. diam.; receptacle alveolate, flat to shallowly concave, c. 2-3 mm. diam. Outer phyll. short, floccose without; inner glab., scarious, linear, acute, 4-5 mm. long. Achenes c. 1 mm. long, sparsely puberulous, becoming glab., narrow-elliptic. Pappus of 15-20 filiform spreading hairs c. 5 mm. long.
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Infl. various; fls 5-merous, perfect, irregular. Receptacle adnate to ovary at least in lower part; calyx-lobes often obscure; corolla gamo-petalous, sts split to base at back, us. 2-lipped, valvate. Stamens alt. with corolla-lobes; anthers free or connivent around style, 2-celled, opening lengthwise. Ovary wholly or partly inferior; stigma surrounded by pollen-cup ("indusium"). Fr. drupaceous to nutlike or capsular; seeds with straight embryo and cop. endosperm. Perennial herbs or sub-shrubs with watery sap. Lvs us. alt., simple, exstipulate. Some 12 genera and 300 spp., mostly of Australia.
Sori round to elongate (coenosori), exindusiate, superficial to partly immersed, dorsal. Sporangia with or without paraphyses; annulus vertical, incomplete, dehiscing by transverse slit; spores tetrahedral. Rhizome creeping or condensed, solenostelic, with paleae, sts with hairs. Stipes with single vascular strand. Fronds simple to pinnatifid or pinnate; veins free or with occ. anastomoses. Prothallus cordate. About 10 genera of wide distribution, but generic limits much disputed.
Rhizome short, sts branched, rather slender, densely clad when young in pale brown ovate to ovate-lanceolate paleae up to 5 mm. long; stipites crowded. Stipes slender, up to 2 cm. long, very narrowly winged, wings merging into lamina, glab. to ciliate. Lamina dark green, submembr. to coriac., linear-lanceolate to narrow-oblong, obtuse to subacute, entire to rather obscurely sinuate, sts with a few slender hairs on lower surface, with or without a slightly thickened margin; 3-15 cm. × 2-5-(8) mm.; main vein evident, veinlets evident to obscure, simple or forked. Sori slightly oblique, us. ∞, sts confluent; in a single row on each side of main vein, nearer to it than to margin; up to 30 subopp. pairs; oblong, 6-3 mm. long, without or with a few hairs.
Rhizome short, bearing pale brown ovate acute paleae, c. 5 mm. long; stipites crowded. Stipes up to 1 cm. long, narrowly winged, margined by fine delicate rufous to pale hairs. Lamina 1-6 cm. × 2-4 mm., membr. to subcoriac., dull green, linear- to narrow-oblong, subacute, main vein evident, veinlets rather obscure, with delicate hairs on both surfaces, more plentiful on lower. Sori us. cop. in a row on each side of main vein, nearer to it than to margin, oblique, oblong, c. 2 mm. long, with cop. long delicate hairs.
Rhizome stout, up to 15 mm. diam. including paleae; ascending, up to 10 cm. long, crowned by closely approximate stipites; paleae dark brown, ovate-lanceolate to long-attenuate, c. 1 cm. long, ascending. Stipes up to 2 cm. long, narrowly winged, wings merging into lamina, glab. Lamina 10-20 cm. × 10-15 mm. (sts reduced to 3 cm. × 5 mm.) rigid, very coriac., dull green, oblong to lanceolate-oblong, entire, acute to subacute, or margins faintly sinuate; main vein stout, prominent; veinlets obscure to fairly evident, simple or forked, sts with a few anastomoses. Sori about medial, 5-3 mm. long, oblong, oblique; up to 20 pairs in upper half of lamina; paraphyses absent or few.
Rhizome short, densely clad in pale brown lanceolate-attenuate paleae up to 5 mm. or more long; stipites crowded, paleate at very base. Stipes 3-6 cm. long, slender, glab. or with occ. hairs, very narrowly winged in upper half. Laminae of diverse form, dark to light green, coriac., 5-25 × 2-6 cm., narrow-oblong to narrow-ovate, ± acuminate; deeply pinnatifid to pinnate; pinnules alt. to subopp., decurrent. Pinnules up to 5 cm. × 3-5 mm., obtuse to subacute; veins obscure: (a) all with triangular teeth, 1-2 mm. long, up to 20 pairs, forward-pointing, each us. bearing a sorus; (b) upper as in (a), lower entire or with occ. obscure to distinct teeth, us. barren; (c) all entire or with a few obscure teeth, barren; (d) reduced to teeth, some or all fertile; the lamina then narrow-linear; (e) absent, the lamina then narrow-linear, entire, barren. The (b) form is perhaps the commonest, but a mixture of forms may be found on the same plant. Sori few to cop., oblong, c. 2 mm. long, often obliquely paired, sometimes covering whole tooth.
Rhizome creeping, slender, branching, often densely arranged, the plant forming matted patches, up to 10 cm. long; clad when young in pale brown ovate to ovate-lanceolate to spathulate paleae up to 5 mm. long; fronds close-set along rhizome in about 3 series. Stipes hardly developed. Lamina coriac. to almost fleshy, dark green; spathulate to oblong- or linear-spathulate, gradually narrowed to base; glab. when old, ± pubescent below, and sts above, when young; veins hidden, sts the main vein evident; 5-12 × 3-5 mm.; rarely up to 3 cm. long; margins entire to faintly sinuate. Sporangia us. aggregated in a mass near apex of frond, 2-3 mm. diam., rarely as a pair of coenosori || and close to main vein and up to 1 cm. long; paraphyses few or absent.
Sori round to oblong; sporangia pedicelled; spores without epispore, with or without paraphyses. Rhizome paleate; fronds simple to pinnatifid, not articulate to rhizome; veins free, once or more forked, only occ. anastomosing. Over 300 spp. (if Ctenopteris be included) of wide distribution.
Fls axillary, solitary, subtended by 2 bractlets, calyx deeply cut into 5 subequal lobes. Corolla-tube cylindric, upper lip entire or 2-fid, lower 3-fid. Stamens 2; staminodes 2, filiform, or lacking. Style filiform, stigma entire or 2-lamellate. Capsule ± ovoid, 4-valved, dehiscent from columnar axis. Seeds ∞, small, reticulate. Widespread genus of mostly perennial small glab. to glandular-pubescent herbs with opp., sessile, simple, entire or toothed lvs. Some 30 spp., the N.Z. spp. occurring also in Australia and Tasmania.
Herb with procumbent or creeping slender stems; branches ∞, closeset, often intertangled, up to ± 2 dm. long, ± clad in jointed glandular hairs, ascending at tips. Lvs sessile or nearly so, ± 4-7 × 2-5 mm., oblong to obovate to suborbicular, obtuse, ± obtusely toothed, glab. or glandular-pilose. Fls few, very shortly peduncled in upper lf-axils. Calyx glandular-pilose, 3-4 mm. long, lobes sts toothed. Corolla (6)-8-12 mm. long, white to yellowish, us. with ∞ pink veins, throat yellowish, lobes short, obtuse. Anthers connivent, cells parallel; staminodes filiform, long.
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Fls small, 5-merous, unisexual, in panicles or racemes. ♂ with minutely toothed calyx; petals imbricate; disk fleshy, 5-angled. ♀ without staminodes; receptacle ovoid to turbinate; sepals 5; petals 5, valvate, or 0; ovary 1-2-loculed; styles 3. Fr. us. 1-loculed, 1-seeded. Dioec. shrubs or trees with alt., very coriac., entire, exstipulate lvs; petioles dilated and slightly sheathing at base; lf-scars prominent. Genus of about 6 spp. endemic in Chile, 2 endemic in N.Z.
Tree up to 10 m. or sts 15 m. tall, with short gnarled trunk up to 15 dm. diam. Lvs broad-ovate to ovate-oblong, rounded at apex, less glossy, slightly to not unequal-sided at base; main veins hardly prominent to obscure below. Panicles sts reduced to a simple racemes. Fls as in but both ♂ and ♀ bearing petals. Fr. c. 6-7 mm. long.
Shrub or tree up to 8 m. tall; us. epiphytic, developing long root descending to soil; sts rupestral; bark thick, furrowed. Lvs obliquely broadly ovate to oblong, rounded at apex, sts subcordate at base, very unequal-sided, glossy above; main veins prominent below. Panicles with distinct main axis racemosely branched. Sepals 1-2 mm. long; petals of ♂ 2-3 mm. long, of ♀ 0. Fr. 5-10 mm. long, fleshy, dark purple; ovule pend.
Kirk's description is: "Rhizomes slender; leaves 11/2 in.-21/2 in. long, with weak scattered hairs on petiole and blade; blade ovate or slightly cordate, rounded at the apex, crenate but not lobed. Scape very slender, unbranched, exceeding the leaves; upper flowers lax, sessile or shortly pedicelled; staminate, pistillate, and hermaphrodite flowers intermixed, staminate mostly pedicellate; perianth segments 2, narrow linear-oblong, obtuse; female perianth segments 4, ovate, unequal, sometimes with two linear-oblong processes springing from the base of the segment; hermaphrodite flowers with ovate segments alternating with two linear-oblong; filaments short, anthers apparently abortive. Fruit not seen . . . simple, lax, subracemose scape exceeding the leaves, which distinguishes it from all other species." Kirk had material from Otago, collected by J. Buchanan and A. Hamilton.
Stolons rather stout, up to ± 4 dm. long; lvs on petioles (15)-20-70-(80) mm. long, canaliculate, strigose-hairy. Lamina subcoriac., dull green, cordate-orbicular to reniform, 10-25 × 7-25 mm., sts more, crenately 5-8-(11)-lobed; lobes themselves crenate; surfaces strigose-hairy especially on veins. ♂ part of infl. branched below and sts above; fls subsessile, bracts minute, acuminate; calyx lobes ovate-acuminate, 1·5 mm. long, tube obsolete, staminal filaments c. 3 mm. long. ♀ part compactly branched. Drupe globose to ovoid, bright red ± 2.5 mm. long.
Stolons up to ± 4 mm. diam. Petioles up to 10 cm. (sts more) long, canaliculate, ± strigose-hairy. Lamina dark-green, at first sparsely hairy, cordate-reniform to suborbicular; sts truncate or cuneately narrowed to base (on same plant); 10-15-(20) × 15-18-(25) mm., occ. more; subcoriac.; lobes 3-5-(7); margins coarsely crenate to dentate-apiculate (on same lf). Infl. paniculate, us. much-branched, up to ± 15 cm. long, sts reduced. Fls as in G. monoica, ♀ compacted, style ± 4 mm. Drupes subglobose to subovoid, white, compacted, ± 2.5 mm. long.
Stolons rather stout, us. creeping through sand, branched, up to c. 4 dm. long. Lvs on stout, ± flat, amplexicaul petioles up to 5 cm. long. Lamina rather diversely shaped (on same plant) oblong to ovate to subrhombic, cuneate to subcordate at base, subcoriac., grey-green, 7-12-(20) × 9-15 mm., subglab., coarsely crenate, sts lobed. Infl. up to 7 cm. long, fls sessile. ♂ with filiform calyx-lobes, minute bracts; petals 2, about lanceolate, glab., ± 2 mm. long; filaments obsolete. ♀ with triangular calyx-lobes ± 6 mm. long; styles filiform, up to 5 mm. long. Drupes clavate to obconic, patent to pend., ± apiculate, on elongated scapes, yellow to pale red, ± 4-6 mm. long.
Stolons us. below surface, branched, up to ± 3 dm. long. Lvs. on slender, slightly concave petioles up to 7 cm. long, rather sparsely hairy. Lamina dark green, 12-35 × 15-35 mm., about broad-ovate to suborbicular, cuneate to truncate or subcordate at base, rounded at apex, sts obscurely 2-3-lobed, subcoriac.; margins rather coarsely dentateapiculate; indumentum sparse, mainly on veins, or absent. Staminate infl. up to 7 cm. long, ♂ with minute bracts, calyx-lobes minute. ♀ with slender styles up to 3 mm. long. Drupes obconic to pyriform, spreading, compacted into clusters ± 10 mm. diam., dark red, 2-3 mm. long.
Stolons sts below surface, rather stout, branched, up to c. 3 dm. long. Lvs on rather broad pilose amplexicaul petioles up to ± 5 cm. long. Lamina coriac. to submembr., narrowly ovate- to elliptic-oblong, acute or obtuse, grey-green, 8-15-(25) × 7-15 mm., sparsely hairy, coarsely and irregularly dentate, occ. lobed. Infl. 2-7 cm. long, fls sessile. ♂ with ovate to triangular acuminate, ± pilose bracts c. 2.5 mm. long. Calyx-lobes ± cucullate; petals 2, linear-oblong, up to 3 mm. long; filaments hardly 1 mm. long. ♀ on rather stout scapes; bracts minute, calyx-lobes narrow-triangular, silky; styles up to ± 5 mm. long. Drupes at first close-set, clavate to obconic, ± pend., red, ± 3-4 mm. long.
Stolons, often below surface, branched, up to ± 3 dm. long. Lvs on slender, ± reddish petioles up to 8 cm. long. Lamina broad-oblong to broad-elliptic, 20-25 × 14-17 mm., occ. more; glab. or nearly so, membr., dull brownish green, ± sinuate, crenulate; apex rounded, base truncate to subcordate. Scapes unisexual, ± 10 cm. long. ♂ subsessible, rather distant, drooping, on very slender axis withering after anthesis. ♀ in "cluster" stage at anthesis, up to ± 7 mm. long, lobes 4, inner oblong, outer obovate; axis rather stout, ± fleshy, pale yellow to white; drupe 3-4 mm. long, obconic to pyriform, patent to drooping, shortly pedicelled, yellow, rather close-set.
Stolons stout, 3-5 mm. diam., branched, up to ± 4 dm. long, forming compact cushions; internodes ± 5 cm. long, rosettes overlapping. Lvs on stout flat petioles ± 2-5 cm. × 2-4 mm., ± winged, widening to amplexicaul base. Lamina grey slaty green, coriac., subfleshy, glab. or nearly so, deltoid- to broad-ovate, cuneately narrowed to base or truncate ± 20-30 × 10-25 mm., minutely crenulate, teeth oblong, obtuse, ± 1 mm. long. Infl. up to c. 6 cm. tall, stout. ♀ at first crowded, scape elongating; styles up to 5 mm. long. Drupes patent to pend., ± 3 mm. long, clavate, red.
Infl. paniculate to scapose; fls unisexual or perfect. Sepals and petals 2-3 or 0; stamens 1-2; ovary inferior, 1-celled, 1-ovuled; stigmas 2; fr. a drupe. Perennial herbs with radical lvs, extremely large to small, bearing intravaginal scales. Some 40 spp., mainly of S. America, S. Africa, East Indies, New Guinea.
Stolons rather slender, up to ± 3 mm. diam., rosettes crowded to rather distant; lvs with slender appressed-hairy petioles up to 4 cm. or more long. Lamina rather dark clear green, reniform to suborbicular, cordate to cuneately narrowed at base, ± 10-12 × 12-15 mm. or more, subcoriac., with scattered hairs; lobes 3-5-(7) often obscure; teeth dentate-serrate, sts apiculate, irregular. Infl. up to c. 7 cm. long; ♂ ± sessile, lax; bracts ± 3 × 2 mm., ovate, laciniate; calyx-lobes ovate-acuminate; petals clawed; stamens pubescent, filaments ± 3 mm. long. ♀ on lower branches, very shortly pedicelled; tube of calyx ellipsoid, lobes acuminate, petals 0, styles 2-3 mm. long. Some perfect fls may be present. Drupes aggregated, subglobose, white, up to ± 2 mm. diam.
Stolons, often below surface, branched, up to 4 dm. long. Lvs on slender glabrate petioles up to 10 cm. or more long. Lamina brownish to almost purplish green, membr., 10-30-(50) × 10-25-(40) mm., ovate to ovate-oblong, rounded at apex, rounded to sts truncate or subcordate at base, not or obscurely 2-3-lobed, glab. or nearly so; margins crenate to subentire, ± sinuate. Infl. up to 6 cm. or more long. ♂ with very short tube, calyx-lobes minute; petals spathulate, pilose, ± 2.5 mm. long; staminal filaments very short. ♀ rather close-set, subsessile; bracts ovate-lanceolate, c. 1·2 mm. long; styles 3-5 mm. long. Drupes on elongated scape, patent to drooping, obconic to nearly globose, red to purplish, 3-4 × 2-3 mm.
Capitula solitary, sessile, terminal, heterogamous; phyll. in c. 2 series, linear, scarious on margins and at tips, outer us. woolly-hairy without, inner less densely clad; receptacle flat, small, slightly alveolate; florets tubular; outer florets pistillate, ∞, style-arms far-exserted; disk-florets perfect, ∞; anther-cells obtuse at base; style-arms of disk-florets papillose at tips. Pappus of one or two series of slender, long, rather rigid, ± barbellate hairs ± thickened in upper third. Achenes linear-oblong, compressed to subterete, glab. Subshrubs or herbs woody at base; branchlets us. concealed by persistent lvs. Genus endemic to N.Z.
Plant forming rounded masses up to 2 m. diam.; branchlets with lvs c. 2 cm. diam., very densely compacted. Lvs c. 8-10 × 6-10 mm.; tip thickened and crenulate and concealed by dense brush of long tangled slightly fulvous hairs, both surfaces or abaxial only clad in long hairs; veins 3-15, anastomosing above. Receptacle flat or slightly convex, c. 5 mm. diam. Phyll. linear, obtuse to acute, glab. except at tips. Achenes compressed, linear, c. 2 mm. long. Pappus-hairs flattened at base, up to 9 mm. long.
Smaller in all parts, tomentum whiter, branchlets including lvs not > 15 mm. diam. Pappus-hairs hardly thickened above, more strongly barbellate, especially at tips.
Plant rather densely to laxly branched, procumbent, branches up to c. 25 cm. long, branchlets covered by sheathing bases of lvs, c. 5 mm. diam. Lvs up to 2 × 1 cm., obovate, upper half somewhat thickened and strongly recurved, rugose, the whole clad in dense long fulvous to rufous hairs except adaxial portion of base; veins 5-10, anastomosing above. Receptacle c. 3-5 mm. diam.; phyll. linear, tips recurved, abaxial surface pilose. Achenes 2.5-3 mm. long, linear, compressed; pappus c. 9 mm. long.
Lvs and capitula smaller; hairs for the most part white; phyll. apiculate.
Plant sparingly to much branched, decumbent to suberect. Branchlets up to c. 30 cm. long, 4-6 mm. diam. Lvs ± patent, up to 3·5 × 1·5 cm., oblong-obovate, subacute to rounded at apex, densely clad in whitish subappressed tomentum, except on adaxial surface of appressed base, upper part slightly thickened, somewhat rugose; veins 5-10, anastomosing above. Capitula c. 3 cm. diam.; receptacle 5-6 mm. diam. Phyll. narrow-oblanceolate, subacuminate, pilose on abaxial surface, c. 1 cm. long. Achenes c. 2 mm. long, narrow-linear. Pappus up to 1 cm. long.
Lvs with fulvid to buff tomentum; upper surface less densely clad, becoming glab. or nearly so; stem-lvs c. 3 cm. × 5-10 mm., narrow- to broad-obovate, bases glab. or nearly so; subfloral lvs with looser tomentum. Capitula seldom > 2 cm. diam., receptacle c. 4-5 mm. diam. Phyll. c. 1 cm. long, lanceolate-oblong, with broad scarious margins. Achenes c. 2 mm. long, distinctly ribbed, hardly compressed. Pappus c. 9 mm. long.
Fls small solitary and axillary or in spikes or panicles; hermaphrodite or unisexual, epig., regular; calyx-lobes 2-4 or 0; petals free, 8, 4, or 0; stamens 8, 4, or fewer, large for size of fl.; ovary 1- or 2- or 4-celled, us. with as many pend. ovules as styles; styles 1-4, free, stigmas papillose or plumose; fr. dry or succulent, ind. or separating into ind. 1-seeded nutlets. Annual to perennial herbs, sts woody, many aquatic; lvs simple, opp., alt. or whorled, us. notched or lobed, exstipulate. Cosmopolitan but with more representatives in Southern Hemisphere. About 7 genera and 160 spp.
Erect perennial herb c. 30 cm. tall; stems many, tetragonous, minutely pubescent, with larger hairs on the angles. Lvs opp., rather closely spaced, broadly ovate to ovate-oblong, coriac., minutely scabrid, blade 14-20 × 10-13 mm., petiole very short and pubescent, margins regularly shallowly serrate. Many-fld racemes terminating branches, lfy bracts subtending clusters of fls and bracteoles. F1. c. 3·5 mm. long, on short pubescent pedicel; sepals pubescent, triangular, exceeding ovary length and reaching halfway up petals; petals c. 3 × ovary length, minutely scabrid on keel; stamens 8, anthers as long as petals, filaments very short; ovary 4-lobed, styles 4, short, erect, stigma covered with short lax multicellular hairs. Fr. c. 3·5 mm. long (including calyx-lobes) subpyriform, smooth and cylindrical above, below swollen into 4 rounded lobes, rugose, rarely and then us. only slightly winged; pericarp woody, loculi 4, 1-seeded.
Smooth, quite glab. subshrub, resembling Lvs ovate to lanceolate, acute, cuneate at base, blade 10-15 mm. long or more, 6-8 mm. wide, clearly serrate with 5-7 teeth on each side, borne on a petiole 3-4 mm. long. Fls subsessile. Achenes ovoid-conical, 2·9-3·3 mm. long (including the sepals) and 1·7-2 mm. in diam., tetragonous, smooth, but in the lower half transversely tuberculate-rugose, without wings or furnished with 4 narrow triangular wings, small and even insignificant, placed below the middle. Other characters unknown. New Zealand, North Island (Colenso in herb. Kew); in Puketoi Hills [Mt. Oporae, near Weber] commun. H. H. Allan.
Wiry herb, spreading by much-branched underground stems that dry yellow; above ground portions 2-10-(20) cm. long, ± covered with scattered soft hairs most abundant on young stems and increasing on parts affected by a not uncommon disease. Stems very obscurely tetragonous; lvs mostly opp., (2)-5-(15) mm. long, about ovate, margins cartilaginous with 2-4-(5) incisures on each side, lower margins, midrib on under side and very short petiole us. with scattered white hairs, finer hairs often on upper side of lvs. Fls solitary, axillary, us. a few opp. pairs, occ. alt., the uppermost often single and terminal, in small plants a single terminal fl.; bracts like lvs but smaller, bracteoles hairy. Fls erect, very shortly peduncled, apparently sts unisexual; sepals triangular, glab.; petals reddish, hooded, with stiff hairs on keel, c. 2 mm. long; stamens 8, = petals, filaments elongating and some anthers hanging out between petals, in ♀ much smaller and persistent; ovary 4-angled, about as long as wide, little constricted below sepals; styles 4, rather long, curving outwards and downwards between sepals, stigmatic surface on upper side with long flexuous multicellular hairs. Fr. brown, shining when mature, c. 2 mm. long, tetragonous, each face flat or with median longitudinal rib, broadest about mid-height, surface smooth; pericarp hard, 1 loculus, us. 1-seeded.
Perennial somewhat scabrid herb or subshrub, up to 1 m. tall; stems many, four-angled, angles often rough with irregular thickenings. Lvs opp., lanceolate, acute, lamina 2.5-5 cm. long, on petiole up to 1 cm. long, smaller and more nearly sessile in upper parts, serrate, shining and somewhat scabrid. Infl. racemose to paniculate, lfy bracts subtending clusters of up to six fls with narrow bracteoles (sts reduced to one). Fls ± drooping, on very short terete pedicels. Calyx-lobes 4, acute, persistent. Petals 4, boat-shaped, deciduous; stamens 8, falling early, filaments very short and slender, anthers longer, oblong, yellow; ovary 4-winged, styles 4, very short; stigmas 4, oblong, obtuse; fr. with wings on the 4 angles, 4-locular, with one seed in each loculus.
Wiry, erect or diffusely branched herb up to 40 cm. tall, scabrid with stiff white appressed hairs; stems obscurely tetragonous. Lvs opp. on very short petioles, elliptic-lanceolate, from c. 8 mm. long with 2-3 incisures in cartilaginous margin to 15 mm. long with up to 6 sharp teeth on each side, hairs on both surfaces. Infl. racemose, bracts alt., lfy, lanceolate, almost entire, 2-3 mm. long. Fls erect, strongly pro-tandrous, c. 3 mm. long; sepals triangular, glab. with incomplete cartilaginous margin and basal triangle; petals hooded, with strong stiff hairs on keels; stamens 4 opp. sepals, staminodes 4 opp. petals; ovary 8-angled, minutely hairy on ribs, ovoid-globose; styles 4, very short, erect, stigmas with long multicellular hairs. Fr. pale, c. 1·25 mm. long, ovoid, constricted below sepals, 8 vertical ribs distinct and retaining some stiff hairs, faces between minutely papillose and ± obliquely rugose; pericarp hard, 1 loculus, us. 1-seeded.
Fls hermaphrodite, often strongly protandrous (? unisexual), axillary, solitary or in clusters, subtended by bracteoles and lfy bracts. Calyx-lobes 4-2, free; petals 4-2, cucullate; stamens caducous, 4, or 8 in two whorls, filaments short, anthers broad-linear; ovary 4- to 1-celled, styles 4-2, short, stigmas papillose or plumose; fr. small, ind., often winged or ribbed, sts woody, crowned by persistent calyx-lobes. Us. perennial herbs, sts partly woody; lvs opp. or alt. orbicular to lanceolate, entire, toothed, or lobed. About 70 spp.; Southern Hemisphere and extending to S. E. Asia; in N.Z. on banks and disturbed areas, gumlands and peat. Of the 7 N.Z. spp. probably all but one are endemic.
Slender glab. herb up to 10 cm. tall, rooting from lowest nodes. Stems many, obscurely tetragonous; lvs opp., almost sessile, 3-10 mm. long, ovate, membr., margin cartilaginous with 4-5 incisures on each side. Infl. a terminal raceme from which bracts and bracteoles fall early leaving fls in opp. pairs. Fls reddish, drooping, c. 1·5 mm. long, strongly protandrous; sepals broadly triangular, = ovary; petals hooded, without hairs, > ovary; stamens 8; ovary 8-angled, globose, constricted below sepals; styles short, erect, cylindrical, stigmas of long multicellular hairs. Fr. dark red, c. 0·5 mm. long, with 8 vertical ribs, faces between ribs concave and smooth; pericarp not hardened, 1 loculus with us. 1 seed.
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Shrub c. 30 cm. tall with spreading branches. Branchlets stout, covered with dense rather long pubescence, length of internodes 2-3 × diam. Lvs patent or reflexed, c. 18 × 8 mm., oblong, thick and glaucous, those near infl. sts broader and ovate; lf-bud without sinus, lf subcordate at base; lamina obtuse, entire, covered on both sides with dense hairy pubescence that is shorter or absent on reddish margins, midrib obscure. Infls lateral, simple, compact spikes 15-20 mm. long projecting well beyond lvs on villous peduncles c. 2.5 cm. long. Fls sessile, bracts and calyx-lobes c. 3 × 2 mm., ovate, subacute, pubescent all over. Corolla white, tube narrow, slightly > calyx, = narrow spreading lobes. Ovary pubescent, capsule (seen only in garden plant) rounded, ± didymous, pubescent above, scarcely = calyx.
Small, us. decumbent shrub. Branchlets stout, almost or quite glab., length of internodes 1-3 × diam., older branches dark. Lvs loosely imbricate, c. 12-15 × 8-12 mm., broad-oblong, slightly concave, thick and glaucous; lf-bud without sinus, lf-base us. almost cordate; lamina only slightly narrowed to obtuse tip, entire, glab., midrib obscure. Infls lateral, simple (occ. tripartite), compact oblong spikes c. 15 × 8 mm., projecting well beyond lvs on villous peduncles c. 2 cm. long. Fls sessile, bracts c. 2.5 × 2 mm., us. obtuse, fringed with rather long cilia, sts with hairs scattered over surface. Calyx-lobes similar to bracts. Corolla white, tube narrow, > calyx, c. = rather narrow spreading lobes. Base of style and adjacent parts of ovary us. pubescent. Capsule rounded, ± didymous, little > calyx.
Erect much-branched shrub to c. 1 m. tall. Ultimate branchlets 1·5-2 mm. diam., ± terete, yellow-green, not glossy; internodes 1-1·5 mm. long, partly exposed; nodal joint weakly marked or obscure. Lvs c. 1 mm. long, connate for ⅓ to ⅔ length, smoothly appressed when fresh, us. spreading widely and encircling branchlet when dry, apex truncate or rounded, abruptly tapering to slightly keeled acute tip, margins yellowish. Spikes c. 2-6 fld. Bracts 1-1·5 mm. long, obtuse or with small acute tip. Calyx 2-2.5 mm. long, anterior lobes completely fused into broad obtuse seg. sts with short secondary split. Corolla-tube ± = calyx. Capsule 3-3·5 × 1·5-2 mm., oval, subacute to obtuse, > calyx.
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Low-growing us. erect shrub up to 1 m. tall. Branchlets us. fully minutely pubescent, length of internodes 1-2 × diam. Lvs partly imbricate and at the same time ± distichously arranged, 7-17 mm. long, ± obovate, subcoriac., ± glossy above; lf-bud with long narrow sinus; lamina subacute, blunt at extreme apex, entire; petiole, lf-margin and sts upper surface of midrib minutely pubescent. Infls lateral, simple, rarely > 2.5 cm. long, rather dense-fld; peduncle short, us. hidden. Fls very shortly pedicellate in axils of short ciliolate bracts. Calyx-lobes c. 2.5 mm. long, subacute, ciliolate on membr. margin. Corolla white, tube at least = calyx, often rather longer, lobes 4-5 mm. long when dry. Capsule erect, acuminate, glab., dark, barely 2 × calyx.
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Spreading much-branched shrub up to 1 m. tall but us. less; branches often decumbent or arching and bearing branchlets on upper side only. Ultimate branchlets 1·5-2 mm. diam., not or only slightly tetragonous, us. glossy; internodes 1-1·5-(2) mm. long, sts partly exposed; nodal joint well-marked. Lvs (1)-1*5-2 mm. long, connate ? to 1/2 length, deltoid-ovate to ovate-oblong, thick, strongly concavo-convex, rounded on back, tip obtuse to acute, us. weakly keeled, slightly thickened and incurved. Spikes up to 12-fld. Bracts 1·5-2.5 mm. long, ovate, obtuse or with ± acute thickened tip, ± ribbed. Calyx 2-3 mm. long, anterior lobes narrow-ovate, subacute, ± ribbed, free for ⅔ or more length. Corolla-tube = or slightly > calyx. Capsule c. 3 mm. long, oval, obtuse or subacute, > calyx.
Erect much-branched shrub to 1 m. tall. Branchlets rather stout, bifariously pubescent with harsh, sts golden hairs; internodes scarcely longer than broad, lf-scars on older twigs very rough. Lvs suberect to spreading, sts distichous, 10-17 × 5-8 mm., elliptic-oblong, coriac., shining above, glaucous below except on prominent midrib and slightly thickened margin; lf-bud with narrow sinus; lamina subacute, entire, glab. except for few minute hairs above midrib when young; petiole very short and winged to its rather broad base. Infls lateral, simple, to 2∙5 cm. long; peduncle short, hairy-pubescent. Fls very shortly pedicelled in axils of equally short ciliolate bracts. Calyx-lobes c. 2 mm. long, subacute, ciliolate. Corolla white, tube not > calyx, lobes much longer, rounded. Capsule to 5 mm. long, erect, acuminate, glab., dark.
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Lvs ± 30 × 11 mm., elliptic, with 3-10 pairs of marginal incisions, in exposed places linear-oblong, ± 19 × 6 mm., with 0-2 pairs of marginal incisions.
Fls in axillary or terminal racemes or spikes, infls sts compound. Calyx us. deeply and almost equally 4-lobed, the fifth lobe when present us. smaller. Corolla short- or long-tubed, with 4 subequal spreading lobes. Stamens 2, anthers held above tube. Style long, stigma capitate. Capsule dehiscing by the sagittal splitting of the septum and each carpel opening by distal median suture through the septal wall and in varying degrees also through the locule wall; septum us. across widest diam. and capsule ± dorsally compressed; seeds us. flattened and smooth. Ever-green shrubs or small trees with lvs opp., us. entire though often toothed in seedling, rarely showing veins other than midrib. Perhaps c. 100 spp., mostly endemic in N.Z. but two shared with S. America and one of them extending to Falkland Is; a few spp. in Tasmania, south-east Australia and New Guinea. Type sp. = .
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Much-branched bushy shrub to 2 m. tall. Branchlets with short stiff crowded often retrorse hairs variously arranged; length of internodes 1-6 × diam. Lvs often turned to face ± in one direction, 2-4 cm. × 6-16 mm., often with gradual change of size along twig, elliptic to elliptic-oblong, sts obovate-oblong, inclined to be fleshy; lf-bud with broad and very distinctive sinus, bounded above by hairy lf-margin, on sides by glab. unwinged petioles and below by stiffly hairy stem; lamina keeled, the strong midrib slightly excurrent in glab. plicate-mucronate tip, the margins elsewhere white-pubescent, entire or sts minutely and closely crenulate in age. Infls lateral, simple, c. 4-14-fld, little > lvs; peduncle short. Bracts small, acute, ciliolate, pedicels elongating to 5-7 mm. in fr. Calyx-lobes 2.5-4 mm., broad-ovate, acute, ciliolate. Corolla white or bluish, tube not > calyx, broad, lobes widespreading, 4-8 × 4-8 mm., ± acute. Capsule erect, 6-9 × 4-5 mm., pointed.
Branchlets very stout; lvs c. 27 × 15 mm., ± oblong to broad-obovate, almost fleshy, pale green; corolla white, to 2 cm. diam., the lobes all broad-ovate.
Shrub to 2 m. tall with stout widely spreading main branches, freely subdivided below the lfy tips. Branchlets rather stout, bifariously to fully pubescent, length of internodes 2-3 × diam. Lvs subpatent, 15-20 × 6-8 mm., obovate-oblong, firm-textured, duller and with ∞ stomata on undersurface; lf-bud without sinus; lamina broad towards obtuse thickened tip, entire, glab. except for minute pubescence on margin. Infls lateral, simple, to 2.5-3 cm. long; peduncle short, hidden, pubescent. Fls crowded. Bracts c. = short pedicels, obtuse, ciliolate. Calyx-lobes c. 1·5 mm. long, broad, obtuse, ciliolate. Corolla white, tube c. 2 mm. long, lobes slightly longer, rounded. Capsule erect, c. 4 × 2.5 mm., obtuse, glab.
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Low woody shrub, stems often ∞, to 30 cm. long, decumbent or ascending. Branchlets glab. or with a little pubescence below nodes, the short internodes mostly hidden by closely imbricate lvs. Lvs erect to spreading, 6-13 × (3)-4-9 mm., broadly ovate to obovate-spathulate, ± concave, coriac. to fleshy, bases shortly connate and ciliolate; lamina subacute to broadly obtuse, glab., entire or with a few pairs of small notches, margin bordered but not thickened. Fls in a compact oblong head 1·5-3 cm. long and us. broader than lfy shoot; infl. of ∞ several-fld spikelets in axils of little-altered lvs emerging into a terminal spikelet. Bracts 4-7 mm. long, lanceolate to linear, obtuse, shortly ciliolate near base only. Calyx-lobes like bracts but slightly longer. Corolla white, tube long, narrow, lobes short. Capsule erect, to 6 × 4 mm., rather tumid, ovate and narrowed to rounded tip, glab.
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Lvs ± spreading, c. 12 × 5 mm., obovate-spathulate, lower third forming a more membr. winged petiole c. 2-3 mm. wide; lamina quite obtuse, ± fleshy, us. entire with thin cartilaginous border. Bracts and calyx-lobes linear, to 7 mm. long, us. > corolla-tube and capsule.
Small, erect, rather rigid shrub 10-75 cm. tall; stems and branches stout, sts decumbent and rooting at base, ascending, closely or rather sparsely branched. Ultimate branchlets erect, 3-10 cm. long, (2)-2.5-3·5 mm. diam., terete or weakly tetragonous at tips, rather hard and rigid, often glossy; internodes 1-2 mm. long, hidden or only very slightly exposed; nodal joint well-marked. Lvs 2-2*5 mm. long, connate for 1/4 to 1/2 length, broadly ovate-deltoid, thick, rounded on back, tip obtuse to subacute, convexly incurved and ± spreading, sts smoothly appressed and broadly obtuse with abrupt, small, blunt mucro. Spikes 1-1·5 cm. long, up to c. 15-fld. Bracts c. 2.5 mm. long, broadly ovate, obtuse to acute or mucronate, weakly ribbed. Calyx 2.5-3·5 mm. long, anterior lobes ovate-oblong, obtuse or subacute, weakly ribbed, free ⅓ to ⅔ length. Corolla-tube = or > calyx. Capsule 2.5-4 × 2-3 mm., oval to oblong, obtuse or subacute, > calyx.
Plant low and spreading, up to 15 cm. tall. Branchlets 2 mm. diam., terete; lvs convex, appressed, rounded at apex with minute mucronate tip.
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Erect, much-branched, round-headed shrub 4-6 dm. tall. Branchlets 2-2.5 mm. diam., ± terete, rather rigid, glossy; internodes c. 1 mm. long, entirely hidden; nodal joint well-marked. Lvs c. 1*5 mm. long, connate up to ? length, broad-ovate, thick, closely appressed, ribbed, ± keeled, tip rounded and incurved. Bracts 2 mm. long, ovate, obtuse, ribbed. Calyx c. 2 mm. long, anterior lobes oblong, obtuse, ribbed, free for 1/2 to ⅔ length. Corolla-tube ± = calyx. Capsule c. 3 mm. long, oval, obtuse, = or slightly > calyx.
Small erect or decumbent shrub 0·5-1 m. tall. Branchlets stout, hairy-pubescent, length of internodes c. = diam. Lvs suberect or spreading, c. 2-3 × 1 cm., elliptic-oblong, ± coriac., "often glaucous"; lf-bud us. with small narrow sinus; lamina us. glab., subacute or shortly bluntly mucronate, entire, margins cartilaginous to base. Infls lateral, each us. tripartitely branched, to 4 cm. long, together forming a corymbose head projecting above uppermost lvs; peduncle to 1·5 cm. long, pubescent. Bracts c. 3 mm. long, triangular, ciliolate, pedicels longer at fruiting. Calyx-lobes c. 2 mm. long, broadly ovate, subacute, ciliolate. Corolla pale blue, tube c. 3 mm. long, rather wide, lobes c. 3 × 2-2.5 mm., obtuse. Capsule erect, 4-5 × 3 mm., glab., us. > 2 × calyx.
Small half-woody shrub to 40 cm. tall, branches decumbent then erect. Branchlets with fine even ± glandular pubescence, length of internodes 2-4 × diam., often much more immediately below infl. and lvs there sts alternate. Lvs spreading, 2-3 cm. × 13-17 mm.; petiole c. 5 mm. long, pubescent, narrowly winged and channelled; lamina obovate to sub-orbicular, obtuse to subacute, ± fleshy, grey-green, minutely pubescent on margins and midrib and when young on both surfaces; margins crenate-dentate, reddish. Infl. terminal, c. 3-(4) cm. long, composed of us. simple pedunculate spikes of crowded sessile fls. Bracts c. 3 mm. long, broad-ovate, acute, ciliolate and with some pubescence on back. Calyx-lobes c. 3·5 mm. long, acute, ciliolate, anterior pair sts fused and a short posterior one us. present. Corolla pinkish lilac, tube and obtuse lobes c. = calyx; style glab., stigma ± lobed. Capsule erect, > calyx, turgid and ± emarginate at tip, sts with some hairs; seeds narrow-oblong.
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Smaller, with decumbent rooting stems forming low patches 5-10 cm. tall; branchlets 1·5-2 mm. diam. Lvs smaller and narrower, ± 1-2 mm. long, gradually narrowed into a thickened acute tip but scarcely cuspidate, weakly ribbed near upper margin.
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Lvs long-elliptic, 1·5-2.5 × 0·5-1 cm.
Lvs broad-elliptic to suborbicular, c. 13-15 × 9-10 mm.
Diffusely or stiffly branched shrub to 2.5 m. tall. Branchlets glab. to finely pubescent, stout, length of internodes much > diam. Lvs spreading, (3)-6-12-(14) × 1-3 cm., narrow-elliptic to elliptic-oblong, coriac. and often almost fleshy; lf-bud without sinus; lamina subacute, entire, glab. except for occ. fine pubescence above midrib or on margin near base. Infls lateral, simple, c. 6-15 cm. long, peduncle 1-2 cm. Pedicels 2-5 mm. long, > small ciliolate bracts. Calyx-lobes short and broad, c. 2.5 × 2 mm., some or all quite obtuse, ciliolate, us. with stomata. Corolla large and open, tube 2-4 mm. wide, lobes 3-6 mm. long, broad and rounded, the lateral lobes ± cordate. Capsule large, 6-12 mm. long, glab., much > calyx.
Fls reddish purple, sepals broad, obtuse; racemes short, in fl. c. = elliptic-oblong lvs. Fls widely spaced with long pedicels.
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"An erect glabrous shrub 2-4 ft. high or more". Branchlets "stout, often purplish red when young", glab., length of internodes 2-4-(6) × diam. Lvs "suberect or spreading", 2.5-3·5 × 1-1·5 cm., oblong or elliptic-oblong, thick and coriac., ± fleshy; lf-bud without sinus, the lf-base rounded; lamina obtuse, glab., entire, margin cartilaginous, midrib neither deeply sunken above nor prominent below. Infls lateral, simple, us. tapering, 7-10 cm. long; peduncle us. 2-3 cm. long, hairy-pubescent. Fls rather close, pedicels mostly c. 1 mm. long and ± hidden by broad subacute ciliate bracts; pedicel and rather well-developed calyx-base with evenly spaced retrorse cilia. Calyx-lobes c. 2 × 1·5 mm., ovate, obtuse, margin membr. with stiff cilia. Corolla-tube 4-5 mm. long, cylindric, rather slender, lobes c. 3 mm. long, broadly rounded. Capsule erect, c. 4 × 2.5 mm., broadly ovate and ± turgid, with scattered short hairs.
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Rather rigid, spreading, flat-topped or rounded shrub 15-30 cm. high or more; stems stout, branches mostly arching and branched only on upper side. Ultimate branchlets ∞ and close-set, 1·5-2 mm. diam., slightly tetragonous, olive-green below and ochre-coloured at tips, us. glossy; internodes 1·5-2-(2.5) mm. long, partly exposed; nodal joint obscure except in older stems. Lvs 1-(1·5) mm. long, connate up to c. ⅓length, ± deltoid, thick, strongly concavo-convex, appressed or slightly spreading, keeled and projecting on back, narrowed to ± keeled, subacute or obtuse, convex, incurved tip. Spikes up to c. 10-fld. Bracts c. 1·5 mm. long, ovate, keeled and ± subacute or obtuse. Calyx 2-2.5 mm. long, anterior lobes fused into a single obtuse or slightly emarginate ovate-oblong seg., sts shortly secondarily split. Corolla-tube = or > calyx, as broad as long. Capsule 3-3·5 mm. long, oval or narrow-oval, obtuse or subacute, > calyx.
Shrubs of various habit, to 1·5 m. or more tall. Branchlets bifariously pubescent, length of internodes c. = diam. Lvs imbricate, patent, or ± distichous through twisting of some petioles, 1-2-(3) cm. long, us. rather uniform on one plant, elliptic-ovate, coriac. and rigid to submembr., upper surface glossy, undersurface dull with ∞ stomata; lf-bud with broad heart-shaped sinus, lamina-base rounded, petiole narrow above its broad ± pulvinate base; lamina subacute, ± concave, quite glab., entire, the margin bevelled, or milled like a coin, sts (as in type) also thickly cartilaginous and minutely crenulate; midrib sts forming keel. Infl. us. composed of 1-2 pairs of lateral spikes surmounted by a terminal one, and then forming a conical mass of crowded fls at the branch-tip; often simpler and sts reduced to only one spike, either terminal or occ. lateral; peduncles very short and hidden, bifariously pubescent. Fls sessile in strictly opp. pairs. Bracts broadly triangular, ± keeled, the lowest ones on each spike with lf-like texture except at membr. ciliolate margin, = calyx. Calyx-lobes 3-5 mm. long, subcoriac., ± keeled, ciliolate, the anterior two subacute, overlapping and slightly > posterior pair. Corolla-tube narrow-cylindric, = or > calyx, lobes = or > tube, us. rather narrow. Capsule erect, glab., to 2 × calyx.
Many-branched shrub to 1 m. tall. Branchlets ashy, glab., internodes long. Lvs slightly glaucous, c. 5 cm. × 8 mm., narrow-linear, acute. Infls slender, 2 or more × lvs. Calyx-lobes obtuse. Corolla bluish, tube 2 × calyx, lobes obtuse.
Small tree 3-7·5 m. tall, when young perfectly dome-shaped. Ultimate twigs bearing fascicles of lvs near their ends. Lvs erect or reflexed, 2.5-3·5 cm. × 4 mm., linear-lanceolate, acute. Infls dense-fld, seldom > lvs. Calyx-lobes ovate, obtuse. Corolla c. 4 mm. diam. Capsule c. 3 mm. long, swollen, c. 2 × calyx.
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Keel of lf sharp throughout and branches with lvs on often quadrangular. Infls all terminal and simple, the upward vegetative growth being continued by lateral shoots. Lowest bracts c. = adjacent lvs but more membr., broad to the top and ciliolate all round margin. Calyx-lobes hidden by bracts, to 5 mm. long, the anterior two not fused. Corolla-tube broadly funnel-shaped, not > calyx, lobes to 5 × 5 mm., broad. Capsule broadly ovate, very flat, little > calyx.
Much branched semi-erect or decumbent woody shrub, stems to 50 cm. long. Branchlets glab. to minutely bifariously pubescent, internodes almost hidden by lvs, length 1-2 × diam. Lvs ± spreading, 6-10 × 2-5 mm., obovate-spathulate, subcoriac., slightly narrowed above the broad ± connate base; lamina obtuse, entire, not bordered or strongly keeled, glab. except for minute marginal pubescence near base. Infl. terminal, simple, forming a compact cylindrical spike to 5 × 1·5 cm. Bracts not opp., lflike in texture, oblong, entire, ciliolate, lowest sts without fls occ. to length of 3 cm. up axis; pedicels very short, sts visible in fr. Calyx-lobes like bracts. Corolla white, tube rarely > calyx. Capsule erect, glab.
Lf-bases barely connate. Bracts 3·5-5 × 1·7-2 mm., oval, us. all subtending fls. Calyx-lobes 2.5-4 mm. long, broad, obtuse, rather even in size and without rudimentary fifth lobe. Corolla 4-6 mm. long, lobes 2-3 × tube, broadly oval. Capsule ?
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Slender erect dwarf shrub forming tufts 5-15 cm. tall. Branchlets 1·5-2 mm. diam., ± tetragonous, glossy; internodes 0.75-1 mm. long, entirely hidden; nodal joint well-marked. Lvs 1-1·5 mm. long, connate up to ⅓ length, broadly deltoid, thick, subacute to acute, strongly ribbed, smoothly appressed. Spikes up to c. 15-fld, 5-15 mm. long. Bracts 2 mm. long, ovate, acute, strongly ribbed. Calyx c. 2 mm. long, anterior lobes ovate-oblong, obtuse, ribbed, free for ⅔ length or more. Corolla-tube > calyx. Capsule 2.5 × 2 mm., broad-oval, obtuse, slightly > calyx.
Decumbent to erect much-branched shrub up to 1 m. tall but us. less, us. forming a dense flat-topped cushion 1 m. diam. or more. Ultimate branchlets 8 and close-set, short, spreading or erect, 1-1*5-(2) mm. diam., ± terete; internodes 1*5-3 mm. long, us. largely exposed; nodal joint well-marked. Lvs 1-1*5 mm. long, connate for ?-1/2 length, broad-ovate, obtuse, thick, rounded on back and rather abruptly projecting from branchlet. Spikes up to 12-fld and 1 cm. long but us. less. Bracts c. 1·5 mm. long, ovate-rhomboid, acute, slightly keeled. Calyx 1*5-2 mm. long, anterior lobes narrowly ovate-oblong, obtuse, free 1/2-⅔ length. Corolla-tube ± = calyx. Capsule 2-3 × 1∙5 mm., oval, obtuse, = or > calyx.
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Prostrate, closely branched softly woody plant, forming closely matted patches 20-30 cm. diam. Stems 10-20 cm. long, rooting sparingly; ascending branchlets closely uniformly lfy. Lvs widespreading and recurved, c. 5 × 2 mm., broadly obovate, narrowed to slightly connate base; lamina fleshy, obtuse, lower margin finely ciliolate. Flowering heads terminal, c. 2 × 1·5 cm., lax, formed of reduced 2-4-fld spikes. Bracts 4 mm. long, linear, obtuse. Calyx-lobes resembling bracts. Corolla white, tube 5 × 2 mm., lobes 3 × 1·5-2.5 mm. Capsule 5 × 2.5 mm., obtuse.
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Branches erect, c. 20 cm. tall. Lvs 1-2 cm. long, serrate above, narrowed very gradually to inconspicuous petiole. Infl. elongate, sts with branches of second order. Bracts acuminate. Calyx-lobes acute, the two anterior free, the lateral pair separated by an almost equally long posterior lobe.
Much-branched spreading shrub c. 1 m. tall. Branchlets medium with sparse short hairy pubescence mostly confined to bifarious bands, length of internodes c. 3 × diam., older branches red-brown. Lvs spreading, deflexed, c. 3-5 cm. × 4-9 mm., narrow-lanceolate, rather thin but ± glaucous; lf-bud without sinus, lf-base broad; lamina tapering to subacute tip, glab., entire, margin smooth, cartilaginous, midrib evident. Infls lateral, simple, c. 6 cm. long, us. tapering; peduncle c. 1·5 cm. long, slender, hairy-pubescent. Bracts 1·5-2 mm. long, narrow, ciliolate, not opp., pedicels to 3-4 mm. long. Calyx-lobes to 2 mm. long, narrow, subacute, ciliolate. Corolla white, tube c. 3 mm. long, lobes shorter, rounded, incurved. Capsule c. 4 × 2 mm., erect, ± pointed, glab.
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Openly branched, sts quite heavily wooded, shrub to 2 m. or more tall. Lvs c. 5-10 cm. long, narrow-elliptic to linear-lanceolate, us. not acuminate. Bracts and calyx-lobes ciliolate only. Capsules glab., often erect.
Compact round-headed shrub to 2-3 m. tall, with stout branchlets and us. short internodes. Lvs c. 6-7 cm. × 8-10 mm., linear-lanceolate, tapering evenly from below middle to narrow tip, firm-textured and smooth but hardly shining. Bracts and calyx-lobes ciliolate only. Capsule glab., erect to spreading.
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Glab. shrub. Lvs subsessile, obovate-oblong. Racemes axillary, dense-fld. Calyx-lobes oblong, obtuse, at fruiting up to 2 mm. long. Capsule nodding, scarcely 2 × calyx. (Translated from original diagnosis.)
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Plant small; branchlets slender, 1-1·5-(2) mm. diam., only slightly tetragonous. Lvs 1·5-2 mm. long, spreading, strongly concavo-convex, deltoid-oblong.
Trim low-growing much-branched shrub. Branchlets bifariously rather coarsely pubescent, length of internodes 1-2 × diam. Lvs erecto-patent, almost imbricate and hiding upper part of stem, c. 12 × 6 mm., broad-elliptic to almost obovate, glaucous and slightly fleshy, drying dark brown with grey bloom; lf-bud without sinus; tip subacute, lamina narrowed gradually to rather broad base, entire, glab. except for scattered short hairs above midrib. Infls lateral, simple, little exceeding lfy tip of branch; peduncle short and hidden, shortly hairy. Bracts 1-1·5 mm. long, ciliolate, us. c. = pedicels. Calyx-lobes 1·5-2 mm. long, rather broad, obtuse to subacute, membr. border very narrow, ciliolate. Corolla white, tube broad, > calyx, lobes c. = tube, rounded. Capsule erect, subacute, glab., c. 2 × calyx.
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"Stems prostrate, forming compact depressed patches 6 in.-24 in. diameter; branchlets excessively numerous, 1 in.-3 in. long, strict, erect." Lfy twigs 1·5-2 mm. diam., tetragonous but serrate rather than smooth in outline because of projecting lf-tips. Lvs erect, 1·5 × 1·5-2 mm., shortly and bluntly deltoid above the rather narrow base, the whole tumid and rounded with slightly cucullate tip; marginal cilia inconspicuous. Infls to 12 mm. long; peduncle c. 2 mm. long. Fls in up to 4 pairs, rather laxly arranged, pedicels to 1 mm. long. Bracts 2 mm. long, broadly oblong-ovate. Calyx-lobes 2.5-3 mm. long, narrow-oblong. Corolla-tube = calyx, rather narrow, lobes c. 3 × 2 mm. ♂ and ♀ sts less distinct than in the last three spp. Capsule 3·5 × 2 mm., narrowed towards tip.
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Fls hermaphrodite, terminal on short lateral branches; two outer members variously interpreted as sepals or prophylls enclosing petaloid per. of 5 imbricate members; stamens 5, hypog., alternating with per. segs; filaments long and adnate to per. at base, anthers dorsifixed and extrorse; ovary unilocular, ovoid, narrowed into erect style with 2 triangular stigma lobes alternating with prophylls; ovules 4-5, on slender funicles, embryo curved. Fr. capsular but ind. Densely tufted glab. perennial cushion plants with entire lvs imbricated all round stem. Monotypic genus confined to N.Z.
Tree up to 12 m. tall; trunk up to 5 dm. diam.; bark dark; branchlets pubescent at tips. Lvs coriac., glab. except on midrib and main veins and petioles, which are up to 2 cm. long; lamina of two main forms, occ. found on the same tree: (a) 5-12 × 2.5-5 cm., elliptic-obovate, cuneately narrowed to base, obtuse to subacute, distantly serrate or odd lvs subentire; (b) 6·5-12.5 × 2-3 cm., oblanceolate to lanceolate, distantly toothed or odd lvs subentire, acute (rarely obtuse). Infl. of branched racemes; peduncles and pedicels slender, pubescent. ♂ with per. c. 1 cm. diam., pubescent, stamens ∞, anthers sessile. ♀ with per. c. 6 mm. diam.; carpels up to 20; drupes up to 10, stipitate, ± 1·5 cm. long, ovoid; bright red when fresh.
Plants dioec., fls in axillary cymes or racemes; per. cup-shaped, with 5-10 inflexed segs; ♂ with many stamens, filaments subobsolete; ♀ without staminodes; carpels many, style conical. Drupes us. several on disk. Trees or shrubs with opp. lvs. About 20 spp., mainly of New Caledonia and Polynesia; the N.Z. sp. endemic.
Fls perfect, in terminal panicled cymes; calyx funnelform, limb very shortly plicately 5-lobed; stamens mostly 7-8, unequal; filaments expanded and united below. Ovary 1-celled, 1-ovuled; stigmas pulvinate, lateral. Fr. enclosed in elongated, 5-ribbed per.; seed oblong, grooved. Shrubs or trees with opp. to subwhorled lvs. Genus perhaps monotypic: Hawaiian, Kermadec, Norfolk and Lord Howe Is, Australia, N.Z.
Much-branched shrub up to 3 dm. tall, with stout basal stem; branches us. crowded; branchlets 2-3 mm. diam., tomentose, in shade often elongated. Lvs of juveniles spreading, tomentose on both surfaces, c. 6-8 mm. long, membr. Lvs of adults 3-4 mm. long, appressed, ovate-triangular, subacute, keeled on back, membr. at base, coriac. in upper half, cucullate at apex; glab. on back when mature; adaxial surface with dense coat of felted white hairs. Capitula terminal, solitary, sessile, c. 6-7 mm. diam.; phyll. in 3-4 series, ovate-oblong, acute; outer tomentose on back; inner glab. on back, with scarious tips and margins. Florets 30-50; ♀ few; achenes c. 1 mm. long, linear, compressed or angled, pilose to pubescent; pappus-hairs 4-5 mm. long.
Main stems prostrate and rooting, up to c. 6 dm. long and 5 mm. diam. (sts lianoid among shrubs); branches decumbent, with rather open cottony tomentum. Lvs 5-6 × 3-4 mm. (occ. up to 1·5 × 1 cm.), broadly rounded and abruptly mucronate at apex, cuneately narrowed to flattened semiamplexicaul petiole; glab. above when mature, clad in appressed cobwebby tomentum below. Scapes slender, densely woolly-tomentose, up to 10 cm. long, with ∞ narrow-oblanceolate ascending bracts. Capitula c. 2-3 cm. diam.; outer phyll. linear-mucronate, densely softly tomentose on back; inner chartaceous, linear-oblong, 30-50, up to 1 cm. long, white, obtuse, abruptly narrowed to thin stramineous claw, tomentose on back. Receptacle 4-5 mm. diam., shallowly to distinctly convex, alveolate; perfect florets ∞, ♀ few. Achenes compressed, striate, glab. when mature, up to 1mm. long; pappus-hairs subequal, up to 4 mm. long.
Capitula sessile or subsessile at tips of branchlets; receptacle conical.
Depressed shrub occ. up to 6 dm. tall, with stout main stem; branches stout, with long-persistent lvs; branchlets close-set, tomentose, 7·5-10 mm. diam. including lvs. Lvs of juvenile plants and on reversion shoots spathulate, spreading from an appressed base, up to 15 mm. long, densely clad in loose white woolly tomentum. Lvs of adults closely imbricate, oblong-obtuse, obscurely keeled, c. 5 × 2.5 mm., scarious below; upper half coriac., glab. and convex on dorsal surface; ventral surface concave and densely clad in long tangled floccose white hairs; margins revolute, apex cucullate. Capitula solitary, terminal, sessile, 6 mm. diam.; phyll. in 3 series, linear-oblong, thickened at base, scarious at tips and on margins, spreading. Florets 20-40, ♀ few; achenes c. 1·5 mm. long, linear, compressed, pubescent; pappus-hairs rather stout, slightly thickened at apex.
Us. a depressed shrub, rarely taller, up to 1 m. high; branches long retaining lvs and tomentum; final branchlets 1-2 mm. diam. including lvs. Lvs imbricate, linear, obtuse, erect, attached by appressed base, obtusely keeled on back and ± silky-tomentose; ventral surface concave, densely clad in greyish to white rather loose tomentum. Capitula terminal, sessile, c. 5 mm. diam.; outer phyll. short, densely tomentose without; inner linear, acute, scarious, up to 5 mm. long. Florets 8-12, ♀ 2-3; achenes compressed to angular, grooved, up to 1·25 mm. long, glab. when mature; pappus-hairs unequal, up to 7 mm. long.
Liane or scandent shrub up to 8 m. amongst scrub, with stout woody base up to 2 cm. diam., sparingly branched below, with ∞ slender flexible branches above, not > 2 mm. diam. Juvenile and shade lvs spreading, up to 5 × 2 mm. on very short petioles, ovate-oblong, sub-coriac., subacute, mucronate, margins thickened; glab. above when mature, clad in white cobwebby tomentum below; mid lvs similar, but smaller and often reflexed. Lvs of final branchlets imbricate, appressed, linear-lanceolate, c. 3 × 1 mm., keeled on back and tomentose when young, clad in dense white woolly tomentum below. Capitula terminal, up to 3·5 mm. diam.; phyll. in several series forming a subcylindric involucre; outer oblong, pilose; inner narrow-oblong, scarious on margins, stramineous with brown tips. Florets 15-25 (all perfect?); achenes narrow-oblong, glab., pappus-hairs slender, ∞.
Main stems prostrate, creeping and rooting, up to 3 dm. long (sts lianoid under shrubs), c. 1-2 mm. diam.; branches decumbent to erect, up to 25 cm. long, c. 1 mm. diam.; with sparse cottony tomentum to glab. Lvs oblong to obovate, up to 1·5 cm. × 5 mm., glab. above when mature, clad in dense soft cobwebby white tomentum below, abruptly mucronate at apex, subsessile with semiamplexicaul base. Scapes densely tomentose, filiform, up to 5 cm. long, with or without minute bracts. Capitula up to 1 cm. diam.; phyll. in 4-5 series; outer short, oblong, densely tomentose on back; inner linear-oblong, scarious, stramineous with brown tips, tomentose on midrib at back, ciliolate on margins. Receptacle 1-2 mm. diam., shallowly convex, alveolate; perfect florets ∞, ♀ few. Achenes compressed, filiform, seldom up to 1 mm. long, papillose-pubescent; pappus-hairs up to 5 mm. long, very slender.
Shrub up to 3 m. tall, with slender flexuous branchlets tomentose when young. Lvs 1-2.5 × 1-2 cm. on flattened petioles c. 5 mm. long, sub-orbicular, entire with minute mucro, subcoriac., glab. above when mature, clad in dense soft white tomentum below. Infl. of closely clustered or solitary glomerules, each with 10-15 capitula c. 3-5 mm. diam., on very short tomentose pedicels. Phyll. in 3-4 series, oblong, lowermost tomentose without, upper scarious, brownish. Florets 10-15, ♀ very few or absent; achenes c. 0·5 mm. long, compressed, striate, linear, papillose, pubescent, areolate at base; pappus-hairs subequal, up to 5 mm. long, slightly thickened at tips.
Lvs lanceolate-apiculate, c. 3·5 × 1 cm. on petioles c. 1 cm. long; glomerules corymbosely arranged on slender to rather stout pedicels.
Lvs with elliptic to obovate laminae 2-5 × 2-3 cm., on petioles c. 1 cm. long; glomerules corymbosely arranged on longer pedicels.
Depressed much-branched shrub occ. up to 5 dm. tall. Basal stems stout, branches with long-persistent lf-bases, final branchlets tomentose, c. 1-2 mm. diam. including lvs. Lvs imbricate, erect from appressed base, c. 2 mm. long, narrow-ovate, acute to obtuse, convex and bluntly keeled, concave below; dorsal surface tomentose, becoming glab. or nearly so; ventral surface densely clad in white to greyish woolly hairs. Capitula solitary, terminal, sessile, c. 1 cm. diam. Phyll. in 3 series, forming a turbinate involucre; outer short, tomentose; inner narrow-oblong, obtuse, scarious, stramineous to brownish. Florets 20-25, ♀ few; achenes 1-1·25 mm. long, compressed, pubescent; pappus-hairs subequal, up to 3 mm. long.
Capitula peduncled, solitary or in subsessile corymbs, heterogamous or occ. homogamous by absence of pistillate florets. Phyll. in several series, inner rows often enlarged, petal-like, forming a pseudo-ray. Receptacle flat to convex, sts alveolate. Outer florets pistillate, filiform, few or absent. Disk-florets perfect, ∞, tubular. Anthers sagittate at base, cells produced into filiform tails. Style-arms of disk-florets subterete, truncate or subcapitate at tips. Pappus in one series of slender simple hairs, sts barbellate to plumose at tips. Achenes small, subterete or angled or compressed. Herbs or shrubs, us. ± tomentose, with alt. to subopp. entire lvs. About 350 spp. of Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, N.Z. The N.Z. spp. are endemic.
Depressed shrub sts up to 6 dm. tall with stout mains stem; branches with long-persistent lvs; branchlets 2-3 mm. diam. including lvs, tomentose, close-set. Lvs closely imbricate, c. 2-3 mm. long, appressed, broad-triangular, slightly convex, obtuse, densely clad on both surfaces in long tangled fulvous hairs (white where shaded). Capitula solitary, terminal, c. 6 mm. diam.; phyll. c. 25 in 3 series, up to 5 mm. long, linear-oblong, inner thickened at base, membr. to scarious and lustrous above, glab. except at acute apices. Florets 30-40, ♀ few; achenes c. 1·5 mm. long, linear, compressed or angled, with sparse short appressed hairs.
Branchlets 2-5 mm. diam. (including lf-spread); lvs 5-8 mm. long, strongly convex, tapering to an acute cartilaginous tip.
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Branchlets 4-5 mm. diam. or more, lvs obtuse, c. 3 mm. long, strongly convex, tumid, obscurely keeled, cucullate; tomentum loose, sts scanty.
Umbels simple, small, few-fld; calyx minutely 5-toothed or teeth obsolete. Petals 0-(5), stamens and styles 2. Fr. obliquely ovoid by abortion of one mericarp; fertile mericarp obscurely 5-ribbed, somewhat compressed, convex on dorsal surface; vittae 0. Small herb with creeping branching stems forming compact patches. Lvs entire, of oblong to spathulate order, narrowed to sheathing base. A few rather ill-defined spp. of Australia, Tasmania, N.Z., closely related to Actinotus.
Low herb with creeping branching stems, rooting at all or most nodes, forming rather compact patches up to ± 3 dm. diam.: branches ± clad in soft patent hairs. Lvs entire, coriac., subfleshy. Lamina narrow-oblong to narrow-spathulate; glab. or with a pencil of ± fulvous hairs towards apex and scattered hairs on margins; (2)-3-4-5 × 1-3 mm., margins thickened, ± recurved; petiole membr., sheathing, ± 5 mm. long, margined by long hairs. Peduncle up to c. 2 cm. long, clad in soft patent hairs. Involucral bracts us. 5, obovate-oblong to broad-ovate, obtuse, c. 1·5 mm. long, hairy at base of ventral surface. Umbel 4-5-fld; fls subsessile, calyx-limb obsolete, petals 0, stylopodium stout. Mericarp brown, c. 1 mm. long, obscurely ribbed.
Stout perennial up to ± 2 m. tall, with stout stems, woody towards base and beset with sharp prickles. Lvs on stout petioles up to 8 cm. long; lamina 5-10 × 3-8 cm., broad-cordate to suborbicular, sts truncate, shallowly ± 3-5-lobed, scabrous, crenate-dentate. Fls 5-8 cm. diam., in terminal racemes, on short pedicels. Bracts lanceolate to 3-fid. Bracteoles 10, linear, ± 15 mm. long, hispid. Calyx densely clad in long stiff hairs, lobes lanceolate, ± 10 mm. long. Petals pale- to lemon-yellow, with basal dark purplish blotch, obovate, ± 3·5 × 3·5 cm. Capsule ± 2 × 2 cm., ovoid, acute to acuminate, hispid. Seeds pale brown, angled, glab., 4-5 mm. long.
Fls perfect, 5-merous, axillary or terminal, solitary to paniculate; involucre of few to several bracts. Calyx 5-toothed; petals adnate to staminal column; anthers attached below the apex. Fr. a dry ± dehiscent capsule. Herbs, shrubs or trees with palmately veined or lobed lvs. Widespread genus of perhaps some 200 spp. It is doubtful whether either spp. found in N.Z. is indigenous; both are now rather rare.
Annual to biennial ± hispid herb up to ± 4 dm. tall; lower branches spreading to prostrate, upper us. ascending. Lvs on petioles ± 5-10 mm. long. Lamina ± 2-8 cm. diam., suborbicular, cordate; of lower lvs rather shallowly 3-5-lobed, of mid and upper lvs more deeply cut, segs narrow, coarsely toothed. Fls axillary, ± 3-5 cm. diam., on peduncles ± 2-5 mm. long. Bracteoles 7-12, linear, hispid; calyx ± 2 × 2 cm., membr., inflated, with raised hispid veins. Petals white to pale yellow, with dark brown base. Capsule subglobose, hairy, enclosed in calyx. Seeds glab., dark brown, subreniform ± 3 mm. long.
Sori continuous along margins of segs, protected by reflexed modified margin; sporangia with slender stalks; spores bilateral, tuberculate. Rhizome far-creeping, solenostelic, paleate. Frond large; pinnae opp. or nearly so, sessile or subsessile, glab., often glaucous; veins anastomosing, without included veinlets. About 10 spp. of terrestrial, mainly tropical, ferns of indefinite growth.
Rhizome stout, far-creeping, 4-10 mm. diam., densely clad in dark brown narrow subulate-acuminate paleae; stipites distributed. Stipes stout, 15-50-(90) cm. × 3-10 mm., subsucculent, densely paleate at base, glab. above, dark to olive green or blackish in lower portion, lighter above. Rhachis stout, glab., light brown, with distant opp. to subopp. sessile pinnae. Lamina 25-100 × 10-50 cm., deltoid to ovate-lanceolate, membr. to subcoriac., ± glaucous, 2-(3)-pinnate; veins cop., anastomosing to nearly all free. Largest primary pinnae 8-40 × 5-20 cm., ovate-lanceolate, rather distant, opp. or subopp., sessile. Secondary pinnae rather distant, opp., (confluent in distal region of pinna, distantly pinnate .in proximal region) 2-7 cm. × 10-15 mm. Sterile pinnules ovate to oblong, broadly crenately lobed to subentire; fertile pinnules narrower, triangular, entire or obscurely lobed, attached by widened base, often subfalcate. Sori us. cop., extended along margins but not reaching tips of segs, without true indusium. Occ. fronds of much larger dimensions are met with.
Fls in axillary or occ. terminal cymes, solitary fls us. also present; peduncles and pedicels ebracteate. Calyx ± campanulate to cupular, 5-fid, occ. with minute accessory teeth; petals us. 5, oblique, clawed, us. notched towards apex. Staminal column split above into a number of filaments, these us. arranged in 5 bundles; style branches as many as carpels; stigmas capitate, sts obliquely so, or decurrent along branch. Carpels 5-15, 1-ovuled, surrounding and separating from a central axis; distinctly to obscurely or not winged. Shrubs or trees with heteroblastic development and sparse to dense indumentum of stellate hairs, especially on young parts; lvs alt., simple, exstipulate. Endemic to N.Z. Type sp. . Reticulate bast fibres well developed and forming a thick layer.
Slender tree up to ± 10 m. tall, glab. or nearly so, except young parts and infl. Juvenile plant a small bushy shrub with very slender flexible ± interlacing branchlets; lvs rather distant, often fascicled, on very slender petioles, ± 1-2 mm. long; lamina (2)-4-8 × 4-7 mm., broad-obovate to suborbicular, cuneately narrowed to base, dentate along upper margin. Adult with lvs on petioles ± 5 mm. long; lamina (including teeth) ± 2-3 × 0·5-1 cm.; narrow, obovate to oblanceolate to oblong to lanceolate, obtuse to acute; coarsely rather distantly spinulose dentate-serrate; teeth up to ± 2 mm. long. The different lf-forms may all occur on the same plant. Fls solitary or occ. in 2-5-fld cymose fascicles on very slender stellate-pubescent pedicels ± 10 mm. long. Calyx densely pubescent, campanulate, c. 3 mm. long, (3)-5-fid; teeth broad-triangular. Petals ± 7 mm. long, white, obliquely narrow-oblong, notched. Stigma capitate. Anthers reniform. Carpels and styles 5. Mature carpels ± 8 mm. long, including very broad wing.
Deciduous tree up to c. 10 m. tall, with branchlets terete, at first sparsely stellate-pubescent; bark pale to brownish. Juvenile plant with lvs on very slender petioles up to c. 2 cm. long; lamina thin, 1-3 × 1-3 cm., of ovate to suborbicular order, cordate, irregularly deeply lobed, teeth crenate-dentate, sts apiculate; passing gradually to mature form and occ. appearing on fully adult plants. Adults with lvs glab. or nearly so when mature on slender petioles (2)-5-7 cm. long; lamina subcoriac., 5-14 × (2)-10 cm., very broad-ovate to ovate-lanceolate, acuminate (sts prolonged into "drip tips", sts broadly rounded at apex), deeply cordate to truncate at base, crenate-dentate; teeth obtuse to acute, sts apiculate. All forms may occur on the same plant. Fls up to ± 4 cm. diam., in cymose fascicles of 2-5 or solitary; pedicels 2-3 cm. long. Calyx cupular, 5-7 mm. long, densely stellate-pubescent without; lobes 5, triangular, acute, ± 3-4 mm. long. Petals white, us. 5, shortly clawed, obovate, notched or entire. Staminal column 5-7 mm. long; filaments ± 5 mm. long, anthers purple. Carpels 10-15, pubescent, ± 3 mm. long; style branches ± 6 mm. long, stellately pilose. Stigmas ± obliquely capitate to slightly decurrent. Fruiting carpels not winged, or with vestigial wing only.
Slender deciduous tree up to 6 m. or more tall, with branchlets, lvs and infl. ± densely clad in stellate hairs. Juvenile plants with lvs on slender petioles up to ± 5 cm. long; lamina 2-7 × 2-6 cm., thin, ovate to suborbicular, truncate to cordate, us. deeply 2-5-lobed; teeth doubly, deeply crenate. Adults with lvs on stouter petioles (1)-2-4 cm. long; lamina submembr., (3)-5-10 × 2-5 cm., broad-ovate, truncate to cordate at base or sts rounded both at base and apex; us. deeply doubly or trebly crenate, sts incised-crenate or lobed as in juveniles. Fls 2-3-(4) cm. diam., in cymose, ebracteate, 2-5-fld fascicles to solitary, on slender pedicels (1)-2-3-(5) cm. long. Calyx cupuliform c. 7-10 mm. long, densely pubescent without; teeth 5 (occ. small accessory teeth are present). Petals us. 5, obliquely obovate, us. notched, shortly clawed, up to 2 × 1 cm. Staminal column ± 7 mm. long; filaments 3-5 mm. long, anthers purple. Styles filiform, stellately pilose; stigma obliquely capitate to decurrent. Carpels 10-15, pubescent, compressed, obscurely winged; seeds much compressed.
Tree up to 10 m. tall or more; glab. or nearly so, except for stellate pubescence on young parts and infl. Branchlets slender, grooved, with pale bark. Juvenile plant similar in lf-form to adult or sts with branchlets very slender, divaricate, ± entangled; petioles very slender, up to 10 mm. long; lamina (5)-10-30 mm. long, broad-ovate to deltoid to suborbicular in outline, serrate, ± deeply lobed (teeth sts crenate). Lvs on reversion shoots similar. Adult plant with lvs on petioles up to c. 2 cm. long; lamina subcoriac. to submembr., (5)-7-14 × (3)-4-6 cm., broad-ovate to ovate-lanceolate to elliptic, acuminate (occ. lvs acute to obtuse or rounded), rounded to truncate to subcordate at base; deeply, coarsely, ± doubly, serrate-dentate. Fls c. 25 mm. diam., both solitary and in (2)-5-10-fld cymose clusters on same plant; pedicels c. 10 mm. long; calyx campanulate, ± 5 mm. long, teeth triangular; petals ± 10 mm. long, white; stigmas capitate. Mature carpels 5-(6), compressed, 5-7 × 5-7 mm. including broad wings.
Cunningham (Ann. nat. Hist. 3, 1839, 319) describes the lvs as "ovate valde acuminata, grosse duplicato-serrata, membranacea, penninervia, venosa". This agrees well enough with Hooker's (Handbk N.Z. Fl. 1864, 31): "Leaves ovate, with large sharp teeth". Forms closely resembling the type appear to be more common in the northern part of the range of the sp.
Tree up to c. 6 m. tall; branches rather slender, ascending; indumentum of sparse stellate hairs on older parts, of ± dense stellate hairs on younger parts and infl. Branchlets slender, bark us. dark red brown. Juvenile plant a twiggy shrub with subdivaricate branches; lvs rather distant, on very slender petioles ± 5 mm. long; lamina 10-15-(30) × 10-15-(25) mm., broad-ovate to suborbicular in outline, cuneately narrowed to base, irregularly ± deeply 3-5-lobed or incised, teeth dentate. Adult plant with lvs on pedicels 5-10-(20) mm. long; lamina of lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate order, mostly acuminate (some lvs obtuse to broadly rounded at apex), cuneately narrowed to base, (5)-15 × (1)-5 cm. Fls c. 2 cm. diam. (sts larger), in 2-5-fld cymose fascicles to solitary, on pedicels 2-3 cm. long. Calyx campanulate, ± 6 mm. long, teeth triangular, indumentum us. dense; petals white, obliquely oblong, notched, 10-15 mm. long; styles (5)-6-7, stigmas capitate; anthers white. Carpels (5)-6-7, compressed, wings broad.
Much branched tree up to c. 6 m. tall; glab. or nearly so, except for ± dense stellate indumentum on young parts and infl. Lvs on petioles up to 10 mm. long; lamina of lvs of young plants 1-5 × 1-3 cm., sub-coriac., broad-ovate to suborbicular, obtuse to acute, serrate-dentate; lamina of lvs of adults 5-8 × 2-4 cm., coriac., ovate to broad-ovate, acute to acuminate, deeply serrate-dentate. Fls ± 2 cm. diam., solitary or in 3-5-fld cymose fascicles, on pedicels up to 4 cm. long. Carpels 5-8, broadly winged.
Plant monoec.; fls very small, in terminal racemes, apetalous. ♂ ∞ in upper part of raceme; sepals 1-2, minute; stamens us. ∞. ♀ few or solitary, at base; calyx 2-3-partite; ovary 2-3-celled, ovules 1 per cell; styles 2-3. Capsule fleshy, ind. or splitting into 2-3, 2-valved cocci. Aril fleshy. Shrubs or small trees with alt., entire, stipulate lvs. Some 20 spp. of Polynesia, Malaya, Australia. The N.Z. sp. endemic.
Slender glab. canopy tree up to c. 8 m. tall; branches brittle, lf-scars prominent. Lvs of young plants up to 3 dm. diam.; of adults on petioles up to 10 cm. long, stipules ± 2 cm. long, caducous; lamina ± 5-10 × 5-10 cm., very broad-ovate to subrhombic, abruptly narrowed to acute or acuminate apex, cuneate to truncate at base, membr., dark green above subglaucous below. Racemes slender, up to c. 20 cm. long. ♀ 5-1, at base, on pedicels up to 4 cm. long; bracts minute, glandular; styles 2, stigmas capitate. ♂ ∞, mostly in clusters of 3, on filiform pedicels up to c. 2 mm. long; stamens ∞, close-set. Capsule up to 10 mm. or more diam., ± globose; aril yellowish.
Pods on spreading to drooping pedicels, ± turgid, of oblong to spherical order; replum often incomplete; ind. Radicle with a single fold. Shrubs or subshrubs of diverse habit, with us. small pods.
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Patches up to c. 3 dm. diam. Lvs on slender petioles up to c. 4 cm. long ± clad in retrorse hairs. Lamina 3-5-7-lobed almost to base, pilose to hispid, ± 10-15 × 15-25 mm.; basal sinus broad, deep; lobes narrowly obovate-cuneate, acutely deeply toothed, sinuses narrow. Umbels 15-20-(40)-fld, forming beads ± 5mm. diam., on slender to rather stout peduncles up to ± 5 cm. long; peduncle occ. prolonged and bearing a further small head, Fls sessile, glab., us. reddish brown. Fruiting heads ± 1-2 mm. diam., occ. larger. Mericarps somewhat turgid, pale brown, us. glab., acute on dorsal edge; one obtuse inconspicuous rib on each face.
Patches upto ± 4 dm. diam.; stems elongate, often sprawling; ± clad in patent soft hairs. Lvs on pilose petioles upto c. 10 cm. long. Lamina 1-2-3 cm. diam., ± pilose; sinus, deep, narrow, ± parallel-sided, lobed to ± ⅔ way; lobes (3)-5-(8), again lobulate, acutely dentately toothed. Umbels (10)-20-30-fld, ± 15 mm. diam., on very slender us. pilose peduncles up to 15 cm. long. Fls ± 5 × 3 mm., on capillary rays c. 5 mm. long. Fr. (1·5)-2-(4) mm. diam., brownish, pubescent or almost bristly. Mericarps acute on dorsal edge, with 1 us. distinct rib on each face.
Umbels simple, bracts 0 or minute. Fls. 5-merous; calyx-teeth us. obsolete; stamens inflexed in bud; styles filiform. Fr. laterally much-compressed, commissure very narrow, carpophore 0. Vittae 0 or sunk in primary rib or replaced by ± continuous oil-bearing layer. Mericarps with us. 1 (often obscure) rib on face. Seed invested by woody covering. Small perennial herbs. A widespread genus of some 75 spp., sts treated as constituting a separate family-Hydrocotylaceae. The N.Z. spp. are perennial herbs, often forming large patches; stems ± slender, branching, creeping, rooting at nodes; lvs us. clustered at nodes, simple to 3-5-foliolate, of ± orbicular-reniform order; stipules scalelike.
Glab. or with a few hairs near apex of petiole and peduncle, forming small patches. Lvs on petioles up to 10-20 mm. long. Lamina (2)-3-4-(9) mm. diam.; 5-7 lobed; lobes shallow, minutely crenulate; sinus narrow, often closed. Umbels 2-5-fld, rarely more, on peduncles ± 10 mm. long. Fr. glab., ± 1·5-2-(3) mm. diam., subsessile or shortly pedicelled, somewhat turgid. Mericarps rounded on dorsal edge to bluntly keeled, reddish brown; lateral ribs us. obscure.
Plant us. hispid to pilose, forming patches up to c. 3 dm. diam. Lvs on petioles up to ± 5 cm. long, clad in patent to retrorse hairs; lamina firm, (2)-5-10-20-(40) mm. diam., distinctly 5-7-lobed; basal sinus narrow to open; lobes us. again lobulate, sharply toothed (teeth rarely obscure), sinus narrow. Umbels (5)-10-20-(40)-fld, on peduncles 1-2-(4) cm. long. Fls sessile or nearly so. Frs red-brown, crowded into heads 2-5 mm. diam.; mericarps acute on dorsal margin, with 1 acute rib on each face.
Stems slender, up to 3 dm. long, branched, creeping, rooting at nodes, ascending at tips (sts suberect or scrambling), ± pilose. Lvs on slender retrorsely pilose petioles 1-5-(8) cm. long. Lamina (5)-10-30-(40) mm. diam., ± obscurely 5-9-lobed; lobes shallow, obscurely crenately (occ. subdentately) toothed, member. to subcoriac., pilose to nearly glab.; sinus narrow to broad. Umbels (2)-5-(12)-fld, forming heads up to c. 7 mm. diam., on peduncles 1-3-(6) cm. long. Fls subsessile. Fr. ± 2-3 mm. diam., ± flattened, glab., pale to whitish brown. Mericarps rounded on back (rarely acute); facial rib indistinct to evident.
Rhizome ± 2-4-mm. diam., pale tough, branching. Lvs on petioles 1-4 cm. long, sparingly retrorsely hairy on upper half. Lamina glab. or very nearly so, coriac., suborbicular, 4-5-10-(15) mm. diam.; lobes rounded, crenulate, very shallow to rather deep; sinus very narrowed to closed. Peduncles ± pilose, up to c. 2 cm. long. Frs very slightly compressed, dull brown, ± 2 mm. diam., forming heads ± 4 mm. diam. Mericarps with thin obtuse margins; groove obscure.
Stems ± 3 mm. diam., decumbent to suberect. Lvs on short petioles 2-6 cm. long, retrorsely pilose towards sinus. Lamina pilose on both surfaces, 20-25-(30) mm. diam.; lobes 5-7, us. very to rather shallow, us. again shallowly lobulate, member., pale green; margins crenulate to denticulate. Sinus us. deep, narrow. Peduncles rather stout to slender, 1-3 cm. long. Umbels c. 8-12-fld. Rays very short, occ. up to 5 mm. long. Fruiting heads up to 1 cm. diam.; frs c. 2-3 mm. diam., dull brown, very turgid, glab.; mericarps grooved in face (often obscurely so), faintly keeled.
Patches up to c.4 dm. diam.; plant glab. or nearly so. Lvs on very slender petioles ± 5-10 cm. long; lamina ± 10-20 × 15-25 mm., shallowly obscurely to distinctly 3-7-lobed; basal sinus narrow to rather open; lobes crenulate. Umbels (3)-5-10-fld on slender peduncles (5)-10-(25) mm. long (infl. rarely compound, of 2-3 umbellules). Fls subsessile, forming heads c. 5 mm. diam. Frs flattened, notched at base and apex, c.2 x 3mm., light brown; mericarps broadly winged on dorsal margin.
Glab. or nearly so, forming patches ± 2 dm. diam.; stems almost filiform. Lvs on petioles ± 3-5 cm. long; lamina fleshy when fresh, (4)-5-10-(15) mm. diam.; lflts 3, almost sessile, ± 3-4 mm. long, obovate, cuneately narrowed to base, (2)-3-(5)-crenately toothed to entire. Umbels 2-6-(8)-fld on slender peduncles 1-3 cm. long. Fls c. 1-1·5 mm. long, subsessile. Fr. somewhat turgid, glab., us. very pale brown, c. 1-2 mm. diam. Mericarps obtuse on dorsal edge, each face with 1 very obscure rib.
Kirk's description is: " Depressed, 1 ft.-2 ft. high. Branches very short, rigid, stout, usually terminating in a stout spine. Bark whitish, lenticellate. Leaves less than 1/2 in. long, usually fascicled, very coriaceous, oblong-obovate; petioles very short. Flowers on very short straight peduncles. Sepals erosulate-ciliate. Petals broad, recurved. Anthers very broad, connective much produced, nearly entire; dorsal scale broadly cuneate. Style slender; stigmas 2, spreading. Fruit not seen. SOUTH Island: Alps of Canterbury and Otago. 2,000 ft. to 4,000 ft. A remark- able plant, forming a mass of very short stout spinous branches. Possibly a distinct species. Dec., Jan." Frs subglobose, ± 5 mm. diam., white ± purple-flecked.
Slender erect to spreading dioec. shrub or small tree up to 3 m. tall; branchlets ± flexuous, slender, sts interlacing. Lvs (sts few or absent) submembr., (1)-2-3 cm. × 1-4 mm., linear to very narrow-oblong, entire or sinuate or with a few bluntly serrate teeth. Fls ± 3 mm. diam., us. solitary; ♂ with sepals broadly ovate to deltoid, ± fimbriate, ± 1 mm. long; petals ± 3 mm. long, oblong, brownish yellow, revolute at apex; ♀ smaller, style 2-(3)-fid. Berry 3-4 mm. diam., subglobose, white, ± purple-stained. Seeds (1)-2, concavo-convex.
Erect dioec. shrub up to 3 m. tall; lvs on stout petioles up to 1 cm. or more long; lamina subcoriac., 5-12 × 2-5 cm., narrow- to broad- lanceolate, acute to acuminate, coarsely bluntly serrate or occ. lvs sub- entire. Fls in close-set fascicles, on slender decurved pedicels; ♂ with ovate sepals free nearly to base, and petals nearly twice the length, revolute at apex. Scale of anthers cuneate-spathulate. ♀ on pedicel ± 2 mm. long; sepals ± 2.5 mm. long, ovate, purple, white-margined; petals ± 3·5 mm. long, ovate, purple where exposed, white below; style short. 2-fid. Berry ovoid to subglobose, white, occ. purple-flecked, (5)-6-7 mm. diam. Seeds (2)-3-4, strophiole small.
Low-growing spreading to erect dioec. shrub, sts as much as 2 m. tall; branchlets divaricating, ± pubescent, stout to slender, sts spinous at tips. Lvs coriac., solitary or fascicled, on petioles 2-4 mm. long; lamina (5 mm.)-1-2 cm. × (3)-4-7 mm.; narrowly obovate-oblong to spathulate, obtuse to retuse, cuneately narrowed to base; margins ± revolute, entire or occ. obtusely toothed or lobed. Fls ± 3 mm. diam., solitary or 2-3 together; bracts us. near middle of straight or recurved pedicel. Sepals suborbicular, margins fimbriate; petals narrow-oblong, revolute at apex, lemon-yellow, ± 3 mm. long. Anther membrane with 5 narrow triangular processes, scale broad; style 2-fid. Berry 3-5 mm. diam., broadly cylindric to subglobose; seeds (1)-2.
Stout dioec. shrub up to 3 m. tall. Lvs on petioles up to 5 mm. long, subcoriac., broadly obovate-oblong to broad-elliptic, obtuse, (3)-6 × 2-3·5 cm.; margins slightly thickened, ± recurved, sinuate to crenulate, rarely bluntly serrate, rarely subentire. Fls 3-4 mm. diam., fascicled; ♂ often clustered on branches below lvs; pedicels decurved, bracts ± at middle. Sepals ovate, free to near base; petals twice length of sepals, narrow-oblong, revolute at tips; anther membrane produced into 5 triangular, jagged teeth. ♀ smaller, ovary ovoid, style 2-fid. Berry subglobose, (4)-5-(6)mm. diam., purplish. Seeds us. 2, plano-convex; strophiole us. conspicuous.
Erect to spreading dioec. shrub up to 3 m. tall, us. less; branchlets pubescent when young. Lvs of juvenile plants membr., obovate, toothed or lobed; lvs of adults coriac., on petioles 2-3 mm. long; lamina obovate to elliptic to obovate-oblong, obtuse or retuse, (1)-1·5-4 cm. × 7-15 mm.; margins thickened and slightly revolute, entire to slightly sinuate, rarely with 1 to 3 blunt teeth. Fls solitary or in fascicles, 3-4 mm. diam., on straight to decurved pedicels ± 4 mm. long; bracts below middle. ♂ with ovate sepals, free almost to base; petals pale yellow, revolute at tips; scales narrow-cuneate; membrane with lanceolate, fimbriate processes. ♀ smaller, petals broader. Fr. 3-5 mm. diam., subglobose to ovoid; style 2-fid; seeds (1)-2, plano-convex.
Fls small, regular, perfect or unisexual, solitary or fascicled, axillary and/or on branchlets below lvs. Calyx deeply 5-lobed, or sepals united only at very base; petals 5; anthers 5, subsessile, connate, joined by membrane, which is produced above anthers into 5 triangular ± fimbriate teeth; nectariferous scale or sac dorsal. Styles 2-(3-4)-fid; fr. baccate, with (1)-2-(3-4) strophiolate seeds, endosperm plentiful. Slender to rigid shrubs; bark lenticellate; lvs alt. or fasciculate, with somewhat thickened margins and minute, fugaceous stipules. About 10 spp. of N.Z., Australia, Tasmania, Norfolk Id. The N.Z. spp. endemic, except perhaps the sp. referred to
Receptacle formed by extension of veinlet; indusium bivalved to urceolate or tubular, terminal on segs; annulus complete, oblique to nearly transverse; spores tetrahedral. Terrestrial, rupestral, or epiphytic, mostly with well-developed rhizome; fronds delicate, "filmy", with the lamina predominately one-cell thick. Family of subcosmopolitan distribution, variously divided into a few or many genera.
Rhizome filiform, ± clad in brownish hairs; stipites distant to close-set. Stipes filiform, us. with scattered hairs when young, 2-15 mm. long. Rhachis narrowly winged, when developed. Lamina 5-25 mm. long, linear, simple or 3-5-fid, dark green; margins toothed, not to distinctly partly or completely thickened. Sori few, slightly immersed. Indusium oblong to suborbicular, dark brown, 2-valved nearly to base, valves entire to obscurely toothed, margins thickened. Receptacle not exserted.
Rhizome slender, with scattered hairs when young; stipites rather distant. Stipes 1-8 cm. long, with flat wings, narrowing towards base. Rhachis slender, with broad flat wings. Lamina 3-10 cm. long, about lanceolate, dark green, 2-3-pinnatifid, final segs narrow-oblong, obtuse to retuse; margins 2 cells thick. Sori few, free. Indusium 1 mm. long, broad-ovate, 2-valved to near base, valves entire to minutely crenulate. Receptacle not exserted.
Rhizome rather stout, with or without hairs; stipites rather distant. Stipes rather stout, 5-15 cm. long, not winged. Rhachis narrowly winged above, rarely throughout. Lamina 10-20 cm. long, broad-ovate to deltoid-triangular, us. acuminate, bright green, 2-4-pinnatifid; final segs linear, obtuse, distinctly to rather obscurely toothed. Sori not confined to lateral segs, slightly immersed; indusium 1-2 mm. long, ovate to suborbicular, 2-valved nearly to base, valves entire. Receptacle distinctly exserted to included.
Rhizome rather slender, with scattered hairs when young; stipites rather distant. Stipes 5-15 cm. long, rather slender, glab., very narrowly winged for some distance, or wingless. Rhachis slender, narrowly winged, sts obscurely so in lower part. Lamina 5-15 cm. long, bright green, ovate-deltoid to lanceolate, acuminate; 3-4-pinnatifid; final segs linear, not crowded, obtuse to retuse; margins partly 2-celled, especially in sinuses. Sori us. ∞, free. Indusium hardly 1 mm. long, 12-valved to base; valves entire to crenulate. Indusia often paired, the pairs sometimes fused, but retaining two receptacles. Receptacles not exserted or hardly so.
Rhizome rather stout, far-creeping, glabrate; stipites distantly placed. Stipes rather stout, winged almost to base, 4-15 cm. long. Rhachis rather stout, glab., broadly winged in upper part, wing narrower below. Lamina ovate to narrow-oblong, bright green, 10-35 cm. long, 3-pinnatifid; final segs up to 3 mm. broad, oblong, obtuse. Sori slightly immersed. Indusium oblong to suborbicular, c. 2 mm. long, 2-valved to halfway or more; valves entire. Receptacle not or very slightly exserted.
Rhizome slender, with scattered pale to reddish brown hairs, especially when young; stipites rather distant to close-set. Stipes very slender, 3-5 cm. or more long, not winged, with scattered hairs, becoming glab. Rhachis slender, winged in upper portion, densely clad in stellate hairs. Lamina 5-20 cm. long, us. densely clad in brownish stellate hairs, sts rather sparsely so; narrow ovate to oblong, acute to acuminate; 2-3-pinnatifid; segs close-set, narrow-oblong, retuse or obtuse. Sori us. ∞, immersed. Indusium suborbicular, c. 1 mm. long, 2-valved almost to base; valves rounded, bearded with stellate hairs. Receptacle not exserted.
Rhizome slender, spreading, much-branched; clad, especially when young, in long yellow-brown hairs. Stipites rather distant to crowded. Stipes slender, not winged, with tuft of hairs at base, 2-10 cm. long. Rhachis slender, winged only in upper part, ± clad in pale brown hairs. Lamina ovate to narrow-oblong, yellowish to pale green, 3-15 cm. long; 2-4-pinnatifid; final segs linear, obtuse. Sori us. on lateral segs, slightly immersed. Indusium 1 mm. diam., suborbicular; 2-valved to more than halfway; valves entire or nearly so. Receptacle included to slightly exserted.
Rhizome rather slender, densely clad when young in bristly hairs; stipites distant to approximate. Stipes 5-10 cm. long, rather slender, furnished nearly to base with broad crenulate, ± crisped, wing. Rhachis slender, crenulately winged. Lamina 3-15 cm. long, bright green, darkening with age, broadly triangular, us. acuminate, 2-3-pinnatifid; final segs linear to linear-lanceolate, obtuse, somewhat undulate. Sori often ∞, free. Indusium 1-1·5 mm. long, suborbicular, 2-valved to base; valves entire, rounded. Receptacle not exserted.
Rhizome filiform, sparsely clad in brownish hairs, especially at base of rather distant stipites, glabrate in age. Stipes filiform, 2-5 cm. long, bearing slender branched hairs. Rhachis hardly developed; veins radiating from base of lamina, several times forked, with or without hairs. Lamina delicate, pellucid, subreniform to oblong in outline, 1-3 cm. long and broad, flabellately divided into oblong segs, retuse at apex; segs distinctly to obscurely toothed, teeth with branched hairs. Sori immersed. Indusium obconic; mouth truncate to obscurely 2-lipped at apex, bearing delicate hairs. Receptacle not or barely exserted.
Rhizome very slender, ± clad in reddish brown hairs; stipites us. rather distant. Stipes 3-10 cm. long, very slender, not winged, ± densely hairy when young. Rhachis not winged, slender, densely clad in stellate hairs. Lamina 5-10 cm. long, narrow-oblong, 2-3-pinnatifid, densely clad in greyish to reddish brown stellate hairs mixed with minute clavate papillae; final segs rigid, subterete, linear. Sori c. 1 mm. long, terminating segs. Indusium orbicular, 2-valved to halfway or more; valves denticulate at apex, obscured by investiture of hairs. Receptacle not exserted.
Rhizome filiform, with or without hairs; stipites rather distant to crowded. Stipes filiform, ± clad in slender hairs to nude, 3-5 mm. long, not winged. Rhachis filiform, not or very obscurely winged. Lamina bright green, pale when fresh, oblong-deltoid, pinnatifid to pinnate, with up to 6 pairs of segs; segs oblong, obtuse, margins with spinulose teeth. Sori stipitate, us. solitary, terminating rhachis. Indusium up to 3 mm. long, obconic, 2-valved to halfway; valves rounded, spinulose on margins and backs. Receptacle stout, up to 5 mm. long, distinctly exserted to almost included when young.
Kirk's description is: "Rhizome slender, wiry, creeping; fronds few, 2-3 inches long, glabrous, linear oblong or oblong lanceolate, bipinnatifid; stipes about 1 inch long, winged nearly to the base; rhachis flexuous, winged, pinnae in from 5-8 pairs, mostly alternate, spreading, about one-third of an inch long, cut nearly to the rhachis into 2-4 spreading, linear, forked or bilobate segments. Involucres terminating the segments, small, oval, 2-lipped nearly to the base; lips deeply toothed or jagged; receptacle included."
Rhizome slender, much-branched, with or without hairs; stipites distant to approximate. Stipes 2-10 cm. or more long, slender, narrowly winged in upper portion, rarely throughout. Rhachis narrowly winged. Lamina 3-20 cm. or more long, narrow-ovate to deltoid, acute to acuminate, dark to lightish green, 3-4-pinnatifid; final segs linear, toothed, obtuse to truncate. Sori free, on short lateral segs to almost axillary. Indusium c. 3 mm. long, narrow-obovate, entire to minutely crenulate on margins, 2-valved to about halfway. Receptacle up to 10 mm. long, but often included.
Rhizome filiform, with or without sparse hairs; stipites rather distant to approximate. Stipes filiform, 1-4 cm. long, not winged, with a few hairs at base when young. Rhachis filiform narrowly winged in upper part. Lamina 2-8 cm. long, narrow-oblong, rather dark green, pinnate to pinnatifid; segs developed on abaxial side of pinnae, linear, coarsely toothed. Sori on short lateral segs near base of abaxial side of pinnae, free or nearly so. Indusium c. 1·5 mm. long, broadly oblong, deeply 2-valved; valves with entire to minutely crenulate margins. Receptacle included.
Rhizome very stout, up to 1 cm. diam., reduced to a stock, densely clad in long red bristly hairs; stipites close-set to tufted. Stipes 8-15 cm. long, stout, with broad flat wing nearly to base; wing becoming fragmentary in age. Rhachis stout, broadly to rather narrowly winged. Lamina 15-25 cm. long or more, about ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, pale green, 3-4-pinnatifid. Primary pinnae up to 10 cm. long; final segs linear, obtuse to retuse. Sori free. Indusium c. 1 mm. long, oblong to suborbicular, 2-valved to base; valves convex, entire. Receptacle not or hardly exserted.
Rhizome filiform, glabrate; stipites rather distant to crowded. Stipes filiform, glab., wingless, 3-4 cm. long. Rhachis winged above or throughout. Lamina pale green, pellucid, narrow-oblong, 3-15 cm. long, 2-pinnatifid to 2-pinnate; final segs linear, obtuse. Sori mainly in upper part of frond, immersed. Indusium 1-2 mm. long, rhomboid to suborbicular, 2-valved to halfway, valves rounded. Receptacle not exserted.
Rhizome filiform; stipites rather distant to close-set. Stipes filiform, 5-30 mm. long, not winged. Rhachis filiform, narrowly winged in upper part. Lamina 2-8 cm. long, pale green, pellucid, narrow-ovate to lanceolate-oblong, pinnate; pinnae rather distant to approximate, pinnatifid; final segs oblong, teeth falcate to almost straight. Sori on short lateral segs near axils in upper part of lamina, free to very slightly immersed. Indusium 1·5-2 mm. long, suborbicular, much wider than seg., 2-valved nearly to base; valves obovate to suborbicular, spinulosely toothed on margins. Receptacle included to barely exserted.
Rhizome very slender, clad in rather sparse soft long hairs, especially at the bases of the rather distant stipites. Stipes filiform, 2.5 cm. long, clad when young in slender pale brown hairs. Rhachis winged, clad densely to sparsely in flexuous hairs. Lamina 1-5 cm. or more long, deltoid-flabellate, pellucid, 2-pinnatifid, bearing scattered hairs; final segs oblong, obtuse. Sori slightly immersed. Indusium ovate-orbicular, 2-valved to base; valves entire or toothed, us. ciliolate. Receptacle not exserted.
Rhizome rather stout to slender, much-branched; clad in reddish bristly hairs when young, becoming glab.; stipites distant to approximate. Stipes rather stout, 4-8 cm. long, narrowly winged above or throughout (except in age), with bristly hairs at base. Rhachis rather stout, winged throughout or in upper part, glab. or with sparse hairs. Lamina 5-15 cm. long or more, broad-ovate to oblong, dull olive-green, strongly scented, staining paper while drying; 3-pinnatifid to almost pinnate; final segs oblong to narrowly oval, often crowded. Sori on short lateral segs, mostly in upper part of frond, free or very slightly immersed. Indusium 1-1·5 mm. long, broad-ovate to suborbicular; 2-valved almost to base, valves entire, often crested on back. Receptacle not exserted.
Rhizome stout, ± clad in red-brown bristly hairs; stipites us. rather distant. Stipes stout, 5-15 cm. long, densely clad in bristly hairs, glabrate in age, not winged. Rhachis winged in upper part, ± bristly-hairy. Lamina 5-30 cm. long, ovate-deltoid to narrow-oblong, 4-pinna-tifid, dark green; primary pinnae up to 8 cm. long; final segs linear, obtuse. Sori us. ∞, in upper part of lamina, slightly immersed. Indusium 1-1·5 mm. long, ovate to suborbicular, 2-valved to base; valves us. toothed. Receptacles not or very slightly exserted.
Indusium deeply to shallowly 2-valved; receptacle not or hardly exserted. Genus subcosmopolitan, with about 300 spp.
Rhizome slender, much branched, ± clad, especially when young, in bristly hairs; stipites us. crowded. Stipes slender, 2-8 cm. long, narrowly winged above, villous when young, glabrate in age. Rhachis narrowly winged, slender, hairs often cop. Lamina 3-10 cm. long, broadly to narrowly ovate, dull green, 3-4-pinnatifid; final segs narrow-linear, crowded, obtuse. Sori free, us. ∞ Indusium 1 mm. long, broad-ovate, 2-valved to base; valves smooth, entire. Receptacle not exserted.
Rather strict glab. perennial up to ± 25 cm. tall; stems us. branched from base, 4-angled. Lvs in distant sessile pairs, (5)-10-15-(20) × (2)-4-5-(7) mm., ascending, lanceolate-oblong to oblong, subcordate at subamplexicaul base, obtuse to subacute; margins ± revolute. Fls in terminal few-fld trichotomous cymes (occ. solitary) 8-12 mm. diam. Bracts ± foliaceous. Sepals about ovate, subacute to obtuse, up to c. 5 mm. long; petals golden yellow, up to c. 9 mm. long; styles 3; stamens free or nearly so. Capsule ovoid, acute, 1-celled, 3-valved, ± 6 mm. long.
Procumbent or decumbent perennial, us. much-branched, forming small patches up to c. 20 cm. diam. Lvs sessile, 4-9 × 1-3 mm., ovate-to obovate-oblong, ± glaucous; margins flat. Fls solitary or in few-fld cymes. Sepals oblong to ovate, obtuse to subacute, c. 2 mm. long; petals hardly > 2.5 mm. long. Capsule broad-ovoid, ± 2 mm. long; stamens free or nearly so.
Fls 5-merous; ovary 1-celled with parietal, or 3-5-celled with axile placentae. Fr. capsular to baccate. Some 300 spp., mainly of temperate regions.
Sori globose, us. submarginal, protected by reflexed modified seg. of lamina or further from margin and quite unprotected. Sporangia stalked; annulus incomplete, vertical; spores oblong, mostly tuberculate to spinulose. Rhizome creeping, solenostelic, bearing hairs; lamina bipinnate to decompound; veins free. Some 45 terrestrial spp., mainly tropical to subtropical.
Rhizome slender, far-creeping, branched; clad in dark red-brown hairs; stipites distributed along rhizome. Stipes up to 20 cm. × 2 mm., dark red-brown, shining, with rather sparse hairs, muriculate (as is rhachis). Rhachis nude or sparsely hairy, red-brown; costae us. paler; pinnae opp. or nearly so, nearly ∞ to axis, distant, up to 5 cm. apart, subcoriac. Lamina 15-40 × 7-20 cm., ovate-lanceolate to almost deltoid, acuminate, bipinnate. Lower primary pinnae 5-12 × 1-3 cm., narrow ovate-lanceolate, acuminate; upper diminishing to final segs. Secondary pinnae rather distant, subopp. to alt., lanceolate, c. 15 × 5 mm., pinnatifid to pinnatisect. Segs deltoid-triangular to ovate-oblong, up to 2 mm. long, often with a few teeth. Sori slightly protected, 1-1·5 mm. diam., up to 10 per pinnule, sinuses in subregular rows near each margin.
Rhizome 2-4 mm. diam., far-creeping, branched; glabrate to rather densely clad in hairs; stipites often approximate. Stipes us. pale brown except towards reddish base, glabrate to sparingly hairy, 7-25 cm. (sts longer) × 3-4 mm. Rhachis (and costae) pale brown to stramineous, sts darker, with scattered hairs. Primary pinnae distant, subopp. to alt. Lamina pale green, membr., broadly ovate to deltoid, 15-45 × 7-25 cm. Lower primary pinnae 20-25 × 5-10 cm., ovate-oblong, acuminate; upper gradually diminishing to terminal seg. Secondary pinnae up to 6 × 2 cm., narrow ovate-oblong, pinnatisect to pinnate, attenuate; tertiary up to 1cm. × 4 mm., in subopp. pairs, ovate-oblong, confluent or not at base, pinnatifid to pinnatisect. Segs 2-5 mm. long, cut deeply into narrow-triangular, acute to apiculate teeth. Sori us. cop., up to 40 per pinnule, often clustered near sinuses, hardly 1 mm. diam., not or hardly protected.
Rhizome slender, c. 2 mm. diam., often far-creeping, branched, densely clad in dark red-brown hairs; stipites distributed along rhizome. Stipes up to 15 cm. long, 1-2 mm. diam., densely clad (as are rhachides) in dark red-brown viscid hairs, tuberculate. Lamina ovate-lanceolate, 10-50 × 3-25 cm., subcoriac., ± pubescent, bipinnate or occ. with some secondary pinnae again pinnate; lower rather shorter than mid-pinnae, upper gradually diminishing to terminal seg. Larger primary pinnae rather distant, 5-15 cm. × 15-40 mm., ovate-lanceolate, acuminate; secondary pinnae up to 5 cm. × 15 mm., narrow ovate-oblong, pinnatifid to pinnatisect. Segs up to 4 mm. long, deltoid-triangular to oblong, obtuse to subacute, sts ciliate; teeth several to none. Sori us. cop., in 2 irregular rows, often covering most of surface, us. 1 per seg., not or hardly protected by teeth.
Rhizome 3-4 mm. diam., far-creeping, branched, densely to sparingly clad in dark brown hairs; stipites distributed to approximate. Stipes up to 20-50 cm. × 2-4 mm., pale brown to stramineous, except towards dark base, muriculate, clad in us. rather sparse hairs. Rhachis (and costae) rather stout, pale brown to stramineous, with dense or scattered hairs. Lamina tripinnate, broadly deltoid, 20-90 × 15-60 cm., pale to rather dark green, membr. to subcoriac.; pinnae subopp. to alt. Primary pinnae often arcuate, spreading, ovate-oblong to ovate-lanceolate, acute to acuminate, 18-50 × 10-25 cm. Secondary pinnae narrow ovate-oblong, acute, 5-10 × 2-5 cm. Tertiary pinnae oblong, obtuse, pinnatifid to pinnatisect or sts pinnate, 1 cm. × 5 mm. Segs oblong-obtuse, to narrow-oblong, 1-2 mm. long, sts bluntly toothed. Sori us. cop., up to 5 pairs per seg., near sinuses, hardly 1 mm. diam.
Fls small, perfect to unisexual, regular, in panicles. Calyx 4-5-lobed or -toothed, inferior; petals 4-5, valvate, sts united at base; stamens alt. with petals, sts 4-lobed; anthers 2-celled, dehiscing lengthwise; filaments often hairy; disk us. absent. Ovary 1-(3-5)-celled; style 1; stigmas (2)-3-(5); ovules pend. Fr. us. a drupe; seeds us. with endosperm. Trees or shrubs with us. alt., simple, exstipulate lvs. Widespread in tropics and subtropics, of some 40 genera and 225 spp.
Fls small, us. with scarious bracts, us. perfect, regular; calyx 4-5-lobed; petals 0; stamens as many as and opp. calyx-lobes; anther-filaments free or connate at base. Ovary 1-celled, ovules 1-(2), styles 1-2-3. Fr. an utricle, ind., nutlike, covered by persistent calyx. Mostly herbs with entire, opp., simple lvs with scarious stipules. About 8 widespread genera and 90 spp.
Fls 5-merous, large, ebracteate, axillary, solitary or in cymes. Outer calyx-lobes or sepals us. > inner, erect. Corolla us. broad-funnelform, limb sts angled or lobed. Staminal filaments filiform, sts dilated at base. Ovary us. 2-loculed, 4-ovuled. Style filiform, stigma capitate or with 2 globose lobes. Capsule us. subglobose, 4-valved. Seeds glab. or pubescent. Twining prostrate or scrambling herbs, often lianoid, with alt. variously cut lvs. A widespread, mostly maritime, genus of some 450 spp.
Glab. prostrate or trailing branched woody plant with stems up to ± 10 m. long, rooting at intervals. Lvs on petioles up to ± 10 cm. long; lamina (2)-5-(10) cm. diam., broad-oblong to suborbicular, thick, fleshy, emarginate to bluntly 2-lobed. Peduncles 1-3-fld. Sepals ovate, obtuse; corolla ± 4 cm. diam., light purple to pink. Capsule ± 15 mm. diam., ovoid-globose, 2-loculed. Seeds 2-4, villous.
Stock rather slender with deeply descending taproot, crowned by rosette of basal lvs. Radical lvs up to 10 cm. long, us. shorter, clad in stellate hairs; narrow- to broad-spathulate, narrowed into flat petiole, subentire to bluntly pinnatifid to pinnatisect. Lower cauline lvs spathulate to linear, entire or lobed, c. 2-1 cm. long; uppermost much reduced. Stems up to 30 cm. tall, slender, stiff, sparingly branched, ± stellate-pubescent, produced into slender racemes elongating in fr. Sepals c. 1·5 mm. long, oblong, subacute to obtuse and hooded, with scattered hairs towards apex, margins hyaline. Petals white, c. 3 mm. long, narrow-spathulate, long- clawed. Siliques glab., almost straight to arcuate, ± 3-5 cm. × 1 mm.: style minute; pedicels subpatent, c. 1-1·5 cm. long. Seeds ∞, c. 0·5- 0.75 mm. long, light brown.
Racemes terminating branches; sepals oblong, subacute to obtuse: petals narrow-spathulate, long-clawed; anthers subacute; pistil sessile; ovary c. 90-ovuled; style stout, minute; siliques linear on filiform pedicels; mid-nerve thin; seeds in one row, minute, on filiform funicles; cots incumbent. Herbs with radical and cauline lvs. Genus monotypic, endemic to N.Z.
Characters of the single genus
Submerged, axis short, deeply 3-lobed; lvs up to 75, 15 cm. to 5 dm. long, slender, dark green. Sporangia about oblong, up to 5 mm. long, megaspores greyish, smooth or obscurely tubercled; microspores ∞, minute.
Submerged, axis short, deeply 3-lobed; lvs up to 30, 5 cm. to 3 dm. long, filiform, pale green. Sporangia broadly oblong, c. 3 mm. long. Megaspores white, studded with minute, unequal tubercles; microspores very ∞, minute.
Sporangia heterosporous, 4-7 mm. long, round-oblong, deeply sunken in lf-base, chambered. Megaspores tetrahedral, white, with prominent triradiate ridges, variously marked. Microspores minute, bilateral, grey to brown, variously marked. Perennials with short, thickened, ± flattened axis; base of axis swollen, lobed, bearing ∞ forked roots; apex crowned by crowded, quill-like lvs, the tips subterete or angled, the bases broad, enclosing the sporangia. Outer lvs acting as megasporophylls, surrounding microsporophylls, innermost with abortive sporangia. About 100 spp., mainly tropical to temperate, in wet ground or aquatic. The N.Z. spp. are endemic.
Fls 5-merous, in racemes or solitary; receptacle adnate to ovary; corolla-tube cylindric, entire or shortly slit; lobes nearly equal. Stamens inserted at mid-tube; filaments connate in upper part, anthers connate, lower pair awn-tipped; stigma 2-lobed. Capsule 2-celled, loculicidally dehiscent. Seeds ∞, minute. Some 10 spp. of Australia, Tasmania, West Indies, Society Is. The N.Z. sp. also in Australia, Tasmania.
Very slender herb, glab. or nearly so; stems us. much-branched, creeping, rooting at nodes, forming us. dense patches up to c. 2 dm. diam. Lvs on filiform petioles ± 1 mm. long. Lamina ± 4-6-(10) × 2-4-(6) mm.; delicate, of diverse size and shape (often several forms on same plant), elliptic to lanceolate to narrow-oblong to obovate; margins entire to obscurely or sts distinctly denticulate; obtuse to sub-acute. Fls (6)-8-9-(12) mm. long, on filiform peduncles up to 10 mm. or more long. Calyx-lobes very narrow-triangular to filiform, ± 3 mm long. Corolla pale blue to white; tube entire; lobes linear-oblong; stamens inserted at c. mid-tube; 2 lower anthers awn-tipped. Capsule turbinate, ± 3-5 mm. long.
Fls in terminal subumbellate panicles; calyx-tube or receptacle short, adnate to base of ovary, lobes 5, imbricate, deciduous; petals 5, inserted below 5-lobed disk, imbricate; stamens 5, alt. with disk lobes, filaments slender. Ovary superior, conical, 5-lobed, 5-celled; style twisted, 5-grooved; ovules 2 per cell, collateral. Capsule coriac., broadly ovoid, 5-celled, loculicidally dehiscent; seeds large. Genus monotypic, endemic. Tree with alt. to opp. or whorled, exstipulate, glab. lvs; teeth gland-tipped.
Tree up to 10 m. tall or more; trunk up to 2 dm. diam.; branchlets, petioles, peduncles and pedicels ± pilose-pubescent when young. Lvs 6-16 × 1-4 cm., on petioles up to 2 cm. long; lamina coriac., dark green above, lanceolate to elliptic or oblanceolate, acute to subacute, coarsely bluntly serrate. Panicles 5-10-fld; pedicels articulated; fls 2.5-3·5 cm. across. Sepals broad-ovate, downy, c. 5-6 mm. long, petals white, obovate-spathulate, clawed, 1·5-2 cm. long; stamens exserted. Capsules 1-1·5 cm. diam.; styles 1·5 cm. long; seeds c. 5 mm. long, glossy.
Fls in terminal and occ. axillary panicles, seldom solitary. Calyx subequally 4-lobed, us. adnate to corolla at base. Corolla subequally 2-lipped, lips concave-saccate. Stamens 2, inserted near base of short corolla-tube; anther-cells adnate. Style short, stigma capitate. Capsule ± ovoid-conical, seeds striate. Herbs or subshrubs of diverse habit, with opp. simple us. toothed lvs. Genus of a few spp. of Chile and N.Z. very closely related to Calceolaria, the N.Z. spp. endemic.
Slender slightly woody ± glandular-pubescent plant, creeping, rooting at nodes, much-branched; stems up to c. 2 dm. long, branches prostrate or ascending at tips, almost filiform, clad in patent hairs. Lvs very thin, ± pubescent; lamina (1)-2-(4) cm. long, broad-oblong to ovate to orbicular, coarsely and irregularly doubly crenate-dentate. Petiole slender, c. 5-12 mm. long, clad in patent hairs. Infl. of 1-2-(5)-fld terminal and occ. axillary panicles (us. 2-3 together); pedicels subfiliform, nude or bracted. Fls c. 6 mm. diam.; calyx-lobes 1-2 mm. long, ovate, acute or subacute. Corolla c. 5-6 mm. diam., cut c. halfway into 2 nearly equal deeply concave lips, white, purple-spotted. Capsule ovoid to obovoid, 6-7 mm. long.
Herb or subshrub softly woody in lower parts, ± glandular-pubescent, up to 3 dm. tall. Stems laxly branched, slender, sprawling to scandent, up to ± 5 dm. long; branches very slender, finely striate. Lvs opp.; lamina thin to very thin, (2)-5-(8) × 2-3-(5) cm., of ovate order (varying on the same plant from narrow- to broad-ovate to ovate-oblong to ovate-elliptic, some plants more regular as to main shape), apiculate, coarsely 2-3 crenate-serrate, occ. lobed, abruptly narrowed into slender petiole ± 1-8 cm. long, often bearing minute lflts in axils. Infl. a slender, terminal, us. several-fld panicle, ± trichotomously branched, up to c. 15 cm. long. Pedicels often capillary, up to c. 2 cm. long. Calyx subcampanulate, c. 2 mm. long, deeply cut into ovate to deltoid lobes. Corolla white to yellow-flushed, spotted purple, puberulous, divided c. 1/3 to 1/2 way into 2 nearly equal concave lips c. 5-10 mm. long. Anthers suborbicular, filaments short. Capsule obovoid, c. 4 mm. long.
Capitula large, solitary. Scapes slender, fistular, bearing 1-5 linear bracts, densely to sparsely clad in soft white tomentum, densely to sparsely dotted with dark slender glandular hairs. Phyll. in c. 4 series, imbricate, membr. to scarious; outermost short, tomentose on back; innermost long, narrowly ovate-oblong; all ± clad in dark slender glandular hairs, and somewhat narrowed to the base and below the rounded and fimbrillate scarious dark tips. Receptacle shallowly concave, alveolate. Florets c. 30, ligulate; limb pale yellow, about ═ slender claw in length, rather deeply 5-fid. Fertile achenes few, glab., strongly compressed, broad, bluntly rounded at tips, gradually narrowed to base, crowned by minute asperities, dark brown, with 4-5 longitudinal primary ribs and 4-5 weaker secondary ones, ± strongly transversely wrinkled towards base, walls coriac. Sterile achenes ∞, narrow-sub-cylindric, pale, finely ribbed, walls weak. Style-arms long, densely furnished with minute processes, finely coiled. Anthers long, cells obtuse at base. Pappus-hairs cop., slender, soft, white, connate at very base, minutely barbellate in upper half. Scapigerous herbs with stout taproot, rosulate lvs and cop. white latex. Type and only known sp.: K. novae-zelandiae.
Though the three forms described below are very distinct there are intermediates and it seems inadvisable to create vars at present. It is not yet known how far the various forms noted are due to genetic differences and how far to modifications evoked by habitat conditions. No clear evidence has been adduced that hybridism plays a part. FL. 11-1. FT. 12-3.
Taproot stout, simple to paucicipital. Lvs 5-10 cm. long, including petiole, glab., glaucous, somewhat fleshy, deeply pinnatifid, lineolate when dry. Terminal lobe 5-15 × 4-15 mm., closely to rather distantly dentate-apiculate; lateral lobes close-set, densely dentate-apiculate, diminishing downwards regularly from c. 5 mm. long to minute teeth, cut to widened axis; petiole widening to broad base. Scapes 2-10 cm. long, at first clad in cottony tomentum mingled with glandular hairs, becoming nearly glab.; bracts 1-2, linear, near capitulum. Capitula up to 3 cm. long, 3-4 cm. diam. Florets c. 30. Bracteoles subulate to linear; outer phyll. narrow-ovate, densely white-tomentose, ± furnished with glandular hairs; inner phyll. up to 12 mm. long, narrow-ovate, subattenuate; tip glab., dark, fimbrillate. Fertile achenes c. 2 mm. long, distinctly but not strongly ribbed. Pappus-hairs c. 7 mm. long, finely barbellate.
Monoec. or polygamous herbs; umbels axillary and terminal, compound, congested; bracts foliaceous, bractlets smaller. Hypanthium shallowly 3-5-grooved; calyx truncate; petals 5, stamens 5, disk annular; ovary 2-loculed, style-branches 2; fr. subglobose, not hollowed at apex; stylopodia prominent; seeds one per locule, ovoid. Lvs large. Endemic to Snares, Stewart Id, and adjacent islets.
Monoec. or polygamous herb with stout arcuate or prostrate stolons. Stems short, c. 1-1·5 cm. diam., ± pilose. Lvs on subterete, fistular, ± pilose-pubescent petioles; sheath membr., amplexicaul, produced into ligule margined by hairs. Lamina suborbicular-reniform, up to 30 cm. or more wide, shallowly lobed, crenate-serrate with teeth mucronate or shortly awned; glab. or nearly so above, ± pilose below; veins prominent above and below, flabellate. Umbels compound, bracts foliaceous, bractlets linear. Calyx truncate; petals 5, about linear-oblong, reddish purple; stamens 5. Ovary 2-loculed, style-branches 2. Fr. black, shining, globose, c. 3·5 mm. diam.; disk with prominent stylopodia; seeds 1 per locule, ovoid.
Fastigiately branched tree up to 30 m. tall, trunk up to 1 m. or more diam.; final branchlets angled, clad in ferruginous tomentum. Lvs of juveniles thinly coriac., up to ± 30 cm. long, linear-lanceolate, acutely serrate, occ. forked. Lvs of adults very thick, 10-15-(20) cm. × 25-40 mm., on stout petioles c. 1 cm. long. Lamina narrow-oblong to narrow obovate-oblong, rigid; bluntly, coarsely serrate, pubescent when young; occ. forked. Racemes stout, up to ± 10 cm. long, densely fld; pedicels and per. densely clad in red-brown tomentum. Ovary tomentose; style up to 3 cm. long, stout, clavate. Follicles 3-4 cm. long, pubescent, tapering to persistent style. Seeds c. 10 mm. long, terminated by wing c. 15 mm. long.
Fls perfect, regular, 4-merous, racemed on paired pedicels. Per. cylindric, segs separating and curling spirally. Stamens attached above middle; filaments very short, anthers long linear. Hypog. glands 4; ovary sessile, 1-celled, 4-ovuled; style long, persistent. Follicles woody, seeds winged at apex. Trees or shrubs with alt. lvs. Type sp. endemic to N.Z.; 2 spp. () with foliaceous bracts, occur in New Caledonia.
Plant (3)-5-(10) cm. long, branching at wide angle. Internodes thick, much-flattened, obovate to broad-spathulate in outline, ± 5-12 × 3-9 mm., subsucculent, rather abruptly narrowed to much-constricted node. Collar ± minutely toothed, sheathing node, ± 0·5 mm. long. Flowering branches much narrower, less flattened, forming terminal or lateral pseudo-spikes, the terminal ones often paired, ± 6 mm. long. Fr. obovoid, ± succulent and viscid, ± 2 mm. long.
Plant up to c. 8 cm. long, us. shorter; branches few, at a wide angle; internodes ± 5-10 × 1·5-3·5 mm., narrow-spathulate. Flowering branches narrower, us. solitary, ± 10-15 mm. long. Fr. pyriform, viscid.
Plant (3)-5-10 cm. long, us. much-branched, branches us. at a narrow angle. Internodes terete, subsucculent, (3)-5-8-(10) × 1-2-3 mm., narrowed to the slightly constricted node, becoming furrowed when dry. Collar truncate, ± 0·5 mm. long, sheathing node. Flowering parts little differentiated from barren, (3)-5-8-(10) × 1 mm. Fr. ovoid to globular, up to 1·5 mm. long.
Fls grouped in lf-axils (nodes) invested by tufts of hairs. Groups (in N.Z. spp.) 2 per node, of 1 ♂ and 4 ♀. ♂ with 3 triangular valvate tepals; stamens united into a 6-septate globose synandrium, opening inwards to a central channel ("pore"). ♀ with inferior ovary and 3 triangular valvate tepals. Fr. clavate to pyriform, ± succulent and viscid; tepals persistent. Subshrubs or herbs, ± succulent, on a wide range of hosts, with lvs vestigial, the pairs connate to form a collar round the constricted nodes and at first concealing fls. Widespread genus with some 20 spp.
Fls small, us. in cymes or racemes, perfect to unisexual; calyx 6-lobed; stamens in 4 whorls, 4th whorl aborted; anthers 2-4-valved, opening from base by flaps. Ovary 1-celled; ovule 1, pend. Aromatic trees and shrubs, rarely parasitic twining lianes; lvs us. alt., exstipulate, gland-dotted. About 40 genera and 1000 spp., mainly tropical and subtropical.
Dioec. to polygamous trees; fls in axillary cymes or racemes; ♂ with campanulate, 5-12-lobed per.; stamens 6-12, filaments biglandular at base, anthers opening by valves. ♀ and perfect fls with tubular per. elongating in fr., becoming 3-5-cleft; stamens all reduced to scales or some perfect. Carpels several, styles plumose; ovule solitary, erect. Perfect fls similar to ♀, but with outer series of stamens perfect; achenes included in enlarged per. Aromatic trees with opp. coriac. lvs. Genus of two spp., one in Chile and one in N.Z.
Tree up to 35 m. tall; trunk up to 2 m. diam., with plank-buttresses at base; bark pale; ultimate branchlets tetragonous, sparsely hairy. Lvs coriac. on petioles up to 1 cm. long; lamina dark green and glossy above, paler below, 4-8 × 2.5-5 cm., elliptic to elliptic-obovate, coarsely bluntly serrate. Racemes axillary, up to 3 cm. long, pedicels softly hairy. Fls ± 6 mm. across; ♂ 5-6-partite to near base, stamens ± 12; ♀ urceolate, contracted above, segs spreading, carpels ∞.Achenes ± 5 mm. long, fusiform; styles up to 2 cm. long, densely clad in long silky hairs.
Fls perfect, irregular, us. on bracted scapes; calyx 2-5-lobed, or of separate sepals; corolla gamopetalous, 2-lipped, often personate with palates of diverse form; lower lip saccate or spurred. Stamens 2, inserted at base of corolla, with sts 2 rud. ones; anthers 1-celled, dehiscing lengthwise. Ovary superior, 1-loculed; style short or obsolete; stigma subsessile, 2-lobed. Ovules ∞, on free-central placenta. Capsule dehiscence various; seeds minute, without endosperm. Aquatic to bog herbs with alt. or rosulate, multifid to entire or scalelike, often dimorphic lvs. Widely spread family with some 5 genera and about 300 spp.
Kirk's description is: "Glabrous. Stems much branched, terete, flexuous, suberect, 1 ft.-11/2 ft. long. Leaves distant, narrow, oblong-cuneate or oblong-spathulate, acutely toothed or incised above, sessile or very shortly petioled. Racemes terminal. Stamens 4. Pedicels strict, slender, more than twice as long as the pods. Pods ovate, cordate at the base, truncate at the apex, with a broad notch, slightly keeled and winged; style slightly exceeding the notch.― , A. Rich. Fl. N.Z. 310, t. 35 (not of Forst.).
Glabrate perennial herb, with ∞ flexuous decumbent branches up to 2 dm. long, and somewhat fleshy lvs. Lower lvs 5 cm. long or more, on long petioles, linear-oblong in outline, pinnatifid to pinnate; upper c. 1·5 to 2.5 cm. long, spathulate, narrowed to long or short petiole, irregularly crenate-lobed to almost entire. Racemes up to 5 cm. long, lateral and lf-opposed and terminal with minute fls on spreading pedicels c. 4 mm. long. Sepals ovate, ± 0·5 mm. long; petals shorter, linear, obtuse; stamens 2. Silicles ovate to oval in outline, c. 4 mm. long, c. 2.5 mm. wide, notched, narrowly winged above; style not exceeding notch. Seeds ovoid, compressed, reddish brown, 1-2 mm. long.
Glab. to sparsely hairy erect-branching dioec. herb up to 30 cm. or more tall; stock stout, branched above; taproot deeply descending. Radical lvs 7-15 cm. long, linear-oblong in outline, pinnatifid to pinnate, with scarious sheathing bases; pinnules linear, entire to sparingly acutely lobed. Cauline lvs shorter, subsessile, upper ones narrow-linear, entire or toothed. Racemes several, terminal; fls minute on subpatent slender peduncles 3-4 mm. long. Sepals broad-ovate ± 1 mm. long; petals 0 or rudimentary. ♂ with 4-6 stamens, ovary rud.; ♀ with staminodes. Silicles ovate to ovate-oblong in outline, notched, 3-5 mm. long; styles slightly exserted. Seeds compressed-ovoid, ± 2 mm. long, yellowish brown.
Slender herb, branches arising from rather short rootstock; stems decumbent, up to 10 cm. long, very slender, flexuous, glabrate, sparingly branched, produced into racemes. Lvs entire, very narrow; radical up to 3 cm. long, linear-spathulate with scarious sheathing base; cauline c. 2.5 mm. long, linear, sessile or nearly so, minutely ciliate. Racemes short at anthesis, elongating in fr. to c. 4 cm.; fls minute, pedicels very slender. Sepals ovate-suborbicular, 0·5 mm. long; petals narrower, shorter, sts obsolete; stamens 4, glands 6, filiform. Silicles c. 2.5 mm. long, ovate-suborbicular, subacute, slightly compressed, minutely notched; style exserted. Seeds narrow-ovoid, somewhat compressed, yellowish brown, c. 1·5 mm. long.
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Small erect ± scabrid-hoary dioec. branched herb up to 10 cm. tall; stock stout, branched; taproot deeply descending. Basal lvs us. many, coriac., 2-4 cm. long, narrow-oblong in outline, on short petioles, pinnate to pinnatisect to pinnatifid; pinnae or lobes rounded-cuneate, ± pilose, entire or sts ± incised especially on anterior margin. Cauline lvs few, sessile, oblong, entire or nearly so. Fls minute, apetalous; sepals ± hairy; ♂ rather crowded in racemes up to 5 cm. long; pedicels slender, hairy; stamens 4. ♀ lax in shorter racemes. Pods elliptic-ovate in outline; style just > notch. Seeds ovoid, yellowish.
Glab. herb with branched, leafy, prostrate to suberect stems up to 3 dm. long. Lower lvs on broad flat petioles up to 5 cm. long; lamina up to 5 cm. long, oblong-cuneate, coarsely crenate-serrate; upper lvs subsessile, about ovate. Racemes ∞; fls c. 3 mm. diam.; pedicels slender, c. 5 mm. long; sepals broadly ovate-oblong, ± 1·5 mm. long; petals slightly longer; stamens 4, glands 4, oblong, very short. Silicles broadly ovate, 4-5 mm. long, slightly winged above, notch broad, shallow; style stout, about = notch. Seed compressed-ovoid, ± 2.5 mm. long, yellowish brown.
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Papillose-pubescent to glabrate dioec. herb with deeply descending taproot up to c. 1 m. long; stock up to c. 1 cm. diam.', branched above. Radical lvs us. many, subrosulate, linear in outline, pinnate to pinnatifid, c. 1-10 cm. long; pinnules ∞, c. 1 to 3 cm. long, lobulate to entire. Stems slender, us. many, ascending, branched, up to 10 cm. long or more, produced into racemes; cauline lvs ± linear-spathulate, toothed to entire, smaller. Racemes slender, terminal, 2-10 cm. long; pedicels slender, subpatent, 3 to 5 mm. long; fls minute, sepals ± 1 mm. long, broadly ovate. Staminate fls with or without oblong-spathulate petals, ± 1·5 mm. long, including claw; stamens 4 to 6; glands 6, oblong; abortive ovary villous. Pistillate fls apetalous; stamens 4, abortive; glands 6, linear. Silicles 3-5 mm. long, rhombic, narrowed above and below, notched, narrowly winged above; styles short. Seeds hardly 1·5 mm. long.
Small slender ± pilose herb with mainly radical lvs; stock uni-multicipital; main root deeply descending. Lvs on slender petioles up to 3 cm. long, sheathing at base. Lamina 1-5-(10) cm. long, narrow-oblong in outline; pinnate (to pinnatisect or pinnatifid in upper portion); pinnae us. deeply sharply serrate on anterior margin, teeth sts piliferous. Stems us. several, branched, prostrate, up to 30 cm. long, us. less, very slender, ± flexuous, bearing a few narrow-spathulate to narrow-obovate to linear entire or serrate lvs. Racemes slender, terminal, ± 3 cm. long; fls minute, us. ∞.Sepals 4, petals us. 0, stamens 4. Pods orbicular on very slender peduncles, narrowly winged. towards apex, minutely notched; style hardly > notch. Seeds oblong in outline, finely muriculate.
Sori near apex of segs; indusium free above, upper margin toothed; sporangia globose, stalked; annulus incomplete, vertical; spores tetrahedral, finely tuberculate. Rhizome far-creeping, slender, solenostelic, clad in dark brown to ferruginous hairs. Lamina finely dissected, veins free. The N.Z. sp., or a closely allied one, occurs in Queensland and New Guinea.
Rhizome creeping, 1-3 mm. diam.; densely clad in dark reddish brown hairs. Stipes slender, 7-45 cm. long, firm; clad especially towards base in similar hairs. Rhachis bearing sparse hairs, especially at axils with costae, flexuose, grooved above. Lamina deltoid to ovate-oblong in outline, acuminate, subcoriac., pale green; 30-60 × 15-30 cm., tripinnate. Primary pinnae subopp. to alt., ovate- to lanceolate-oblong, acuminate, up to 15 × 5 cm. Secondary pinnae up to 6 × 1 cm., subopp. to alt., narrow ovate-oblong, acute. Tertiary pinnae up to 1 cm. or more long, pinnatisect with up to 7 segs. Segs narrow-triangular to oblanceolate, us. each bearing a sorus. Sori us. abundant even on small fronds, c. 1 mm. diam. Indusium broad-ovate to suborbicular, erose on upper margin, recurving in age and exposing sporangia.
Shrub of diverse habit, or tree up to 15 m. tall or more; trunk up to 6 dm. or more diam.; bark brown, thin, shedding in long flakes. Branchlets sparsely to rather densely clad in appressed hairs when young. Lvs in fascicles of 3-5 or solitary, ± 4-12 × 1-2 mm., linear to narrow-lanceolate, acute, not pungent, glab. or sparsely silky-hairy when young; margins sts ciliolate. Fls 3-5-(7) mm. diam., axillary, on slender pedicels up to c. 5 mm. long, in 2-5-fld cymes to solitary. Receptacle narrow-turbinate; sepals ovate, acute, persistent; petals suborbicular, ± 2 mm. diam., shortly clawed. Capsules about equalling to slightly exceeding receptacle-rim, 2-4 mm. diam.
Richard's description is: " glabris; foliis linearibus acutis, subciliatis, subtus 1-nerviis, punctatis; floribus albis axillaribus, solitariis aut terminalibus, sertulatis; calycis glabris, limbo 5-dentato persistente. Nob. Crescit in locis aridis elevatisque Novae-Zeelandiae (hâvre de l' Astrolabe). Capsula minima turbinata, glabra, limbo calycino 5-dentato coronata, 5-locularis, apice 5-valvis; seminibus pluribus minimis subulatis."
Fls small, mostly solitary and axillary; sepals and petals us. 5; stamens us. in 1 series, anthers versatile. Ovary completely to half inferior, us. with 5 to several cells; style filiform, stigma ± capitate. Capsule woody, with ∞ pend., linear seeds (many often sterile). Shrubs or trees with small, alt., entire lvs. Some 35, mostly Australian, spp. with a few in N.Z., New Caledonia and Malaya.
Shrubs of diverse habit, or trees up to c. 4 m. tall. Bark brown, shedding in long strips. Branchlets and young lvs ± silky-hairy. Lvs subsessile, ± 4-12 × 1-4 mm., of 2 main forms on different plants-narrow-lanceolate or ovate-coriac., rigid, acute, pungent, erect to patent. Fls axillary, or occ. terminal on branchlets, sessile or nearly so, us. solitary, up to 12 mm. diam. or more. Receptacle broadly turbinate, adnate to ovary. Sepals suborbicular, soon falling; petals suborbicular, with short claw. Capsule woody, long-persistent, distinctly exserted beyond receptacle-rim, 5-valved.
Hooker (Fl. N.Z. 1, 1852, 69) gives: "Erectum, foliis lanceolatis. , Forst." The description of the Forsters is: "fol. sparsis, ovato-lanceolatis." Forster f. (Prodr. 1786, 37) gives: "foliis alternis ovatis acutis subtrinerviis; floribus terminalibus solitariis, sessilibus." The Forsterian specimens at K have lvs 6-8-(10) × 2-3-(4) mm., ovate-lanceolate, acute, pungent. A specimen from Revolver Cove, Preservation Inlet (BD 76025, coll. H. H. Allan) has branchlets ascending, clad when young in appressed silky hairs. Lvs on petioles ± 1 mm. long; lamina ascending to patent, ± 6-10 × 1-3 mm., narrowly ovate-lanceolate to lanceolate, coriac., pungent, glab. above, ± silky below. Fls mostly solitary, axillary, c. 10 mm. diam. Receptacle turbinate; sepals c. 2 × 2 mm., orbicular; petals suborbicular, 5 × 4 mm., white, shortly clawed.
"Folia lanceolata vel lineari-lanceolata, circ. 8 mm. longa, subtus praecipue juventute ± pilis sericeis albidis obsita; flores magni petalis roseis leve tinctis. North Auckland Botanical District-Common, especially in the northern part of the district, in many places forming thickets. L. C. . . . As the variety is widespread in its range and frequently occurs in considerable quantity, there can be little doubt regarding its coming true from seed and thus being a valid taxonomic variety."
Prostrate or straggling shrub up to 1 m. or more diam., or tall; branchlets, lvs, pedicels, receptacles ± white by investiture of sub-appressed to spreading silky hairs. Lvs ± 6-12 × 1·5-2 mm., linear-to oblong-lanceolate to oblanceolate (on same plant), acute. Fls c. 5-7 mm. diam., solitary or in few-fld cymes; pedicels ± 4-5 mm. long. Receptacle turbinate, up to 3 mm. diam.; sepals ± 1·5 mm. long, ovate to triangular, persistent; petals white or pink-flushed, ± 2.5 mm. diam., obovate, shortly clawed. Ovary and capsule much exceeded by receptacle-rim; style very slender.
Capitula heterogamous, discoid, congested into dense cymose glomerules subtended by ray of prominent lvs; involucre campanulate, phyll. in several imbricating series; receptacle slightly convex, nude. ♀ few, in 1-2 series; perfect florets ∞; corollas of both kinds tubular, 4-5-toothed. Style-arms of perfect florets long, compressed, subcapitate and papillate at apex. Pappus-hairs 20-25, flattened at base, thickened and papillate towards apex; achenes silky-hairy. Perennial tomentose herbs, woody at base. Genus of 2 spp. endemic to N.Z.
Stock stout, woody; stems much-branched, decumbent, woody at base; branchlets ascending. Lvs sessile, 8-20 × 4-5 mm., 3-5-nerved at base, linear- to lanceolate-oblong, acute to subacute, clad on both surfaces in silvery-white to yellowish, shining, appressed tomentum; basal lvs crowded in subrosettes, cauline densely imbricate to rather distant. Peduncles up to 10 cm. long, clad in appressed foliaceous bracts. Capitula 8-15, congested into dense glomerules up to 25 mm. diam., subtended by up to 20 densely woolly lvs up to 2 cm. long, forming a conspicuous white ray. Phyll. linear-lanceolate, c. 5 mm. long, scarious with basal stiffening, toothed and ciliate towards acute apex, ± woolly on back towards tip. Achenes c. 1 mm. long, pappus-hairs c. 4 mm. long.
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Plants monoec., rarely dioec.; strobili terminal on short branchlets. Male strobili with 6-12 decussately arranged sporophylls, broadly ovate to subpeltate, with prominent apiculus; sporangia 4, free, pend. Female branchlets with 4 decussate carpidia, inner pair ovulate; ovules erect, collateral; mature carpidia hardening to form a cone, with short or long mucro; cone finally gaping. Ripe seeds compressed, unequally winged. Trees with opp., imbricate lvs. Recent workers restrict the genus to 3 spp. in N. Caledonia and 2 in N.Z. The N.Z. spp. are endemic.
Tree up to 25 m., trunk up to 12 dm. diam., bark falling in narrow thin strips. Branchlets distichous, of juveniles flattened, up to 7 mm. broad; of adults less compressed up to 3 mm. broad. Lvs quadrifarious; lateral up to 5 mm. long, connate, sheathing, spreading; dorsal and ventral up to 2.5 mm. long, triangular, subappressed. Male strobili 5-8 mm. long, linear; sporophylls 8-12, apiculus thin, ovate, subpeltate. Female cones ovoid 1-1·5 cm. long of 4 carpidia with projecting dorsal curved mucro. Seeds 2.
Umbels simple, few-fld, on slender peduncles; involucral bracts few, minute; calyx-teeth small, petals white. Fr. globose to cylindric, sts ± laterally compressed. Mericarps with 3-6 ribs; dorsal thin, lateral rather thick. Vittae 3-8, between ribs. Small glab. creeping herbs rooting at nodes. "Phyllodes" us. clustered at nodes, sheathing at base; produced above into a cylindric or spathulate, fistular, septate axis. Genus of some 15 spp. of N. and S. America, Australia, Tasmania. The 3 known N.Z. spp. are endemic.
Rhizome creeping, rooting at nodes and there emitting solitary "phyllodes" or few together; internodes us. short. "Phyllodes" up to ± 12 cm. long, us. shorter, linear to spathulate. Umbels 3-4-fld, on peduncles up to ± 2 cm. long. Involucral bracts up to c. 3 mm. long; pedicels ± 6 mm. long. Fr. ovoid, ± 1·25 × 1·5-2 mm. Ribs subacute, distinct; lateral somewhat woody; vittae 8, 4 commissural. Stylopodia prominent.
Rhizome with short internodes up to c. 2 cm. long. "Phyllodes" clustered at nodes, up to ± 5 cm. long, linear-spathulate, apex blunt. Umbels 3-4-fld, on peduncles ± 2 cm. long; pedicels filiform, up to c. 5 mm. long. Fr. orbicular, 2-2.5 × 2·25-2.5 mm.; ribs indistinct; vittae 5-7.
Cheeseman's account is: "A perennial herb with tufts of radical leaves, emitting short thick stolons terminating in other tufts, glabrous in all its parts. Leaves numerous; petiole 2-4 in. long or more, filiform, terete, dilated towards the base; blade 1/4-3/4 in. long, ovate or ovate-oblong, obtuse, suddenly contracted into the petiole, rather thin; main veins 3-5, parallel, with reticulating veinlets between. Flowers crowded at the bases of the petioles, sessile, minute. Calyx 1/10 in. long or less, tipped with 5 minute teeth. Corolla altogether included in the calyx, shortly 5-lobed. Stamens 4, inserted on the corolla-tube. Style short; stigma capitate. Capsule included within the persistent calyx, 1/10-⅛ in. diam., globose, rupturing irregularly. Seeds very numerous; testa reticulated."
Fls us. stalked and clustered at base of lvs, mostly minute, sts cleistogamous. Calyx subcampanulate, us. 5-toothed, sts 2-lipped. Corolla us. > calyx, tube crowned by spreading limb of 5 ± equal white lobes, upper surface papillose. Stamens us. 4, didynamous. Ovary ± globose, 2-celled at base. Stigma capitate, sts 2-lobed. Capsule minute, septidically dehiscent. Small annual to perennial aquatic herbs of mud or damp ground. Lvs ± clustered in rosettes on slender rhizomes, cylindric or differentiated into petiole and lamina, very susceptible to habitat conditions. Very widespread genus of some 11 spp.
Lvs linear-cylindric in close- to rather wide-set clusters of 5-10, of diverse length according to habitat; in damp ground (5)-10-15 mm., in mud (5)-10-20 mm., in water (10)-20-60 mm. Fls in clusters of 3-8, (2)-5-(10) mm. long, on stalks c. 5-10 mm. long. Calyx unequally 5-toothed, corolla-lobes up to twice as long as broad. Style c. 1·5-2 × ovary-length. Fr. subglobose, up to 2 mm. diam. Seeds minute.
Plant forming an almost felted mass up to 2 cm. tall. Rosettes crowded, each with c. 5 lvs or more. Lvs linear-lanceolate, 10-20 × 0·8-1 mm. Fl.-stalk ± 4-12 mm. long. Calyx unequally 5-toothed, c. 2 mm. long, subcampanulate; corolla-lobes up to 2 mm. long, oblong-obovate, obtuse, 3-nerved, with scattered cylindric papillae on upper surface; tube rather > lobes. Stamens 4 or 5 with filaments unequal. Style > ovary, stigma slightly 2-lipped. Capsule ovoid-globose, up to c. 2 mm. long.
Fls perfect, regular, 5-merous, us. in cymes; sepals imbricate, petals contorted; stamens alt. with petals, staminodes 5 or 0, filaments connate at base. Ovary superior, 3-5-celled; ovules 2 per cell, often separated by a false septum. Fr. a capsule; seeds with straight embryo. Herbs or shrubs with simple, us. alt. lvs. About 14 genera of tropical to temperate regions.
Rhizome slender, creeping, 1-1·5 mm. diam., densely clad when young in dark brown subulate- to linear-attenuate paleae; stipites approximate to distributed, paleate at base. Stipes 3-20 cm. long, slender, erect, wiry, dark brown, glab., shining. Rhachis similar, sts lighter in colour. Lamina bipinnate to subtripinnate, 5-25 × 1-10 cm., narrow lanceolate to lanceolate-oblong, coriac., rather dark green. Primary pinnae 1-5 cm. × 10-15 mm., subopp., slightly ascending, broadly to narrowly obcuneate, ± lobed, or again pinnate in lower part. Lobes entire to obscurely toothed; veins flabellately forked. Sori extending along apex of lobe, confluent. Indusium broad, delicate.
Lamina up to 25 × 10 cm., ovate-lanceolate, often simply pinnate. Primary pinnae up to 8 × 3 cm., lanceolate. Secondary pinnae towards base of primary pinna obliquely ovate-oblong, up to 15 × 6 mm., often confluent and becoming pinnatifidly lobed. Sori confluent, often extending down lateral margins of lobes.
Sori mostly near upper and outer margin, often united into coenosori and served by 2 or more veinlets. Indusium delicate, broad, attached along base. Sporangia ∞, with slender stalks; annulus straight; spores tetrahedral. Sporangia further protected by modified tooth of lamina. Some 75 spp. (or many more according to limits adopted for genera), mainly tropical in both hemispheres, extending south to Tasmania and N.Z. Rhizome well-developed or short; paleae often hardly distinguishable from hairs. Spelling altered to Lindsaya by Kaulfuss Enum. Fil. 1824, 218.
Rhizome creeping, stiff, branching, c. 1 mm. diam., densely clad in light brown linear-attenuate paleae; stipites rather distant to approximate, paleate at base. Stipes 5-30 cm. long, slender, wiry, erect, dark brown, shining, glab. Rhachis similar. Lamina 3-20 cm. long, linear, pinnate, membr. Pinnae of sterile fronds c. 5 × 4 mm. (rarely up to 10 mm. long), obliquely cuneate-flabellate, patent, opp. to subopp.; veinlets forked; upper margin shallowly to rather deeply lobed or toothed, lower entire. Pinnae of fertile fronds cuneate-oblong, c. 5 × 4 mm. (rarely longer) deflexed; margins becoming strongly reflexed, entire or nearly so. Sori extending along upper margin of pinna; indusium broad, delicate, minutely toothed.
Rhizome short, ascending, very densely clad in narrow attenuate brown paleae; stipites tufted to closely approximate, paleate at base. Stipes 3-10 cm. long, slender, flexuous, often drooping, dark brown, shining. Rhachis very slender, flexuous. Lamina tripinnate or bipinnate with the secondary pinnae pinnatisect to pinnatifid, linear-to narrow-lanceolate, acuminate, submembr., pale green, 8-35 × 2-5 cm. Primary pinnae about oblong, 2-3 cm. × 15-20 mm., alt. Secondary pinnae entire to 2-lobed, c. 5 × 2-3 mm. (sts up to 1 cm. long), narrowly obdeltoid, us. not confluent; veins simple or forked. Tertiary pinnae or final segs similar to secondary. Sori often occurring on every seg., extending along upper margin. Indusium broad, delicate.
Sori submarginal, terminal on veinlets, sts united into coenosori. Indusium attached at base, opening towards lamina margin, sides attached or free. Lamina margin protective, sts thin and indusium-like. Sporangia stalked, dehiscing by transverse slit; annulus incomplete, vertical; spores 32-64, tetrahedral, without perispore. Rhizome slender, bearing narrow paleae, us. protostelic; stipes not jointed to rhizome. Fronds simple to dissected; veinlets free or sts anastomosing; lamina margin thickened and decurrent. About 9 genera, mainly terrestrial, of wide distribution.
Fls cymose to solitary; petals clawed; stamens 5, united at base, staminodes 5 or 0. Ovary 5-celled; ovules 2 per cell, separated by partial false septum. Capsules dehiscing into 10 cocci, seeds compressed.·
Glab. perennial herb or subshrub up to 4 dm. or more tall. Stems branched or simple, soft-wooded below from a stout stock; branches erect or ascending. Lvs alt., ∞, subsessile, ascending to patent, 5-25 × 2-5 mm., subcoriac., midrib evident, acute to acuminate, subglaucous, narrow-lanceolate to linear or narrow-oblong. Fls up to 30 mm. diam., corymbosely arranged at tips of branches on slender pedicels up to 10 mm. long. Sepals ovate to ovate-lanceolate, ± 6-7 mm. long, ± united at base; petals white to slightly blued, obovate, very shortly clawed, up to c. 16 × 10 mm.; styles united at base. Capsule broad-ovoid to broad-cylindric, 5-10 mm. diam. Seeds compressed, ± oblong in outline, c. 5 × 2 mm., dull to slightly glossy, dark brown.
Herb with branching rhizomes, forming patches up to ± 2 dm. diam., 5 cm. tall; lvs aggregated at nodes, narrow-linear to linear-spathulate, thick, fleshy, obtuse to subacute, 12-25-(40) mm. long, with broad thin sheathing base. Fls solitary, c. 4 mm. diam., on very short stout peduncles. Disk fleshy, thick, undulate, with broad membr. margins. Calyx-lobes linear, c. 4 mm. long, fleshy, acute; corolla-lobes white, ovate, slightly hairy within, obtuse, undulate. Ovary tapering to short style; stigmatic lobes 2, broad. Fr. globular, succulent, indehiscent, c. 6·5 mm. diam. Seeds ∞, suborbicular, somewhat compressed, bright yellow.
Fls solitary on terminal peduncles, 5-merous; calyx deeply cut into linear segs; corolla subrotate, deeply lobed, the margins broad, thin, induplicate-valvate. Stamens with short broad filaments; anthers oblong, introrse. Ovary 1-celled; placentae 2, parietal; style very short, stigma 2-lamellate. Fr. fleshy, globose or subglobose, indehiscent. Seeds ∞, minute, suborbicular. A genus of 1 known sp. originally discovered in Tasmania.
Tree up to 12m. tall; trunk up to 8 dm. diam.; bark dark. Lvs alt., subcoriac., on petioles up to 2 cm. long; lamina 5-12.5 × 3-5 cm., ovate to oval to ovate-elliptic, obtuse to subacute, glab., ± glaucous below. Umbels 4-5-fld, involucrate, axillary, racemosely arranged; pedicels slightly hairy. Per. segs 5-8, creamy, oblong to ovate, 4-5 mm. long. Stamens c. 12; filaments slender, biglandular; staminodes flattened, biglandular; stigma dilated, irregularly 3-lobed. Drupe subovoid, c. 15-20mm. long, seated in enlarged per. tube; mesocarp reddish.
Fls in small umbels, enclosed before anthesis by 4-6 involucral scales; per. us. 4-6-lobed. ♂ with 9-12 stamens and abortive ovary; anthers 4-celled; inner row of filaments glandular at base. ♀ bearing staminodes; stigma us. dilated and irregularly lobed. Fr. drupaceous, seated in persistent, us. enlarged per. tube. About 180 spp., mostly tropical, of dioec. trees or shrubs with opp., rarely alt., lvs.
Glab. herb with erect to spreading stems and branches, up to ± 4 dm. tall, us. less; branchlets grooved and angled, ± narrowly winged. Lvs of rather diverse form, on flat petioles up to ± 10 mm. long. Lamina entire to obscurely to distinctly toothed, fleshy to submembr.; of lower lvs broad- to oblong-ovate, narrowed into winged decurrent petiole, (10)-20-40-(50) × (5)-8-15 mm.; of mid lvs subsessile, narrow-oblong to lanceolate, ± 20-50 × 5-10 mm.; of upper and subfloral lvs sessile, lanceolate to linear, 10-30 × 1-5 mm. On many plants the lf-shape is more constant. Fls ± 5-10 mm. long, on very slender peduncles up to ± 10 mm. long, occ. confined to uppermost part of branchlets. Receptacle cylindric, grooved. Calyx-lobes short, triangular to linear, acute to acuminate. Corolla white to pale blue, 6-7 mm. long; lobes linear to oblong, acute. Capsule ± 8-12 mm. long, narrow-clavate.
Fls 5-merous, axillary, solitary or in racemes; receptacle adnate to ovary; corolla oblique, split to base at back, upper lip 2-lobed, lower 3-lobed. Staminal tube free from corolla; anthers connate, awn-tipped. Ovary 2-celled, ovules ∞; style filiform, stigma emarginate, often subtended by ring of hairs. Capsule 2-celled, loculicidally dehiscent; seeds minute, ∞. Mostly herbs with alt., us. toothed, simple lvs. Widespread genus with some 250 spp. in various forms occurs also in Australia, Tasmania, S. America and S. Africa; the other N.Z. spp. are endemic.
Glab. herb with pale yellow acrid sap. Roots ∞, rather stout, far-spreading; stems and branches tough, ascending through rock-debris; branchlets appearing above surface, up to ± 10 cm. long. Lvs thick, coriac., on broad flat petioles ± 5 mm. long. Lamina ± 10-20-(25) × 10-15-(20) mm.; obovate to broad-oblong to elliptic in outline, cuneately narrowed to base; coarsely, deeply dentate; teeth very narrow-triangular, blunt, elongating to ± 6 mm. Fls ± 10 mm. long, on stout peduncles up to 5 cm. long. Calyx 5-7 mm. long, persistent; lobes linear, thick, obtuse, elongating to c. 8 mm. in fr. Corolla white, hardly > calyx, split to near base into 2 lips; upper lip with 2 narrow segs, lower 3-lobed to c. ⅓ way; anthers not awned. Capsule coriac., ± 10-12 mm. long, broad-obovoid to suborbicular.
Fls perfect, 5-merous; receptacle adnate to ovary; corolla irregular, epig., 1-2-lipped, of valvate variously united petals; stamens alt. with corolla-lobes; anthers cohering into a tube around style. Ovary ± inferior, 2-(3)-celled; ovules ∞, axile; style girt by ring of hairs. Fr. fleshy or capsular; seeds ∞, embryo straight, endosperm cop. Herbs to small shrubs with often milky sap; lvs alt., simple, exstipulate. Some 20 widespread genera and 530 spp.
The essential parts of Hooker's description are: "Woody, rigid, branching, prostrate shrub, with numerous small white flowers . . .Stems 3-6 inches long, much branched; branches short, rigid, pubescent. Leaves 1/4 inch long, crowded, opposite, the bases of each pair united by two small blunt stipules, very coriaceous, elliptical, ovate or spathulate, blunt, nerveless, quite glabrous, entire and shining. Flowers 1 line long, two to three together, on axillary, stout, pubescent pedicels, which are shorter than the leaves, and furnished with opposite, subulate connate bracts. Calyx of five oblong, blunt, ciliated sepals. Corolla with a short tube and five veined, rounded, spreading, imbricated lobes, villous at the mouth. Stamens 5; filaments slender; anthers deeply two-lobed from the base upwards. Ovary very small, low, depressed; style erect, with a short club-shaped stigma . . . Northern Island. Ruahine Mountains, Colenso . . . I have seen no fruit of this plant, nor can I determine the nature of the ovariusm . . . It may prove to be a species of ."
Fls regular, perfect or unisexual, terminal or axillary, solitary or in few-fld cymes. Calyx-5-lobed; corolla 5-(4)-lobed; stamens 5-(4), on corolla-tube, filaments filiform. Ovary 2-loculed; style 1; stigma ± capitate; ovules several per locule. Capsule ± globose, 2-valved, septicidally dehiscent; placentae axile. Small shrubs or herb with opp., entire lvs; stipules us. reduced to a transverse line. Some 25 Australian spp., the N. Z. sp. endemic.
Fls 4-5-merous, perfect, regular, in few-fld corymbs or heads. Stamens epipetalous; anthers 2-celled, dehiscing lengthwise. Ovary superior, us. 2-loculed; placentae us. axile. Fr. us. a septicidal capsule; seeds ∞, sts winged. Herbs, shrubs, trees or lianes with us. opp., simple, stipulate or exstipulate lvs. Widespread in tropical to warm temperate regions, with some 35 genera and 800 spp.
Shrub or tree up to 6 m. tall or more; branchlets and young lvs hirsute. Lvs on petioles ± 2-5 mm. long; lamina subcoriac., c. 15-30-(50) × 10-15-(20) mm., broad-ovate to suborbicular, bullate, obtuse to acute or apiculate, us. reddish tinged in open (all forms may be on same plant). Fls axillary, solitary, ± 12 mm. diam., on ± hirsute peduncles c. 2 cm. long. Receptacle with 2 minute bracts at base, ± hirsute, ± 3 × 2 mm. Sepals obtuse to subacute, about elliptic-oblong; petals white, suborbicular, ciliate. Berry c. 4-8 mm. long, broad-ovoid, dark red to black; seeds ∞, reniform; testa hard.
Fls 4-merous; receptacle not produced beyond ovary; sepals persistent; stamens ∞, anthers dorsifixed. Gynaecium 2-3-locular; placenta of narrow ribbon-like lobes dependent from apex of loculus. Ovules ∞, affixed in 1 series to margin of placenta. Berry many-seeded, seeds reniform; testa hard, pale; radicle elongate. Genus endemic to N.Z. Type sp.: . Shrubs or trees with gland-dotted lvs and receptacles.
Shrub up to c. 5 m. tall, with spreading branches; branchlets subterete, ± pubescent. Lvs sts fascicled, on puberulous petioles hardly 1 mm. long; lamina ± 5-10 × 5-10 mm., obcordate, cuneately narrowed to base, glab. except sts when young. Fls axillary, solitary, ± 6 mm. diam., on very slender pubescent peduncles ± 10-20 mm. long. Receptacle adnate to ovary, ± gland-dotted; sepals oblong, acute, pubescent; petals white, suborbicular. Berry broad-ovate c. 6-7 × 5 mm., bright to dark red, occ. violet. Seeds reniform, testa hard.
Infl. various, basically cymose, bracted; fls regular, perfect, or plant dioec.; receptacle cup-shaped; per. with 2 similar whorls of tepals, both either sepaloid or petaloid, or outer whorl suppressed; stamens as many as tepals; anthers diversely dehiscent. Ovary inferior, ovules not distinctly differentiated; stigma 1. Fr. baccate or drupaceous; seeds solitary, embryo large. Mostly hemiparasitic shrubs or trees with lvs us. opp. or whorled, simple, entire, thick, exstipulate (lvs sts scalelike). Widespread family with some 30 genera and 1100 spp. In subfamily there is a calyculus (a toothed or erose rim below the per.). Subfamily lacks a calyculus.
Fls us. perfect, in axillary cymose panicles. Tepals in 2 series; outer of 4-6 minute teeth; inner of 4-6 connivent or ± connate tepals, reflexing at apices. Stamens inserted on tepals, filaments distinct, anthers adnate. Ovary inferior, 1-celled; style filiform. Fr. baccate. Hemiparasitic shrubs with us. opp., coriac. lvs. Some 350 spp. mostly tropical and subtropical; the N.Z. sp. endemic.
Bushy glab. shrub up to 1 m. or more diam., attached to host by a ball-like mass up to c. 2 cm. diam., or (more us.) by a stout branch elongate along host. Branches terete; branchlets subancipital. Lvs coriac., opp., on stout petioles up to c. 10 mm. long. Lamina ovate- to elliptic- to obovate-oblong, thick, entire or obscurely crenulate, 2-8 × 1-3 cm. Panicles 10-30 mm. diam.; peduncles and pedicels slender. Fls ± 2.5 mm. long; outer tepals reduced to a truncate rim; inner tepals greenish yellow, 4, narrow-oblong, free to base; anthers basifixed: style short, stout, twisted at middle; stigma lateral, capitate. Fr. bright yellow, ± ellipsoid, viscid, ± 5-8 mm. long.
Rhizome stout, somewhat tortuous, c. 5 mm. diam., densely clad in narrow dark brown bristly hairs. Stipes 20-60 cm. long, stout, erect, ± compressed, pale to dark brown, glab. except for bristles at base. Lamina 15-60 cm. long, tripinnate, glab., coriac., dark to light green above, glaucous to white or sometimes pale green below, broadly deltoid-triangular in outline. Pinnae ascending, primary 10-20 cm. long, secondary 5-10 cm.; pinnules oblong, subacute to acute, notched, up to 5 cm. long. Sori in sinuses of pinnules; indusium c. 1 mm. long, truncate at mouth; receptacle far-exserted when mature, slender, hairy, 2-3 mm. long. Sporangia shortly stalked, pyriform to obovoid.
Sori in sinuses of pinnules; indusium urceolate, truncate at mouth; receptacle hairy, exserted at maturity; sporangia shortly stalked; annulus oblique, without stomium. Rhizomatous, pinnately compound fronds, veins free. Genus of a single sp. endemic to N.Z. Sori comparable to those of ; vegetative characters to those of .
Sporangia 1-3-locular, opening by valves, solitary in axils of lvs or sporophylls; sporophylls often aggregated into strobili. Spores homosporous, ∞, yellow. Us. low-growing plants with simple to much-branched stems; lvs of linear to lanceolate order.
Stems erect from decumbent base, up to 3 dm. tall; branches stout, rigid; lvs crowded, ascending (spreading in shade forms) up to 9 mm. long, lanceolate-subulate, acuminate; bulbils ∞ (few in shade forms). Sporangia solitary in axils of unaltered lvs, largely in upper part of branchlets.
Stems tufted, much branched, up to 15 dm. long, pend., slender, densely leafy. Lower lvs spreading to erect, from decurrent base, up to 20 mm. long, linear to linear-ligulate, acute to subacute, coriac., midrib usually evident; upper lvs shorter, erect to appressed. Strobili ∞, slender, forked, distinctly tetragonous, up to 10 cm. long or more. Sporophylls densely imbricate, c. 1-2 mm. long, broadly ovate, subacute to apiculate, keeled, but little longer than sporangia.
Main stems stout, branched, arching between rooting points, up to 5 m. long. Aerial branches erect, 3-12 dm. long, much-branched above. Lvs crowded, squarrose, sts incurved, c. 3 mm. long, narrow linear-subulate, decurrent, pale green, keeled. Strobili us. ∞, solitary, sessile on curved tips of branches, up to 15 mm. long. Sporophylls broad-ovate, acuminate to cuspidate, margins denticulate.
Rhizome up to 3 m. long, branched. Aerial branches rigid, erect, much branched above, 3 dm.-1 m. long, sts lianoid and up to 3 m. long and scantily branched. Lvs of three forms, a branch us. bearing one form only: (a) erect, densely imbricate, appressed, 1-2.5 mm. long, shortly aristate (the commonest form); (b) squarrose, incurved at tips, 2-3 mm. long, long-aristate, less densely placed; (c) intermediate between (a) and (b). Strobili. solitary, terminal, ∞, erect, up to 3 cm. long. Sporophylls close-set, broad-ovate, acute, spreading when old, margins scarious, jagged.
Rhizome stout, branching, up to 15 dm. long. Aerial branches erect; up to 3 dm. long or more, occ. prostrate, occ. sublianoid, densely branched above, branches fastigiate. Lvs closely imbricate, incurved at tips, 3-5 mm. long, linear-lanceolate, acute to mucronate, midrib obscure. Strobili stalked, erect, solitary, paired, or several together, 2-5 cm. long. Sporophylls closely imbricate, broad-ovate, narrowed to long patent or recurved cusp; margins entire, scarious towards base.
Sporangia 1-3 mm. diam., reniform to subspherical, yellowish, solitary in axils of sporophylls, aggregated into stalked or sessile strobili, or scattered along stems, dehiscing by slit transverse to sporophyll. Spores tetrahedral, with 3 radiate ridges on flat surface. Stems dichotomously branched, with numerous scale-like lvs. Lvs imbricate, alike, or more or less distichous and dimorphic. Subcosmopolitan, with over 150 spp.
Rhizome much branched; aerial branches erect, stout, up to 3 dm. tall. Lvs close-set, spreading to ascending, up to 7 mm. long, lanceolate-subulate, acuminate, decurrent, mid-rib evident, margins ± revolute. Strobili lateral or terminal on short branchlets, sessile, ascending, up to 15 mm. or more long. Sporophylls imbricate, finally spreading, broad-ovate, abruptly acuminate, margins jagged.
Stems few, tufted, slender, up to 15 cm. long, pend., sparingly branched or unbranched; lvs scattered, pale green, spreading, often recurved, linear to narrow-lanceolate, acute to acuminate, c. 12 mm. long. Sporangia solitary in axils of upper, somewhat smaller, less acute lvs.
Main stems subterranean in boggy ground, above ground in drier habitats, seldom more than 25 cm. long, with deeply descending branches. Aerial stems much-branched, prostrate to sub-lianoid, often interlacing. Lvs spreading to ascending, 3-5 mm. long, subulate-lanceolate, mucronate, decurrent, keeled. Strobili solitary, terminal, erect, 6-15 mm. long, sts terminating short lateral branchlets. Sporophylls imbricate, ascending, broad-ovate, abruptly acuminate to cuspidate, margins entire or with a few teeth.
Main stem creeping, branched, up to 2 m. long, but us. less. Aerial branches freely branching, rigid, erect or ascending, up to 3 dm. long, sometimes lianoid, branchlets ± flattened. Lvs of main stems multifarious, of branches dimorphic. Dorsal lvs flattened, subdistichous, c. 3 mm. long, ascending, long-decurrent, lanceolate to narrow-ovate, acute to acuminate, subfalcate; other lvs smaller, subulate-lanceolate, appressed. Strobili solitary, terminal, 2.5-5 cm. long, ± stalked. Sporophylls closely imbricate, broadly ovate, narrowed to long, acute, spreading to recurved tips, margins ± toothed.
Main stem prostrate, creeping and rooting, seldom more than 15 cm. long. Aerial branches rather distant, rigid, erect, up to 2 dm. long. Lvs of main stem uniform, dense, ascending, imbricate, linear-lanceolate, acuminate, c. 3 mm. long; lvs of aerial branches less dense, somewhat spreading. Strobili solitary, erect, up to 1dm. long, sts with sterile mid-region. Sporophylls deltoid, somewhat spreading, with long cusp.
Stems tufted, much branched, up to 6 dm. long, stout, rather rigid, erect or ascending; lvs crowded, ascending or spreading, lower up to 18 mm. long, lanceolate, subacute, midrib rather obscure; upper lvs smaller, more appressed. Strobili terminal, often branched, us. curved, ± tetragonous, up to 15 cm. long, us. shorter; sporophylls densely imbricate, c. 3 mm. long, keeled, subacute to acute, distinctly overtopping sporangia.
Main stems scandent, branched, up to 5 m. long, wiry, flexuose, with scattered minute appressed lvs. Lvs dimorphic. Lateral lvs flattened, subdistichous, spreading, 3-5 mm. long, lanceolate with broad decurrent base, ascending, falcate, acuminate, midrib evident; other lvs minute, linear, appressed. Strobili 2-10 cm. long, terminal on paniculate branchlets. Sporophylls small, broad-ovate, abruptly narrowed to subulate tip.
Rhizome slender, clad in shining brown hairs, emitting numerous slender stipites, climbing to 10 m. or more. Primary pinnae numerous, dichotomously branched; pinnules 4-16 cm. × 5-20 mm., oblong-obtuse to lanceolate-acute, thinly coriac., bright green, sometimes glaucous below; veins free, forking. Fertile pinnae compoundly divided; final pinnules flabellately divided, short, ending in spikes of sporangia 5-10 mm. long, bearing 8-12 close-set sporangia.
Sporangia subtended by an indusium-like outgrowth, marginal in biseriate spikes; spores tetrahedral. Rhachis of indefinite growth, high-climbing, twining; secondary rhachides very short, each bearing a pair of compound pinnae. Fertile pinnae copiously divided. About 40, mainly tropical to subtropical, spp. The N.Z. sp. is endemic.
Rhizome stout; lamina pinnately compound, reduced to winglike margins of axes. Indusium almost cup-shaped; mouth truncate, entire. Receptacle slender, exserted. A few spp., mainly tropical.
Aromatic glab. shrub or tree up to 6m. tall; branches ± zigzag, jointed and swollen at nodes, dark. Lvs opp., on petioles 1-4 cm. long, with adnate stipules; lamina entire, subcoriac., dark to yellowish green, 5-10 × 6-12 cm., broad-ovate to suborbicular, cordate at base, sinus narrow to open; rather abruptly narrowed to obtuse tip; 5-7-(9) sub-palmately nerved. Spikes unisexual, solitary or paired, 2-8 cm. long on peduncles ± 1 cm. long. Fls minute, sessile, very close-set; bract orbicular-peltate; ♂ of 2-(3) stamens, ♀ with 3-(4) stigmas. Drupes very close-set, 2-3 mm. diam., ± angled; exocarp succulent, yellow to orange, broadly obovoid.
Fls minute, close-set, in axillary, unisexual, bracted spikes. ♂ of 2-3 stamens, anther-cells distinct; ♀ developing into a small drupe, often connate to bracts and axis. Shrubs or small trees, branches often with swollen nodes; lvs alt., entire, stipulate. About 6 spp. of N.Z., Polynesia to New Guinea.
Infl. of simple or compound cymes to solitary; fls mostly 5-merous, regular, perfect; sepals valvate, ± connate, sts with epicalyx of free or connate bracts; petals free, contorted or imbricate; stamens ∞, hypog., monadelphous; tube bearing 1-celled anthers by division of filaments, dehiscing longitudinally; pollen grains large, us. spiny. Ovary with 2-several locules, often 5, with axile placentae. Fr. dry (rarely baccate), loculicidally dehiscent or separating into cocci. Herbs, shrubs, or trees with us. stellate or lepidote indumentum and alt., us. palmately nerved stipulate lvs. Subcosmopolitan family with some 80 genera and 1500 spp.
Caudex massive, irregular. Stipes up to 1 m. or more long; processes large, clasping. Fronds up to 4 m. long and 2 m. wide, about ovate-deltoid in outline, 2-pinnate (rarely 3-pinnate). Primary pinnae up to 1 m. long. Pinnules up to 3 dm. long 2 cm. wide, oblong, acuminate, very shortly stalked; margins incurved, sinuous. Synangia c.. 3 mm. long, submarginal, close-set; sporangia 8-12.
Mature caudex massive, subglobose; fronds 2-3-pinnate, veins free. Sorus of a double row of sporangia fused into a synangium, oblong, at or near the tips of the veins. Synangium and sporangia dehiscing by a longitudinal slit.
Sori dorsal, on veins; sporangia eusporangiate, thick-walled, opening us. by a longitudinal split, often fused into synangia. Fronds circinate, us. compound, attached to caudex by a swollen joint flanked by stipule-like processes; pinnae jointed. Six, mainly tropical, genera.
Sporocarps one or more at or near base of stipes, hairy, firm, about globose, containing the sori, rupturing by 1 or 4 slits. Sori 4 or more, bearing sporangia on a receptacle; megasporangia below, the large megaspore imbedded in a thick layer of mucilage; microsporangia above, with numerous minute microspores. Spores tetrahedral. Rhizome far-creeping, branching, solenostelic; fronds linear, or 2-4-foliate, in 2 rows. Subaquatic to aquatic ferns of 3 genera.
Fls in terminal subsecund racemes or solitary. Calyx campanulate, 5-partite, not angled. Corolla with short tube; upper lip 2-fid, erect; lower larger, spreading, 3-fid; throat with 2 protuberances. Stamens 4, didynamous, inserted on corolla-tube; anther-cells divergent, often confluent at apex. Style slender, stigma 2-lamellate. Capsule compressed-globose, loculicidally dehiscent; seeds ∞, minute. Small herbs, often prostrate and rooting at nodes with stems above or below ground. Lower lvs opp. or rosulate, upper often alt. Some 15 spp. ranging from N.Z. through Tasmania, Australia, Malaya, India, China, to Formosa.
Perennial herb; rhizome emitting short lfy branches ± prostrate. Lvs close-set, rosulate, 2-7·5 cm. long, including short petiole, obovate-spathulate, obtuse, membr., entire or irregularly sinuate-toothed, glab. or sparsely hairy. Peduncles slender, us. > lvs, 1-6-fld; pedicels long, each with a setaceous bract. Calyx narrow-campanulate; lobes narrow, acute. Corolla c. 3 × calyx, ± 6-12 mm. long, white or occ. blue, throat yellow; tube > calyx, lobes broad, obtuse. Capsule included in persistent calyx.
Stem creeping, rooting at nodes, rather stout, sts below ground, emitting lfy ± erect branches 2-5 cm. tall. Lvs 2-5 cm. long including petiole, close-set, hairy to glab., obovate to narrow-obovate, obtuse, gradually narrowed to petiole, entire or obscurely sinuate. Peduncles 1-3-fld, erect, glab. to pilose; bracts 1-2, linear-subulate. Calyx campanulate, laxly clad in white spreading hairs, not angled. Corolla-tube ± 1 cm. long; limb ± 1 cm. long, white with yellow throat; upper lip erect; lower larger, spreading. Stamens 4; 2 lower = corolla-tube, 2 upper shorter. Style 2-lobed. Capsule 8-9 mm. long, ovoid, enclosed in persistent calyx.
Rhizome very slender; lamina with entire margins; indusium deeply 2-valved. About 100 spp.; type:
Fls us. perfect, regular, in cymose panicles. Sepals small. 4-5, connate at base, imbricate; petals 4-5, sts connate; stamens hypog., us. 8-10, monadelphous; anthers 2-celled, dehiscing lengthwise. Ovary superior, 2-5-loculed; placentae axile; ovules us. 2 per locule, pend.; stigma capitate to discoid. Fr. baccate to capsular; seeds often winged. Shrubs or trees with lvs us. alt., compound, exstipulate. Mostly tropical trees or shrubs; some 80 genera and 800 spp.
Fls 4-merous, perfect to unisexual, in cymes or panicles, occ. solitary. Sepals minute, petals with inflexed apices; stamens 8, at base of disk, filaments subulate. Ovary 4-lobed and 4-loculed; ovules us. 2 per locule; styles 4, often coalescent; stigma 4-lobed. Cocci 4, each 1-seeded; testa shining, endocarp cartilaginous. Trees or shrubs with gland-dotted lvs. Some 20 spp. of tropical Asia to Australia, the N.Z. spp. endemic.
Glab., ± divaricate shrub up to 30 dm. or more tall; branchlets slender. Lvs of seedling and young plants 3-foliolate, on very slender petioles up to c. 2 cm. long; lflts ± 5-10 × 3-10 mm., ± rhomboid; margins crenulate to subentire. Lvs of mature plants mostly 1-foliolate, on slender flattened petioles up to 5 mm. long; alt. or clustered on short arrested branchlets; (5)-10-15-(20) × (5)-10-15-(20) mm., rhomboid to suborbicular, gland-dotted, crenulate. Infl. of 1-4 axillary fls, on very slender peduncles up to 5 mm. long; bracts minute, ovate. Fls perfect to unisexual, c. 5 mm. diam.; sepals minute, triangular; petals ± 3 mm. long, greenish to clear white; stamens exserted in ♂.♀ with pilose ovary; style exserted; stigma capitate, obscurely 4-lobed. Fr. and seed as in , but smaller.
Glab. much-branched spreading shrub up to 6 m. tall; branchlets slender, pale yellow-green when young. Lvs opp., 3-foliolate, on petioles up to c. 5 cm. long; petiolules very short to 5 mm. long. Lamina thinly coriac., (5)-7-10 × (2)-3-4 cm., subacute to acute, obovate-cuneate to elliptic- to ovate- or obovate-oblong, entire (all forms may be on same plant). Subfloral lvs may be 2- to 1-foliolate. Infl. of often paired axillary cymes, ± trichotomously branched, on peduncles ± 2 cm. long; bracts minute, ovate; pedicels ± 5 mm. long. Fls perfect or unisexual, 8-10 mm. diam. Sepals ovate-oblong, c. 1·5 mm. long, gland-dotted; petals greenish, ovate-oblong, concavo-convex, c. 5 mm. long, gland-dotted. Ovary glab., style short, stout. Disk annular, lobulate.. Cocci ± 5 mm. long, pale brown, wrinkled and punctulose. Seed ± 5 mm. long, black, glossy.
Plant dioec.; fls small, regular, fascicled (occ. solitary) the fascicles axillary or on branchlets below lvs; pedicels with a pair of minute bracts. Calyx 5-lobed or toothed; petals 5, spreading; anthers 5, sessile, free or united by toothed membrane; nectariferous scale or sac dorsal on anther or membrane. Ovary 1-celled; placentae 3-5, parietal; style (2)-3- 6-fid, or stigma subsessile, lobed. Berry with few black ± angled seeds. Trees or shrubs with alt., minutely stipulate lvs. Genus of 4 spp., of which M. ramiflorus extends to Norfolk, Tonga and Fiji Islands.
Slender shrub or tree up to 5 m. tall or more; bark brownish grey; branch- lets brittle. Lvs on slender petioles up to 1·5 cm. long; lamina membr., 5-16 × 0·5-3 cm.; narrow- to rather broad-lanceolate to lanceolate- oblong, us. acuminate, rather finely but bluntly serrate. Infl. of 2-6 fascicled fls on slender, ± decurved pedicels c. 5-10 mm. long; bracts above middle. Fls ± 5 mm. diam.; calyx teeth linear to narrow-oblong, obtuse; petals purplish, recurved at apex. Anthers connected by membrane that is produced above and cut into triangular-attenuate teeth. Style (2)-3-fid, rather long. Berries dark purple, subglobose, 4-6 mm. diam. Seeds 6-12, minutely tuberculate.
Lvs 2-2.5 cm. wide, oblong-lanceolate; petals dark purple at tips only, elsewhere orange.
A tree up to 6 m. tall; trunk up to 4 dm. diam.; bark light brown. Lvs on light-coloured petioles 1-2 cm. long; lamina (5)-7 -15-20) × (3)-4-6-(10) cm., coriac., coarsely and bluntly serrate, obovate-oblong, abruptly acute (some lvs rounded at apex) sinuately and cuneately narrowed to base. Infl. of 3-12 fascicled fls on slender, decurved pedicels c. 1·5 cm. long; bracts just below fls. Fls 6-7 mm. diam.; calyx lobes ovate-oblong, obtuse, 1-2 mm. long; petals narrow-oblong to ligulate, becoming recurved (♀ shorter, remaining suberect). ♂ with sessile, free, apiculate anthers; ♀ with short style and discoid 3-5-lobed stigmas. Berry subglobose to turbinate, 5-7 × 4-6 mm., white, ± purple flushed; seeds 4-6.
Shrub up to 2 m. tall or occ. more; branches stiff ± interlaced; branchlets stiff, ± pubescent. Lvs sts fascicled; petioles slender 3-5- (10) mm. long, ± pubescent; lamina subcoriac., 1-2.5 × 1-2 cm., elliptic- to obovate-oblong to broad-ovate, sinuate to subcrenate, sts sub- entire. Fls minute, axillary, solitary or 2-3 together; pedicels ± pubescent; ♂ with short ± ciliate rounded calyx-lobes; petals oblong, twice length of calyx; anthers broad, sessile; connective flat. ♀ calyx and petals as in ♂; style short, stout; stigma discoid, 3-5-lobed. Berry 3-4 mm. diam., obovoid to subglobose, dark purple; seeds (1)-4.
Lamina 12-30 × 10-20 mm., obovate-oblong to oblong to elliptic. Berry ovoid to subglobular, 3-4 mm. diam.
Up to 5 m. tall; lamina 2-9 × 2-5 mm., obovate to orbicular, often subentire. Berry ovoid, 4-6 mm. diam.
Tree up to 10 m. or more tall; trunk up to 6 dm. or more diam., sts much-branched from near base; bark greyish white; branchlets brittle; wood soft, white. Lvs on slender petioles ± 2 cm. long; lamina lanceolate-oblong to elliptic-oblong, 5-15 × 3-5 cm., submembr., coarsely and obtusely serrate (sts obscurely toothed); apex acute to acuminate or obtuse (all forms may be found on same plant). Infl. of 2-10 fasicled fls on slender pedicels 5-10 mm. long; fascicles axillary or on branchlets below lvs. Fls 3-4 mm. diam.; bracts just below fls; calyx lobes minute; petals greenish yellow, obtuse. Anthers sessile, connective not produced, scale minute; stigma 4-6-lobed. Berry violet to dark blue or purplish, 4-5 mm. long, obovoid to subglobose; seeds 3-6.
Stems several to ∞, very slender, clad in patent hairs, branched, arising from a slender branching rhizome or (occ.) stolons, forming loose patches up to c. 2 dm. diam. Lvs sessile or on petioles up to 2 mm. long; lamina (4)-7-12 × (3)-5-11 mm., gland-dotted, ± hairy; broad-ovate to broad ovate-oblong, entire or with a pair of minute notches, subtruncate at base. Fls axillary, solitary or in 2-3-fld cymes, fragrant. Peduncles slender, pubescent, up to c. 4 mm. long. Calyx us. villous, ± campanulate; teeth narrow-triangular. Corolla-lobes ± equal, white, spreading, upper ± bifid. Stamens hardly exserted.
Infl. of whorled fls, us. in bracted spikes. Calyx 10-15-nerved, teeth nearly equal; corolla-tube short, lobes 4, nearly equal. Stamens 4, ± equal, mostly exserted. Nutlets ovoid, smooth. Perennial rhizomatous or stoloniferous herbs, with us. 4-angled stems and branches and fragrant opp. or whorled simple lvs. Some 30 spp., mostly of temperate regions, the N.Z. sp. endemic.
Plants dioec. or polygamodioec.; ♂ with 3-5 minute calyx-teeth, 4-5 or occ. more valvate petals.. ♀ with ovary 3-several-loculed; style branches us. 5, connate at base. Fr. fleshy. Small ± resinous trees, mainly of New Caledonia, with members in Polynesia and Melanesia; one sp. in Queensland; the N.Z. sp. endemic.
Tree up to c. 8 m. tall, with trunk up to c. 5 dm. diam.; branches brittle. Lvs crowded at apices of branchlets, simple, on petioles up to c. 35 cm. long; lamina about oblong, semicordate at base, coriac., glossy, up to c. 50 × 20 cm.; margins very shallowly broadly lobulate, slightly undulate. Panicles terminal, erect, up to 5 dm. long, about oblong in outline, branches jointed. ♂ in bracted clusters; calyx obsolete, petals 4, greenish; stamens 4. ♀ bracted, crowded; calyx obsolete, petals 4-5, greenish; staminodes present, style-branches 4-5. Fr. 1 cm. or more long, succulent, black, 4-5-loculed; seeds solitary in each locule.
Liane up to 10 m. or more tall; branchlets terete, often drooping. Lvs on stout petioles 2-4 mm. long; lamina coriac., glab., elliptic-ovate to elliptic-lanceolate, rather abruptly narrowed to acute or subacute apex, 35-90 × 20-35 mm. Infl. of large terminal compound cymes with ∞ fls. Receptacle urceolate to funnelform, 8 × 5 mm., exceeding ovary; sepals ovate, obtuse, reflexed, ± 2 mm. long; petals white, suborbicular, ± 5 × 5 mm., ± pubescent; stamens whitish, 15-25 mm. long. Ovary adnate to receptacle; capsule urceolate ± 6-9 mm. diam.
Fls in us. terminal cymes or racemes; receptacle adnate to ovary; sepals 5, imbricate; petals 5; stamens ∞, much > petals; filaments filiform, anthers versatile. Ovary 3-celled, style filiform, ovules ∞. Capsules coriac., loculicidally 3-valved, or dehiscence irregular; seeds linear. Aromatic shrubs, trees or woody lianes with simple, opp., gland-dotted, exstipulate lvs. Some 20 spp. of N.Z., Australia, Polynesia to Malaya―the N.Z. spp. endemic.
Liane up to 15 m. or more tall, with branchlets, infl.-axes, receptacle setose to pubescent. Lvs on petioles ± 1 mm. long; lamina coriac., elliptic- to ovate-oblong to broad ovate, obtuse to subacute, 15-35 × 7-10-(20) mm. Infl. in us. terminal compound cymes with ∞ very bright carmine fls on pedicels ± 5 mm. long; sepals broad-oblong, ± 2 mm. long; petals suborbicular, shortly clawed, ± 5 × 4 mm., margins us. toothed; stamens 10-15 mm. long. Ovary adnate to and distinctly exceeded by receptacle. Capsule subglobose, 6-7-(9) mm. diam.
Slender liane, up to 6 m. or more tall; branchlets subterete, setose to pubescent. Lvs subsessile; lamina (8)-15-20 × (5)-7-10-(20) mm., submembr., about ovate-lanceolate, acute to acuminate, ± densely pubescent when young. Infl. of terminal and lateral small few-fld cymes; pedicels us. setose, ± 3 mm. long; receptacle c. 5 mm. long, ± funnelform, pubescent, far exceeding ovary. Sepals narrow-triangular, acute; petals pink to white, orbicular, hardly > sepals; filaments ± 10 cm. long. Ovary adnate to receptacle; capsule subglobose, 3-ribbed, up to c. 4 mm. diam., often less, exceeded by receptacle, loculicidally 3-valved.
Tall liane, parts densely pilose-pubescent when young, hairs brownish; branchlets very slender, drooping, up to c. 5 dm. long; lvs ± 15-20 × 5-10 mm., indumentum becoming sparser in age; fls white or faintly pink-tinged; sepals acuminate, recurved, > petals; receptacle much exceeding adnate ovary.
Tree up to 20 m. tall; trunk up to 2 m. diam.; branches spreading; branchlets stout, tomentose. Lvs on short stout petioles; lamina (2.5)-5-10 × 2.5-3-5 cm., elliptic to oblong, acute or obtuse, coriac., thick, clad in white tomentum below (young plants occ. glab. below). Infl. of broad compound cymes with ∞ fls; pedicels stout, tomentose. Receptacle obconic; sepals deltoid; petals crimson, oblong. Stamens ∞, crimson, 3-4 cm. long. Ovary adnate to receptacle. Capsules 7-9 mm. long, tomentose, distinctly exserted, loculicidally 3-valved.
Tree up to 15 m. or more tall; trunk up to 1m. or more diam. Branchlets, lvs below, infl.-axes, receptacles, sepals densely clad in white tomentum; branchlets terete. Lvs on stout petioles ± 5 mm. long; lamina 2-5 × 1-2 cm., broadly ovate- to elliptic-oblong, coriac., margins recurved. Infl. of terminal compound cymes with ∞ fls; pedicels stout, up to c. 10 mm. long. Receptacle obconic; sepals deltoid to triangular, gland-tipped; petals oblong, pubescent, crimson. Stamens crimson, ± 12-20 mm. long. Ovary 3-celled, adnate to receptacle; capsules ± 6 mm. long, distinctly exserted, woody, white-tomentose, loculicidally 3-valved.
Glab. straggling shrub or tree up to c. 7 m. tall; branchlets 4-angled. Lvs on petioles c. 2 mm. long; lamina (25)-35-50-(75) × 15-20-(30) mm., about ovate-lanceolate, rather abruptly narrowed to obtuse or subacute apex, coriac. Infl. in compound cymes, us. below lvs. Fls ∞, bright crimson; receptacle turbinate, exceeding adnate ovary. Sepals ovate-triangular; petals oblong, ± toothed; stamens ± 20-25 mm. long. Ovary adherent to base of receptacle; capsules ± 6-7 mm. long.
Rather slender liane up to 15 m. or more tall; branchlets terete, ± setose. Lvs subsessile, close-set; lamina broad-ovate to broad-oblong to suborbicular on same plant, coriac., obtuse, ± 6-12 × 5-9 mm., glab. above, pale below and ± setose; margins recurved. Infl. of axillary few-fld cymes, crowded towards apex of branchlets; peduncles and pedicels pubescent to setose. Receptacle broad-turbinate; sepals broad, obtuse; petals suborbicular, white or pink; stamens 8-10 mm. long, white to pink. Ovary adnate to receptacle. Capsule subglobose, 4-5 mm. diam., exserted, loculicidally 3-valved.
Tree up to 25 m. or more tall; trunk up to 2 m. or more diam.; branchlets 4-angled, puberulous. Lvs coriac., on stout petioles ± 2 mm. long; lamina 25-50 × 15-20 mm., elliptic- to ovate-oblong, obtuse, glab. Infl. of many-fld, terminal cymes; pedicels up to c. 5 mm. long. Receptacle obconic, up to 9 mm. long; sepals broad-triangular; petals about oblong, ± 3 mm. long; stamens ± 3 cm. long, red. Ovary adnate to receptacle; capsules oblong, 6-9 mm. long, distinctly exserted, loculicidally 3-valved.
Liane up to 10 m. long or more, with main stem up to 10 cm. or more diam.; bark separating in flakes. Lvs on stout petioles c. 2-5 mm. long; lamina coriac., 35-60-(75) × (10)-25 mm., about elliptic-oblong, obtuse, glab. Infl. of terminal cymes; receptacles obconic to urceolate, glab., ± 12 mm. long, ribbed. Sepals oblong, obtuse; petals suborbicular, us. orange-red; stamens ± scarlet, 20-25 mm. long. Ovary adnate to receptacle and much exceeded by it. Capsule deeply immersed, ± 10 × 10 mm., dehiscing irregularly.
Tree up to 15 m. or more tall; trunk up to 1 m. or more diam.; sts reduced to a shrub; branchlets subterete, glab. Lvs on petioles ± 5 mm. long; lamina coriac., (25)-30-50-(60) × (10) -15-20 mm., glab. Infl. of terminal cymes on peduncles up to 10 mm. long; receptacle obconic, silky, produced beyond adnate ovary. Sepals oblong-triangular to ovate, c. 3 mm. long; petals light red, suborbicular, c. 5 mm. long. Stamens light red ± 2 cm. long. Capsules urceolate, ± 8-9 mm. long, exceeded by receptacle.
Capitula solitary on fistular scapes, many-fld, homogamous. Phyll. in 1 series, with a few bracteoles at base; receptacle nude, alveolate. Florets perfect, ligulate. Achenes us. glab., striate, not beaked; pappus-hairs dilated and paleaceous at base, barbellate above. Scapigerous herbs with milky juice. Genus of some 40 spp., mostly American, 1 sp. Australasian.
Perennial with short, vertical, much-branched caudex and ∞ fleshy taproots. Lvs all basal, glab. or furfuraceous, entire to denticulate to pinnatifid. Scapes ± furfuraceous, naked, unbranched, striate. Bracteoles deltoid to elliptic or lanceolate, obtuse to acuminate. Florets yellow, conspicuously exceeding phyll. Achenes narrowed to base, distinctly ribbed, the ribs smooth. Pappus-hairs c. 14-24, stiff, brownish, widened to membranous base, barbellate above.
Fls 5-merous, perfect to functionally unisexual, in cymose, often fascicled, racemes. Ovary semi-inferior, receptacle cupular; tepals reduced to (4)-5-(6) minute triangular teeth; disk (4)-5-(6)-lobed; stigma 2-4-lobed. Fr. turbinate. Glab. trees or shrubs with mostly alt. lvs. So far as known confined to 1 sp. in Juan Fernandez and 1 in N.Z.
Tree up to ± 6 m. tall; trunk up to 2 dm. diam.; branchlets slender, bark grey. Lvs alt., with occ. subopp. pairs, on short slender petioles. Lamina narrow-lanceolate, ± 5-10-(12) cm. × 3-10 mm., acute to subacuminate, thinly coriac. to membr., entire; dark green and somewhat glossy above, paler below, punctulate. Infl. axillary, of short few-fld racemes on slender, short peduncles. Pedicels ± 5 mm. long. Fls ± 4-6 mm. diam., greenish, perfect to functionally unisexual. Receptacle ± hemispheric; tepals (4)-5-(6), broadly triangular, deciduous; stamens (4)-5-(6), on short slender filaments subtended by tufts of hairs; disk (4)-5-(6)-lobed; stigma 2-4-lobed. Fr. c. 7-12 × 6-8 mm., narrow-turbinate, bright red, crowned by rim of receptacle.
Tree similar to above, but lamina ovate to oblong-ovate to broad-elliptic, acute to subacute, ± 5-8 × 2-3 cm.
Fls axillary, ± pilose to glab., solitary or occ. racemed. Calyx sub-campanulate, 5-angled, 5-lobed. Corolla with long tube terminating in 2-lipped limb; upper lip 2-lobed, erect to patent; lower 3-lobed, throat us. with 2 protuberances. Stamens 4, didynamous, anther-cells divergent, often confluent at apex. Style slender, stigma 2-lamellate. Capsule 2-valved, loculicidally dehiscent. Herbs with opp. simple, entire or toothed lvs. Some 120 spp. of America, Asia, Africa, Australia, Tasmania, N.Z. The N.Z. sp. also in Tasmania.
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Fls us. solitary, axillary; calyx 4-(2)-lobed; corolla valvately 4-lobed; stamens 4, anthers 2-celled dehiscing lengthwise, us. not exserted. Ovary 2-loculed, styles 2, stigma us. capitate; ovules ∞, placentae peltate. Capsule opening along inner margin, seeds ∞.Some 35 spp. from Australia to eastern Asia, the N.Z. spp. endemic.
Glab. compact perennial herb, forming rather mosslike patches ± 5 cm. diam. and tall; branches slender, ascending. Lvs densely imbricate, ± connate at base, (2)-3-5-(5·5) mm. long, narrow-oblong to narrow-obovate, subcoriac., concavo-convex, margins thickened; acicles 0·5-1-(2) mm. long. Fls solitary, terminal, minute, hidden by lvs or nearly so. Calyx-lobes similar to lvs in shape; corolla-lobes obtuse; Staminal filaments very short, anthers broad-oblong in outline, didymous; styles short, free. Capsule subcoriac., depressed; valves 2, spreading at apex.
Fls regular, us. small, unisexual to polygamous, in cymes or racemes; per. segs 4-many; stamens many to few, anthers opening by slits or valves; disk adnate to per. tube; carpels 1-ovuled, us. several, free in fr., us. enclosed in persistant per. tube. Trees or shrubs, us. fragrant; lvs coriac., us. opp., gland-dotted, exstipulate. About 30 genera, mainly of tropics and subtropics.
Slender glab. branching herb up to 15 cm. or more tall, forming dense or loose tufts. Lvs opp., 0·5-2.5 cm. long, linear-lanceolate to spathulate to narrow-ovate, acute or subacute. Fls axillary or terminal, solitary or in 2-3-(5)-fld cymes, ± 2-3 mm. diam.; petals slightly > sepals, greenish white. Capsules hardly = sepals; seeds 3, c. 1 mm. diam., black.
Fls solitary or in few-fld cymes. Sepals 2, persistent; petals 5, united below into a short cleft tube. Stamens 3-(6), opp. the 3 smaller petals; style 3-fid. Capsule ± globose, 3-valved, dehiscing explosively; seeds 3, black. Small annual to perennial glab. herbs with opp. lvs. Widespread in temperate to cold regions, with a few not well-defined spp. or of 1 aggregate sp.
Fls unisexual, small, in spikes or heads; per.-segs us. 4, valvate or imbricate. ♂ with stamens opp. segs, filaments us. inflexed in bud. ♀ with superior to inferior ovary; carpels 2, one often abortive, 1 -celled; ovule 1, us. pend.; style-branches 2. Fr. an achene or drupe. Monoec. or dioec. trees or shrubs with cop. latex and simple, alt., stipulate lvs. About 60 genera, mainly tropical and subtropical.
Erect shrub up to 2 m. tall and in diam.; stems many, up to 1 cm. diam., much branched; branchlets slender, flexuous, divaricate and ± interlacing; canelike shoots often developed from near base. Lvs in fascicles of 2-3 on short branchlets, or distributed along elongate branch-lets; lamina 3-10 mm. diam., us. broad-obcordate, cuneately narrowed to short slender petiole, submembr., us. entire, occ. incised at apex. Fls minute, on very short peduncles in small axillary fascicles. ♂ not seen; ♀ ± 2.5 mm. diam.; tepals green to white or pinkish; staminodes us. 8; ovary bluntly trigonous, faces grooved; stigmas 3, fimbriate. Fr. 2-2.5 × 1·25 mm., dull, rugulose; tepals succulent or dry.
Dioec., stout liane up to 10 m. tall, much-branched, branches ± interlacing (forming tangled masses in absence of support). Main stem up to 10 cm. diam.; branchlets slender, terete, ± grooved, glab. or nearly so; bark grey. Lvs on stiff petioles up to 25 mm. long. Lamina 2-8 × 1-3 cm., membr., glab.; dark green above, paler below; broad-ovate to broad-oblong, sts subpanduriform to 3-lobed (all forms may be on same plant); margins ± undulate. Ochreae deciduous ± 4-5 mm. long. Panicles up to 15 × 10 cm., lfy below, axillary and terminal, of clusters of bracted racemes up to ± 5 cm. long. Fls ± 4-5 mm. diam., tepals greenish ± 5 mm. long, cut halfway to base. ♂ with 8 stamens and rud. ovary. ♀ with 8 staminodes; stigmas broad, fimbriate. Fr. invested by dry or subsucculent persistent per., black, glossy, trigonous, ± 3·5 mm. long, 3-grooved; angles ± undulate.
Prostrate or occ. straggling shrub forming dense to open patches up to 1 m. or more across; stems and branches subterranean or creeping on surface, rooting at nodes where substratum favourable; branchlets slender, decumbent, ± pubescent. Lvs on slender petioles (1)-2-3-(5) mm. long; ochreae 2-3 mm. long, obliquely truncate. Lamina (2)-3-5-(10) mm. long or in diam., coriac., broad- to ovate-oblong to suborbicular, sts retuse; dark green above, paler below. Fls ± 4 mm. diam., solitary or paired (rarely up to 5 in a fascicle), axillary on slender pedicels. Tepals united to halfway, lobes narrow-triangular. ♀ with fimbriate stigmas; tepals white and succulent or dry in fr. (both forms may occur on same plant.) Fr. ± 3 × 1·75 mm., trigonous, somewhat glossy, black.
Rather stout dioec. liane up to ± 6 m. tall, much-branched, branches ± interlacing (forming tangled masses in absence of support). Main stems us. not > 5 cm. diam.; branchlets very slender, terete, ± striate, pubescent in early growth, bark dark to rather light reddish brown. Lvs on petioles up to 1 cm. long; lamina dark green above, paler and often glaucous below, 5-20 × 2-15 mm., glab., coriac. to submembr., of diverse form (several forms may be on same plant); margins us. not undulate; broad-oblong to obovate to suborbicular, rounded to retuse at apex, truncate to rounded or occ. subcordate at base. Ochreae deciduous, seldom > 4 mm. long. Infl. ± 1-2-(4) cm. long, of simple or branched spikes, glab. or pubescent. Spikes axillary and terminal, sts reduced to small clusters. Fls small, tepals cut ⅔ to base; ♂ with 8 stamens, ♀ with broad fimbriate stigmas; tepals enlarged in fr., us. succulent, white. Fr. black, glossy, trigonous, ± 2 × 1·75 mm.
Much-branched prostrate to sprawling shrub, with stems up to 1 m. or more long; final branchlets ± 1 mm. diam., flexuous, striate, finely pubescent. Lvs glab. or glabrate, narrow-linear, dark to greyish green, revolute, glabrate, ascending, 5-10-(25) mm. long, rather distant at constricted nodes, sts very few or 0; ochreae 1-1·5-(2) mm. long, truncate. Infl. of few-fld fascicles or short racemes; pedicels pale, bracted, very slender, ± 1 mm. long. Fls unisexual; sexes often mingled in same fascicle or raceme, occ. with perfect fls present; if predominately ♂ then raceme us. lax; if predominately ♀ then fascicle us. dense. Tepals 3-3·5 mm. long, united ± halfway, lobes narrow-triangular, white or greenish; stigmas fimbriate. Fr. somewhat shining, black, trigonous, c. 3 × 1·5 mm., ovoid in outline, tepals becoming white and succulent, or remaining dry on same plant.
Plants dioec. or polygamous, in fascicles subtended by sheathing bracts; fascicles axillary, or in axillary or terminal spikes, racemes or panicles. Per. deeply 5-partite, or tepals united only at base. ♂ with 8 stamens, filaments filiform, anthers ovate in outline, pistil obsolescent. ♀ with trigonous ovary; styles 3; outer tepals often becoming enlarged, white, succulent, and enclosing the trigonous nutlike achene; staminodia thick to obsolete. Shrubs or woody lianes with alt. lvs and ochreate stipules. Genus of some 20 N.Z., Australian and S. American spp.
Fls perfect, zygomorphic, axillary, solitary or in reduced cymes. Calyx 5-cleft; corolla 5-lobed; stamens 4, inserted on corolla-tube at base of lobes (a staminode sts present); anthers 2-celled, cells often divergent. Ovary superior, us. 2-loculed; ovules 2-4-8 per locule, pend.; style simple. Fr. drupaceous or baccate. Shrubs or trees with us. alt., exstipulate, gland-dotted lvs. Some 5 genera and 110 spp., mainly Australian, but extending to Malaya.
Low-growing shrub "covering large area of ground"; branches slender, semi-trailing, to 50 cm. or more long but flowering at 30 cm. or less; branchlets reddish, c. 1 mm. diam., obscurely tuberculate. Lvs about 4-8 cm. × 5-10 mm., narrow linear-lanceolate, subacute, sessile with narrow winged base; margins entire except near apex and base, teeth small, acute, the lowest ± backwardly directed (small lvs often dentate throughout); lamina submembr., glab., with very obscure pellucid spots. Fls 1-2 in lf-axil, pedicels 4-5 mm. long. Calyx-lobes 5-7 × 2 mm., elongating to 8-9 mm. in fruit, narrow-lanceolate, acute, us. entire. Corolla purplish, 6-8 mm. long, narrow campanulate, lobes shorter than tube, subequal, the anterior us. broader than the others, subobtuse, villous within. Stamens 4, about equal to corolla-tube. Style c. 5 mm. long, often persisting in mature fr. Ovary 2-loculed. Drupe globular, c. 9 × 10 mm. but size varying considerably on one branch; white below, flushed with reddish purple above; the included pyrene stony, c. 5 × 5 mm., laterally compressed and ± biconvex, slightly emarginate and faintly grooved on flatter faces.
Tree up to c. 10 m. tall; trunk up to 3 dm. or more diam.; bark brownish, furrowed; branches stout, spreading; branchlets at tip and lvs in bud viscid. Plant often low-growing in exposed coastal places. Lvs on petioles, somewhat flattened, up to c. 3 cm. long. Lamina bright green, glab., sub-fleshy, ± 4-10 × (1)-2-3 cm.; lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate or oblong to obovate, acute to acuminate; margins crenulate-serrulate in upper half, sinuate in lower half, or sinuate throughout (different forms often on same plant). Fls 2-6 together in reduced axillary cymes on peduncles up to c. 15 mm. long. Calyx-teeth ± 2 mm. long, narrow-lanceolate, acuminate. Corolla white, purple-spotted, campanulate, ± 10 mm. diam.; lobes villous on upper surface. Stamens 4, ovary 4-loculed. Drupe narrow-ovoid, ± 6-9 mm. long, pale to dark reddish purple.
Plant with sprawling to prostrate branches. Lvs ± 8-12 × 3-4 cm., on flattened petioles ± 1 cm. long, acute or acuminate; margins entire in lower half, finely serrate in upper. Drupe white, 8 × 5 mm., narrowed to a broad truncate tip.
Fls 5-merous, solitary or in abbreviated cymes. Ovary us. 2-4-loculed with us. 1-(2) ovules in each locule. Fr. a ± succulent drupe. Shrubs or small trees with alt. entire or serrate gland-dotted lvs. Some 30 spp., mainly Australian, with a few reaching to China and Japan.
Fls in dense corymbose cymes; calyx deeply 5-partite; corolla-tube short, throat with 5 protuberances; limb subrotate, lobes spreading; stamens short, anthers included; ovary 4-lobed; style short, thick, stigma capitate. Nutlets 4, flattened, winged, on conical central column. Stout succulent herb. Genus monotypic, confined to Chatham Is.
Perennial from stout cylindric stock. Basal lvs crowded, 15-30 cm. or more long, broad ovate-cordate to reniform, thick, fleshy, deeply grooved, on long stout petioles; upper surface glab. and shining, under-surface with evenly scattered minute retrorse hairs. Fl.-branches exceeding lvs, their lvs about oblong, sessile. Cymes dense, 10-15 cm. diam.; pedicels c. 10 mm. long. Calyx-lobes broad with appressed hairs; corolla c. 12-15 mm. diam., dark to pale blue, lobes rounded. Nutlets flattened, with unevenly toothed wing, c. 15 mm. diam.
Stock stout and branched with one or several rosettes. Lvs ∞, very narrow-spathulate, c. 3 cm. × 3 mm., tip subacute, petiole ill-defined, broad part of lamina only c. 5 mm. long; hairs alike on both surfaces and all over plant, uniformly stiff, straight, closely appressed, strongly overlapping to hide epidermis completely. Lateral branches us. few, erect, up to 15 cm. long, internodes = or > lvs. Stem-lvs few, upper ones sessile, narrow-oblong, c. 6 × 2 mm., tip subacute. Cymes ebracteate, us. simple and terminal, occ. forked above uppermost If; internodes between frs > calyx; pedicels very short. Calyx c. 3 mm. long, lobes > 1/2 length, very narrow, acute; hairs as on rest of plant but sts more spreading. Corolla yellow, c. 5 mm. diam., tube 4-5 mm. long, widest at top, lobes 2.5 × 1·5 mm., ± oblong; filaments very short, anther-tips below to just above scales; style much > calyx in fr., stigma capitate. Nutlets ovate, pointed and ± keeled, c. 1·7 mm. long.
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Rosette us. single, lvs spathulate or lamina elliptic, 2-6 cm. × 4-12 mm., tip rounded and ± mucronate, petiole c. = lamina-length, narrow but ill-defined; hairs on upper surface spreading, uniform, fine, crowded, on undersurface sparser, shorter, retrorse. Lateral branches ascending or erect, few to many, up to 20-30 cm. long, inter-nodes us. = or > lvs. Upper stem-lvs sessile, spathulate to oblong, mostly 1-1·5 cm. long, tip subacute; hairs on upper surface silky, ± appressed, overlapping, on undersurface sparser, shorter, irregularly arranged. Cymes ebracteate, except sts towards base, mostly simple and terminal, either on primary laterals or on secondary laterals arising from axils of stem-lvs; internodes between frs > calyx; pedicels very short. Calyx c. 4 mm. long, lobes > 1/2 length, narrow, subacute; hairs long and straight towards tips, shorter and hooked towards base, with very short sparse hairs overall. Corolla white or yellow, tube = or > calyx, widest at top, lobes rounded, concave; filaments very short, fixed below scales, anther-tips barely reaching scales; style c. = tube in fl. Nutlets ± pointed, ± keeled.
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Many-branched tufted perennial forming compact rounded cushion with rootlets on branches amongst old lvs. Vegetative stems to 5 cm. long, the ultimate twigs crowded, ± erect, closely covered with imbricate to patent lvs. Lvs 5 × 3 mm., very broadly spathulate, lamina broad and obtuse or almost emarginate above, scarcely narrowed to the broadly winged petiole; hairs short, stiff, ± appressed, rather numerous on both surfaces of lamina of young lvs but soon falling so that most of plant is glab. Flowering lateral branches very short, almost hidden amongst lvs, each with a few broad elliptic subacute stem-lvs surrounding the solitary terminal almost sessile fl.; hairs as on other young lvs. Calyx 2-3 mm. long, lobes c. 1/2 length, narrow, acute, with rather sparse cover of appressed hairs. Corolla apparently white, c. 5 mm. diam., tube ± cylindric, 4 mm. long, lobes c. 2 × 1·5 mm., oblong; filaments short, anthers c. 1 mm. long, almost entirely above corolla-scales but lower extremity apparently us. included in tube; style much > calyx, stigma capitate. Nutlets not seen.
Perennial herb with stout branched stock with one or several rosettes. Lvs spathulate, 3-7-(14) cm. × 3-14 mm., tip subacute, petiole longer than lamina; hairs alike on both surfaces, short, stiff, straight, closely appressed, barely overlapping, rather sparser on undersurface, clinging to margin. Lateral branches few, ascending or erect, sts again branched, 8-20-(30) cm. long, internodes c. = lvs. Uppermost stem-lvs 10-20 × 2-5 mm., narrow-oblong, sessile, tip acuminate-acute; hairs as on rosette-lvs but more crowded. Cymes ebracteate, on long lfless peduncles, simple or once (occ. twice) forked; internodes between lower fls becoming > calyx; pedicels occ. up to 5 mm. long. Calyx c. 4mm. long, lobes > 1/2 length, very narrow, acute; hairs us. all short, straight, stiff and appressed as on rest of plant, very crowded at base, evenly covering lobes. Corolla "pale-yellow to nearly white", c. 7-10 mm. diam., tube 7-8 mm. long, narrow-funnelform, inconspicuous scales below mouth, lobes c. 3 × 3 mm.; filaments very short, fixed below (occ. much below) scales, anthers 1·5 mm. long, tips at or below level of scales; style much > calyx; stigma capitate. Nutlets 2·2 × 1.1 mm., the few seen long pointed and sharply keeled.
Fls us. in cymes, ebracteate, bracteate only at base, or with lflike bract associated with each fl., occ. solitary and terminal; calyx persistent; corolla-tube infolded to form "scales" or "glands" at throat, lobes contorted in bud; stamens with anthers either at least partly below scales, or wholly above scales; ovary 4-celled, style slender; nutlets 4, smooth and shining, mostly dark brown or black when mature. Annual or perennial hairy herbs. More than 50 spp. mostly of temperate lands. Of 34 spp. in N.Z. all are endemic except possibly some forms here included under the Australian , and perhaps .
Rosette-lvs few, 2-5 cm. × 5-9 mm., lamina narrow-spathulate very gradually tapering into winged petiole of about same length, tip apiculate; hairs fine and silky, scarcely overlapping, appressed to spreading, on undersurface regularly retrorse, longer and stronger on margins of sheathing If-base. Lateral branches erect, up to 18 cm. long, internodes mostly > lvs. Stem-lvs few, clearly distinct from rosette-lvs, c. 8 × 3 mm., narrow-oblong, sessile, acute; hairs fine and silky on upper surface, coarser and sparser on undersurface, long and fringing on margin. Cymes simple, ebracteate, c. 12-fld, c. 5 cm. long; internodes> calyx in fr.; pedicels up to 4 mm. long. Calyx 3-4 mm. long, lobes > 1/2 length, narrow, subacute; hairs on lobes long, flexuous, towards base short and appressed with longer hooked ones. Corolla "white with a yellow eye or altogether yellow", c. 8 mm. diam., tube funnelform and c. 5 mm. long with scales well above level of calyx-tips, lobes c. 3 × 2.5 mm., ± oblong; filaments fixed about level of scales, > anthers and carrying them well above scales to level of lobes, anthers > 1 mm. long; style 2 × calyx in fr., stigma capitate. Nutlets "ovoid, pale-brown".
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Plant laxly branched, hairs on lvs and calyx rather few and widely spaced. Calyx lobed at least to halfway, lobes narrow-oblong.
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Erect or sprawling herb, possibly annual, with adventitious roots from amongst rosette-lvs only. Rosette-lvs (1)-3-4 × (0.6)-1-1·5 cm., lamina orbicular, mucronate, petiole much longer, sharply defined, slender; hairs short, stiff, sparse, appressed, on undersurface similar but fewer. Lateral branches ascending to erect, up to 30 cm. long, sts themselves repeatedly branched; internodes mostly > lvs, hairs short and closely appressed. Stem-lvs with orbicular laminae, petioles becoming progressively shorter and broader; lvs associated with fls almost sessile, very broadly ovate, up to 10×6 mm.; hairs as on rosette-lvs. No clearly defined cyme but about 6 fls produced over a length of up to 10 cm., us. but not always above the highest branch, each fl. opp. or slightly below a If. Pedicels long, = fl. and 2-3 × calyx in fr. Calyx 2-3 mm. long, very deeply divided, lobes narrow and spreading in fr. exposing nutlets; hairs short, stiff, appressed, confined to margins and midribs of lobes, crowded on base. Corolla white, 5-8 mm. diam., very openly campanulate, tube 1·5 mm. long with small scales, lobes oblong, c. 2.5 × 1·5 mm.; filaments fixed below scales, as long as lobes; anthers c. 0·5 mm. long; style 2 × calyx in fr., stigma conspicuously capitate. Nutlets up to 2 × 1·5 mm., broadly ovate, brown.
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Plants large and robust, lamina of rosette-lvs often 3·5×2.5 cm. Corolla 10-15 mm. diam., tube very short, funnelform and wider than long, scales well below calyx-tips; stamens us. shorter than corolla; style c. 2Xcalyx in fr., stigma capitate.
Plants rather openly branched, lamina of rosette-lvs 1·5-2.5×1-1·7 cm. Corolla c. 9-12 mm. diam., tube more nearly cylindric and up to twice as long as wide, scales far above calyx-tips; stamens shorter than corolla; style c. 2 × calyx in fr., stigma clavate.
Many-branched tufted perennial forming compact rounded cushion up to 10 cm. diam., adventitious roots from branches. Stems 1-3 cm. long, crowded, ± erect, closely covered with imbricating lvs, the whole twig 5-10 mm. diam. Lvs c. 5-7 × 3-5 mm., the very broad-oblong lamina slightly narrowed to membr. sheathing base, tip very broad-obtuse; hairs long, silky, crowded, ± appressed. Flowering lateral branches very short, often hidden, with a few narrow oblong lvs surrounding the solitary terminal almost sessile fl. Calyx c. 3 mm. long, lobes c. 1/2 length, subacute, finely hairy within, long soft hairs forming a complete cover outside. Corolla white, c.6 mm. diam., tube 4-5 mm. long, lobes c. 2 × 2 mm., broadly rounded, flat, overlapping at sinus; filaments short, anthers up to 1·5 mm. long, tips protruding just above rather large scales; style 2-3 × calyx, stigma capitate. Nutlets dark, c. 1·5 × 0·8 mm., the few seen narrow-oblong.
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Hairs tapering to soft ± flexuous tips; spreading. Rosette-lvs obovate or broad-spathulate, 15 × 5 mm. in type but often larger. Lateral branches 3-10-(15) cm. long, sts ∞ and branched. Bracts ovate to broad-oblong, distichous, exceeding internodes. Calyx 3-(5) mm. long, hairs ∞, long and ± retrorse short, not stiff. Corolla ± cream-coloured, c. 3 mm. diam., tube 2-3 mm. long. Nutlets up to 1·7 mm. long, hidden within calyx.
Hairs all short, stiff, sparse, and except when old closely appressed. Lateral branches often sparse, openly branched, with internodes > bracts. Calyx 4-6 mm. long in fr.; hairs few, confined to margins and vertical strips, all short, stiff and coarse. Corolla white, c. 3 mm. diam. Nutlets c. 1·5 × 1 mm.
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Perennial herb us. with adventitious roots on decumbent lateral branches. Rosette-lvs 1·5-3·5 × 0·5-1·5 cm., lamina orbicular to broadly ovate, mucronate, us. shorter than the slender well-defined petiole; hairs short, straight. ± appressed, not crowded, us. similar on both surfaces. Lateral branches 5-30 cm. long, themselves branched and sts bearing subsidiary rosettes distal to the fls; internodes = or > lvs. Stem-lvs orbicular to broad-elliptic, 5-20 mm. long, shortly petiolate; hairs like those of rosette-lvs. Fls borne singly, each associated with a If, sts 6-10 suceeding one another over a length of 10 cm. or more; pedicels 2-6 mm. long in fr. Calyx 1-3 mm. long, lobed almost to base, lobes narrow, acute, spreading in fr.; hairs spreading, scattered over lobes and base, not uniform in size, the largest ± hooked. Corolla white, 1-3 mm. diam., tube cylindric, lobes spreading but not flat; filaments fixed about level of small scales, carrying anthers halfway up lobes; anthers much <1mm. long; style little > mature calyx in fr.; stigma clavate. Nutlets ± 1 mm. long, brown.
All parts rather hispid, stem-hairs particularly spreading almost at right angles. Pedicel much > calyx in fr.; corolla c. 3 mm. diam. Plant straggling, roots on branches rather few, occ. almost lacking.
Hairs short and ± appressed, on stem mostly lying rather close. Pedicel c. = calyx; corolla rarely as much as 2 mm. diam. Plant creeping. sts rooting close up to ends of branches.
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Lf-hairs long, overlapping but not appressed, those on undersurface of rosette-lvs shorter, sparser, finer and regularly retrorse. Stem-lvs oblong with rounded tips, without hooked hairs. Infl. us. capitate even in fr.
Hairs on upper surface of rosette-lvs long, arcuate, hardly close enough to hide epidermis, on undersurface shorter, sparser, finer and mostly regularly retrorse. Stem-lvs oblong, mostly with rounded tips; the longest and stoutest hairs on undersurface strongly hooked. Infl. us. capitate even in fr.
Hairs on upper surface of rosette-lvs smoothly appressed, ± over-lapping, of varying lengths but none long, on undersurface all short, not retrorse. Stem-lvs oblong, narrowing to subacute tip; hairs on upper surface appressed, short, close together, on undersurface similar but shorter, interspersed with longer hooked hairs on uppermost lvs. Infl. elongating in fr., occ. with a lfy bract above the lowest bifurcation.
Many-branched tufted perennial forming compact rounded cushion up to 10 cm. diam. with long stout central woody taproot. Stems 1-5 cm. long, crowded, ± erect, closely covered with imbricating lvs, the whole twig c.5 mm. diam. Lvs c. 5 mm. long; base 1·5 mm. wide, membr., sheathing, fringed with long hairs; lamina narrower, triangular to subulate, ± concave, tip subacute; hairs stiff, appressed, ± overlapping. Flowering branchlets short, not projecting above cushion, their lvs lacking the broad base but otherwise similar to lower lvs. Calyx c. 3 mm. long, lobes c. 1/2 length, rather broad, subacute, glab. within, the whole calyx covered outside with uniform stiff appressed overlapping hairs. Corolla yellow, 4-5 mm. diam., tube 5 mm. long, cylindric, lobes c. 2 × 2 mm., rotund, flat; filaments short, anthers 1·5 mm. long, tips protruding just above rather large scales; style 2-3 × calyx, stigma capitate. Nutlets dark, up to 2 × 1·5 mm.
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Scapes us. several, nude, each with 1 minute fl.; sepals us. 5, minutely spurred at base; petals 5 or 0; stamens 5-20; achenes ∞, crowded on a long slender receptacle. Tiny annual herbs with tufted linear-spathulate lvs. A genus of a few rather ill-defined spp., mainly of North Temperate regions. The N.Z. sp. is apparently endemic.
Plant annual, tufted, 2-8 cm. tall. Lvs linear to linear-spathulate, 5-20 × 1-2 mm., rarely larger. Scapes us. several, almost filiform, 1-fld, 1-5 cm. long (not including receptacle). Sepals minute, 5; spur minute; stamens us. 5. Receptacle ± elongating in fr., 2-10 mm. or slightly more long. Achenes c. 1 mm. long; style short, subaristate, not > 0·5 mm. long.
Fls hermaphrodite and strongly protandrous, or unisexual with ♂ above ♀; solitary in lf axils, subtended by bracteoles. Calyx-lobes 4 or 0, free; petals 4 or 0, cucullate, glab.; stamens 8 or 4, anthers linear; ovary 4-celled, styles 4, short, stigmas papillose or plumose. Fr. small, separating into 2-4 1-seeded mericarps. Glab. herbs of water and wet places; lvs opp., alt., or whorled, entire, toothed, or pinnately divided, submerged lvs often with capillary segs. About 40 spp., cosmopolitan. Of the 5 N.Z. spp. 2 are endemic.
Soft aquatic or semi-aquatic herb, the creeping and rooting stems giving off ∞, erect, us. simple, branches 2-10 cm. tall. Lvs opp. linear, entire, subacute, 5-10 mm. long. Fls solitary in the axils of upper lvs, each subtended by 2 subulate, minutely serrulate bracteoles, unisexual; ♀ lower, sepals present but very small, petals and stamens 0; ovary c. 1 mm. long, styles 4, divergent, stigmas plumose; ♂ uppermost, the undeveloped ovary forming a short pedicel; sepals 4, 1 mm. long, narrow-oblong; petals 4, reddish, c. 2 mm. long, becoming reflexed; stamens 8, filaments elongating; fr. partly reddish, c. 1·2 mm. long, narrowed above, surface finely striate.
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Aquatic or semi-aquatic herb, rooted from lower nodes; erect stems robust, to 40 cm. tall and 5 mm. in diam., sparsely branched. Lvs verticillate in whorls of c. 5, c. 3 cm. × 6-8 mm., often crowded, all pinnate to pinnatifid, segs longer and finer in lowest lvs. Fls solitary in the axils of upper lvs, sessile, hermaphrodite and protandrous; bracteoles very short, pinnati- or palmati-sect; sepals small, triangular, minutely serrate; petals pale, c. 2.5 mm. long, falling early; stamens 8, anthers 2 mm. long; ovary c. 1 mm. long, styles 4, divergent, stigmas plumose; fr. pale when ripe, often broader than long, c. 2 × 3 mm., mericarps often developing unevenly; surface smooth and rounded or occ. with a few sharp tubercles towards base.
Soft aquatic or semi-aquatic herb, the creeping and rooting stems giving off ∞ erect, us. simple, branches up to c. 10 cm. tall. Lvs opp., obovate, entire, obtuse, almost fleshy, c. 2 × 0·5 mm. Fls solitary in the axils of the upper lvs, each subtended by two linear to triangular bracteoles, unisexual; ♀ lower, sessile, lacking sepals, petals and stamens; ovary c. 0.6 mm. long, styles 4, divergent, stigmas plumose; ♂ uppermost, 2-4, the undeveloped ovary forming a short pedicel; sepals 0, petals 4, dark red, c. 2.5 mm. long, reflexed after anthesis; stamens 8; fr. dark red, c. 1 mm. long, deeply divided into 4 rounded mericarps, not tapered above, surface slightly rough.
Infl. cymose; fls small, perfect to unisexual, regular, us. bracted. Sepals 4-5-(6), distinct or connate at base; corolla us. connate into a 4-5-(6),-lobed tube. Stamens opp. corolla-lobes; filaments adnate to corolla-tube or ± free; anthers 2-celled, introrse, variously dehiscent. Ovary us. superior, 4-6-loculed; placentation often free-central. Fr. drupaceous; seed us. with cop. endosperm. Trees or shrubs with us. alt., simple, coriac., gland-dotted lvs. Widespread family, the number of genera variously interpreted, c. 1000 spp.
Shrub or tree up to ± 6 m. tall; bark dark, red on younger branches and on branchlets. Lvs on rather stout petioles up to ± 5 mm. long. Lamina ± 3-6 × 1·5-2.5 cm., coriac., glab. except on midvein, oblong to obovate-oblong to broad-elliptic, obtuse; margins us. strongly undulate, flat or nearly so in some forms. Infl. of ± crowded fascicles. Fls. c. 1·5-2.5 mm. diam., whitish, unisexual, on short pedicels. Calyx-lobes 4 or obsolete, persistent. Petals 4, free, revolute; ♂ with 4 stamens, anthers large, ovary vestigial; ♀ with sterile anthers; stigma ± sessile, fimbriate. Fr. c. 2-3 mm. diam., dark brown to black when mature.
Tree up to ± 6 m. tall; bark dark, branchlets clad in short stiff hairs. Lvs on petioles ± 5 mm. long. Lamina 2-7·5 × 1·5-4 cm., flat, obovate to elliptic or broad-elliptic, obtuse (occ. lvs emarginate), entire, coriac., sts pubescent on midnerve. Infl. of several-fld fascicles or fls occ. solitary. Fls ± 3 mm. diam., unisexual; pedicels up to 6·5 mm. long in fr. Calyx-lobes 4, deltoid, ciliolate; petals 4, free, oblong, fimbriate; stigma sessile, capitate. Fr. (5)-9 mm. diam., purplish.
Shrub up to ± 4 m. tall, with creeping underground stems emitting offset plants; bark dark brown; branchlets clad in stiff white hairs when young. Lvs on short petioles, sts clustered on short lateral branchlets. Lamina entire, coriac., 10-20 × 5-10 mm., obovate, cuneately narrowed to base, obtuse, sts retuse to emarginate; margin flat, ciliolate when young. Infl. of 1 fl. or 2-3 together; fls subsessile, pedicels elongating in fr. Calyx-lobes 4, deltoid, ciliolate; petals 4, free, obovate-oblong, ciliolate; stigma sessile, capitate. Fr. ± 6 mm. diam., globose, purplish.
Shrub up to ± 3m. tall; bark rough, dark brown; branches spreading rigid; branchlets us. drooping, stiff, ± pubescent when young. Lvs alt. or in fascicles on arrested branchlets, on short petioles. Lamina coriac. 5-15-(20) × 5-10-(15) mm., broad-obovate to obcordate, emarginate to retuse or sts 2-lobed at apex; margins flat to recurved, ± ciliolate when young. Infl. of few-fld fascicles or fls solitary. Fls 2-3 mm. diam.; calyx-lobes 5, ovate; petals 4-(5), free, obovate, revolute; style short; stigma capitate or lobed. Fr. subturbinate-globose, 4-5 mm. diam., purplish.
Tree up to c. 5 m. tall; bark rough, dark red-brown. Lvs on stout petioles up to ± 6 mm. long. Lamina 3-6·5 × 1-2.5 cm., elliptic- to obovate-oblong, obtuse, sts apiculate, entire, coriac.; margins slightly recurved. Infl. of many-fld fascicles. Fls unisexual, ± 2.5 mm. diam.; calyx minute, lobes 4-5, broad; corolla 4-5-lobed nearly to base, lobes fringed. Fr. (4)-6-9 mm. diam., globose, finally black.
Fls 4-5-merous, perfect to unisexual, us. in cymose fascicles, sts solitary. Sepals free or connate towards base; petals free or partly connate. Staminal filaments obsolete to evident, free or ± adnate to petals; anthers dorsifixed. Style obsolete to evident; stigma capitate. Ovary superior; fr. a 1-seeded globose drupe. In the N.Z. spp. the fls and frs often do not develop till after lf-fall and thus appear naked on the branches. The frs often do not mature till the year after flowering. The calyx and style are long-persistent. Widespread genus of many spp., the N.Z. spp. endemic.
Prostrate or rambling shrub with slender branches up to c. 5 dm. long; branchlets with reddish brown bark. Lvs on petioles ± 1 mm. long. Lamina coriac., 4-10 × 4-10 mm., obovate-oblong to obovate to suborbicular, minutely apiculate or sts retuse; margins slightly recurved, at first ciliolate. Infl. of solitary fls or of few-fld fascicles. Fls minute; calyx-lobes 4, ovate; petals 4, free, obovate, ciliolate; ovary conical, stigma irregularly lobed. Fr. globose, 5-6·5 mm. diam., bluish purple.
Tree up to c. 6m. tall; bark smooth, greyish; branchlets stiff, divergent. Lvs on rather stout flat petioles 5-6-(10) mm. long. Lamina coriac., scaberulous when young, (3)-5-10 × (1·5)-3-4 cm., obovate to elliptic, rounded or slightly emarginate at apex; margins thickened; irregularly dentate in upper part. Infl. of dense, cymose fascicles; pedicels glab., ± 2.5 mm. long. Calyx-lobes 5, narrow; petals 5, free, elliptic, acute, fimbriate. Stamens 5, opp. petals; stigma capitate. Fr. subturbinate-globose, ± 5-7 mm. diam.
Tree up to 8 m. or more tall; bark very dark red to almost black. Lvs on stout flattened petioles up to 10 mm. long. Lamina 7-18 × 2-3 cm., narrow-elliptic to narrow-oblong, or almost linear, obtuse, very gradually tapering to base, coriac.; margins flat or slightly recurved. Infl. of ± dense fascicles ± 15-fld. Fls us. perfect, ± 3 mm. diam.; calyx-lobes 5, blunt, minutely ciliolate; petals oblong, revolute, often slightly connate at base. Fr. obovoid, (5)-8-9 mm. long, red to orange, 1-(2)-seeded; on pedicels up to ± 10 mm. long.
Fls us. regular, perfect, solitary to paniculate. Receptacle ± adnate to inferior ovary. Sepals us. 4-5 and persistent; petals us. 4-5 and free, imbricate, inserted on margin of disk. Stamens ∞, filaments free to connate or in bundles opp. petals, anther-connective often gland-tipped. Ovary cells 1 - ∞, with us. axile placentation; style and stigma 1. Fr. mostly either baccate or capsular with loculicidal dehiscence. Seeds with scanty or no endosperm. Trees and shrubs with mostly simple, entire, opp., exstipulate, coriac., gland-dotted, aromatic lvs. Some 80 genera and 3000 spp., mostly tropical and subtropical.
Receptacle not produced beyond ovary; fls 5-merous; sepals persistent; petals much > sepals, not clawed. Stamens ∞; anthers basifixed, longitudinally dehiscent; stigma hardly thickened. Gynaecium unilocular, hardly septate; ovules in 2 marginal series. Seed subreniform, testa hard, smooth; radicle elongate. Shrub with opp. gland-dotted lvs; fls axillary, solitary. Endemic to N.Z.
Shrub or tree up to c. 6 m. tall, openly to compactly branched; branchlets glab., 4-angled. Lvs on glab. petioles up to ± 4 mm. long; lamina: (a) ± 15-20 × 10-15 mm., of obovate-oblong order; (b) 6-15 × 4-10 mm., of obovate order-the forms with the larger lvs us. tall. Fls axillary, solitary, c. 6-7 mm. diam., on very slender, glab., peduncles up to c. 15 mm. long. Receptacle subturbinate, ± 3-4 mm. long, us. with 2 minute bracts at base; sepals bluntly triangular, membr.; petals ovate-oblong, white, ± 4-5 mm. long. Berry c. 6 mm. long, broad-ovoid, red or yellow; seeds 2-5.
Shrub with densely divaricating branches, up to c. 3 m. tall; branchlets setose. Lvs of juveniles 3-foliolate; petioles winged, up to c. 2 cm. long; lflts articulate at base of lamina. Lvs of adults unifoliolate, often a few trifoliolate lvs present; petiole c. 5 mm. long, lamina c. 1-2 × 1-1·5 cm., obovate-oblong to suborbicular, subcoriac., crenate to sinuate, crenatures often mucronate. Umbels simple, axillary, 2-10-fld, on short peduncles; fls minute, greenish; calyx minutely 5-toothed. Ovary 2-loculed, 2-ovuled, style-branches 2, finally recurved. Fr. c. 4-5 mm. diam., compressed.
Tree, us. dioec., up to 8 m. tall, glab. in all parts; branches stout, spreading. Lvs 5-7-foliolate, petioles c. 15-20 cm. long, stipulately sheathing at base. Lflts on petiolules c. 3-5 cm. long, obovate-oblong to oblong-cuneate, rather thinly coriac., coarsely serrate-dentate, acute or acuminate to obtuse; midveins and main laterals evident above and below; terminal lamina 10-20 × 4-7 cm. Umbels terminal, compound; fls us. completely unisexual; primary rays 8-20, up to 10 cm. long; secondary rays 15-20; umbellules 10-15-fld. Calyx truncate or obscurely 5-toothed; petals 5, ovate to triangular, acute; ovary 2-loculed, 2-ovuled, style-branches 2, spreading. Fr. 5-8 mm. diam., almost black, somewhat compressed.
Shrub or tree, us. completely dioec., up to 5 m. or more tall, glab. in all parts; branches stout, spreading. Lvs 3-5-foliolate, lflts sessile or subsessile, narrow-obovate to obovate-cuneate or broad elliptic-oblong, coriac., coarsely serrate to serrate-dentate in upper half, acute to obtuse; terminal lamina 5-17 × 2-11 cm.; midrib distinct above and below, veinlets obscure; petiole stout, 5-20 cm. long or more, stipulately sheathing at base. Umbels compound, sts reduced; primary rays c. 8, secondary rays c. 10-12, umbellules 5-10-fld. Calyx truncate to minutely 5-toothed; petals 5, ovate to triangular, acute. Ovary 2-loculed, 2-ovuled; style-branches 2, finally spreading. Fr. 4-6 mm. diam., somewhat compressed, almost black.
Spreading shrub with lvs seldom > 5 cm. long; lflts 3, subcoriac.; umbels smaller; primary rays 3-4; fls smaller, ♀ with minute blunt teeth.
Canopy tree up to ± 10 m. tall; trunk ± 1 m. diam. Lvs on slender petioles with sheathing bases; lflts us. 7, elliptic to elliptic-obovate, acute, obliquely cuneately narrowed to short petiolule; margins minutely serrate, except in lower third. Umbels compound; primary rays 3-5 cm. long; secondary 1-2 cm. long; umbellules compact.
Dioec. shrub or tree up to 5 m. or more tall, glab. in all parts. Lvs 5-7-foliolate, on purplish red petioles up to 25 cm. long, stipulately sheathing at base; lflts green above, paler below, on short stout petiolules or subsessile, thick and coriac., midribs and lateral veins evident above and below; lamina obovate- to cuneate-oblong, coarsely dentate-serrate in upper half, acute or acuminate to subacute; terminal lflt c. 12-25 × 5-10 cm. or more. Umbels compound, terminal, fls sts subracemosely disposed on secondary rays. Primary rays c. 10-15, secondary c. 15-20. Calyx truncate or obscurely 5-toothed; petals ovate-oblong; ovary 2-loculed, 2-ovuled, style-branches 2, spreading. Fr. somewhat compressed, 5 mm. or more diam.
Shrub or tree up to 8 m. tall, much-branched, all parts glab. Seedlings with simple ovate serrate lvs passing quickly into stage (a), succeeded by stage (b) or directly by adult stage, rarely remaining simple-lvd to adult stage. Juveniles of stage (a) with lvs 3-5-foliolate, lflts 4-15 cm. long, narrow linear-oblong to elliptic, deeply lobed to pinnatifid, lobes acute to obtuse; petioles up to 10 cm. long. Juveniles of stage (b) with lvs 3-5-foliolate, lflts 5-8 cm. long, elliptic to obovate-oblong, to lanceolate, acute or obtuse, sharply to bluntly serrate, on petioles up to 6 cm. long; sts flowering at this stage. Adults with unifoliolate lvs, with or without some trifoliolate lvs; lamina lanceolate to broad-lanceolate, to elliptic, to ovate-elliptic, to obovate-oblong, sharply serrate, acuminate to acute or obtuse, coriac., 5-10 cm. or more long, on petioles 3-8 cm. long. Umbels axillary and terminal on peduncles c. 2-3 cm. long, compound with 3 or more umbellules each 5-15-fld; terminal umbellule us. completely pistillate, lateral wholly or partly staminate. Fls small, greenish; calyx minutely 5-toothed. Ovary 2-loculed, 2-ovuled, style-branches 2, recurved; fr. c. 3-4 mm. diam., compressed.
Seedlings with simple broadly ovate to oblong serrate lvs, passing quickly into trifoliolate stage, remaining trifoliolate in the completely adult state; lflts elliptic to broad-lanceolate or obovate, acute, coarsely and sharply serrate. Fls and frs similar to .
Rhizome short, erect to oblique, densely clad in ferruginous ovate-attenuate paleae; emitting slender paleate stolons, sts bearing small "tubers", producing offset plants. Stipites tufted. Stipes 3-10-(15) cm. × 2-3 mm., stout, brown, with attenuate paleae and hairs. Rhachis stout, red-brown, densely to sparsely clad in red-brown paleae and hairs, often ± hidden by basal lobes of pinnae. Lamina linear-lanceolate, dark to rather pale green, membr. to subcoriac., 20-50-(90) × 2-5-(10)cm. Pinnae close-set, very ∞; lower pinnae reduced, us. sterile, increasing to 2 × 1 cm., oblong, obtuse; mid-pinnae, us. fertile, up to 2 cm. × 5 mm., patent, oblong, obtuse, sub-cordately lobed at base; margins ± crenulate; upper pinnae gradually decreasing to acute apex. Veinlets forking at about 1/2 way. Sori about lunulate, dorsal, in 2 rows, discrete, 1-2 mm. at greatest diam., up to 30 per pinna. Indusium firm, about lunulate, covering sori till maturity.
Rhizome short, ascending, emitting long slender stolons, paleate; stipites tufted. Stipes stout, 7-25 cm. × c. 3 mm., brown, sparingly paleate; rhachis stout, us. with ∞ ovate-attenuate brown paleae and hairs. Lamina oblong-lanceolate, subcoriac., 25-60-(90) × 10-15-(20) cm. Pinnae close-set, ∞, patent; lowest reduced, us. sterile, up to 2 cm. × 1 cm., oblong, obtuse. Mid-pinnae up to 7 cm. × 15 mm., us. fertile, oblong to lanceolate-oblong, acute or acuminate to obtuse, auriculate at base; margins crenulate-dentate; veinlets close-set, forking near tips; uppermost pinnae rather abruptly diminishing to acute apex. Sori submarginal, globose, hardly exceeding 1 mm. diam., up to 70 per pinna. Indusium not completely covering sorus, firm, reniform.
Sori dorsal to marginal, terminal on veinlets, round to elongate. Indusium attached at base; sporangia of mixed maturation; annulus us. conspicuous, vertical, incomplete; spores bilateral. Rhizome condensed, often emitting stolons, paleate. Fronds not articulated to rhizome, paleate and often hairy, pinnate. Pinnae articulated to rhachis, veins free. About 30 spp., mostly pantropical, but extending to Japan and N.Z.
Forming ± dense patches up to c. 25 cm. diam., glab. Stems ± fleshy, slender, sparingly to much branched; branches and branchlets very slender. Lvs on slender shallowly canaliculate petioles (1)-2-(4) mm. long. Stipules c. 1 mm. long, subtriangular, membr., pale; tip acute or subacute. Lamina broad-ovate to broad-oblong to obovate or subrotund (diverse shapes on same plant); (1·5)-2-4-(5) × (1)-2-3-(4) mm., obtuse; rounded to truncate or subcordate at base. Fls axillary and terminal, sessile, markedly protogynous. Calyx truncate, obsolescent. Corolla 4-lobed; tube 2·25-3 mm. long, glab., funnelform; lobes bluntly triangular, reflexed, papillose on margins. Styles projecting beyond anthers, recurved, united in basal third. Stamens c. 5 mm. long, erect. Drupe pyriform, (6·5)-7-9 mm. long, yellow to light orange.
Fls 4-5-merous, perfect, solitary, axillary or terminal, sessile or very shortly stalked. Calyx truncate, sts very obscurely toothed; corolla-tube funnelform, lobes valvate; Stamens inserted at base of tube; filaments filiform, far-exserted; anthers large, us. pend.; styles 2, filiform, hairy. Ovary 2-celled, ovules 1 per cell; drupe fleshy, rarely dry; pyrenes 2. Slender, creeping, branching, slightly foetid perennial herbs, rooting at nodes, with opp. lvs and small interpetiolar stipules. Genus of some 15 spp., of Australia, N.Z., Malaya, Central and South America, Tristan d'Acunha.
Forming patches up to c. 2 dm. diam., stems glab., rather stout to slender; branches and branchlets sts with a few odd hairs. Lvs sub-membr. on ± ciliolate petioles 1-3 mm. long; stipules truncate to bluntly triangular, glab. Lamina glab. or with a very few hairs on both surfaces, broad-ovate, 3-5 × 3-5 mm., subacute to acute or occ. obtuse, ± apicuate, cuneately rounded to base; margins ciliate with flat soft jointed hairs. Fls minute, sessile; calyx truncate, ± ciliolate. Corolla glab., funnelform, c. 3-4 mm. long; lobes 4-5, linear, recurved. Anthers slightly to well-exserted; styles 2-3. Drupe orange, ± hairy, globose, c. 4 mm. diam.
Glab. with very slender branched stems, forming patches up to c. 2 dm. diam.; branchlets almost filiform. Lvs on filiform petioles 2-3 mm. long; stipules narrow-triangular, acute. Lamina 5-6-(8) × (1)-2-(3) mm., narrow-ovate, acute, gradually narrowed to apex and to rounded or occ. subtruncate base; margins thickened. Fls minute, axillary and terminal, sessile or subsessile. Calyx ± 2 mm. long, truncate or minutely 4-toothed. Corolla c. 1·5-2 mm. long, subcampanulate; lobes 4, ± = tube. Anthers and styles shortly exserted. Drupe globose, 3-4 mm. diam., red.
Forming small to large patches up to c.3m. diam., glab. or rarely with odd hairs, faintly to strongly foetid when brusied. Stems obscurely tetragonous, slender to rather stout, up to c. 3 dm. or in some forms 1 m. long, us. much-branched. Lvs on petioles (1)-2-3-(4) mm. long, sts up to 10 mm. when shaded; stipules small, us. rather thick, broad- to narrow-triangular. Lamina ovate to broad-ovate to occ. suboribicular or deltoid-ovate, submembr. to thick; (3)-5-8-(15) × 2-3-5-(10) mm., acute to obtuse, us. minutely apiculate, abruptly narrowed to rounded or truncate or subcordate base; margins thickened, recurved, sts slightly waved. Fls axillary and terminal, sessile, very small. Calyx truncate; corolla subcampanulate, (1)-2-3 mm. long, tube very short, lobes 4, ± ⅓ length tube. Styles slightly exserted. Drupes glab., succulent, globose, bright to dark red, c. 4 mm. diam.
Matted to open ± hairy herb forming patches up to 4 dm. diam. or more; stems much to sparingly branched; branches and branchlets ± clad in subappressed to patent hairs, often densely so in axils. Lvs on ± pilose petioles 5-10-(12) mm. long; stipules triangular, acute to sub-acute, margins and apex us. thickened, ± hairy without, glab. within. Lamina submembr., broad-ovate to broadly ovate-oblong, occ. suborbicular, (4)-6-12 × (4)-6-10-(13) mm., densely to sparsely hairy above and below, sts almost glab.; apex acute to obtuse, sts apiculate; sub-cordate or occ. rounded at base; margins thickened, sts crenulate. Fls very small, sessile, axillary and terminal. Calyx obscurely to distinctly toothed. Corolla funnelform, c.2.5-3*5 mm. long; lobes 4, narrow-triangular, subacute, up to c.1/2 length tube. Anthers and styles slightly exserted. Drupe globose, red to dark orange, c. 4 mm. diam., ± setose when young.
Slender, forming mats or open patches up to c. 3 dm. diam. Stems and branches clad in subappressed, flattened, stiff hairs; sts nearly glab., except in axils of petioles. Lvs us. in rather distant pairs on filiform petioles 2-4 mm. long; stipules truncate, us. glab., bearing 2-3 glandular teeth, forming a cuplike sheath. Lamina with stiff hairs on both surfaces, ovate to broad-ovate to broad-elliptic to occ. subrotund (several forms often on one plant), (3)-5-10-(12) × (3)-4-6-(9) mm., obtuse or sts subacute, rather abruptly narrowed to base; margins slightly thickened, ciliate. Fls protogynous, axillary and terminal, sessile. Calyx setulose; lobes us. obscure but sts evident. Corolla elongate, flaring at mouth, 8-10 mm. long; lobes 5, us. hairy, narrow- to oblong-triangular c. 2mm. long, acute. Anthers far-exserted, sagittate, drooping; styles far-exserted. Drupe setose, fleshy when young, dry when mature.
♂ up to 5 per spike; bracts ∞, caducous; per. campanulate, stamens 8-36. ♀ 1-3 on arrested spikes surrounded by involucre (cupule) hardening in fr.; per. minute, toothed; ovules pend.; nut 3-2-celled. Monoec. trees or shrubs with evergreen or deciduous lvs and caducous stipules. Genus of some 20 spp. of New Guinea, New Caledonia, Australia, N.Z. and temperate South America. The N.Z. spp. are endemic, with evergreen lvs, pubescent branchlets and petioles; lenticels us. conspicuous. Infls (staminate often reduced to a single fl.) in axils of uppermost scales and lowermost lvs of vegetative branchlets produced in spring, ♀ above ♂. The colour of the anthers is constant on the individual tree.
Tree up to 30 m. tall; trunk up to 2 m. or more diam., often strongly buttressed. Lvs rather thin, coriac., 20-40 × 15-25 mm., on petioles up to 4 mm. long; lamina glab. except on veins below, broad-ovate to ovate-oblong, coarsely, rather deeply sharply serrate with 6-8 pairs of teeth; venation distinct; fringed domatia 1-2 in basal vein axils. Staminate infls 1-8 per branchlet; peduncles glab., up to 4 mm. long, bearing 1-3 or rarely 5 subsessile fls. Per. 5 mm. long, campanulate; shallowly obtusely 5-lobed, sparsely to rather densely pubescent. Stamens 8-11; anthers 3 mm. long, red, yellow, or stramineous. Pistillate infls 1-5 per branchlet, sessile, ovoid to globose, 3 mm. long, glabrate, us. 3-fld. Lateral fls trimerous, terminal dimerous; stigmas ligulate, distinctly bilobed. Cupule pubescent, 4-partite; segs attenuate, up to 10 mm. long; glands between segs and bracts. Nuts 7 mm. long, triquetrous or flat; wings broad at base, attenuate.
Tree up to 30 m. tall; trunk up to 2 m. diam., often buttressed; branchlet-pubescence fulvous. Lvs thick, coriac., rigid; 6-15 × 5-15 mm., on petioles 2-3 mm. long; lamina glab. except on veins below, broad-to deltoid-ovate to suborbicular, doubly crenate, cuneate at base; venation rather obscure; fringed domatia 1-2 in basal vein-axils. Staminate infls 1-4 per branchlet; peduncles 2-3 mm. long, sparsely pubescent, with 1 terminal fl. Per. 5-6 mm. diam., of 2 unequal lobes, each again 2-3-partite. Stamens 30-36; anthers 2-3 mm. long, red above, greenish below, or stramineous. Pistillate infls 1-4 per branchlet, 3-2-fld, on short densely pubescent peduncles. Lateral fls trimerous, terminal dimerous or aborted; stigmas ligulate. Cupule 6-7 mm. long, 4-segmented, with 4-5 rows of gland-tipped processes, subtended by 2 foliaceous bracts. Nuts puberulous, 5 mm. long; lateral triquetrous, 3-winged; terminal flat, 2-winged; wings produced above, gland-tipped.
Tree up to 25 m. tall; trunk up to 1 m. or more diam. Lvs coriac., 10-15 × 5-10 mm., on petioles 1-2 mm. long; lamina narrow-to elliptic-oblong, obtuse, obliquely cuneate at base, often apiculate; glab. or nearly so above, clad in dense greyish white tomentum below; venation us. distinct on both surfaces. Domatia absent. Staminate infls 1-4 per branchlet, on short sparsely pubescent peduncles; fls 1-2, sessile. Per. Broad-campanulate, 2 × 3 mm., shallowly obtusely 4-5-lobed; stamens 8-17, anthers 2-3 mm. long, dark red. Pistillate infls ovoid, 1-2 per branchlet, pubescent-pilose, sessile; fls 1-3. Lateral fls trimerous, terminal dimerous; stigmas clavate. Cupule 6-7 mm. long, glab. to pubescent, 3-partite. Nuts up to 7 mm. long; wings broad at base, narrowed to apex.
Tree up to 30 m. tall; trunk up to 2 m. diam. or more, often buttressed. Lvs thick, coriac., 25-35 × 20 mm., on petioles 2-3 mm. long; lamina glab. or nearly so, broad-ovate to elliptic-oblong to subrotund, cuneate at base; coarsely, shallowly, bluntly serrate, with 8-12 pairs of teeth; venation distinct. Domatia very rare. Staminate infls 1-8 per branchlet; peduncles up to 10 mm. long, sparsely pubescent; fls 1-3, subsessile. Per. campanulate, 4 mm. long, shallowly obtusely 5-lobed. Stamens 10-13; anthers 3 mm. long, yellow or dark orange. Pistillate infls 1-5 per branchlet, sessile, ovoid, 2-3 mm. long, sparsely pubescent. Fls as in , but stigmas less distinctly bilobed. Cupule up to 10 mm. long, 4-partite, segs acute, glands as in . Nuts puberulous, 8 mm. long.
Shrub up to 4 m. tall, with slender drooping lfless branches; branchlets compressed, up to 3·5 mm. diam. Racemes slender, sts branched, densely fld, up to c. 5 cm. long, peduncle and pedicels pubescent to glabrate. Fls pink-flushed and -veined, crowded, c. 8 mm. long. Calyx closely pubescent to subglab., teeth triangular; standard broad. Pods c. 8-17.5 mm. long, flat, c. 2.5 mm. broad, not torulose; beak long, slender; seeds up to 10 per pod.
Shrub or small tree up to 10 m. tall, with slender pend. branches (upper branches ascending); branchlets compressed, c. 2.5-3·5 mm. diam. Racemes slender, rather open-fld, up to c. 5 cm. long; peduncle and pedicels glab. Fls purple-flushed and -veined, not crowded, up to 12 mm. long. Calyx glab. to pubescent, teeth narrow-triangular; standard broad. Pods c. 8-25 mm. long, c. 4 mm. broad, subterete, not torulose; beak short, subulate; seeds c. 2 mm. long, reddish yellow mottled with black.
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Shrub up to 4 m. tall, with slender drooping lfless branches; branchlets hardly 2 mm. diam. Racemes slender, open, up to c. 5 cm. long, peduncle and pedicels glabrate. Fls purple-flushed and -veined, not crowded, c. 8 mm. long. Calyx glab. except on the broad obtuse teeth; standard rather narrow. Pods c. 1·5-2.5 cm. long, subterete, hardly 2 mm. diam., strongly torulose; beak long, slender; seeds up to 15 per pod, dark brown, c. 1 mm. long.
Fleshy, glab. to sparsely pubescent herb, with basal and cauline lvs; taproot rather slender, deeply descending; branches ∞, slender, spreading, lfy, up to c. 10 cm. long. Lvs 1 to 5 cm. long, crenate to entire, narrow oblong-spathulate to linear-spathulate on narrow flat petioles. Fls us. many, up to 1 cm. diam., corymbosely arranged; sepals 3-5 mm. long, oblong; petals 7-10 mm. long, white, obovate-spathulate (sts drying pink), limb 3-4 mm. broad. Silicles oblong, 8-14 mm. long, on slender pedicels up to 2.5 cm. long; wings ± 2 mm. broad, forming a narrow sinus. Style 2-5 mm. long, far exserted; stigma small. Seeds ∞, testa pitted, red-brown; radicle long, slender.
Unbranched; lvs narrow linear-spathulate, petioles pubescent; peduncles long, ·1-fld.
Fls in terminal racemes or corymbs, fragrant; sepals erect, not saccate; petals white, spathulate on wide claw; ovary elliptic, ovules ∞; silicles laterally compressed, valves broadly winged above, wings exceeding apex of valves. Seeds ∞ reniform, on long capillary funicles; cots incumbent. Small fleshy simple or branched herbs. The genus is endemic to N.Z.
Slender branches ending in small rosettes are sts developed.
Fls perfect or unisexual, us. cymose, often involucrate. Calyx tubular, often petaloid; petals 0; stamens 1 - ∞. Ovary superior, 1-celled; ovule solitary, erect. Fr. a nut-like achene, sts enclosed in persistent calyx-tube, often glandular; embryo large. Herbs, shrubs or trees with simple, exstipulate, us. opp. lvs. About 20 genera, mainly of America.
Tree up to ± 20 m. tall; trunk up to 1·5m. diam.; branchlets pubescent. Lvs on rather stout petioles up to ± 10 mm. long; lamina of juveniles narrow-linear, acute, coriac., glab.; of adults lanceolate to ovate- or elliptic-lanceolate, obtuse or subacute, coriac., glab., somewhat rough; midrib impressed above, prominent below. Racemens 8-12-fld, 10-25 mm. long, rather stout; axis and pedicels densely pubescent. ♂ with 2 large exserted anthers, ovary rud. ♀ with 2 sessile barren anthers, ovary with large 2-lobed stigma. Drupe ± 12-16 mm. long, ovoid.
Fls small, perfect or unisexual, us. panicled. Calyx 4-fid; corolla with short tube, 4 valvate lobes; stamens 2, filaments short. Ovary 2-loculed, style short, stigma 2-lobed or capitate; ovules 2 per locule; fr. a drupe. Trees or shrubs with opp., entire lvs. Genus of some 35 Old World spp. The N.Z. spp. are dioec.; fls in racemes, petals 0, stamens hypog.; stigma large, 2-lobed; mature drupe red, or occ. orange. They belong to section (Spach Hist. Vég. Phan. 8, 1839, 258). occurs in Norfolk Id, our other spp. are endemic.
Tree up to c. 15 m. tall; trunk up to c. 1 m. diam.; branches rather slender; branchlets with pale bark. Lvs on petioles up to ± 10 mm. long. Lamina coriac., smooth, somewhat glossy above; of juveniles linear, acuminate; of adults narrow- to ovate-lanceolate to narrow-elliptic, acute to subacuminate; midrib ± impressed above, somewhat prominent below. Racemes 5-10-(14)-fld, c. 1-2 cm. long; axis and pedicels glab. or very nearly so. ♂ with 2-(4) exserted anthers > 2 mm. long; ♀ with large 2-lobed stigma and more deeply lobed calyx. Drupe ± oblong-ovoid, 10-12 mm. long; seeds us. 2 per locule.
Canopy tree up to 10 m. or more tall; trunk up to c.6 dm. diam.; branches slender, bark reddish to greyish brown; branchlets ± pubescent. Lvs on petioles 2-3 mm. long; lamina coriac., glab., somewhat glossy; midrib slightly raised above and below. Lamina of juveniles linear, acute to acuminate; of adults linear to very narrowly lanceolate, acute or occ. ones obtuse. Racemes slender, glab., 3-4 cm. long, 5-10-fld; pedicels 2-3 mm. long, slender. ♂ with calyx rather shallowly lobed, lobes ovate-triangular, acute; anthers 2, exserted; ovary rud. ♀ with 2-loculed ovary, 1 us. not developing; ovules 2 per locule; rud. stamens often present. Drupe narrow-ovoid, ± 6-9 mm. long.
Fls us. 2-4-merous, us. bisexual, regular, in racemes or panicles. Calyx us. valvately 4-lobed; corolla gamopetalous, us. 4-lobed, often deeply cleft. Stamens us. 2, anthers 2-celled, dehiscing lengthwise, connective often produced, cells back to back. Ovary superior, 2-locular; placentae axile; ovules us. 2 per locule; stigmas 1-2, subsessile. Fr. various. Trees or shrubs with us. opp. simple or compound stipulate lvs. Widespread family of some 22 genera and 500 spp.
Shrub or tree up to 6 m. tall, with musky fragrance; branchlets slender, with appressed tomentum. Lvs 5-10 × 2.5-4 cm. including petiole c. 8 mm. long, subobliquely ovate-oblong to oblong, acute to acuminate, rounded to truncate at base, coriac., glab. above when mature, clad in appressed white tomentum below; margins undulate, closely coarsely sharply dentate-serrate. Capitula ∞, up to 1 cm. long, in large corymbs; phyll. few, narrow, pubescent to villous; florets 8-12, rays short, narrow. Achenes grooved, pubescent to pilose; pappus-hairs unequal, dull white to reddish.
Shrub or tree up to 5 m. tall; branchlets grooved, angular, clad in rather loose white tomentum. Lvs 7-10 × 2.5-3·5 cm. on petioles up to 2 cm. long; oblong to ovate-oblong, coriac., glab. above when mature, clad in soft white appressed tomentum below, margins flat to slightly undulate. Capitula ∞ on short sulcate pedicels, narrow, up to 7 mm. long; phyll. imbricate; lower ovate, pubescent, upper linear-oblong, ciliate. Florets 3-10 per capitulum, ray-florets 1-5, style-arms elongate. Achenes linear, ribbed, 1-1·5 mm. long, pubescent; pappus-hairs slightly thickened at tips, 3 mm. long.
Lvs 4-7 cm. long, more coriac., strongly undulate; capitula 4-5 mm. long; florets seldom > 5, achenes with coarser indumentum.
Shrub up to 1 m. tall, us. less; branchlets stout, clad in smooth appressed silvery tomentum. Lvs 2.5-5 × 2-4 cm., obliquely ovate- to elliptic-oblong, very coriac., glab. above when mature, with appressed silvery tomentum below; midrib very prominent below, margins entire. Capitula c. 1·5 cm. diam., in branched corymbs on stout pedicels up to 2 cm. long. Florets 14-20 per capitulum, ray-florets 5-10. Phyll. laxly imbricate, broad-lanceolate, tomentose on back, forming a turbinate involucre. Achenes grooved, pilose to hispid; pappus-hairs brownish, plumose.
Shrub or tree up to 6 m. tall; branchlets, lvs below, and peduncles clad in soft white tomentum. Lvs 7-15 × 1-2 cm., narrow-lanceolate, acuminate, subsessile, coriac., glab. above when mature, rather finely crenate-dentate, teeth calloused. Peduncles stout, with ∞ foliaceous bracts. Capitula 3·5-5 cm. diam.; phyll. in 2 series, outer tomentose on back. Ray-florets white, disk-florets purple; achenes linear, grooved, pilose; pappus-hairs slender.
Shrub or tree up to 4 m. tall; branchlets angular. Lvs ± 4-8 × ± 2-4 cm. including petiole up to 2 cm. long, broad- to elliptic-ovate, acute, subcoriac.; glab. above when mature, clad in thin appressed satiny tomentum below; margins distantly sinuate-dentate to subentire. Corymbs large, effuse; pedicels slender, pubescent. Capitula up to 7 mm. long, 1·5 cm. diam.; phyll. imbricate, oblong-elliptic, obtuse to subacute, outer pilose on back, inner glab. except at tips and on margins. Florets 15-20; ray-florets 7-10 with a short broad ray. Achenes narrow-linear, c. 2 mm. long, compressed, pilose, striate; pappus-hairs up to 5 mm. long.
Shrub or tree up to 6 m. tall; branchlets angular, densely clad in white tomentum. Lvs 5-10 × 3-5 cm. including petiole up to 5 mm. long, elliptic to oblong-lanceolate, entire, subacute, coriac., glab. above when mature, clad below in dense appressed white to buff tomentum, margins flat. Corymbs much-branched on long peduncles; pedicels slender. Capitula ∞, up to 6 mm. long; phyll. few, imbricate, glab. to pubescent, forming a narrow involucre. Florets 2-3 per capitulum, rarely more; ray-florets 0-2. Achenes pilose.
Shrub or small tree; branchlets c. 3 mm. diam., with red glab. bark. Lvs opp., 5-7·5 × 3-6·5 cm., elliptic-lanceolate, obtuse, gradually narrowed to short petiole, entire, glab. above, clad in thin subappressed whitish tomentum below. Capitula 6-7 mm. long, in small corymbs on very slender pubescent pedicels; phyll. c. 10, outer pubescent, inner glab. except at tips; florets 6-8; achenes c. 1 mm. long, striate, pubescent to pilose.
Shrub up to 2 m. tall; branchlets, lvs below, and peduncles clad in soft white tomentum. Lvs 2.5-8 × 1·5-4 cm., lanceolate to elliptic or oblong-ovate, acute, with short broad petiole, coriac., closely serrate, teeth blunt, calloused. Peduncles 5 cm. or more long; bracts few, linear-lanceolate. Capitula 3·5-4·5 cm. diam.; outer phyll. densely clad in cobwebby tomentum on back, acute; ray-florets white to purplish, disk-florets purplish; achenes linear, slightly curved, pubescent to almost glab., 4-5 mm. long; pappus-hairs slender, up to 5 mm. long.
Erect shrub or tree to c. 4 m. tall, much-branched, bark ± flaking; branchlets with dense buff tomentum, grooved. Lvs on ± winged tomentose petioles c. 2 cm. long; lamina thinly coriac., dark green above and silky-hairy when young, pale buff below with very closely appressed tomentum, 5-9 × 2-3 cm., linear- to narrow-lanceolate, occ. oblong-lanceolate; margins sinuate, apex subacuminate (all forms may be on one plant). Subfloral lvs us. smaller, narrower, 6-3 cm. × 15-4 mm. Corymbs lax, us. ample, much-branched, up to 15 cm. diam.; axis and branches very slender, densely tomentose, bracts minute, pedicels c. 1 cm. long. Capitula ± 8-9 mm. long; phyll. linear-lanceolate, 3-4 mm. long, ciliolate; rays long and narrow. Achenes linear, 2-3 mm. long, finely grooved; pappus-hairs fine, sordid-white, unequal, up to 5 mm. long.
Shrub up to 3 m. tall; branchlets stout, clad in white to buff tomentum. Lvs 8-20 × 3-6 cm. including short petiole up to 5 mm. long, obovate to obovate-oblong, acute to subacute, coriac., irregularly serrate, glab. above when mature and ± rugose, clad in dense white to buff or fulvous appressed tomentum below. Racemes up to 20 cm. long, with lanceolate tomentose bracts subtending pedicels. Capitula 2-3 cm. diam.; phyll. in 1-2 series, linear, glab. or nearly so, up to 1 cm. long; florets all tubular, ♀ in one row; achenes compressed, pilose, 4 mm. long, grooved; pappus-hairs up to 6 mm. long, dull white.
Tomentum appressed, silvery; racemes short.
Lvs 10-20 × 5-10 cm., broad-obovate, crenate-dentate, abruptly acuminate; capitula up to 3 cm. long; florets purplish; phyll. lanceolate, ± pilose on back, up to 1 cm. long; achenes 4-5 mm. long, densely pilose; pappus-hairs up to 6 mm. long.
Shrub up to 3m. tall, with stout rigid pubescent branchlets. Lvs 1-2 cm. × 8-15 mm. including petiole up to 3 mm. long; very coriac., broad-ovate to suborbicular, glab. or nearly so above, clad in dense brownish white tomentum below, margins ± revolute and slightly undulate. Capitula shortly pedicelled, in small corymbose panicles; phyll. in several series, imbricate, forming a narrow involucre; outer short, glab. to pubescent, ± viscid-glandular. Florets solitary, tubular, perfect, whitish; achenes 1-3 mm. long, narrow-oblong, grooved, clad in appressed white tomentum in upper part, glab. below; pappus-hairs up to 3 mm. long.
Shrub up to 3 m. tall; branchlets rather stout, clad in persistent lf-bases. Lvs 5-10 cm. × 2-5 mm., on petioles up to 2 mm. long articulated on broadened base, very coriac., narrow-linear, glab. and rugose above, clad in cobwebby ferruginous to pale buff tomentum below; margins revolute almost to midrib, minutely sinuate-crenate; midrib stout, prominent below, lateral veins almost at right angles, stout, dividing surface into areoles. Infl. axillary to subulate bracts, sparingly subcorymbosely branched, 3-5 cm. long; peduncles and pedicels pilose to glab. Capitula 5-15, 5 mm. long, 5 mm. diam.; florets 4-6, ray-florets 0-2, linear; phyll. narrow-ovate to linear-oblong, almost scarious, pubescent to almost glab. obtuse to subacute, inner ciliolate. Achenes c. 1 mm. long, pilose, becoming glab., striate, narrowed to base; pappus-hairs 3-4 mm. long.
Shrub or tree up to 5 m. tall; bark dark reddish brown; branchlets rather rigid, flexuous, striate. Lvs 7·5-30 × 5-10 mm., on petioles up to 3 mm. long, elliptic-oblong to elliptic-ovate or broad-ovate to obovate, obtuse to acute; membr., glab. above when mature, clad in soft white tomentum below, margins flat, entire. Infl. of sessile to subsessile glomerules up to 2 cm. diam., each with up to 12 bracteate capitula; florets 4-8, fragrant, ray-florets broad; phyll. in 2-3 series, oblong, white-tomentose on back. Achenes 2 mm. long, hardly compressed, grooved, sparingly pilose; pappus-hairs 2-3 mm. long.
Shrub or tree up to 5 m. tall, branchlets grooved, pubescent. Lvs 5-10 × 3-6 cm., on petioles up to 2.5 cm. long, obliquely ovate- to elliptic-oblong, coriac., glab. above when mature, clad in thin appressed brownish lustrous tomentum below, margins somewhat undulate, subentire to distantly or closely crenate-dentate. Capitula ∞ in large corymbs on rather slender pedicels, florets 8-12, ray-florets up to 5; phyll. pilose to ciliate, lanceolate- to elliptic-oblong. Achenes striate, pubescent to pilose, 2-2.5 mm. long, compressed, linear; pappus-hairs very unequal, thickened at tips, up to 5 mm. long.
Lvs oblong to elliptic-oblong, margins waved; phyll. linear-oblong, pubescent to glab. or nearly so; capitula very narrow, ray-florets c. 2, broad, disk-florets c. 3. Achenes silky-hairy.
Branchlets with red bark. Lvs ovate-lanceolate, seldom > 5 cm. long, subcoriac.; pedicels very slender; florets seldom > 5.
Shrub up to 5 m. tall; branchlets slender, grooved, glab. or nearly so with dark reddish brown bark. Lvs in opp. fascicles of 2-4 on short branchlets, 2-5 × 0·5-2 cm., on slender petioles up to 5 mm. long, narrow-obovate to oblong-ovate or broad-obovate, submembr., glab. above when mature, clad in thin silvery tomentum below; margins flat, entire. Capitula 5 × 5 mm., in fascicles of 2-5 on slender drooping silky-hairy pedicels up to 1·5 cm. long; florets 20-25, ray-florets up to 15, narrow. Phyll. in 2 series, laxly imbricate, spreading, oblong, obtuse, pilose on back. Achenes 1-2 mm. long, compressed, striate, pilose, narrow-obovate in outline; pappus-hairs 3-5 mm. long.
Shrub or tree up to 5 m. tall, with musky fragrance; branchlets rather stout, pubescent when young. Lvs 5-10 × 1-2 cm., on petioles up to 2 cm. long, linear-oblong to lanceolate, acute to acuminate, truncate at base, coriac., glab. above when mature, clad in thin appressed yellowish white tomentum below, margins strongly undulate, sharply serrate-dentate, teeth almost spinous; major lateral veins at very wide angle. Capitula ∞, small, on slender pedicels, in large corymbs; phyll. rather lax, spreading, outer villous on back, inner ciliate at tips; florets 10-15. Achenes c. 2 mm. long, linear-oblong, conspicuously ribbed, ribs with slender ascending hairs; pappus of cop. very slender white unequal hairs up to c. 4 mm. long.
Shrub up to 5 m. tall; branchlets, petioles, lvs below and infl-branchlets clad in dense fulvous to ferruginous tomentum. Lvs 7·5-17 cm. × 8 mm.-2.5 cm. including petiole up to 1 cm. long, linear to linear-oblong, acute to acuminate, very coriac., rugose above, margins somewhat revolute, minutely sinuate-dentate; midrib very stout, lateral veins stout, at almost right angles, giving surface a somewhat alveolate appearance. Capitula ∞, up to 1 cm. diam., on slender pedicels, in corymbs; phyll. in 3-4 series, rather laxly imbricate, tomentose to villous on back, lower ovate, upper oblong; florets 8-12, ray-florets broad. Achenes grooved, 2-3 mm. long, linear, pilose; pappus-hairs subequal, up to 4 mm. long.
Shrub or tree up to 10 m. tall; trunk up to 6 dm. diam.; branchlets stout, densely white-tomentose. Lvs 10-25 cm. long including petiole up to 5 mm. or more long, elliptic-ovate to ovate-orbicular, abruptly acute to acuminate, clad in dense white woolly tomentum below, irregularly doubly crenate. Racemes up to 26 cm. long with pedicels up to 8 cm. long subtended by woolly bracts. Capitula 3-4 cm. diam.; phyll. ∞ in several series, linear-oblong, acute, glab. except towards tips and on margins; florets dark brown; achenes 7 mm. long, ribbed, densely pilose; pappus-hairs up to 8 cm. long, dull white.
Capitula small to large, solitary, or infl. variously compound; receptacle alveolate, flat or convex; phyll. imbricate in several series, margins dry or scarious. Ray-florets, if present, ligulate to filiform, pistillate; disk-florets perfect, tubular. Anther-cells us. acute at base; style-arms of disk-florets flattened, with short obtuse or acute unreceptive tips. Achenes ribbed or striate, us. pubescent to pilose; pappus of unequal barbellate bristles, often slightly thickened at tips. Shrubs or trees with alt. or opp. lvs, these mainly tomentose below. About 130 spp., mainly of N.Z. and Australia, with a few in Lord Howe Id and New Guinea; the N.Z. spp. endemic.
Shrub up to 4 m. tall, with musky fragrance; branchlets stout, clad in soft white appressed tomentum. Lvs rather close-set, 8-15 × c. 5 mm. including petiole 1 mm. long, coriac., obovate-oblong, margins flat, glab. or nearly so above, clad in appressed white tomentum below. Capitula 6-7 × 5-6 mm., on slender tomentose pedicels, c. 20-30 per corymb. Phyll. in 2-4 series; lower short, ovate, pilose; inner narrow-oblong, pilose to glab., up to 4 mm. long. Florets 12-20 per capitulum, ray-florets up to 12; achenes ribbed, pilose, 3 mm. long; pappus-hairs up to 6 mm. long.
Shrub up to 3 m. tall; branchlets stout, viscid when young, clad in white to yellowish stellate tomentum. Lvs close-set, very coriac., 5-10 × 4-6 mm. including petiole 1 mm. long, broad-obovate to suborbicular, glab. above when mature, below clad in white to buff or yellowish tomentum, margins ± recurved. Capitula solitary, 3-5 mm. diam., on short closely bracteate peduncles; phyll. in several series, imbricate, forming a narrow involucre c. 1 cm. long, viscid pubescentpilose to glab.; florets 5-12, ray-florets up to 5; achenes compressed, ribbed, 3 mm. long, glab. or nearly so except at tips; pappus-hairs 5-6 mm. long.
Young lvs and phyll. very viscid; lvs 6-14 mm. long, margins revolute almost to midrib; achenes 4-5 mm. long, pappus-hairs 6-7 mm. long.
Shrub up to 4 m. tall; branchlets rather stout, divaricating, terete, striate. Lvs us. in opp. fascicles on very short branchlets, 10-25 × 6-15 mm., subsessile, coriac., obovate-oblong, glab. or nearly so above when mature, clad below in soft white tomentum; margins flat, entire. Capitula in opp. fascicles of 2-5, on short stout peduncles; florets 20-40, ray-florets up to 20, short; corolla of disk-florets viscid-glandular; phyll. in 3-4 series, linear-oblong, obtuse, viscid. Achenes pilose, striate, compressed, 1-2 mm. long; pappus-hairs 2-3 mm. long.
Shrub up to 3 m. tall or more; branchlets, lvs below, and peduncles clad in soft white to slightly yellowish tomentum. Lvs 5-10 × 1·5-2 cm., narrow-oblanceolate to lanceolate, acuminate, narrowed to winged petiole, coriac., glab. above when mature, closely bluntly dentate, teeth calloused. Peduncles 3-8 cm. long, stout, clad in foliaceous bracts. Capitula 3-4 cm. diam.; phyll. in 2-3 series, linear-oblong, acute, outer tomentose on back, inner glab. or nearly so except at tips. Ray-florets white, disk-florets yellow, receptacle up to 1 cm. diam.; achenes compressed, pilose, 4-5 mm. long; pappus-hairs slender, up to 6 mm. long.
Shrub up to 3 m. tall; branchlets stout, grooved, with appressed brownish tomentum when young. Lvs 7-13 × 5-6·5 cm., on stout grooved petioles up to 4 mm. long; somewhat obliquely ovate to ovate-oblong, coriac., glab. above when mature, clad in dense appressed silvery to brownish tomentum below; margins entire, undulate. Capitula ∞, up to 2 cm. long, in corymbs; phyll. 35-40 in c. 10 series, densely imbricate, woolly-tomentose on back, lowermost minute, upper c. 4 mm. long; florets 7-10. Pappus-hairs unequal, rather rigid, thickened and fimbriate at tips; achenes striate, silky-pubescent.
Shrub or tree up to 6 m. tall; branchlets grooved, angular, tomentose. Lvs 3-10 × 2-4 cm. including petiole up to 5 mm. long, elliptic- to ovate-oblong, coriac., glab. above, with thin appressed white to buff tomentum below, margins strongly undulate to almost flat. Capitula sessile, fascicled on slender branches of corymb; phyll. erect, imbricate, forming a narrow involucre, outer short, glab. or nearly so, ± viscid-glandular; florets solitary, tubular, perfect, whitish; achenes 2-3·5 mm. long, hardly compressed, slender, pubescent to pilose; pappus-hairs subequal, 3-6 mm. long.
Shrub or tree up to 7 m. tall; branchlets, infl.-branchlets, petioles and lvs below clad in dense soft white to buff tomentum. Lvs ± 5-15 × 5 cm. including stout petiole up to 4 cm. long; coriac., broad elliptic-ovate to oblong, acute, repand, irregularly and rather distantly coarsely dentate. Capitula ∞, up to 1 cm. diam., in large panicles; florets 12-24 per capitulum; ray-florets ∞, broad, white to yellowish; phyll. woolly-pilose on back, subacute, ovate-lanceolate, in several series. Achenes 1-2 mm. long, glab. or nearly so except at tips, compressed, angled; pappus-hairs subequal, up to 4 mm. long.
Shrub up to 1 m. tall; branchlets slender, clad in white floccose tomentum. Lvs 3·5-7 cm. × 6-9 mm., narrow-lanceolate, subsessile, rather distantly serrate in upper half, glab. above when mature, clad in white appressed tomentum below. Peduncles slender, tomentose, 5-8 cm. long, with ∞ lanceolate bracts. Capitula 2.5-3·5 cm. diam.; phyll. pilose towards tips and on margins, acute, up to 1 cm. long; ray-florets purple, disk-florets violet-purple; achenes linear, pubescent, c. 3 mm. long; pappus-hairs up to 7 mm. long.
Shrub or small tree up to 4 m. tall with rather stiff, spreading, angled, viscid branchlets clad in yellowish tomentum. Lvs of young plants and reversion shoots linear-spathulate, up to 1·5 cm. long, white-tomentose below; lvs of adult plants 5-10 mm. long, linear-obovate, on petioles c. 1 mm. long, subcoriac., glab. above when mature, clad in yellowish tomentum below, margins flat to slightly revolute. Capitula up to 10 × 5-7 mm., solitary, on short branchlets; florets 8-20, of ray up to 14; phyll. in 3-4 series, ∞, forming a narrow-turbinate involucre, fulvous, viscid-pubescent. Achenes 1-1·5 mm. long, glab. or nearly so, compressed, grooved; pappus-hairs 5-6 mm. long.
Shrub or tree up to 5 m. tall; branchlets stout, terete, glab. or nearly so. Lvs 7-16 × 3-5 cm. including petiole up to 5 cm. long, oblong- to elliptic-ovate, parallel-sided, cuneately narrowed to base, subcoriac., entire or obscurely sinuate-dentate, glab. above when mature, clad in thin appressed silvery tomentum below. Capitula ∞, on slender pedicels up to 1·5 cm. long, in large corymbs. Phyll. in 4-5 series, tomentose on back, lower ovate, upper lanceolate; florets 12-20. Achenes 1·5-2 mm., ± obovate, clad in subappressed hairs; pappus cop., hairs unequal, up to ± 5 mm. long, white, rigid, finely barbellate.
Shrub or tree up to 5 m. tall; branchlets rather stout, grooved, densely clad in yellowish brown tomentum. Lvs 5-10 × 2-3·5 cm. including petiole up to 3 cm. long, somewhat obliquely narrow elliptic-oblong, coriac., glab. above when mature, clad in dense smooth yellowish white tomentum below, margins slightly sinuate or undulate. Capitula 8-9 mm. long, ∞, on long slender pedicels in large corymbs; phyll. in 3-4 series, outer ovate, inner elliptic-oblong, ± pilose; florets 10-15. Achenes deeply grooved, pilose with spreading hairs; pappus-hairs subequal.
Shrub or tree up to 10 m. tall, trunk up to 6 dm. diam., bark pale; branchlets tetragonous, clad as are infl.-branchlets in appressed silky tomentum. Lvs opp., (1·5)-4-6·5 × (1)-2.5-3 cm., oblong to ovate-oblong, acute, us. apiculate, coriac., entire, flat, glab. above when mature, clad in appressed silky tomentum below. Capitula c. 6·5 mm. diam., ∞, in axillary panicles; florets 5-15, all tubular; phyll. few, linear-oblong; achenes striate, compressed, silky-hairy; pappus-hairs fulvid, unequal.
Slender ± divaricate shrub up to c. 2.5 m. tall; branches slender, ± virgate; branchlets 4-angled, sulcate, elongate, opp., ± divaricate, pilose when young. Lvs in small opp. fascicles or occ. paired, 5-10-(20) × 3-5-(8) mm., entire, obovate to narrow-obovate, obtuse, subcoriac., glab. or nearly so above, clad in soft appressed white to buff tomentum below; petioles c. 1 mm. long. Capitula ± 8-9 mm. diam., in opp. fascicles or paired, on slender bracted or nude tomentose pedicels. Phyll. short, woolly-tomentose, in 2-(4) series. Ray-florets few, ligulate; disk-florets 6-8. Pappus-hairs white to reddish; achenes puberulous.
Shrub up to 1 m. or more tall, with stiff divaricating quadrangular branchlets; lvs 1-1·5 cm. × c. 4 mm. including petiole c. 2 mm. long, linear-obovate to spathulate-cuneate, coriac., glab. above when mature, clad in ± dense ferruginous rather silky tomentum below; capitula solitary or in fascicles of 2-4, on slender pedicels c. 8 mm. long, clad in ferruginous tomentum; phyll. with ferruginous tomentum on back; florets c. 5-8; achenes with sparse hairs.
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Shrub up to 3 m. tall; with slender divaricating branchlets; lvs linear-obovate, 1-1·5 cm. × 3-4 mm., glab. or nearly so above when mature, below clad in rather silky ferruginous to whitish tomentum; capitula solitary or in fascicles of 2-4 on slender pubescent pedicels up to 2 cm. long; phyll. villous at tips; achenes 1-2 mm. long, pilose above; pappus-hairs 3-5 mm. long.
Shrub up to 2 m. tall, with very slender, drooping, grooved, angled, pubescent branchlets; lvs in distant fascicles, narrow-linear, 2-4 cm. long, glab. above when mature, clad in soft white tomentum below, margins strongly revolute; capitula with short or long (up to 4 cm.) slender pedicels; phyll. ± villous; disk-florets c. 6-10; achenes 1-2 mm. long, compressed, pubescent to nearly glab.; pappus-hairs 2-3 mm. long.
Shrub up to 3 m. tall; lvs us. in fascicles of 4, 6-8 × 2 mm., on petioles c. 2 mm. long, linear-spathulate, margins slightly revolute. Capitula in fascicles of 2-4, pedicels c. 6-7 mm. long, 2-bracteate; florets 7-12; achenes 1-1·5 mm. long, glab. except at tips.
Shrub up to 2 m. tall with slender, spreading, pubescent, quadrangular branchlets; lvs fascicled, 5-8 × 1-2 mm., linear to narrow-obovate; glab. or nearly so and rugose above when mature, below clad in soft white tomentum, margins strongly revolute; capitula solitary or in fascicles of 2-4, on very short pubescent pedicels; phyll. pubescent; florets c. 10 per capitulum; achenes papillose-pubescent.
Shrub up to 3 m. tall; branchlets stiff, divaricating, tetragonous; lvs fascicled, c. 6 × 2 mm., obovate-oblong, obscurely mucronate, coriac., glab. above when mature, below clad in silvery tomentum, on petioles c. 1 mm. long. Capitula in fascicles of 2-6 on pedicels up to 3 mm. long; phyll. in 3-4 series, pubescent-pilose on back; florets 4-8; achenes pubescent at tips.
Fls us. perfect, regular, solitary or in spikes or racemes. Calyx adnate to ovary; lobes free, (2)-4-(5), valvate; petals or corolla-lobes (0-2)-4-(5); stamens same number as or twice as many as calyx-lobes. Ovary inferior (1)-2-4-(6)-celled; ovules 1-∞ on axile placentae; fr. capsular or baccate; seeds us. ∞, without endosperm. Herbs, shrubs or trees, with simple us. exstipulate lvs. Widespread family of some 40 genera and 500 spp.
Sporangia in close double marginal rows, eusporangiate, without annulus, bivalvate; spores thick-walled. Prothallus subterranean, fleshy, without chlorophyll; rhizome short, erect; roots thick. Lvs on naked fleshy stalks bearing basal stipule-like appendages, us. solitary, divided into an adaxial fertile and an abaxial sterile seg., not circinate in vernation. Mainly terrestrial, perennial, fleshy herbs of wide distribution.
"Rhizome cylindric, suberect, slightly tuberous, roots fleshy. Fronds 1-2 (or rarely 3) . . ., 1-3 in. long including the petiole and fertile spike: sterile lamina . . . 1/4-2 in. long, 1/6-? in. broad, lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, . . . narrowed into a long cuneate base, fleshy or almost coriaceous; veins indistinct, reticulated in narrow areoles. Fertile spike 1/4-3/4; in. long on a slender peduncle which usually much exceeds the sterile lamina when mature. Sporangia 7-15 in each row."
Sporangia coriac., in two close rows on unbranched axis, globose, opening transversely. Roots slender to rather thick, often proliferating, on erect fleshy to tuberous rhizome. Sterile seg. with a simple, entire lamina; fertile seg. spike-like, rarely branched. Adder's tongue. Genus widespread, the spp. very imperfectly understood.
Tufted, sts rhizomatous, herb up to c. 3 dm. tall, us. shorter, glab. to densely hairy. Lvs ∞, narrow-oblong in outline, on petioles c. 3 cm. long, sheathing at base. Lflts opp., upper ones rather close-set, ± (4)-5-6 × 5-8 mm., flabellate to broad oblong-ovate, truncate at base; teeth ∞, ± 1 mm. long, rounded triangular, acute. Peduncles slender to rather stout, up to ± 10 cm. long, ± clad in retrorse to patent hairs. Involucral bracts (5)-8-(10), ovate-oblong, up to ± 5 mm. long. Fls subsessile; rays elongating to ± 5 mm. in fr. Fr. glab., narrow-ovate in outline, c. 4 mm. long.
Tufted herb up to c. 5 cm. tall. Lvs on filiform petioles up to c. 1 cm. long. Lamina narrow-oblong in outline, ± 2 cm. long. Pinnules rather distant, 2-3 × 1-2 mm., deeply toothed to entire. Peduncles nearly filiform, up to c. 25 mm. long. Umbels with c. 5 filiform rays up to ± 1 cm. long. Fr glab., hardly 2 mm. long.
Whole plant rather densely clad in hispid hairs. Fr. hispid on ribs and grooves. Lflts as in .
Lvs up to c. 15 cm. long, including slender petioles up to ± 5 cm. long. Lflts in rather distant pairs, up to ± 15 mm. long, including capillary petiolules; lower segs cut to costa, upper pinnatisect; segs up to ± 5 mm. long, lanceolate, us. apiculate. Umbels on rather stout peduncles up to c. 20 cm. long; rays ± 10, up to ± 2 cm. long. Fr. up to c. 5 mm. long, pubescent in grooves.
Umbels simple, terminal on peduncle; involucral bracts several, ± ovate to lanceolate; calyx-teeth obsolete; petals us. white, acute, inflexed, imbricate. Fr. of oblong-ovoid order, slightly laterally compressed. Mericarps subterete, with 5 equal, blunt, us. conspicuous ribs, 2 close to commissure. Vittae 1 per furrow and 2 on commissural face. Seed nearly terete, grooved on commissural face. Tufted perennial herbs with pinnately divided to compound lvs. A genus of some 20 spp. of Central and S. America, Australia, N.Z., New Guinea.
Lax perennial herb with much-branched slender spreading stems up to c. 6 dm. long. Lvs pinnate to 2-pinnate, on slender petioles up to c. 15 cm. long. Lamina ovate-oblong in outline; lflts in few pairs, on very slender petiolules up to 15 mm. long; lflts of basal lvs up to 15 × 20 mm., us. less, coarsely apiculately toothed, cuneately narrowed to base; pinnules of cauline lvs and often of basal ones ± 10 × 5 mm., very membr., on filiform petiolules 2-5 mm. long, pinnatifid to pinnatisect; segs linear to narrow-lanceolate, ± apiculate. Umbels on very slender peduncles up to ± 25 cm. long. Involucral bracts several, linear to linear-lanceolate, apiculate, up to c. 5 mm. long. Rays 10-15, unequal, very slender, up to c. 2 cm. long. Fr. glab. to pubescent, linear or very slightly widened towards base, ± 5-6 mm. long, strongly ribbed.
Stout tufted ± pubescent rather rigid herb up to c. 2 dm. tall. Main stems arising from short, stout, rather woody stock; branches short, spreading. Basal and cauline lvs similar, on petioles c. 3 cm. long, broadly sheathing at base. Lamina ± 5 cm. long, oblong in outline, pinnate or occ. 2-pinnate, ± pubescent. Lflts pinnatisect, up to ± 10 mm. long; segs linear-lanceolate, ± apiculate. Umbels on stout, rigid, us. spreading to depressed peduncles up to c. 2 dm. long; rays 10-15, slender to rather stout, unequal, up to c. 10 mm. long, ± clad in retrorse hairs. Involucral bracts narrow-oblong, ± pubescent, ± 2 × 1 mm. Fr. glab. or pubescent, 2.5-3·5 × 1-1·5 mm., linear to very narrow-ovate in outline.
Fls solitary, peduncled. Calyx 2-lipped; lower 2-, upper 3-fid. Corolla subregular, campanulate; throat nude, limb deeply 5-fid; lobes ± equal, patent. Glands of disk hemispheric. Column erect, included; anthers didymous, 4-celled, 4-lobed. Stigma at anther level, lobes obtuse. Ovary 2-celled at base; ovules ∞, funicle long. Capsule somewhat woody, at length irregularly rupturing; seeds obovoid, funicle distinct, testa lax. Rosette stoloniferous herb. Genus of 1 known sp. endemio to N.Z.
Glab. herb with short stock, deeply descending taproot, emitting slender stolons or rhizomes with internodes up to ± 6 cm. long. Lvs densely tufted, spreading, ± recurved, sessile, entire, 10-40 × 1-2-(3) mm., linear, shallowly concavo-convex, mucronate, sts almost pungent. Peduncles 1-fld, rather stout, glab. to pubescent, sts still not > 5 mm. long when capsule mature, sts elongating to ± 2 cm long. Bracts, if present, lflike. Fls 4-5 mm. diam.; receptacle adnate to ovary, ± glandular-pubescent. Calyx-lobes 1-2 mm. long, persistent, ascending, oblong, obtuse, ± mucronate. Corolla-lobes patent, oblong, obtuse, white. Capsule 5-8 × 4-5 mm., broad-ovoid to subglobose to obovoid.
Sporangia not arranged in distinct sori, maturing together; annulus represented by a subapical group of thickened cells. Stock erect, without paleae. Lamina of frond bipinnate to pinnately compound; veins free.
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Lvs c. 10 × 5 mm., most or all broadly spathulate and notched, creeping stem us. glab. Bracts us. notched. Fls mostly in pairs. Calyx-lobes c. 5 mm. long, broad to top. Corolla c. 2 cm. diam., lobes broad.
Lvs up to 6 × 3 mm., most or all oval to spathulate-oblong and entire, creeping stem us. with some retrorse hairs. Bracts narrow, entire. Fls often solitary, sts one above the other, rarely two from any one pair of bracts. Calyx-lobes us. narrowed towards top. Corolla c. 1·5 cm. diam., lobes narrow.
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Fls in terminal verticillate bracteate panicles, sts much reduced. Calyx 5-lobed, some or all of clefts extending almost to base. Corolla weakly zygomorphic, with short slightly oblique tube ± hairy within, and 5 spreading lobes, the posterior two shortest and overlapping the lateral ones in bud. Stamens 4, didynamous, inserted near base of corolla-tube, staminode minute, anther-cells apically confluent. Style long, stigma capitate. Capsule ovoid-conical, loculicidal; seeds ∞, reticulate. Low-growing perennial herbs with opp. us. strongly veined lvs. Some 24 spp., about 12 in South America, 1 in Tasmania, the N.Z. spp. endemic.
Stem prostrate and rooting, up to 1 cm. diam., lvs. us. in terminal compact tuft but sts more scattered with internodes 1 cm. or more long. Lamina submembr., 2-12 cm. long, ovate-oblong, length us. 1·5-2 × width, regularly shallowly crenate-dentate, base rounded, upper surface rather evenly hairy all over, hairs on undersurface both on and between veins; petiole slender, = or > lamina, uniformly and us. quite densely hairy. Peduncle hairy, erect, much > lvs, occ. 40 cm. Long, us. with a whorl of 2-4 rather broad ± sessile cauline lvs below floral bracts. Bracts in 1-4 whorls, as many as 12 in upper whorls of large plants, often only 2-4 in lower whorls or small plants; hairs scattered us. over both surfaces. Pedicels up to as many as bracts in each whorl and longer, 2-5 cm. long, clad in flexuous tapering hairs. Calyx-clefts all reaching almost to base; lobes c. 5-7 mm. long, linear-oblong, entire, subacute, hairs ∞, flexuous, tapering. Corolla 15-20 mm. diam., glab. outside.
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Stem prostrate and rooting, 1-2 cm. diam., terminating in a tuft of ± erect lvs. Lamina coriac., 4-15 × 2-10 cm., broadly ovate, regularly and shallowly crenate-dentate, glab.; petiole > lamina, ± fringed with hairs. Peduncle erect, much > lvs, up to 70 cm. tall in fr., us. with whorl of cauline lvs below floral bracts. Bracts in ∞ whorls, becoming smaller and more nearly entire upwards, glab. except for fringing hairs. Pedicels as many as bracts in each whorl and longer, sts > 8 cm. long, hairs if present not glandular. Calyx-clefts slightly to quite unequal; lobes large, oblong to slightly spathulate, obtuse to subacute, us. ± notched, veins obvious, hairs few, mostly on margins, non-glandular. Corolla 2-3 cm. diam., glab. outside, lobes broadly spathulate.
Stem prostrate and rooting, 1-2 cm. diam., terminating in tuft of ± erect lvs. Lamina subcoriac., 4-10-(15) cm. long, very broadly to very narrowly ovate, regularly and shallowly dentate-crenate, upper surface glab. to hairy, undersurface with hairs, if any, confined to veins; petiole channelled, narrow, > lamina. Peduncle erect, much > lvs, up to 60 cm. tall in fr., us. with a whorl of 2-4 ± sessile cauline lvs below floral bracts. Bracts in 1-8 whorls, us. 4-∞ per whorl, becoming smaller and more nearly entire upwards. Pedicels as many as bracts in each whorl and longer, 3-5 cm. long, clad in short crowded glandular hairs. Calyx-clefts all reaching almost to base; lobes narrow-triangular to narrow-oblong, entire, acute to subacute. Corolla 15-20 mm. diam., with hairs on outside of tube.
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Lf-lamina rather broadly oval, upper surface uniformly and rather closely covered with short hairs; petioles, peduncles and bracts hairy, the hairs on uppermost bracts predominantly glandular. Calyx-lobes c. 5-7 mm. long, with ∞ mostly glandular hairs.
Length of lf-lamina us. > 2 × width, base cuneate, upper surface us. slightly hairy near petiole; petiole us. hairy all over as is peduncle. Calyx-lobes 6-7 mm. long.
Lf-lamina longer than wide, us. broadest about middle with cuneate to subcordate base, upper surface quite glab.; petiole almost glab. except on the margins. Peduncles and calyx-lobes us. almost glab. calyx rarely > 7 mm. long. Outside of corolla, calyx, pedicels, and margins of lvs and petioles often flushed with red.
Stem prostrate, rooting at nodes, c. 1 mm. diam., hairy in younger parts, interwoven in extensive mats. Lvs laxly arranged; lamina soft-textured, 3-10 mm. long, orbicular to broadly oval or almost reniform, entire or very obscurely toothed, glab. except sts on lowest part of margins; petiole us. much > lamina, up to 3 cm. long, narrow, sparsely hairy on margins. Infl. apparently cymose, us. of only 2 fls each associated with two lflike bracts. Pedicels short in fl. but elongating to carry fr. well above lvs, hairs few to many, tapering. Calyx split anteriorally almost to base, the other four clefts to less than halfway; lobes broad, obtuse, almost glab. Corolla up to 8 mm. diam., glab. outside, tube up to 5 mm. long, oblique, bulging posteriorally near base and inclined to project between the two anterior calyx-lobes. Fr. altogether included in calyx and not dehisced in specimens seen.
Stem 3 mm. or more diam., mostly hidden by ± horizontal lvs. Lamina subcoriac., spathulate to suborbicular, narrowing gradually to short broad petiole; margins regularly finely crenate; upper surface and margins densely clad in long tapering hairs, undersurface glab. to variously hairy. Peduncle erect, hairy, often without cauline lvs below floral bracts. Bracts us. in pairs, oblong-spathulate, ± crenate near obtuse apex, both surfaces us. hairy. Pedicels c. ═ corolla in fl., elongating in fr., densely clad in multicellular hairs. Calyx unevenly divided; lobes broad, entire, obtuse to truncate, with hairs as on pedicel. Corolla glab. outside.
Distichous lvs ± evenly distributed along creeping stem; lamina c. 15 × 10 mm., multicellular hairs ∞ and non-glandular on upper surface, undersurface us. glab., sts a few long hairs, occ. gland-tipped, on strongly marked veins. Cauline lvs often 0. Bracts 1-2 pairs. Hairs on peduncle and pedicels multicellular and gland-tipped. Calyx c. 6 mm. long, with clefts, lobes and hairs as in var. sessilifolia. Corolla c. 1·5 cm. diam.
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Fls perfect, regular, 5-merous, solitary or in cymes, hypog. Sepals us. imbricate; petals contorted; stamens 10 (sts 5 imperfect) connate at base. Ovary us. 5-celled; ovules axile, 1-(; styles us. 5. Fr. a loculicidal capsule; seeds with cop. endosperm and us. elastic testa. Mostly herbs or subshrubs with alt., compound, exstipulate lvs. Some 8 tropical to temperate genera with about 900 spp.
Prostrate perennial herb, the parts glabrate to pubescent or pilose; stock slender to rather stout; stems slender, creeping and rooting, us. much-branched, forming depressed us. dense patches up to 10 cm. or more diam. Lvs alt., trifoliolate, on very slender petioles up to ± 5 cm. long; stipules minute, sts absent. Lflts broad-obcordate to obovate-cuneate, or apex emarginate; 3-5-8 mm. long or more, membr., often glaucous or reddish below; sinus, if present, narrow. Peduncles 1-(4)-fld, ± 2 cm. long; bracteoles minute; pedicels becoming reflexed. Fls up to 10 mm. diam.; sepals narrow-ovate, ± 4-5 mm. long; petals pale to bright yellow, ± 10 mm. long. Capsule broad-cylindric, ± 10 mm. long; seeds few to several.
Stamens 10; carpels 5, completely united; styles 5. Ovules 1 or more per cell, capsule loculicidally dehiscent; testa bursting elastically. Herbs or subshrubs. Genus of 800 or more spp., widespread but mostly of S. Africa and S. America.
Plant with far-creeping branching rhizomes, emitting at frequent intervals tufts of radical lvs, forming depressed patches up to 20 cm. or more diam. Lvs trifoliolate, on almost filiform glabrate to pilose petioles up to ± 4 cm. long. Lflts obcordate with narrow sinus, cuneately or abruptly narrowed to base, glab. or nearly so, dark green above, ± glaucous below, sts purple-margined, 5-8 mm. diam. Stipules persistent, broad, scarious, ± 4 mm. long. Peduncles very slender to filiform, up to 4 cm. long, glabrate to clad in long ascending hairs; bracteoles linear. Fls solitary, 8-12-(20) mm. diam.; sepals ovate-oblong, obtuse, ± 5 mm. long, pilose to glabrate; petals obovate, emarginate, white, sts ciliate, ± 12 mm. long. Capsule globose c. 4-5 mm. diam., seeds pale.
Erect or ascending, sts scrambling herb up to 2-(3) dm. tall, from a stout to slender sts multicipital stock merging into a long taproot. Lower branches wiry decumbent then ascending; upper ± spreading, glab. to pilose. Lvs trifoliolate, on slender glab. to pilose petioles up to 2 cm. or more long; stipules 0 or occ. present and minute. Lflts rather pale green, obovate, emarginate, cuneately narrowed to base, 8-10-(20) mm. diam., us. glabrate, margins sts ciliate, sinus us. rather broad. Peduncles up to ± 15 cm. long, (1)-5-(8)-fld; pedicels up to ± 1 cm. long; bracteoles linear-lanceolate, minute. Fls ± 5 mm. diam.; sepals narrow-ovate, subacute, ± 6 mm. long; petals yellow, obovate to cuneiform, ± 8 mm. long. Capsule 10-15 mm. long, cylindric, clad in long hairs or glabrate; styles persistent. Seeds several to many, brown, glossy.
Sepals oblong, deciduous; petals obovate-spathulate; pistil sessile, ovary ellipsoid; seeds few; siliques narrow-oblong, with convex keeled wingless valves; pedicels stout; style very short. Seeds in one row; cots incumbent. Herb with stout rootstock and radical rosulate lvs. Genus of one sp., endemic to N.Z.
Stock stout from a long fleshy taproot, often branched above, crowned by dense rosette of imbricating basal lvs. Radical lvs up to 3 cm. long, clad in stellate pubescence, obovate-oblong, narrowed into short flat petiole; lamina pinnatifid to subentire, lobes rounded to subacute. Cauline lvs smaller. Peduncles several, from below the lvs, up to c. 4 cm. long, with 2 to 5 fls. Sepals ± 2 mm. long; petals white, 3-4 mm. long, obovate-spathulate. Siliques 7-10 mm. long, c. 2 mm. wide, ± compressed. Seeds obovoid, c. 3-8 per valve, ± 1 mm. long, oblong in outline.
Capitula heterogamous, solitary; ray-florets pistillate, white; disk-florets perfect, yellow, tubular. Receptacle slightly convex, alveolate. Phyll. ∞ in many series, densely imbricate; inner with slender recurved tips. Achenes linear, densely silky-pilose; pappus of a single row of barbellate capillary bristles, slightly thickened at tips. Shrubs with tomentose branchlets and very coriac. entire lvs. Genus endemic to N.Z.
Stout spreading shrub up to 2 m. tall, us. less. Branches stout, densely tomentose. Lvs in subrosettes towards tips of branchlets, very thick and coriac., entire (occ. retuse to emarginate), glab. above when mature, clad in dense soft white to buff or fulvous tomentum below, us. with line of tomentum along margins above. Petioles stout, up to 5 cm. or more long; lamina 6·5-16 × 3-7·5 cm., oblong to obovate-oblong, or ovate-oblong, obtuse. Peduncles 10-30 cm. × 3-5 mm., densely tomentose, nude or with distal foliaceous bracts often subtending capitula. Capitula subglobose; receptacle 1-2 cm. diam. Phyll. tomentose without, glab. and lustrous within. Ray-florets ∞, as are the disk-florets. Achenes c. 1 cm. long, very narrow-linear, silky-hairy. Pappus-hairs c. 1 cm. long, barbellate, slightly thickened above and the barbels there longer.
Much smaller and more slender; lvs c. 6·5-10 × 2.5-4 cm. including petiole; tomentum thinner; peduncles slender, c. 10 cm. long; capitula not > 3·5 cm. diam.
Sori marginal, finally continuous along seg.; protected by scarious margin and by a true indusium. Spores bilateral, smooth. Rhizome far-creeping, solenostelic, hairy. Fronds finely dissected, axes us. rough, rhachis us. zigzag; veins free except among sori. Terrestrial ferns with about 12 spp. of tropical America, Tahiti, Luzon, Sumatra, N.Z.
Rhizome stiff, far-creeping and branching, 1-2 mm. diam., clad in slender dark brown hairs; stipites distributed along rhizome. Stipes 10-30 cm. × 1-2 mm., stiff, densely hairy at base, muricate in lower half or throughout or smooth; often glandular-pubescent. Rhachis strongly to slightly zigzag, strongly muricate to smooth. Lamina 15-45 × 5-20 cm., deltoid to ovate, acuminate, coriac., stiff, yellow-green, ± glandular-pubescent, 2-3-(4)-pinnate; veins obscure. Larger primary pinnae shortly stalked, subopp. to alt., 7-20 × 3-5 cm., ovate to lanceolate, acuminate. Secondary pinnae shortly stalked, up to 25 × 10 mm., lanceolate. Segs decurrent, pinnatisect to almost pinnate, up to 5 × 2 mm., narrow, sharply toothed or incised, often apiculate. Sori us. cop., extending along both margins of segs, but not reaching base or apex. Indusium delicate, sts obsolete.
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Stems uniformly or bifariously pubescent. Laminae narrow-ovate to suborbicular, acute to subacute, us. closely, shallowly, and ± sharply (rarely bluntly) serrate, glab., cuneately narrowed into distinct flattened petiole. Infl. with only crisped non-glandular pubescence or sts also glandular-hairy. Capsule often broader than long, 2.5-4 × 4-5 mm., valves incurved at apex.
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Fls in axillary racemes which may be long or greatly reduced, sts to solitary bibracteate fl. Calyx deeply and evenly 4-lobed, a small fifth lobe occ. present. Corolla variable in size and shape, tube very short to long, lobes 4 or 5, unequal. Stamens 2, anthers held above tube. Style long, stigma capitate. Capsule laterally compressed with septum across narrowest diam., emarginate and ± 2-lobed, dehiscing loculicidally and us. less deeply septicidally, sts separating to base into 4 valves; seeds us. many, ± flattened, smooth. Prostrate to decumbent subshrubs with woody or semiwoody stems rooting in lower parts, rarely herbaceous. Lvs opp., mostly crenate or toothed, sessile or shortly petioled. Not certainly recorded outside N.Z.
Tree up to 12 m. tall; bark dark brown; branchlets ± pubescent when young, lenticels ∞. Lvs of juvenile plants 2-6 × 1-3 cm., about elliptic-oblong in outline; margins crenate, often deeply lobed, sinus obtuse. Lvs of adults 3·5-8·5 × 2-3·5 cm., on petioles up to 1 cm. long, us. less; lamina ovate to broad-ovate to ovate-elliptic, obtuse to subacute, margins crenate. Spikes axillary, rarely terminal, solitary or paired or rarely 3 together; staminate up to 3 cm. long, densely fld; pistillate up to 2.5 cm. long, fls distichously arranged. Drupe broad-ovoid, red, c. 6·5 mm. diam.
Fls mixed with peltate scales, in axillary or rarely terminal spikes; per. 4-partite, segs rounded, imbricate, in bud. ♂ ∞; stamens 4, filaments inflexed; ovary rud. ♀ us. fewer; per. minute; ovary sessile, exserted; ovule solitary, pend. Fr. drupaceous, invested by persistent per. Dioec. trees with alt. coriac. lvs; stipules small, caducous. Genus of about 10 spp. of Polynesia and 3 endemic to N.Z. The spikes are often diseased and converted into small panicles densely clad in imbricating bracts.
Juveniles with slender flexuous branchlets, distant lvs 5-10 × 3-10 mm. on slender petioles 1-2 mm. long; lamina obovate in outline, crenate-serrate, often with large terminal and a pair or more of small lateral lobes. Lvs of adults 8-25 × 5-12 mm., on petioles up to 5 mm. long; lamina ovate- to obovate-oblong to elliptic, obtuse or subacute, crenate-serrate. Spikes axillary, solitary or paired; staminate up to 2.5 cm. long, densely fld; pistillate up to 1·5 cm. long, laxly 3-10-fld. Drupe globose, red, 4-5 mm. diam.
Shrub or tree up to 5 m. tall; bark dark brown; branchlets slender, flexuous; lenticels ∞. Lvs entire, dark green, coriac., 10-20 cm. long, up to 12 cm. wide, on stout petioles up to 15 mm. long; lamina ovate- to elliptic-oblong, obtuse to subacute, rounded to obliquely cordate at base; stipules lanceolate, caducous. Spikes solitary or paired, 5-12 cm. long, per.-segs 3-4 mm. diam., pubescent on back. ♂ with spreading segs; ♀ minute, in 2 irregular dense rows on flattened axis, segs appressed. Drupe globose, bright red, 8-9 mm. diam.
Diffuse annual, sparsely pubescent, flaccid herb; branches slender, weak, hardened at base, up to 3 dm. or more long. Lvs membr., thin or sts subsucculent in coastal forms, 1-4 × 1-2.5 cm., on almost filiform petioles up to 3 cm. long, us. with accessory smaller lvs; lamina broad-to rhomboid-ovate with cuneate base, obtuse to obtusely attenuate at apex. Cymes congested, 2-8-fld; bracts linear; per.-segs ± pilose, pistillate enlarged in fr. Achenes 1-1·5 mm. long, ovoid, dark brown, glossy.
Fls in congested cymes, perfect and protogynous to unisexual; ♂ and perfect fls with deeply 3-4-partite per., segs valvate, stamens 3-4, inflexed in bud. ♀ with tubular per., 3-4-lobed; ovary free, ovule solitary, erect; stigma penicillate. Achene invested by enlarged per. Annual or perennial herbs with alt., petiolate, entire lvs; stipules minute. Genus of some 10 spp. of temperate and tropical regions. The N.Z. sp. is apparently widespread elsewhere, but critical comparisons are necessary.
Slender liane with main stem hardly > 8 cm. diam., climbing over small trees and shrubs; branchlets pubescent to pilose. Lvs of adult plants on petiols up to c.10 mm. long; Lamina coriac. to submembr., of diverse form, but us. ± uniform on a particular plant; main forms 4-narrow-linear, narrow-lanceolate, oblong, broadly elliptic-oblong-2-10 cm. x 1-5-10-(20) mm.; obtuse to acute, often apiculate; base cuneate to truncate to rounded or subcordate. Infl. of axillary and terminal us. few-fld, ± trichotomous, ± corymbose cymes on very slender pubescent peduncels up to c. 2 cm. long. Fls fragrant, on filiform, pubescent pedicels ± 2-5 mm. long. Calyx 2-3 mm. long, pubescent; lobes = corolla-tube or nearly so, ovate to narrow-triangular to linear, acute to acuminate. Corolla campanulate, white to yellow to dark red; tube (2)-3-4 mm. long; lobes revolute, (2)-3- (3·5) mm. long, narrow- to ovate-oblong, obtuse. Anthers us. wholly exserted beyond throat, surrounding stigma, acute at apex, very shortly sagittate at base. Follicles (5)-6-10-(1·5) cm. x 2-4 mm., subterete. Seeds linear, ± 5 mm. long; coma a tuft of sordid-white hairs up to c.7 mm. long.
Forster's description is: "foliis lanceolatis integerrimis oppositis: cymis axillaribus diffusis." In K is a Forster specimen "Presented by the Corporation of Liverpool, August 1886". There is one flowering piece; fls with pilose pedicels, corolla pilose without, anthers exserted. Lvs on slender petioles ± 2 mm. long; lamina (4)-6-7 × 1·5-2 cm., lanceolate- to elliptic-oblong, entire or slightly sinuate.
Slender liane up to ± 3 m. tall, climbing over shrubs or forming tangled masses; branches and branchlets very slender, ± pubescent. Lvs at wide angle, on petioles 2-(5) mm. Lamina linear, entire, abruptly acute or apiculate, gradually narrowed to base; (3)-5-10 cm. × 1-2 mm. Infl. of few-fld axillary cymes up to 10 cm. long, us. shorter, on filiform pubescent peduncles up to 25 mm. long; occ. fls solitary; bracts linear. Fls 4-6 mm. long, on pubescent pedicles 5-10 mm. long. Calyx pubescent, lobes narrow-triangular to narrow-oblong. Corolla campanulate, up to 6 mm. long, yellow; lobes oblong, revolute. Anthers wholly exserted or mainly so, long-sagittate. Follicles up to c.15 cm. × 3 mm.
Robust liane up to c.8 m. tall, much-branched; branchlets slender, ± pubescent. Lvs on pubescent petioles up to ± 6 mm. long. Lamina subcoriac., linear to narrow-oblong to lanceolate, often widest at base and gradually tapering to apex; (3)-6-8-(10) cm. × (2)-3-5-(10) mm.; base truncate to subcordate to cuneately narrowed; apex ± acute, sts apiculate (an occ. lamina obtuse to retuse); margins mostly entire or mostly rather coarsely lobulate (us. on separate plants). Fls ± 5-6 mm. long, in lax subpaniculate cymes up to c.10 cm. long; bracts sts foliaceous, us. small; peduncles and pedicels pubescent. Calyx deeply cut; lobes narrow ovate-lanceolate, ± = corolla-tube. Corolla rose to dark red, lobes narrow-ovate to almost linear, acute. Stamens exserted; anthers acute at apex, sagittate at base. Follicles up to ± 12 cm. × 5 mm.
Very slender much-branched liane up to ± 5 m. tall; branchlets almost filiform, finely pubescent. Lvs on very slender petioles up to ± 5 mm. long. Lamina patent, subcoriac., linear to linear-lanceolate, (2)-4-6-(8) cm. × 3-5 mm. (greatest width when 2 lobes are subopp.); base truncate or rounded, apex acute to apiculate (occ. lvs obtuse); margins distinctly closely lobulate, lobes diminishing from base to apex of lamina. Infl. of few-fld cymes on filiform, finely pubescent peduncles. Fls 3-4 mm. long. Calyx finely pubescent, (1)-2-3 mm. long, ± = corolla-tube; lobes ovate, acute. Corolla rose to red, pale on tube; lobes ± 3 mm. long, lanceolate-oblong, acute, revolute, Follicles ± 8 cm. × 3 mm., subterete.
Soft-wooded, stem-twining, branching liane up to 10 m. tall or more; main stems up to c.10 cm. diam.; branches often twining about themselves branchlets subterete, pubescent, reddish brown. Lvs of adults on stout petioles up to ± 1 cm. (sts to 2 cm.) long. Lamina coriac., dark green, ± shining above, paler below, of very diverse form (both on the same plant and of different plants), ± 3-7-(10) × (5 mm.)-1-4 cm. (subfloral lvs often smaller), linear to lanceolate to elliptic to rhomboid to broad-oblong to broad-obovate; apex acute to obtuse to broadly rounded, often apiculate. Infl. of axillary and terminal paniculate cymes up to ± 10 cm. long, bracts often foliaceous. Fls fragrant, ± (6)-7-8-(10) mm. long. Calyx pubescent, 3-4 mm. long, deeply lobed; lobes reaching ± ⅓ way up corolla-tube, bluntly narrow-triangular; glands basal, fimbriate. Corolla white to yellow; tube cylindric to slightly flaring, ± 7-8 mm. long, ± pubescent; lobes oblong, 4-5 mm. long, acute to obtuse, recurved. Anthers sagittate, ± 2 mm. long, not exserted beyond throat; style c.4mm. long, reaching to mid-anther position; stigmas 2, erect, connivent. Follicles 7-15 cm. long, narrow, subterete, glab. Seeds linear, ± 5 mm. long; coma of sordid-white tufted hairs up to 10 mm. long.
Fls small, in ± corymbose cymes, 5-merous; calyx us. with 5 glandular scales within; corolla-tube subcylindric, lobes spreading; stamens inserted at or near middle of tube, filaments sts twisted; anthers connivent or coherent around stigma, cells produced below. Ovary 2-loculed, style slender, ovules ∞.Fr. of 2 coherent, finally separating follicles. Seeds with tuft of hairs (coma) at apex. Mostly softly woody stemtwining lianes. Type sp. Some 40 spp. of tropical Asia, Malaya, Pacific Is, Australia, N.Z. The N.Z. spp. endemic.
Fls us. 5-merous, perfect, regular, us. in axillary bracted pairs. Sepals and petals imbricate, stamens free or in fascicles; corona cup-shaped, fleshy, us. with filiform processes or scales. Ovary superior, sts on gynophore, or stamens and pistil on androgynophore. Ovules ∞ on parietal placentae; fr. a loculicidally dehiscent capsule, or a berry. Herbaceous to soft-wooded lianes with lf-opposed tendrils, or shrubs or trees. Some 12 genera and over 600 spp., mostly of tropical America; a few in Africa, Madagascar, Asia. The N.Z. genus is endemic and monotypic.
Annual to biennial low-growing sparsely hairy herb with rather stout stock. Stems few, procumbent or spreading, sparingly branched, up to 3 dm. or more long; branches glabrescent, grooved. Lvs on petioles up to 7 cm. or more long, basal ones soon withering. Lamina 15-35 × 17-45 mm., broad-cordate, obtuse, subcoriac., glabrescent, very shallowly and obscurely 3-5-lobed, rather finely crenate. Stipules ovate ± scarious. Fls 6-10 mm. diam., in umbels of (5)-10-(15) on pedicels up to 6 mm. long; peduncles very slender, up to ± 10 cm. long. Sepals narrow ovate-oblong, ± awned, ± 3-4 mm. long; spur minute; petals pink to reddish, occ. white, > sepals, spathulate, retuse. Stamens 5, staminodes 5.Carpels up to c. 15 mm. .long, including beak; valves pilose, beak pubescent.
Fls irregular; sepals 5, uppermost spurred, the spur adnate to pedicel; petals 5, sts aborted, upper pair different from rest. Stamens 10, 5-7 developed, the rest rud. Ovary 5-celled, beaked; styles 5, short; ovules 2 per cell; carpels rolling up elastically to apex of beak. Seeds 1 per carpel. Herbs, subshrubs, or shrubs with us. opp., stipulate lvs. A genus of some 300 spp., mainly of S. Africa.
Rhizome stout, creeping, clad when young in pale to dark brown subulate-attenuate paleae, c. 3 mm. long; stipites clustered along rhizome. Stipes rather stout, erect to spreading, wiry, very dark brown, 5-15- (25)cm. long, clad in dark brown squarrose, stiff, linear-attenuate paleae c. 5 mm. long, mingled with hairs, becoming glab. (rarely glabrate also when young). Rhachis similar to stipes, bearing numerous, (up to c. 40 or more pairs) subopp. to alt. pinnae. Lamina coriac., dark dull green above, paler below, ± paleate below, veins hidden; (20)-30- 40-(50) × 3·5-7·5 cm. Lower pinnae shortly stalked, subpandurate, obtuse, widened at cordate-truncate base, with small tooth near base of upper margin. Mid pinnae 2-5 cm. × 5-10 mm., shortly stalked, shading into uppermost sessile smaller pinnae; about lanceolate-oblong, subpandurate, subfalcate, caudate-truncate at base, us. apiculate at acute to subacute apex; auricle varying from a triangular tooth to 1cm. × 5 mm., obtuse to subacute. Sori in broad band near margin, reaching nearly to apex and to base on lower side, up to 4·5 cm. × 3 mm., at first protected by reflexed margin.
Sori submarginal, covering tips of veinlets, protected by continuous reflexed margin of lamina. Sporangia stalked, us. without paraphyses; annulus incomplete, vertical; spores tetrahedral, ± globose, smooth to spinulose. Rhizome paleate, solenostelic, creeping or abbreviated. Frond pinnate to variously compound; veins free. A subcosmopolitan genus of some 80 spp.
Rhizome rather stout, creeping, clad when young in brown linear-attenuate paleae c.3mm.long; stipites clustered along rhizome. Stipes stout, erect to procumbent, 5-15 cm. long, densely clad in dark reddish brown, squarrose, bristly paleae mingled with hairs. Rhachis similar to stipes, bearing numerous (up to 30 or more pairs) subopp. to alt. pinnae. Lamina narrow-oblong, coriac., glab. or nearly so, 15-30-(40) × 2-4cm., dull dark green above, paler below; veins hidden. Pinnae patent, narrow-oblong to oblong to suborbicular, shortly stalked or upper sessile (rarely all sessile by widened base), rounded to truncate or subcuneate at base, obtuse but us. apiculate at apex; 1-2 cm. × 5-15 mm.; margins ± crenulate, on barren pinnae often irregularly and very shallowly lobed or subpandurate. Sori becoming coalescent in broad band near margins, not reaching base or apex of pinna, at first ± protected by reflexed margin of pinna, up to c. 1·5 cm. × 2 mm.
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Dioec. to polygamous shrubs or trees with fls in terminal panicles. Calyx minute; petals white, glab.; stamens 5, filaments filiform. Ovary 1-celled, ovule solitary. Drupe small; stone obtusely trigonous. A small genus occurring in N.Z., Australia, Norfolk Id; the N.Z. sp. endemic.
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Fls 5-merous, axillary, peduncled, solitary or fascicled; bracts small, bracteoles ± investing calyx; corolla-tube very short, lobes bearded within, anther-filaments attached near top of corolla-tube. Ovules solitary in each cell pend. Fr. drupelike, with us. 5 one-seeded pyrenes. A few low-growing shrubs of Australia, Tasmania, one of which extends to N.Z.
Fls minute, perfect, in slender bracted spikes; per. 0; stamens 2, subsessile, anther-cells confluent. Ovary sessile, 1-celled; stigma penicillate; ovule solitary, erect. Fr. minute, indehiscent. Annual to perennial us. succulent herbs; lvs alt., opp., or whorled, exstipulate. Over 500 spp., mostly tropical and subtropical.
Branched, spreading, succulent herb up to ± 2 dm. tall; branches pubescent at nodes. Lvs in whorls of 4-(3) or occ. opp., subsessile, 5-15 × 4-12 mm., rhomboid to suborbicular, fleshy ∞ ± coriac. when dry) dark green above, paler below, ± pubescent when young. Spikes terminal, axis pubescent, 2-4 cm. long; bract orbicular-peltate, subsessile. Ovary partly immersed in axis, ovoid, acute; stigma capitellate. Drupe ovoid, reddish, ± 1·5 mm. long.
Low-growing glab. succulent branching herb up to 3 dm. extent; stems branched, prostrate and rooting, ascending at tips. Lvs alt. on petioles 1-4 mm. long; lamina 1-4 × 1-2 cm., fleshy (membr. when dry) 3-nerved, elliptic-oblong to broad-obovate. Spikes solitary, slender, on peduncles up to 1·5 cm. long; 2-5 cm. long; bracts orbicular-peltate. Ovary partly immersed; stigma discoid; drupe often exserted, brownish.
Stems much-branched, wiry, flexuous, ± interlacing, prostrate to staggling, forming patches occ. up to 2 dm. tall; branchlets short, ± hairy when young. Lvs rather distant on slender petioles c. 1 mm. long. Lamina linear to linear-lanceolate, thick, coriac., (5)-6-10 × 1-3-(4) mm., acute, sts mucronulate, glab.; margins rather distantly and minutely serrate; teeth often with hair-tip when young. Fls solitary, axillary, on curved glab. pedicels up to c. 4 mm. long; bracteoles 3-4, broad-ovate, c. 1·5 mm. long, subacute, ± mucronulate. Calyx deeply cut into narrow-triangular subacute lobes, finely pubescent within margins ciliolate. Corolla 2.5-3·5 mm. long, broad-urceolate, white to pink; lobes bluntly ovate-triangular. Staminal filaments c. 1 mm. long, rather abruptly narrowed to base; anther-cells distinctly 2-awned; style cylindric, erect, glab., slightly exserted; stigma large. Fr. subglobose, ± (4)-5-6-(7) mm. diam., white to pink, ribs conspicuous. Base of persistent calyx fleshy, matching fr. in colour.
Depressed shrub, with creeping and rooting branches, forming ± close dense mats up to c. 3 dm. diam.; branchlets ascending, up to ± 5 cm. long, sparingly setose when young, Lvs rather distant, alt., on very short petioles; lamina thick, coriac., oblong to lanceolate-oblong, (3)-4-6-(10) × 1-2-(3) cm., glab., acute to subacute; margins with 2-3 pairs of distinct to obscure denticles, hair-tipped when young. Fls solitary, us. 2-5 in the upper lf-axils, on glab. pedicels 3-4 mm. long; basal bracteoles 2-3-4-, us. a larger one near base of calyx. Calyx glab., very deeply cut into 5 ovate-triangular, acute or subacute, finely ciliolate lobes ± 2 mm. long. Corolla white to pink or red, urceolate, 3-4 mm. long; lobes short, obtuse, recurved. Stamens subexserted; filaments 3-4 mm. long, narrowly ribbonlike, gradually and regularly slightly widened to base; anther-cells with 2 short, rigid awns. Style erect, cylindric; stigma very minutely 5-lobed. Fr. white to pink to red, subglobose, ± 4 mm. diam.; persistent calyx sts with enlarged and succulent base, matching fr. in colour.
Fls small, perfect, solitary or racemed. Per. regular, segs separating to base. Stamens attached near middle of segs, filaments short. Ovary ± stipitate, ovules 2-(1), pend.; fr. a drupe, exocarp ± succulent, endocarp thick, hard. Shrubs or small trees; about 60 spp. of Australia and 1 endemic to N.Z.
Subfastigiately branched tree up to 10 m. or more tall; trunk up to 2 dm. or more diam.; branchlets minutely puberulous. Lvs alt. or subwhorled, on stout petioles ± 2 mm. long; lamina 16-20 cm. × 8-15 mm., narrow linear-lanceolate, rather abruptly acute or apiculate, very gradually narrowed to petiole, entire, thick, coriac., glab., ± glossy. Fls fragrant, in strict axillary 6-12-fld racemes up to ± 5 cm. long; axis and very short pedicels clad in ferruginous pubescence; bracts minute, basal. Per. brownish yellow, 5-9 mm. long; segs linear, ± undulate on margins, pubescent without. Ovary subsessile, glab.; style short, thick; stigma oblique. Drupe ellipsoid, reddish, 12-18 mm. long, 1-2-celled. Seeds ± 6 mm. long, shortly stipitate, apiculate.
Glab. aromatic much-branched shrub up to ± 3 m. tall; branchlets slender, ascending; bark reddish. Lvs alt., on very short ± twisted petioles; lamina coriac., ± 25-45 × 5-10 mm., narrow- to lanceolate oblong, obtuse, minutely crenulate, brownish green above, reddish below, gland-dotted. Infl. a terminal corymb up to c. 5 cm. diam.; peduncle and pedicels slender, reddish, ± scurfy. Fls 8-10 mm. diam., fragrant; sepals minute, pubescent, triangular; petals c. 4-6 mm. long, white, linear, apex inflexed. Staminal filaments c. 6-8 mm. long. Pistil 5-lobed. Cocci us. 1-2 maturing (1-2 aborted), about rhomboid, ± 4 mm. long.
Fls us. in corymbs, 5-merous; stamens (8)-10. Ovary 2-5-partite nearly to base, style single, stigma small; ovules 2 per locule, superposed. Fr. of 2-5 cocci, seed with elastic endocarp. Shrubs with alt., gland-dotted, simple lvs. Genus of some 35 Australian spp., and 1 endemic to N.Z.
Cushions up to ± 5 cm. tall. Lvs concavo- to plano-convex, linear-oblong, ± 5 mm. long, gradually narrowed from base ± 2 mm. wide, then rather abruptly thickened to apical knob hardly 1 mm. diam. Pore on back near apex. Fls ± 2-4 mm. long; calyx-lobes 5-6, linear-oblong, obtuse, ± ciliate at apex; corolla white, lobes 5-7, obovate. Column rather stout, very slightly exserted. Capsule turbinate, seeds 6-8.
Cushions up to c. 10 cm. tall, often shorter and matlike. Lvs c. 4 mm. long, thick, coriac., ± glossy, dark-green, appressed, very closely imbricate, tapering from base c. 2 mm. wide to obtuse apex c. 0·5 mm. diam. Pore on back near apex. Bracts narrow-triangular, ± 2-toothed; hairs few, apical. Calyx-lobes about oblong, ciliolate at apex. Corolla-lobes white, spreading, ovate-oblong. Column slender, far-exserted, anthers us. purplish, subreniform. Capsule white, c. 2 mm. diam.; seeds up to 8.
Plants monoec. or polygamodioec. Fls solitary, sessile. Receptacle obconic, adnate to ovary; calyx-lobes 5-9, ± equal, corolla subregular, tube short, lobes 4-9, ± equal, staminal column erect. Epig. glands 2, semilunar. Capsule turbinate, indehiscent or irregularly dehiscent; seeds minute, ∞, obovoid. Glab. herbs, sts softly woody at base, with very densely placed short stems and branches clad in small, thick, coriac., densely imbricate, entire, sessile lvs, rounded on back. Plants forming hard cushionlike or matlike masses. Genus of a few spp. of N.Z., Tasmania, Fuegia.
Cushions or mats up to ± 5 cm. tall. Lvs linear to linear-oblong, concavo- to plano-convex, c. 4·5 × 1 mm., not widening to base, thickened at apex, us. forming a distinct knob. Bracts irregularly toothed and ciliolate at apex. Fls up to c. 5 mm. diam.; calyx-lobes oblong, ± toothed and ciliolate at apex. Corolla white, us. drying dark red; lobes 5-7, somewhat unequal, obovate. Column rather stout, not or very slightly exserted.
Monoec. shrub or tree up to 9 m., trunk short, up to 4 dm. diam. Phylloclades alt. to subopp., rhachis short. Lvs of seedlings and juveniles up to 1·5 cm., narrow-linear, acute, deciduous, of older plants shorter. Phylloclades of juvenile plants up to 2 cm. long, deeply divided, thin, with narrow-linear segs, glaucous below; of adults thick, coriac., 1-2.5 cm., occ. up to 6 cm. long, 2 cm. wide. Phylloclade shape various; narrow-rhomboid or spathulate, sparingly or much lobed, often elliptic to obovate, cuneate at base, apex subacute to broad-obtuse, margins crenate, lf-denticles small. Male strobili 5-6 mm. long in fascicles of 2-5, rarely solitary, apical, with pedicels 1-2 mm. long; sporophylls with small variously shaped apiculi, sts erose. Carpidia densely clustered towards bases of phylloclades, or marginal, rarely solitary; receptacle of red, fleshy scales; mature heads c. 6-7 mm. diam. Seeds nutlike, black. exserted, ovoid, compressed, c. 2.5 mm. long, obtuse; cupule white, irregularly lobed, up to ⅔ length of seed.
Dioec. or monoec. tree up to 15 m., trunk up to 6 dm. diam. Phylloclades alt. pinnately arranged on whorled rhachides up to 4 dm. long. Lvs of juveniles up to 1·5 cm. long, linear, obtuse to subacute, deciduous; of adults much smaller. Phylloclades 10-12 per rhachis, rhomboid, unequally cuneate at base, to broadly ovate or oblong, glaucous below when young, 4-6 × 2-4 cm., shallowly to deeply lobed, margins finely crenately lobulate; lf-denticles small, subulate, curved. Male strobili in clusters of 10-20, terminal, pedicels equalling staminal portion, 1-2.5 cm. long; apiculus broadly oblong. Ovules in globose heads, 4-7 together, seated towards base of rhachis on pedicels c. 5 mm. long. Mature heads up to 15 mm. long; carpidia thick, upper margin truncate; seeds nutlike, exserted beyond white cupule, c. 3 mm. long.
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Monoec. tree up to 20 m., trunk up to 1 m. diam.; phylloclades alt., pinnately arranged on whorled rhachides up to 3 dm. long. Lvs of juveniles up to 2 cm. long, narrow-linear, deciduous; of adults much smaller. Phylloclades 10-15 per rhachis, irregularly and broadly rhomboid, flabellately lobed, cuneate at base; lobes obtuse to truncate, margins minutely crenulate; lf-denticles small, subulate, 1·5-3 mm. long, up to 1·5 mm. wide. Male strobili terminal in clusters of 5-10, pedicels 3-10 mm. long; staminal portion c. 1 cm. long, apiculus small, triquetrous; carpidia rather thick, marginal on reduced final phylloclades up to 3 cm. long, in clusters of 6-8; seeds nutlike, exserted beyond irregularly crenulate cupule, c. 3 mm. long.
Plant up to 5 cm. long, rarely more; lvs linear, acute, us. few, seldom more than 10, c. 2 cm. long. Peduncle c. 3-4 cm. long; strobilus c. 7 mm. long, oblong-ovoid, bracts up to 30, cuspidate, overtopping sporangia.
Protocorm tuberous, annually reproduced, with apical tuft of terete lvs. Roots scanty, arising just below lvs. Peduncle from apex of tuber, short, rarely branched, with terminal fertile region. Bracts imbricate, ovate, cuspidate. Sporangia 1-celled, reniform, solitary in axils of bracts. Spores small, ∞, trisulcate. The single known sp. occurs in N.Z., Tasmania, Victoria, W. Australia.
Rhizome far-creeping and branching, ± glaucescent, 5-10 mm. diam.; clad in dark brown ovate-lanceolate attenuate paleae up to 1 cm. long; appressed at base, ascending at deciduous tips; stipites us. rather distant, articulated to rhizome, leaving a distinct scar. Stipes 5-20 cm. × 2-3 mm., deeply grooved, glab., with tuft of paleae at base. Lamina trimorphic, us. the different forms on the same plant; dark green and glossy above, paler below; subcoriac. to coriac.; venation us. very distinct; areoles large, with included free veinlets; margin us. very shallowly sinuate, thickened at sinus; sori us. absent or few and small in forms (a) and (b): (a) lamina simple, entire, lanceolate to elliptic-oblong, acute to obtuse; 10-25 × 2-3 cm.; (b) rather irregularly to subregularly lobed, acute to acuminate or sub-acute to obtuse; 20-30 cm. × 10-15 mm.; lobes lanceolate-oblong, up to 10 × 3 cm. or more; (c) regularly and rather closely lobed, us. with cop. sori; 20-40 × 10-20 cm.; lobes of two forms on separate fronds: (1) broadly oblong, subacute to obtuse, up to 10 × 1 cm.; sori rather distant, about midway between margin and vein. (2) narrow- to linear-oblong, acute, up to 15 × 1 cm.; sori close-set, near margin. Sori cop. in form (c) in a single row on each side of main and secondary veins, 2-4 mm. diam., globose to broad-oblong, up to 40 per lobe; slightly sunken, appearing as dark spots on the upper surface, or as bullate protuberances.
Rhizome glaucous, 5-10 mm. diam., appearing thicker by dense investiture of spreading broadly ovate, attenuate, pale brown paleae up to 1 cm. long, tips long persistent; stipites rather distant, articulated to rhizome, leaving distinct scars on falling. Stipes 5-30 cm. long, pale brown, glab., rather slender; clad in broad-ovate attenuate paleae at base. Lamina deeply pinnatifid, acuminate; 10-120 cm. × 5-35 cm.; thin, dark green; veins rather obscure, except main and secondaries; areoles rather large, with included free veinlets. Lobes up to 20 pairs, subopp., up to 20 cm. × 15 mm., oblong-attenuate to lanceolate; margins very slightly sinuate, hardly thickened at sinus. Sori in two rows, on each side of main and secondary veins, mostly on upper and terminal lobes, few to 35 per lobe, rather distant, round, 4-5 mm. diam., appearing as dark spots on the upper surface, or as bullate protuberances.
Rhizome 2-3 mm. diam., far-creeping, much-branched; densely clad in dark brown lanceolate-attenuate squarrose paleae up to 5 mm. long; stipites distant to approximate, articulated to rhizome. Stipes slender, nude or nearly so, very narrowly winged, 1-8 cm. long. Lamina trimorphic, the different forms occurring on the same plant, thin, dull green; main vein stout, prominent, secondary veins and veinlets us. indistinct; anastomoses forming large areoles with included free veinlets: (a) lamina simple, entire, 5-35 cm. × 5-10 mm. linear-lanceolate, tapering to obtuse tip; occasionally bearing sori. (b) lamina 20-30 × 5-10 cm., irregularly pinnatifid, mainly in mid-region; lobes of unequal length sts on one margin only, few to several, sinus wide; lobes 1-5 cm. long, gradually tapering from base up to 10 mm. wide; terminal seg. long; us. bearing sori. (c) lamina repeatedly, less irregularly pinnatifid, up to 35 cm. long; lobes up to 8 cm. long or more, tapering from base 5-10 mm. wide; terminal seg. long; us. with cop. sori. Sori rather distant in a single row on each side of main and secondary veins, near margin; rounded to broad-oblong, 1-2 mm. diam.; slightly sunken, showing as dark spots on upper surface or as bullate protuberances.
Biennial herb up to 1 m. tall; stem branched in inflorescential region, arising from stout taproot, ribbed, densely clad in stout bristles c. 2 mm. long, ∞ axis; the bristles shorter, finer and less dense on branches. Basal lvs up to 10 × 2 cm.; oblanceolate, cuneately narrowed to subamplexicaul base. Stem-lvs lanceolate-oblong, sessile by broad subamplexicaul base, diminishing to linear bracts of infl. Capitula few to many; sub-corymbosely arranged, on long hispid pedicels; 1-1·5 cm. long, 1 cm. diam. Outer phyll. 4-6 mm. long, linear, ± hispid, often bearing cottony wool. Inner phyll. erect, subequal, c. 8-10 mm. long, indumentum similar. Achenes 2.5-3 mm. long, narrow-oblong, compressed, abruptly narrowed to very short beak. Pappus-hairs unequal, up to 6 mm. long, slender, sparsely plumose with long slender hairs.
Capitula many-fld, homogamous; florets ligulate, yellow. Phyll. in several series, outer spreading, inner subequal, erect. Receptacle flat, nude. Anthers acutely sagittate at base. Achenes with 5-10 longitudinal ribs, transversely rugose above, abruptly narrowed to short or long beak. Pappus-hairs in 2 series; outer slender, spreading; inner sparsely plumose, somewhat widened at base. Annual to perennial herbs with white latex; stems and lvs us. coarsely bristly. Genus of c. 40 spp., mainly of temperate regions. The N.Z. sp. has a wide range in temperate regions.
Fronds linear, grass-like, each with one globose, basal sporocarp divided into 2-4 loculi; sporangia on parietal receptacles. About 6 spp. with very slender rhizomes, of wide distribution.
Main stems prostrate, rooting, often buried in sand, stout; branches erect or ascending, stout at base, up to 4 dm. or more tall; branchlets us. many, densely clad in long silvery appressed hairs; bark dark brown to blackish. Lvs decussate, often close-set, becoming patent and distant, on very short petioles or sessile. Lamina 5-7-(12) × 3-5 mm., elliptic-oblong to suborbicular, or sts about ovate, rounded to subacute at apex, coriac., glabrate above, densely clad in appressed silky hairs below. Subfloral lvs ± 7 × 5 mm. Infl. of (3)-5-10-(15)-fld heads. Per. white, villous, 5-7 mm. long; tube of ♀ urceolate, lobes ± apiculate, oblong, 1-2 mm. long. Fr. baccate, white or red, ± 3 mm. long or more.
Ascending to erect, or straggling, up to 1 m. tall, us. less; branches glabrate, stout, diverging at wide angle; branchlets ascending, densely clad in silky white hairs; bark very dark brown to almost black. Lvs ± decussate, close-set when young, sessile or very nearly so. Lamina becoming patent, 5-12 × 3-7 mm., elliptic to oblong-lanceolate to ovate-oblong, acute, pale green, coriac., glabrate above, densely silky-hairy below; margins ciliate. Subfloral lvs rather broader. Infl. of (4)-8-15-fld heads. Per. white, villous, 4-7 mm.; lobes concealed by long hairs. Fr. dry.
Stout rigid, much-branched, up to 1 m. or more tall, us. less; branchlets clad in short grey to fulvous hairs, lf-scars prominent, bark almost black. Lvs quadrifariously imbricate, on very short petioles. Lamina at first ascending, becoming subpatent, 5-10 × 3-5 mm., oblong-ovate to elliptic-oblong, obtuse to subacute, keeled, very coriac., glab., lateral veins evident to obscure. Subfloral lvs broad-ovate, ± 10 × 7 mm. Infl. of 9-12-fld heads. Per. (6)-9-10-(15) mm. long, white to pink, silky-hairy within and without. Fr. dry, ± 4 mm. long.
Erect, much-branched, ball-like, up to ± 8 dm. diam.; branches stout, with dark brown to almost black bark; branchlets crowded, slender, densely clad in white subappressed hairs. Lvs at first close-set, erect, becoming patent, sessile by broad base or very shortly petioled. Lamina ovate to ovate-oblong, shallowly concave, acute, 4-6·5 × 2.5-4 mm., coriac., densely clad on both surfaces with appressed silvery-white hairs. Subfloral lvs ovate-oblong ± 6 × 4 mm. Infl. of terminal 8-10-fld or more heads. Per. white, subpilose; ♂ with tube ± 8 mm. long, lobes ovate to ovate-oblong ± 3 mm. long, white-hairy; ♀ tube ± 5 mm. long, lobes ± 2 mm. long. Fr. baccate, white or rose to red, ovoid, ± 3 mm. long, sts dry.
Rather stoutly branched, up to 4 dm. tall, glab. except at lf-axils; branchlets ± quadrate, bark greyish brown. Lvs closely quadrifariously imbricate, on stout petioles ± 1 mm. long. Lamina erecto-patent, concave above, ovate- to narrow-lanceolate, acute, (4)-5-7 × (2)-3-4 mm., thick and coriac.; margin thickened. Subfloral lvs broad-ovate, ± 5-6 × 4 mm. Infl. of (6)-10-15-(20) sessile fls. Per. white to rose; tube 5-7 mm. long, villous; lobes 2-3 mm. long, ovate-oblong, ± ciliate. Fr. ?
Stout, much-branched, up to 1 m. or more tall, glab. Branches with dark red-brown bark. Lvs close-set on petioles ± 1 mm. long. Lamina pale green, oblong to lanceolate-oblong to obovate (all forms may be on single plant) us. acute sts apiculate, (8)-15-20-(25) × 4-6-(10) mm., coriac., glab., midvein evident. Subfloral lvs ovate, subacute, ± 12 × 6 mm. Infl. of (8)-15-20-(.30) fls on peduncles up to 3 mm. long. Per. white to rose, densely villous; tube 8-12 mm. long, lobes ± 4 mm. long, oblong to narrow-ovate. Fr. dry, ± 3 mm. long.
Much-branched, up to 2 m. tall; branches and branchlets ascending, ± ridged, glab, except sts a few hairs at lf-axils; bark dark red-brown. Lvs ascending to subpatent, on petioles ± 5 mm. long; lamina pale green (20) -30-75 × (5) -10-20 mm., oblong to elliptic-lanceolate, ± apiculate, coriac., acute to acuminate, gradually narrowed to base, midvein evident below; margins somewhat thickened; subfloral lvs slightly broader. Infl. with ∞ fls on peduncles up to 10 mm. long. Fls fragrant; per. white to rose-flushed, densely silky-hairy. ♂ tube 10-12-(20) mm. long, narrow funnelform; lobes ovate-oblong (3) -4-(6) mm. long, glabrate within, filaments slender, stigma capitate, style short. ♀ smaller, anthers abortive, style long, stigma larger, capitate, papillose. Fr. dry, ± 4 mm. long.
Stems elongate, prostrate, rather stout, ± flexible, branching, up to 3 dm. long; branchlets ± ascending, slender, rather densely clad in ± spreading white hairs; bark pale to rather dark brown. Lvs approximate to imbricate, on short broad petioles. Lamina narrow-oblong to ovate-elliptic to lanceolate (all forms may be on same plant), acute, subcoriac.; glabrate above, clad in lax silky hairs below; margins ciliate. Subfloral lvs broad-ovate. Infl. of 3-4-fld heads. Per. ± 8 mm. long, with spreading hairs; lobes ovate, obtuse, 3-4 mm. long. Fr. baccate or dry.
Erect much-branched, glab. except sts at lf-axils, up to 1 m. or more tall; branches moderately stout, bark dark red-brown. Lvs close-set, on stout petioles ± 1 mm. long. Lamina dark green, paler below, ± keeled, erect to subpatent, 6-10 × 4-6 mm., broad-ovate to ovate-oblong, obtuse to subacute, abruptly narrowed to base, thick and coriac.; margins slightly thickened. Subfloral lvs thin and broader. Infl. of (5)-8-12-(16)-fld heads. Per. white or rose, densely silky-hairy; tube 6-9 mm. long, lobes ovate-oblong to oblong, 2-3 mm. long. Fr. very dark brown to almost black, ovoid, hairy at apex, ± 2 mm. long.
Prostrate to sprawling, much-branched, sts up to 5 dm. or more diam.; main stem stout, up to ± 2 cm. diam.; branches stout, bark dark brown to almost black; branchlets slender, ∞, flexible to stiff, ± clad in sordid-white hairs. Lvs ∞, close-set, subsessile to sessile. Lamina patent to deflexed, 3-6 × 1-3 mm., ovate- to elliptic-oblong, ± concave, obtuse to subacute, coriac., often red-margined. Subfloral lvs similar, broader. Infl. of 3-10-fld heads. Per. ± 3-4 mm. long, silky-hairy; lobes 1-2.5 mm., about oval, hairy without. Fr. baccate, white or red, ovoid, ± 2 mm. long, sts dry.
Slender shrub up to ± 3 dm. tall; branches lax, spreading; branchlets glabrate, at first clad in long white appressed to subappressed hairs; bark dark brown to almost black. Lvs ascending, becoming patent, approximate to distant, on petioles ± 1 mm. long. Lamina 9-10 × 2-4 mm., ovate-lanceolate to narrow-ovate to lanceolate (all forms may be on same plant) submembr. to subcoriac., dark green above, paler below; glab. or nearly so above, densely clad in appressed hairs below; margins and apex us. ciliate. Subfloral lvs broad-ovate, ± 7-8 × 5 mm. Infl. capitate, 5-12-fld; per. ± 7 mm. long, clad in appressed silky hairs; lobes ± 2 mm. long, broad-ovate to oblong. Fr. baccate, white or reddish, sts dry, ± 4 mm. long.
Stems very stout, much and densely branched; plant forming close cushions up to ± 2 dm. diam.; branchlets densely villous with white or sordid-white hairs, axillary tufts conspicuous. Lvs very close-set, at first imbricate, sessile or nearly so. Lamina ± 4-7 × 1-4 mm., linear- to ovate-oblong, obtuse to subacute, subcoriac., equally densely villous on both surfaces or glabrate above; margins ciliate. Subfloral lvs us. broader. Infl. of 2-6 fls per head. Per. densely white-silky hairy, ± 4-5 mm. long; lobes ovate-oblong. Fr. ovoid, ± 2 mm. long, villous at apex, dark brown to black.
Fls unisexual to perfect, us. capitate to solitary. Calyx tubular (hypanthium ?), us. swollen at base, 4-lobed (sepals ?); petal scales 0; stamens 2, inserted on throat, filaments slender, anthers introrse; disk 0. Ovary 1-celled, style us. elongate; ovule solitary; fr. small, drupaceous or dry. About 80 spp. of shrubs or subshrubs of Australia and N.Z., with a few in Timor and Lord Howe Is; the N.Z. spp. endemic; the fls mostly functionally unisexual; the ♂ us. larger than ♀, with long filaments, small stigma and abortive ovary; the ♀ with subsessile ± aborted stamens and longer stigma, receptacle villous.
Plant up to ± 25 cm. tall, with stout, spreading stems; branches glabrate, us. at wide angle, ± tortuous, bark almost black, lf-scars prominent; branchlets ± clad in long silky hairs. Lvs at first ascending, becoming patent, sessile or nearly so. Lamina 5-10 × 1-2 mm., linear-lanceolate, ± concave above, inrolled when dry, coriac., glab. or laxly hairy on surface, apex and margins ciliate. Subfloral lvs up to 3 mm. broad. Infl. of (4)-6-9-fld heads. Per. silky-hairy to villous, white; tube 6-9 mm. long, lobes broad-ovate to oblong, ± 3 mm. long. Fr. baccate, red, ovoid, acute, with pencil of hairs at apex.
Slender, erect, up to ± 5 dm. tall; branchlets ± virgate, slender, clad in ± appressed white to greyish hairs; bark dark brown, lf-scars evident. Lvs subsessile or on slender petioles up to 1 mm. long; lamina at first ascending, at length patent, linear to lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, acute to acuminate, (10)-15-20-(25) × (3)-4-5 mm., submembr. to thinly coriac.; glabrate above, clad below in dense appressed silky ± caducous hairs; veins obscure. Subfloral lvs ± 7 mm. broad. Infl. of 6-12 fls per head. Per. 6-10 mm. long, densely villous; lobes broad-ovate obtuse. Fr. baccate, white or dark red, ovoid, ± 4-6 mm. long, us. hairy at apex.
Stout, densely branched, up to ± 6 dm. tall; branchlets us. glabrate except for axillary tufts of hairs; lf-bases prominent; bark very dark brown to almost black. Lvs closely quadrifariously imbricate, sessile, ascending, at length subpatent. Lamina oblong to obovate-oblong to broad-elliptic, 4-9 × 3-6 mm., thick and coriac., slightly keeled; margins often reddish. Subfloral lvs ± 6-7 × 4-6 mm., thinner, broad-ovate. Infl. of dense 6-12-(20)-fld heads. Per. white to pinkish, densely white-silky hairy; tube 6-9 mm. long; lobes 3-4 mm. long, ovate-oblong, white-hairy. Fr. ovoid to ellipsoid, 3-4 mm. long, dry, brown, villous at apex.
Fls minute, perfect or unisexual, in bracted spikes. Per. 0; stamens us. 2-6, hypog.; anthers 2-celled. Ovary superior, 1-celled; ovule 1. basal; stigmas 1-5. Fr. a small drupe; seeds with minute embryo and mealy perisperm. Herbs or shrubs, sts scandent; vascular bundles scattered. Lvs us. alt., entire; stipules 0 or adnate to petiole. About 12 genera, mainly tropical to subtropical.
Fls 5-merous, us. perfect, regular, solitary or in cymes or panicles; sepals free or connate near base, imbricate; petals imbricate, clawed; stamens alt. with petals; anthers us. introrse, opening by pores or slits. Ovary superior, 2-5-loculed; placentae parietal or axile, ovules ∞. Fr. us. a loculicidal capsule; seeds us. immersed in viscid pulp, embryo minute, endosperm cop. Trees shrubs or lianes with alt. or whorled simple exstipulate lvs. Family widespread (absent from America) with some 10 genera and > 200 spp.
Divaricating shrub up to c. 1 m. tall; branchlets slender, flexuous, interlacing, ± tomentose. Juvenile lvs linear to narrow-oblong, irregularly dentate-serrate to pinnatifid, c. 1 cm. × 2 mm. Adult lvs aromatic, alt. or in alt. fascicles on arrested branchlets, 5-15 × 3 mm., linear, pinnatifid, mixed with lvs 5-10 mm. long, linear, lobed as in juveniles, and with others c. 5 mm. long, entire. Fls terminal on arrested branchlets or sts axillary. Sepals c. 1·5 mm. long, lanceolate-oblong; petals ciliolate, c. 3 mm. long, erose, yellowish with reddish margins. Capsules c. 5 mm. long, ovoid, 2-valved, valves submembr. Seeds 1-4, not immersed in viscid fluid, covered by papery membrane (endocarp).
Fls perfect to unisexual by abortion, panicled to umbellately arranged or in fascicles, or solitary. Ovary 2-5-celled, style short; ovules few to ∞, sts aborted. Fr. a globose to ovoid or obovoid capsule with solitary to ∞ seeds; valves 2-5, us. woody or leathery, crowned by hardened remains of style; seeds often immersed in viscid fluid. Trees and shrubs with alt. to subverticillate lvs. Genus of some 160 spp., mainly tropical and subtropical southern hemisphere; the N.Z. spp endemic.
Shrub or tree up to 6 m. tall; branchlets slender; young branchlets and lvs ± pubescent. Lvs alt., submembr., elliptic-oblong to elliptic or broad-elliptic; acute to acuminate or obtuse on same plant; lamina 6-13 × 3-5 cm., sts slightly undulate, on petiole 1-2 cm. long. Fls axillary, solitary or paired, on pedicels 6-20 mm. long. Sepals 4-5 mm. long, ovate-oblong, obtuse. Petals c. 1 cm. long, dark red, narrow with long claw. Capsules up to 1 cm. long, subglobose, on pedicels 1-2 cm. long.
Tree up to ± 10 m. tall, trunk up to ± 4 dm. diam., bark very dark, branches stouter than in P. tenuifolium. Lvs alt. on short stout petioles. Lamina elliptic- to lanceolate- to obovate-oblong, us. acute, ± 4-10 × 2-5 cm., coriac., dark green above, paler below; margins flat. Fls axillary, solitary or occ. in few-fld cymes, on short stout ± pubescent peduncles. Bracts somewhat persistent. Sepals broad-oblong, ± pubescent; petals dark to very dark red. Capsules ± globose, c. 12 mm. diam.; valves woody, thick, rugulose.
Openly branched shrub up to 2 m. tall, us. less, mainly epiphytic or on rocks, branchlets often subwhorled, ± pubescent when young. Lvs mostly in whorls of 3-5, thinly coriac., lamina 3·5-7·5 X 1·5-3·5 cm., on very short petioles or subsessile; obovate-cuneate to obovate-elliptic or subrhomboidal, acute. Fls functionally polygamodioec., in terminal umbels of 3-5; ♀ us. not > 3. Sepals subulate to linear-lanceolate, acuminate, c. 4·5 mm. long; petals subulate, acuminate, c. 1 cm. long, light red or yellowish. Capsules c. 1·5 cm. diam., broadly ovoid to obovoid, 2-3-valved; valves woody, finely granulate, us. bright orange-yellow within, twisting when open.
Shrub, ± virgate, up to 4 m. tall; branchlets rigid, divaricate, pilose when young. Lvs of juveniles lobed to pinnatifid or bipinnatifid, 3-15 mm. long, ± lanceolate to oblong in outline. Lvs of adults 5-7 mm. long, elliptic-oblong, entire to subentire, mostly fascicled on short arrested branchlets. Fls terminal, solitary or in fascicles of 2-3, on short arrested branchlets. Sepals ovate-oblong, ciliate, 1-2 mm. long; petals very dark red, c. 5 mm. long, linear-oblong. Capsules subglobose, 5-7 mm. diam., valves granulate; seeds 1-6.
Shrub or tree up to 9 m. tall, bark dark brown; branches erect to ascending, sts almost fastigiate; branchlets, lvs below, petioles and peduncles densely clad in white to buff subappressed tomentum (sts ferruginous in aged herbarium specimens). Lvs alt., very coriac., lamina 5-7-(10) × 2-2.5 cm., on stout petioles up to 2 cm. long, obovate-cuneate to obovate-elliptic to narrow-obovate, margins revolute. Fls functionally unisexual, in terminal umbels of 5-10 ♂ or 1-2 ♀. Sepals subulate to oblong-lanceolate, tapering, tomentose, c. 6 mm. long, petals narrow-oblong, c. 1 cm. long, dark red. Capsules subglobose to ovoid, tomentose, 2-3 cm. long, on stout decurved peduncles up to 1·5 cm. long; valves 3 or rarely 4, thick, woody.
Glab. tree with spreading branches, up to 6 m. tall; trunk up to c. 2 dm. diam., bark grey; branchlets rather stout, often subwhorled, bark reddish purple. Lvs us. crowded towards tips of branchlets, alt. to subopp., or whorled, on stout petioles up to 2 cm. long. Lamina coriac., 5-10 × 2.5-3·5 cm., elliptic to elliptic-oblong, acute to acuminate, glab. (sts sparsely hairy when young), sharply and coarsely serrate (occ. lvs are entire to subentire). Umbels terminal, compound, densely aggregated on short peduncles; bracts conspicuous, early dehiscent; fls fragrant. Sepals linear-subulate to acuminate, up to 1 cm. long; petals white, linear-oblong, obtuse, 2 cm. long or slightly more. Capsules aggregated, elliptic-oblong, c. 1 cm. long or more, 2-valved; valves woody, finely granulate; seeds immersed in pulp, long-persistent after fall of valves, ± enclosed by papery endocarp.
Shrub up to 2 m. tall, with densely divaricating, rigid, entangled branchlets, glab. or nearly so. Lvs of juveniles narrow-lanceolate to obovate in outline, up to 2 cm. long, us. less, irregularly pinnatifid to bipinnatifid or dentate. Lvs of adults (sts mixed with lvs of juvenile form) obovate to elliptic in outline, dimorphic (a) entire to subentire, (b) shallowly to deeply lobed or toothed. Fls solitary, terminal on short arrested branchlets and subtended by fascicles of lvs, or strictly terminal on long branchlets. Sepals ovate to ovate-oblong, up to 2 mm. long, ciliate; petals linear-spathulate, c. 5 mm. long, very dark red. Capsules subglobose, subcompressed to ovoid, 5-8 mm. diam., pilose when young; valves granulate; seeds 2-6.
Tree up to 8 m. tall, bark black, branches spreading; young branchlets, lvs, and peduncles densely clad in ferruginous tomentum. Lvs alt., on stout petioles up to 10 mm. long. Lamina coriac., ± 5-10 × 2.5-5 cm., elliptic to lanceolate-elliptic to elliptic-oblong, acute to obtuse. Umbels terminal, 2-5-fld. Sepals ovate to narrow-ovate, acuminate, c. 6 mm. long, pilose; petals linear-oblong, acute to acuminate, c. 1 cm. long, red (occ. yellow). Capsules broadly ovoid, subcompressed, c. 17 mm. diam., tomentose, 2-valved; valves woody, very faintly furrowed.
Polygamodioec. tree with spreading branches, up to 12 m. tall, trunk up to 6 dm. diam., bark pale. Lvs alt., often approximate, 5-10-(15) × 2.5-4 cm., on rather slender petioles 1-2 cm. long. Lamina subcoriac., glossy, scented, elliptic to elliptic-oblong, acute to subacute, narrowed to petiole; margins us. undulate, midrib pale. Fls fragrant, in terminal compound umbels, subcorymbosely arranged. Peduncles and pedicels with scattered hairs; peduncles 1-2 cm. long, pedicels c. 5 mm. long. Sepals ovate to narrow-ovate, pale, membr., c. 2 mm. long; petals narrow-oblong, yellowish, 5-7 mm. long. Capsules glab., finely granulate, ovoid to elliptic in outline, 5-6 mm. long; valves 2 or sts 3; seeds immersed in viscid pulp, remaining ± covered by papery endocarp at dehiscence.
Rather compactly branched shrub up to 5 m. tall with slender spreading branchlets; bark brown. Branchlets, lvs and peduncles clad in white hairs when young, becoming glab. Lvs on petioles ± 5-6 mm. long, lamina coriac., 5-7·5 × 2-3·5 cm., obovate-cuneate to elliptic-oblong, obtuse to subacute, abruptly narrowed to apex, gradually narrowed to petiole; margins thickened. Fls terminal, solitary or in 2-4-fld umbels; pedicels slender, c. 1·5 cm. long, with scattered hairs. Sepals subulate to narrow-oblong, acute, pilose; petals oblong, obtuse, 1-1·5 cm. long, dark red. Capsules depressed-subglobose, c. 2-2.5 cm. diam., 3-4-valved, glab. when mature; valves hard, woody, furrowed or not.
Tree up to 6 m. tall; bark black; branchlets glab. or nearly so. Lvs alt., coriac., 4-10 × 1-2 cm., on petioles 1-2 cm. long; lamina light green, obovate-oblong to elliptic or lanceolate, acute to obtuse, narrowed to petiole. Fls in dense axillary or terminal fascicles. Sepals subulate to lanceolate, acuminate, densely clad in fulvous to greyish hairs; petals narrow-oblong, up to 1 cm. long, long-clawed, dark red. Capsules 15-18 mm. long, on pedicels c. 15 mm. long.
Rather sparingly branched shrub or tree up to 8 m. tall; bark black; branchlets slender, clad when young in white cobwebby or floccose tomentum, as are young lvs. Lvs alt., coriac., lamina 7·5-12.5 × 4-5 cm., on slender petioles 1-2 cm. long; elliptic to broad-elliptic to obovate-oblong, subacute to obtuse. Fls axillary, solitary or in 2-5-fld axillary and terminal clusters; peduncles slender, white-tomentose, up to 2 cm. long. Sepals 6-7 mm. long, subulate to lanceolate, acuminate, white-pubescent on back; petals up to 1 cm. long, oblong-ligulate, dark red. Capsules subglobose to obovoid; white-downy when young, c. 1·5-2 cm. long, 3-valved, rarely 2-valved, on pedicels 1-2 cm. long.
Small tree with black bark; young lvs and branchlets pubescent. Lvs alt., on petioles ± 5 mm. long; lamina submembr., elliptic-obovate to obovate, obtuse to subacute, apiculate or not, gradually narrowed to petiole; 4-7 × 2-2.5 cm. Fls both solitary and axillary and terminal in 2-3-fld umbels. Sepals ovate-oblong, obtuse, 4-5 mm. long; petals c. 1 cm. long, narrow-oblong. Capsules ± 2 cm. long, ovoid to obovoid, 3-valved; valves pubescent, woody; pedicels 1-1·5 cm. long, decurved.
Openly branched glab. shrub up to 4 m. tall, us. less, generally epiphytic. Branches stout, bark purplish. Lvs us. crowded or sub-whorled towards tips of branchlets; lamina very thick, coriac., 5-10-(12) × 2-3 cm., on petioles c. 1 cm. long; narrow-obovate and cuneately narrowed to petiole, to obovate-oblong, obtuse. Fls terminal, solitary or up to 4 in a cluster. Sepals narrow-ovate to narrow-oblong, acute to acuminate, glab. to pilose, c. 1 cm. long; petals bright yellow, c. 2 cm. long, linear, acute, sharply reflexed. Capsules 2.5-4 cm. long, elliptic-obovate to elliptic in outline, compressed; 2-valved, valves glab., coriac.
Much-branched shrub up to 3 m. tall; branches spreading to divaricate; branchlets long, slender, often drooping, pubescent at tips. Lvs of juveniles up to 1 cm. long, linear, acute to acuminate, entire to irregularly toothed or lobed. Lvs of adults mostly fascicled on short arrested branchlets, linear to narrow-obovate, subacute to obtuse, 10-15 × 1-3 mm., coriac. Fls solitary, terminal on arrested branchlets or on long branchlets. Sepals lanceolate, acuminate, pale, ciliate; petals 5-8 mm. long, very dark red. Capsules subglobose to ovoid, 4-5 mm. long; valves granulate to smooth; seeds 2-5, rarely more.
Prostrate shrub with long branches ± 5 mm. diam., rooting at intervals; branchlets hardly up to 2 mm. diam., pubescent when young. Lvs in rather distant whorls of (2)-3-4-(5), or occ. solitary, on very short slender petioles. Lamina obovate-elliptic to obovate to elliptic, subcoriac., glab., (8)-10-25-(30) × (4)-6-12-(15) mm., us. minutely apiculate. Infl. terminal, of umbellate cymes or of solitary fls. Fls fragrant, petals crimson without, lemon-yellow within, functionally unisexual. ♂ in (2)-5-6-(9)-fld umbels on filiform pubescent pedicels (5)-8-10 mm. long; sepals ± 3 mm. long, very narrowly lanceolate, acuminate; petals ± 10 mm. long, of similar shape; abortive pistil us. present. ♀ mostly solitary, on filiform pubescent pedicels 3-5 mm. long; sepals and petals similar to those of ♂; staminodes us. present; ovary densely hairy. Capsules silky-hairy when young, pulp yellow; valves 2, woody, very dark brown, minutely warted, orange-yellow within, ovoid-acuminate, 6-10 mm. long, including prominent "beak".
The description in Raoul Choix 1846, 24, t. 24, includes: " diffusis glabris, foliis obcordatis v. suborbicularibus breviter petiolatis utrinque glabris planis, floribus solitariis v. geminis, pedicellis puberulis, sepalis lanceolatis acutis, petalis lineari-lanceolatis obtusiusculis, staminibus petalis brevioribus, ovario puberulo fulvo, stylo glabro staminibus breviore. HAB. Akaroa, in umbrosis humidisque nemoribus."
Erect shrub or small tree up to 5 m. tall, with ascending to spreading branches; branchlets marked by scars of fallen lvs; young shoots and peduncles with sparse pale fulvous hairs. Lvs coriac., of juvenile plants up to 5 cm. × 5 mm., linear, coarsely bluntly toothed, sts pinnatifid; of semi-adults similar, but up to 1 cm. wide; of adults 4-5 × 1-1·5 cm., oblanceolate to narrow-obovate, entire or with a few teeth, gradually narrowed to very short stout petiole, crowded towards tips of branchlets. Umbels 4-8-fld, terminal; pedicels slender, up to 1·5 cm. long. Fls fragrant, sepals narrow-ovate, acute; petals twice length of sepals, dark red, obtuse. Capsules subglobose, subcompressed, 2-valved; valves woody, c. 1 cm diam.
Slender sparingly- to much-branched shrub up to ± 2 m. tall; branches and main stem so slender that they often become reclinate and rooting; branchlets very slender, ± pilose when young. Lvs in rather distant to approximate whorls or crowded towards the branchlet tips. Lvs of adult plants 2-5 cm. × 3-5 mm., narrow-lanceolate, apiculate. Infl. terminal; umbels of functionally ♂ 5-10-fld, of functionally ♀ solitary, paired or in threes. Pedicels almost filiform, c. 1 cm. long; sepals 3-5 mm. long, narrow linear-lanceolate to subulate, acuminate; petals 7-10 mm. long, narrow- to linear-lanceolate, acuminate, dark red with pale margins to pale red or cream. Capsules ovoid, narrowed to acute beak-like apex, 1-1·5 cm. long.
Shrub with spreading branches up to c. 4 m. tall; bark dark brown; branchlets, lvs below, petioles and peduncles densely clad in white to buff tomentum. Lamina coriac., 7·5-12.5 × 2.5-5·5 cm., on petiole ± 1·5-2 cm. long; elliptic- to obovate-oblong, obtuse to acute, rather abruptly narrowed to petiole. Umbels terminal, 3-10-fld; peduncles c. 1·5 cm. long. Sepals narrow-ovate to subulate, 5-7 mm. long; petals narrow-oblong, c. 1 cm. long, dark red. Capsules broad-ovoid, 3-valved, c. 1·5 cm. long, pubescent, on slender pedicels.
Densely branched shrub up to c. 3 m. tall, us. less; branchlets stout, not or hardly divaricate, ± densely clad when young in ferruginous to pale hairs. Lvs of juveniles entire to irregularly lobed or rarely pinnatifid. Lvs of adults (often mixed with lvs of semi-juvenile form) alt. or some in alt. fascicles on short arrested branchlets, 8-10 × 5-8 mm., on slender petioles c. 2 mm. long, coriac., elliptic-obovate to broadly elliptic, entire to obscurely sinuate-dentate. Fls axillary, solitary; sepals ovate, obtuse to acute, ciliate; petals very dark red, linear-oblong, subacute. Capsules 5-8 × 5-7 mm., ovoid to subglobose, subcordate at base, downy when young, finely to rather coarsely granulate, style base c. 2 mm. long; seeds 6-12 or reduced to c. 4 in stunted plants.
Branchlets slender; lvs c. 15-25 × 4-10 mm., elliptic to obovate-cuneate, less coriac.; sepals narrow-ovate, acuminate,. 4-5 mm. long; petals c. 1 cm. long.
Tree up to ± 8 m. tall; trunk up to 3-(4) dm. diam.; bark dark; branchlets and young lvs ± pubescent. Lvs alt., on short petioles. Lamina oblong to oblong-ovate to elliptic-obovate, obtuse to acute or occ. acuminate, (1)-3-(7) × (0·5)-1-2 cm., entire, thinly coriac., ± undulate; us. rather pale green above, lighter below. Fls somewhat fragrant, axillary, solitary or in small cymes on short pedicels; bracts soon falling. Sepals narrowly ovate-oblong, subacute to obtuse, silky-hairy when young. Petals very dark red (almost black), ± 12 mm. long; limb spreading, at length reflexed. Ovary hairy, style rather long, Capsules ± 12 mm. diam., 2-valved, subglobose; valves glab., rugulose when mature, thinly woody, nearly black when mature.
Juvenile plant a shrub with divaricating and interlacing branches; lvs coriac., 3-20 × 2-5 mm., entire to irregularly toothed or pinnatifid, obovate to narrow-obovate to linear in outline, passing gradually to adult form. Flowering plants with lvs c. 30-50 × 5-10 mm., obovate to narrow-obovate, cuneately narrowed to slender petiole c. 1-2 mm. long, entire to shallowly lobulate. Umbels terminal, 4-10-fld; pedicels c. 1 cm. long; sepals ovate-lanceolate, acute; petals 11/2 times as long as sepals, light red. Capsules subglobose, subcompressed, c. 7 mm. diam., 2-valved; valves woody.
Tree up to 7 m. tall; branches sts whorled; young branchlets and peduncles thinly clad in fulvous hairs. Lvs alt. to subwhorled on petioles up to c. 2 cm. long. Lamina entire, coriac., 5-10 × 2-5 cm., elliptic to elliptic-obovate to obovate-cuneate, obtuse to subacute, sts abruptly apiculate. Umbels terminal with ∞ fls; peduncles slender, up to 2 cm. long or more, pilose. Bracts large. Sepals c. 5 mm. long, subulate to ovate, pilose; petals linear-oblong, up to 1 cm. long, pink. Capsules c. 1 cm. diam., subglobose to almost tetragonous, 2-valved; valves woody, granulate, with deep median furrow, us. with some persistent hairs.
Tree up to 6 m. or more tall with slender trunk; branchlets slender, clad as are young lvs, petioles and infl. branchlets in dense ferruginous tomentum. Lvs of juveniles of very diverse form, from (a) 10-20 × 2-4 mm., linear, sinuate, irregularly toothed or lobed to subentire, (b) 5-10 × 3-5 mm., ovate, ± serrately toothed. Lvs of adults 2.5-6 cm. long, including petiole, 1-2 cm. wide, elliptic-ovate to obovate, sinuate or not. Umbels terminal, 2-5-fld, subtended by lf-like bracts, or fls solitary; peduncles up to 2 cm. long, pedicels slender, c. 1 cm. long. Sepals narrow-ovate, acute to acuminate, clad in ferruginous tomentum; petals dark red, tips reflexed. Capsules subglobose, subcompressed, c. 1 cm. diam., 2-valved; valves slightly furrowed, granulate. Fls and frs are sts met with while plant is still in semi-juvenile stage.
Pubescence greyish white. Lvs of juveniles up to 4 cm. × 2-3 mm., linear; of semi-juveniles up to 4 cm. × 4-5 mm., linear to linear-obovate; of adults 3-5 cm. × 5-10 mm., elliptic to narrow obovate-oblong, acute to obtuse. Sepals narrow-lanceolate, acute; petals dark red, sharply reflexed. Capsules obovoid to subpyriform, c. 1·8 × 1 cm.
Heteroblastic, subdioec. tree up to c. 15 m. tall; trunk up to c. 1 m. diam.; lvs deciduous. Juvenile plant a bush up to c. 2 m. tall, densely branched, with slender ± interlacing zigzag branchlets. Indumentum stellate. Lvs rather distant, on petioles ± 5 mm. long; lamina ± 5-15-(20) × 3-10-(15) mm., broad-ovate to ovate-lanceolate, crenate-serrate, sts deeply irregularly lobed. Plant changing gradually to semi-adult flowering stage; with larger lvs. Adult plant (often showing shoots reverting to juvenile state) with lvs on petioles up to 3 cm. long; lamina (10)-30-75 × 5-50 mm., membr.; ovate to ovate-lanceolate, or broad-ovate, acuminate, coarsely and irregularly crenate-serrate, cuneately or truncately narrowed to base. Subfloral lvs ± 3-10 × 1-5 mm., or lower ones larger. Fls ± 3-4 mm. diam., mostly unisexual, occ. perfect, ∞, in decompound paniculate cymes up to 25 cm. long; pedicels very slender, ± 5 mm. long. Calyx campanulate, ± 2 mm. long, with 5 narrow-triangular teeth; petals white, spathulate-oblong, clawed. ♂ with exserted staminal column; anthers red, ± 12, sts ∞, subsessile on column, style aborted, included in column. ♀ with ripe carpels c. 3-5 mm. long, ovoid, pointed. Seed solitary.
Plant not heteroblastic; lvs of young plants on petioles c. 2 cm. long; lamina 5-10 × 4-7 cm., very deeply irregularly crenate-serrate, ± 3-lobed, similar to that of adults; subfloral lvs ± ovate, c. 3 × 2 cm.; calyx sts up to 5 mm. long.
Erect densely divaricately branched shrub up to c. 2 m. tall (occ. prostrate on boulder beaches). Branchlets us. flexible, ± interlaced, densely to sparsely clad in stellate hairs, soon glab., grooved; bark dark brown. Lvs alt. or in small fascicles on arrested branchlets: of young plants ± 2-3 cm. × 3-5 mm., membr., linear- to spathulate-oblong, on petioles ± 3 mm. long, glab. or nearly so, midrib obscure; of adult plants ± 5-15-(20) × 0·5-2-(4) mm., ± clad in stellate hairs, linear-spathulate to narrow-obovate, subcoriac., us. obtuse, ± falcate, midrib prominent. Reversion shoots occ. with lvs up to 40 × 5 mm. Fls up to c. 5 mm. diam., axillary, solitary or in few-fld cymes on arrested branchlets; peduncles and pedicels ± 3 mm. long. Calyx campanulate, ± 2 mm. diam., teeth triangular; corolla tube ± 2 mm. long, exserted; lobes about oblong, acute, yellowish; anthers 8-12, sessile on staminal tube. Ovary 1-(2)-celled; ovule 1 per cell; stigma clavate or flattened. Mature fr. globose, ± 5 mm. diam., occ. didymous, densely clad in appressed stellate hairs, dehiscing irregularly from apex; seeds 1-(3).
Fls small, unisexual to perfect, in axillary or terminal cymes or solitary; bracts small, distant from calyx, or 0. Calyx 5-toothed; petals 5, small. Staminal column divided at apex into ∞ stamens. Ovary 1-5-loculed, ovules 1 per locule; styles 1-5, stigmatic on inner side. Fr. of 1-5 carpels, ind. or dehiscing irregularly. Seed solitary in each locule, pend. Trees or shrubs with c. 15 spp. of Australia and N.Z. The N.Z. spp. endemic. The reticulate bast fibres not so striking as in Hoheria.
Tree up to c. 15 m. tall; trunk up to 1 m. diam.; closely branched, branchlets clad in appressed hairs and ± lactescent. Lvs on pubescent, lactescent petioles up to ± 10 mm. long. Lamina (4)-5-10-(15) × 2-5 cm., entire, coriac., lustrous, glab. except on midrib below, elliptic-to obovate-oblong, obtuse or occ. lvs retuse, cuneately narrowed to base. Lateral veins ∞, at rather wide angle to midrib. Fls axillary (cauliflory occ.), solitary or rarely 2 together, ± (3)-4-(6) mm. diam., on stout curved peduncles up to 12 mm. long. Calyx 4-(5)-toothed, teeth about ovate, pubescent, obtuse; hairs centrally affixed. Corolla but little > calyx, deeply 4-5-partite; lobes obovate-oblong, ± 4 mm. long. Stamens 5, filaments thick; staminodes 5, subulate. Ovary 4-5-loculed; fr. c. 2.5 cm. long, ovoid to ellipsoid. Seeds (1)-2-3-(4), hard, curved, almost as long as fr.
Calyx-lobes (4)-5; petals, stamens and staminodes (4)-5; seed with long, narrow, ventral scar. Genus of ∞ spp. of eastern Asia, Malaysia and Pacific Ocean Is. The N.Z sp. possibly endemic, but very closely related to of Norfolk Id and of Fiji.
Fls in spikes on long or short axillary scapes; bracts small, each subtending a single sessile fl. Sepals 4, ± keeled, anterior and posterior often dissimilar; corolla scarious, persistent, with short tube and 4 lobes; stamens 4, alternating with corolla-lobes, filaments long, anthers versatile, dehiscing longitudinally; ovary superior, bilocular, ovules 1 to many in each loculus, style simple with long stigma; fr. us. a circumscissle capsule, rarely an ind. nutlet. Seeds hard, often mucilaginous when wet; embryo erect. Annual or perennial herbs or subshrubs. Lvs mostly linear or broad, exstipulate, sheathing at base, entire or toothed, spiral, alt. or opp., often rosulate. 3 genera, about 200 spp., mainly temperate.
Primary root short-lived. Stem stout, to 2 cm. diam., us. simple, clothed with old lf-bases and giving off many strong adventitious roots; stem-hairs cop., fine, to 2 cm. long. Lvs crowded, ± erect, 5-16 × 2-5 cm., elliptic-obovate to obovate-lanceolate, narrowed gradually to very broad flat petiole; tip obtuse to subacute, margins us. with few small teeth; glab. except for a few sparse hairs at margin; veins 5-7. Scape 8-20 cm. long, stout, with scattered long hairs on upper part. Spike to 15 cm. long in fr., fls lax below, densely packed towards tip. Bracts c. 2 mm. long, ovate, obtuse, mostly thickened but with no distinct keel, glab., enclosing conspicuous tufts of long hairs; sepals c. 2 mm. long, broadly ovate, obtuse, with narrow indistinct keel, glab. Corolla-tube short, lobes c. 1·5 mm. long, narrow; anthers barely 1 mm. long; ovules 2; capsule c. 3 mm. long, narrow, splitting about middle; seed us. 1, scarcely flattened, the second ovule us. aborting.
Fls mostly perfect in heads or cylindrical spikes, sts reduced to a single fl. Stamens inserted on corolla-tube, ovules 2 to many. Capsule circumscissile, 1- to many-seeded. Terrestrial herbs; bases of petioles including tufts of long woolly or silky hairs in many spp. Mostly protogynous and wind-pollinated. About 200 spp. mostly in temperate regions. N.Z. spp. endemic except 2; several widespread European spp. are thoroughly naturalized.
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Primary root and similar branch roots from near stem-base long-lived, apparently no adventitious roots from amongst old lf-bases. Stem up to 2 cm. diam., short, simple, with cop. brown hairs. Rosette flat, 5-15 cm. diam; lvs 3·5-7 × 1-1·5 cm.; lamina oblanceolate to spathulate, petiole broad and flat; tip obtuse to subacute, margin entire or with a few widely-spaced teeth; lf-hairs few, mostly on upper surface in small groups near margins; 2 lateral veins. Scape up to 7 cm. long, terete, hairy; spike 1-3 cm. long, dense. Bracts c. 3 mm. long, broadly ovate, dark except for narrow pale membr. border, margin strongly ciliate, otherwise glab.; sepals c. 3 mm. long, with wide dark keel, glab. except for strongly ciliate margin. Corolla-tube short, lobes broad-ovate, 2 × 1·5 mm.; anthers large, up to 1·75 mm. long; ovules 4; capsule 3 mm. long, broad above, in each loculus two narrow seeds up to 2.5 mm. long.
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Primary root short-lived; adventitious roots ∞, cord-like, from stout erect unbranched subterranean stem; stem-hairs brown. Rosettes us. flat, up to 20 cm. diam.; lvs of firm texture, 3-10 × 1-2.5 cm.; lamina elliptic to spathulate, gradually narrowed into broad flat petiole; tip quite obtuse, margin almost entire, distantly toothed, or with small rounded pinnate lobes; lf-hairs short and stiff, sts only near margins or in transverse patches or lines on upper surface associated with teeth, us. absent on undersurface or confined there to midrib (occ. over whole undersurface); two lateral veins us. obvious at least in lower half of lamina. Scape 3-12-(22) cm. long, terete, covered with short appressed hairs. Spike up to 3 cm. long, us. dense, many-fld and much longer than wide but occ. reduced to 2-3 fls. Bracts c. 3 mm. long, ovate, subacute, keel wide and ill-defined, ± hoary with short white hairs, as is also margin; sepals c. 3 mm. long, ovate, subacute, pale and membr., keel well-developed and bearing short white hairs, margin fringed or ciliate at apex. Corolla-tube short, lobes broad-ovate, 2 × 1·5 mm.; anthers large, to 1·75 mm. long with membr. tip; ovules 4; capsule > calyx, broad above; seeds to 2 mm. long, all reaching to top of capsule.
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Primary root developing into a long stout taproot. Stem short, unbranched, without adventitious roots, and almost without long fine hairs. Lvs almost fleshy, rosulate, (1)-3-4-(8) cm. × 5-15 mm., lamina spathulate or oblanceolate, tapering gradually into long petiole; tip obtuse, margin sts entire but us. with a few large teeth or auricle-like lobes; lf-hairs short, few-celled, tapering to sharp point, confined to upper side of lf, glab. and hairy lvs sts occurring on same plant; midrib only obvious vein. Scapes us. ═ or > lvs, hairs sparse and spreading or sts dense immediately below spike. Spike 1-4-(7)-fld, fls often shortly pedicellate. Bracts 2-4 mm. long, largest at base of spike, ovate-acuminate, concave, incurved at tip and minutely apiculate, keel broad and indistinct, occ. with a few cilia; sepals c. 3 mm. long, resembling bracts. Corolla-tube short, lobes ovate, c. 1·5 × 1 mm.; anthers c. 1 mm. long, short-tipped; ovules (5)-8-12-(14); capsule c. 3 mm. long, seeds irregularly angular.
Primary root short-lived. Stem unbranched, short or up to 5 cm. long, clothed with cop. long fine hairs and giving off adventitious roots from amongst old lf-bases over most of its length. Lvs rosulate, of firm texture, punctate, us. ± erect, lamina linear to lanceolate, 1-3 cm. × 1-7 mm., narrowed gradually into petiole of sts almost equal length, tapering above to narrow obtuse tip; margin entire to strongly toothed; glab. or with many-celled hairs mostly on petiole, base of blade and lower margins, us. upper half of lf glab., undersurface glab.; midrib only obvious vein. Scapes very short to maximum length of c. 8 cm., thinly pilose below, closely invested with short hairs immediately below spike even at fruiting. Spike 1-(2)-fld. Bract broad, rarely narrowed above, sheathing whole floret, c. 1·5 mm. long, membr. with low indefinite keel, obtuse to subacute, glab.; sepals 2-2.5 mm. long, ± oblong, obtuse, keel low and narrow, glab. Corolla-tube ± ═ lobes; lobes 1·5-2 × 0.7 mm., narrowly triangular; anthers c. 1 mm. long, acute-tipped; ovules perhaps typically 8, in 2 tiers of 4, but sts more. Capsule 2-4 mm. long, rounded, seeds irregularly angular.
"Tree. Leaves alternate, entire. Flowers hermaphrodite, in panicles usually below the terminal leaves but sometimes terminal, bracts minute. Calyx disc-like, with 5 minute points opposite the stamens. Petals 5, deciduous. Stamens 5, alternating with the petals, filaments folded in the unopened flower. Ovary one-celled, ovule single, suspended from the top. Stigmas 3, sessile, united, forming a broad, flat disc."
Radical lvs ascending, up to > 1m. long including petiole; lamina of diverse shape, us. of oblong-ovate to broadly lanceolate order, clad below in thin appressed white tomentum, above in scattered setose and moniliform hairs, submembr.; ribs up to 20, less prominent than in ; margins rather distantly and obscurely crenate with conspicuous linear hydathodes. Scapes stout, grooved, up to 2 m. tall; lower lvs linear-oblong, diminishing to linear bracts. Capitula c. 15-30, in elongate racemes; ray-florets short, inconspicuous; disk-florets purple. Phyll. acuminate, ciliate. Achenes densely strigose. Pappus-hairs slightly thickened at tips.
Capitula large, in racemes; receptacle flat, alveolate; phyll. herbaceous, in 2-3 series. Ray-florets pistillate, ligulate; disk-florets narrow tubular-campanulate, perfect, segs recurved. Anther-cells shortly and bluntly produced at base; style-arms flattened, with lanceolate unreceptive tips. Achenes compressed, striate, setose. Pappus of rigid unequal scabrid hairs. Robust perennial herbs closely allied to . Genus endemic to the Auckland, Campbell, Antipodes and Macquarie Is.
Radical lvs ± 15-35 × 4·5-6·5 cm., obovate-oblong, abruptly acute to acuminate, narrowed to sheathing base, coriac., completely clad in dense silvery tomentum; margins rather closely crenulate to subentire, hydathodes evident, sheaths densely clad in long floccose hairs; ribs c. 10-15, inconspicuous. Scapes up to 60 cm. long, grooved, tomentose; lower lvs narrow-oblong, upper linear; racemes with c. 10-20 capitula, each c. 2 cm. diam. Phyll. linear-lanceolate, acuminate, with scattered hairs. Ray-florets short, inconspicuous; disk-florets purple; achenes with silky to substrigose hairs. Pappus-hairs hardly or not at all thickened above.
Radicals lvs 15-45 × 10-25 cm., appressed to ground or ascending, broadly obovate to subrhomboid, narrowed to broad base, coriac., margins remotely and indistinctly crenate to subentire, hydathodes hidden by tomentum; lateral veins ridged, almost as strong as midrib. 15-30; lamina loosely tomentose below, pilose on and near veins above and with ∞ moniliform hairs on surface. Scapes stout, up to 1m. tall, tomentose above; lower lvs c. 15 cm. long, ± oblong, upper diminishing gradually to bracts. Capitula c. 6 cm. diam. including long ray-florets, c. 25 in subcorymbose racemes; ray-florets pale purple to white, disk-florets purple. Phyll. ± clad in moniliform hairs, acute. Achenes densely strigose. Pappus-hairs not thickened above.
Sori elongate along veinlets, exindusiate; sporangia stalked; annulus vertical, incomplete; spores bilateral, dark. Rhizome short, with narrow dark clathrate paleae; stipites tufted, paleate; lamina pinnate; veinlets with numerous forks. Small terrestrial ferns of a few, rather ill-defined spp. of Chile, Australia, N.Z., and one of Spain and Morocco.
Rhizome short, erect, clad in dark brown lanceolate paleae; stipites tufted. Stipes slender, 1-5 cm. long, densely clad in patent ferruginous hairs, sometimes glandular. Rhachis slender, similarly clad, bearing about 8 alt. to subopp. pinnae. Lamina (1)-2-6-(10) × 1-2.5 cm., membr., dark green, narrow-oblong, obtuse, densely to rather sparsely pilose on both surfaces, some hairs gland-tipped. Pinnae shortly stalked, obovate to flabellate, 3-5-(15) × 3-10 mm., crenately lobed to crenulate to subentire, obliquely cuneate at base; veinlets flabellate. Sori oblong, c. 2 mm. long, often confluent and covering most of lower surface.
Plant dioec. or monoec.; male strobili terminal or axillary, micro-sporophylls bisporangiate; seeds solitary or in groups, megasporophylls bracted, 1-ovuled; cots 2, epimatium us. well developed. Mostly trees with persistent lvs, or lvs deciduous and replaced by phylloclades. Some 7 genera and over 100 spp., mainly of southern hemisphere.
Shrub or small tree with slender branches, up to 9 m., trunk up to 4 dm. diam., bark thin. Lvs 1·5-2.5 cm. × 0.75-3·5 mm., green, linear, acuminate, pungent, midvein us. indistinct; stomatal lines sts more distinct than in the allied spp. Male strobili 1-2 cm. long, axillary, solitary or up to 4 together on common peduncle 2-3 mm. long; peduncle furnished above with 2 narrow-triangular keeled scales and below with 4 ovate scales; apiculus obtuse. Ovules solitary or rarely paired on peduncle c. 1 mm. long; receptacle of 2 obtuse scales us. red, swollen and succulent. Seeds narrowly ovoid.
Tree up to 50 m. or more, trunk up to 1·5 m. diam., often fluted and buttressed at base, bark grey. Branchlets slender, drooping. Lvs of juveniles subdistichous, subpatent, narrow-linear, subfalcate, acuminate, decurrent, 3-7 × 0·5-1 mm.; of semi-adults (often with cones and seeds) seldom > 4 mm. long; of adults 1-2 mm. long, imbricating, more appressed, keeled, subtrigonous, lanceolate-subulate to acuminate, with broader base. Male strobili terminal, up to 1 cm. long, sporophylls bisporangiate, apiculus acute. Seeds solitary, terminal on short branchlets, upper 2-3 lvs distinct from lower, forming a receptacle, red, swollen and succulent in fr. Seeds 4-5 mm. long, broadly ovoid, hardly apiculate, black, nutlike.
Tree up to 20m., trunk up to 1·25 m. diam., bark thin, papery, branchlets slender, of juveniles somewhat drooping. Lvs brownish green, of juveniles 2.5-5 cm. × 4-5 mm., linear-lanceolate; of adults 2-3 cm. × 3-4 mm., narrow-linear to linear-lanceolate, acute to acuminate, rather rigid, coriac., pungent, midvein us. evident. Male strobili 1-2.5 cm. long, solitary or up to 5 on a common peduncle, with about 4 scales; apiculus obtuse. Ovules solitary or paired; receptacles us. red, swollen and succulent. Seed 3-5 mm. long, narrow-ovoid, pointed, nutlike.
Plants dioec., rarely monoec.; seeds axillary or terminal. Male strobili solitary or several together, or in spikes, sessile or pedunculate, with sterile scales at base; sporophylls us. ∞, bisporangiate, imbricate along axis, apiculus short. Female branchlets us. solitary, pedunculate, with basal scales; receptacle us. swollen and fleshy. Carpidia 1-2, 1-ovulate; ovule not exceeding epimatium, which is connate with the inverted ovule, concrescent with the integument. Seed nutlike or drupelike, cots 2. Shrubs or trees, widespread. The N.Z. spp. endemic.
Prostrate shrub with wide-spreading branches, or suberect up to 3 m. tall, with slender trunk. Lvs close set, spirally arranged, erect or sub-patent, rigid, coriac., margins thickened, linear-oblong, obtuse, ± apiculate, midvein prominent, 0·5-1·5 cm. × 2-4 mm. Male strobili axillary, 0·5-1·5 cm. long (on peduncle 3-5 mm. long) solitary or up to 4 per peduncle, apiculus obtuse. Female branchlet axillary, peduncle 3 mm. long, receptacle of two acute, red, swollen bracts. Seeds solitary ovoid, 3·5-5·5 mm. long, obtusely pointed, nutlike.
Tree up to 25 m., trunk up to 1·25 m. diam., bark dark, falling in thick flakes. Juveniles with slender, flexuous, divaricating branchlets, lvs brownish, 5-10 × 1-2 mm., acute. Adults with lvs 1-1·5 cm. × 1-2 mm., subdistichous, linear, straight to subfalcate, obtuse, often apiculate, coriac., dark green, ± glaucous below. Male strobili in spikes, 3-5 cm. long, 10-30 per spike, ┴ axis; apiculus subacute. Ovules 3-10 per spike c. 4 cm. long, on short axillary branchlets; peduncle not swollen. Seeds 5-9 mm. long, subglobose, apiculus obtuse; black, drupaceous.
Infl. various, basically cymose; fls small, regular, perfect or unisexual; tepals 3-6, imbricate, often enlarged in fr.; stamens 6-9, anthers 2-celled. Ovary superior, 1-celled, subtended by annular nectariferous disk; ovule solitary, basal. Fr. a nutlike achene, lenticular or trigonous; seed with cop. endosperm. Herb, shrub or liane with us. alt. lvs; stipules ochreate. A cosmopolitan family with over 30 genera and ± 800 spp.
Slender glab. to glabrate, eglandular, lax herb; stems slender, up to 6 dm. long, prostrate and rooting in basal part, then ascending, sparingly branched. Lvs on short petioles; lamina membr., pungent-tasting, 5-10-(15) × 1-3-(4) cm., lanceolate, acuminate, minutely serrulate; ochreae delicate, ± 1·5 cm. long, sparsely hairy, mouth obliquely truncate, ciliate; cilia (1)-2-(5) mm. long. Infl. of simple spikes (2)-3-5 cm. long on slender peduncles up to 10 mm. long. Fls ± 2 mm. diam., 2-3 per cluster; bracts narrow, truncate, ciliate. Tepals us. 5, oblong, glab., reddish to whitish; stamens us. 5, styles 2-branched. Fr. lenticular to subplano-convex, margined, ± 2 mm. long, including style base; dark blackish brown, ± glossy.
Fls small, prefect, regular, in clusters variously arranged; bracteoles ochreate; tepals us. 5, ± connate at base; stamens 4-8; styles 2-3; fr. lenticular or trigonous, ± invested by persistent tepals. Annual or perennial herbs of wide, mostly temperate, distribution; some 175 spp.
Lamina 1-3-pinnatifid, very thin, pellucid; veins several times branched in final segs. Indusium urceolate, mouth entire, dilated. Receptacle very slender, far exserted. Type and only known sp.:
Sori exindusiate, with or without peltate paraphyses, round to elongate, sts fused to form coenosori; sporangia stalked; annulus incomplete, dehiscing by transverse slit. Spores 32-16, bilateral, without perispore. Rhizome creeping, solenostelic to dictyostelic, paleate. Fronds mostly articulate with rhizome, pinnate to irregularly lobed or simple; veins reticulate, us. with free included veinlets. Prothallus cordate, green, flat. About 25 genera of wide distribution.
Rhizome stout, erect, clad in very dark brown linear-subulate paleae, sts with narrow pale margin, up to 1 cm. long; stipites densely tufted. Stipes stout, 15-30-(45) cm. × 3-4 mm., clad, especially in lower part, in linear-subulate paleae, mingled, especially in upper part, with slender scurfy hairs. Rhachis stout, ± paleate and hairy, with numerous approximate to rather distant pinnae. Lamina (20)-25-30-(40) × (7)-10-15-(25) cm., coriac., lanceolate to deltoid-oblong, acuminate; very dark green and glab. above, paler and ± scurfy below; bipinnate. Larger pinnae 5-10 × 2-4 cm., about lanceolate, acuminate; lower pinnules very shortly stalked, upper decurrent and confluent. Pinnules diverse on different plants, up to 15 × 5 mm., lanceolate- to ovate-oblong: (a) sharply serrately toothed (b) lower teeth crenate (c) all crenate to subentire, obtuse to subacute. Sori up to 8 in two rows about half way between midvein and margin, c. 2 mm. diam.; indusium flat, becomes concave upwards, with dark centre and pale margin.
Sori dorsal on veins, indusium peltate (rarely absent); sporangia stalked, annulus incomplete, vertical. Spores bilateral, ± oblong, us. tuberculate. Rhizome short, branched, ascending, paleate; stipites densely tufted, paleate. Lamina anadromic, pinnate to decompound, segs us. aristate. Mainly terrestrial ferns with some 180 spp. of wide distribution.
Rhizome slender, erect, clad in linear- to ovate-attenuate dark to pale brown paleae up to 7 mm. long; stipites few, clustered. Stipes slender, pale brown, 6-20 cm. × c. 1 mm., ± clad in spreading pale to dark brown or ferruginous ovate-lanceolate paleae, c. 5 mm. long, ± hairy. Rhachis slender, grooved, paleate, with numerous rather distant pinnae. Lamina 10-40-(60) × 5-12-(15) cm., lanceolate-oblong, acuminate, thin, firm, bipinnate. Larger pinnae 3-12 × 1-2 cm., about lanceolate, acuminate, rather distant to approximate. Pinnules about ovate-lanceolate, up to 15 mm. long, deeply and sharply toothed; lower very shortly stalked, upper decurrent, sts confluent. Sori up to 8 in two rows near mid-vein, c. 0·5 mm. diam.; indusium very rarely present.
Rhizome stout, ascending, branched, sts forming a caudex up to 15 dm. tall, densely clad in paleae up to 2 cm. or more long; stipites numerous, densely tufted. Stipes stout, us. densely paleate, 15-45 cm. × 5-10 mm. dark to pale brown. Paleae of diverse shape, us. on different plants: ovate- to lanceolate-attenuate, sts laciniate; pale brown to almost black, with or without a paler margin, spreading, mingled with linear paleae and slender hairs. Rhachis stout, grooved, paleate and hairy, with numerous us. close-set pinnae. Lamina 30-75-(100) × 104-25 cm., about oblong-lanceolate, dark green above, paler below, rather harsh, bipinnate. Larger pinnae 5-12 cm. × 15-25 mm., lanceolate-oblong, acute to acuminate; costa grooved, ± paleate and hairy. Pinnules us. close-set, very shortly stalked, up to 15 mm. long, ovate-oblong to subrhomboid. Toothing diverse on different plants: deeply toothed, teeth aristate; lower teeth acute to obtuse; all teeth obtuse. Sori in two rows, || and near mid-vein, up to 8 per pinnule, c. 0·5-1 mm. diam.; indusium small, flat.
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Round-headed shrub 2-3 m. tall with many slender woody branches. Lvs c. 6 × 3 cm., oval, entire, obtuse, on petioles c. 1 cm. long; margins not recurved; upper surface glab. except for minute hairs in groove of midrib, veins depressed; lower surface blue-green becoming buff when dry, closely covered with sessile stellate hairs, veins slightly prominent with longer hairs, some of them simple. Infl. a much-branched close corymb with rounded top up to 10 cm. across; bracts broad, brown, scarious; pedicels c. 3 mm. long. Fls yellow; calyx-tube villous with simple and long-rayed sessile stellate hairs; sepals 2*5 mm. long, falling early; petal-limb cuneate to truncate at base, soon reflexed; stamens > petals, connective not elongated above anther; style divided to 1/2 length; capsule rounded 3*5 × 2*5 mm., c. ? immersed in calyx-tube, retaining indumentum and greyish colour; operculum c. 1/2 length of coccus; seeds dark brown, shining, c. 1·6 × 1 mm.
Fls in corymbs or panicles, bracts us. falling early; calyx adnate to ovary, of 5 triangular sepals; petals 5 or absent, clawed, attached to staminal filaments; stamens 5, upper part of filament bent sharply downward in bud. Ovary ± sunk in calyx-tube, without disk, 3-loculed, style ± divided, stigmas 3. Fr. dry, splitting to release 3 cocci, each opening on the inward side by a slit or opercular value; seeds 1 per coccus, smooth, funicle aril-like. Woody shrubs with alt. lvs, us. with stellate hairs. About 40 spp. of Australia and northern N.Z. (about half the spp. erected with very brief diagnoses by N. A. Wakefield, Vict. Nat., Melb. 68, 1951, 140-143). Of the 8 N.Z. representatives 5 are here treated as endemic spp. or vars.
"Folia linearia 5"/1" integerrima supra scabra hirsuta subtus canotomentosa. Thyrsi terminales. Flores apetali. Rami hirsuti. Pet. brevissimi. Folia margine reflexa; in superiore pagina pili prominentae impositi. Thyrsi in apicibus ramulorum. Pedicelli hirsuti. Bracteae scariosae deciduae. Cal. extus-hirsutus. German pubescens. Stigma quadripartitum. Hab. in Australia."
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Erect, much-branched, sts fastigiate shrub to 3 m. tall. Lvs 15-55 × 6-14 mm., elliptic- to oblong-lanceolate, obtuse, entire, margins flat in larger (shade) lvs, recurved in smaller lvs in full sun, petiole to 5 mm.; upper surface quite glab. in adult plants (even in young lvs) but in juvenile plants with very fine soft simple hairs; lower surface with close cover of white sessile stellate hairs, brownish stalked stellate hairs ± regularly scattered, more conspicuous on veins. Infl. of many axillary and terminal corymbs, individual clusters compact but on longer and more branched stems than in ; outer bracts pale, broadly elliptic, closely hairy; buds elongated, pale; pedicels to 3 mm. long. Fls pale, c. 4 mm. diam.; calyx-tube covered with fine close hairs, stellate except for a few simple ones; sepals c. 1*5 mm. long; petals 0; style divided to c. 1/2 length; capsule c. 3*5 mm. long, nearly 3/4 immersed in calyx-tube, narrow, pale, losing sepals early; operculum > 1/2 coccus-length; seeds long, c. 2 × 1 mm., dark brown.
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Plants monoec. or dioec.; fls solitary to subumbellately or cymosely arranged, 5-merous; calyx petaloid, deeply lobed; petals present, smaller than calyx, or absent. Anthers ± 4-celled, the cells opening by a terminal pore. Ovary depressed-globular, 6-lobed, 3-celled; styles 3. Fr. capsular, splitting into 3 2-valved cocci. Genus of a few Australian and 2 N.Z. spp., of which also occurs in Australia and Tasmania.
Fls perfect, regular or nearly so; solitary, or in cymes or racemes. Sepals 2, petals (4)-5-(6) rarely 0; stamens 5-10-(20); styles 2-8. Capsule unilocular; placentae basal; seeds 1- ∞ with cop. endosperm. Herbs with ± succulent us. opp. and exstipulate lvs. About 20 genera and 240 spp.; subcosmopolitan.
Rootstock rather stout, woody, emitting tufts of lvs and slender stolons up to 2 dm. or more long, which root and produce new tufts of lvs. Lvs imparipinnate, up to c. 15 cm. long including slender, sparsely pilose petioles; stipules scarious; lflts 11-15, alternating with minute, incised to entire pairs; larger lflts c. 1-1·5 cm. long, subsessile, oblong-obovate to suborbicular, sharply serrate, glab. or nearly so above, white silky-tomentose below, teeth penicillate. Fls solitary, up to 1·5 cm. or rather more diam., on slender peduncles up to 15 cm. long. Calyx pilose, lobes ovate-apiculate, up to 5 mm. long; bractlets deeply toothed. Petals 5, bright yellow, glab., suborbicular, shortly clawed, up to nearly 1 cm. long; stamens ∞, filaments short. Receptacle villous, achenes subreniform, finally glab.
Fls solitary to cymose; calyx 5-lobed, with 5 alt. bractlets; petals 5, us. yellow; stamens ∞, carpels us. ∞, receptacle dry, us. pubescent to pilose; achenes surrounded by persistent calyx, styles us. deciduous. Herbs or shrubs with compound lvs and adnate stipules. About 300 spp., mainly northern hemisphere. The N.Z. sp. is perhaps endemic, but is very closely related to the widespread .
Herb, glab. or nearly so; stems slender, sparingly to much branched, creeping, rooting at nodes, ± ascending at tips, forming small to rather large patches. Lvs of diverse dimensions on different plants, on petioles 1-2-(5) mm. long. Lamina ± 3-12 × 1-8 mm., ± orbicular to broad-ovate, us. rather coarsely sinuate-dentate, membr. to sub-succulent. Peduncles slender, > lf, up to 6 cm. long. Fls of diverse dimensions, 7-20 mm. long; calyx-tube ± 2-5 mm. long, lobes narrow-triangular to linear, ± 1·5 mm. long. Corolla white; lobes linear to oblong, with purplish veins; 2 lower anthers awn-tipped. Berry sub-globose to broad-ovoid, ± 7-12 mm. diam., purplish red; seeds ∞.
Glab. far-creeping branching herb forming patches up to c. 1 m. diam. Stems up to ± 5 mm. diam., somewhat succulent, with acrid yellowish sap. Strongly insolated plants quite prostrate with rather close-set branches and subsessile lvs; plants of shady places and damp ground of laxer growth, with rather distant, distinctly petioled, thinner lvs and ascending to spreading elongate branchlets. Lvs on petioles ± 1-5 mm. long. Lamina pale green, somewhat fleshy to membr., obovate-oblong, rather abruptly narrowed to base, sinuate to obscurely, bluntly dentate (rarely rather coarsely toothed), 10-15 × 7-15 mm., 15-30 × 10-20 mm. Fls solitary on slender peduncles 1-2 cm. long. Calyx 1-2-5 mm. long; lobes narrow-oblong to narrow-triangular, acute. Corolla white, deeply lobed; lower lip spreading, upper ascending; lobes ± 10 mm. long. Berry somewhat compressed, obliquely subovoid to subglobose, ± 7-10 × 7 mm., purplish red.
Fls 5-merous, solitary or in racemes, often unisexual; receptacle adnate to ovary, calyx-lobes persistent. Corolla oblique, split to base at back; upper lip 2-, lower 3-lobed. Staminal tube free from corolla except sts at very base. Anthers connate, lower pair awn-tipped. Ovary 2-celled, ovules ∞, stigma 2-lobed; seeds minute, us. ∞. Herbs, mostly prostrate, rooting at nodes, with alt. toothed lvs and us. acrid sap. Genus of some 20 spp. of Australia, Asia, N.Z., S. America.
Glab. subsucculent herb; stems and branches rather stout, creeping, rooting at nodes, forming small, us. rather dense, patches. Lvs approximate, subsessile. Lamina thick, ± 5-10 × 4-9 mm.; broad-ovate to suborbicular, cuneately narrowed or rounded to base; coarsely toothed in upper half. Fls fragrant, 10-20 mm. long, at first subsessile; peduncle elongating to 3-5-(15) mm. Calyx ± 5 mm. long, cut to c. 1/2 way; lobes narrow-triangular, attenuate; sinus wide. Corolla very pale yellow to white; tube cylindric, ± 10 mm. long, somewhat inflated towards base; lobes spreading, oblong to linear, often subapiculate, ± 5 mm. long. Berry globose, 6-9 mm. diam., purplish; seeds ∞, minute.
Slender herb, glab. or ± pilose, with prostrate stems and branches rooting at nodes; branchlets very slender, ascending at tips or elongate and sprawling. Lvs subsessile or with petioles up to 5 mm. long. Lamina ovate-oblong to oblong in outline, (2)-3-4-(5) × (1)-1·5-2-(3) mm.; coarsely, deeply toothed (teeth occ. few), ± pilose, membr. to slightly fleshy. Peduncles at first very short, elongating to 10-15-(20) mm. long, filiform. Fls (4)-6-10 mm. long; calyx ± pilose, 4-5 mm. long; lobes ± 2 mm. long, linear, acute to acuminate, ± recurved. Corolla white to very pale cream; lobes linear-lanceolate, acute, up to ± 7 mm. long; anthers glab. Berry (immature) subglobose, green, ± 3 mm. diam.; seeds ∞.
Branching, erect to sprawling herb up to c. 1 m. tall, softly woody towards base; branches and branchlets ascending to spreading. Lvs alt., on petioles up to ± 10 cm. long. Lamina broad-ovate to ovate-oblong to elliptic-ovate, acute to subacuminate, (5)-7-15-(20) × (3)-4-6-10) cm.; membr., glab., or with a few scattered hairs, especially on main veins; margins sharply, finely to rather coarsely irregularly 2-serrate or serrate-dentate. Racemes terminal, (5)-10-15-(20)-fld, on ± pubescent peduncles, often subcorymbose. Fls on slender pubescent pedicels ± 2 cm. long; bracts near base, linear. Calyx-lobes ± 8 mm. long, narrow-triangular to filiform, ciliolate. Corolla ± pubescent, 3-5 cm. long, violet to pale or rather dark blue, or occ. whitish. Lower lip 3-toothed, upper deeply 2-cleft. Stamens connate; filaments free to c. ⅔ way to the awned anthers. Stigma exserted; lobes oblong, spreading, c. 2 mm. long. Berry subglobose, 10-15 mm. diam., blue to whitish.
Fls perfect, regular, 5-merous, bracted, solitary or in panicles or umbels; stamens opp. corolla-lobes; anthers 2-celled, introrse, dehiscing lengthwise. Ovary superior or semi-inferior, unilocular; carpels us. 5, placentation free-central, ovules few to many. Style with capitate stigma. Fr. capsular, dehiscing by valves, or transversely; seeds with cop. endosperm. Annual or perennial herbs with lvs often all radical or all alt. Subcosmopolitan family with some 30 genera and 800 spp.
Fls perfect or unisexual, 4-merous, in racemes or heads. Per. petaloid, valvate, tubular in bud. Stamens opp. lobes, filaments adnate, ovary 1-celled, ovules 1 to several, style simple; fr. various, seeds often winged, endosperm 0. Trees or shrubs with us. alt. exstipulate lvs. Some 50 genera and over 950 spp., mostly of Australia and S. Africa.
Tree up to c. 7 m. tall, with stout branches and simple lvs. Lvs of juveniles ascending to spreading; of young plants 5-15 cm. long, lanceolate to oblong, narrowed to short stout petioles, acute to subacute, coarsely to rather finely serrate in upper part, subcoriac.; lvs of unbranched older plants more coriac., 15-30 × 3-5·5 cm., oblong to elliptic- to obovate-oblong, distinctly apiculately serrate to sinuate, acute to obtuse, passing into those of branched adult stage. Lvs of adults c. 10-15 cm. long on petioles c. 1-2 cm. long, thick and coriac., obovate-oblong, gradually narrowed into petiole, ± serrate towards acute or obtuse often apiculate tip; midrib prominent, veins evident above and below. Umbels terminal; staminate with 5-10 primary rays, c. 5 cm. long, with fls racemosely arranged, stamens 5-4; pistillate with shorter primary rays, umbellules 2-5- or more-fld. Ovary 5-loculed, 5-ovuled, style-branches connate. Fr. broad-oblong in outline, c. 6 × 5 mm.
Tree up to 15 m. tall, trunk up to c. 5 dm. diam., lvs very thick and rigid. Seedlings with submembr. ovate to lanceolate deeply toothed lvs, deeply lobed near base, passing rapidly into narrow-linear lvs. Unbranched juveniles with narrow-linear deflexed lvs up to 1 m. or more long, distantly sharply toothed, with stout midrib. At branching stage the lvs become shorter, c. 30-15 cm. long, and may be unifoliolate (var. unifoliolatum Kirk For. Fl. 1889, 61) or 3-5-foliolate (var. trifoliolatum Kirk loc. cit.) or mixed. Flowering is exceedingly rare in the unbranched, rare in the branched juvenile stage. Adult trees round-headed, with lvs c. 10-20 × 2-3 cm., narrow elliptic-cuneate to lanceolate or linear-obovate, acute or obtuse, entire to sinuate or coarsely serrate. Umbels terminal, irregularly compound; primary rays c. 5-10, c. 6 cm. long; umbellules sts racemosely arranged. Ovary 5-loculed, 5-ovuled, style-branches 5, connate, sts free at tips. Fr. subglobose, c. 4-5 mm. diam.
Shrub up to c. 5 m. tall, much-branched, with 3-5-foliolate lvs and occ. unifoliolate ones. Petioles slender, 2-8 cm. long; lflts subsessile, obovate- to elliptic-cuneate, coarsely and sharply serrate, acute to sub-acuminate, bronze to yellowish green above, paler below, coriac. Terminal lflt 4-8 × 1·5-2.5 cm., on short petiolule. Umbels terminal; staminate with 4-10 rays, 3-8 cm. long, the fls racemosely arranged; pistillate with rays 2-5 cm. long, umbellules irregular, 2-6-fld. Ovary 5-loculed, or locules fewer by abortion, 5-ovuled, style-branches 5, connate at base, tips free. Fr. c. 6·5 mm. long, oblong in outline.
Tree up to 10 m. or more tall, with trunk up to c. 4 dm. diam. Lvs aromatic, green and shining above, paler below, membr. to subcoriac. Juveniles with 3-5-foliolate lvs, terminal lflt subsessile to shortly stalked, 5-15 × 1·5-3·5 cm.; all lflts linear-oblong, acuminate to acute, deeply lobed. Older plants mainly 3-foliolate; terminal lflts subsessile to shortly stalked, 10-15 × 2.5-3·5 cm.; all lflts shallowly lobed to sinuate-serrate to entire, acuminate to obtuse. Adult plants with predominately unifoliolate lvs; lamina 7-15 × 3-5 cm., obovate-cuneate to elliptic-oblong, acuminate to obtuse, entire to sinuate; veins evident; petioles 1·5-5 cm. long. Umbels small, 10-15-fld, axillary, paniculately arranged. Fls greenish; ovary 3-4-loculed, style-branches 3-4, connate at base. Fr. c. 3-4 cm. diam., globose; seeds 3-4.
Shrub or tree up to 5 m. tall, with slender trunk. Lvs of seedlings about linear-lanceolate, toothed; of unbranched juveniles narrow-linear, deflexed, up to c. 50 cm. long, very thick and coriac., with closely or distantly placed broad, rounded, us. hooked, lobes, c. 7·5-15 mm. wide at base; midribs very stout, raised, c. 2 mm. wide; lobes often crowded at lf-apex. Lvs at branching stage becoming shorter, ascending, often more sharply lobed, passing into those of adult stage. Lvs of adults c. 5-15 × 1-2 cm., oblong to linear-obovate, gradually narrowed to stout petiole c. 1-2 cm. long; obtuse or mucronate-apiculate to retuse, bluntly serrate to entire, veins evident above. Umbels terminal, compound; staminate with 5-12 rays c. 3-5 cm. long, with fls racemosely distributed; pistillate with rays 1-3 cm. long, umbellules 2-5-fld. Stamens 4-5, ovary 5-loculed, 5-ovuled; style-branches 5, connate, sts free at tips. Fr. broad-oblong in outline, c. 8-9 mm. diam.
Shrub or tree up to 5 m. tall, with slender branches. Lvs unifoliolate; lamina coriac., c. 4-8 cm. long, ovate, acute to acuminate, sharply serrate, on slender petioles up to 4 cm. long; occ. 3-foliolate or irregularly lobed lvs occur, with lflts c. 7-8 cm. long, lanceolate-cuneate. Umbels terminal; primary rays 3-6, c. 8 cm. long, fls racemosely arranged. Ovary 5-loculed, 5-ovuled; style-branches 5, connate, free at tips. Fr. subglobose, c. 6 mm. diam.
Plants dioec.; fls in simple or compound umbels, often racemosely arranged on rays. Calyx truncate or minutely 5-toothed; petals 5, valvate; stamens 5; ovary 5- or rarely 4-3-celled, style-branches often connate into short column. Fr. somewhat fleshy, 5- or rarely fewer-loculed, seeds one per locule. Shrubs or trees, glab. in all parts. Lvs digitately compound or simple by reduction. Some 10 spp. of South America and N.Z., the latter endemic.
Shrub or tree up to 6 m. tall, branches stout with lvs crowded towards tips of branchlets, 3-5-foliolate, lvs of juveniles larger than those of adults. Petioles 5-15 cm. long, stout. Lflts subsessile, obovate-cuneate, sinuate-crenate to bluntly serrate in upper half, subacute to obtuse, thick and coriac.; terminal lflt with short petiolule, c. 5-10 × 2-4 cm. Umbels terminal, compound; staminate with 4-8 primary rays c. 4-5 cm. long, fls racemosely arranged along secondary rays; pistillate with shorter rays, fls in irregular umbellules. Ovary 5-loculed, 5-ovuled, style-branches 5, connate, tips spreading. Fr. oblong in outline, c. 7 × 5 mm.
Shrub up to c. 3 m. tall; branches few, spreading, with scattered small simple to trifid scales. Lvs of juveniles ascending, c. 15-25 × 0·5-1 cm., narrow-linear, subacute to retuse, obscurely sinuately crenate-serrate, midrib pale, prominent, c. 1-1·5 mm. wide, veins obscure; petioles very short, stout. Lvs of adults on stout petioles c. 5 mm. long, linear to linear-lanceolate, acute and mucronate to obtuse, 5-10 × 0.75-1 cm., obscurely to distinctly and distantly crenate-serrate. Umbels us. compound, terminal and occ. axillary; primary rays 3-10, umbellules 5-10-fld. Ovary 3-5-loculed, style-branches 3-5, connate at base, recurved at tips. Fr. broadly oblong-ovoid, c. 5 × 4 mm.
Erect shrub or tree up to 8 m. tall, bark dark. Lvs on slender petioles ± 2 cm. long; lamina elliptic-oblong to elliptic-obovate to ovate-oblong, 6-10 × 3-6 cm., obtuse to subacute, rather coriac., dark green and glossy above, glaucous below, somewhat pungent to taste; midrib and veins evident below. Fls ± 1 cm. diam., in axillary fascicles of 3-5-(10) on pedicels 5 mm. to 1 cm. long or more; calyx subentire to shallowly lobed; petals 5-6, greenish yellow, narrow-oblong to narrow-obovate, 5-6 mm. long; stamens 6-15; carpels 3-6; frs red (rarely dark), 5-6 mm. diam., mesocarp slightly fleshy; seeds 3 to 6, black, angled.
Erect shrub up to 2 m. tall, rarely more, bark dark. Lvs on petioles 5 mm.-1 cm. long; lamina 2-6-(8) × 1-3 cm., rarely larger, elliptic to broad-elliptic to elliptic-obovate, coriac.; dull green, red-blotched above, glaucous below, very pungent to taste, midrib and main veins evident below. Fls in axillary fascicles of 2-5-(10); pedicels up to 1 cm. long, slender. Calyx shallowly lobed to subentire; petals 5-6, greenish yellow, linear to narrow-oblong, 4-5 mm. long; stamens 5-12; carpels 2-5, us. 1-2 maturing; frs dark red to black, 3-5 mm. diam.; mesocarp slightly fleshy; seeds 2-3, black, angled.
Fls axillary, in fascicles or solitary, often maturing after lf-fall; calyx cupuliform, persistent, with entire or lobed margin, not covering petals in bud; petals 5-6, imbricate in bud; stamens up to 15, in three series; carpels 1-6, ± baccate when ripe, with 2-6 seeds. Shrubs with alt., exstipulate, aromatic lvs, glands obvious. Type sp. P. axillaris.
Depressed to erect compactly branched shrub up to 1 m. or more tall; bark rough, reddish brown; branchlets ± viscid. Lvs close-set, on stout appressed or ascending petioles c. 5 mm. long; lamina 10-25 × 6-10 mm., obovate-oblong to obovate, very thick and coriac., dull green above, glaucous below; margins somewhat thickened; midrib alone evident below. Fls solitary or 2-(3) together, on decurved pedicels 1-5 mm. long. Calyx entire, or with 1-2 very shallow lobes; petals 5-6, greenish yellow, oblong to narrow-obovate, 4-5 mm. long; stamens 5-6; carpel us. solitary; fr. c. 2-3 mm. diam., depressed-obovoid, mesocarp slightly fleshy; seeds 3-6, angled.
Sporangia 2-3-locular, borne on 2-lobed sporophylls. Mature sporophyte rootless, with branched rhizomes.
Aerial axis up to 4 dm. long, erect, much branched, branchlets triquetrous. Lobes on angles of axis and branchlets, 2-4 mm. long, ovate-subulate. Sporangia subsessile, globose, subcoriac., 1·5-3 mm. diam., 3-lobed, 3-celled.
Sporangia 3-lobed, 3-celled (rarely 2-4-celled), subglobose, terminal on very short lobes or almost sessile, the scale-like branches embracing the sporangium. Plant us. terrestrial and erect, axis many times dichotomously branched, sterile lobes scale-like, minute, along the angles of the axis. A very few spp., mainly tropical and subtropical. The N.Z. sp. with the range of the genus.
Sori mainly fused to coenosori, protected by lamina margin, with or without a true indusium. Sporangia long-stalked, spores tetrahedral or bilateral, without perispore, about oblong, smooth to tuberculate; annulus us. narrow. Rhizome creeping and solenostelic, or forming an oblique stock and dictyostelic, bearing paleae or hairs. Fronds pinnately compound; veins free or anastomosing, no included veinlets. Prothallus cordate. About 10 genera of wide distribution.
Rhizome stout, 5-15 mm. diam., much branched, subterranean; stipites distributed. Stipes 10-30-(50) cm. long, rigid, dark brown, shining, hairy when young. Rhachis stout, brown, hairy when young, with distant opp. to subopp. pinnae. Lamina 20-60-(100) cm. or more long; broadly deltoid to broadly ovate-oblong, coriac., dark green, ± hairy below and on costae and costules, 2-3-(4)-pinnate; veins free, mostly forked. Primary pinnae 5-20 × 2-10 cm., broad-ovate to deltoid, shortly stalked, subopp. to opp., often with single subbasal seg. Secondary pinnae alt., ovate-lanceolate: (a) lower up to 15 × 5 cm., very shortly stalked, pinnatisect to pinnate; segs linear, decurrent, up to 4 cm. long; main veins prominent, veinlets distinct. Upper with few segs to entire: (b) again distinctly pinnate; pinnules with a few basal lobes to entire, up to 2-4 cm. × 2-5 mm. Sori us. cop., continuous along margins of segs. Indusium inconspicuous.
Sori continuous along margins of segs, protected by reflexed margin and a true indusium (sts obsolete). Sporangia with slender stalks; spores tetrahedral, smooth. Rhizome far-creeping and branching, deep seated, solenostelic, clad in hairs. Frond pinnately compound, coriac., ± hairy; veins free, simple or forked, connected by marginal nerve. Terrestrial, subcosmopolitan. The forms treated by some as one sp. with a number of vars, by others as consisting of a number of closely related spp.
Rhizome short, stout, ascending, paleate; stipites crowded, paleate near base; paleae brown, ovate, long-attenuate, up to 1 cm. long. Stipes stout, (10)-30-60 cm. long, smooth to slightly asperous; dark brown towards base, paler above. Rhachis stout, pale brown to stramineous, smooth to slightly asperous, with distant to approximate opp. to subopp. pinnae. Lamina 20-120 cm. × 15-90 cm., deltoid, dark green, membr. to subcoriac., minutely punctate below, acute to acuminate, 2-3-pinnate. Veins copiously anastomosing. Primary pinnae 15-25 × 4-10 cm., deltoid-ovate to oblong-ovate, distant to approximate, shortly stalked to sessile with decurrent base. Secondary pinnae up to 7 × 3 cm.: lower often stalked; mid decurrent, pinnatifid; upper confluent, crenateserrate. Segs up to 15 × 8 mm., oblong, bluntly toothed. Secondary fertile pinnae us. narrow ovate-oblong, ± arcuate, acute to attenuate; segs toothed at tips. Sori us. cop. along margins, but not reaching apices of segs.
Sori continuous along margins of segs except at apices, protected by reflexed modified margin, exindusiate. Spores tetrahedral, smooth to tuberculate. Rhizome short, dictyostelic, forming an ascending paleate (sts also hairy) stock. Fronds closely approximate, pinnate to decompound; veins free or anastomosing. Terrestrial ferns with over 250 spp. mainly tropical, but with representatives in temperate regions.
Rhizome very short, ascending, paleate, bearing bases of fallen stipites; stipites crowded, paleate at base. Stipes 10-30 cm. long, dark brown towards paleate base, pale brown above, smooth; paleae dark brown, linear-attenuate. Rhachis smooth, stramineous, with alt. to subopp. pinnae. Lamina 20-90 × 15-50 cm., pale green, membr., flaccid, broadly deltoid, 2-3-pinnate, minutely punctate. Veins anastomosing, at least along costules. Primary pinnae 15-30 × 10-15 cm., deltoid to ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, alt. to subopp., distant, often long-stalked. Secondary stalked, alt. to subopp., ovate, acuminate, 5-10 × 2-5 cm. Tertiary pinnae up to 4 cm. × 15 mm., ovate to narrowly ovate-oblong, acute to acuminate; lower subsessile, upper confluent; final segs acutely toothed. Fertile pinnules hardly differing in shape from sterile. Sori us. cop., rather short, along sinuses; tips of segs quite barren.
Plant smaller in all parts, decumbent to suberect. Stipes 5-25 cm. long; lamina 10-18 × 5-15 cm.; segs deeply, acutely toothed; anastomoses fewer; reflexed protective margin very delicate.
Rhizome short, erect, clad in dark brown linear-attenuate paleae; stipites tufted. Stipes (5)-30-60 cm. × c. 1-2 mm., dark brown and paleate near base, stiff, erect, smooth, shining and light brown above. Rhachis glabrate, with rather distant subopp. to alt. pinnae. Lamina (8)-30-90 cm. or more × (4)-30-60 cm. or more, ovate-deltoid, bright green, membr., 2-4-pinnate. Veins all free, mostly forked. Primary pinnae (5)-20-40 × 2-15 cm., subopp. to alt., shortly stalked, ovate-deltoid to ovate to lanceolate, acute to acuminate. Secondary pinnae up to 15 × 5 cm., subsessile, ovate to oblong, shallowly crenate-serrate on upper margin. Tertiary pinnae or segs 15-40 × 3-6 mm., crenately toothed, sessile, decurrent, oblong, obtuse. Fertile pinnae with segs up to 25 × 4 mm., lobed to entire. Sori cop., continuous along margins, often to tip and base.
Low, much-branched, rigid, prostrate shrub with ascending branches 1·5-3 cm. tall and c. 5 mm. diam. including lvs. Lvs densely quadrifariously imbricate, closely appressed, 3·5-4 × 2-2*5 mm., ± ovate, subacute, coriac., ± concavo-convex, margins thickened above, ciliate in lower part, inner surface bearing small patch of hairs near apex and sts a few at tip when young. Calyx c. 4 mm. long, cut c. 3/4 way into slender lobes hispid on outer surface and margins. Corolla c. 5 mm. diam., funnelform. Ovary ciliate near apex. Capsule not seen.
Similar in habit to , the cushions variable in size and rigidity. Lvs 2.5-5 × 1-3·5 mm., obovate- to linear-spathulate or narrow-ovate, broadly obtuse to subacute, ± concavo-convex, coriac. when young, margins cartilaginous in upper part, ciliate to base or in upper part only where the cilia are often incurved when dry except for apical tuft, surfaces glab. or occ. with a few hairs at tip. Bracts 3·5-4 mm. long, linear, similar to calyx-lobes. Calyx (2)-3-4 mm. long, divided ⅔ way or more into 5-(6) linear ciliate lobes sparsely hairy on outer surface near tip or for most of length. Corolla white, 6-7 mm. long, salverform; tube > calyx; lobes obtuse. Capsule c. 2 × 2 mm., glab. or hairy at apex.
Fls solitary, each subtended by a pair of connate bracts, sessile or sub-sessile in lf-axils near tips of branches. Calyx 5-(6)-lobed. Corolla small, salverform, shortly lobed, or larger, broadly funnelform and deeply lobed; lobes 5-(6). Stamens 2, inserted near throat of corolla, filaments, short, anthers large. Capsule with septum across narrowest diam., deeply 2-lobed, laterally compressed and broadest at tip, turgid below, flattened on anterior and posterior faces, splitting loculicidally and septicidally into 4 valves, included in calyx. Seeds us. many, not strongly flattened. Small densely pulvinate perennial herbs or prostrate rooting shrubs; lvs opp., sessile, shortly connate at base, closely quadrifariously or irregularly imbricate, entire, ± ciliate or hairy. Genus of a few spp. endemic to N.Z. Type sp. (selected by W. R. B. Oliver in Rec. Dom. Mus., Wellington 1, 1944, 231):
Perennial herb from stout woody stock; stems woody, rooting, giving off ∞ slender erect branches us. tightly compacted into dense, hoary, grey-green cushion 2-4 cm. high and up to 10 cm. or more diam., sts laxer and forming small patch; branches again much branched towards tips, 3-5 mm. diam. including lvs. Lvs closely irregularly imbricate, us. ± loosely spreading, linear-oblong to linear-spathulate, 2.5-4 × ± 1 mm., obtuse to subacute; margins and upper part of inner surface sparsely hispid with long, coarse, stiff, white hairs, outer surface sparsely hispid in upper part or glab. except for tuft at tip. Bracts 3-4 mm. long, linear, very similar to calyx-lobes. Calyx 3-4 mm. long, deeply divided into 5-(6) linear lobes 2.5-3·5 mm. long; lobes hispid on margins and outer surface especially towards tip. Corolla white, 5-6-(8) mm. long, salverform; tube ± ═ or much > calyx; lobes 5-6, 1·5-2.5 mm. long, broadly obovate-oblong, rounded to subacute. Capsule c. 2.5-3 mm. long, hairy at apex at least when young.
Low, much-branched, rather rigid shrub forming tufts or loose patches; stems woody, prostrate or decumbent, rooting in older parts; branches ascending, c. 2-5 cm. long, densely retrorsely hairy. Lvs closely to loosely quadrifariously imbricate, spreading or ± appressed, 3-6 × 1·5-3·5 mm., broadly ovate to oblong or lanceolate-oblong, obtuse to subacute, very coriac., ± keeled, concavo-convex in upper part with cartilaginous re-curved margins, surfaces glab., margins ciliate in lower half. Bracts 4-5 mm. long, narrow-oblong, keeled, ciliate below, sts rugose in lower parts. Calyx 4-6 mm. long, coriac. and strongly rugose, divided 1/2 to ⅔ way into broadly oblong, obtuse lobes up to 2.5 mm. wide; tube and lower portion of lobes white-pubescent and us. also glandular-hairy, sts glab., lobes ciliate, sparsely white-hairy within. Corolla white, 10-15 mm. diam., broad-funnelform, divided 1/2 to ⅔ way into 5 obtuse spreading lobes up to 5 mm. wide. Capsule ± 3-4 × 3 mm., glab.
Similar in habit to pulvinaris but cushions often more rigid, the lvs more closely imbricate with only the tips visible and tightly appressed to form rather hard branchlets. Lvs 2.5-4 × 1-2-(3) mm., linear-spathulate to rhomboid-ovate, subacute to acute, coriac. when young, us. yellowish and glossy on back when old; inner surface densely finely hairy, the hairs often forming well-defined band slightly below tip, outer surface glab. or sparsely hairy, margins ciliate for whole length with apical tuft or glab. near tip. Bracts 3-3·5 mm. long, linear, very similar to calyx-lobes. Calyx 3-3·5 mm. long, divided c. ⅔ way into 5-(6) linear lobes finely hairy on outer surface and margins at least in upper part. Corolla white, 4-6 mm. long, salverform; tube > calyx; lobes c. 2 × 1 mm., ovate, obtuse. Capsule 2-3 mm. long, glab. or hairy at apex.
Sori round to elongate, exindusiate, us. on included veinlets; with stellate paraphyses; veins obscured, irregularly anastomosing. Epiphytes with creeping paleate rhizomes, the simple fronds articulated to the rhizomes. Lamina coriac., clad below in stellate paleae. Perhaps 100 spp. mostly of Asia, Polynesia and Africa.
Fls small, in axillary or terminal racemes; calyx tube adnate to ovary, lobes persistent; petals imbricate; stamens 5. Ovary 3-5-celled, style persistent; stigmas capitate, 3-5-lobed. Capsule obovoid to ellipsoid, 3-5-valved, inferior to half-superior. Shrubs or trees with alt., coriac., exstipulate lvs, us. with marginal glandular teeth. Young branchlets, lvs, peduncles and pedicels ± viscid and invested with lepidote scales. Genus of a few spp. in New Guinea, Australia and N.Z. (our spp. endemic).
Tree up to 12 m. tall; trunk up to 5 dm. or more diam. Lvs 6-16 × 3-5 cm., on petioles up to 2 cm. long; lamina broadly elliptic-obovate to obovate-cuneate, slightly waved or flat, distantly rather obscurely serrate, not blotched, obtuse to acute. Racemes 4-7 cm. long, pedicels c. 3 mm. long; petals 3-3·5 mm. long, narrow ovate- to obovate-oblong; capsules 4-6 mm. long, including style, obovoid or oblong in outline.
"Very similar to but smaller" (Hook. f. Handbk N.Z. Fl. 1864, 59). Lvs 2-7 × 1-3 cm., on petioles up to 2 cm. long; lamina elliptic to broad-elliptic, obtuse to subacute, not blotched, distantly rather obscurely serrate to entire. Racemes 3·5-6 cm. long; pedicels 2-3 mm. long; petals 1·5-2 mm. long, ovate-oblong. Capsules 4-5 mm. long, including style.
Tree up to 9 m. tall; trunk up to 5 dm. diam. Lvs 6-12.5 × 1-2.5 cm., on petioles up to 2 cm. long, rather distantly, coarsely, irregularly serrate; lamina often blotched, of three main forms, often almost uniform on particular trees and in particular localities: (a) narrow-lanceolate, much waved; (b) narrow-oblong, us. much waved; (c) oblanceolate, less waved. Racemes 6-8 cm. long; pedicels c. 4 mm. long; petals obovate-oblong, 2.5-3 cm. long; capsules c. 4-5 mm. long, including style, obovoid.
Fls us. perfect and regular, solitary to racemose or paniculate. Sepals (3)-5-(, us. imbricate, often petaloid; petals (0)-5-10-(() us. nectariferous; stamens us. ∞; anthers 2-celled, adnate. Carpels ∞ to 1, us. free; receptacle often conical. Fr. of achenes or follicles; seeds minute, endosperm cop. Mostly perennial or annual herbs with radical and/or alt., rarely opp., exstipulate lvs. Cosmopolitan, with some 50 genera and over 1300 spp.
Low-growing, fleshy, glab. plant creeping by white underground stems, rooting at nodes and emitting tufts of lvs (stems occ. appearing above ground and becoming green, but us. 2-4 cm. deep in sand); internodes ± 5 cm. long. Lvs all radical on slender petioles 2.5-5-(8) cm. long; sheath membr.; lamina 1-2 cm. diam., dark green, 3-foliolate to deeply 3-lobed; Iflts sessile, obovate to oblong, entire to 2-3-lobed or toothed, ± 5 mm. diam. Scapes up to 2 cm. long, nude, slender, 1-fld. Fls 6-9 mm. diam.; sepals 5, membr., broadly ovate; petals 5-8, yellow, spathulate; gland 1 near middle. Fruiting heads 6-9 mm. diam.; achenes turgid, glab., ovoid, ± 2 mm. long; styles straight, subulate, ± 1 mm. long.
Glab. shining green small herb with short stout stock. Lvs radical on slender flattened petioles up to 3 cm. long, sheathing at base. Lamina coriac., orbicular-reniform, ± 1-2 cm. diam., cordate at base, singly to doubly crenate, irregularly shallowly to rather deeply 3-2-lobed. Scape 1-(3), 1-fld, slender, nude, 2-5-(9) cm. long. Fls (1)-2-2.5 cm. diam.; sepals 5, ovate to obovate, ± .7 mm. long, margins scarious; petals 5, obovate-cuneate, ± 1·2 cm. long, golden yellow, gland 1 near base, conspicuous. Ripe achenes not seen, styles rather long, recurved.
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Tufted ± pilose herb up to 3 dm. tall, sparingly to much branched. Stock very stout; main roots stout, fleshy, full of milky juice; main stems stout, ± pilose, up to c. 1 dm. long or more. Radical lvs on petioles 5-15 cm. long with stout broad sheaths; lamina ± reniform in outline, 5-15 cm. diam., ternatisect; divisions stalked, ± divided into cuneate segs ± 1 cm. × 5-10 mm., abruptly acute. Cauline lvs similar, subsessile. Infl. of a solitary fl. or 2-4 together. Fls 3-7 cm. diam. Sepals narrow-oblong, villous, us. 5, becoming reflexed, 15 × 3 mm. Petals 15-20 or more, narrow-oblong to narrow-obovate, white, 2 cm. × 5 mm. rounded at apex. Nectary gland small, basal. Fruiting head subglobose, 1-2 cm. diam. Achenes brown, pilose to glabrate, turgid, obliquely obovoid, ± 2 × 1 mm. Style slender, ± 5 mm. long.
Prostrate to spreading sparsely hairy herb; stock stout to slender, with ∞ slender roots; stems us. several, up to 15 cm. long. Radical lvs on slender petioles 1·5-5-(15) cm. long; sheaths broad, ± pilose; lamina 6-20 × 5-15 mm., broad ovate-cuneate, us. rather deeply 3-lobed, lobes sts again ± deeply lobed. Cauline lvs in clusters, with petioles up to 5 cm. long, lamina similar, smaller. Scapes or peduncles nude, in axils of cauline lvs. Fls small, ± sessile at anthesis; sepals 5, glab., scarious, ovate; petals (2)-3-5, narrow-obcuneate, bright yellow, apex rounded; gland 1, basal. Fruiting heads ± 4 mm. diam.; achenes small, ± swollen to ± compressed; margined, broadly ovate in outline; style straight, hooked, inconspicuous.
Low-growing herb with prostrate or arching branched stems, rooting at nodes, ± clad in subappressed hairs to glabrate. Stock short, stout, stems stout, internodes up to ± 5 cm. long. Radical lvs rosulate, on stout ± flattened petioles ± 2-4 cm. long; sheath broad, membr., us. pilose. Lamina ± broad ovate to rotund in outline, 1-2 cm. diam.; ± deeply 3-partite; lobes again 3-5-lobed or crenately toothed. Cauline lvs smaller, opp. or clustered. Scape or peduncle 1-3 cm. long. Fls up to 1 cm. diam.; sepals ± 2 mm. long, ovate; petals bright yellow, ± 4 mm. long, narrow obovate, rounded at apex; gland 1 basal. Fruiting heads globose ± 5 mm. diam.; receptacle minute, papillose, ± 2 mm. long. Achenes few, ± turgid, glab., ± 2 mm. long, finely margined; style c. 1 mm. long, slender, subulate, hooked.
"HAB. Northern Island. By rills from the snow of the Ruahine mountains, Colenso." The figure represents a common form with broad segs to both radical and cauline lvs. Type: K, 4284 N.Z. Colenso.
Glab. fleshy glaucous herb up to ± 8 cm. tall; stock very short, stout, ascending; main roots fleshy. Lvs all radical, on petioles 2.5-8 cm. long, with broad sheaths. Lamina subreniform to oblong in outline, (1)-3-5-(8)cm. long, biternately multifid, final segs linear ± 2.5 mm. long, obtuse. Scape stout, 1-fld, 1-2.5 cm. long; bracts 0 or multisect. Fls ± 2 cm. diam.; sepals 5, linear-oblong; petals 5, narrow obcuneate, slightly emarginate, yellow; gland 1, basal. Fruiting heads globose, 8-10 mm. diam.; achenes turgid, keeled, 2-3 mm. long, obliquely oval; style subulate, straight.
Small matted herb up to 4 cm. tall, ± clad in long hairs; stock very short, often emitting stolons and forming offset plants. Lvs all radical on slender ± decurved petioles up to 4 cm. long; sheath broad. Lamina broadly ovate in outline, 0·5-2 cm. long, us. 3-foliolate; lflts ternately to pinnately divided into linear segs (sts 3-lobed with broader lobes, or entire). Scape rather stout, up to 3 cm. long, 1-fld. Fls minute; sepals 5, membr., ovate; petals 5, oblong, gland 1 near base. Fruiting heads obscured by lvs; achenes 4-10, ovoid, somewhat turgid; style very minute.
Stolons short, arching. Laminae 4-8 mm. diam., crenately ± 3-lobed or toothed, on filiform petioles up to c. 2 cm. long. Fls subsessile at anthesis, 3-4 mm. diam.; sepals 5, ovate, obtuse, membr.; petals 5, yellow to greenish yellow, slightly > sepals, gland minute. Fruiting heads 5-6 mm. diam.; achenes ± 2 mm. diam., glab., slightly compressed, margined; style subulate, flattened at base, slightly hooked.
As the sp. is at present understood, the following description applies: slender glab. herb up to 30 cm. or more tall; stock rather stout, roots ∞ . Lvs all radical, on slender petioles up to 16 cm. long; lamina 2.5-7·5 cm. diam., 3-5-foliate to biternate, Iflts long-petiolulate, (a) toothed to 3-lobed or (b) 3-5-partite, segs narrow-cuneate, deeply toothed, or (c) pinnately divided. Scapes 1-5, simple or divided, nude or with 1 incised cauline If, up to 30 cm. long. Fls ± 2 cm. diam.; sepals 5, broadly ovate, sts acute; petals 5-(10), broadly ovate, bright to pale yellow; gland 1, basal. Fruiting head globose; achenes turgid, glab.; style short, slender or stout, straight or curved.
Erect or spreading branched fulvous-hairy herb up to ± 3 dm. tall; stock stout, main roots ∞.Radical lvs on petioles up to 15 cm. long, with broad sheaths. Lamina obovate to obovate-cuneate, 1-2.5-(4) cm. diam.; clad in soft long subappressed hairs; margins crenately lobed to coarsely toothed. Cauline lvs similar, smaller, often opp. or clustered in upper part of branches. Scapes or peduncles ± 7-14 cm. long, 1-2-fld. Fls 8-15 mm. or more diam.; sepals 5, oblong, spreading; petals 5, narrow-oblong, gland 1 near base. Fruiting heads subglobose, ± 8 mm. diam.; receptacle ± pilose; achenes slightly swollen, margined, ± 2 mm. long; style ± 1 mm. long, subulate, ± recurved.
Glab., tufted herb up to 6 dm. tall, with stem ± 2.5 cm. at base. Lvs all radical on stout petioles up to 16 × 3 cm. Lamina 6-18 cm. long, broadly oblong, cuneately narrowed into petiole, or base cordate, coriac., coarsely crenate or doubly crenate. Scapes stout, up to 15 cm. long, simple to branched with 1-4 sessile or shortly stalked oblong bracts up to ± 5 cm. long. Fls us. ∞, 2-5 cm. diam.; sepals 5, broadly oblong to obovate-oblong, ± 1cm. long; petals 5, golden yellow, broadly obcuneate to obovate, 1·5 cm. long, emarginate or rounded at apex. Nectary glands 2-3, basal. Fruiting heads broad-oblong; receptacle pilose. Achenes ∞, somewhat turgid, ± pilose to glabrate, ± 2 mm. long; style slender, subulate, curved.
Slender glabrate herb, up to 15 cm. tall, often pilose on petioles and scapes; stock short, slender. Lvs all radical on petioles 2.5-12.5 cm. long, with broad membr. sheaths. Lamina narrow-oblong in outline, (a) pinnate with 2-6 pairs of rounded 3-4-lobed sessile or stalked Iflts 6-9 mm. long; segs oblong-cuneate, abruptly acute or subacute, or (b) biternately divided; Iflts stalked, cuneate, deeply lobed, 2-3 cm. long. Scapes us. 1-4, nude, slender, ± pilose, up to 15 cm. long, 1-fld. Fls ± 2 cm. diam.; sepals 5, narrow-oblong, silky to glabrate, ± 5 mm. long; petals 8-10, ± 1 cm. long, narrow-obovate to cuneate, rounded to minutely retuse at apex, golden yellow; gland 1, small, basal. Achenes c. 1·5 mm. long, subturgid; style slightly hooked.
Stout erect herb up to 15 cm. tall; stock stout, main roots fleshy. Radical lvs few, sparsely hairy, coriac., on petioles up to 7 cm. long; sheaths broad, hairy on margins. Lamina subreniform to suborbicular, 2-5 cm. diam., glab. or with few marginal silky hairs, 3-partite to near base; segs 1-1·5 cm., broad-cuneate, 3-5-lobed; lobes crenate to rotund. Cauline lvs 1-2, similar to radical but smaller. Scapes up to 15 cm. long, rather slender, glab., 1-3-fld; bracts up to 2 cm. long. Fls ± 2 cm. diam.; sepals 5, broad-ovate to broad-oblong, sparsely clad in white hairs; petals 5-10, c. 1 cm. long, narrow-obovate, bright yellow; nectary gland near base. Fruiting head subglobose ± 1 cm. diam.; receptacle subglobose. Achenes c. 2 mm. long, turgid; style up to 5 mm. long, slightly curved, slightly 2-winged or keeled at base.
Stout fleshy glab. glaucous herb up to ± 15 cm. tall; stock stout, ± 1 cm. diam., up to 15 cm. or more long, with milky juice; main roots long, thick. Radical lvs on petioles 5-15 cm. long, thickening upwards; sheaths us. villous. Lamina broad-reniform to suborbicular in outline, (3)-5-10 cm. diam., palmately divided to near base into 5-7 deeply, irregularly incised segs. Scape thick, producing 1-5 peduncles; cauline lvs divided into linear segs, ± surrounding fls. Fls 2-4 cm. diam.; sepals 5, oblong, glabrate; petals 5-15, narrow-cuneate, yellow; gland 1, basal. Fruiting heads globose, ± 2 cm. diam.; receptacle swollen, papillose. Achenes glab., turgid; styles flattened-subulate, widened towards base and continued as wings.
Small rosette herb clad in sparse long hairs; stock ± 1 cm. diam.; roots ∞, soft, white. Lvs radical, ± prostrate on rather stout petioles ± twice length of lamina. Lamina deltoid in outline, 1·5 cm. diam., cordate, ± deeply 3-segmented; segs 3-4-lobed, mucronate, often mottled brown at base, margins ciliate. Scape rather stout, thinly pilose, attaining 5 cm. in fruit. Fls subsessile at anthesis; sepals 5, oblong, 5 × 2 mm., pale, membr., tips fringed; petals oblong, rounded at apex; gland 1 near base; achenes ± 30 forming globose heads ± 6 mm. diam., obliquely orbicular, slightly compressed; style short, hooked.
Branched, us. villous, tufted herb up to 9 dm. tall, with very stout stock. Radical lvs ∞ on stout petioles 10-25 × 1 cm., with brown sheathing bases. Lamina 10-14 × 10-16 cm., coriac., us. villous, especially on under surface, dark green, rounded cordate to reniform, crenate, sts shallowly lobed, basal sinus up to 4 cm. deep. Cauline lvs similar, smaller, us. more deeply cut or lobed, lobes linear-oblong. Peduncles ∞, stout, up to 10 cm. long; bracts linear-oblong, lower with 1-2 narrow lobes, upper ± entire, c. 1 cm. long. Fls 2-5 cm. diam.; sepals 5, oblong, c. 1 cm. long, pilose on dorsal surface; petals 5-10, occ. more, obovate, emarginate, yellow, c. 2 × 1·5 cm. Nectary glands 1 or 2, basal. Fruiting heads subglobose, 1-1·5 cm. diam.; receptacle cylindric, pubescent; achenes turgid, villous, obliquely obovate, ± 2mm. long; style stout and winged below, slender above, ± 3 mm. long.
Slender herb up to 15 cm. tall, very sparsely clad in long soft hairs; stock stout, with ∞ fleshy roots. Lvs mainly or all radical, on petioles (2.5)-5-7·5 cm. long; sheath membr. Lamina variously cut, (a) 3-foliolate, (b) 3-lobed, (c) 1-2-lobed to entire; Iflts or lobes round-ovate, Cauline lvs or bracts spathulate-oblong, petioles slender. Scape simple or with 1-2 branches. Fls small; sepals 5, lanceolate to narrow-oblong; petals 5, yellow, narrow-oblong, rounded at apex, clawed at base; gland 1 just above claw. Achenes few, slightly compressed, margins thickened; style subulate, hooked at tip.
Fls solitary to paniculately arrayed, perfect, regular, hypog. Sepals 3-5, deciduous or caducous; petals (0)-5-25 or more, yellow or white, with 1 or more nectary glands; stamens us. ∞; carpels in heads, us. ∞, with basal ovule; fr. of achenes. Annual to perennial herbs; lvs us. exstipulate, mostly radical, often variously lobed or dissected. Over 300 spp., chiefly of temperate regions. Of the N.Z. spp. forms of , and occur in Australia and Tasmania; of in Tasmania and Chile. has a wide range in austral regions.
Tufted herb up to 15 cm. or more tall, densely to sparsely hairy. Stock rather stout, erect, sts multicipital. Lvs us.(, radical, on petioles up to 5 cm. or more long. Lamina (0·5)-1-2-(4) cm. diam.; broad ovate to suborbicular in outline, 3-lobed to 3-foliolate, or variously toothed, rarely subentire. Scapes few to many, nude, 1-fld, us. elongating in fruit. Fls small to rather large, pale to golden yellow; sepals 5, spreading; petals 5 (rarely more) obovate to oblong; gland 1 near base. Fruiting heads small; achenes compressed to slightly swollen, glab., margined; style us. rather strongly hooked.
Small slender glab. herb with filiform creeping stems, rooting at nodes, internodes us. very short. Lvs solitary or few together at nodes, on filiform petioles up to 3 cm. long; lamina up to 1cm. long, slightly dilated to ± spathulate. Peduncles filiform, 1-2 cm. long. Fls ± 5 mm. diam.; sepals 4, ovate to oblong, ± 2 mm. long; petals 4, yellow to purple, linear, ± 6 mm. long, revolute; gland 1 well above base. Fruiting heads ± 2 mm. diam.; achenes small, few, ± turgid, obliquely ovoid; style slender, recurved.
Rather slender sparingly branched herb up to 5 dm. tall; ± pilose to glabrate. Stock rather stout, bearing ∞ radical lvs on petioles up to 12 cm. long. Lamina (5)-15-20 cm. diam., submembr., reniform with open sinus to broadly ovate-cordate to subpeltate; glab. or nearly so above, ± sparsely clad below in slender white hairs; margin shallowly to rather deeply 2-3-lobed; lobes crenate or again lobed. Cauline lvs on petioles up to 7 cm. long, 3-lobed, lobes up to 4 × 1 cm. Scape glab. to pilose, up to 5 dm. long, with 5-15 fls. Fls 2-4 cm. diam.; sepals ± 1 cm. long, becoming reflexed, ovate-oblong, hairs long; petals 5-6, 1·5 × 1 cm., bright yellow, obovate, rounded to emarginate at apex. Fruiting heads broadly conical, c. 7-10 mm. diam.; achenes obovate in outline, compressed, c. 2 mm. long, keeled at back, style 1-1·5 mm., slender.
Tufted glab. to glabrate herb up to 15 dm. tall; stock very stout, main roots fleshy; main stems up to 2 cm. diam.; branches few to several, up to 3 dm. long. Radical lvs with petioles up to 30 cm. long, pilose at the broad sheathing bases; laminae simple, subcoriac., us. quite glab., peltate, 12-30 cm. diam., suborbicular; margins crenate, sts very shallowly lobed. Lower cauline lvs subsessile, up to 10 cm. diam.; mid smaller, sts deeply lobed, merging into bracts ± 1 cm. long, lanceolate to ovate, alt., entire to ± deeply toothed. Infl. paniculate; fls ∞, ± 5 cm. diam., on pedicels up to 20 cm. long. Sepals ± villous, obovate, 7 × 5 mm. long; petals white, c. 2.5 cm. long, obovate-oblong, rounded to emarginate at apex; nectary gland very small, basal. Fruiting heads 1-3 cm. long; receptacle cylindric, pilose. Achenes pale, ± villous, obliquely obovoid, turgid, c. 3 × 1 mm.; style slender, c. 3 mm. long.
Glab. succulent sparingly branched herb, up to ± 6 dm. long, creeping and rooting at nodes; stems long, fistulose, often floating in water; stock rather short, roots slender. Petioles of radical lvs 15-50 cm. long, narrowed to lamina and membr. sheath. Lamina ± reniform in outline 3-9 cm. diam.; 3-5-flabellately divided to or near base into broad- or narrow-obcuneate divisions; these again ± deeply cut or toothed. Cauline lvs 2-4, smaller. Peduncles simple or branched, lf-opposed, up to 15 cm. long; bracts narrow-lanceolate, up to 2 cm. long. Fls 1-2 cm. diam.; sepals 5, oblong, ± 4 mm. long; petals (3)-5-(7), narrow-oblong, us. ± 7 mm. long but sts much shorter, yellow; gland 1 basal. Fruiting heads globose to ovoid, 6-7 mm. long; achenes 1·5-2-(3) mm. long, obliquely ovoid, ± compressed to ± turgid, keeled; style ± 2 mm. long, slender, flattened and widened at base.
Small sparsely hairy to glabrate rosette herb with slender radical lvs on petioles ± 16 mm.; sheath ± 14 × 3 mm., membr. Lamina c. 9 × 10 mm., broad obovate-cuneate, 3-lobed to middle, brown-flecked. Scape ± 5 cm. long, rather stout, hairs long. Sepals 5, fugaceous, c. 3 × 2 mm., broad-ovate, sparsely hairy; petals us. 5, ovate to obovate or spathulate, ± 5 × 2 mm., pale yellow; gland 1 basal. Fruiting heads small; achenes glab., somewhat turgid; style short, a little recurved.
Tufted, us. softly pilose herb up to 4 dm. tall. Stock stout, clad in old lf-sheaths; roots ∞, thick. Lvs all radical, on stout petioles up to 15 cm. long, with broad, pilose sheaths. Lamina (2.5)-4-10 cm. diam., densely to rather sparsely hairy to glabrate, reniform to suborbicular, or ovate, cordate to truncate at base, coriac. to submembr., margins coarsely crenate, sts crenately lobulate. Scapes 2-8-fld, up to 8cm. tall; lowest bract often lf-like, up to 5 × 3 cm., deeply lobed to entire; upper bract up to 3 cm. long, lanceolate to oblong, entire or with 1-2 teeth. Fls 1-3 cm. diam.; sepals 5, linear-oblong, ± 5 mm. long, glab. to pilose; petals 5-10, ± 1cm. long, narrow-obovate to obcordate; nectary gland 1, basal. Fruiting heads globose, up to 1·5 cm. diam.; achenes hairy to nearly glab., turgid, keeled, ± 2 mm. long; style c. 2-(3) mm. long, straight or slightly hooked, expanded to base, or with 3 narrow wings.
Small glab. ± fleshy herb up to 8 cm. tall; stock short, rather stout; main roots stout. Lvs radical, dark green, coriac., on flattened petioles up to 2.5 cm. long; sheath broad, membr. Lamina crenate, 3-7-foliolate or ternately divided, 1-3 cm. diam., lateral lflts sessile, terminal long- stalked, all ± deeply 3-lobed or -partite. Scapes 1-3, 1-fld, rather stout, up to 7 cm. long, nude. Fls 1·5-2 cm. diam.; sepals broad-oblong, obtuse to subacute, ± 5 mm. long; petals 5-8, bright yellow, ± 8 mm. long, obovate-cuneate; gland 1, broadly crescent-shaped, basal. Fruiting heads subglobose, ± 6 mm. diam. Achenes turgid, obliquely obovoid, ± 1 mm. diam.; style rather stout, subulate, straight or slightly hooked.
"Almost exactly as the type but spreading widely by stout, soft, white underground stems, which occasionally arch above the ground. Debris at Blue Lake, Garvie Mts., 1230 m. altitude". Type: BD 59406, Simpson and Thomson, Nov. 1938. The creeping stems are not well shown.
Small matted depressed herb up to 4 cm. tall, ± clad in long soft hairs. Stock stout, fleshy, creeping, branched, ± 5 mm. diam.; roots thick, fleshy. Lvs all radical, ± fleshy, crowded at tips of stock branches on flattened fleshy petioles up to 3 cm. long, clad in long weak hairs; sheath short, pilose. Lamina cuneate to obovate-cuneate, 1-2 cm. diam.; deeply 3-lobed, lobes again deeply 3-partite; ultimate segs up to 5 mm. long, linear to narrow-oblong. Scape 1-fld, up to 25 mm. long, stout; fls ± 1-2 cm. diam. Sepals 5, narrow-oblong, silky membr.; petals (5)-10-15, obovate-spathulate, bright yellow; gland 1 (sts 2-3) near base. Fruiting heads globose, 8-10 mm. diam.; receptacle pilose; achenes turgid, glab, to sparsely hairy; style stout, subulate.
Glab. herb up to 10 cm. tall; seedlings with tuber-like rootlets; stock stout, erect or ascending, up to 4 cm. long; main roots thick, descending to ± 3 dm. Lvs radical on rigid petioles up to 5 cm. or more long, with broad sheaths; lamina greyish green, suborbicular in outline, cuneate to subreniform at base, 2-6 cm. diam., deeply 3-5-lobed, crenate to dentate. Scapes 1-(4), stout, nude, 1-fld, 1-2 cm. long. Fls (2)-4 cm. diam.; sepals 5, pale yellow, ovate-oblong, at length deflexed, 5 mm. or more long; petals 5-8 or more, golden yellow, broad-obovate, emarginate; gland 1 basal. Fruiting heads small, globose; achenes few, turgid, glab.; style subulate, ± = achenes, curved.
Stout ± fleshy herb up to 25 cm. tall, sparsely hairy to glabrate; stock short, stout; main roots fleshy. Lvs all radical, on petioles 1-10 cm. long, with broad sheathing bases. Lamina (1)-2-8 cm. diam., subreniform, deeply crenately lobed, cuneate-truncate to cordate at base. Scape (2)-5-15 cm. long, stout, thickened in upper part, pilose at junction with receptacle; nude or with 1-2 oblong-cuneate bracts, obtuse, entire or with 1-2 teeth. Fls ± 2.5 cm. diam. Sepals 5-6, oblong to linear; petals yellow, 5-10, obovate to oblong, hardly = sepals; nectary glands 1-3 towards base. Fruiting heads subglobose, up to 1·5 cm. diam.; receptacle broad-cylindric. Achenes ∞, glab., turgid, 1-2 mm. long; styles slender, straight, 1-2 mm. long, 2-3-winged at base.
Spreading sparsely hairy herb up to ± 25 cm. long; stock rather slender to stout, main roots ∞.Radical lvs on slender petioles up to 15 cm. or more long, clad sparsely in appressed hairs; lamina pale green, up to 4 cm. diam., deltoid to broad-ovate, truncate to subcordate at base, irregularly crenately 3-5-lobed or coarsely crenate. Cauline lvs similar, smaller, often opp. Scape us. lengthening in fruit up to 15 cm. long. Fls us. in axils of cauline lvs, ± 1 cm. diam., pedicels short; sepals 5, ± 3 mm. long, ovate, membr.; petals 5, ± 6 mm. long, oblong, rounded at tips, yellow; gland basal 1. Fruiting heads ovoid 8-10 mm. long; receptacle glabrate; achenes obliquely obovate, ± 4 × 2 mm., compressed, margined; style minute, stout, straight.
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Lvs dark to brownish green, deltoid in outline, 3-lobed to 3-partite; lobes entire or terminal with 2 lateral teeth; fls ± 5 mm. diam.; sepals broad ovate to suborbicular; petals shorter, spathulate, yellow at apex only; gland 1.
Glab. branching herb up to 2 dm. or more long; stems creeping, rooting at nodes, sts floating; stock slender to stout, erect or ascending, sts moniliformly thickened. Radical lvs in tufts at nodes, on slender to filiform petioles 2-10-(15) cm. long; sheath membr., delicate. Lamina obovate-cuneate to suborbicular to reniform in outline, 0·5-4 cm. diam.; flabellately divided to base into 3-5-(7) segs; these narrow-cuneate to linear ± deeply toothed, rarely entire. Lower cauline lvs similar, smaller; upper reduced to bracts 1 cm. or less long. Peduncles lf-opposed, 4-10 cm. long; fls 5-7-(10)mm. diam., solitary or paired; sepals 5, spreading, 3-5 mm. long; petals 5-10, yellow, 3-6 mm. long, narrow-oblong; gland 1 well above base. Fruiting heads globose, ± 7 mm. diam.; receptacle glab.; achenes ± turgid, glab., 1·5-2 mm. long, keeled, obliquely obovoid; style 1·5-2 mm. long, subulate, ± recurved at apex.
Small, rather sparsely hairy, rosette plant with stout stock ± 1 cm. diam., bearing ∞ rather thick roots. Lvs all radical, on hirsute petioles up to 5 cm. long; sheath broad, membr. Lamina broadly ovate-cuneate, ± 1·5 cm. diam., 3-lobed, lobes crenately 1-2-toothed. Scape stout, 2-3 mm. long at anthesis, becoming up to 10 cm. or more at fruiting stage. Sepals 5, ± 5 mm. long, oblong, membr.; petals 0 (one specimen found with a single petal 7 × 2 mm., sharply clawed, gland 1 near base). Fruiting heads ± globose, 5-9 mm. diam.; receptacle small, pilose. Achenes ± 2 mm. long, obliquely suborbicular, slightly compressed and margined; style ± 1 mm. long, hooked.
Rather stout silky hairy pale green herb up to 25 cm. tall; stock stout, ascending or creeping and forming matted patches. Lvs all radical on stout petioles 2.5-12 cm. or more long; sheaths very broad, membr. Lamina broad-ovate to ovate-cordate in outline, membr., 1-4 cm. diam.; 3-pinnatisect, hairs extending as fringe to margins; final segs linear to narrow-oblong, ± acute. Scape rather stout, exceeding lvs, 1-(2)-fld, nude, or with entire to laciniate bracts. Fls 2.5-4 cm. diam.; sepals ovate-oblong, membr., 1-1·5 cm. long; petals 5-10, broadly obovate-cuneate, rounded to emarginate at tips, ± 1·5 × 1cm., golden yellow; glands mostly 3, near base. Fruiting heads globose to ovoid, ± 1 cm. diam.; receptacle ± 1 cm. long. Achenes glab., turgid, keeled, ± 2-3 mm. long, obliquely obovoid; style stout, subulate.
Slender herb up to 15 cm. tall, sparsely clad in long white hairs to glabrate; stock short, slender. Lvs all radical on very slender petioles up to 5 cm. or more long; sheath short, membr. Lamina narrow-oblong in outline, 2-5 cm. long, bipinnate to bipinnatisect to multifid, primary pinnae in up to 6 pairs, final segs linear to linear-lanceolate, acute. Scapes very slender, nude, up to 10 cm. or more long, 1-fld. Fls 1-2 cm. diam.; sepals 5, ± glab., oblong; petals 5-(10), twice length of sepals, golden yellow, narrow obovate, rounded to minutely retuse at apex; gland small, basal. Fruiting heads globose, small; achenes turgid, glab.; style short, subulate, straight.
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Slender low-growing branching herb up to 10 cm. tall, sparingly clad in long weak hairs; stems and branches slender, prostrate or arching, rooting at nodes; stock very small. Radical lvs in tufts at nodes, on very slender to almost filiform petioles 2-8 cm. long; sheath membr. Lamina 3-foliolate or 3-ternate, ± 1 cm. diam. Lflts long petioluled, entire, acute, or again 3-lobed. Peduncles up to 3 cm. long, axillary or us. opp. small cauline lvs. Fls 4-7 mm. diam.; sepals 5, fugaceous, ovate, membr., pilose; petals 5, narrow-oblong, clawed at base; gland 1 above claw. Achenes 5-10, somewhat flattened, glab.; style short, rather slender, hooked at apex.
Slender, erect or spreading, branching, ± pilose herb up to 6 dm. or more tall. Stock rather stout, erect. Radical lvs ∞, on slender petioles up to ± 35 cm. long; lamina 3-5-(10)cm. long, 3-foliolate to ternately divided; lflts deeply lobed, terminal one on petiolule up to 15 mm. long. Cauline lvs similar, smaller. Fls ± 1 cm. diam. on branched infl.; pedicels up to ± 10 cm. long; sepals 5-(4), at length reflexed, silky-hairy on dorsal surface; petals 5, bright yellow, later pale, obovate-oblong, rounded at apex; gland 1, basal. Fruiting heads globose; achenes glab., ± 3 × 2 mm., compressed, obliquely oval, margins thickened; style rather long, flattened at base, strongly curved.
Stems prostrate, much-branched, creeping and rooting; final branchlets erect, very densely compacted, forming flat mats or occ. rounded cushions up to 1 m. or more diam. Lvs very densely imbricate in c. 5 series, not > c. 2 mm. long, sts smaller, spathulate, subemarginate, often apiculate; basal portion 1-nerved, nearly glab.; upper portion clad on both surfaces in dense appressed tomentum. Capitula c. 4-5 mm. diam.; inner phyll. 1·5-2.5 mm. long, narrow elliptic-oblong, obtuse, tips shining bright yellow, spreading. Florets 12-20, 3-4 mm. long, subfunnelform, c. half ♀. Achenes 0·5-1 mm. long, nearly glab.; pappus-hairs slender, up to ± 4 mm. long. Style with a distinct stylopodium.
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Stock stout, woody, branches woody in lower parts, densely compacted, forming cushions up to 15 cm. or more diam., and 5 cm. or more tall. Lvs densely imbricate, 2.5-4 × 2-3 mm., broadly cuneate, truncate, apiculate, 1-nerved; dorsal surface with brush of long straight hairs near base, glab. in upper part; ventral surface glab. in lower portion, with brush of long straight hairs near and projecting beyond apex. Capitula up to 6 mm. diam.; inner phyll. lanceolate, c. 3 mm. long, acute, glab., ± ciliate near base. Florets 10-15, corolla dark crimson. Achenes barely 1 mm. long, clad in stiff hairs; pappus-hairs c. 2.5 mm. long, stiff.
Stock rather woody, stems rather closely branched, branchlets ascending, forming flat patches. Lvs closely imbricate, 3-nerved, ascending, incurved at tips, 5-7 mm. long, linear, acuminate; basal portion membr., c. 1 mm. wide, clad in loose tomentum; apical portion densely clad in appressed white tomentum, margins slightly revolute. Capitula up to 5 mm. diam.; inner phyll. linear-lanceolate, acute, scarious, yellowish; apices pale brown, ± pilose on back. Achenes hardly 1 mm. long, narrow-oblong, glab. to puberulous; pappus-hairs up to 5 mm. long--some flattened towards base, others terete, all slender, not or hardly thickened at apex.
Stock very stout, woody; branches woody below, very densely compacted, forming rounded cushions up to 1 m. or more diam., up to 5 dm. or more tall. Lvs densely imbricate, 3-4 × up to 1·5 mm., 1-nerved, obovate- to oblong-spathulate to narrow-oblong, rounded at apex; apical portion on both surfaces with dense brush of long straight hairs exceeding and obscuring outline of lamina; ventral surface glab. below; dorsal surface clad in ascending straight hairs. Capitula c. 3 mm. diam. Inner phyll. linear, 3-4 mm. long, scarious on margins, pilose in upper portion, tips not white, not radiating. Florets 10-15 or more. Achenes hardly 1 mm. long, clad in long silky hairs; pappus-hairs rigid.
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Lvs less densely imbricate, cottony at base, broader, softer, 2.5 mm. long, more obtuse. Capitula not > 4 mm. diam.; florets 6-10; achenes glab., pappus-hairs c. 3 mm. long.
Capitula heterogamous, discoid, solitary, sessile or subsessile, terminal. Phyll. scarious to membr., with or without radiate, us. white, tips. Receptacle small, alveolate, nude. Outer florets pistillate, filiform, 2-5-toothed; disk-florets perfect or sts sterile, tubular, 5-toothed. Anthers sagittate at base, cells produced into fine tails. Style-arms of disk-florets truncate and papillate. Achenes ± oblong, glab. to pubescent or setose to papillose. Pappus-hairs: (a) in several series, 50-150; or (b) 15-25 in 1 series. Low-growing tufted or creeping and rooting herbs or subshrubs, often forming cushions or mats, with small, us. crowded lvs. Besides the N.Z. spp., all endemic, a few have been described from New Guinea.
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Habit rather more open, lvs spathulate, c. 3 mm. long, ± inflexed, clad almost to base on both surfaces in soft white tomentum. Inner phyll. pale stramineous, margins hyaline, apical tomentum dark brown to almost black; pappus-hairs very slightly thickened; papillae minutely claviform. Achenes glab. or nearly so.
Forming lax patches up to c. 30 cm. diam.; branches very slender, prostrate and rooting; branchlets ∞, laxly disposed, spreading to erect. Lvs rather distant, internodes c. 2 mm. long; lamina 3-4 mm. long, narrow-spathulate; membr. and glab. at base; spreading apical portion ± inflexed, subcoriac., obtuse, clad on ventral surface in dense woolly tomentum, on dorsal surface in appressed silky hairs. Capitula c. 6 mm. diam.; phyll. 4 mm. long, linear-oblong, obtuse, greenish yellow to brownish. Achenes linear, c. 1 mm. long, minutely papillose-pubescent; pappus-hairs up to 4 mm. long, ∞, white, shining.
Stock stout, woody; branches densely compacted, woody at base, forming hard rounded cushions up to 50 cm. diam. Lvs densely imbricate, c. 3-4 × 1 mm., obovate-spathulate, rounded at apex; basal portion glab. on ventral surface, clad in floccose hairs on dorsal surface below apex; apical portion clad on both surfaces in straight ascending hairs but little exceeding lamina-apex. Capitula up to 6·5 mm. diam., inner phyll. c. 4 mm. long, narrow-oblong, margins scarious; tips obtuse, white, radiating. Florets 10-12. Achenes up to 1·25 mm. long, clad in long silky hairs; pappus-hairs c. 3 mm. long, rigid.
Stems prostrate, creeping and rooting; final branchlets ascending; forming close to open flat patches. Lvs closely distichously arranged, 2-3 mm. long, linear-oblong to oblong-spathulate, obtuse, sts apiculate; basal portion 3-nerved, membr., clad in appressed white tomentum; apical portion spreading, involute; ventral surface ± densely clad in matted tomentum; dorsal surface with appressed dense to sparse tomentum. Capitula up to 5 mm. diam. Inner phyll. 3-5 × c. 1 mm., linear-oblong, glab. except for sparse hairs at tips, pale yellow-green, margins hyaline, obtuse tips us. dark brown. Florets ± 15, ♀ 8-10. Achenes c. 1 mm. long, papillate-pubescent; pappus-hairs slender, papillae very finely claviform, c. 3·5 mm. long, not thickened at tips.
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Stems laxly branched, branches and branchlets ascending. Lvs densely imbricate, 4-6 × up to 3 mm., obovate-spathulate, apiculate; lower portion appressed, membr., 3-nerved, ± golden, silky-hairy; apical portion coriac., clad in dense felted white to yellowish tomentum, tip strongly thickened and recurved. Capitula 6-7 mm. diam.; inner phyll. 4-5 mm. long, linear, margins hyaline; tips white, ± pubescent, radiate. Florets 30-50, ♀ few. Achenes up to 1 mm. long, finely pubescent; pappus-hairs c. 50, c. 4 mm. long, mainly compressed, thickened and papillate at tips, a few slender and hardly thickened at tips.
Stock hard, woody; branches woody at base, densely compacted, forming cushions up to 25 cm. diam. and 15 cm. tall. Lvs 2-4 × 1-1·5 mm., obovate-spathulate, rounded to truncate at tips. Apical portion of lf clad on both surfaces in long straight hairs exceeding lamina; lower portion glab. on both surfaces, 1-nerved. Capitula c. 3 mm. diam. Inner phyll. linear, obtuse, scarious on margins, tip white, short, radiating. Florets 10-15; corolla crimson to purplish. Achenes c. 2.5 mm. long, clad in long silky hairs; pappus-hairs c. 2.5 mm. long, rigid.
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Stems slender, creeping and rooting, laxly to densely branched; branchlets ascending; forming flat patches or mats up to c. 1 m. diam. Lvs laxly to closely imbricate, spreading, up to 5 × 2 mm., sublanceolate, tapering from base to acute or apiculate apex; basal portion appressed, scarious, 1-nerved; apical portion sparsely clad in appressed whitish tomentum; subcapitular lvs sts obtuse. Capitula up to 6 mm. diam.; inner phyll. c. 4 mm. long, glab., linear-oblong to ovate, obtuse or retuse to subacute, margins broad, hyaline, tips ± darkened, not radiate. Florets 10-20, c. half ♀. Achenes c. 1 mm. long, glab. to puberulous; pappus-hairs c. 4 mm. long, very slender, not thickened at tips, with very obscure papillae.
Lvs dimorphic: (a) c. 4 × 2 mm., broadly obovate-cuneate, obtuse, often apiculate, clad on both surfaces in dense appressed white tomentum; (b) on lower parts of branchlets, c. 2 mm. long, linear, acute, tomentum thin. Transitional lvs also occur. Inner phyll. with pale tips.
Branchlets close-set, seldom > 15 mm. long; forming mosslike patches; lvs glab., linear, up to 2 mm. long, margins inrolled; phyll. us. less dark at tips; ♀ c. twice perfect.
Branches tufted, forming soft patches up to c. 10 cm. diam. and 5 cm. tall. Lvs densely imbricate, spreading at tips, 3·5-6·5 × 2-2.5 mm., obovate-oblong, 3-nerved, densely clad on both surfaces in soft buff to white tomentum. Capitula up to 1·5 cm. diam.; inner phyll. linear-oblong, acute, with white radiating tips up to 5 mm. long. Florets 25-50 or more, ♀ c. = perfect. Achenes up to 0.75 mm. long, pubescent to nearly glab.; pappus-hairs up to 4 mm. long, rigid, slightly thickened above.
Fls solitary, axillary; calyx free from ovary, deeply lobed; corolla-tube subcampanulate, limb obscurely 2-lipped. Stamens 4, staminode present, inserted on corolla-tube; filaments long, slender; anthers cruciately paired. Disk small, annular. Ovary superior, ovoid; style filiform; stigma 2-lobed. Capsule ovoid, acuminate, 2-valved; valves 2-fid, separating from placentae. Seeds minute, ∞. Genus with 1 known sp. endemic to N.Z.
Much-branched scabrous shrub up to c. 2 m. tall, with opp. branches and branchlets. Hairs stiff, conical, several-celled. Lvs on slender petioles up to ± 10 mm. long. Lamina broad-ovate to suborbicular, coarsely serrate-dentate, (1)-2-3-(5) × 1·5-3-(5) cm., appearing grey-green owing to indumentum. Fls nodding, 2-2.5 cm. long, solitary on slender pedicels up to 2-(4) cm. long. Calyx ± 1 cm. long, pilose, lobes ovate- to triangular-acuminate. Corolla us. orange with red veins; lobes spreading, ciliolate, up to c. 2 cm. long. Staminal filaments slender, incurved above. Disk annular, obscure; style curved at apex, ± 15 mm. long; stigma small, rather obscurely 2-lobed. Capsule ± 7-10 mm. long, invested by persistent calyx, ovoid, tapering to apex, placentae thick, 2-lobed; seeds ∞, ovoid.
Fls small, axillary to terminal, perfect or unisexual, in ebracteate clusters arranged in spikes or racemes. Per. 5-partite, not or very slightly enlarging in fr.; stamens 5-0; filaments flattened; ovary subglobose, ± depressed; styles 1-(3). Fr. a ± globose berry, free from per.; seed horizontal, embryo annular, endosperm cop. Shrubs, sub-shrubs, or herbs with alt. or opp. lvs. About 12 spp. in Australia and 1 in N.Z.
Perennial polygamo-dioec. prostrate to sublianoid subshrub with slender, hard, woody, much and openly branched main stems up to 6 dm. long; branchlets very slender, ± mealy pubescent, sulcate, becoming glab. Lvs alt. or occ. subopp., distant, on mealy filiform petioles up to 5 mm. long; lamina thin, ovate to lanceolate, subhastate to truncate at base, 5-10-(25) × 3-7-(10) mm., acute; margins entire. Fls minute in small clusters in axillary and terminal simple or occ. branched spikes. Per. pale or flushed with red, segs 5, ovate, obtuse;♂ with us. 3 stamens; ♀ with 1-2 staminodes (some pollen occ. produced). Ovary with 2 styles; fr. globose, succulent, bright red, ± 3-4 mm. diam.; seeds black, pitted.
Fls us. perig., small, perfect, regular, in axillary corymbose cymes or fascicles, 5-(4)-merous; sepals valvate; petals us. clawed, sts 0. Stamens opp. petals, outside disk lining rim of receptacle; anthers 2-celled, dehiscing lengthwise. Ovary 2-4-carpelled, superior or apparently inferior; ovules 1-(2) per locule, with basal placenta. Fr. drupaceous or capsular, the carpels separating into cocci; seeds with large embryo. Mostly trees, shrubs or woody lianes with us. alt., simple, stipulate lvs. Widely distributed family of some 45 genera and 550 spp.
Annual erect or spreading ± pilose herb up to 30 cm. tall, with rather stout taproot; main stem and branches ± quadrangular in section; branches at very wide angle to stem, terminating in lax racemes. Basal lvs up to 10 cm. long, on petioles ± 1 cm. long, ± ovate-oblong in outline, sublyrately pinnate to pinnatisect. Pinnae up to 1·5 cm. long, coarsely dentate-serrate; terminal lflts up to 2.5 cm. long, ovate to narrow- ovate, acute to acuminate; lowest lflts minute. Cauline lvs similar, smaller, us. ∞.Racemes up to 5 cm. long at anthesis, elongating to ± 10 cm. in fr. Fls small, rather distant, subopp. to alt. on slender sub- patent petioles ± 5 mm. long. Sepals 1·5-2 mm. long; petals obovate- spathulate, 1·5-2 mm. long. Median honey glands developed. Siliques or silicles ellipsoid, ± 5-7 × 2 mm.; valves convex; styles stiff, hardly 1 mm. long, stigma hardly wider. Seeds many, ± oval in outline, very finely papillose, c. 0·5 mm. diam., reddish brown.
Stamens 6; style 2-lobed; fr. a silicle or short silique; valves convex, 1-nerved or nerve obsolete. Seeds us. ∞, turgid, in 2 rows, sts irregularly so; cots accumbent. Aquatic to terrestrial annual to short-lived perennial herbs of c. 50 spp., mainly of temperate regions.
Glab. perennial herb up to 1 m. or more tall, with long taproot; stock c. 1 cm. diam.; stems up to 1 cm. diam., erect to spreading, branching at a wide angle. Lvs up to c. 15 cm. long, thin, oblong to lanceolate in outline, subacute to acuminate, cuneately narrowed into amplexicaul base; coarsely and irregularly serrate (rarely subentire) to lyrately pinnatifid. Racemes simple or sparingly branched, up to c. 5 dm. long; pedicels sub- patent, c. 5 mm. long. Sepals ovate-oblong, ± 3 mm. long; petals white, linear-spathulate, ± 3·5 mm. long. Siliques 3 × 1-1·5 cm., spreading; styles stout, c. 2 mm. long. Seeds c. 1 × 0.75 mm., reticulate-papillose, reddish brown.
Infl. various; fls us. perfect, regular, 5-merous, perig. to epig. Receptacle us. ± hollowed, often coloured and ± fleshy. Sepals us. imbricate; petals us. imbricate, sts ∞.Stamens us. 5-10 or more; anthers 2-celled, longitudinally dehiscent; disk us. glandular (nectariferous). Carpels 1 to many, free or united and adnate to receptacle. Fr. various. Trees, shrubs or herbs with alt., simple or compound, stipulate lvs. Subcosmopolitan, with some 120 genera and 3000 spp.
Fls in open to congested cymes or fascicles to solitary, perfect to unisexual, 4-5-merous, us. regular; calyx lobed to truncate, sts absent; corolla gamopetalous. Stamens inserted on corolla-tube alt. with lobes; anthers 2-celled, dehiscing longitudinally. Ovary us. inferior, us. 2-loculed; fr. dry or succulent, endosperm us. cop. Trees, shrubs and herbs with opp. decussate entire or rarely toothed stipulate lvs. Stipules intra- or inter-petiolar, often lflike. Subcosmopolitan, with some 400 genera and over 5000 spp.
Juvenile plants creeping over forest floor, rooting at intervals; branchlets slender, pubescent, us. with ∞ slender prickles; lvs ternate to quinate; lflts thin, glabrate, ovate to ovate-oblong, acute to obtuse, acutely serrate; lamina c. 1-3 × 1-2 cm., with petiolule up to 5 cm. long, finer veins distinct. Adult plants dioec. lianes with stout main stems, up to 10 m. or more long; lvs ternate to quinate; lflts elliptic to ovate or suborbicular, coriac., glab. except on main veins, acute to obtuse, rounded to oblique at base; lamina 3-5 × 1-3·5 cm., with petiole 2-5 cm. long, finer venation distinct to indistinct. Fls distant on pedicels c. 1 cm. long, in panicles or occ. racemes up to 2 dm. long. Sepals 2-4 mm. long, ovate, obtuse, pubescent; petals 5, white, broad-ovate, c. 3-6 mm. long; frs c. 9 mm. diam., of ∞ drupelets, flesh yellowish, achenes c. 3-4 mm. long.
Liane up to 15 m. or more tall, with very stout main stems up to 1 dm. or more diam., much-branched; branches us. unarmed, branchlets with stout recurved reddish prickles. Lvs quinate, occ. ternate, aculeate-serrate, coriac., glab., fine veins us. distinct, petioles and petiolules us. armed with recurved prickles, stipules narrow-linear; lamina polymorphic: (a) narrow linear-lanceolate, acuminate, submembr., 7-15 cm. × 3-10 mm., truncate to shallowly cordate at base (not seen flowering in this form); (b) ovate-lanceolate, acute to acuminate, rarely obtuse, coriac., 6-15 × 2-3 cm., subcordate at base; (c) broadly ovate-oblong to oblong, acute to acuminate, or occ. obtuse, 6-15 × 3-6 cm., truncate to oblique at base. Forms intermediate between (b) and (c) are common. Fls unisexual, in us. large much-branched panicles up to 6 dm. long; branchlets and pedicels glandular-pubescent; sepals pubescent, pale-margined, ovate-oblong, obtuse, 3-5 mm. long; petals 5, white, 5-8 mm. long, ovate to oblong or obovate; stamens ∞; frs 5-10 mm. long, drupelets ∞, flesh orange-red.
Fls perfect or unisexual, in panicles or racemes, rarely solitary; receptacle broad; sepals 5, persistent; petals 5; stamens ∞; carpels ∞, on convex receptacle. Fr. of aggregated 1-seeded drupelets; seed pend. Scrambling, us. ± prickly shrubs or lianes; lvs us. palmately lobed or compound, stipules adnate to petiole. Cosmopolitan with c. 1000 spp.; the N.Z. spp. endemic.
Low-growing dioec. shrub with creeping main stem up to 1 m. long, rooting at nodes, unarmed when mature, bark reddish; sts semi-lianoid. Lvs 1-foliolate, coriac., dark to bronze-green above, paler below, linear to linear-oblong or narrow-lanceolate, acute, shallowly cordate at base, spinulose-dentate on margins; midrib sparingly prickly; lamina 2.5-9 cm. × 5-20 mm., with petiole c. 2 cm. long, stipules narrow-linear. Fls solitary and lf-opposed or in small, few-fld panicles; sepals ovate-long-acuminate, c. 5-8 mm. long, pubescent; petals 5, white, ovate to broad-ovate, obtuse, c. 1 cm. or less long. ♂ with ∞ stamens; ♀ with ∞ carpels; fr. c. 1-2.5 cm. long, of ∞ aggregated drupelets, flesh red.
Liane, dioec., with stout climbing stems up to c. 10 m. long, or forming bushes with interlacing branchlets when lacking support; branchlets with red prickles or unarmed. Lvs ternate (occ. 3-lobed only) rarely quinate with a pair of small basal lflts. Lflts ovate to oval, or lanceolate to broad-elliptic, coriac., glabrate and ± rugose above, densely clad in ferruginous to greyish tomentum below, subacute to acute or acuminate, bluntly serrate, rounded to subcordate at base; stipules linear; veins prominent below, midrib unarmed or nearly so, lamina 15-35 × 2-6 cm., with petiole up to 5 cm. long. Fls in panicles up to 10 cm. long, occ. reduced to racemes; sepals ovate-oblong to broad-ovate, 2-6 mm. long, pubescent; petals 5, white, c. 4-7 mm. long, ovate to broad-ovate; ♂ with ∞ stamens; ♀ with ∞ carpels; fr. c. 5-7 mm. long, of ∞ aggregated drupelets, flesh yellowish.
Differs from the type in the narrow linear-lanceolate lflts, greater armature of prickles, and us. more compact panicles. It is more frequently seen in the bushy habit, and as a liane is of lower stature.
Liane with slender to stout stems up to 10 m. or more tall; branchlets slender, unarmed to prickly; in open often of bushy growth with densely interlacing branchlets; prickles yellow, hardly recurved to straight. Lvs quinate to ternate, with prickly petioles and petiolules, stipules narrow-linear; lamina glab., polymorphic: (a) reduced almost to midrib, c. 1-5 cm. × 1-5 mm., often lobed at base, on petioles and petiolules up to 2 dm. long, us. beset with prickles; found on bushy form or on plants scrambling over low shrubs; passing into (b) well-developed lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, distantly serrate to crenate-serrate, sts lobed, rounded at base, up to 7 × 3 cm., petioles and petiolules shorter, unarmed to markedly prickly; midrib unarmed or sparingly prickly. Fls in panicles or racemes up to 2 dm. long, pedicels pubescent; sepals oblong-ovate, pubescent, c. 3-4 mm. long; petals 5, yellowish, linear-oblong, c. 4-5 mm. long; stamens ∞; carpels ∞; frs c. 6 mm. long, flesh orange-red.
Fls us. perfect, in clusters on simple or branched racemes or spikes. Outer 3 tepals small, thin; inner 3 enlarging and hardening in fr., with or without tubercles on midribs. Stamens 6, basifixed. Fr. triquetrous or trigonous, invested by persistent hardened per. Annual to perennial herbs, us. with deeply descending stout taproot; lvs alt., stipules ochreate. Subcosmopolitan genus with some 150 spp., the N.Z. pair endemic.
Glab. herb up to 20 cm. tall, us. less; stock long, stout, often branched above. Lvs in clusters on flattened petioles up to 6 cm. long; ochrea up to 3 cm. long; lamina (2)-5-8-(12) × (1)-2-4 cm., narrow-oblong, cuneate to truncate at base; margins subcrenate-sinuate. Infl. lvs narrow-oblong to linear, decreasing from 3 cm. Infl. of dense axillary clusters up to ± 16-fld, on short stout, simple or 1-2-branched axis. Fls on short ± deflexed pedicels to subsessile. Outer tepals ± 2 mm. long, oblong; inner ovate-lanceolate ± 4 mm. long; tubercle ± 1 mm. long. Fr. c. 2-2.5 × 1 mm., pale brown, sublustrous, triquetrous, tightly invested by thickened per.; fimbriate stigma persistent.
Rhizome stout, far-creeping, ± 5 mm. diam., densely clad in pale brown ovate-to subulate-attenuate paleae up to 1 cm. or more long; stipites rather distant along rhizome. Stipes stout, grooved, up to 5 mm. diam., 30-65 cm. long, smooth, ± densely paleate. Rhachis stout, grooved, subflexuose, paleate. Lamina 20-40-(50) × 15-30 cm., ovate-deltoid, 2-3-pinnate, acuminate, very coriac., rigid, light green, glab. or nearly so. Larger (lower) pinnae 13-18 × 5-9 cm., stalked, ascending, alt., rather distant, ovate- to lanceolate-deltoid, acuminate. Secondary pinnae up to 5 × 2 cm., about ovate. Tertiary pinnae or segs up to 15 × 5 mm. Final lobes about oblong, rounded. Sori cop. in 2 rows along secondary pinnae, with accessory ones in lobes, up to c. 20 per pinna, 1·5-2 mm. diam. Indusium flat, with raised ± crenulate margins.
Rhizome stout, creeping, clad in ferruginous linear-subulate paleae; stipites distributed along rhizome. Stipes stout, 20-45 cm. long, clad towards base in linear paleae. Rhachis stout, grooved, nude or nearly so. Lamina deltoid to ovate-deltoid, acuminate, coriac., dark green and rather glossy above; 3-pinnate; 30-60 × 20-30 cm. Larger (lower) pinnae stalked, about lanceolate, with one elongate secondary pinna, acuminate, up to 20 cm. or more long. Secondary pinnae about ovate-lanceolate the larger again pinnate, remainder pinnatifid; segs dentate-aristate. Sori in 2 rows near midvein; indusium orbicular with minute sinus.
Rhizome stout, up to 5 mm. diam., creeping, densely clad in dark red-brown linear-attenuate paleae up to 1 cm. long; stipites distributed along rhizome. Stipes stout, grooved, 20-40-(50) cm. long, dark reddish brown, densely clad in stiff patent dark hairs up to 1 cm. long, with swollen bases remaining as tubercles. Rhachis stout, similarly clad and coloured. Lamina 20-50 × 12-30 cm., 3-(4)-pinnate, brownish green, firm, thinly coriac., deltoid to broad-ovate, acuminate, veins and veinlets us. prominent. Primary pinnae up to 10-20 × 5-10 cm., stalked, obliquely deltoid to ovate-lanceolate, acuminate. Secondary pinnae up to 7 × 3 cm., ovate to lanceolate-oblong, acuminate, stalked. Tertiary pinnae sessile decurrent to very shortly stalked, up to 2 cm. long, narrow-oblong to narrow-lanceolate, pinnatifid; teeth narrow-lanceolate, aristate to acute. Sori up to 8 per tertiary pinnule, 0.75-1·5 mm. diam.; indusium round-reniform with narrow sinus.
Sori dorsal subterminal on veins, indusium peltate or orbicular reniform; sporangia stalked; annulus incomplete, vertical. Spores bilateral, becoming verrucose by shrinking of epispore. Rhizome far-creeping, dictyostelic, paleate; stipes us. paleate, if hairy then with unicellular hairs. Lamina anadromic, us. decompound. About 50 spp., mostly of China, but those with reniform indusium sts placed in , 1875.
Infl. various; fls us. perfect, regular; sepals 4-5, imbricate, sts connate at base; petals 4-5, imbricate, us. free; disk between stamens and ovary; stamens 3-10 or occ. more, attached to disk; anthers 2-celled, introrse, dehiscing lengthwise, connective often glandular. Ovary superior, us. 4-5-lobed, sts of free carpels; placentae axile, ovules often superposed. Fr. various, seed with large embryo. Mostly shrubs or trees with gland-dotted, aromatic, alt. or opp., simple or compound, exstipulate lvs. A widely distributed family with over 100 genera and 1000 spp.
A perennial subshrub with prostrate woody stems ± 3-4 mm. diam., up to 3 dm. or more long; branches ∞, the plant forming extensive patches up to 6 dm. or more diam. Branchlets mainly opp., us. crowded, erect or ascending, completely invested by lvs, which are long-persistent in withered state. Lvs opp., ± translucent, succulent, green or flushed with red; the pairs completely fused to form a terete "joint" 5-6-(15) × 3-7 mm.; apex free, forming a "collar" with 2 minute lobes. Fls axillary, in upper portion of branchlets, forming a "spike" with shorter, thicker "joints"; the fls sunk in axils, 5-10-(15) in a ring. Per. fleshy, thickened, ± urceolate, with 3-5 minute teeth; stamens 1-2; style branches 2, stigmatic portion linear, minutely papillose. Fr. ± ovoid; seeds ± 2 mm. diam., with coriac. testa clad in minute hooked hairs.
Fls (1)-5-10-(15) per cluster in axils of uppermost lvs or bracts, forming a simple or branched spike. Per. ± 3-lobed, ± immersed; bracteoles 0; stamens 1-2; seed often hairy. Woody perennials to annuals of saline areas, with succulent opp. lvs, the pairs fused to form "segments" or "joints" surrounding the stem, tips us. free. A genus of some 50 spp., widespread, especially coastally.
Fls in terminal or axillary bracted racemes or solitary. Stamens alt. with staminodes, on very short filaments. Ovary adnate to receptacle in lower half. Capsule 5-valved; seeds ∞, minute; embryo transverse. Annual or perennial herbs with alt. lvs. Some 100 spp., mainly of southern hemisphere.
Glab. perennial herb with ∞ branches arising from a stout stock. Stems up to ± 4 dm. long, branching, prostrate, rooting at nodes or sprawling. Lvs fleshy, alt. or occ. fascicled, on petioles up to 15 mm. long. Lamina (5)-7-15-(25) × (2)-4-6-(10) mm., narrow-obovate to narrow-spathulate. Fls 6-7 mm. diam., axillary, solitary, on peduncles ± 10 mm. long. Receptacle adnate to lower half of ovary; calyx with acute triangular to ovate lobes ± 4 mm. long; corolla broadly ovate-oblong, white, ± 6 mm. long. Style slender, stigma capitate; capsule 4-5 mm. diam., broad-ovoid.
Infl. various, often of racemes or spikes; fls minute, regular, perfect to unisexual. Per. of 1 series of 4-5 sepaloid or petaloid valvate tepals; stamens opp. tepals; filaments short, anthers 2-celled, basifixed on short filaments. Ovary inferior, embedded in receptacle, or superior, 1-loculed; carpels (2)-3-5; ovules us. 3, pend. on basal placentae; stigma capitate to 3-5-lobed. Fr. nutlike to drupaceous; seed without testa, embryo straight, endosperm fleshy. Trees, shrubs or herbs, sts parasitic, with us. opp., entire, exstipulate, sts scalelike lvs. Some 26 widely distributed genera and a large but indefinite number of spp.
Fls. us. functionally unisexual, irregular, in cymose racemes or panicles; sepals us. 5, petals 5 or 0; disk extrastaminal, glandular. Stamens hypog., us. 8 or 10; filaments often hairy. Ovary superior, us. 3-loculed; ovules 1-2 per locule, on axile placentae; stigma us. 1, lobed; seeds often arillate; fr. various. Mostly polygamodioec. trees, shrubs or lianes with alt., compound or simple, exstipulate lvs. About 130 genera and 1100 spp., largely tropical.
Fls perfect, regular, bracted, in cymes to solitary; sepals 4-12, imbricate, connate at base; corolla gamopetalous, lobes imbricate, us. as many as sepals; stamens epipetalous, staminodes us. present; anthers 2-celled, dehiscing lengthwise. Ovary superior, locules us. 4-5, each 1-ovuled, placentae axile; style 1; fr. baccate, seeds with hard testa. Trees or shrubs with milky sap and alt., simple, entire, coriac., us. exstipulate lvs. Some 40 genera and 600 spp., mostly tropical.
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Fls axillary, solitary or in few-fld cymes. Calyx cupular, lobes obscure or obsolete; corolla split to base at back; anthers free. Ovary 2-celled, ovules 1 per cell. Fr. with us. succulent exocarp and bony endocarp. Herbs, subshrubs or shrubs with alt. lvs. Some 100 spp., mostly of Australia. The N.Z. sp. is endemic.
Tree up to 8 m. tall, branches stout. Lvs digitately 3-9-foliolate on sheathing petioles up to 25 cm. long; petiolules up to 2 cm. long; lamina obovate-cuneate, acuminate to obtuse, membr., sharply serrate; terminal lflt with lamina up to 20 cm. long (lvs of juvenile plants, especially in northern part of range, often irregularly lobulate to pinnatifid). Panicle-branches ∞, spreading, up to 35 cm. long; bracts and bractlets small. Umbels ∞, up to 10-fld; peduncles subsessile to c. 1 cm. long, pedicels shorter. Fls greenish, c. 7 mm. diam. Fr. subglobose, dark violet, c. 3·5 mm. diam., fleshy, grooved when dry.
Plants polygamous or dioec., us. in umbels scattered racemosely along the branches of a panicle. Calyx-teeth minute or obsolete; petals 5 or more, valvate; stamens same number as petals. Disk large, undulate-margined, ovary 5- or more-loculed; style-branches same number as locules, connate below. Fr. fleshy, seeds one per locule. Shrubs or small trees. About 150 tropical and subtropical spp. The N.Z. sp., type of the genus, is endemic.
Rhizome up to 5 mm. or more diam., clad in brown hairs. Stipes (including branches) 10-30 cm. long, c. 1 mm. diam., strict to somewhat flexuous, scabrid by minute asperities; branches 2-3, rarely more, 5-15 cm. long, narrowly winged. Lamina up to 2 cm. long and 1 cm. broad; segs secund, approximate, fringed, 10-20, up to 1cm. long. Sporangia distinctly less than 0·5 mm. diam.
Rhizome up to 10 mm. diam., clad in dark brown hairs. Stipes (including branches) 15-35 cm. long, about 1 mm. diam., smooth, erect, strict, channelled; branches dichotomous, 4-10 or more, up to 10 cm. long, rather broadly winged, flabellately arranged, with spread of 5-10 cm. or more, narrowed to laminae. Laminae 3-5 mm. long; segs stalked, spreading, about 2 mm. long, fringed. Sporangia distinctly under 0·5 mm. diam.
Rhizome up to 5 mm. diam., clad in glossy chestnut hairs. Stipes 5-35 cm. long, about 1 mm. diam., erect, strict to flexuous, unbranched. Lamina 1-2 cm. × 5 mm.; segs 10-20, 2-5 mm. long, close-set, secund, slightly incurved. Sporangia about 0·5 mm. diam.
Sporangia sessile in two rows on final, us. approximate, segs of lamina; spores bilateral. Rhizome short, stout, emitting clusters of slender erect fronds with narrow laminae at apex of stipes or its branches. Genus widespread, of about 30 spp.
Sporangia singly placed, appearing dorsal but originating at margin of fertile segs, protected by a small flap. Annulus subapical, transverse, complete, dehiscing vertically. Terrestrial ferns of diverse habit. About 4, mainly tropical, genera.
Fls 5-merous in simple to irregularly compound bracted umbels. Calyx-teeth 5, prominent, persistent; petals imbricate; disk thick, flat. Fr. ± tetragonous; mericarps subterete to dorsally somewhat compressed; ribs 5, evenly placed, lateral not close to commissure. Glab. perennial herbs with creeping and rooting stolons. Lvs simple to 3-5- foliolate. Some 15 spp., mainly of N.Z., with 1 in Falkland Is, 1 in Patagonia, and 1 in Victoria. The N.Z. and Australian spp. lack a district carpophore. The treatment follows in large part that of Domin in Engl. Bot. Jb. 40, 1908, 573-585.
Glab. herb with creeping, branching stems, rooting at nodes, forming open patches up to ± 3 dm. diam. Lvs tufted at nodes on slender petioles 5-10-(15) cm. long. Lamina rather pale green, subcoriac., 2-4 cm. diam., deeply 3-partite to 3-foliolate. Lflts or divisions obcuneate, irregularly lobulate to crenulate towards apex; margins slightly thickened and recurved. Peduncles very slender, occ. branched, ± 10 cm. long. Umbels ± 15 mm. diam.; fls 8-12 on capillary unequal pedicels 5-10 mm. long. Involucral bracts linear, acute to acuminate. Fr. ± 2.5 mm. long, tetragonous, deeply furrowed at commissure. Mericarps distinctly to obscurely 5-ribbed.
Tiny herb with very slender to filiform rhizomes or stolons rooting at nodes, forming small patches. Lvs simple, clustered at nodes, on capillary petioles up to 15 mm. long. Lamina subcoriac., ± 2-4 mm. diam., suborbicular to broad-ovate; margins slightly thickened, not or slightly recurved; entire. Stipules triangular-ovate, ± 1·5 mm. long. Umbels on filiform peduncles up to 2 cm. long. Involucral bracts minute, ovate. Fls 3-4 on pedicels ± 1 mm. long. Calyx-teeth short, broadly triangular; petals deciduous, ± 8 mm. long. Fr. c. 1·5 mm. long, subtetragonous; mericarps plainly 5-ribbed.
Stems us. above ground, filiform or nearly so, creeping, branching, rooting, at nodes. Lvs on filiform petioles up to ± 2 cm. long; stipules minute, fimbriate. Lamina glab. or with a few cilia, 3-partite to base; 1flts membr., obovate-cuneate, sessile or subsessile, 2.5-5-(10) mm. long, with rounded lobe at apex and lateral pair of blunt teeth, to retuse or entire; margins slightly thickened and recurved. Umbels simple, (3)-5-6-(10) -fld, on filiform, branched, ± ciliolate peduncles up to c. 2 cm. long. Involucral bracts narrow-linear to narrow-lanceolate, acuminate. F1s minute, on pedicels ± 1-(3) mm. long; petals ovate, acute. Fr. tetragonous, ± 3 × 2 mm.; mericarps distinctly 5-ribbed.
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Glab. herb with lvs tufted at nodes of rhizomes, often emitting stolons bearing offset plants. Lvs on stout petioles (2)-3-7·5-(15) cm. or even longer, expanded and sheathing at base. Lamina glab. to strigose, (5)-25-(40) mm. diam., reniform to suborbicular, subcoriac. to fleshy, shallowly rather coarsely crenate; margins ± thickened; sinus narrow to open, or base cordate. Stipules ciliate, sts laciniate, to fimbriate. Umbels often compound, on peduncles up to c. 15 mm. long, up to ± 15 mm. diam.; rays us. ∞.Involucral bracts linear-oblong, up to c. 5mm. long or ± foliaceous at base of main umbel. Fls (3)-(20)-50, crowded. Fr. tetragonous, ± 2 mm. long on pedicels up to c. 6·5 mm. long. Mericarps obscurely to distinctly 5-ribbed.
Plant stout. Petioles ± 10-15 cm. long; lamina glab., 25-35 × 35-40 mm. Foliaceous involucral bracts on petioles c. 2 cm. long, lamina up to c. 12 mm. diam. Umbels c. 2 cm. diam.
Plant slender. Petioles ± 6 cm. long; lamina glab. to strigose, 10-15 × 15-20 mm. Foliaceous involucral bracts on petioles c. 1 cm. long, lamina up to c. 6 mm. diam. Umbels c. 2 cm. diam.
Glab. herb with stout branching creeping stems rooting at nodes, forming small patches. Lvs in tufts at nodes on stout ± pilose petioles up to c. 4 cm. long; stipules narrow, entire, ± ciliolate. Lamina ± 5-10-15 mm. diam., reniform-orbicular, thick, coriac., 3-5-partite to middle or deeper; sinus narrow to cordate. Lflts obovate-cuneate, crenately 3-5-lobed; margins thickened, slightly recurved. Peduncles 1-4 together, ± 1 cm. long; umbels (3)-4-10-(15)-fld. Involucral bracts linear, obtuse. Fr. tetragonous, pale brown, us. > pedicel. Mericarps 5-ribbed.
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Glab. herb with slender stems and branches, us. arching and rooting at nodes, forming open patches up to ± 2 dm. diam. Lvs us. crowded at nodes, on slender petioles up to ± 5 cm. long; stipules laciniate. Lamina 3-foliolate to deeply 3-partite, membr., pale green, glossy, up to c. 2 cm. diam. Lflts obovate-cuneate, with 3-6 rounded lobes. Peduncles us. not > ± 5 mm. long. Umbels simple (occ. the infl. axis may bear up to 4 umbels at intervals), 4-12-fld, or occ. with 2-3 long-pedicelled secondary umbels from base of primary; secondary umbels sts again umbellulate. Involucral bracts linear to narrow-lanceolate, acute or obtuse. Occ. a pedicel replaced by small 1f. Fr. ± ovoid, bluntly 4-angled, c 2 mm. long, on filiform pedicels up to ± 5 mm. long. Mericarps rather obscurely 5-ribbed.
Glab. herb with slender rhizomes emitting short stolons. Lvs clustered, on rather stout petioles (2)-4-5-(6) cm. long. Lamina (5)-10-15--(20) mm. diam., reniform to suborbicular, subcoriac., bright green. crenate; margins hardly thickened; base with us. open ± cordate sinus. Stipules entre, acuminate to acute. Umbels 3-8-fld on rather stout peduncles up to c. 3 cm. long; involucral bracts linear, obtuse. Fls subsessile; calyx-teeth acute; petals c. 1 mm. long. Fr. tetragonous, pale, c. 2-3 mm. long. Mericarps 5-ribbed, sts obscurely so.
Glab. herb with creeping stems and branches rooting at nodes; final branches sts ascending. Lvs tufted at nodes, on rather stout petioles 5-10-15 cm. long; stipules ± laciniate. Lamina coriac., (1)-2-(4) cm. diam., orbicular-reniform, deeply 3-5-partite or rarely 3-5- foliolate. Lflts or divisions sessile, broad-obcuneate, crenately 3-5-lobed towards apex. Peduncles (2)-5-(15) cm. long. Umbels (5)-10-15-(20)-fld, sts with 1-3 accessory umbellules on filiform pedicels up to 4 cm. long. Involucral bracts linear to narrow-oblong to lanceolate. Fr. ± 2 mm. long, tetragonous, on short slender pedicels. Mericarps distinctly 5-ribbed.
Stems filiform, branching, creeping, rooting at nodes, up to c. 3 dm. long, forming large patches. Lvs clustered at nodes, 3-foliolate, on slender petioles up to c. 8 cm. long; stipules ciliate; lamina membr. to subcoriac., glab. or nearly so, occ. with sparse strigose hairs. Lflts ± 15 × 10 mm., on petioles c. 3mm. long, broad obovate-oblong to obovate-cuneate; 2-6-lobed or obtusely toothed towards apex, occ. apiculate. Peduncles us. 2-3 together, filiform, ± 1-2-(3) cm. long. Umbels 2-8-fld; involucral bracts narrow-triangular to linear-oblong. ciliate. Fr. subtetragonous, > pedicel. Mericarps rounded on dorsal edge, 2-3 mm. long, obscurely 5-ribbed.
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Fls in cymes or solitary, minute and greenish, hermaphrodite. Sepals 4 or 5 from rim of urceolate perig. cup; petals 0; stamens 1-10; ovary 1-celled with 1basal ovule (occ. 2); styles 2, free to base, stigmas 2; fr. an ind. 1(-2)-seeded nutlet enclosed within hardened perig. cup and persistent sepals; seed smooth, lenticular. Annual to perennial, us. densely branched, herbs with small, subulate, opp., connate, exstipulate lvs. Number of spp. variously estimated at from 10 to 150 in Europe, Asia, Africa, S. America, Australia, New Guinea and N.Z. Relationships of N.Z. and Australian forms need clarifying.
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Fls perfect, irregular to subregular, us. bracted, solitary to racemed or paniculate; calyx us. deeply 4-5-lobed or -toothed; corolla gamopetalous, us. 4-5-lobed, others ± bilabiate. Stamens arising near base of corolla-tube, 4 and didynamous or 2, rarely 5, one pair sts reduced to staminodes; anthers 2-celled, dehiscing longitudinally. Ovary superior, 2-loculed; placentation axile; style 1, stigmas simple, bilobed or occ. paired. Fr. a septicidal or loculicidal capsule. Herbs, subshrubs, shrubs or trees, occ. lianes, with opp. or alt., simple, entire or toothed or pinnatifidly lobed exstipulate lvs. Widespread family of some 220 genera and over 3000 spp., some members parasites or hemiparasites.
Fls solitary or in spikes or racemes. Calyx with entire lips, upper with dorsal scale. Corolla-tube elongate, dilated towards 2-lipped limb; upper lip entire, lower 3-lobed. Anthers ciliolate; lower 1-celled, upper 2-celled. Nutlets small. Annual to perennial herbs or subshrubs. A widespread genus of some 250 spp., the N.Z. sp. endemic.
Herb or subshrub very softly woody at base, ± pubescent. Stems creeping and rooting at base; branches ascending to erect; branchlets few, pilose to glab., up to ± 3 dm. tall. Lvs opp., distant, on slender petioles up to c. 2 cm. long. Lamina 4-5-(12) × 2-4-(6) mm., ovate to ovate-oblong to suborbicular, 3-5-lobed to toothed or entire. Fls solitary, axillary, on peduncles c. 2-3 mm. long. Calyx minutely pubescent; lips rounded, scale enlarging in fr. Corolla pubescent, white, ± 6-8 mm. long, lobes obtuse.
Stems simple or sparingly branched, 4-angled, up to ± 25 cm. tall. Lvs rather sparse, in opp. pairs, sessile, 6·5-15 × 5-10 mm., ovate to broad-ovate or suborbicular, obtuse or subacute. Fls c. 6·5 mm. long, in terminal dichotomous cyme; calyx-lobes 5, narrowly ovate-lanceolate, acute, with rigid narrowly winged keel. Corolla-tube c. 4 mm. long, straight; lobes 5, pale yellow, c. 3 mm. long, twisted after anthesis. Anthers narrow-oblong, gland-tipped, on very short filaments. Style short, stigma ± 0.75 mm. long. Capsule ovoid-ellipsoid, c. 5 mm. long.
Fls 4-5-merous, in terminal dichotomous cymes; calyx-lobes sts keeled or winged, corolla-tube cylindric, lobes yellow, contorted in bud. Stamens at throat or on tube of corolla, filaments short; anthers introrse. Ovary 2-loculed, placentae large; style filiform, stigma clavate or capitate. Capsule ± globose, septicidally 2-valved. Seeds ∞, minute, testa reticulate. Erect glab. annual herbs of wide distribution in Old World, with opp. sessile lvs. Some 100 spp., the N.Z. sp. also in Australia, Tasmania.
Rhizome abbreviated, forming a short stout ascending stock; stipites clustered. Stipes setulose when young. Lamina pinnately compound; cell walls thick, pitted. Indusium cylindric, mouth entire. Receptacle far exserted. A few, mainly tropical, spp.
Fls axillary; lobes of corolla ± equal, spreading; margins ± inflexed, sts winged. Anthers free; stigma exceeded by pollen-cup; ovary inferior, 2-celled; ovules ∞.Fr. fleshy, indehiscent; seeds ∞.Glab. us. creeping and rooting herbs with entire alt. lvs. Genus of a few not fully understood spp. of Australia, Tasmania, N.Z., Chile.
Herb with far-creeping stems and branches, rooting at nodes (sts subterranean), yellowish, forming matted patches up to 5 dm. or more diam.; final branchlets sts ascending. Lvs on slender flattened petioles up to c. 4 cm. long, solitary or up to 4 in a fascicle; lamina somewhat fleshy, glossy, of 3 main forms (sts on same plant)--(a) narrowly spathulate, (b) obovate-spathulate, (c) linear to linear-spathulate; (3)-7-15-30 × 1-5 mm. Infl. of solitary fls on bracted peduncles up to ± 4 cm. long; occ. 2-fld, on pedicels ± 2 cm. long; bracts minute, subulate-attenuate. Fls obliquely 7-10 mm. diam. Calyx persistent, with linear to narrow-triangular erect lobes 1-2 mm. long; corolla white to very pale blue, lobes narrow-oblong, acute to acuminate. Fr. obovoid to ovoid, truncate, (3·5)-6-10 mm. long. Seeds compressed, narrowly winged.
Compactly branched shrub c. 45 cm. tall; branchlets grooved, tomentose when young. Lvs close-set, narrow obovate-oblong, coriac.; lamina 10-15×4-6 mm., spreading from erect sheathing base c. 1 cm. long, obtuse to subacute, glab. above when mature, clad in whitish appressed tomentum below; midrib and veins obscured. Infl. flat-topped; capitula c. 8, up to 1·5 cm. diam., solitary or paired at tips of slender bracted branchlets c. 5 cm. long; phyll. linear-oblong, obtuse to subacute, tomentose on back. Ray-florets c. 10, ligules yellow, c. 1 cm. long. Achenes linear, compressed, striate; sparsely to rather densely pubescent, 1·5-2 mm. long; pappus-hairs sordid-white, stiff, up to 6 mm. long, densely and coarsely barbellate.
Hooker's description is: "The in its usual form is a rather slender, branched, perfectly smooth plant, with flexuose, leafy, grooved stems and shining foliage. Leaves all sessile, 3-5 inches long, linear-oblong, acuminate, irregularly toothed, below deeply two-lobed, and embracing the stem with two rounded auricles. Corymbs lax, branching, of rather small heads, on slender pedicels. Involucre 1/6 inch long, of slender, blunt [acutis in Latin diagnosis], smooth or sparingly pubescent scales, much shorter than the pappus, which is white, very soft, and of slender hairs. Ray florets few, with short ligulae. Achenia long and slender for the size of the capitulum, nearly as long as the involucral scales, grooved and pubescent.-The varieties ß [velleia] and γ [scabrosus] may belong to different species, but my specimens of them are very indifferent. Var. ß is a very thickly leathery-leaved plant, with stout stem and branches of the corymb, which bears very numerous broader heads, that have much shorter achenia. Var. γ again is a more rigid plant, covered on the stem and under surface of the leaf with hispid scattered hairs."
Lvs us. appressed to ground; lamina 1-5 cm. long, on short us. silky-hairy petiole, broad-oblong to suborbicular and obtuse to narrow-oblong and subacute, rounded at base or narrowed into petiole, membr. to coriac.; margins us. ciliate-hairy, upper surface with ∞ to few hispid hairs, lower with few or no hispid hairs or thinly tomentose. Scapes simple to branched, slender, up to 30 cm. long, cottony-tomentose to almost glab., with ∞ to few dark glandular hairs; bracts few, small, acute to subacute. Capitula c. 2-3 cm. diam.; receptacle papillose; ray-florets yellow; phyll. tomentose to almost glab. Pappus-hairs barbellate, up to 6 mm. long; achenes linear-oblong, glab., 2-3 mm. long.
Compactly branched shrub up to 3 m. tall; branchlets ribbed, clad as are infl.-branchlets in appressed whitish tomentum. Lvs 5-10 × 3-5 cm., on grooved petioles up to 5 cm. long, elliptic, narrowed towards apex and base, subcoriac., glab. and shining above, veins evident; below clad in appressed silvery-white to greyish tomentum, midrib rather prominent. Panicle up to 25 cm. long, laxly branched, lower bracts foliaceous; pedicels up to 2 cm. long, woolly-tomentose. Capitula campanulate, up to 1 cm. diam., discoid; phyll. linear-oblong, subcoriac., subacute to obtuse, woolly-tomentose on back. ♀ up to 5, disk-florets ∞.Achenes 2.5-3 mm. long, striate, rough-pubescent; pappus-hairs up to 5 mm. long, finely barbellate.
Compactly branched shrub up to 1 m. tall; branches stout; branchlets, petioles and infl.-branchlets clad in dense appressed soft white to buff tomentum. Lvs elliptic- to obovate-oblong, very coriac., 2-2.5 × 1-1·5 cm., on stout petioles falling to leave prominent lf-bases, glab. and shining above, clad in dense appressed soft tomentum below, midrib and veins not prominent below. Panicles subcorymbose, up to 5 cm. diam.; capitula discoid, campanulate, up to 1·5 cm. diam.; phyll. narrow-oblong, coriac., subacute, tomentose on back. ♀ 3-5; disk-florets ∞, deeply 5-lobed. Achenes linear-oblong, 3 mm. long, ribbed, glab.; pappus-hairs stiff, white, up to 5 mm. long, barbellate.
Stout closely branched shrub up to 6 dm. tall, main branches decumbent at base, ascending; upper branches c. 1 cm. diam., with pale bark; final branchlets c. 2.5 mm. diam., invested with remains of lf-bases. Lvs very close-set, 2-2.5 cm. × 1·5-2 mm. (not including revolute margins), narrow-linear, abruptly subacute, subcoriac., glab. except for woolly fringe on margins, broadened to submembr. base; margins revolute to stout midrib, crenulately constricted at line of revolution. Capitula c. 3 cm. diam., solitary, terminal on arrested branchlets up to 10 cm. long, and bearing ∞ lflike bracts up to 1·5 cm × 1 mm. Phyll. c. 12, c. 1 cm. long; closely subtended by bracts overtopping capitulum in bud; softly tomentose on back, with broad scarious margins. Ray-florets yellow, spreading, c. 15 mm. long, broad-oblong, clawed; achenes 1·5 mm. long, linear-oblong, glab., obscurely ribbed; pappus-hairs up to 4·5 mm. long, rather rigid, strongly barbellate.
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Compactly branched shrub up to 1 m. tall; branches brittle, ± purple; branchlets at first pubescent, ribbed. Lvs 4-6 × 3-4 cm., on pubescent grooved petioles up to 2 cm. long, obliquely oblong to obovate, obtuse to subacute; glab. above, clad below in thin appressed silvery to greyish tomentum, midrib prominent, margins very obscurely toothed. Panicles terminal, branchlets tomentose, lower bracts foliaceous. Capitula sub-cylindric, c. 1 cm. long, 4 mm. diam., discoid. Phyll. narrow-lanceolate, acute to subacute, glab., margins scarious. ♀ us. absent, disk-florets c. 20. Achenes 3 mm. long, linear, grooved, pilose. Pappus-hairs barbellate.
Branched herb with grooved stems up to 60 cm. tall, ± clad in white cobwebby tomentum. Lower lvs broad- to narrow-oblong to narrow-obovate in outline, ± coriac. to fleshy, becoming nearly glab. above, narrowed into 2-lobed amplexicaul base. Upper lvs diminishing gradually in size, uppermost merging into linear bracts of infl. Panicles corymbose, capitula campanulate; phyll. glab., oblong, abruptly acute. Ray-florets yellow, recurved; achenes ± hispid. Pappus-hairs very slender, minutely barbellate.
Compactly branched shrub up to 1 m. tall, with stout branches; branchlets and petioles densely clad in soft white tomentum. Lvs rather distant to close-set; lamina 2-4 × 1-2 cm., obovate to oblong, obtuse, narrowed to petiole; margins distinctly to obscurely crenulate and waved; upper surface of very young lvs white-tomentose, of mature lvs glab. and dull except on margins; lower surface densely clad in soft white tomentum, midrib distinct; petiole 1-2 cm. long, slender, channelled above. Capitula up to 3 cm. diam., solitary or in few-fld racemes with foliaceous bracts; phyll. tomentose on back, with scarious margins in upper part, acute. Ray-florets 10 or more, spreading, bright yellow. Achenes 3 mm. long, linear-oblong, grooved, scaberulous; pappus-hairs up to 5 mm. long, slender, finely barbellate.
Shrub up to 3 m. tall; branches grooved; branchlets, petioles and infl.-branchlets clad in pale buff to whitish woolly tomentum. Lvs 6-9 × 3-5 cm., on grooved petioles up to 5 cm. long; coriac., obovate- to lanceolate-oblong, obtuse; glab. and shining above with evident veins, clad in buff to whitish silvery appressed tomentum below. Panicle sub-pyramidal to subracemose, up to 15 cm. long; capitula campanulate to subcylindric, discoid, up to 1 cm. diam., on stout woolly-tomentose pedicels; phyll. coriac., oblong, obtuse, densely woolly tomentose on back. ♀ 0-3, disk-florets ∞.Achenes 1-2 mm. long, angled, oblong, rough-pubescent to nearly glab.; pappus-hairs stiff, sordid-white, up to 5 mm. long, barbellate, especially towards tips.
Glab. herb up to 10 dm. tall from stout woody stock; branches ∞, up to 5 mm. diam., grooved. Lvs 5-10 × 1-2.5 cm., glaucous, submembr., oblong- to spathulate-obovate, obtuse to subacute, sinuate-dentate to serrate, narrowed into flat petiole; upper lvs narrower. Capitula up to 1·5 cm. diam. in small corymbs on slender bracteolate pedicels; phyll. linear-oblong, acute, 2-ribbed; ray-florets c. 15, ligules up to 1 cm. long, yellow. Achenes 2 mm. long, grooved, pubescent; pappus-hairs up to 6 mm. long, slender, somewhat flexuous, barbellate.
Spreading shrub up to c. 2 m. tall, with stout branches; branchlets and petioles densely clad in soft white tomentum. Lvs rather distant; lamina 4-8 × 2.5-4·5 cm., coriac., oblong to ovate-oblong, obtuse, rounded to obliquely shallowly cordate at base, entire to shallowly sinuate; upper surface of very young lvs white-tomentose, of mature lvs glab. and shining except on margins; lower surface densely clad in soft white tomentum, midrib prominent; petiole 1·5-4 cm. long, rather stout, channelled above. Infl. of ∞ terminal bracted branches; branchlets and pedicels densely glandular-pubescent, bracts foliaceous. Capitula up to 3 cm. diam., in large corymbs; phyll. 12-16, lanceolate-oblong, acute to subacute, glandular-pubescent on back. Ray-florets c. 15; ligules bright yellow, broad, spreading, c. 1 cm. long; achenes c. 1·5 mm. long, narrow-oblong, grooved, densely to sparsely scabridulous; pappus-hairs rather scanty, up to 4 mm. long, slender, finely barbellate.
Stock and bases of petioles clad in long pale buff hairs. Lf-laminae 3-15 × 2-6 cm., oblong to broad-oblong or suborbicular, obtuse, cordate to truncate at base, submembr., clad when young on both surfaces in dense white subappressed tomentum, sts becoming nearly glab. above when mature. Petioles 3-15 cm. long, clad in dense soft white tomentum, finally nearly, glab. Scapes up to 35 cm. long, us. slenderly branched above, clad in dense tomentum of soft whitish hairs mingled with glandular ones, becoming nearly glab. with age; lower bracts spathulate, floral bracts linear. Capitula 2-4 cm. diam., ligules yellow, up to 2 cm. long; phyll. tomentose on back, linear, obtuse. Pappus-hairs up to 5 mm. long, barbellate; achenes c. 4 mm. long, linear.
Shrub up to 4m. tall; branches stout, spreading, brittle, tomentose; lvs close-set towards tips of branchlets. Lamina 10-25×4-12 cm., membr., broadly oblanceolate, ± scaberulous above, thinly clad in cottony white tomentum below when young, coarsely acutely dentateserrate, pinnatifid to pinnate towards base and on short petiole up to 4 cm. long; petiole clad in brownish hairs below. Corymbs large, terminal, lax, pedicels densely clad in stiff glandular pubescence. Capitula up to 5 cm. diam.; phyll. in two series, outer lanceolate, inner oblong-lanceolate, acute, margins membr. Ray-florets 8-12, ligules white, broad, spreading, c. 2 cm. long; achenes 4·5 mm. long, linear, strongly grooved, glab.; pappus-hairs up to 9 mm. long, slender, rather rigid, finely barbellate.
Shrub or tree up to 6 m. or more tall; branchlets clad in persistent lf-bases. Lvs close-set, submembr., 5-10 × 2-3 cm., lanceolate- to elliptic-oblong, subacute, clad when young in fulvous tomentum on both surfaces, becoming nearly glab. when old, narrowed to appressed base; margins entire, slightly revolute. Infl. a terminal dense panicle subtended by lvs; pedicels rather stout, with linear bracts, densely glandular-tomentose. Capitula up to 2 cm. diam.; phyll. 10-12, narrow-oblong, obtuse to subacute, glandular on back, ciliate on margins and with tuft of hairs at tip. Ray-florets 15-20, ligules broad, recurved, yellow; achenes c. 1·5 mm. long, narrow-oblong, grooved, glab.; pappus-hairs up to 7 mm. long, slender, barbellate.
Glab. shrub up to 3 m. tall; branches brittle. Lvs 4-10×2-4 cm., on petioles c. 1 cm. long, rather fleshy, narrowly to broadly obovate-cuneate to elliptic-oblong in outline, coarsely and irregularly sinuate-dentate to sinuate and subentire. Corymbs up to 30 cm. diam. or more, lower bracts foliaceous; capitula campanulate, up to 5 cm. diam.; phyll. narrow-oblong, acute, membr. on margins. Ray-florets few, with white spreading ligules 2-3 cm. long. Achenes linear, c. 6 mm. long, finely grooved; pappus-hairs stiff, up to 9 mm. long, minutely barbellate.
Capitula solitary to paniculate, heterogamous or homogamous; phyll. in 1-2 series with or without minute ones at base; receptacle flat to convex, nude to fimbrillate. Ray-florets ligulate, pistillate or neuter; disk-florets tubular, perfect. Anthers obtuse at base; style-arms of perfect florets recurved, truncate or penicillate at tips; pappus-hairs cop., smooth to barbellate or plumose. Herbs, lianes, shrubs or trees with alt. lvs. A cosmopolitan genus with over 1500 spp. of the N.Z. spp. is recorded also from Tasmania, the remainder are endemic.
Stock stout, clad in brownish silky hairs. Lvs spreading to suberect, elliptic- to ovate-oblong to suborbicular, obtuse, coriac.; lamina ± 2.5-15 × 3-10 cm., obtuse, cordate to obliquely cordate at base; upper surface of young lvs with ∞ slender early-deciduous hairs mingled with hispid ones that remain till old age; lower surface densely clad in soft woolly white long-persistent tomentum; petiole 3-10 cm. long, stout, invested at base with long brownish hairs, and above with soft whitish tomentum with few to ∞ glandular hairs. Scapes simple or branched, up to 35 cm. tall, ± clad in soft tomentum mingled with glandular hairs; bracts few, linear, obtuse. Capitula 2-4 cm. diam., ligules yellow, up to 2 cm. long; phyll. acute, glandular and tomentum on back. Pappus-hairs stiff, barbellate, up to 5 mm. long; achenes c. 5 mm. long, linear.
Annual to perennial, glab. to pubescent, erect to prostrate herbs; simple to much-branched, 3-60 cm. tall, with solitary to ∞ capitula corymbosely arranged. Lvs 1-6 cm. long, fleshy to membr., entire to toothed or variously lobed or pinnatifid; lobes broad-oblong to linear, obtuse to acute, toothed or not; petiolate to sessile, with or without amplexicaul bases. Capitula 5-20 mm. diam.; phyll. 10-15, linear, acute, us. distinctly 2-ribbed, reflexed in age, us. with a few small linear ones at base, forming a subamplexicaul involucre; ray-florets 10-15 or absent; ligules yellow, short to long, spreading to recurved, sts revolute; disk-florets ∞, about = involucre. Achenes linear, grooved, pubescent to glab., up to c. 3 mm. long; pappus-hairs us. cop., slender, finely to distinctly barbellate.
Laxly branched shrub up to 1 m. tall; branchlets tomentose when young. Lvs rather close-set; lamina ± 2-6 × 1-2 cm., subcoriac., elliptic to lanceolate-oblong, acute, narrowed to petiole up to 4 cm. long, becoming nearly glab. above, clad in dense white tomentum below, distantly and obscurely crenate-sinuate to entire, midrib evident. Capitula loosely paniculately arranged on slender bracted branchlets; ultimate branchlets 3-5 cm. long. Capitula up to 2 cm. diam.; phyll. linear-oblong, obtuse to subacute, tomentose on back, inner with scarious margins. Ray-florets 10-15, up to c. 8 mm. long, spreading, yellow. Achenes linear-oblong, grooved, sparsely pubescent, c. 2 mm. long; pappus-hairs up to 5 mm. long, slender, barbellate.
Plant up to 5 dm. tall; stock stout, invested with remains of lf-bases. Stems slender to rather stout, simple, lfy, glandular-pubescent above, terminated by broad corymb. Lvs entire, glab. or nearly so, rather fleshy; basal up to 25 × 1 cm., linear to linear-lanceolate, acuminate, narrowed above sheathing villous bases; cauline smaller, sessile, subamplexicaul; lower bracts lflike, upper linear. Capitula ∞ on glandular peduncles up to 1 dm. long; c. 4-5 cm. diam. with yellow ligules up to 2.5 cm. long. Phyll. glandular on back, linear-lanceolate, acuminate. Achenes linear, 4-5 mm. long, ribbed, ± pubescent-pilose; pappus-hairs barbellate, stiff, up to 7 mm. long.
Much-branched shrub up to 1 m. tall; final branchlets compactly arranged, tomentose, produced into slender peduncles with foliaceous bracts bearing solitary to racemed (rarely > 3) capitula on slender bracted glandular-pubescent pedicels, us. so massed as to produced a pseudo-corymb. Lvs close-set, coriac.; lamina 2-4 cm. × 5-15 mm., narrow- to obovate-oblong, obtuse, narrowed into slender tomentose channelled petiole up to 2 cm. long; margins distinctly crenate and us. waved; glab. brownish green above, below clad in closely appressed white tomentum; midrib us. distinct. Capitula up to 2 cm. diam.; phyll. linear to linear-spathulate, acute, glandular-pubescent on back, inner with scarious tips. Ray-florets 10-15; ligules yellow, broad, spreading to recurved. Achenes 3·5 mm. long, compressed, finely grooved, hispidulous; pappus-hairs slender, up to 6 mm. long, very finely barbellate.
Shrub up to 2 m. tall; branchlets slender, pubescent, striate. Lvs glab., membr., 2.5-5 × 2 cm., on slender petioles c. 1 cm. long, oblong to elliptic-oblong, rather finely crenate-serrate. Corymbs crowded; lower bracts foliaceous; capitula c. 12, up to 1 cm. diam., turbinate, on slender pubescent pedicels. Ray-florets few (us.1-3), ligules yellow, 7·5 mm. long, broad. Phyll. oblong, midrib pubescent, margins broad, scarious. Achenes angled, pubescent, .becoming nearly glab., 2-2.5 mm. long; pappus-hairs stiff, slender, up to 5 mm. long, finely barbellate.
Short-lived perennial herb flowering at 15 cm. but growing also much taller. Lvs submembr., ± clad in cobwebby hairs below; lower broadly ovate, deeply lobed to pinnatifid, lobes again toothed or lobed, narrowed to long broadly winged petiole, auriculate at base; lamina 4-10 × 3-6 cm.; upper lvs sessile with auriculate semiamplexicaul bases, acutely toothed or lobed above, sinuate towards base. Capitula ∞, up to 15 mm. diam., on slender bracteolate pedicels in corymbs; phyll. c. 15-20, 8-9 mm. long, linear, acute, margins scarious. Ray-florets 10-14, ligules 3-6 mm. long, yellow; disk-florets ∞. Achenes 2.5-3 mm. long, strigose; pappus-hairs up to 6 mm. long, very fine and soft.
Shrub or tree up to 6 m. or more tall; branches stout, grooved; branchlets and infl.-branchlets clad in dense pale buff to whitish tomentum. Lvs very coriac., entire, obliquely broadly oblong to suborbicular, midrib and main veins prominent below; glab. above, clad in dense appressed tomentum below; lamina 4-10 × 4-9 cm., on stout grooved petiole up to 5 cm. long. Panicles up to 20 cm. long, lower bracts foliaceous. Capitula campanulate, up to 1 cm. diam., discoid, on stout tomentose pedicels. Phyll. linear, obtuse, coriac., woolly-tomentose on back. ♀ few, disk-florets ∞.Achenes angled, 2.5 mm. long, linear-oblong, glab. or with sparse hispid hairs; pappus-hairs up to 6 mm. long, rigid, barbellate.
Depressed to suberect shrub, occ. up to 5 dm. tall; main branches decumbent at base; branchlets erect or ascending, densely lfy, ending in erect stout peduncles c. 5 mm. diam., up to 10 cm. long, clad in linear-oblong foliaceous bracts, terminated by subcorymbose infl. Lf-laminae 3-6×2-3 cm., coriac., about elliptic-oblong, obtuse, glab. and rugose above, below clad in pale buff to white appressed viscid tomentum; midrib distinct, margins slightly revolute, crenately sinuate; petioles 1-2 cm. long, flattened, tomentose, widened to a persistent sheathing base. Capitula 5-15, up to 2 cm. diam., closely arranged on tomentose rather stout pedicels; phyll. linear, acute, tomentose and viscid on back. Ray-florets 10-15, ligules yellow, broad, recurved; achenes 3 mm. long, oblong, subcompressed, glab., strongly grooved; pappus-hairs up to 6 mm. long, finely barbellate.
Stock stout, clad in dense soft brownish or white wool. Lvs spreading to suberect; lamina ovate-oblong to broad-oblong to suborbicular, coriac., obtuse, cordate to obliquely cordate at base, 7-20 × 5-15 cm.; upper surface densely clad in long silky hairs, finally nearly glab.; lower surface densely clad in long woolly white tomentum, finally nearly glab.; petiole stout, 3-10 cm. long or more, densely silky-hairy in upper portion, clad in long brownish to white hairs at base. Scapes us. branched, up to 45 cm. long, clad in long silky hairs mingled with ∞ glandular ones; bracts linear-oblong. Capitula 2-4 cm. diam., ligules yellow, up to 3 cm. long; phyll. acute, tomentose and glandular on back. Pappus-hairs rather stiff, up to 5 mm. long; achenes linear, 5-8 mm. long.
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Plant up to 5 dm. tall; stock stout, invested with remains of lf-bases. Stems stout, simple, lfy, clad above in soft slender hairs mingled with glandular ones, terminated by broad corymb. Lvs entire or with a few obscure teeth, rather fleshy, glandular-pubescent, basal up to 20 × 2 cm., linear- to ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, narrowed to villous sheathing bases; cauline smaller, up to 2 cm. wide, linear- to ovate lanceolate, often distinctly toothed, sessile, subamplexicaul; lower bracts lflike, upper linear-oblong. Capitula ∞ on peduncles with soft slender hairs mingled with glandular ones; c. 4-6 cm. diam. with white ligules up to 3 cm. long. Phyll. densely glandular on back, linear-lanceolate, acute. Achenes linear, 2-4 mm. long, ribbed, pubescent-pilose; pappus-hairs up to 5 mm. long, sordid-white, stiff, barbellate.
Lfy herb up to 1 m. tall; branches ± flexuous, up to 1·5 cm. diam., fistular in upper parts, hairs sparse, spreading. Lower lvs up to ± 20 cm. long including petiole; lamina membr., with sparse glandular hairs, in outline broadly ovate and shallowly cordate to ovate-oblong, ± deeply lobed; lobes broad, distantly dentate, acute; petiole = or > lamina, ± lobately winged in upper part, broadening to auriculate base. Upper lvs smaller and narrower, merging into linear bracts of corymb. Capitula ∞, broadly campanulate, up to 2 cm. diam., in corymbs, on glandular-pubescent slender pedicels bearing filiform bracteoles. Phyll. linear-oblong, acuminate, with thickened midrib and scarious margins, pubescent on back and tip. Ray-florets 15-20, with spreading yellow ligules up to c. 1 cm. long. Achenes narrow-oblong, ± pubescent to glab., c. 1-2 mm. long; pappus-hairs up to 5 mm. long, slender, barbellate.
Stock and bases of petioles clad in long brownish hairs. Lvs spreading to erect; lamina 6-11 × 3-6 cm., ovate-oblong to suborbicular, obtuse, cordate at base, membr.; upper and lower surfaces often purplish, glab. to sparsely clad in delicate hairs; petiole 2-15 cm. long, with mingled delicate and glandular hairs. Scapes up to 35 cm. long, us. several times branched, clad in mingled silky and glandular hairs; bracts few, linear. Capitula 2-4 cm. diam.; phyll. glandular-pilose, linear, obtuse; ligules yellow, up to 2 cm. long. Pappus-hairs up to 5 mm. long, barbellate; achenes c. 3 mm. long, linear-oblong, glab.
Shrub or tree up to 6 m. or more tall, with spreading stout branchlets, clad in persistent lf-bases. Lvs close-set, subcoriac., 7-18 × 2-4 cm., ovate- to elliptic-lanceolate, acute to acuminate, narrowed to broad appressed base, glab. above, clad below in appressed thin white tomentum; veinlets becoming evident and glab. when old. Infl. terminal in short dense panicles; pedicels densely glandular-pubescent, upper bracts linear. Capitula up to 2 cm. diam.; phyll. narrow-oblong, obtuse, glandular-pubescent on backs; ray-florets 10-15, ligules yellow, narrow, contorted. Achenes c. 2 mm. long, narrow-oblong, grooved, sparsely pubescent, becoming glab.; pappus-hairs up to 5 mm. long, barbellate.
Lvs erect to spreading; lamina 5-15 × 3-4 cm., narrow ovate-oblong, subacute to acute, us. cordate at base, membr., sparsely hispid to nearly glab., margins with prominent projecting dark hydathodes; petiole rather short, up to 10 cm. long, bearing slender hairs mingled with glandular ones. Scapes up to 30 cm. long, us. branched, ± tomentose and glandular-hairy; lower bracts sts Iflike, upper linear. Capitula c. 3 cm. diam.; phyll. ± pilose; ray-florets yellow, up to 2 cm. long. Pappus-hairs 3-5 mm. long, slender, barbellate; achenes linear-oblong, c. 2 mm. long, glab.
Glab. herb up to 2 m. tall, with woody decumbent stems up to c. 2 cm. diam., branches ascending. Lvs on terete petioles up to 30 cm. or more long, winged and broadly auriculate at base; lamina 10-20 × 7·5-15·5 cm., membr., suborbicular, cordate and deeply lobed at base, acute at apex, margins sinuate, finely spinulose-serrate; upper lvs smaller, with large auricles, merging into narrow entire bracts of corymb. Capitula ∞ in large corymbs, 2-3·5 cm. diam.; phyll. linear-oblong, acute, pubescent to glab. Ray-florets 10-15; ligules bright yellow, narrow, spreading; disk-florets up to 35. Achenes narrow-oblong, ± pubescent. Pappus soft, cop., white.
Monoec. scrambling or climbing herbs; petals united at base, anthers cohering; ovary 1-locular, ovule 1, pend.; stigmas 3. Fr. ovoid, dry, ind., beset with barbed bristles. Some 30 spp. of America, Polynesia, Australia. The N.Z. sp. has the range of the genus.
Capitula heterogamous, in panicles; phyll. c. 5 in 2 series, glandular; receptacle small, scales membr. Ray-florets pistillate; disk-florets perfect, tubular. Anthers entire at base; style-arms of perfect florets flattened; pappus absent. Achenes ± obovoid, us. curved. A very few tropical to subtropical glandular herbs with opp. lvs.
Annual glandular-pubescent aromatic herb up to 1 m. tall, sparingly branched. Lvs opp. on petioles up to c. 1 cm. long; lamina lanceolate to ovate-triangular to rhomboid, 3-10 cm. long, membr., irregularly toothed or lobed, acuminate. Capitula c. 6-8 mm. diam., in lax panicles. Outer phyll. glandular, narrow-spathulate; inner shorter. Scales of receptacle clasping achenes. Florets yellow; of disk tubular, perfect; of ray shortly ligulate, pistillate. Pappus 0, outer achenes muricate.
Fls perfect, mostly 5-merous, in cymes or umbels or solitary, regular or nearly so. Calyx (4)-5-(10)-lobed, persistent, sts enlarging at fruiting stage. Corolla us. gamopetalous, us. 5-lobed, rotate to tubular, us. plicate. Stamens inserted on corolla-tube, alt. with lobes, sts only 4 or 2 fertile; anthers 2-celled, sts connivent, dehiscing apically by pores or longitudinally. Hypog. disk us. present. Ovary superior, us. 2-loculed; placentae axile, ovules ∞; stigma 2-lobed; fr. a berry or capsule; seeds with endosperm. Herbs, shrubs, lianes or trees with alt. simple exstipulate lvs (sts ± pinnatifid). Upper lvs sts opp. or subopp. Some 85 genera and > 2200 spp., mostly of tropical and southern America, but some genera widespread.
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Fls solitary or in cymes or umbels; calyx 5-10-lobed. Corolla white, purple or blue, rotate, 5-10-lobed. Stamens inserted near throat of corolla-tube, filaments short; anthers long, exserted, connivent or cohering in a cone, dehiscing by apical pores. Ovary 2-loculed, sts appearing 3-4-loculed by ingrowth of subsidiary partitions. Fr. a berry with ∞ seeds. Herbs, shrubs, lianes or small trees with alt. or sts paired lvs. Widespread genus of some 1500 spp., but mainly tropical.
Similar in habit to S. aviculare but differing in purplish stems and darker If-veining. Corolla rotate, up to 5 cm. diam., blue-purple; lobes c. 1/2 length tube, margins flat, apices emarginate. Seeds 2·2-2.5 mm. long. Baylis (loc. cit. 639) gives: n = 46, average pollen-grain diam. 36-42 µ, stone-cell masses in ripe fr. conspicuous, mostly as large as or larger than the seeds.
Ample laxly branched plant, subshrubby in lower, herbaceous in upper parts, up to c. 1 m. tall and broad. Stems up to c. 5 mm. diam., glab. or us. nearly so, very finely striate, narrowly margined, somewhat zigzag, internodes up to c. 10 cm. long. Lvs us. of diverse form, often several forms on an individual. Lamina thin, membr., ± glab., reticulations evident; 4-6 × 1·5-3 cm., with smaller axillary Iflts up to c. 10×7 mm., oblong to ovate-oblong to narrow ovate-oblong. Infl. an almost regular to a slightly irregular cymose umbel. Peduncle very slender, up to 15 mm. long, patent; pedicels almost filiform, up to 10 mm. long. Calyx-lobes strongly reflexed at fruiting stage. Corolla c. 8 mm. diam.; anthers 1.1-2 mm. long. Berries black, glistening, ± 6 mm. diam. Seeds (1)-1·5 mm. long. Baylis finds n = 12, pollen-grain diam. in lacto-phenol 20-27 µ, stone-cell masses in fruiting stage 0-4.
Capitula many-fld, in terminal subcorymbose to umbellate panicles, homogamous; phyll. imbricate in several series; receptacle flat, nude; florets ligulate, yellow. Achenes ± compressed, ribbed, not beaked; pappus of cop. soft slender hairs. Erect lfy annual to perennial herbs with cop. latex. About 40 spp. of temperate regions, some widespread; the N.Z. spp. endemic.
Biennial to perennial herb with stout fleshy taproot up to c. 2 cm. diam. Basal lvs ∞, rosulate, subcoriac. to membr., glab. or ± scabridulous, 8-35 × 2-10 cm., obovate, cuneately narrowed to short flat petiole; margins sinuately dentate, not to slightly lobed. Stems stout, c. 7-50 cm. long, ribbed, branched above, latex cop. Cauline lvs few, up to 15 cm. long, about broad-ovate in outline, ± deeply lobed, lobes blunt to sharp, margins spinulose-dentate, base amplexicaul. Infl. subumbellate, bracted at base of clusters of capitula. Capitula c. 1·5 cm. long, 2 cm. diam., on rather stout pedicels. Florets ∞, yellow. Phyll. in several series, 4-12 mm. long, ovate-attenuate, membr., glab. Achenes 3-3·5 × c. 1·5 mm., elliptic, strongly compressed, glab., with c. 15 longitudinal ribs.
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Tree up to c. 10 m. tall, trunk up to 6 dm. diam. (juveniles of densely divaricating form). Branches spreading or drooping, young branchlets clad in pale to fulvellous tomentum. Lvs up to 15 cm. long or more, with 20-40 pairs of lflts. Lflts 5-7 mm. long, rarely up to 1 cm., obovate-oblong, clad above and below in appressed silky hairs, us. becoming glab. on both surfaces when mature, midrib distinct below. Fls up to 4·5 cm. long, in 4-10-fld racemes, pale to golden yellow. Calyx silky-tomentose, 1 cm. or more long; standard up to 3 cm. long, wings = or a little > standard; keel c. 4 cm. long. Pods fulvellous-tomentose when young, broadly winged, up to 15 cm. or more long, 6- or more-seeded. Seeds brownish to golden yellow, 5-8 mm. long.
Shrub or small tree up to 3 m. tall. Lvs c. 8-10 cm. long. Lflts close-set, up to 50 pairs, 3-4 mm. long, rather densely to sparsely clad in grey hairs above, densely hairy below. Young branchlets, pedicels and calyces densely clad in deep fulvous hairs. Keel c. 4·5 cm. long, but little > wings, standard c. 3·5 cm. long.
Tree up to 5 m. tall, lvs 10-20 cm. long, with 20-40 pairs of lflts. Lflts c. 4 mm. long. Fls lemon-yellow, c. 5 cm. long, standard c. 3·5 cm. long, keel c. 4·5 cm. long. Seeds pale brown.
Prostrate to bushy shrub up to c. 2 m. tall, with densely divaricating branches, mature branchlets brown, glab. Lvs up to 2.5 cm. long, lflt-pairs up to 8, lflts c. 4 mm. long, oblong, glab. when mature except on midrib below, veins evident. Fls solitary, paired, or three together on slender silky-hairy peduncles, orange to brownish yellow, rarely bright yellow. Calyx appressed-hairy, c. 1 cm. long; standard up to 1·5 cm. long, slightly or distinctly shorter than wings; keel c. 2 cm. long. Pods up to 3-(5) cm. long, including beak, silky-hairy when young, up to 5-seeded, very narrowly winged. Seeds dark to reddish brown, c. 7 mm. long.
Tree up to c. 12 m. tall, trunk up to 6 dm. diam. Branches spreading, young branchlets clad in fulvellous tomentum (juveniles not of divaricating form). Lvs up to 15 cm. or more long, with 10-20 pairs of lflts, sts more. Lflts 1·5-3·5 cm. × 5-8 mm., ovate to elliptic-oblong, clad above and below with silky appressed hairs, midrib distinct below. Fls up to 5 cm. long, in 4-10-fld racemes, golden yellow. Calyx 1-1·5 cm. long, clad in appressed silky hairs; standard c. 3 cm. long; wings c. 3·5 cm. long; keel c. 4·5 cm. long. Pods up to 2 dm. long, broadly winged; seeds 6 or more, yellowish, c. 7 mm. long.
Fls hermaphrodite or unisexual, in cymose infls. Sepals 5, free; petals 5, entire, sts 0; stamens 5-10; ovary 1-celled, ovules many, styles 3, free to base; valves of capsule 3. Annual to perennial low-growing herbs, lvs linear, opp., with pale scarious stipules. About 20 spp., cosmopolitan, mostly in saline areas.
Fronds bearing branched or occ. simple hairs. Sori immersed; indusium us. deeply 2-valved; receptacle not exserted. About 50 spp., mostly tropical. Type: Sp. Pl. 1753, 1098.
Small slender glab. herb with branching white subsucculent rhizomes and close-set erect branches up to 5 cm. long; often forming dense mats up to ± 3 m. diam. Lvs ± fleshy, subsessile, (4)-10-15-(20) × (0.5)-2-(4) mm., linear to linear-obovate to spathulate, acute to obtuse. Fls solitary, terminal, very shortly stalked, fragrant; calyx ± 4 mm. long teeth acute; petals ± 7 mm. long, yellowish, connate at middle or sts free teeth acute to acuminate, recurved. Stamens 5, three > others; anthers glab. Ovary 3-lobed, styles 3-fid. Cocci obovoid, smooth, (1)-2-(3) maturing, ± 3 mm. long when mature, pale to dark brown yellow.
Characters as for family as given above.
Fls 5-merous, perfect, in racemes, spikes, fascicles, or solitary. Calyx ± tubular, lobes imbricate; petals perig., long-clawed; claws connate into tube, but free at base; disk thin, lining calyx-tube. Stamen alt. with petals; anthers 2-celled, opening lengthwise. Ovary superior 2-5-celled; styles 2-5; ovules basal. Fr. of 2-5 1-seeded cocci separating from a central column; endosperm fleshy. Two genera: , 1 sp. of E. Australia; , some 15 spp. of N.Z., Australia, Philippine Is. The N.Z. sp. endemic.
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Lvs narrow, linear-lanceolate, acute or acuminate.
Slender decumbent glab. herb, c. 5 cm. tall. Stems often closely branched, rooted at lower nodes, ascending above. Lvs linear-oblong, subacute, 3-5 mm. long including the wide-winged petiole that is hardly distinct from the lamina, connate. Fls solitary, axillary, peduncles very short. Sepals 5, c. 3 mm. long, narrow-lanceolate, acuminate with pale membr. border; petals apparently lacking; stamens 5-(10); styles 3, capsule ovoid, about as long as sepals, 6-valved, many-seeded; seeds > 0·5 mm. diam., brown, rough-surfaced with well-developed rounded tubercles.
Perennial erect herb up to 10 cm. tall or more, branches wiry, few or if many forming loose cushion, often dry and yellow. Stems puberulous, nodose. Lvs linear-subulate, concave above, 3-6 mm. long, with minute marginal cilia at base, tapering to short apiculus, connate, with short lfy shoot in axil of one of pair. Fls solitary and terminal, peduncle erect to 5 cm. or more long with one pair of bracts. Sepals 5, 4-5 mm. long, ovate-lanceolate, acute with membr. margins; petals 5, bifid almost to base, wide-spreading and often longer than sepals; stamens 10; styles 3, capsule valves 6, exceeding calyx when mature; seeds 6-15, pale, up to 1 mm. long, with almost transparent papillae largest on keel.
Fls hermaphrodite, regular, solitary or in cymes. Sepals 4-5, free; petals white, 4-5, us. very deeply bifid, sts lacking; stamens 10 or fewer; ovary 1-celled, styles 3 (rarely 2 or 4-5), free to the base; capsule opening by twice as many teeth as there are styles. Slender annual to perennial herbs. Lvs opp., simple, entire, exstipulate. About 85 spp., cosmopolitan. The 6 spp. indigenous to N.Z. are all endemic. Several naturalized spp. are widespread weeds.
Soft decumbent annual herb up to 10 cm. or more long, rooting at lower nodes and forming small green patches. Stems glab., sparingly branched. Lvs distant, membr., broadly ovate, apiculate, base truncate, lamina 6-15 × 4-13 mm., petioles 2-9 mm., winged, occ. with multi- cellular hairs. Fls in axillary 2-fld infls; compound peduncle often exceeding If length. Sepals 5, c. 3 mm. long, glab., narrow-triangular, with pale scarious margins; petals 5, narrow, deeply cleft, shorter than sepals, or absent; stamens 5-10; styles 3, capsule thin-walled, much longer than sepals, splitting into 6 valves; seeds brown, flattened, 1 mm. long, tubercles low, elongated, in rows concentric with margin.
Perennial much-branched herb up to 20 cm. long, glab., succulent and glaucous, rooting from fleshy rhizome. Lvs linear, up to 20 × 3 mm., acute. Fls solitary and terminal, peduncles 10-15 mm. long. Sepals 5, subulate, acute, 8-10 mm. long, each with 3 strong ribs; petals half length of sepals, white, deeply divided into 2 narrow lobes; stamens 10, filaments long opp. sepals, short between sepals; styles 3, ovary c. half as long as sepals when mature, splitting into 6 broad lobes; seeds few, flattened, 0·5 mm. diam., covered with close-packed clavate papillae, brown.
Polygamodioec. herb. Umbels terminal and axillary, compound; bracts foliaceous, bractlets smaller. Fls jointed on top of pedicels. Hypanthium with 2-4 grooves; calyx obsolescent; petals 5, stamens 5, disk annular; ovary 4-3-loculed; style-branches 4-3, stylopodia ill-developed; fr. subglobose, hollowed at apex; seeds 1 per locule, ovoid. Large herb with stout rhizomes; lvs large, on fistular petioles. Endemic to Subantarctic Is.
Herb forming dense masses up to 2 m. diam. and tall. Stems much-branched, arising from thick, fleshy rhizome, up to c. 4 cm. diam. Lvs on semiterete, sparingly hairy petioles up to c. 6 dm. long; sheath amplexicaul, produced above into a foliaceous lobed ligule. Lamina bright green above, paler below; veins prominent on both surfaces, flabellate; 20-35 (from sinus) × 30-45 cm., suborbicular-reniform, somewhat fleshy, clad on both surfaces with slender ± appressed hairs ± 1-2 cm. long or nearly glab. below; margins with ∞ irregular, broadly rounded-triangular, abruptly apiculate or toothed lobules. Umbels compound, axillary and terminal, up to c. 30 cm. diam. on very stout peduncles 10-15 cm. long, bearing patent slender hairs. Primary rays ± 5-10, up to c. 15 cm. long, stout; bracts foliaceous, us. deeply 3-(5)-lobed. Secondary rays ± 10, up to c. 5 cm. long; bracts smaller. Pedicels rather slender, ± 10 mm. long, bracts often entire. Fls ∞, ± 5 mm. diam.; petals waxy, yellow, with purple base. Fr. subglobose, shining, hollowed above, ± (4)-5-(6) mm. diam.
Fls mostly 5-merous, irregular, perfect to unisexual, solitary or in racemes. Receptacle adnate to ovary; calyx-lobes free or connate and 2-lipped; corolla-lobes imbricate. Stamens 2-(3); filaments free from corolla, connate into a column surrounding style. Ovary inferior, 2-(1)-celled; capsule with ∞ seeds; embryo minute, endosperm cop. Mostly herbs with watery sap, radical or imbricate exstipulate simple lvs. Some 6 genera and 125 spp., mostly of Australia, Tasmania, N.Z.
Fls unisexual or perfect, axillary; bracteoles 2-3, minute, scarious. Per. segs 5, ± succulent; stamens 5; stigmas 2-5; achenes with thin membr. pericarp; embryo in flat spiral. Herbs or subshrubs with fleshy, us. alt., ± terete lvs. Subcosmopolitan genus of some 40 spp. of coastal areas.
Perennial much-branched subshrub; stems woody, bearing persistent lf-bases, ± ascending, up to 30 cm. or more long; branchlets grooved when dry. Lvs sessile, opp., alt., or fascicled (on same plant), approxi-mate, patent; lamina fleshy, linear to narrow-oblong (occ. narrow- obovate), ± apiculate, 4-12 × 1-2 mm. Fls axillary, (1)-3-(4) together, each subtended by 2 bracteoles. Per. 5-lobed; lobes ovate, erect; stigmas 2-3; seeds horizontal, red-brown, glossy.
Subherbaceous perennial with aerial stems arising from a slender, spreading, branching rhizome. Aerial parts ± clad in appressed hairs. Lvs imparipinnate with 6-10 or rarely more pairs of opp., subsessile lflts; stipules broadly deltoid, subacute to obtuse, c. 2 mm. long. Lflts c. 7 × 4 mm., obovate-oblong, margins slightly thickened. Racemes up to 5-(8)-fld, c. 2 cm. long; bracts narrow-lanceolate, c. 4 mm. long, pedicels c. 3 mm. long. Calyx c. 5-6 mm. long, campanulate, segs c. 3 mm. long, narrow, bibracteolate at base, pilose within and without. Standard ecallose, 7-8 × 8-10 mm., slightly retuse; claw 2 mm. long, veins evident. Wings 6-7 × 3-4 mm., oblong, claw 2 mm. long. Keel c. 6 mm. long, obliquely obovate-oblong, not pouched. Ovary invested with appressed hairs without, cobwebby within, gynophore stout, very short, style bearded in upper third, curved. Pods with persistent calyx and style-base, about 10-seeded, up to 2 × 1 cm., sutures strongly ridged, valves thinly coriac., transverse veins evident. Seeds c. 3·5 × 3 mm., brown to dark brown, radicle prominent.
Differs from type in being glab., except for a few weak hairs on the lf-midribs below.
Infl. racemose, axillary, pedunculate. Pedicels short, bracteate. Calyx with 5 subequal teeth, pilose within, sts also without. Standard about orbicular, ± retuse; keel sts spirally coiled. Stamens diadelphous, ovules us. ∞, subsessile to stipitate. Style adaxially bearded; stigma terminal, minute. Pods with ridged, ventral, ± intruded suture, walls subcoriac. to membr. Herbs and subshrubs with imparipinnate, stipulate lvs, lflts opp. to subopp. Over 50 Australian spp., and one sp. endemic to N.Z.
Capitula solitary on fistular scapes, homogamous. Involucre campanulate; phyll. in several series. Receptacle flat, nude. Florets ligulate; anthers sagittate at base, cells not tailed. Achenes cylindric to fusiform, with long slender beak; pappus-hairs cop. Perennial herbs with stout taproot and rosulate lvs; latex cop. Genus subcosmopolitan, of c. 50 spp. The N.Z. sp. also occurs in southern S. America.
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Infls short, axillary, mostly on old wood above lf-scars. Calyx campanulate to suburceolate, ± lobed; corolla-tube ± funnelform with large unequal lobes. Fifth stamen us. rudimentary. Ovary cylindric, flattened or subquadrangular, 2-locular, each loculus with 2 placentae. Capsule loculicidally dehiscent with 2 coriac. boat-shaped valves. Seeds winged. Woody lianes with 1-5-jugate glab. lvs. Some 20 spp. mainly of New Guinea. The N.Z. sp. endemic.
Glab. woody liane up to ± 10 m. tall. Lvs coriac., dark green above, paler below; imparipinnately 3-5-foliolate, on petioles up to ± 6 cm. × 4 mm., enlarged at base; scar oval to suborbicular; lateral lflts on petiolules ± 5 mm. long; lamina ± 5-9-(13) × 3-7-(8) cm., broad-elliptic to broad-obovate, entire, obliquely cuneately narrowed to base, apiculate to retuse; terminal lflt on petiolule to 2 cm. long; lamina 8-12-(15) × 5-9 cm., broad-elliptic to broad-obovate, cuneately narrowed to base, retuse to apiculate. Infl. with up to 30 fls in corymbose compound cyme on stout peduncle ± 2-3 cm. long; pedicels stout, c. 1 cm. long, opp., us. trichotomously branched. Calyx green, velvety without, to c. 2.5 × 1 cm., tubular, (3)-4-(5)-lobed, splitting to base as fl. matures. Corolla delicately creamy white, with very pale green flush, tomentose without; tube cylindric, ± 3 × 1·5 cm., limb 2-lipped; lower lip entire, 2 × 1 cm., upper lip 4-lobed, ± 4 × 5 cm., each lobe tapering to subacute recurved apex. Stamens us. 4, to c. 5-6 cm. long, 2 outer > 2 inner; filaments adnate to tube for c. 1 cm., at point of separation invested by slender hairs. Anthers orange, c. 1 cm. long, cells diverging; staminode filiform, ± hairy, us. short, occ. long, sts represented by fully developed stamen. Style slender, extending to mid-anther position with a sharp double flexure in its upper third; stigma truncately 2-lobed. Ovary bilocular, the 2 placentae in each loculus occupying the thickened outer parts of the septum. Fr. a woody subcylindric capsule to 19 × 3·5 cm., splitting loculicidally from the base into two boat-shaped valves which separate from the septum. Seeds very many, densely packed, flattened, c. 1 × 2.5 cm. including broad membr. wing.
Herb forming broad low patches, with slender branching stems rooting at nodes. Lvs with flat connate petioles c. 1 mm. long; lamina broad-ovate to obovate-oblong, ± minutely ciliolate, ± 2 × 2 mm., rather fleshy, obscurely gland-dotted. Calyx-lobes minute, ovate-triangular; corolla-lobes obovate-oblong, pubescent. Nutlets brown, hardly 1 mm. long, densely setulose; endosperm cop.
Fls axillary, solitary, 4-merous. Calyx deeply 4-fid, persistent; corolla subrotate, a little > calyx, with very short tube and 4 lobes imbricate in bud. Stamens 4, inserted between corolla-lobes; anthers 2-celled, dorsi-fixed. Ovary 4-lobed to base; style long, gynobasic. Fr. of 4 setulose nutlets rounded at back and apex; seed erect, embryo cylindric, endosperm cop. Minute creeping herbs with opp. lvs. Family of single genus with 2 known spp., one endemic to Patagonia, one to N.Z. For a discussion of their claim to family rank see Skottsberg (Engl. Bot. Jb. 48, 1912, 17-26).
Fls with calyx tube adnate to ovary, often produced, 3-5-lobed; petals 0; stamens 1-many. Ovary 2-8-celled; styles as many as cells. Fr. globose to turbinate, endocarp hard, mesocarp fleshy or not. Herbs or subshrubs with trailing to erect stems; lvs alt., ± succulent. About 25 spp. mostly of S. Africa.
Herb with decumbent branching stems, softly woody towards base, up to 6 dm. long. Lvs on petioles up to 2 cm. long; lamina ovate-rhomboid to triangular, obtuse to subacute, entire to slightly sinuate or shallowly lobed, ± densely papillose. Fls solitary or occ. paired, occ. unisexual, sessile or nearly so, ± 7 mm. diam.; per. yellowish. Calyx tube broad- turbinate, lobes broad-triangular, obtuse. Stamens 10-20. Ovary 3-8-celled, styles 3-8. Fr. 8-10 mm. long, subturbinate, angled; seeds 4-10; horns 2-4, indurate.
Trailing or lianoid herb or subshrub with terete branching softly woody stems up to ± 3 m. long. Lvs on flattened petioles up to 1 cm. long; lamina fleshy, papillose, (1)-2-3-(5) × 1-3 cm., obtuse, deltoid to broad- ovate to ovate-rhomboid, rather abruptly narrowed to petiole. Fls on slender peduncles ± 5 mm. long, solitary or occ. paired, occ. unisexual; per. yellow. Calyx tube subglobose; stamens 10-20; ovary 2-(3)- celled; styles 2-(3). Fr. 5-7 mm. diam., subglobose, succulent, bright to dark red, not horned; seeds 1-3.
Dioec. soft-wooded glab. liane, up to c. 10 m. tall; branches terete, flexible; branchlets very slender. Tendrils very slender, ± curled, up to ± 10 cm. long, rarely bearing a fl. Lvs alt., on petioles up to 2 cm. long; lamina ovate- to oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, 5-10 × 2-3 cm., entire, coriac., dark green and glossy above, paler below; margins ± undulate. Fls solitary, or in 2-4-fld cymes, ebracteate. Sepals and petals yellowish green, ovate-oblong, about equal, reflexed; coronal filaments yellowish. ♂ with long, diverging staminal filaments; ♀ with 3-locular, stipitate ovary, us. with staminodes; styles 2-3. Fr. subglobose, orange, 25-30 cm. long; seeds wrinkled, aril reddish, cop.
Fls solitary or in few-fld cymes, axillary; calyx and corolla 5-lobed. Stamens 4, didynamous, exserted; anthers 1-celled; styles unequally bifid. Ovary 2-loculed, 4-lobed; ovules 1 per lobe, pend. Fr. dry, 4-lobed, 4-seeded, invested by persistent calyx, separating into 4 cocci. Softly wooded ± virgate shrubs with 4-angled branchlets and opp., simple lvs. Genus of 1 sp., endemic to N.Z.
Erect closely branched softly wooded shrub up to c. 1·5 m. tall; branchlets 4-angled, pubescent when young. Lvs on petioles ± 4-12 mm. long. Lamina ± 4-12-(15) mm. long, broad-ovate to ovate-oblong to suborbicular, membr., sts irregularly lobed. Fls axillary, solitary or in very small, few-fld cymes on very short, 2-bracted peduncles. Calyx-lobes subulate, persistent; corolla pubescent, white, sts flushed pale blue. Cocci ("pyrenes") hispid.
Plant monoec.; ♂ without bracteoles; per. 5-partite; stamens 5, well-exserted, filaments slender, connate at very base. ♀ without per., enclosed in bracteoles united almost to apex, opening at tips in fr.; ovary compressed; stigmas 2, papillose on inner face. Seed erect, compressed, edges opp. lips of bracteoles. Herbs clad in bladdery papillae. Genus of 1 known sp., of Australia, Tasmania and N.Z.
Monoec. prostrate to decumbent much-branched herbs; main root rather slender; branches up to ± 4 dm. long, light to yellowish brown, becoming glab.; branchlets soft, clad in bladdery papillae. Lvs on papillose short-petioles to subsessile; lamina fleshy, densely clad in bladdery papillae; 6-15 × 3-10 mm., ovate-oblong to obovate to elliptic; entire to sinuate. ♂ solitary, axillary, or 2-5 in a cluster, towards tips of branches; per. segs oblong, obtuse; stamens 5. ♀ solitary or 2-3 together, in axils of lower lvs, shortly peduncled; bracteoles connate into urceolate, 2-lipped envelopement of fr. Per. 0, styles 2. Seed erect, compressed, edges opp. lips, ± 2 × 1·5 mm., reddish brown.
Sori dorsal, superficial, round, sts coalescent. Indusium reniform to absent. Sporangia us. with glandular hairs on stalks, sts setose. Spores bilateral, with winged or laminate perispore. Rhizome creeping to suberect, solenostelic to dictyostelic; paleae often with setose or glandular hairs. Stipes with two vascular strands; rhachis and costae ± setose, sts with glandular hairs. Lamina pinnate to tripinnate; veins pinnate, veinlets simple or forked. About 5 widely distributed genera.
Rhizome erect or very shortly creeping; stipites approximate. Stipes 10-60 cm. long, slender, clad in spreading hairs when young. Rhachis pale brown, us. rather densely clad, as are costae, in slender hairs. Lamina up to 1 m. × 3 dm., pale green, oblong-lanceolate, membr., at first ± pilose, later glabrate. Lower pinnae reduced. Pinnae ∞, rather distant, patent, tapering from base to acuminate apex, up to 15 × 2 cm.; pinnatifid to halfway or more. Segs close-set, lowest up to 1 cm. long, oblong, obtuse to subacute, subfalcate. Lower veinlets uniting at or near narrow sinus. Sori us. cop., 1-1·5 mm. diam., close-set but not coalescing, up to 7 pairs per seg., about medial, often none or few on lowest segs. Indusium cordate-reniform, at first bearing delicate hairs.
Rhizome erect, short or forming a caudex up to 6 dm. or more long, invested with rootlets and bases of stipites, up to 10 cm. diam. Stipe up to 5 dm. × 1 cm., subsucculent, deeply grooved, dark brown to almost black, bearing ovate-lanceolate brown paleae near base. Lamina up to 15 dm. long; rhachis with ∞ subopp, membr. to subcoriac., dark to light green pinnae; rhachis somewhat pubescent near groove when young, with or without a few paleae. Pinnae rather distant; lowest pair reduced to c. 2 cm. long, often irregularly lobulate; mid-pinnae up to 20 × 3 cm., oblong, acute to acuminate, deeply pinnatifid; segs (lowest of larger pinnae sometimes up to 5 cm. long, lobed) oblong, subfalcate, obtuse, up to 2 cm. × 6 mm.; margins subcrenate to nearly entire, slightly waved. Lateral veinlets of segs simple or forked towards tips; lowest uniting at or below the narrow sinus. Sori us. very cop., not coalescing, one per lateral vein of seg., in a row on each side of and near the mid-veinlet, c. 1 mm. diam., in up to 10 pairs.
Rhizome dictyostelic, paleate; lamina us. pinnate, sts setose; veins all free or the lowest of adjacent segs uniting at or near sinus. Sori dorsal, us. small; indusium reniform-cordate or absent; spores bilateral. Copeland (Gen. Fil. 1947, 136) as against Alston (Kew Bull. 1932, 309) argues that is invalid, and that , 1824, should be adopted.
Rhizome short, stipites crowded; stipes up to 6 cm. long, stiff, pale brown, sparingly paleate at base. Rhachis often densely pilose when young, becoming glabrate, pale brown to stramineous, c. 2 mm. diam.; costae with slender patent hairs. Lamina up to 1 m × 45 cm., about ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, pale green, membr., bipinnate or rarely tripinnate; under surface ± clad in slender hairs. Primary pinnae alt., spreading, gradually tapering to acuminate apex; lowest 5-8 cm. long; mid pinnae increasing to 25 × 8 cm.; upper gradually decreasing to acuminate terminal seg. Secondary pinnae pinnatisect, up to 4 cm. × 5 mm. narrow-oblong, acute to acuminate or obtuse with toothed apex. Segs narrow-triangular to narrow-oblong, up to 5 mm. long, acute to obtuse and 2-3-cleft. Sori up to 5 pairs per seg., hardly 1 mm. diam. Indusium cordate-reniform, caducous.
Fls terminal or axillary, perfect to unisexual, regular or nearly so; in heads, spikes or racemes. Calyx tubular (hypanthium ?), imbricately 4-5-lobed (sepals ?); petals (or staminodes ?) 0-12, scale-like; stamens 2-many. Ovary superior, 1-2-celled, stigma capitate; ovule solitary in each cell, pend.; fr. us. ind. and drupaceous. Trees or shrubs with opp. or alt., simple exstipulate lvs. About 40 genera; mainly of Mediterranean, South Africa and Australia.
Fls us. perfect, regular, in cymes; sepals us. 5, valvate; petals us. 5, sts sepaloid; stamens 10- ∞, filaments free or in fascicles, anthers 2-celled dehiscing by apical pores or slits. Pistil 1; ovary superior, 2-10-loculed; placentae axile; style with stigmas us. as many as locules. Embryo straight. Fr. drupaceous or capsular. Mostly trees or shrubs, pubscent with branched hairs, lvs alt., simple, stipulate. Over 40 genera and 400 spp., mostly tropical and subtropical. The N.Z. genus endemic.
Fls small, us. solitary in lf-axils, (3)-4-(5)-merous; sepals or calyx lobes us. 4; petals us. 4; stamens as many as petals. Carpels us. 4, free or nearly so; ovules 1 to several per carpel; style us. short. Scales 4-2-0. Fr. of follicles. Small slender ± succulent herbs with small opp. lvs connate at or near base. Subcosmopolitan genus with c. 60 spp. Of the N.Z. spp. , , have a wider distribution, the rest are endemic.
Small succulent herb forming extensive patches; stems prostrate, rooting at nodes; branches ascending, up to 15 cm. or more long, us. reddish, succulent; internodes up to 2 cm. long. Lvs (4)-5-10 mm. long, thick, fleshy, narrow-oblong to oblong-spathulate, obtuse. Fls 4-5 mm. diam.; peduncles 3-4 mm. long; calyx deeply obtusely lobed; petals white, > calyx, oblong, broadly obtuse. Scales 4, ± stipitate, linear-cuneate, truncate. Carpels turgid; style very short, recurved; seeds 6-8-(10) per carpel.
Small herb forming matted to rather open patches up to 3 cm. tall; stems prostrate, rooting at nodes, ascending at tips; internodes up to 1 cm. long, us. less. Lvs ± 2 mm. long, fleshy, ovate-subulate, acute, ± apiculate; lvs of short branches us. imbricate. Fls 2.5-3·5 mm. diam.; peduncles short; calyx divided ± halfway to base, lobes broadly subulate, acute. Petals rose to white, twice length of calyx, broad-oblong, obtuse. Scales 4; carpels ovoid; styles slender, recurved; seeds 8.
Delicate erect or spreading sparingly branched annual herb up to 5 cm. tall; branches capillary, with internodes up to 1 cm. long. Lvs 2.5-4·5 mm. long, subsucculent, linear, acuminate. Fls ± 2 mm. diam., the capillary peduncles elongating in fr. Calyx lobes ovate, obtuse to subacute; petals = calyx, linear, acuminate; scales 0. Carpels ± = calyx; seeds us. 10-16 per carpel.
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Densely matted herb up to 3 cm. tall; stems and branches very delicate; internodes short, us. not > 5 mm. Lvs 1-2 mm. long, thin, linear- subulate to linear-oblong, subacute to acute, sts apiculate. Fls ± 1·5 mm. diam.; peduncles short; calyx lobes deep, ovate-oblong, obtuse. Petals white, ± twice length of sepals, oblong, obtuse. Scales 4, linear-cuneate. Carpels turgid; style oblique, very short, slightly recurved. Seeds (3)-4-(8).
Sporangia 2-celled, coriac.; cells elongate, pointed, constricted at junction, septum across narrowest diam., terminal on short lobes that bear two lf-like lobes just below insertion of sporangium. Plant us. epiphytic, with pend. axis. Lobes ∞, lf-like, flattened laterally, decurrent, irregularly two-rowed. Lower part of aerial axis with scale-like lobes or nearly naked. One polymorphic sp.: Australia, Tasmania, N.Z., Pacific Islands.
Aerial axis up to 5 dm. long, pend., rarely forked. Lf-like lobes up to 3 cm. long and 6 mm. wide, about oblong, truncate to subacute at tip, us. mucronate, subcoriac., dark green. Sporangia sessile at apex of fertile lobes, lying ║ lobe, with two lf-like lobes arising immediately below and extending beyond sporangium which is 4-6 mm. long, brown, coriac., subacutely pointed.
Stock stout, erect, up to 6 dm. diam. and 12 dm. tall. Stipes up to 1 cm. or more diam. and 6 dm. long, brown, grooved, smooth; rhachides and costae similar. Primary pinnae 10-20 cm. long; pinnules coriac., bluntly toothed, 1·5-5 cm. long, 2-5 mm. wide, about linear-lanceolate, uppermost confluent. Sporangia crowded on veinlets of lower pinnules, often hiding surface of pinnule.
Stock stout, often forming a distinct caudex up to 6 dm. tall, invested by bases of stipites. Fronds crowded, spreading, up to 1 m. long; stipites greenish brown, nude or with lines or patches of woolly brownish hairs, up to 30 cm. long and 5 mm. diam. or more; rhachides similar. Lamina up to 80 cm. or more long, about ovate-deltoid in outline, acuminate. Primary pinnae 2-3 cm. apart, uppermost under 3 cm. long, mid up to 15 cm., lowest c. 6 cm. long. Pinnules pellucid, pinnately dissected, 5 mm. apart, in one plane not overlapping, up to 20 mm. long, segs linear. Sporangia along vein of pinnules, mostly in lower ⅔ of pinnae.
Stock stout, up to 1 m. tall, us. less. Fronds crowded, spreading, up to 12 dm. long; stipites dark brown, densely to sparsely clad in woolly brownish hairs, or almost nude, up to 15 cm. long and 5 mm. or more diam. Rhachides us. densely clad in woolly hairs. Lamina tripinnate, about lanceolate in outline, acuminate. Primary pinnae close-set, uppermost under 3 cm. long, mid up to 15 cm., lowest 3 cm. or less. Pinnules pinnatisect, overlapping, pellucid, up to 2 cm. long. Sporangia along vein of pinnule, mainly in lower half of pinnae.
Stock stout, often forming a distinct caudex; fronds large, crowded; veins simple or forked. Sporangia distributed along the veinlets. About 6 spp., ranging from N.Z. to New Guinea.
Shrub up to 1 m. or more tall, branches with papery deciduous bark. Branchlets slender, clad in remains of lf-bases, grooved; young branchlets, lvs, pedicels and phyll. glutinous. Lvs c. 5-8 × 1·5-2.5 cm., sub-coriac., obtuse to subacute, of obovate order, cuneately narrowed to decurrent base, coarsely serrate in expanded portion; venation evident, main veins at narrow angle with midrib, arching. Subfloral lvs smaller, more finely serrate, merging into bracts of infl. Infl. laxly corymbose, capitula ∞ to few, c. 8 mm. long, 10 mm. diam. Florets white, 12-15, narrow-tubular, perfect, campanulate above with 5 linear spreading to recurved lobes up to 2.5 mm. long, > pappus-hairs; stamens exserted. Phyll. c. 6 mm. long, linear-oblong, obtuse, rigid and coriac., margins membr. Achenes c. 1·5-2 mm. long, ribbed, glab., obovoid, very shortly stipitate. Pappus-hairs stiff, up to 5 mm. long, minutely barbellate.
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Rhizome filiform, ± densely clad in minute hairs; stipites rather distant. Stipes filiform, 1-5 cm. long, not winged. Rhachis not winged or very obscurely so in upper part. Lamina 2-10 cm. or more long, green, narrow-oblong, 3-pinnatifid; pinnules up to 1 cm. or more long, rather distant; final segs with solitary veinlet, toothed to incised, narrow-linear, acute. Sori stalked near base of upper pinnules, or on secondary rhachis. Indusium c. 2 mm. long, widening upwards, narrowly winged. Receptacle filiform, exserted, up to 5 mm. or more long.
Rhizome stout, forming a short stock densely beset with long dark brown hairs; stipites clustered. Stipes stout, 7-20 cm. long or more, ± bristly-hairy when young, bearing a basal tuft of linear bristly hairs, not winged. Rhachis stout, 10-15 cm. long, with scattered hairs, obscurely winged in upper part. Lamina 7-20 cm. long, 6-10 cm. wide, deltoid-triangular, 2-3-pinnate, dark green; final segs oblong, 1-2 mm. long, toothed to incised. Sori us. ∞, in sinuses of lobes of pinnules, free. Indusium up to 2 mm. long, funnel-form, sessile to shortly stalked; mouth entire or very slightly 2-lipped, hardly dilated. Receptacle stout, far exserted, up to 15 mm. or more long.
Rhizome slender, densely beset when young with red-brown hairs; stipites rather distant. Stipes filiform, 1-3 cm. long, narrowly winged for half length or more. Rhachis winged. Lamina 2-10 cm. long, dark green, irregularly 2-pinnatifid; pinnae close, narrow-oblong to lanceolate or oval; final segs up to 5 mm. long, linear, widening slightly to apex. Sori solitary, immersed in tip of short lateral seg., on upper side and near base of pinna. Indusium urceolate to tubular; mouth expanded, minutely 2-lipped. Receptacle filiform, exserted, up to 10 mm. long.
Indusium cylindric to urceolate, often winged; mouth truncate, entire to slightly 2-lipped. Receptacle far exserted.
Rhizome rather stout, far-creeping, much-branched, with tufts of dark red-brown hairs at base of rather distant to approximate stipites. Stipes stout, 5-20 cm. long, not winged. Lamina 3-10 × 5-10 cm., reniform, coriac. when mature; sinus deep. Laminae of juveniles flabellately divided above, of adults sts shallowly sinuate. Sori often close-set along margin, except in lower part and sinus. Indusium c. 2 mm. long, cup-shaped to almost bell-shaped. Receptacle stout, exserted.
Rhizome stout, abbreviated, forming a short stock ± clad in long red-brown hairs; stipites crowded. Stipes stout, 5-10 cm. long or more, sts slightly winged in upper part, bristly-hairy at base, sts bearing also sparse deciduous hairs. Rhachis stout, narrowly winged throughout or in upper part only. Lamina 7-20 cm. or more long, lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate to oblong, acuminate, 3-4-pinnatifid; lower pinnae us. reduced; final segs under 1 mm. wide, linear, obtuse; veinlets less stout than in T. elongatum. Sori on short lateral segs near base of upper margins of pinnules. Indusium c. 1 mm. long, free, cylindric to funnel-form, winged, dilated at mouth. Receptacle slender, far exserted, up to 15 mm. long.
Rhizome slender to filiform, densely clad in minute hairs; stipites approximate. Stipes filiform, not winged, 1-5 cm. long. Rhachis winged above or wingless. Lamina 2-10 cm. long, lanceolate to elliptic, translucent, pinnate; pinnules 1-3 cm. long, sts pinnatifid; veins distinct, several times forked. Sori us. solitary on upper side of base of pinnules, sometimes 2-4, partly immersed. Indusium c. 1 mm. long, widened to apex, tubular, winged in upper half, mouth entire to minutely 2-lipped, dilated. Receptacle filiform, exserted, up to 10 mm long.
Shrub up to c. 1 m. diam.; branchlets opp. or subopp., pubescent; bark pale. Lvs of diverse form on same plant, on slender ± pubescent petioles ± 2-5 mm. long, alt. to subopp. Lamina (1)-3-5-(7) × 1-3-(4) cm., coriac., broadly ovate- to obovate-rhomboid to elliptic-lanceolate-oblong, obtuse to occ. subacute; margins sts sinuate to sub-crenulate. Panicles ± 2-3 cm. long, up to 15-fld; peduncles and pedicels slender, finely pubescent. Fls ± 3-5 mm. diam.; tepals 4, greenish yellow, of ♂ of ovate-oblong order, of ♀ us. rather narrower, subacute. Stigma terminal on thick style, large, globose. Ovary adnate to receptacle. Fr. ± 5-7 mm. diam., white to pink, often with darker pink spots, subglobose, viscid.
Plants monoec. to dioec., occ. polygamous. Fls in cymose panicles with outer tepals obsolete, inner tepals 4-(5), valvate, deciduous; stamens 4, opp. tepals, filaments elongate. Ovary 1-loculed, 1-ovuled; style thick; stigma large, capitate. Fr. viscid. Hemiparasitic shrub, the only known sp. endemic.
Mostly monoec. to dioec. herbs; infl. us. a compound or simple bracted umbel, sts reduced to heads. Fls regular, 5-merous; calyx adnate to ovary, lobes often obsolete; petals us. valvate and inflexed in bud; stamens alt. with petals, seated on epig. disk; anthers 2-celled, dehiscing lengthwise, us. inflexed in bud. Ovary inferior, 2-carpelled; carpels unilocular, with axile placentae. Ovules 1 per locule, pend.; styles 2, often swollen at base and forming stylopodia. Fr. a schizocarp of 2 mericarps cohering by their inner faces (commissure). Mericarps separating at commissural surface, us. remaining long suspended from the apex of a prolongation of the axis (carpophore); flattened to subterete, us. distinctly ribbed. Oil-tubes (vittae), if present, between or below the ribs. Seeds with minute embryo and cop. endosperm. Mostly biennial to perennial herbs with pith-filled furrowed stems; lvs alt., us. pinnately to palmately compound, with sheathing bases. About 130 genera and 3000 spp. of worldwide distribution.
Rather stout dioec. herb up to 4 dm. tall, somewhat woody at the base, spreading by well-developed rhizomes. Stems, branches petioles and lvs (except in shade) especially when young, densely clad in stiff stinging hairs. Lvs 2-4 × 1-4 cm., on petioles up to 4 cm. long (shade lvs often larger); lamina subcoriac., broad-ovate, subcordate to truncate or rarely cuneate at base, obtusely to acutely dentate; teeth c. 5 mm. long, sinus acute. Stipules up to 1 cm. long, us. entire. Spikes up to 5 cm. long; per.-segs glabrate; staminate with scattered clusters of fls; pistillate with approximate clusters. Achenes 1-1·5 mm. long, stigmas prominent.
Herb up to 1 m. tall; branches decumbent and rooting at base, then erect, up to 1 m. tall, up to 1 cm. diam., subsucculent. Young branchlets, petioles and infl.-axes with sparse hairs or glab.; stinging hairs few. Lvs 10-15 × 8-14 cm., on stout petioles up to 5 cm. long; lamina broadly ovate-cordate to suborbicular, acute or obtuse, coarsely dentate-serrate, almost free of stinging hairs; sts a lateral pair of lflts developed on petiole; teeth up to 1 cm. long, sinus acute. Stipules lanceolate, up to 2 cm. long, us. bifid. Staminate infl. of 1-3 branched spikes up to 7 cm. long, per. glabrate; pistillate similar, fls densely arranged, per. glabrate. Achenes elliptic in outline, 1·5-2 mm. long, pale brown.
Dioec. branching shrub up to 2 m. or more tall, with base up to 12 cm. diam.; stinging hairs stalked, cop.; young branchlets, petioles and infl.-axes pilose-pubescent. Lvs rather pale green, 8-12 × 3-5 cm., on petioles up to 5 cm. long (lvs of juveniles sts up to 15 cm. long; of exposed plants sts reduced to 5 cm. or less long), glabrate above, ± scurfy pubescent below; lamina ovate-triangular, acuminate, coarsely sharply dentate-serrate; subcordate to truncate at base; teeth up to 1 cm. long, bristle-tipped, sinus acute to obtuse. Spikes branched, up to 8 cm. long; per.-segs pubescent. Achenes 1-1·5 mm. long, brown.
Monoec. herb with rather slender stems, simple to much-branched, up to 6 dm. tall, sparsely clad in stinging hairs. Lvs 2-5 × 2-5 cm., on petioles up to 7 cm. long, rather closely to sparsely clad in stinging hairs; lamina thin, ovate to broad-ovate to deltoid, glab. except for a few stinging hairs, truncate to subcordate at base, coarsely serrate-dentate, sts incised; teeth acute to apiculate, 4-mm. or more long, sinus obtuse to acute. Stipules up to 1 cm. long, us. entire. Spikes up to 2 cm. or more long, solitary or paired, either with ♂ above, ♀ below, or bearing one sex only; per. glab. or nearly so. Achenes 1-1·5 mm. long, pale brown.
Fls small, greenish, unisexual, in axillary simple or branched spikes or racemes; per. deeply 4-partite; stamens 4, inflexed in bud; ovary us. ovoid; stigma penicillate; ovule 1, erect. Achene us. ovoid; subcompressed, invested by long-persistent per. About 40 spp., mostly temperate and subtropical, of annual to perennial herbs or shrubs, us, bearing stinging hairs; lvs opp., toothed or lobed. The N.Z. spp. are endemic, except U. incisa, which is common in Australia and Tasmania.
Herb with slender scrambling or climbing, us. sparingly branched stems up to 2 m. long; branchlets, petioles and lvs sparingly clad in stinging hairs, sts almost lacking armature. Lvs 3-8 cm. × 5-12 mm., on petioles up to 5 mm. long; lamina linear to linear-lanceolate, dentate-serrate, acuminate, cuneate to truncate at base; teeth 1-2 mm. long, sharp, sinus acute. Staminate spikes up to 1 cm. long; per. glab. or nearly so; pistillate often reduced to glomerules. Achenes 1-1·5 mm. long, brown.
Fls minute, unisexual, cymose; per. 4-5-lobed, imbricate or valvate. Stamens 4-5, opp. per.-lobes, inflexed in bud. ♀ with per. often enlarged in fr.; staminodes present or absent; ovary superior, rarely inferior, 1-celled; ovule 1, erect. Fr. an achene or drupe. Herbs, subshrubs or small soft-wooded trees, with alt. or opp., simple, stipulate lvs. About 40 genera, mainly tropical, some widespread.
Plant with very slender to filiform stolons bearing several bladders c. 2 mm. long. Lvs radical, soon falling, 4-6 mm. long, occ. reduced to scales, very narrow linear-spathulate. Scape up to c. 8 cm. tall, very slender to filiform, 1-3-fld; bracts minute. Fls subsessile, ± 5-8 mm. long. Calyx-lobes ± equal, suborbicular, ± 3 mm. diam. Corolla white or very faintly lavender-tinted; upper lip deeply 2-lobed, c. 6 mm. long, about linear-oblong; lower lip broad, entire, ± sinuate; palate not or very slightly thickened; spur ± 5 mm. long, minutely 2-horned at tip. Capsule subglobose, ± 3·5-4-(5) mm. diam.
Scapes with 1-several fls; calyx deeply 2-lobed, segs often enlarging as capsule matures. Corolla spurred at back, 2-lipped; upper lip erect, entire or 2-lobed; lower lip spreading, us. 3-6-lobed; palate us. well-developed; stamens 2, ± curved; style short; stigma 2-lobed. Capsule subglobose, 2-valved, or dehiscing irregularly; seeds ∞. Herbs with filiform lvs and ∞ to few bladders that trap small animals. Widespread genus with some 250 spp. occurs also in Tasmania, and in Tasmania and Australia. The other N.Z. spp. appear to be endemic.
Plant with very slender to filiform stolons bearing several subcompressed, subglobose bladders ± 1·5-2.5 mm. diam. Lvs radical, deciduous, (5)-10-15-(25) mm. long, narrow, linear to spathulate. Scape slender, erect, ± 2-10 cm. long, 1-(2)-fld. Fls (5)-9-10 mm. diam.; bracts minute, ovate-triangular. Calyx-lobes oblong, obtuse. Corolla dark to very dark violet-purple, with yellow eye, very rarely whitish. Upper lip broadly cuneate, retuse; lower broad, almost semicircular; palate with yellow glandular line; spur short, obtuse. Capsule subglobose-obovoid.
Plant with very slender stolons bearing ∞ short-stalked bladders ± 3-4 mm. diam. Lvs few, deciduous, radical, (5)-10-20-30 mm. long, narrow, linear to lanceolate or spathulate, slightly fleshy. Scape very slender, erect, ± 7-25 cm. long, (1)-3-4-fld; bracts small, opp., or in whorls of 3, broad-ovate. Fls subsessile; upper calyx-lobe suborbicular, rounded at apex, or very slightly retuse; lower smaller, 2- to obscurely 3-toothed. Corolla pale purple with yellow eye, rarely whitish; upper lip truncate to very slightly retuse, oblong-cuneate; lower about semicircular, broad, entire; palate with 3 broad grooved ridges; spur short, thick, obtuse. Capsule globose-obovoid, 4-5 mm. diam.
Stems floating in still water, up to 4 dm. or more long, filiform, sparingly branched. Lvs ∞, submerged, multifid, 2-3-(4) cm. long; segs capillary, up to ± 1 cm. long. Bladders ∞, (1)-2-3-(4) mm. long, obliquely ovoid, attached by short stalk to near base of lf-segs. Scape rather stout, erect, up to c. 15 cm. long, 2-4-(5)-fld near apex. Calyx-lobes oblong to elliptic. Corolla yellow; upper lip 3-lobed; lower entire, broad; disk protruded, margins recurved. Spur short, obtuse. Capsule ?
"A very small slender erect herb. Roots rather short, flat, white, semi-transparent, hair-like, with small scattered globular hyaline bladders . . . Leaves few (2-3), basal, linear-spathulate, obtuse, 1-nerved, entire, 6-8 lines long . . . Scape 2-31/2 inches high, simple, filiform; flowers 1 . . . rarely 2 . . . bracts at top of scape 5, ovate-acuminate, sepals large, inflated, sub-orbicular . . . corolla purple, strongly veined, 3-4 lines diameter, upper lip small, cuneate, retuse, the lower one somewhat circular in outline (i.e., presenting the broad segment of a circle), entire.
"Scape simple, erect, filiform, 11/2 in.-2 in. high; 1-flowered (one specimen 2-flowered) . . . 4 simple bracteoles sublinear obtuse . . . Leaves 2 (or 3) at base, narrow linear-spathulate, obtuse, 1/2 in.-1 in. long . . . Calyx sepals unequal, cut to base, suborbicular . . . margins undulate . . . Corolla yellowish (?) with purple veins 3 lines diameter, upper lip sub-ovate obtuse; the lower lip sub-3-lobed . . . spur ascending transversely obtuse; anthers large, suborbicular, purple; style short, stout; stigma linear, brown. Capsule globose, 1/10 in. diameter . . .
Infl. of racemes or cymes, often involucrate. Calyx 4-5-toothed; corolla often tubular, 4-5-lobed, often 2-lipped; stamens 4, didynamous. Ovary us. of 2 carpels, 2-5-loculed. Fr. a drupe or schizocarp, often separating into drupelets or nutlets. Some 100 genera, mainly tropical and sub-tropical, with often quadrangular branchlets and us. opp. lvs.
Small glab. tufted herb up to 15 cm. tall, with deeply descending main root; stock short, often multicipital, sts woody. Lvs on slender, flattened, ± pilose petioles (5 mm.)-1-2-5-(10) cm. long. Stipules adnate at base, ovate-oblong, acuminate, entire, up to 1·5 cm. long. Lamina 1-3 × 1-2.5 cm., broad-ovate to deltoid, crenulate, cuneately narrowed to base or sts truncate. Fls 1-2 cm. diam., on very slender peduncles 5-10- (15) cm. long: bracts below or above middle, filiform to linear, 3-5 mm. long. Sepals narrow- to broad-oblong; petals white, streaked with lilac and yellow lines, lateral ± fimbriate. Capsule 7-10 mm. long; seeds pale, 1-1·5 mm. diam.
Low ± glandular herb with far-creeping subfiliform stems rooting at nodes, attaining up to 3 dm. long. Lvs on very slender flattened petioles (5 mm.)-1-2 cm. long; lamina crenate, 4-10-(15) × 4-12-(15) mm.; broad reniform-oblong to suborbicular, deeply to shallowly cordate to subtruncate at base (occ. lvs subacutely narrowed to apex). Stipules up to 5 mm. long, ovate to broad ovate, us. deeply laciniate; laciniae filiform, us. Gland-tipped. Fls 1-1·5-(2) cm. diam., on very slender peduncles 1-5-(10) cm. long; bracts a little above middle, ± 4mm. long, linear- lanceolate, us. laciniate. Sepals ± 5 mm. long, linear to linear-lanceolate; petals white to creamy, ± 1 cm. long, narrow obovate-oblong to spathulate, spur short. Capsule 5-9 mm. long.
Fls solitary; sepals prolonged into appendages; petals irregular, the lower us. spurred; anthers subsessile, 2 lower often spurred; connective broad, produced. Ovary with 3 placentae; ovules ∞; style swollen in upper part; capsule with 3 elastic valves. Subcosmopolitan genus of about 400 spp.
Glab. tufted herb up to 15 cm. tall; stems sts branched, sts producing off-set plants; main roots deeply descending; stock slender to rather stout, sts multicipital. Lvs on petioles up to 10 cm. long; stipules linear to linear-spathulate, obtuse, up to 1 cm. long. Lamina (5 mm.)-1-3 × (8 mm.)-1-3 cm., crenulate, broad ovate to suborbicular, deeply to shallowly cordate at base. Fls 1-2 cm. diam., on slender flattened ped-uncles up to ± 15 cm. long; bracts linear-lanceolate to narrow-oblong, entire or nearly so, placed above .middle, often close under fls. Sepals linear to narrow-oblong, often acuminate, 3-5 mm. long; petals white streaked with lilac and yellow ± 1 cm. long. Capsule 7-9 mm. long; seeds pale.
Fls perfect, regular to irregular, solitary or in bracted racemes; sepals 5, imbricate; petals 5, lowermost often spurred; stamens 5 hypog. to perig., connivent around pistil; anthers 2-celled, introrse, one often spurred. Ovary superior, unilocular; carpels 3-5, with parietal placentae; ovules solitary to ∞.Fr. a loculicidal capsule or baccate; seed with straight embryo; endosperm plentiful. Trees, shrubs, or herbs with simple stipulate, mostly alt., lvs. About 16 widespread genera and 900 spp.
Infl. of axillary or terminal cymes or panicles. Calyx 5-toothed, corolla-tube short, lobes 5, obliquely 2-lipped. Stamens 4, us. exserted; ovary 2-4-loculed; ovules 1-2 per locule; style filiform, 2-branched. Drupe ± obovoid, succulent, with bony endocarp. Widespread genus with some 100 spp.; the N.Z. sp. endemic.
Tree up to c. 20 m. tall; trunk up to c. 1·5 m. diam.; branches stout, spreading; branchlets 4-angled. Lvs opp., on petioles up to ± 10 cm. long. Lflts 3-4-5, the basal one or pair us. much smaller than the terminal 3, digitate. Lamina of 3 main lflts ± 5-12.5 × 3-5 cm.; glab., coriac., entire, ± undulate, dark green, glossy, elliptic-oblong to obovate, abruptly acute to subacuminate. Domatia present at axils of costa and main veins. Infl. of ample (4)-10-15-fld, dichotomous, axillary panicles. Calyx cupular, minutely 5-toothed; corolla dull red, pubescent, 2-lipped, c. 2.5-3·5 cm. long. Upper lip entire or bifid, lower deflexed, 3-lobed. Style slender, bifid, c. 25 mm. long. Drupe subglobose, bright red, ± 2 cm. diam.
Capitula small, solitary to corymbose; receptacle alveolate; phyll. imbricate, in few series, margins scarious. Ray-florets ligulate, pistillate, ∞; disk-florets tubular, perfect. Anther-cells obtuse at base; style-arms flattened, with subulate tips. Achenes ± compressed. Pappus cop., of unequal slender hairs. Branching perennial herbs woody at base, or subshrubs. About 15 spp. of New Guinea, New Caledonia, Australia, Tasmania, N.Z. and southern South America.
Small bushy subshrub up to 30 cm. tall, ± hispid and glandular. Lvs ∞, up to 1·5 cm. long, obovate- to spathulate-cuneate, rather deeply 5-3-toothed at tip, narrowed to flat petiole, ± glandular-pubescent, us. ciliolate on margins. Capitula solitary, c. 1-1·5 cm. diam., terminal, on short peduncles. Phyll. in 3 series, outer small, inner c. 5 mm. long, linear, acute, sparingly hispid. Ray-florets narrow, white, spreading; disk-florets slender. Achenes compressed, linear, c. 3-3·5 mm. long, striate, pubescent to hispid. Pappus c. 4 mm. long; hairs unequal, slender, minutely barbellate.
Rhizome slender, branching, emitting us. ∞ rather distant lf-rosettes, in open shingly places 1-2 cm. diam., each with 1 peduncle. Lvs glaucous, thinly coriac., sparsely hispid; lamina elliptic- to lanceolate- or ovate-spathulate, sessile or shortly petiolate, midrib prominent below; margins cartilaginous, white. Lvs of plants of arid places minute, c. 5 × 1-2 mm.; peduncles 3-4 cm. tall; fls drooping, c. 1 × 1 cm. Lvs of plants of less arid places c. 15-20 mm., including petiole = lamina; peduncles c. 10 cm. long, with fls 1·5 × 1·5 cm. Growing amongst tussocks or in sheltered places the plants may grow large, with peduncles up to 25 cm. tall, with a few small bracts; lvs glaucous to purplish, subentire; lamina 10-40 × 5-10 mm., elliptic to ovate, sub-acute, often apiculate--the slender stiff petiole may reach twice length lamina. Fls large, erect or inclined, up to 2*5-3 cm. In all cases the floral proportions are the same. Corolla sts with deeper-coloured veins. Calyx-lobes c. 1/2 length corolla-tube, linear, acuminate, 0·5-1 mm. wide. Capsule obconic, 8 × 4 mm. when well-developed.
Perennial tufted plant. Rhizomes slender, 1-2 mm. diam., with papery bark, branching and interlacing underground, putting up lfy rosettes on the surface. Rosettes 1-3 cm. diam., crowded or distant, sts shortly branched from the base. Lvs uniform, narrow-linear, 1-3-(4) cm. × 1-2 mm., slightly narrower below, dark green or purplish. Peduncles solitary from each rosette, 5-10 cm. tall, nude or with a single small bract. Fls solitary, rather slender; corolla pale blue-violet with 3 fine dark blue veins in each lobe; tube narrow-campanulate, 2-3 mm. long, lobes spreading, 8-10 mm. long. Calyx glab., lobes linear-acuminate, 2 × 0.75 mm.; ovary slender, obconic. Capsule obconic, c. 6-7 mm. long.
Perennial with branching rhizomes emitting tufts or rosettes of lvs; rhizomes ± 2-3 mm. diam., deep-rooting. Lf-rosettes ± 2-7 cm. diam.; lvs thick, rigid, coriac., glab. or finely puberulous, glaucous to purplish; lamina spathulate to broad-ovate to elliptic, 6-20 × 5-15 mm., on flattened petiole up to c. 15 mm. long; apex obtuse, base rounded to subcordate; margins thickly cartilaginous, almost concealing the minute teeth. Peduncle solitary, 2-4 cm. tall, 1-fld. Fl. erect; calyx glab. or minutely puberulous, lobes erect, linear-oblong, thick, rigid, with cartilaginous margins, 6-12 × 2-3 mm. Corolla sweet-scented, white, flushed pale blue-lilac, c. 12 mm. long, 10 mm. diam., with erect oblong-lanceolate lobes c. 7 mm. long. Style > corolla-tube; filaments expanded and hairless at base. Capsule globose-turbinate, c. 8 mm. diam.
Brown's description is: "A slender annual, 11/2 to 6 inches high, sometimes with a single stem, but usually with 3 to many stems to a root, erect, slender, roughly hairy with spreading (not deflexed) hairs on the basal part for 1/4 to 1/2 of the total height. Leaves alternate or opposite, usually extending ? to 1/2 way up the stems, 1-9 lines long, 1/2-2 lines broad, the lower mostly obovate or spathulate oblanceolate, passing into lanceolate or linear on the upper part of the stems, all more or less pubescent with spreading hairs on both sides or the uppermost glabrous, usually wavy, with the margins very distinctly thickened or hardened and scabrid (not smooth), sometimes toothed. Pedicels 1 to 21/4 in. long, glabrous. Calyx 3 to 4 (rarely 5)-lobed, glabrous. Tube ellipsoid in fruit and 11/2 to 2 lines long; lobes erect, 1/2-3/4 line long, linear or deltoid-linear, subacute. Corolla very small, 3 to 4 (rarely 5)-lobed . . . with a cylindric tube 3/4 to 1 line long and lanceolate acute lobes 3/4 to 1 line long. Wahlenbergia gracilis var. capillaris Hook. f. Fl. N.Z. vol. 1, (1853), and Handbk. N.Z. Fl. p. 170 (1864). A native of New Zealand. This is similar in appearance to W. quadrifida, but differs by its stems being more hairy, with shorter spreading hairs, by the scabrid margins of the leaves and the shorter and more ellipsoid ovary and capsule."
Perennial, with creeping much-branched interlacing rhizomes, forming us. densely matted patches ± 5-10 cm. diam. Stems and branches us. compact, glab. or with spreading hairs towards tips. Lvs ± 8-25 mm. long, rosulate, glab., glossy, membr., orbicular- to oblong- to elliptic-spathulate, subacute (sts narrower) suddenly narrowed into a slender us. ciliate petiole often up to 2-3 times length of lamina. Peduncles simple, 2-5 cm. tall, slender, sts with small lanceolate toothed bract c. midway. Fl. solitary, glab., campanulate, c. 8-12 mm. diam. Calyx shallowly turbinate, lobes narrow-triangular, acute, c. 1·5 × 1 mm. Corolla pale blue or white, c. 8 × 6 mm., cut c. ⅓ way into 5 subacute lobes. Style c. twice length corolla-tube; stigma 2-3-lobed. Capsule globose, 5-6-(8) mm. diam., glab., tuberculate. Seeds ∞, minute.
Short-lived taprooted perennial herb (annual under adverse conditions) sts woody at base, up to c. 4 dm. tall. Stems us. rather slender, much-branched to simple, glab. to hispid-pilose near base. Lvs subdimorphic, sessile, sts amplexicaul, of diverse size and shape in the ∞ forms; alt. to subopp. Lower lvs (basal us. rosulate, soon falling) ± 1-4 cm. × 2-8 mm., of broad- to linear-spathulate to obovate order, sinuate to undulate, serrate-dentate to entire, pilose to glab. or nearly so; margins thickened, sts distinctly cartilaginous. Upper lvs us. of linear to lanceolate order. Peduncle simple or sparingly to much branched, pedicels long; bracts linear. Fls up to 2 cm. diam., us. smaller; calyx us. narrowly 5-lobed, persistent, lobes (and receptacle) glab. Corolla us. rotate to campanulate, white to pale blue, sts dark blue. Capsule us. 6-10 mm. long, obconic, us. distinctly ribbed.
Glab. perennial herb up to c. 3 dm. tall; taproot rather fleshy, up to c. 5 mm. diam., whitish, deeply descending; stock stout, us. multicipital, emitting ∞ ascending branches 2-3 mm. diam. (lower parts often buried in debris, whitish; aerial parts us. purplish). Lvs ∞, close-set, subsessile. Lamina coriac., linear, erect to patent, finally reflexed; margins often white, ± recurved, entire to obscurely toothed, midrib prominent below; 2-5 cm. × 2-3·5 mm.; apex obtuse to apiculate (rarely retuse). Peduncle simple or with several branches, up to ± 15 cm. long, bracted; bracts linear, 15-4 mm. long. Fls 2-3 cm. diam. Calyx-lobes ± 5 mm. long, linear to narrowly ovate, acute. Corolla-tube ± 8 mm. long; lobes ± 10 mm. long, narrow-ovate, ± apiculate, pale lilac to whitish. Style = corolla-tube; stigma white, 2-3-lobed. Capsule obconic, ± (6)-8-11-(12) mm. long.
Colenso's description is: "Plant very small, 1/2 in. high, simple, tufted, glabrous; root 2 in. long, slender, hard, white; sometimes 2-4 branches (tufts) rising distantly from one long branched root. Leaves radical, numerous, sub 20, close, spreading, somewhat verticillate, linear-spathulate, 4 lines long (including petiole), 1 line broad, tip rounded very obtuse, with 2 small crenulate serratures on each side, tapering gradually to base, pale-green, shining. Flower large (for plant), solitary, terminal, drooping; scape 1/2 in.-3/4 in. high, very slender, bare. Calyx campanulate, 2 lines long, dark-green, 5-lobed; lobes cut half-way down, linear-acuminate-obtuse, 1-nerved. Corolla 5 lines long, sub 1/2 in. diameter, white, lobes pale-blue, 2-nerved, triangular, subacute, half length corolla. Style flat, 2-nerved, densely minutely tuberculate on each side and upwards to top of stigma; stigmas 2, oblong-lanceolate."
Simpson's description is: "A glabrous flaccid perennial extending long slender, fleshy branching rhizomes putting up rather remote rosettes. Leaves of rosettes 2-4 cm. long, 4-5 mm. broad, linear-spathulate, obtuse, the upper portion of the blade irregularly crenate or dentate, the lower portion entire and gradually narrowed to a flattened, sparingly ciliate petiole equalling the blade. Margins frequently waved or recurved. Stem leaves few, linear or linear-lanceolate, 1·5-3 cm. long, [?] slender, sparingly branched; pedicels 4-15 cm. long, naked. Flowers solitary, terminating the branches, 1·5 cm. diam., white. Calyx obconic, 8 mm. long, deeply 5 partite, glabrous; teeth subulate. Corolla lobes obovate, acute. Capsule 6 mm. long, 4 mm. diam., obconical.
Fls us. solitary; calyx (3)-5-(7)-lobed; corolla us. campanulate, regular, lobes as for calyx, valvate. Stamens free from corolla; filaments ± dilated at base. Ovary 2-5-loculed, ovules ∞, style cylindric, stigma 2-5-fid. Capsule apically loculicidally dehiscent. Perennial to annual herbs, of wide distribution, especially in southern hemisphere, with some 120 spp.
Perennial, rhizome slender, 1-2 mm. diam., branching and interlacing; stems glab., 15-20 cm. long, including the tall peduncles, decumbent at base then spreading and ascending, branching. Lvs alt. or subopp., or rosulate in young stems and young lateral branches, uniform, thin, membr., glab., obovate- to elliptic-spathulate, cuneately narrowed to a slender flat petiole; c. 3 cm. (including petiole) × 5-6 mm. Margins shallowly serrate in broad part, lamina flat or nearly so. Peduncles solitary from the top of each stem and branch, up to 15 cm. tall, erect or ascending, nude or with 1 or few oblanceolate or linear sessile lvs, simple or branched. Fls 1 to several per peduncle, erect or inclined, drooping in bud. Calyx glab., lobes narrow-acuminate, erect in bud, spreading or recurved in fl., 4-5 × 1 mm., with 1 or 2 small serratures on each side. Corolla always creamy white, c. 15 × 20 mm., with deeply campanulate tube and 5 rotately-spreading ovate apiculate lobes = tube. Style = corolla-tube. Staminal filaments oblong at base with edges recurved and hairy. Capsule glab., broad-cylindric, c. 6 × 4 mm.
Fls perfect to unisexual, racemed; sepals 4-5, united at base, imbricate; petals 4-5; stamens 8-10. Ovary 2-celled; ovules few to ∞, capsules coriac., 2-valved, septicidally dehiscent; seeds hairy or not. Shrubs or trees with imparipinnate to simple lvs. About 100 spp. of southern hemisphere, except Africa; the N.Z. spp. endemic.
Tree up to 25 m. or more tall; trunk up to 12 dm. diam. Lvs of seedlings simple to 3-lobed or 3-foliolate, ovate-elliptic to elliptic, membr., 1-4 × 1-2 cm., coarsely serrate to incised-serrate; of juveniles similar, up to 6 × 3 cm., sts all lanceolate. Lvs of adults simple, 3-10 × 2-4 cm., on petioles up to 2 cm. long; lamina coriac., elliptic to ovate-elliptic to broad-ovate, obtuse to subacute, coarsely bluntly serrate. Racemes up to 12 cm. long or more, axis and pedicels ± pilose-pubescent; pedicels often clustered, ascending to patent, 2-4 mm. long. Sepals c. 1·5 mm. long, ovate, persistent; petals 2-3 mm. long, ovate-oblong, white to creamy or pale rose; stamens exserted; styles c. 3-4 mm. long, persistent. Capsules 4-5 mm. long, glab. to pubescent; seeds ± pilose-pubescent.
Tree up to 15 m. tall or more; trunk up to 1 m. diam.; young branchlets, petioles, peduncles and pedicels ± densely pilose-pubescent. Lvs of seedlings simple to 5-jugate, some pairs trifoliolate, membr.; lflts up to 3 × 1 cm., elliptic to elliptic-obovate in outline, incised-serrate. Lvs of juveniles and of reversion shoots up to 10-jugate, membr.; lflts ovate-elliptic to elliptic or elliptic-oblong, acute to subacute; terminal lflt up to 8 × 3 cm., on petiolule c. 1 cm. long; lateral subsessile, diminishing downward from 6 × 3 cm. to 2.5 × 2 cm. Lvs of adults of two main forms (intermediate forms not infrequent): (a) lflts mostly obtuse, 3-5-foliolate, rarely simple, coriac., bluntly crenate-serrate to serrate, obovate-oblong to broad-elliptic or elliptic; terminal lflt 4-6 × 2-3 cm., on petiolule c. 1 cm. long; lateral 4-3 × 2 cm.;- (b) lvs 3-5-foliolate, rarely simple, coriac., lflts mostly acute to subacute, serrate to crenate-serrate, elliptic; terminal lflt 4-7 × 2-3 cm., lateral 7-4 × 3-2 cm. Racemes 8-12 cm. long, many-fld, pedicels 2-3 mm. long, ∞ axis; sepals c. 1 mm. long, narrow-ovate to subulate-obtuse, persistent; petals c. 1·5 cm. long, ovate to oblong, white to pale rose; stamens exserted; styles 2.5-4 mm. long, persistent. Capsules 4-5 cm. long, glab. or nearly so; seeds with tuft of hairs at apex and base.
Lflts obovate, crenate, us. 3-foliolate; terminal lflt 2-3·5 × 1·5-2 cm., on petiolule c. 1 cm. long or less; lateral 2-3 × 1-1·5 cm., subsessile.
Fls fasciculate to solitary, perfect, regular; sepals 2-6, free or united; petals in several series; anthers introrse; carpels 1 to several, free or partly united; fr. baccate to capsular; embryo minute, endosperm cop. Lvs alt., gland-dotted, exstipulate, aromatic; stomates depressed, occluded; wood lacking vessels. Shrubs or trees mainly of tropical south-east Asia and S. America. The N.Z. genus endemic.
Cited scientific names
- Abrotanella (Gaudich.) Cass.
- Abrotanella caespitosa Petrie ex Kirk
- Abrotanella inconspicua Hook.f.
- Abrotanella linearis Berggr.
- Abrotanella muscosa Kirk
- Abrotanella pusilla (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
- Abrotanella rosulata (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
- Abrotanella spathulata (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
- Acaena anserinifolia (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) J.B.Armstr.
- Acaena anserinifolia var. antarctica (Cockayne) Druce
- Acaena anserinifolia var. paucidens (Bitter) Allan
- Acaena anserinifolia var. sericeinitens (Bitter) Allan
- Acaena buchananii Hook.f.
- Acaena buchananii var. picta Allan
- Acaena caesiiglauca (Bitter) Bergmans
- Acaena caesiiglauca var. pilosa (Kirk) Allan
- Acaena fissistipula Bitter
- Acaena glabra Buchanan
- Acaena hirsutula Bitter
- Acaena inermis Hook.f.
- Acaena macrantha Colenso
- Acaena microphylla Hook.f.
- Acaena microphylla var. inermis (Hook.f.) Kirk
- Acaena microphylla var. robusta Allan
- Acaena minor (Hook.f.) Allan
- Acaena minor var. antarctica (Cockayne) Allan
- Acaena Mutis ex L.
- Acaena novae-zelandiae Kirk
- Acaena novae-zelandiae var. pallida Kirk
- Acaena pallida (Kirk) Allan
- Acaena pusilla (Bitter) Allan
- Acaena saccaticupula Bitter
- Acaena sanguisorbae (L.f.) Vahl
- Acaena sanguisorbae subsp. antarctica (Cockayne) Bitter
- Acaena sanguisorbae subsp. caesiiglauca Bitter
- Acaena sanguisorbae subsp. novae-zelandiae (Kirk) Bitter
- Acaena sanguisorbae var. antarctica Cockayne
- Acaena sanguisorbae var. aucklandica Bitter
- Acaena sanguisorbae var. minor Hook.f.
- Acaena viridior (Cockayne) Allan
- Achras costata A.Cunn.
- Achras costata Endl.
- Achras novozelandica F.Muell.
- Aciphylla ×intermedia Petrie
- Aciphylla ×latibracteata W.R.B.Oliv.
- Aciphylla acutifolia Cockayne
- Aciphylla anomala Allan
- Aciphylla aurea W.R.B.Oliv.
- Aciphylla colensoi Hook.f.
- Aciphylla colensoi var. conspicua Kirk
- Aciphylla congesta Cheeseman
- Aciphylla crenulata J.B.Armstr.
- Aciphylla crosby-smithii Petrie
- Aciphylla cuthbertiana Petrie
- Aciphylla dissecta (Kirk) W.R.B.Oliv.
- Aciphylla divisa (Cheeseman) Cheeseman
- Aciphylla dobsonii Hook.f.
- Aciphylla ferox W.R.B.Oliv.
- Aciphylla flabellata Cockayne
- Aciphylla flexuosa W.R.B.Oliv.
- Aciphylla glaucescens W.R.B.Oliv.
- Aciphylla gracilis W.R.B.Oliv.
- Aciphylla hectorii Buchanan
- Aciphylla hookeri Kirk
- Aciphylla horrida W.R.B.Oliv.
- Aciphylla indurata Cheeseman
- Aciphylla inermis W.R.B.Oliv.
- Aciphylla J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Aciphylla kirkii Buchanan
- Aciphylla leighii Allan
- Aciphylla lyallii Hook.f.
- Aciphylla monroi Hook.f.
- Aciphylla multisecta Cheeseman
- Aciphylla pinnatifida Petrie
- Aciphylla polita (Kirk) Cheeseman
- Aciphylla poppelwellii Petrie
- Aciphylla poppelwellii Petrie var. poppelwellii
- Aciphylla poppelwellii var. major Petrie
- Aciphylla scott-thomsonii Cockayne & Allan
- Aciphylla similis Cheeseman
- Aciphylla simplex Petrie
- Aciphylla spedenii Cheeseman
- Aciphylla squarrosa J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Aciphylla subflabellata W.R.B.Oliv.
- Aciphylla takahea W.R.B.Oliv.
- Aciphylla townsonii Cheeseman
- Aciphylla traillii Kirk
- Aciphylla traversii (F.Muell.) Hook.f.
- Aciphylla trifoliolata Petrie
- Aciphylla verticillata W.R.B.Oliv.
- Ackama A.Cunn.
- Ackama rosifolia A.Cunn.
- Adiantum aethiopicum L.
- Adiantum cunninghamii Hook.
- Adiantum diaphanum Blume
- Adiantum formosum R.Br.
- Adiantum fulvum Raoul
- Adiantum hispidulum Sw.
- Adiantum L.
- Adiantum polymorphum Colenso
- Agathis australis (D.Don) Lindl. ex Loudon
- Agathis Salisb.
- Aizoaceae
- Albinea oresigenesa Hombr. & Jacquinot
- Alectryon excelsus Gaertn.
- Alectryon excelsus subsp. grandis (Cheeseman) de Lange & E.K.Cameron
- Alectryon excelsus var. grandis Cheeseman
- Alectryon Gaertn.
- Alectryon grandis (Cheeseman) Cheeseman
- Alseuosmia A.Cunn.
- Alseuosmia banksii A.Cunn.
- Alseuosmia linariifolia A.Cunn.
- Alseuosmia macrophylla A.Cunn.
- Alseuosmia pusilla Colenso
- Alseuosmia quercifolia A.Cunn.
- Alternanthera denticulata R.Br.
- Alternanthera Forssk.
- Alternanthera sessilis sensu Hook.f.
- Amaranthaceae
- Anacardiaceae
- Anagosperma dispermum (Hook.f.) Wettst.
- Anarthropteris Copel.
- Anarthropteris dictyopteris (Mett.) Copel.
- Anarthropteris lanceolata (J.Sm.) L.B.Moore
- Ancistrum anserinifolium J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Ancistrum decumbens Gaertn.
- Ancistrum diandrum G.Forst.
- Ancistrum sanguisorbae L.f.
- Androstoma empetrifolium Hook.f.
- Anemone L.
- Anemone tenuicaulis (Cheeseman) Parkin & Sledge
- Angelica decipiens Hook.f.
- Angelica geniculata (G.Forst.) Hook.f.
- Angelica L.
- Angelica rosaefolia Hook.
- Anisotome acutifolia (Kirk) Cockayne
- Anisotome antipoda Hook.f.
- Anisotome aromatica Hook.f.
- Anisotome aromatica Hook.f. var. aromatica
- Anisotome aromatica var. dissecta Allan
- Anisotome aromatica var. flabellifolia (G.Simpson) Allan
- Anisotome aromatica var. incisa (Kirk) Cheeseman
- Anisotome aromatica var. major Allan
- Anisotome aromatica var. obtusa Allan
- Anisotome aromatica var. pinnatisecta Allan
- Anisotome brevistylis (Hook.f.) Poppelw.
- Anisotome capillifolia (Cheeseman) Cockayne
- Anisotome carnosula (Hook.f.) Cockayne & Laing
- Anisotome deltoidea (Cheeseman) Cheeseman
- Anisotome dissecta (Kirk) Cheeseman
- Anisotome diversifolia (Cheeseman) Cockayne
- Anisotome enysii (Kirk) Laing
- Anisotome filifolia (Hook.f.) Cockayne & Laing
- Anisotome flabellata (Kirk) Cockayne ex Crosby-Sm.
- Anisotome flabellifolia G.Simpson
- Anisotome haastii (F.Muell.) Cockayne & Laing
- Anisotome Hook.f.
- Anisotome imbricata (Hook.f.) Cockayne
- Anisotome intermedia Hook.f.
- Anisotome latifolia Hook.f.
- Anisotome lyallii Hook.f.
- Anisotome patula (Kirk) Cockayne
- Anisotome pilifera (Hook.f.) Cockayne & Laing
- Anogramma leptophylla (L.) Link
- Anogramma Link
- Apeiba australis A.Rich.
- Apium australe Thouars
- Apium filifome (A.Rich.) Hook.f.
- Apium L.
- Apocynaceae
- Arabis fastigiata Hook.f.
- Arabis gigantea Hook.f.
- Aralia crassifolia Sol. ex A.Cunn.
- Aralia polaris Hombr. & Jacquinot ex Hook.f.
- Aralia schefflerea Spreng.
- Araliaceae
- Araucariaceae Henkel & W.Hochst.
- Aristotelia ×colensoi Hook.f.
- Aristotelia ×fruserrata Allan
- Aristotelia erecta Buchanan
- Aristotelia fruticosa Hook.f.
- Aristotelia fruticosa var. rigidula G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
- Aristotelia fruticosa var. α. suberecta Hook.f.
- Aristotelia fruticosa var. β. erecta Hook.f.
- Aristotelia fruticosa var. γ. prostrata Hook.f.
- Aristotelia fruticosa var. δ. microphylla Hook.f.
- Aristotelia racemosa (A.Cunn.) Hook.f.
- Aristotelia serrata (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) W.R.B.Oliv.
- Arnica oporina G.Forst.
- Arthropteris J.Sm. ex Hook.f.
- Arthropteris tenella (G.Forst.) J.Sm. ex Hook.f.
- Ascarina J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Ascarina lanceolata Hook.f.
- Ascarina lucida Hook.f.
- Ascarina lucida var. lanceolata (Hook.f.) Allan
- Asperula fragrantissima J.B.Armstr.
- Asperula perpusilla Hook.f.
- Aspidium cunninghamianum Colenso
- Aspleniaceae Newman
- Asplenium anomodum Colenso
- Asplenium bulbiferum G.Forst.
- Asplenium colensoi Colenso
- Asplenium flabellifolium Cav.
- Asplenium flaccidum G.Forst.
- Asplenium forsterianum Colenso
- Asplenium hookerianum Colenso
- Asplenium hookerianum var. colensoi (Colenso) T.Moore
- Asplenium L.
- Asplenium lamprophyllum Carse
- Asplenium lucidum G.Forst.
- Asplenium lucidum var. aucklandicum (Hook.f.) Allan
- Asplenium lucidum var. scleroprium (Hombr.) T.Moore
- Asplenium oblongifolium Colenso
- Asplenium obtusatum G.Forst.
- Asplenium obtusatum var. obliquum (G.Forst.) Hook.f.
- Asplenium richardii Hook.f.
- Asplenium shuttleworthianum Kunze
- Asplenium trichomanes L.
- Aster furfuraceus A.Rich.
- Aster holosericeus G.Forst.
- Atherosperma novae-zelandiae (A.Cunn.) Hook.f.
- Athyrium australe (R.Br.) C.Presl
- Athyrium Roth
- Atriplex billardierei (Moq.) Hook.f.
- Atriplex buchananii (Kirk) Cheeseman
- Atriplex buchananii var. tenuicaulis Petrie
- Atriplex chrystallina Hook.f.
- Atriplex L.
- Atriplex novae-zelandiae Aellen
- Australina Gaudich.
- Australina novae-zelandiae Hook.f.
- Australina pusilla (Poir.) Gaudich.
- Avicennia L.
- Avicennia resinifera G.Forst.
- Avicenniaceae
- Azolla Lam.
- Azolla rubra R.Br.
- Azorella cockaynei Diels
- Azorella exigua (Hook.f.) Kirk
- Azorella haastii (Hook.f.) Drude
- Azorella hookeri Drude
- Azorella hydrocotyloides (Hook.f.) Kirk
- Azorella Lam.
- Azorella lyallii (Armstr.) G.M.Plunkett & A.N.Nicolas
- Azorella nitens Petrie
- Azorella pallida (Kirk) Kirk
- Azorella reniformis (Hook.f.) Kirk
- Azorella roughii (Hook.f.) Kirk
- Azorella selago Hook.f.
- Beilschmiedia Nees
- Beilschmiedia tarairi (A.Cunn.) Benth. & Hook.f. ex Kirk
- Beilschmiedia tawa (A.Cunn.) Benth. & Hook.f. ex Kirk
- Bidens L.
- Bidens pilosa L.
- Bignoniaceae
- Blechnaceae Newman
- Blechnum banksii (Hook.f.) Mett. ex Diels
- Blechnum discolor (G.Forst.) Keyserl.
- Blechnum durum (T.Moore) C.Chr.
- Blechnum filiforme (A.Cunn.) Ettingsh.
- Blechnum fluviatile (R.Br.) Lowe ex Salomon
- Blechnum fraseri (A.Cunn.) Luerss.
- Blechnum L.
- Blechnum lanceolatum (R.Br.) J.W.Sturm
- Blechnum membranaceum (Colenso ex Hook.) Mett. ex Diels
- Blechnum minus (R.Br.) Ettingsh.
- Blechnum nigrum (Colenso) Mett.
- Blechnum norfolkianum (Heward) Maiden
- Blechnum patersonii (R.Br.) Mett.
- Blechnum penna-marina (Poir.) Kuhn
- Blechnum vulcanicum (Blume) Kuhn
- Boehmeria dealbata Cheeseman
- Boehmeria Jacq.
- Boraginaceae
- Botrychium australe R.Br.
- Botrychium australe var. millefolium (F.Hochst. ex Milde) Prantl
- Botrychium lunaria (L.) Sw.
- Botrychium Sw.
- Botryodendrum sinclairii Hook.f.
- Brachyglottis 'Alfred Atkinson'
- Brachyglottis J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Brachyglottis rani A.Cunn.
- Brachyglottis repanda J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Brachyglottis repanda var. arborescens (W.R.B.Oliv.) Allan
- Brachyglottis repanda var. rangiora (Buchanan) Allan
- Brachyscome alpina Colenso
- Brachyscome brevifolia G.Simpson
- Brachyscome Cass.
- Brachyscome cuneata G.Simpson
- Brachyscome linearis (Petrie) Druce
- Brachyscome lineata Kirk
- Brachyscome radicata Hook.f.
- Brachyscome radicata var. dubia (Kirk) Allan
- Brachyscome radicata var. membranifolia (Kirk) Allan
- Brachyscome radicata var. polita (Kirk) Allan
- Brachyscome radicata var. thomsonii (Kirk) Allan
- Brachyscome sinclairii Hook.f.
- Brachyscome sinclairii var. montana Kirk
- Brachyscome sinclairii var. pinnata (Hook.f.) Allan
- Brachyscome sinclairii var. γ Hook.f.
- Brathys forsteri Spach
- Bulliarda moschata (G.Forst.) D'Urv.
- Calceolaria sinclairii Hook.
- Callitrichaceae
- Callitriche antarctica Engelm. ex Hegelm.
- Callitriche macropteryx Hegelm.
- Callitriche microphylla Colenso
- Callitriche muelleri Sond.
- Callitriche petriei R.Mason
- Callitriche stagnalis Scop.
- Calosciadium antipodum Endl. ex Walp.
- Calosciadium latifolium (Hook.f.) ex Walp.
- Calpidia brunoniana Heimerl
- Caltha L.
- Caltha novae-zelandiae Hook.f.
- Caltha obtusa Cheeseman
- Calystegia marginata R.Br.
- Calystegia R.Br.
- Calystegia sepium (L.) R.Br.
- Calystegia soldanella (L.) R.Br.
- Calystegia tuguriorum (G.Forst.) R.Br. ex Hook.f.
- Campanulaceae
- Canavalia DC.
- Canavalia obtusifolia (Lam.) DC.
- Caprifoliaceae
- Cardamine bilobata Kirk
- Cardamine corymbosa Hook.f.
- Cardamine debilis DC.
- Cardamine depressa Hook.f.
- Cardamine depressa var. acaulis Hook.f.
- Cardamine depressa var. stellata (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
- Cardamine divaricata Hook.f.
- Cardamine enysii Cheeseman
- Cardamine fastigiata (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
- Cardamine heterophylla (G.Forst.) O.E.Schulz
- Cardamine heterophylla (G.Forst.) O.E.Schulz var. heterophylla
- Cardamine heterophylla var. hirtella O.E.Schulz
- Cardamine heterophylla var. leiocarpa O.E.Schulz
- Cardamine heterophylla var. macrostylis O.E.Schulz
- Cardamine heterophylla var. uniflora (Hook.f.) Cockayne
- Cardamine hirsuta L.
- Cardamine hirsuta var. corymbosa (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
- Cardamine hirsuta var. debilis (DC.) Hook.f.
- Cardamine hirsuta var. uniflora Hook.f.
- Cardamine L.
- Cardamine latisiliqua Cheeseman
- Cardamine stellata Hook.f.
- Cardamine subcarnosa (Hook.f.) Allan
- Cardamine unicaulis Heenan
- Cardamine uniflora (Hook.f.) Allan
- Cardiomanes C.Presl
- Carmichaelia aligera G.Simpson
- Carmichaelia angustata Kirk
- Carmichaelia angustata var. pubescens G.Simpson
- Carmichaelia appressa G.Simpson
- Carmichaelia arborea (G.Forst.) Druce
- Carmichaelia arenaria G.Simpson
- Carmichaelia astonii G.Simpson
- Carmichaelia australis var. grandiflora Benth.
- Carmichaelia compacta Petrie
- Carmichaelia corrugata Colenso
- Carmichaelia cunninghamii Raoul
- Carmichaelia curta Petrie
- Carmichaelia egmontiana (Cockayne & Allan) G.Simpson
- Carmichaelia enysii Kirk
- Carmichaelia enysii var. ambigua G.Simpson
- Carmichaelia fieldii Cockayne
- Carmichaelia flagelliformis Benth.
- Carmichaelia flagelliformis var. acuminata (Kirk) Cheeseman
- Carmichaelia flagelliformis var. corymbosa (Colenso) Kirk
- Carmichaelia floribunda G.Simpson
- Carmichaelia glabrata G.Simpson
- Carmichaelia grandiflora (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
- Carmichaelia hollowayi G.Simpson
- Carmichaelia hookeri Kirk
- Carmichaelia kirkii Hook.f.
- Carmichaelia kirkii var. strigosa G.Simpson
- Carmichaelia lacustris G.Simpson
- Carmichaelia monroi Hook.f.
- Carmichaelia monroi var. longecarinata G.Simpson
- Carmichaelia nigrans G.Simpson
- Carmichaelia odorata Benth.
- Carmichaelia odorata var. pilosa (Benth.) Kirk
- Carmichaelia orbiculata Colenso
- Carmichaelia ovata G.Simpson
- Carmichaelia petriei Kirk
- Carmichaelia petriei var. minor G.Simpson
- Carmichaelia prona Kirk
- Carmichaelia R.Br.
- Carmichaelia ramosa G.Simpson
- Carmichaelia rivulata G.Simpson
- Carmichaelia robusta Kirk
- Carmichaelia silvatica G.Simpson
- Carmichaelia solandri G.Simpson
- Carmichaelia suteri Colenso
- Carmichaelia uniflora Kirk
- Carmichaelia violacea Kirk
- Carmichaelia virgata Kirk
- Carmichaelia williamsii Kirk
- Carpodetus J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Carpodetus serratus J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Caryophyllaceae
- Cassinia amoena Cheeseman
- Cassinia fulvida Hook.f.
- Cassinia fulvida var. linearis Kirk
- Cassinia fulvida var. montana Allan
- Cassinia fulvida var. montana Cockayne
- Cassinia leptophylla (G.Forst.) R.Br.
- Cassinia leptophylla sensu A.Cunn.
- Cassinia leptophylla var. spathulata (Colenso) Kirk
- Cassinia R.Br.
- Cassinia retorta A.Cunn. ex DC.
- Cassinia vauvilliersii (Hombr. & Jacquinot ex Decne.) Hook.f.
- Cassinia vauvilliersii var. albida Kirk
- Cassinia vauvilliersii var. canescens (Cockayne) Allan
- Cassinia vauvilliersii var. pallida Allan
- Cassinia vauvilliersii var. rubra (Buchanan) Kirk
- Cassinia vauvilliersii var. serpentina Cockayne & Allan
- Cassytha L.
- Cassytha paniculata R.Br.
- Celmisia ×compacta Cheeseman
- Celmisia ×lanigera Petrie
- Celmisia ×poppelwellii Petrie
- Celmisia adamsii Kirk
- Celmisia adamsii var. rugulosa Cheeseman
- Celmisia allanii W.Martin
- Celmisia alpina (Kirk) Cheeseman
- Celmisia angustifolia Cockayne
- Celmisia argentea Kirk
- Celmisia armstrongii Petrie
- Celmisia bellidioides Hook.f.
- Celmisia bonplandii (Buchanan) Allan
- Celmisia brevifolia Cockayne
- Celmisia campbellensis F.R.Chapm.
- Celmisia Cass.
- Celmisia chapmanii Kirk
- Celmisia clavata G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
- Celmisia cockayneana Petrie
- Celmisia cordatifolia Buchanan
- Celmisia cordatifolia var. similis W.Martin
- Celmisia coriacea (G.Forst.) Hook.f.
- Celmisia coriacea sensu Allan
- Celmisia coriacea var. lanigera (Petrie) Cheeseman
- Celmisia dallii Buchanan
- Celmisia densiflora Hook.f.
- Celmisia discolor Hook.f.
- Celmisia discolor Hook.f. var. discolor
- Celmisia discolor var. ampla Allan
- Celmisia discolor var. intermedia (Petrie) Allan
- Celmisia dubia Cheeseman
- Celmisia durietzii Cockayne & Allan ex Martin
- Celmisia gibbsii Cheeseman
- Celmisia glabrescens Petrie
- Celmisia glandulosa Hook.f.
- Celmisia glandulosa Hook.f. var. glandulosa
- Celmisia glandulosa var. latifolia Cockayne
- Celmisia glandulosa var. longiscapa Cockayne
- Celmisia glandulosa var. vera Cockayne
- Celmisia gracilenta Hook.f.
- Celmisia graminifolia Hook.f.
- Celmisia haastii Hook.f.
- Celmisia haastii var. tomentosa G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
- Celmisia hectorii Hook.f.
- Celmisia hieraciifolia Hook.f.
- Celmisia hieraciifolia var. gracilis Allan
- Celmisia hieraciifolia var. oblonga Kirk
- Celmisia holosericea (G.Forst.) Hook.f.
- Celmisia hookeri Cockayne
- Celmisia incana Hook.f.
- Celmisia insignis W.Martin
- Celmisia intermedia Petrie
- Celmisia lanceolata Cockayne
- Celmisia laricifolia Hook.f.
- Celmisia lateralis Buchanan
- Celmisia lateralis var. villosa Cheeseman
- Celmisia lindsayi Hook.f.
- Celmisia longifolia var. alpina Kirk
- Celmisia longifolia var. graminifolia Kirk
- Celmisia lyallii Hook.f.
- Celmisia mackaui Raoul
- Celmisia macmahonii Kirk
- Celmisia macmahonii var. hadfieldii W.Martin
- Celmisia major Cheeseman
- Celmisia major Cheeseman var. major
- Celmisia major var. brevis Allan
- Celmisia monroi Hook.f.
- Celmisia morganii Cheeseman
- Celmisia novae-zelandiae (Buchanan) Cheeseman
- Celmisia parva Kirk
- Celmisia perpusilla Colenso
- Celmisia petiolata Hook.f.
- Celmisia petriei Cheeseman
- Celmisia polyvena G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
- Celmisia prorepens Petrie
- Celmisia ramulosa Hook.f.
- Celmisia ramulosa var. tuberculata G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
- Celmisia rigida (Kirk) Cockayne
- Celmisia robusta Buchanan
- Celmisia rupestris Cheeseman
- Celmisia rutlandii Kirk
- Celmisia sect. Antarcticae Allan
- Celmisia sect. Lignosae Allan
- Celmisia sessiliflora Hook.f.
- Celmisia sessiliflora var. exigua G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
- Celmisia sessiliflora var. minor Petrie
- Celmisia sessiliflora var. pedunculata Kirk
- Celmisia sinclairii Hook.f.
- Celmisia spectabilis Hook.f.
- Celmisia spectabilis subsp. magnifica (Allan) Given
- Celmisia spedenii G.Simpson
- Celmisia thomsonii Cheeseman
- Celmisia traversii Hook.f.
- Celmisia verbascifolia Hook.f.
- Celmisia vernicosa var. mollicula Allan
- Celmisia viscosa Hook.f.
- Celmisia walkeri Kirk
- Centella L.
- Centella uniflora (Colenso) Nannf.
- Centipeda Lour.
- Centipeda orbicularis Lour.
- Ceodes brunoniana (Endl.) Skottsb.
- Cercodia alternifolia A.Cunn.
- Cercodia erecta Banks ex Murray
- Cercodia incana A.Cunn.
- Cheesemania enysii (Cheeseman) O.E.Schulz
- Cheesemania fastigiata (Hook.f.) O.E.Schulz
- Cheesemania fastigiata var. stellata Allan
- Cheesemania gibbsii (Cheeseman) O.E.Schulz
- Cheesemania latisiliqua (Cheeseman) O.E.Schulz
- Cheesemania O.E.Schulz
- Cheesemania wallii (Carse) Allan
- Cheilanthes distans (R.Br.) Mett.
- Cheilanthes pellucida Colenso
- Cheilanthes sieberi Kunze
- Cheilanthes Sw.
- Cheilanthes tenuifolia (Burm.f.) Sw.
- Chenopodiaceae
- Chenopodium allanii Aellen
- Chenopodium ambiguum R.Br.
- Chenopodium buchananii Kirk
- Chenopodium detestans Kirk
- Chenopodium glaucum sensu A.Cunn.
- Chenopodium glaucum subsp. ambiguum (R.Br.) Murr & Thell.
- Chenopodium L.
- Chenopodium pumilio sensu Hook.f.
- Chenopodium pusillum Hook.f.
- Chenopodium triandrum sensu A.Rich.
- Chloranthaceae R.Br. ex Sims
- Chordospartium Cheeseman
- Chordospartium stevensonii Cheeseman
- Christella dentata (Forssk.) Brownsey & Jermy
- Christella H.Lév.
- Claytonia australasica Hook.f.
- Claytonia L.
- Clematis afoliata Buchanan
- Clematis aphylla Colenso
- Clematis australis Kirk
- Clematis australis var. rutifolia (Hook.f.) Allan
- Clematis cunninghamii Turcz.
- Clematis foetida Raoul
- Clematis forsteri J.F.Gmel.
- Clematis hexapetala G.Forst.
- Clematis hillii Colenso
- Clematis hookeriana Allan
- Clematis hookeriana var. lobulata Allan
- Clematis indivisa Willd.
- Clematis integrifolia sensu G.Forst.
- Clematis L.
- Clematis paniculata J.F.Gmel.
- Clematis parkinsoniana Colenso
- Clematis parviflora A.Cunn.
- Clematis petriei Allan
- Clianthus puniceus (G.Don) Sol. ex Lindl.
- Clianthus puniceus var. maximus (Colenso) Kirk
- Clianthus Sol. ex Lindl.
- Coccoloba australis G.Forst.
- Colobanthus acicularis Hook.f.
- Colobanthus affinis (Hook.) Hook.f.
- Colobanthus apetalus (Labill.) Druce
- Colobanthus apetalus var. alpinus (Kirk) L.B.Moore
- Colobanthus Bartl.
- Colobanthus benthamianus Cheeseman
- Colobanthus billardierei Fenzl
- Colobanthus billardierei var. alpinus Kirk
- Colobanthus billardierei var. brachypoda F.Muell.
- Colobanthus brevisepalus Kirk
- Colobanthus buchananii Kirk
- Colobanthus canaliculatus Kirk
- Colobanthus crassifolius var. alpinus (Kirk) Cheeseman
- Colobanthus hookeri Cheeseman
- Colobanthus masonae L.B.Moore
- Colobanthus monticola Petrie
- Colobanthus muelleri Kirk
- Colobanthus muelleri var. strictus Cheeseman
- Colobanthus muscoides Hook.f.
- Colobanthus strictus Cheeseman
- Colobanthus subulatus sensu Hook.f.
- Colobanthus wallii Petrie
- Compositae Giseke
- Convolvulaceae
- Convolvulus fractosaxosus Petrie
- Convolvulus L.
- Convolvulus soldanella L.
- Convolvulus truncatella Colenso
- Convolvulus tuguriorum G.Forst.
- Convolvulus verecundus Allan
- Coprosma ×cunninghamii Hook.f.
- Coprosma ×gracilicaulis Carse
- Coprosma ×kirkii Cheeseman
- Coprosma acerosa A.Cunn.
- Coprosma acerosa f. arenaria Kirk
- Coprosma acerosa f. brunnea Kirk
- Coprosma acutifolia Hook.f.
- Coprosma affinis Hook.f.
- Coprosma antipoda W.R.B.Oliv.
- Coprosma arborea Kirk
- Coprosma arcuata Colenso
- Coprosma areolata Cheeseman
- Coprosma astonii Petrie
- Coprosma australis (A.Rich.) Robinson
- Coprosma autumnalis Colenso
- Coprosma banksii Petrie
- Coprosma baueri Endl.
- Coprosma baueri sensu New Zealand Botanists
- Coprosma baueriana Hook.f.
- Coprosma brunnea (Kirk) Cockayne ex Cheeseman
- Coprosma chathamica Cockayne
- Coprosma cheesemanii W.R.B.Oliv.
- Coprosma ciliata Hook.f.
- Coprosma ciliata var. virgata Hook.f.
- Coprosma colensoi Hook.f.
- Coprosma crassifolia Colenso
- Coprosma crenulata W.R.B.Oliv.
- Coprosma cuneata Hook.f.
- Coprosma cuneata sensu Hook.f.
- Coprosma cunninghamii Hook.f.
- Coprosma depressa Cheeseman
- Coprosma depressa Colenso ex Hook.f.
- Coprosma divaricata A.Cunn. var. divaricata
- Coprosma divaricata var. β. gracilis (A.Cunn.) Hook.f.
- Coprosma divaricata var. γ. pallida Hook.f.
- Coprosma divaricata var. δ. latifolia Hook.f.
- Coprosma divaricata var. ε. coriacea Hook.f.
- Coprosma dodonaeifolia W.R.B.Oliv.
- Coprosma egmontiana Cockayne
- Coprosma foetidissima J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Coprosma gracilis A.Cunn.
- Coprosma grandifolia Hook.f.
- Coprosma intertexta G.Simpson
- Coprosma J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Coprosma linariifolia Hook.f.
- Coprosma lucida J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Coprosma lucida var. angustifolia Cheeseman
- Coprosma macrocarpa Cheeseman
- Coprosma microcarpa Hook.f.
- Coprosma myrtillifolia Hook.f.
- Coprosma myrtillifolia var. linearis Hook.f.
- Coprosma neglecta Cheeseman
- Coprosma obconica Kirk
- Coprosma parviflora Hook.f.
- Coprosma parviflora sensu Cheeseman
- Coprosma parviflora var. dumosa sensu Allan
- Coprosma parviflora var. pilosa Cheeseman
- Coprosma pendula Colenso
- Coprosma perpusilla Colenso
- Coprosma petiolata Hook.f.
- Coprosma petriei Cheeseman
- Coprosma petriei Cheeseman var. petriei
- Coprosma petriei var. atropurpurea Cockayne & Allan
- Coprosma polymorpha W.R.B.Oliv.
- Coprosma propinqua A.Cunn.
- Coprosma propinqua A.Cunn. var. propinqua
- Coprosma propinqua var. latiuscula Allan
- Coprosma propinqua var. lineariifolia Hook.f.
- Coprosma propinqua var. martinii W.R.B.Oliv.
- Coprosma propinqua var. typica W.R.B.Oliv.
- Coprosma pseudo-colensoi Cockayne & Allan
- Coprosma pseudocuneata W.R.B.Oliv. ex Garn.-Jones & Elder
- Coprosma pubens Petrie
- Coprosma pumila Hook.f.
- Coprosma ramulosa Petrie
- Coprosma repens A.Rich.
- Coprosma retusa Hook.f.
- Coprosma retusa Petrie
- Coprosma rhamnoides A.Cunn.
- Coprosma rigida Cheeseman
- Coprosma robusta Raoul
- Coprosma rotundifolia A.Cunn.
- Coprosma rubra Petrie
- Coprosma rubra var. pendula (Colenso) Kirk
- Coprosma rufescens Colenso
- Coprosma rugosa Cheeseman
- Coprosma serrulata Hook.f. ex Buchanan
- Coprosma solandri Kirk
- Coprosma spathulata A.Cunn.
- Coprosma stockii Williams
- Coprosma tenuicaulis Hook.f.
- Coprosma tenuifolia Cheeseman
- Coprosma virescens Petrie
- Coprosma wallii Petrie
- Corallospartium crassicaule (Hook.f.) J.B.Armstr.
- Corallospartium crassicaule var. racemosum Kirk
- Corallospartium J.B.Armstr.
- Coriaria angustissima Hook.f.
- Coriaria arborea Linds.
- Coriaria arborea var. kermadecensis W.R.B.Oliv.
- Coriaria kingiana Colenso
- Coriaria lurida var. acuminata Cockayne & Allan
- Coriaria lurida var. parviflora Cockayne & Allan
- Coriaria lurida var. undulata Allan
- Coriaria plumosa W.R.B.Oliv.
- Coriaria pottsiana W.R.B.Oliv.
- Coriaria pteridoides W.R.B.Oliv.
- Coriaria ruscifolia L.
- Coriaria sarmentosa G.Forst.
- Coriaria thymifolia var. undulata Petrie
- Coriaria tutu Linds.
- Coriariaceae
- Cornaceae
- Corokia ×cheesemanii Carse
- Corokia ×virgata Turrill
- Corokia A.Cunn.
- Corokia buddleioides A.Cunn.
- Corokia buddleioides var. linearis Cheeseman
- Corokia cotoneaster Raoul
- Corokia macrocarpa Kirk
- Corynocarpaceae
- Corynocarpus J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Corynocarpus laevigatus J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Cotula angustata G.Simpson
- Cotula atrata Hook.f.
- Cotula australis (Spreng.) Hook.f.
- Cotula coronopifolia L.
- Cotula dioica (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
- Cotula dioica var. pulchella (Kirk) Cheeseman
- Cotula featherstonii (F.Muell.) Hook.f.
- Cotula goyenii Petrie
- Cotula goyenii var. pinnatisecta Kirk
- Cotula integrifolia Hook.f.
- Cotula L.
- Cotula lanata (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
- Cotula linearifolia Cheeseman
- Cotula maniototo Petrie
- Cotula minor (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
- Cotula monticola G.Simpson
- Cotula pectinata Hook.f.
- Cotula perpusilla Hook.f.
- Cotula plumosa (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
- Cotula potentillina (F.Muell.) Druce
- Cotula pyrethrifolia Hook.f.
- Cotula pyrethrifolia var. robusta G.Simpson
- Cotula sericea (Kirk) Cockayne & Allan
- Cotula squalida (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
- Cotula traillii Kirk
- Cotula venosa Colenso
- Cotula villosa G.Simpson
- Cotula willcoxii Cheeseman
- Coxella Cheeseman & Hemsl.
- Coxella dieffenbachii (F.Muell.) Cheeseman & Hemsl.
- Crantzia lineata Hook.f.
- Crantzia novae-zelandiae Gand.
- Crantzia Nutt.
- Craspedia fimbriata (G.Forst.) DC.
- Craspedia fimbriata var. lanata Hook.f.
- Craspedia fimbriata var. major Hook.f.
- Craspedia fimbriata var. marginata Hook.f.
- Craspedia fimbriata var. minor Hook.f.
- Craspedia fimbriata var. robusta Hook.f.
- Craspedia G.Forst.
- Craspedia incana Allan
- Craspedia incana Cockayne & Allan
- Craspedia lanata (Hook.f.) Allan
- Craspedia lanata var. elongata Allan
- Craspedia major (Hook.f.) Allan
- Craspedia maritima Cockayne & Allan
- Craspedia minor (Hook.f.) Allan
- Craspedia minor var. viscosa (Colenso) Allan
- Craspedia robusta (Hook.f.) Cockayne
- Craspedia robusta var. pedicellata (Kirk) Allan
- Craspedia uniflora G.Forst.
- Craspedia uniflora G.Forst. var. uniflora
- Craspedia uniflora var. grandis Allan
- Craspedia uniflora var. maritima Allan
- Craspedia uniflora var. pedicellata Kirk
- Craspedia uniflora var. subhispida Allan
- Craspedia uniflora var. viscosa (Colenso) Kirk
- Craspedia viscosa Colenso
- Crassula kirkii (Allan) A.P.Druce & Given
- Crassula moschata G.Forst.
- Crassula purpurata (Hook.f.) Domin
- Crassula sieberiana (Schult. & Schult.f.) Druce
- Crassula sinclairii (Hook.f.) A.P.Druce & Given
- Crassulaceae
- Crepis novae-zelandiae Hook.f.
- Cruciferae
- Ctenitis glabella (A.Cunn.) Copel.
- Ctenitis velutina (A.Rich.) Copel.
- Cucurbitaceae
- Cunoniaceae
- Cupressaceae Gray
- Cuscuta L.
- Cussonia lessonii A.Rich.
- Cyathea colensoi (Hook.f.) Domin
- Cyathea cunninghamii Hook.f.
- Cyathea dealbata (G.Forst.) Sw.
- Cyathea kermadecensis W.R.B.Oliv.
- Cyathea medullaris (G.Forst.) Sw.
- Cyathea milnei Hook. ex Hook.f.
- Cyathea polyneuron Colenso
- Cyathea Sm.
- Cyathea smithii Hook.f.
- Cyatheaceae Kaulf.
- Cyathodes articulata Colenso
- Cyathodes colensoi (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
- Cyathodes empetrifolia (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
- Cyathodes fasciculata (G.Forst.) Allan
- Cyathodes fraseri (A.Cunn.) Allan
- Cyathodes fraseri var. muscosa (G.Simpson) Allan
- Cyathodes juniperina (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) Druce
- Cyathodes juniperina var. oxycedrus (Labill.) Allan
- Cyathodes Labill.
- Cyathodes parviflora (Andrews) Allan
- Cyathodes pumila Hook.f.
- Cyathodes robusta Hook.f.
- Cyclosorus Link
- Cynoglossum nobile Hook.f.
- Cystopteris Bernh.
- Cystopteris fragilis (L.) Bernh.
- Cystopteris fragilis sensu Allan
- Dacrydium bidwillii Kirk
- Dacrydium bidwillii var. erecta Kirk
- Dacrydium bidwillii var. reclinata Kirk
- Dacrydium biforme (Hook.) Pilg.
- Dacrydium colensoi Hook.
- Dacrydium cupressinum Sol. ex Lamb.
- Dacrydium intermedium Kirk
- Dacrydium kirkii F.Muell. ex Parl.
- Dacrydium laxifolium Hook.f.
- Dacrydium mai A.Cunn.
- Dacrydium Sol. ex Lamb.
- Dacrydium taxifolium Sol. ex D.Don
- Dactylanthus Hook.f.
- Dactylanthus taylorii Hook.f.
- Daucus glochidiatus (Labill.) Fisch., C.A.Mey. & Avé-Lall.
- Daucus L.
- Davallia novae-zelandiae Colenso
- Davallia Sm.
- Davallia tasmanii Field
- Davalliaceae M.R.Schomb.
- Demidovia tetragonoides Pall.
- Dennstaedtiaceae Lotsy
- Dicera dentata J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Dicera serrata J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Dichondra brevifolia Buchanan
- Dichondra J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Dichondra repens J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Dicksonia fibrosa Colenso
- Dicksonia lanata Colenso ex Hook.
- Dicksonia lanata Colenso ex Hook. var. lanata
- Dicksonia L'Hér.
- Dicksonia squarrosa (G.Forst.) Sw.
- Dicksoniaceae M.R.Schomb.
- Dicranopteris Bernh.
- Discaria australis var. apetala Hook.f.
- Discaria Hook.
- Discaria toumatou Raoul
- Disphyma australe (Aiton) N.E.Br.
- Disphyma N.E.Br.
- Ditoca muscosa Banks ex Gaertn.
- Dodonaea L.
- Dodonaea spatulata Sm.
- Dodonaea viscosa Jacq.
- Donatia J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Donatia novae-zelandiae Hook.f.
- Donatiaceae
- Doodia caudata (Cav.) R.Br.
- Doodia media R.Br.
- Doodia media var. milnei (Carruth.) Baker
- Doodia R.Br.
- Dracophyllum acerosum Berggr.
- Dracophyllum adamsii Petrie
- Dracophyllum arboreum Cockayne
- Dracophyllum cockayneanum Du Rietz
- Dracophyllum densum W.R.B.Oliv.
- Dracophyllum filifolium Hook.f.
- Dracophyllum fiordense W.R.B.Oliv.
- Dracophyllum kirkii Berggr.
- Dracophyllum Labill.
- Dracophyllum latifolium A.Cunn.
- Dracophyllum latifolium var. matthewsii Carse
- Dracophyllum lessonianum A.Rich.
- Dracophyllum longifolium (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) R.Br. ex Roemer & Schult.
- Dracophyllum longifolium (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) R.Br. ex Roemer & Schult. var. longifolium
- Dracophyllum longifolium var. cockayneanum (Du Rietz) W.R.B.Oliv.
- Dracophyllum longifolium var. retortum Homb. & Jacq.
- Dracophyllum lyallii Hook.f.
- Dracophyllum matthewsii (Carse) Carse
- Dracophyllum menziesii Hook.f.
- Dracophyllum muscoides Hook.f.
- Dracophyllum oliveri Du Rietz
- Dracophyllum paludosum Cockayne
- Dracophyllum palustre Cockayne ex W.R.B.Oliv.
- Dracophyllum patens W.R.B.Oliv.
- Dracophyllum pearsonii Kirk
- Dracophyllum politum (Cheeseman) Cockayne
- Dracophyllum pronum W.R.B.Oliv.
- Dracophyllum prostratum Kirk
- Dracophyllum pubescens Cheeseman
- Dracophyllum pyramidale W.R.B.Oliv.
- Dracophyllum recurvatum Colenso
- Dracophyllum recurvum Hook.f.
- Dracophyllum robustum Hook.f.
- Dracophyllum rosmarinifolium (G.Forst.) R.Br.
- Dracophyllum scoparium Hook.f.
- Dracophyllum setifolium Stchegl.
- Dracophyllum sinclairii Cheeseman
- Dracophyllum squarrosum sensu Hook.f.
- Dracophyllum strictum Hook.f.
- Dracophyllum subulatum Hook.f.
- Dracophyllum townsonii Cheeseman
- Dracophyllum traversii Hook.f.
- Dracophyllum trimorphum W.R.B.Oliv.
- Dracophyllum uniflorum Hook.f.
- Dracophyllum uniflorum Hook.f. var. uniflorum
- Dracophyllum uniflorum var. frondosum G.Simpson
- Dracophyllum urvilleanum A.Rich.
- Dracophyllum urvilleanum var. filifolium (Hook.f.) Cheeseman
- Dracophyllum viride W.R.B.Oliv.
- Drapetes Banks ex Lam.
- Drapetes dieffenbachii Hook.
- Drapetes laxus (Cheeseman) Allan
- Drapetes lyallii Hook.f.
- Drapetes multiflorus (Cheeseman) Allan
- Drapetes muscosa Hook.f.
- Drapetes villosa (Berggr.) Cheeseman
- Drimys axillaris J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Drimys axillaris var. colorata (Raoul) Kirk
- Drimys colorata Raoul
- Drimys traversii Kirk
- Drosera arcturi Hook.
- Drosera atra Colenso
- Drosera auriculata Backh. ex Planch.
- Drosera binata Labill.
- Drosera circinervia Colenso
- Drosera cunninghamii Walp.
- Drosera dichotoma Banks & Sol. ex Sm.
- Drosera flagellifera Colenso
- Drosera intermedia R.Cunn. ex A.Cunn.
- Drosera L.
- Drosera ligulata Colenso
- Drosera polyneura Colenso
- Drosera pygmaea DC.
- Drosera ruahinensis Colenso
- Drosera spatulata Labill.
- Drosera stenopetala Hook.f.
- Drosera stylosa Colenso
- Droseraceae
- Dryopteridaceae Herter
- Dysoxylum Blume
- Dysoxylum spectabile (G.Forst.) Hook.f.
- Edwardsia prostrata (Buchanan) W.R.B.Oliv.
- Edwardsia tetraptera (J.F.Mill.) W.R.B.Oliv.
- Einadia allanii (Aellen) Paul G.Wilson
- Elaeocarpaceae
- Elaeocarpus cunninghamii Raoul
- Elaeocarpus dentatus (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) Vahl
- Elaeocarpus dentatus var. obovatus Cheeseman
- Elaeocarpus hinau A.Cunn.
- Elaeocarpus hookerianus Raoul
- Elaeocarpus L.
- Elaeodendron micranthum Hook.f.
- Elatinaceae
- Elatine americana sensu Hook.f.
- Elatine americana var. australiensis Benth.
- Elatine gratioloides A.Cunn.
- Elatine L.
- Elatostema J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Elatostema rugosum A.Cunn.
- Elingamita G.T.S.Baylis
- Elingamita johnsonii G.T.S.Baylis
- Elytranthe (Blume) Blume
- Elytranthe colensoi (Hook.f.) Engl.
- Elytranthe flavida (Hook.f.) Engl.
- Elytranthe tetrapetala (L.f.) Engl.
- Entelea arborescens R.Br.
- Entelea R.Br.
- Epacridaceae
- Epacris affinis Colenso
- Epacris alpina Hook.f.
- Epacris Cav.
- Epacris fasciculata G.Forst.
- Epacris frondosa Gaertn.
- Epacris juniperina J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Epacris longifolia J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Epacris pauciflora A.Rich.
- Epacris pauciflora var. sinclairii (Hook.f.) Cheeseman
- Epacris pumila J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Epacris rosmarinifolia G.Forst.
- Epacris sinclairii Hook.f.
- Epilobium alsinoides A.Cunn.
- Epilobium alsinoides subsp. atriplicifolium (A.Cunn.) P.H.Raven & Engelhorn
- Epilobium alsinoides subsp. tenuipes (Hook.f.) P.H.Raven & Engelhorn
- Epilobium billardiereanum DC.
- Epilobium brevipes Hook.f.
- Epilobium caespitosum sensu Allan
- Epilobium chionanthum Hausskn.
- Epilobium chlorifolium Hausskn.
- Epilobium chlorifolium var. kaikourense Cockayne
- Epilobium cinereum A.Rich.
- Epilobium cockayneanum Petrie
- Epilobium confertifolium Hook.f.
- Epilobium confertifolium var. tenuipes Hook.f.
- Epilobium crassum Hook.f.
- Epilobium dawbinii Allan
- Epilobium erectum Petrie
- Epilobium erubescens Hausskn.
- Epilobium findlayi Allan
- Epilobium findlayi var. pubescens Allan
- Epilobium forbesii Allan
- Epilobium glabellum G.Forst.
- Epilobium gracilipes Kirk
- Epilobium gracilipes var. concinnum Allan
- Epilobium hectorii Hausskn.
- Epilobium hirtigerum A.Cunn.
- Epilobium insulare Hausskn.
- Epilobium junceum var. hirtigerum Hook.f.
- Epilobium L.
- Epilobium linnaeoides Hook.f.
- Epilobium macropus Hook.
- Epilobium matthewsii Petrie
- Epilobium melanocaulon Hook.
- Epilobium melanocaulon Hook. var. melanocaulon
- Epilobium melanocaulon var. viride Cockayne & Allan
- Epilobium microphyllum A.Rich.
- Epilobium microphyllum var. prostratum Petrie
- Epilobium nerteroides A.Cunn.
- Epilobium nerteroides var. minimum (Kirk) Cockayne
- Epilobium novae-zelandiae Hausskn.
- Epilobium nummulariifolium R.Cunn. ex A.Cunn.
- Epilobium pallidiflorum A.Cunn.
- Epilobium parviflorum sensu G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
- Epilobium pedunculare A.Cunn.
- Epilobium pedunculare var. aprica Hausskn.
- Epilobium pedunculare var. brunnescens Cockayne
- Epilobium pedunculare var. minimum Kirk
- Epilobium pedunculare var. minutiflorum Cockayne
- Epilobium pedunculare var. viride Cockayne
- Epilobium pernitens Cockayne & Allan
- Epilobium pictum Petrie
- Epilobium porphyrium G.Simpson
- Epilobium pubens A.Rich.
- Epilobium pubens var. astonii Allan
- Epilobium pubens var. strictum Allan
- Epilobium purpuratum Hook.f.
- Epilobium pycnostachyum Hausskn.
- Epilobium rostratum Cheeseman
- Epilobium rostratum var. pubens Petrie
- Epilobium rotundifolium G.Forst.
- Epilobium rubromarginatum Cockayne
- Epilobium simulans Allan
- Epilobium tasmanicum Hausskn.
- Epilobium tenuipes Hook.f.
- Epilobium tetragonum sensu Hook.f.
- Epilobium vernicosum Cheeseman
- Epilobium wilsonii Cheeseman
- Epilobium wilsonii var. pallidum G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
- Erechtites diversifolius Petrie
- Erechtites kermadecensis (Belcher) Allan
- Erechtites minimus var. angustatus Allan
- Erechtites minimus var. heterophyllus (Colenso) Allan
- Erechtites pumilus J.B.Armstr.
- Erechtites quadridentatus (Labill.) DC.
- Erechtites quadridentatus var. traversii Allan
- Erechtites Raf.
- Erechtites scaberulus Hook.f.
- Erechtites scaberulus var. chathamicus Allan
- Erechtites wairauensis (Belcher) Allan
- Erechtites wairauensis var. robusta Allan
- Ericaceae
- Erigeron bonplandii Buchanan
- Erigeron novae-zelandiae Buchanan
- Erpetion spathulatum A.Cunn.
- Eryngium L.
- Eryngium vesiculosum Labill.
- Escalloniaceae R.Br. ex Dumort.
- Euchiton collinus Cass.
- Euchiton involucratus (G.Forst.) Holub
- Euchiton japonicus (Thunb.) Holub
- Eugenia L.
- Eugenia maire A.Cunn.
- Eugenia obcordata Raoul
- Eugenia vitis-idaea Raoul
- Euphorbia glauca G.Forst.
- Euphorbia L.
- Euphorbiaceae
- Euphrasia australis Petrie
- Euphrasia cheesemanii Wettst.
- Euphrasia cockayneana Petrie
- Euphrasia cuneata G.Forst.
- Euphrasia cuneata var. tricolor (Colenso) Cheeseman
- Euphrasia disperma Hook.f.
- Euphrasia diversifolia Petrie
- Euphrasia drucei Ashwin
- Euphrasia dyeri Wettst.
- Euphrasia integrifolia Petrie
- Euphrasia L.
- Euphrasia laingii Petrie
- Euphrasia longiflora Kirk
- Euphrasia monroi Hook.f.
- Euphrasia petriei Ashwin
- Euphrasia repens Hook.f.
- Euphrasia revoluta Hook.f.
- Euphrasia townsonii Petrie
- Euphrasia tricolor Colenso
- Euphrasia zelandica Wettst.
- Eurybia albida Hook.f.
- Eurybia alpina Lindl. & Paxton
- Eurybia avicenniifolia (Raoul) Hook.f.
- Eurybia cunninghamii Hook.f.
- Eurybia dentata var. linearifolia Hook.f.
- Eurybia dentata var. oblongifolia Hook.f.
- Eurybia forsteri Hook.f.
- Eurybia furfuracea (A.Rich.) DC.
- Eurybia nitida Hook.f.
- Eurybia nummulariifolia Hook.f.
- Eurybia semidentata (Decne.) F.Muell.
- Eurybia traversii F.Muell.
- Eurybiopsis australis Hook.f.
- Ewartia Beauverd
- Ewartia sinclairii (Hook.f.) Cheeseman
- Ewartia sinclairii (Hook.f.) Cheeseman × Helichrysum bellidioides (G.Forst.) Willd.
- Exarrhena colensoi Kirk
- Exarrhena macrantha Hook.f.
- Exarrhena saxosa Hook.f.
- Exocarpos bidwillii Hook.f.
- Fagaceae
- Fagus cliffortioides Hook.f.
- Fagus fusca Hook.f.
- Fagus menziesii Hook.f.
- Fagus solandri Hook.f.
- Fagus truncata Colenso
- Forstera aretiastrifolia Hombr. & Jacquinot ex Decne.
- Forstera bidwillii Hook.f.
- Forstera bidwillii var. densifolia Mildbr.
- Forstera L. ex G.Forst.
- Forstera mackayi Allan
- Forstera tenella Hook.f.
- Friesia racemosa A.Cunn.
- Fuchsia ×colensoi Hook.f.
- Fuchsia excorticata (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) L.f.
- Fuchsia excorticata (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) L.f. × Fuchsia perscandens Cockayne & Allan
- Fuchsia L.
- Fuchsia perscandens Cockayne & Allan
- Fuchsia procumbens R.Cunn.
- Fusanus cunninghamii Benth. & Hook.f. ex Kirk
- Galium L.
- Galium perpusillum (Hook.f.) Allan
- Galium propinquum A.Cunn.
- Galium tenuicaule A.Cunn.
- Galium umbrosum Sol. ex G.Forst.
- Gaultheria antipoda G.Forst.
- Gaultheria antipoda var. erecta Cheeseman
- Gaultheria antipoda var. fluviatilis (A.Cunn.) Hook.f.
- Gaultheria colensoi Hook.f.
- Gaultheria crassa Allan
- Gaultheria depressa Hook.f.
- Gaultheria fluviatilis A.Cunn.
- Gaultheria Kalm ex L.
- Gaultheria oppositifolia Hook.f.
- Gaultheria paniculata B.L.Burtt & A.W.Hill
- Gaultheria rupestris (L.f.) D.Don
- Gaultheria rupestris var. lanceolata Cheeseman
- Gaultheria subcorymbosa Colenso
- Gaya lyallii sensu Kirk
- Gaya lyallii var. ribifolia Kirk
- Gaya ribifolia Cockayne
- Geniostoma J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Geniostoma ligustrifolium A.Cunn.
- Gentiana antarctica Kirk
- Gentiana antipoda Kirk
- Gentiana astonii Petrie
- Gentiana bellidifolia Hook.f.
- Gentiana cerina Hook.f.
- Gentiana cerina var. suberecta (Kirk) Cheeseman
- Gentiana chathamica Cheeseman
- Gentiana concinna Hook.f.
- Gentiana corymbifera Kirk
- Gentiana divisa (Kirk) Cheeseman
- Gentiana divisa var. magnifica (Kirk) Allan
- Gentiana filipes Cheeseman
- Gentiana gibbsii Petrie
- Gentiana gracilifolia Cheeseman
- Gentiana grisebachii Hook.f.
- Gentiana L.
- Gentiana lineata Kirk
- Gentiana matthewsii Petrie
- Gentiana montana G.Forst.
- Gentiana montana var. stolonifera Cheeseman
- Gentiana patula (Kirk) Cheeseman
- Gentiana saxosa G.Forst.
- Gentiana serotina Cockayne
- Gentiana spenceri Kirk
- Gentiana tenuifolia Petrie
- Gentiana tereticaulis Petrie
- Gentiana townsonii Cheeseman
- Gentiana vernicosa Cheeseman
- Gentianaceae
- Geophila dichondrifolia A.Cunn.
- Geraniaceae
- Geranium australe Nees
- Geranium dissectum var. glabratum Hook.f.
- Geranium inodorum (Willd.) Poir.
- Geranium L.
- Geranium microphyllum Hook.f.
- Geranium microphyllum var. discolor G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
- Geranium microphyllum var. obtusatum G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
- Geranium pilosum sensu Allan
- Geranium potentilloides sensu Hook.f.
- Geranium retrorsum sensu A.Cunn.
- Geranium sessiliflorum Cav.
- Geranium sessiliflorum var. arenarium G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
- Geranium sessiliflorum var. maculatum G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
- Geranium traversii Hook.f.
- Geranium traversii var. elegans Cockayne
- Gesneriaceae
- Geum albiflorum (Hook.f.) Scheutz
- Geum divergens Cheeseman
- Geum L.
- Geum leiospermum Petrie
- Geum parviflorum Sm.
- Geum parviflorum var. albiflorum (Hook.f.) Allan
- Geum pusillum Petrie
- Geum sericeum Kirk
- Geum uniflorum Buchanan
- Geum urbanum L.
- Gleichenia alpina R.Br.
- Gleichenia cunninghamii Heward ex Hook.
- Gleichenia flabellata R.Br.
- Gleichenia linearis (Burm.f.) C.B.Clarke
- Gleichenia littoralis Colenso
- Gleichenia microphylla R.Br.
- Gleichenia Sm.
- Gleicheniaceae C.Presl
- Glossostigma elatinoides Benth. ex Hook.f.
- Glossostigma submersum Petrie
- Glossostigma Wight & Arn.
- Gnaphalium adhaerens Colenso
- Gnaphalium bellidioides (G.Forst.) Hook.f.
- Gnaphalium colensoi Hook.f.
- Gnaphalium collinum Labill.
- Gnaphalium collinum var. obscurum Kirk
- Gnaphalium cunninghamii DC.
- Gnaphalium fasciculatum Buchanan
- Gnaphalium filicaule Hook.f.
- Gnaphalium grandiceps Hook.f.
- Gnaphalium hookeri Allan
- Gnaphalium involucratum G.Forst.
- Gnaphalium japonicum Thunb.
- Gnaphalium keriense A.Cunn.
- Gnaphalium keriense var. linifolia Hook.f.
- Gnaphalium L.
- Gnaphalium lanatum G.Forst.
- Gnaphalium luteoalbum L.
- Gnaphalium luteoalbum var. compactum Kirk
- Gnaphalium luteoalbum var. incanum A.Rich.
- Gnaphalium lyallii Hook.f.
- Gnaphalium mackayi (Buchanan) Cockayne
- Gnaphalium minutula Colenso
- Gnaphalium nitidulum Hook.f.
- Gnaphalium novae-zeelandiae Sch.Bip.
- Gnaphalium paludosum Petrie
- Gnaphalium prostratum (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
- Gnaphalium sinclairii Hook.f.
- Gnaphalium subrigidum Colenso
- Gnaphalium traversii Hook.f.
- Gnaphalium traversii var. mackayi (Buchanan) Kirk
- Gnaphalium trinerve G.Forst.
- Gnaphalium trinerve Hook.f.
- Gnaphalium virgatum Banks & Sol. ex Hook.f.
- Gnaphalium youngii Hook.f.
- Gonocarpus aggregatus (Buchanan) Orchard
- Gonocarpus depressus A.Cunn.
- Gonocarpus incanus (A.Cunn.) Orchard
- Gonocarpus micranthus Thunb.
- Gonocarpus montanus (Hook.f.) Orchard
- Goodeniaceae
- Grammitidaceae (C.Presl) Ching
- Grammitis billardierei Willd.
- Grammitis ciliata Colenso
- Grammitis crassa Fée
- Grammitis heterophylla Labill.
- Grammitis pumila J.B.Armstr.
- Grammitis Sw.
- Gratiola concinna Colenso
- Gratiola L.
- Gratiola nana Benth.
- Gratiola sexdentata R.Cunn. ex A.Cunn.
- Griselinia G.Forst.
- Griselinia littoralis (Raoul) Raoul
- Griselinia lucida (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) G.Forst.
- Gunnera ×mixta Kirk
- Gunnera ×strigosa Colenso
- Gunnera albocarpa (Kirk) Cockayne
- Gunnera arenaria Cheeseman
- Gunnera densiflora Hook.f.
- Gunnera dentata Kirk
- Gunnera flavida Colenso
- Gunnera hamiltonii Kirk
- Gunnera L.
- Gunnera microcarpa Kirk
- Gunnera monoica Raoul
- Gunnera monoica var. strigosa (Colenso) Kirk
- Gunnera ovata Petrie
- Gunnera prorepens Hook.f.
- Gunnera strigosa Colenso
- Gymnelaea (Endl.) Spach
- Gymnelaea apetala (Vahl) L.A.S.Johnson
- Gymnelaea cunninghamii (Hook.f.) L.A.S.Johnson
- Gymnelaea lanceolata (Hook.f.) L.A.S.Johnson
- Gymnelaea montana (Hook.f.) L.A.S.Johnson
- Gymnogramma novae-zelandiae Colenso
- Haastia ×loganii Buchanan
- Haastia greenii Hook.f.
- Haastia Hook.f.
- Haastia pulvinaris Hook.f.
- Haastia pulvinaris var. minor Laing
- Haastia recurva Hook.f.
- Haastia recurva var. wallii Cockayne
- Haastia sinclairii Hook.f.
- Haastia sinclairii var. fulvida Allan
- Halocarpus bidwillii (Kirk) Quinn
- Haloragaceae
- Haloragis alata Jacq.
- Haloragis alata var. cartilaginea Cheeseman
- Haloragis cartilaginea Cheeseman
- Haloragis colensoi Skottsb.
- Haloragis depressa sensu (A.Cunn.) Walp.
- Haloragis depressa var. aggregata (Buchanan) Kirk
- Haloragis depressa var. spicata (Petrie) Schindler
- Haloragis depressa var. uniflora (Kirk) Cheesem.
- Haloragis diffusa sensu Cockayne
- Haloragis erecta (Banks ex Murray) Oken
- Haloragis erecta subsp. cartilaginea (Cheeseman) Orchard
- Haloragis incana (A.Cunn.) Walp.
- Haloragis J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Haloragis micrantha (Thunb.) Siebold & Zucc.
- Haloragis spicata Petrie
- Haloragis tenella Brong.
- Haloragis tetragyna var. diffusa Hook.f.
- Haloragis tetragyna var. incana Kirk
- Haloragis uniflora var. bibracteolata (Colenso) Schindler
- Hartighsea spectabilis A.Juss.
- Haxtonia furfuracea (A.Rich.) A.Cunn.
- Hebe acutiflora (Hook.f.) Cockayne
- Hebe albicans (Petrie) Cockayne
- Hebe allanii Cockayne
- Hebe amplexicaulis (J.B.Armstr.) Cockayne & Allan
- Hebe armstrongii (Johnson ex J.B.Armstr.) Cockayne & Allan
- Hebe barkeri (Cockayne) Cockayne
- Hebe benthamii (Hook.f.) Cockayne & Allan
- Hebe bollonsii (Cockayne) Cockayne & Allan
- Hebe brachysiphon Summerh.
- Hebe buchananii (Hook.f.) Cockayne & Allan
- Hebe buxifolia var. pauciramosa Cockayne & Allan
- Hebe canterburiensis (J.B.Armstr.) L.B.Moore
- Hebe carnosula (Hook.f.) Cockayne
- Hebe chathamica (Buchanan) Cockayne & Allan
- Hebe cheesemanii (Buchanan) Cockayne & Allan
- Hebe ciliolata (Hook.f.) Cockayne & Allan
- Hebe coarctata (Cheeseman) Cockayne & Allan
- Hebe cockayneana (Cheeseman) Cockayne & Allan
- Hebe colensoi (Hook.f.) Cockayne
- Hebe colensoi var. hillii (Colenso) L.B.Moore
- Hebe Comm. ex Juss.
- Hebe corriganii Carse
- Hebe decumbens (J.B.Armstr.) Cockayne & Allan
- Hebe dieffenbachii (Benth.) Cockayne & Allan
- Hebe diosmifolia (A.Cunn.) Andersen
- Hebe divaricata (Cheeseman) Cockayne & Allan
- Hebe elliptica (G.Forst.) Pennell
- Hebe elliptica var. crassifolia Cockayne & Allan
- Hebe evenosa (Petrie) Cockayne & Allan
- Hebe fruticeti G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
- Hebe gibbsii (Kirk) Cockayne & Allan
- Hebe glaucophylla (Cockayne) Cockayne
- Hebe gracillima (Kirk) Cockayne & Allan
- Hebe haastii (Hook.f.) Cockayne & Allan
- Hebe haastii var. humilis (G.Simpson) L.B.Moore
- Hebe haastii var. macrocalyx (J.B.Armstr.) Cockayne & Allan
- Hebe hectorii (Hook.f.) Cockayne & Allan
- Hebe hectorii var. demissa (G.Simpson) Ashwin
- Hebe hulkeana (F.Muell.) Cockayne & Allan
- Hebe imbricata Cockayne & Allan
- Hebe insularis (Cheeseman) Cockayne & Allan
- Hebe lapidosa G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
- Hebe lavaudiana (Raoul) Cockayne & Allan
- Hebe ligustrifolia A.Cunn.) Cockayne & Allan
- Hebe lycopodioides var. patula G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
- Hebe macrantha (Hook.f.) Cockayne & Allan
- Hebe macrantha (Hook.f.) Cockayne & Allan var. macrantha
- Hebe macrantha var. brachyphylla (Cheeseman) Cockayne & Allan
- Hebe macrocarpa (Vahl) Cockayne & Allan
- Hebe macrocarpa var. brevifolia (Cheeseman) L.B.Moore
- Hebe macrocarpa var. latisepala (Kirk) Cockayne & Allan
- Hebe matthewsii (Cheeseman) Cockayne
- Hebe obtusata (Cheeseman) Cockayne & Allan
- Hebe ochracea Ashwin
- Hebe odora (Hook.f.) Cockayne
- Hebe parviflora var. angustifolia (Hook.f.) L.B.Moore
- Hebe parviflora var. arborea (Buchanan) L.B.Moore
- Hebe pauciflora G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
- Hebe pauciramosa (Cockayne & Allan) L.B.Moore
- Hebe pauciramosa var. masoniae L.B.Moore
- Hebe petriei (Buchanan) Cockayne & Allan
- Hebe petriei var. murrellii (G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson) L.B.Moore
- Hebe pimeleoides (Hook.f.) Cockayne & Allan
- Hebe pinguifolia (Hook.f.) Cockayne & Allan
- Hebe poppelwellii (Cockayne) Cockayne & Allan
- Hebe propinqua (Cheeseman) Cockayne & Allan
- Hebe pubescens (Benth.) Cockayne & Allan
- Hebe rakaiensis (J.B.Armstr.) Cockayne
- Hebe ramosissima G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
- Hebe raoulii (Hook.f.) Cockayne & Allan
- Hebe raoulii var. maccaskillii Allan
- Hebe raoulii var. pentasepala L.B.Moore
- Hebe recurva G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
- Hebe rigidula (Cheeseman) Cockayne & Allan
- Hebe rupicola (Cheeseman) Cockayne & Allan
- Hebe salicifolia (G.Forst.) Pennell
- Hebe salicornioides (Hook.f.) Cockayne & Allan
- Hebe stricta (Banks & Sol. ex Benth.) L.B.Moore
- Hebe stricta (Banks & Sol. ex Benth.) L.B.Moore var. stricta
- Hebe stricta var. atkinsonii (Cockayne) L.B.Moore
- Hebe stricta var. egmontiana L.B.Moore
- Hebe stricta var. lata L.B.Moore
- Hebe stricta var. macroura (Hook.f. ex Benth.) L.B.Moore
- Hebe strictissima (Kirk) L.B.Moore
- Hebe subsimilis (Colenso) Ashwin
- Hebe subsimilis var. astonii (Petrie) M.B.Ashwin
- Hebe topiaria L.B.Moore
- Hebe townsonii (Cheeseman) Cockayne & Allan
- Hebe truncatula (Colenso) L.B.Moore
- Hebe tumida (Kirk) Cockayne & Allan
- Hebe urvilleana W.R.B.Oliv.
- Hebe venustula (Colenso) L.B.Moore
- Hebe vernicosa (Hook.f.) Cockayne & Allan
- Hectorella caespitosa Hook.f.
- Hectorella elongata Buchanan
- Hectorella Hook.f.
- Hedera crassifolia A.Gray
- Hedera lessonii A.Gray
- Hedycarya arborea J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Hedycarya dentata G.Forst.
- Hedycarya J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Heimerliodendron brunonianum (Endl.) Skottsb.
- Heimerliodendron Skottsb.
- Helichrysum ×fowerakeri Cockayne
- Helichrysum ×grahamii Petrie
- Helichrysum ×loganii (Buchanan) Kirk
- Helichrysum ×pauciflorum Kirk
- Helichrysum ×purdiei Petrie
- Helichrysum ×selago (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f. ex Kirk
- Helichrysum bellidioides (G.Forst.) Willd.
- Helichrysum bellidioides var. erectum Kirk
- Helichrysum bellidioides var. gracile Allan
- Helichrysum bellidioides var. prostratum (Hook.f.) Kirk
- Helichrysum coralloides (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
- Helichrysum depressum (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
- Helichrysum dimorphum Cockayne
- Helichrysum filicaule Hook.f.
- Helichrysum glomeratum (Raoul) Benth. & Hook.f. ex Kirk
- Helichrysum glomeratum var. lanceolatum (Buchanan) Allan
- Helichrysum glomeratum var. majus Allan
- Helichrysum grandiceps (Hook.f.) Kirk
- Helichrysum intermedium G.Simpson
- Helichrysum intermedium var. humile G.Simpson
- Helichrysum lanceolatum (Buchanan) Kirk
- Helichrysum leontopodium Hook.f.
- Helichrysum micranthum DC.
- Helichrysum microphyllum (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f. ex Kirk
- Helichrysum Mill.
- Helichrysum parvifolium Yeo
- Helichrysum plumeum Allan
- Helichrysum prostratum Hook.f.
- Helichrysum selago sensu Allan
- Helichrysum selago var. acutum Cheeseman
- Helichrysum selago var. intermedium (G.Simpson) Allan
- Helichrysum selago var. tomentosum Cheeseman
- Helichrysum selago var. tuberculata Cheeseman
- Helichrysum selago var. tumidum Cheeseman
- Helophyllum colensoi Hook.f.
- Helophyllum muscoides Colenso
- Helophyllum rubrum Hook.f.
- Hemiphues Hook.f.
- Hemiphues suffocata var. novae-zelandiae (Petrie) Allan
- Hemitelia falciloba Colenso
- Hemitelia stellulata Colenso
- Heterixia lindsayi Tiegh.
- Hibiscus diversifolius Jacq.
- Hibiscus L.
- Hibiscus trionum L.
- Hibiscus vesicarius Cav.
- Histiopteris (J.Agardh) J.Sm.
- Histiopteris incisa (Thunb.) J.Sm.
- Hoheria A.Cunn.
- Hoheria angustifolia Raoul
- Hoheria glabrata Sprague & Summerh.
- Hoheria lyallii Hook.f.
- Hoheria ovata Simpson & J.S.Thomson
- Hoheria populnea A.Cunn.
- Hoheria populnea A.Cunn. var. populnea
- Hoheria populnea A.Cunn. var. vulgaris
- Hoheria populnea subsp. vulgaris Kirk
- Hoheria populnea var. angustifolia (Raoul) Hook.f.
- Hoheria populnea var. lanceolata Hook.f.
- Hoheria populnea var. sinclaririi (Hook.f.) Kirk
- Hoheria sexstylosa Colenso
- Hoheria sexstylosa var. ovata (G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson) Allan
- Hoheria sinclarii Hook.f.
- Homalanthus A.Juss.
- Homalanthus nutans sensu Hook.f.
- Homalanthus polyandrus (Müll.Arg.) G.Nicholson
- Huttonella Kirk
- Hydrocotyle americana L.
- Hydrocotyle americana sensu Allan
- Hydrocotyle dichondraefolia A.Cunn.
- Hydrocotyle dissecta Hook.f.
- Hydrocotyle elongata A.Cunn.
- Hydrocotyle heteromeria A.Rich.
- Hydrocotyle involucrata Colenso
- Hydrocotyle L.
- Hydrocotyle microphylla A.Cunn.
- Hydrocotyle moschata G.Forst.
- Hydrocotyle muscosa R.Br. ex A.Rich.
- Hydrocotyle novae-zeelandiae DC.
- Hydrocotyle novae-zeelandiae var. involucrata (Colenso) Allan
- Hydrocotyle novae-zeelandiae var. lobulata Kirk
- Hydrocotyle novae-zeelandiae var. montana Kirk
- Hydrocotyle novae-zeelandiae var. robusta (Kirk) Cheeseman
- Hydrocotyle pterocarpa F.Muell.
- Hydrocotyle tripartita R.Br. ex A.Rich.
- Hydrocotyle uniflora Colenso
- Hymenanthera alpina (Kirk) W.R.B.Oliv.
- Hymenanthera angustifolia R.Br. ex DC.
- Hymenanthera chathamica (F.Muell.) Kirk
- Hymenanthera crassifolia Hook.f.
- Hymenanthera latifolia Kirk
- Hymenanthera latifolia var. tasmanica Kirk
- Hymenanthera novae-zelandiae (A.Cunn.) Hemsl.
- Hymenanthera obovata Kirk
- Hymenanthera R.Br.
- Hymenanthera traversii Buchanan
- Hymenophyllaceae Mart.
- Hymenophyllum armstrongii (Baker) Kirk
- Hymenophyllum atrovirens Colenso
- Hymenophyllum bivalve (G.Forst.) Sw.
- Hymenophyllum demissum (G.Forst.) Sw.
- Hymenophyllum dilatatum (G.Forst.) Sw.
- Hymenophyllum erecto-alatum Colenso
- Hymenophyllum ferrugineum Colla
- Hymenophyllum ferrugineum sensu Allan
- Hymenophyllum flabellatum Labill.
- Hymenophyllum flexuosum A.Cunn.
- Hymenophyllum lophocarpum Colenso
- Hymenophyllum lyallii Hook.f.
- Hymenophyllum malingii (Hook.) Mett.
- Hymenophyllum melanocheilos Colenso
- Hymenophyllum minimum A.Rich.
- Hymenophyllum montanum Kirk
- Hymenophyllum multifidum (G.Forst.) Sw.
- Hymenophyllum peltatum (Poir.) Desv.
- Hymenophyllum pulcherrimum Colenso
- Hymenophyllum rarum R.Br.
- Hymenophyllum revolutum Colenso
- Hymenophyllum rufescens Kirk
- Hymenophyllum sanguinolentum (G.Forst.) Sw.
- Hymenophyllum scabrum A.Rich.
- Hymenophyllum Sm.
- Hymenophyllum villosum Colenso
- Hypericum gramineum G.Forst.
- Hypericum japonicum sensu Allan
- Hypericum japonicum sensu Allan
- Hypericum japonicum Thunb.
- Hypericum L.
- Hypolepis Bernh.
- Hypolepis distans Hook.
- Hypolepis millefolium Hook.
- Hypolepis rugosula (Labill.) J.Sm.
- Hypolepis rugosula sensu Allan
- Hypolepis rugosula sensu Allan
- Hypolepis rugosula sensu Allan
- Hypolepis tenuifolia (G.Forst.) Bernh. ex C.Presl
- Hypolepis tenuifolia sensu Allan
- Hypsela C.Presl
- Icacinaceae
- Ileostylus micranthus (Hook.f.) Tiegh.
- Illecebraceae
- Ipomoea L.
- Ipomoea pes-caprae (L.) Sweet
- Ischnocarpus novae-zelandiae (Hook.f.) O.E.Schulz
- Ischnocarpus O.E.Schulz
- Isoetaceae Dumort.
- Isoetes alpina Kirk
- Isoetes kirkii A.Braun
- Isoetes L.
- Isotoma (R.Br.) Lindl.
- Isotoma fluviatilis (R.Br.) F.Muell. ex Benth.
- Ixerba A.Cunn.
- Ixerba brexioides A.Cunn.
- Jovellana L.
- Jovellana repens (Hook.f.) Kraenzl.
- Jovellana sinclairii (Hook.) Kraenzl.
- Kelleria dieffenbachii var. lyallii DC.
- Kelleria lyallii (Hook.f.) Berggr.
- Kirkianella Allan
- Kirkianella novae-zelandiae (Hook.f.) Allan
- Kirkianella novae-zelandiae f. glauca Allan
- Kirkianella novae-zelandiae f. minor Allan
- Kirkophytum (Harms) Allan
- Kirkophytum lyallii (J.B.Armstr.) Allan
- Kirkophytum robustum (Kirk) Allan
- Knightia excelsa R.Br.
- Knightia R.Br.
- Korthalsella lindsayi (Oliv. ex Hook.f.) Engl.
- Korthalsella lindsayi var. clavata (Kirk) Danser
- Korthalsella salicornioides (A.Cunn.) Tiegh.
- Korthalsella Tiegh.
- Kunzea ericoides (A.Rich.) Joy Thomps.
- Kunzea sinclairii (Kirk) W.Harris
- Lagenophora Cass.
- Lagenophora forsteri var. minima Kirk
- Lagenophora linearis Petrie
- Lagenophora petiolata var. minima Cheeseman
- Lagenophora pumila var. minima Cheeseman
- Lauraceae Juss.
- Laurelia Juss.
- Laurelia novae-zelandiae A.Cunn.
- Laurus calicaris Sol. ex A.Cunn.
- Leionema nudum (Hook.) Paul G.Wilson
- Leiospermum racemosum D.Don
- Lentibulariaceae
- Lepidium australe Kirk
- Lepidium banksii Kirk
- Lepidium flexicaule Kirk
- Lepidium kawarau Petrie
- Lepidium kirkii Petrie
- Lepidium L.
- Lepidium matau Petrie
- Lepidium obtusatum Kirk
- Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.
- Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm. var. oleraceum
- Lepidium oleraceum var. acutidentatum Kirk
- Lepidium oleraceum var. frondosum Kirk
- Lepidium oleraceum var. serrulatum Thell.
- Lepidium sisymbrioides Hook.f.
- Lepidium tenuicaule Kirk
- Lepidium tenuicaule Kirk var. tenuicaule
- Lepidium tenuicaule var. australe (Kirk) Kirk
- Lepidium tenuicaule var. minor Cheeseman
- Leptecophylla juniperina (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) C.M.Weiller
- Leptinella goyenii (Petrie) D.G.Lloyd & C.J.Webb
- Leptinella traillii subsp. pulchella (Kirk) D.G.Lloyd & C.J.Webb
- Leptolepia Mett. ex Prantl
- Leptolepia novae-zelandiae (Colenso) Mett. ex Diels
- Leptospermum ericoides A.Rich.
- Leptospermum ericoides A.Rich. var. ericoides
- Leptospermum ericoides var. linearis Kirk
- Leptospermum ericoides var. lineatum sensu Kirk
- Leptospermum J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Leptospermum lineatum (Kirk) Cockayne
- Leptospermum perforatum J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Leptospermum scandens J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Leptospermum scoparium J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Leptospermum scoparium J.R.Forst. & G.Forst. var. scoparium
- Leptospermum scoparium var. incanum Cockayne
- Leptospermum sinclairii Kirk
- Leucogenes ×grahamii (Petrie) Cheeseman
- Leucogenes Beauverd
- Leucogenes grandiceps (Hook.f.) Beauverd
- Leucogenes grandiceps (Hook.f.) Beauverd × Raoulia bryoides Hook.f.
- Leucogenes leontopodium (Hook.f.) Beauverd
- Leucogenes leontopodium × Raoulia rubra
- Leucopogon bellignianus Raoul
- Leucopogon brevibarbis Stschegl.
- Leucopogon colensoi Hook.f.
- Leucopogon fasciculatus (G.Forst.) A.Rich.
- Leucopogon fraseri A.Cunn.
- Leucopogon fraseri var. muscosus G.Simpson
- Leucopogon heterophyllus Colenso
- Leucopogon nesophilus DC.
- Leucopogon parviflorus (Andrews) Lindl.
- Leucopogon richei (Labill.) R.Br.
- Libocedrus bidwillii Hook.f.
- Libocedrus doniana (Hook.) Endl.
- Libocedrus Endl.
- Libocedrus plumosa (D.Don) Sarg.
- Ligusticum acutifolium Kirk
- Ligusticum antipodum Hombr. & Jacquinot ex Decne.
- Ligusticum aromaticum Hook.f.
- Ligusticum brevistyle Hook.f.
- Ligusticum capillifolium Cheeseman
- Ligusticum carnosulum Hook.f.
- Ligusticum deltoideum Cheeseman
- Ligusticum dissectum Kirk
- Ligusticum diversifolium Cheeseman
- Ligusticum filifolium Hook.f.
- Ligusticum flabellatum Kirk
- Ligusticum haastii (F.Muell.) F.Muell. ex Hook.f.
- Ligusticum imbricatum Hook.f.
- Ligusticum incisum Kirk
- Ligusticum latifolium Hook.f.
- Ligusticum lyallii Hook.f.
- Ligusticum piliferum Hook.f.
- Lilaeopsis Greene
- Lilaeopsis lacustris A.W.Hill
- Lilaeopsis novae-zelandiae (Gand.) A.W.Hill
- Lilaeopsis orbicularis A.W.Hill
- Limosella curdieana F.Muell.
- Limosella L.
- Limosella lineata Glück
- Limosella lineata Glück var. lineata
- Limosella lineata var. spathulata Glück
- Linaceae
- Lindsaea cuneata (G.Forst.) C.Chr.
- Lindsaea cuneata var. lessonii (Bory) C.Chr.
- Lindsaea Dryand. ex Sm.
- Lindsaea linearis Sw.
- Lindsaea viridis Colenso
- Lindsaeaceae C.Presl ex M.R.Schomb.
- Linum L.
- Linum monogynum G.Forst.
- Linum monogynum G.Forst. var. monogynum
- Linum monogynum var. chathamicum Cockayne
- Liparophyllum gunnii Hook.f.
- Liparophyllum Hook.f.
- Litsea calicaris (Sol. ex A.Cunn.) Benth. & Hook.f. ex Kirk
- Litsea Lam.
- Lobelia anceps L.f.
- Lobelia angulata G.Forst.
- Lobelia L.
- Lobelia linnaeoides (Hook.f.) Petrie
- Lobelia littoralis R.Cunn. ex A.Cunn.
- Lobeliaceae
- Logania depressa Hook.f.
- Logania R.Br.
- Loganiaceae
- Lomaria deflexa Colenso
- Lomaria deltoides Colenso
- Lomaria latifolia Colenso
- Lomaria linearis Colenso
- Lophomyrtus ×ralphii (Hook.f.) Burret.
- Lophomyrtus bullata Burret
- Lophomyrtus Burret
- Lophomyrtus obcordata (Raoul) Burret
- Loranthaceae
- Loranthus decussatus Kirk
- Loranthus fieldii Buchanan
- Loranthus Jacq.
- Loranthus micranthus Hook.f.
- Loxogramme dictyopteris (Mett.) Copel.
- Loxsoma cunninghamii R.Br. ex Hook.
- Loxsoma R.Br. ex Hook.
- Lycopodiaceae P.Beauv.
- Lycopodium australianum Herter
- Lycopodium billardierei Spring
- Lycopodium cernuum L.
- Lycopodium deuterodensum Herter
- Lycopodium fastigiatum R.Br.
- Lycopodium L.
- Lycopodium laterale R.Br.
- Lycopodium novozealandicum Colenso
- Lycopodium ramulosum Kirk
- Lycopodium scariosum G.Forst.
- Lycopodium serpentinum Kunze
- Lycopodium varium R.Br.
- Lycopodium volubile G.Forst.
- Lygodium articulatum A.Rich.
- Lygodium Sw.
- Macroglena (C.Presl) Copel.
- Macropiper excelsum (G.Forst.) Miq.
- Macropiper excelsum var. majus (Cheeseman) Allan
- Macropiper Miq.
- Macrothelypteris (H.Itô) Ching
- Malvaceae
- Marattia salicina Sm.
- Marattia Sw.
- Marattiaceae Kaulf.
- Marsileaceae Mirb.
- Mazus Lour.
- Mazus pumilio R.Br.
- Mazus radicans (Hook.f.) Cheeseman
- Mecodium (Copel.) Copel.
- Melaleuca diffusa G.Forst.
- Melaleuca florida G.Forst.
- Melaleuca lucida G.Forst.
- Melaleuca perforata G.Forst.
- Meliaceae
- Melicope J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Melicope simplex A.Cunn.
- Melicope ternata J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Melicytus alpinus (Kirk) Garn.-Jones
- Melicytus chathamicus (F.Muell.) Garn.-Jones
- Melicytus J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Melicytus lanceolatus Hook.f.
- Melicytus lanceolatus Hook.f. var. lanceolatus
- Melicytus lanceolatus var. latior G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
- Melicytus macrophyllus A.Cunn.
- Melicytus micranthus (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
- Melicytus micranthus var. longiusculus Cheeseman
- Melicytus micranthus var. microphyllus (Colenso) Cheeseman
- Melicytus microphyllus Colenso
- Melicytus novae-zelandiae (A.Cunn.) P.S.Green
- Melicytus ramiflorus J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Mentha cunninghamii (Benth.) Benth.
- Mentha L.
- Meryta J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Meryta sinclairii (Hook.f.) Seem.
- Mesembryanthemum australe Aiton
- Metrosideros ×sub-tomentosa Carse
- Metrosideros albiflora Sol. ex Gaertn.
- Metrosideros Banks ex Gaertn.
- Metrosideros carminea W.R.B.Oliv.
- Metrosideros colensoi Hook.f.
- Metrosideros colensoi var. pendens (Colenso) Kirk
- Metrosideros diffusa (G.Forst.) Sm.
- Metrosideros diffusa A.Cunn.
- Metrosideros diffusa Hook.f.
- Metrosideros excelsa Sol. ex Gaertn.
- Metrosideros florida Hook.
- Metrosideros florida Sm.
- Metrosideros fulgens Sol. ex Gaertn.
- Metrosideros hypericifolia A.Cunn.
- Metrosideros kermadecensis W.R.B.Oliv.
- Metrosideros lucida (G.Forst.) A.Rich.
- Metrosideros parkinsonii Buchanan
- Metrosideros perforata (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) A.Rich.
- Metrosideros polymorpha sensu Hook.f.
- Metrosideros robusta A.Cunn.
- Metrosideros robusta var. retusa Kirk
- Metrosideros scandens (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) Druce
- Metrosideros scandens Sol. ex Gaertn.
- Metrosideros tomentosa A.Rich.
- Metrosideros umbellata Cav.
- Metrosideros villosa Kirk
- Microseris D.Don
- Microseris forsteri Hook.f.
- Microseris pygmaea Raoul
- Microseris scapigera (Sol. ex A.Cunn.) Sch.Bip.
- Microseris scapigera f. linearis Allan
- Microseris scapigera f. major Allan
- Microseris scapigera f. obovata Allan
- Microseris scapigera f. pinnatifida Allan
- Microsorum pustulatum (G.Forst.) Copel.
- Mida A.Cunn. ex Endl.
- Mida cunninghamii Chatin
- Mida myrtifolia A.Cunn.
- Mida salicifolia A.Cunn.
- Mida salicifolia var. myrtifolia (A.Cunn.) Allan
- Mimulus L.
- Mimulus repens R.Br.
- Mitrasacme Labill.
- Mitrasacme novae-zelandiae Hook.f.
- Mniarum biflorum J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Monimiaceae Juss.
- Montia fontana L.
- Montia L.
- Moraceae
- Muehlenbeckia astonii Petrie
- Muehlenbeckia australis (G.Forst.) Meisn.
- Muehlenbeckia axillaris (Hook.f.) Endl.
- Muehlenbeckia axillaris (Hook.f.) Walp.
- Muehlenbeckia complexa (A.Cunn.) Meisn.
- Muehlenbeckia complexa (A.Cunn.) Meisn. var. complexa
- Muehlenbeckia complexa var. grandifolia Carse
- Muehlenbeckia complexa var. microphylla (Colenso) Cockayne
- Muehlenbeckia complexa var. trilobata (Colenso) Cheeseman
- Muehlenbeckia ephedroides Hook.f.
- Muehlenbeckia ephedroides var. muricatula (Colenso) Cheeseman
- Muehlenbeckia hypogaea Colenso
- Muehlenbeckia Meisn.
- Muehlenbeckia microphylla Colenso
- Muehlenbeckia muricatula Colenso
- Muehlenbeckia paucifolia Colenso
- Muehlenbeckia trilobata Colenso
- Muehlenbeckia truncata Colenso
- Muehlenbeckia varians Meisn.
- Muellerina celastroides (Sieber ex Schult. & Schult.f.) Tiegh.
- Myoporaceae
- Myoporum debile (Andrews) R.Br.
- Myoporum laetum G.Forst.
- Myoporum laetum var. decumbens G.Simpson
- Myoporum Sol. ex G.Forst.
- Myosotidium Hook.
- Myosotidium hortensia (Decne.) Baill.
- Myosotidium nobile (Hook.f.) Hook.
- Myosotis ×cinerascens Petrie
- Myosotis albida (Kirk) Cheeseman ex Cockayne
- Myosotis albosericea Hook.f.
- Myosotis amabilis Cheeseman
- Myosotis angustata Cheeseman
- Myosotis antarctica Hook.f.
- Myosotis antarctica subsp. traillii Kirk
- Myosotis arnoldii L.B.Moore
- Myosotis astonii Cheeseman
- Myosotis australis R.Br.
- Myosotis australis var. lytteltonensis Laing & A.Wall
- Myosotis capitata Hook.f.
- Myosotis capitata subsp. albida Kirk
- Myosotis capitata var. albiflora J.B.Armstr.
- Myosotis cheesemanii Petrie
- Myosotis cockayneana Petrie
- Myosotis colensoi (Kirk) J.F.Macbr.
- Myosotis concinna Cheeseman
- Myosotis decora Kirk
- Myosotis diversifolia Petrie
- Myosotis elderi L.B.Moore
- Myosotis eximia Petrie
- Myosotis explanata Cheeseman
- Myosotis forsteri Lehm.
- Myosotis glabrescens L.B.Moore
- Myosotis goyenii Petrie
- Myosotis hectorii Hook.f.
- Myosotis hortensia Decne.
- Myosotis L.
- Myosotis laeta Cheeseman
- Myosotis laingii Cheeseman
- Myosotis lyallii Hook.f.
- Myosotis lyallii var. townsonii (Cheeseman) L.B.Moore
- Myosotis macrantha (Hook.f.) Benth. & Hook.f.
- Myosotis macrantha var. diversa G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
- Myosotis macrantha var. pulchra Cheeseman
- Myosotis macrantha var. westlandica Petrie
- Myosotis matthewsii L.B.Moore
- Myosotis monroi Cheeseman
- Myosotis orbiculata G.Simpson
- Myosotis oreophila Petrie
- Myosotis petiolata Hook.f.
- Myosotis petiolata Hook.f. var. petiolata
- Myosotis petiolata var. pansa L.B.Moore
- Myosotis petiolata var. pottsiana L.B.Moore
- Myosotis pulvinaris Hook.f.
- Myosotis pygmaea Colenso
- Myosotis pygmaea var. drucei L.B.Moore
- Myosotis pygmaea var. glauca G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
- Myosotis pygmaea var. imbricata Cockayne
- Myosotis pygmaea var. minutiflora G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
- Myosotis pygmaea var. traillii (Kirk) Cockayne
- Myosotis rakiura L.B.Moore
- Myosotis ramificata G.Simpson
- Myosotis saxatilis Petrie
- Myosotis saxosa Hook.f.
- Myosotis spatulata G.Forst.
- Myosotis spatulata G.Forst. var. spatulata
- Myosotis spatulata var. radicata L.B.Moore
- Myosotis suavis Petrie
- Myosotis subvernicosa Colenso
- Myosotis tenericaulis Petrie
- Myosotis tenuis G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
- Myosotis townsonii Cheeseman
- Myosotis traversii Hook.f.
- Myosotis traversii Hook.f. var. traversii
- Myosotis traversii var. cantabrica L.B.Moore
- Myosotis traversii var. cinerascens (Petrie) L.B.Moore
- Myosotis traversii var. cockayneana (Petrie) Cheeseman
- Myosotis uniflora Hook.f.
- Myosotis venosa Colenso
- Myosurus aristatus auct.
- Myosurus L.
- Myosurus novae-zelandiae W.R.B.Oliv.
- Myriophyllum L.
- Myriophyllum pedunculatum Hook.f.
- Myriophyllum propinquum A.Cunn.
- Myriophyllum robustum Hook.f.
- Myriophyllum votschii Schindl.
- Myrsinaceae
- Myrsine australis (A.Rich.) Allan
- Myrsine chathamica F.Muell.
- Myrsine coxii Cockayne
- Myrsine divaricata A.Cunn.
- Myrsine kermadecensis Cheeseman
- Myrsine L.
- Myrsine nummularia (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
- Myrsine oliveri Allan
- Myrsine pendula Colenso
- Myrsine salicina (Hook.f.) Heward ex Hook.f.
- Myrsine urvillei A.DC.
- Myrtaceae
- Myrtus obcordata (Raoul) Hook.f.
- Myrtus pedunculata Hook.f.
- Myrtus vitis-idaea (Raoul) Druce
- Nasturtium enysii (Cheeseman) Cheeseman
- Nasturtium fastigiatum (Hook.f.) Cheeseman
- Nasturtium gibbsii Cheeseman
- Nasturtium latisiliqua (Cheeseman) Cheeseman
- Nasturtium oleraceum Kuntze
- Nasturtium palustre DC.
- Nasturtium sylvestre A.Rich.
- Nasturtium wallii Carse
- Neomyrtus Burret
- Neomyrtus pedunculata (Hook.f.) Allan
- Neomyrtus vitis-idaea (Raoul) Burret
- Neopanax anomalus (Hook.) Allan
- Neopanax arboreus (L.f.) Allan
- Neopanax colensoi (Hook.f.) Allan
- Neopanax colensoi var. montanus (Kirk) Allan
- Neopanax kermadecensis (W.R.B.Oliv.) Allan
- Neopanax laetus (Kirk) Allan
- Neopanax simplex (G.Forst.) Allan
- Neopanax simplex var. sinclairii (Hook.f.) Allan
- Nephrodium inaequilaterum Colenso
- Nephrolepis cordifolia (L.) C.Presl
- Nephrolepis exaltata (L.) Schott
- Nephrolepis Schott
- Nertera balfouriana Cockayne
- Nertera Banks & Sol. ex Gaertn.
- Nertera ciliata Kirk
- Nertera cunninghamii Hook.f.
- Nertera depressa Banks & Sol. ex Gaertn.
- Nertera dichondrifolia (A.Cunn.) Hook.f.
- Nertera gracilis Raoul
- Nertera montana Colenso
- Nertera papillosa Colenso
- Nertera setulosa Hook.f.
- Nesodaphne tarairi (A.Cunn.) Hook.f.
- Nestegis lanceolata (Hook.f.) L.A.S.Johnson
- Nestegis montana (Hook.f.) L.A.S.Johnson
- Nothofagus Blume
- Nothofagus cliffortioides (Hook.f.) Oerst.
- Nothofagus fusca (Hook.f.) Oerst.
- Nothofagus menziesii (Hook.f.) Oerst.
- Nothofagus solandri (Hook.f.) Oerst.
- Nothofagus solandri var. cliffortioides (Hook.f.) Poole
- Nothofagus truncata (Colenso) Cockayne
- Nothopanax linearis (Hook.f.) Harms
- Nothopanax simplex (G.Forst.) Seem.
- Notophaena toumatou Miers
- Notospartium carmichaeliae Hook.f.
- Notospartium glabrescens Petrie
- Notospartium Hook.f.
- Notospartium torulosum Kirk
- Notothlaspi australe (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
- Notothlaspi australe var. stellatum Kirk
- Notothlaspi Hook.f.
- Notothlaspi hookeri Buchanan
- Notothlaspi notabilis Buchanan
- Notothlaspi rosulatum Hook.f.
- Nyctaginaceae
- Olea apetala Vahl
- Olea cunninghamii Hook.f.
- Olea L.
- Olea lanceolata Hook.f.
- Olea montana Hook.f.
- Oleaceae
- Olearia ×excorticata Buchanan
- Olearia ×haastii Hook.f.
- Olearia ×macrodonta Baker
- Olearia ×mollis (Kirk) Cockayne
- Olearia ×oleifolia Kirk
- Olearia ×traillii Kirk
- Olearia albida (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
- Olearia albida (Hook.f.) Hook.f. var. albida
- Olearia albida var. angulata (Kirk) Allan
- Olearia allomii Kirk
- Olearia alpina Buchanan
- Olearia angulata Kirk
- Olearia angustifolia Hook.f.
- Olearia arborescens (G.Forst.) Cockayne & Laing
- Olearia arborescens var. angustifolia Cheeseman
- Olearia arborescens var. cordatifolia Kirk
- Olearia avicenniifolia (Raoul) Hook.f.
- Olearia buchananii Kirk
- Olearia chathamica Kirk
- Olearia chathamica var. dendyi Cockayne
- Olearia cheesemanii Cockayne & Allan
- Olearia colensoi Hook.f.
- Olearia colensoi var. argentea Allan
- Olearia colensoi var. grandis G.Simpson
- Olearia colorata Colenso
- Olearia coriacea Kirk
- Olearia crosby-smithiana Petrie
- Olearia cunninghamii (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
- Olearia cunninghamii var. colorata (Colenso) Kirk
- Olearia dentata Hook.f.
- Olearia erythropappa Colenso
- Olearia forsteri (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
- Olearia fragrantissima Petrie
- Olearia furfuracea (A.Rich.) Hook.f.
- Olearia furfuracea (A.Rich.) Hook.f. var. furfuracea
- Olearia furfuracea subvar. dubia Kirk
- Olearia furfuracea var. angustata Kirk
- Olearia furfuracea var. rubicunda Kirk
- Olearia hectorii Hook.f.
- Olearia hillii Colenso
- Olearia ilicifolia Hook.f.
- Olearia ilicifolia var. ×mollis Kirk
- Olearia lacunosa Hook.f.
- Olearia lyallii Hook.f.
- Olearia Moench
- Olearia moschata Hook.f.
- Olearia multibracteolata Colenso
- Olearia multiflora Colenso
- Olearia nitida (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
- Olearia nitida var. angustifolia Cheeseman
- Olearia nummulariifolia (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
- Olearia nummulariifolia (Hook.f.) Hook.f. var. nummulariifolia
- Olearia nummulariifolia var. cymbifolia Hook.f.
- Olearia odorata Petrie
- Olearia oporina (G.Forst.) Hook.f.
- Olearia oporina Hook.f.
- Olearia oporina var. robusta Kirk
- Olearia pachyphylla Cheeseman
- Olearia paniculata (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) Druce
- Olearia populifolia Colenso
- Olearia rani (A.Cunn.) Druce
- Olearia rani (A.Cunn.) Druce var. rani
- Olearia rani var. colorata (Colenso) Kirk
- Olearia rani var. minuta Kirk
- Olearia semidentata Decne.
- Olearia solandri (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
- Olearia suborbiculata Colenso
- Olearia thomsonii Cheeseman
- Olearia townsonii Cheeseman
- Olearia traversii (F.Muell.) Hook.f.
- Olearia traversiorum (F.Muell.) Hook.f.
- Olearia uniflora Colenso
- Olearia virgata (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
- Olearia virgata var. divaricata (Cockayne) Allan
- Olearia virgata var. implicita G.Simpson
- Olearia virgata var. laxiflora (Kirk) Allan
- Olearia virgata var. lineata Kirk
- Olearia virgata var. ramuliflora (Colenso) Kirk
- Olearia virgata var. rugosa G.Simpson
- Olearia virgata var. serpentina (G.Simpson) Allan
- Olearia willcoxii Petrie
- Onagraceae
- Ophioglossaceae Martinov
- Ophioglossum coriaceum A.Cunn.
- Ophioglossum L.
- Oreomyrrhis andicola var. colensoi Kirk
- Oreomyrrhis andicola var. ramosa Kirk
- Oreomyrrhis colensoi Hook.f.
- Oreomyrrhis colensoi Hook.f. var. colensoi
- Oreomyrrhis colensoi var. delicatula Allan
- Oreomyrrhis colensoi var. hispida Allan
- Oreomyrrhis colensoi var. multifida Allan
- Oreomyrrhis Endl.
- Oreomyrrhis ramosa Hook.f.
- Oreomyrrhis rigida (Kirk) Allan ex Mathias & Constance
- Oreostylidium Berggr.
- Oreostylidium subulatum (Hook.f.) Berggr.
- Osmundaceae Martinov
- Ourisia caespitosa Hook.f.
- Ourisia caespitosa Hook.f. var. caespitosa
- Ourisia caespitosa var. gracilis Hook.f.
- Ourisia colensoi Hook.f.
- Ourisia Comm. ex Juss.
- Ourisia crosbyi Cockayne
- Ourisia glandulosa Hook.f.
- Ourisia macrocarpa Hook.f.
- Ourisia macrophylla Hook.
- Ourisia macrophylla var. drucei L.B.Moore
- Ourisia macrophylla var. lactea L.B.Moore
- Ourisia macrophylla var. meadii L.B.Moore
- Ourisia macrophylla var. robusta (Colenso) G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
- Ourisia modesta Diels
- Ourisia sessilifolia Hook.f.
- Ourisia sessilifolia var. simpsonii L.B.Moore
- Ourisia sessilifolia var. splendida L.B.Moore
- Ourisia vulcanica L.B.Moore
- Oxalidaceae
- Oxalis cataractae A.Cunn.
- Oxalis corniculata L.
- Oxalis exilis A.Cunn.
- Oxalis L.
- Oxalis lactea Hook.
- Oxalis magellanica G.Forst.
- Oxalis stricta L.
- Oxalis stricta sensu Allan
- Oxalis tenuicaulis A.Cunn.
- Oxalis urvillei A.Cunn.
- Ozothamnus coralloides Hook.f.
- Ozothamnus depressus Hook.f.
- Ozothamnus glomeratus (Raoul) Hook.f.
- Ozothamnus lanceolatus Buchanan
- Ozothamnus leptophyllus (G.Forst.) Breitw. & J.M.Ward
- Ozothamnus microphyllus Hook.f.
- Pachycladon elongatum Buchanan
- Pachycladon Hook.f.
- Pachycladon novae-zelandiae (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
- Pachystegia Cheeseman
- Pachystegia insignis (Hook.f.) Cheeseman
- Pachystegia insignis var. minor (Cheeseman) Cheeseman
- Paesia A.St.-Hil.
- Paesia scaberula (A.Rich.) Kuhn
- Panax coriaceus Regel
- Panax crassifolius (Sol. ex A.Cunn.) Decne. & Planch.
- Panax discolor Kirk
- Panax ferox Kirk
- Panax lessonii DC.
- Panax lessonii var. heterophyllus Kirk
- Panax linearis Hook.f.
- Panax longissimus Hook.f.
- Panax microphyllus Colenso
- Parahebe birleyi (N.E.Br.) W.R.B.Oliv.
- Parahebe canescens (A.Wall) W.R.B.Oliv.
- Parahebe catarractae (G.Forst.) W.R.B.Oliv.
- Parahebe cheesemanii (Benth.) W.R.B.Oliv.
- Parahebe decora Ashwin
- Parahebe hookeriana (Walp.) W.R.B.Oliv.
- Parahebe hookeriana var. olsenii (Colenso) Ashwin
- Parahebe linifolia (Hook.f.) W.R.B.Oliv.
- Parahebe lyallii (Hook.f.) W.R.B.Oliv.
- Parahebe planopetiolata (G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson) W.R.B.Oliv.
- Parahebe planopetiolata var. laxa (W.R.B.Oliv.) Ashwin
- Parahebe spathulata (Benth.) W.R.B.Oliv.
- Parahebe trifida (Petrie) W.R.B.Oliv.
- Parahebe W.R.B.Oliv.
- Paratrophis banksii Cheeseman
- Paratrophis Blume
- Paratrophis microphylla (Raoul) Cockayne
- Paratrophis smithii Cheeseman
- Parietaria debilis G.Forst.
- Parietaria L.
- Parsonsia capsularis (G.Forst.) R.Br. ex Endl.
- Parsonsia capsularis (G.Forst.) R.Br. ex Endl. var. capsularis
- Parsonsia capsularis var. ochracea (Colenso) Allan
- Parsonsia capsularis var. parviflora Carse
- Parsonsia capsularis var. rosea (Raoul) Cockayne
- Parsonsia capsularis var. tenuis G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
- Parsonsia heterophylla A.Cunn.
- Parsonsia R.Br.
- Passerina pilosa sensu G.Forst.
- Passiflora tetrandra Banks ex DC.
- Passifloraceae
- Pelargonium australe var. erodioides Benth.
- Pelargonium clandestinum L'Hér. ex DC.
- Pelargonium erodioides Hook.
- Pelargonium inodorum Willd.
- Pelargonium L'Hér. ex Aiton
- Pellaea falcata (R.Br.) Fée
- Pellaea Link
- Pellaea rotundifolia (G.Forst.) Hook.
- Pennantia corymbosa J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Pennantia J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Pentachondra pumila (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) R.Br.
- Pentachondra R.Br.
- Peperomia endlicheri Miq.
- Peperomia novae-zealandiae Colenso
- Peperomia Ruiz & Pav.
- Peperomia simplex Endl.
- Peperomia tetraphylla (G.Forst.) Hook. & Arn.
- Peperomia urvilleana A.Rich.
- Peraxilla tetrapetala (L.f.) Tiegh.
- Periploca capsularis G.Forst.
- Pernettya macrostigma Colenso
- Pernettya nana Colenso
- Persoonia Sm.
- Persoonia toru A.Cunn.
- Phebalium nudum Hook.
- Phebalium Vent.
- Phrygilanthus raoulii (Tiegh.) Engl.
- Phyllachne clavigera (Hook.f.) F.Muell.
- Phyllachne colensoi (Hook.f.) Berggr.
- Phyllachne J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Phyllachne rubra (Hook.f.) Cheeseman
- Phyllocladus alpinus Hook.f.
- Phyllocladus glaucus Carrière
- Phyllocladus Rich. ex Mirb.
- Phyllocladus trichomanoides G.Benn ex D.Don
- Phyllocladus trichomanoides var. alpinus (Hook.f.) Parl.
- Phylloglossum drummondii Kunze
- Phylloglossum Kunze
- Phymatodes diversifolium (Willd.) Pic.Serm.
- Phymatodes novae-zealandiae (Baker) Pic.Serm.
- Phymatodes scandens (G.Forst.) C.Presl
- Picris hieracioides L.
- Picris L.
- Pilularia L.
- Pilularia novae-zealandiae Kirk
- Pimelea arenaria A.Cunn.
- Pimelea aridula Cockayne
- Pimelea buxifolia Hook.f.
- Pimelea concinna Allan
- Pimelea crosby-smithiana Petrie
- Pimelea gnidia (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) Willd.
- Pimelea longifolia Sol. ex Wikstr.
- Pimelea lyallii Hook.f.
- Pimelea lyallii var. sericea Cheeseman
- Pimelea poppelwellii Petrie
- Pimelea prostrata (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) Willd.
- Pimelea prostrata f. parvifolia Allan
- Pimelea pseudolyallii Allan
- Pimelea sericeovillosa Hook.f.
- Pimelea Sol. ex Gaertn.
- Pimelea suteri Kirk
- Pimelea tomentosa (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) Druce
- Pimelea traversii Hook.f.
- Piper excelsum G.Forst.
- Piper tetraphyllum G.Forst.
- Piperaceae Giseke
- Pisonia brunoniana Endl.
- Pisonia mooriana F.Muell.
- Pisonia sinclairii Hook.f.
- Pittosporaceae R.Br.
- Pittosporum anomalum Laing & Gourlay
- Pittosporum Banks & Sol. ex Gaertn.
- Pittosporum buchananii Hook.f.
- Pittosporum colensoi Hook.f.
- Pittosporum colensoi var. fasciculatum (Hook.f.) Cheeseman
- Pittosporum cornifolium A.Cunn.
- Pittosporum crassicaule Laing & Gourlay
- Pittosporum crassifolium Banks & Sol. ex A.Cunn.
- Pittosporum dallii Cheeseman
- Pittosporum divaricatum Cockayne
- Pittosporum elegans Raoul
- Pittosporum ellipticum Kirk
- Pittosporum eugenioides A.Cunn.
- Pittosporum fairchildii Cheeseman
- Pittosporum fasciculatum Hook.f.
- Pittosporum huttonianum Kirk
- Pittosporum huttonianum var. viridifolium Kirk
- Pittosporum intermedium Kirk
- Pittosporum kirkii Hook.f. ex Kirk
- Pittosporum lineare Laing & Gourlay
- Pittosporum matthewsii Petrie
- Pittosporum michiei Allan
- Pittosporum microcarpum Putt.
- Pittosporum obcordatum Raoul
- Pittosporum patulum Hook.f.
- Pittosporum pimeleoides A.Cunn. ex Putt.
- Pittosporum ralphii Kirk
- Pittosporum rigidum Hook.f.
- Pittosporum rigidum Hook.f. var. rigidum
- Pittosporum rigidum var. majus Allan
- Pittosporum tenuifolium Sol. ex Gaertn.
- Pittosporum turneri Petrie
- Pittosporum umbellatum Banks & Sol. ex Gaertn.
- Pittosporum umbellatum Banks & Sol. ex Gaertn. var. umbellatum
- Pittosporum virgatum Kirk
- Pittosporum virgatum var. matthewsii (Petrie) Allan
- Plagianthus betulinus A.Cunn.
- Plagianthus betulinus var. chathamicus (Cockayne) Cockayne
- Plagianthus chathamicus Cockayne
- Plagianthus divaricatus J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Plagianthus J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Plagianthus lyallii sensu Hook.f.
- Planchonella costata (Endl.) Pierre
- Planchonella novo-zelandica (F.Muell.) Allan
- Planchonella Pierre
- Plantaginaceae Juss.
- Plantago aucklandica Hook.f.
- Plantago brownii Raf.
- Plantago L.
- Plantago lanigera Hook.f.
- Plantago novae-zelandiae L.B.Moore
- Plantago picta Colenso
- Plantago raoulii Decne.
- Plantago spathulata Hook.f.
- Plantago triandra Berggr.
- Plantago triantha Spreng.
- Plantago uniflora Hook.f.
- Plectomirtha baylisiana W.R.B.Oliv.
- Plectomirtha W.R.B.Oliv.
- Pleurophyllum criniferum Hook.f.
- Pleurophyllum hombronii Decne.
- Pleurophyllum Hook.f.
- Pleurophyllum hookeri Buchanan
- Pleurophyllum speciosum Hook.f.
- Pleurosorus Fée
- Pleurosorus rutifolius (R.Br.) Fée
- Pneumatopteris Nakai
- Podocarpaceae Endl.
- Podocarpus ×loderi Cockayne
- Podocarpus acutifolius Kirk
- Podocarpus cunninghamii Colenso
- Podocarpus dacrydioides A.Rich.
- Podocarpus ferrugineus G.Benn ex D.Don
- Podocarpus hallii × nivalis
- Podocarpus hallii × totara
- Podocarpus hallii Kirk
- Podocarpus L'Her. ex Pers.
- Podocarpus nivalis Hook.
- Podocarpus spicatus R.Br. ex Mirb.
- Podocarpus totara D.Don
- Podocarpus totara var. hallii (Kirk) Pilger
- Polygonaceae
- Polygonum australe (G.Forst.) A.Rich.
- Polygonum axilaris Hook.f.
- Polygonum complexum A.Cunn.
- Polygonum decipiens R.Br.
- Polygonum ephedroides Hook.f.
- Polygonum L.
- Polyphlebium Copel.
- Polypodiaceae J.Presl & C.Presl
- Polypodium crassium Kirk
- Polypodium pennigerum var. hamiltonii Colenso
- Polypodium pustulatum G.Forst.
- Polypodium subsimilis Colenso
- Polypodium viscidum Colenso
- Polystichum richardii (Hook.) J.Sm.
- Polystichum Roth
- Polystichum sylvaticum Diels
- Polystichum vestitum (G.Forst.) C.Presl
- Pomaderris apetala Labill.
- Pomaderris edgerleyi Hook.f.
- Pomaderris hamiltonii L.B.Moore
- Pomaderris kumeraho A.Cunn.
- Pomaderris Labill.
- Pomaderris mollis Colenso
- Pomaderris oraria var. novae-zelandiae L.B.Moore
- Pomaderris phylicifolia G.Lodd.
- Pomaderris phylicifolia var. ericifolia (Hook.) L.B.Moore
- Pomaderris prunifolia var. edgerleyi (Hook.f.) L.B.Moore
- Pomaderris rugosa Cheeseman
- Poranthera alpina Cheeseman ex Hook.f.
- Poranthera alpina sensu Cheeseman
- Poranthera microphylla Brongn.
- Poranthera Rudge
- Portulacaceae Juss.
- Potentilla anserina var. anserinoides (Raoul) Hook.f.
- Potentilla anserinoides Raoul
- Potentilla L.
- Pouteria costata (Endl.) Baehni
- Pouteria costata var. austro-montana (H.J.Lam) Baehni
- Pozoa elegans Colenso
- Pozoa haastii Hook.f.
- Pozoa hydrocotyloides Hook.f.
- Pozoa microdonta Colenso
- Pozoa pallida Kirk
- Pozoa roughii Hook.f.
- Pozoa trifoliolata var. tripartita Hook.f.
- Pratia angulata (G.Forst.) Hook.f.
- Pratia angulata var. arenaria Hook.f.
- Pratia angulata var. minor Carse
- Pratia arenaria Hook.f.
- Pratia Gaudich.
- Pratia macrodon Hook.f.
- Pratia perpusilla (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
- Pratia physaloides (A.Cunn.) Hemsl.
- Primulaceae
- Proteaceae
- Pseudopanax apiculatum Kirk
- Pseudopanax arboreus (L.f.) K.Koch
- Pseudopanax chathamicus Kirk
- Pseudopanax crassifolius (Sol. ex A.Cunn.) K.Koch
- Pseudopanax crassifolius var. trifoliolatum Kirk
- Pseudopanax discolor (Kirk) Harms
- Pseudopanax edgerleyi (Hook.f.) K.Koch
- Pseudopanax ferox Kirk
- Pseudopanax gilliesii Kirk
- Pseudopanax K.Koch
- Pseudopanax lessonii (DC.) K.Koch
- Pseudopanax linearis (Hook.f.) K.Koch
- Pseudowintera axillaris (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) Dandy
- Pseudowintera colorata (Raoul) Dandy
- Pseudowintera Dandy
- Pseudowintera traversii (Buchanan) Dandy
- Psilotaceae J.W.Griff. & Henfr.
- Psilotum nudum (L.) P.Beauv.
- Psilotum Sw.
- Psychrophila (DC.) Bercht. & J.Presl
- Psychrophila novae-zelandiae (Hook.f.) W.A.Weber
- Psychrophila obtusa (Cheeseman) W.A.Weber
- Pteridaceae E.D.M.Kirchn.
- Pteridium aquilinum var. esculentum (G.Forst.) Kuhn
- Pteridium Gled. ex Scop.
- Pteris comans G.Forst.
- Pteris endlicheriana Agardh
- Pteris L.
- Pteris macilenta A.Rich.
- Pteris macilenta var. saxatilis Carse
- Pteris montana Colenso
- Pteris tremula R.Br.
- Pukateria littoralis Raoul
- Pygmea armstrongii (Buchanan) Ashwin
- Pygmea ciliolata Hook.f.
- Pygmea ciliolata var. fiordensis Ashwin
- Pygmea ciliolata var. pumila Ashwin
- Pygmea Hook.f.
- Pygmea myosotoides Ashwin
- Pygmea pulvinaris Hook.f.
- Pygmea tetragona (Hook.f.) Ashwin
- Pygmea thomsonii Buchanan
- Pyrrosia Mirb.
- Pyrrosia serpens (G.Forst.) Ching
- Quintinia A.DC.
- Quintinia acutifolia Kirk
- Quintinia elliptica Hook.f.
- Quintinia serrata A.Cunn.
- Quintinia serrata var. elliptica (Hook.f.) Kirk
- Ranunculaceae
- Ranunculus acaulis Banks & Sol. ex DC.
- Ranunculus berggrenii Petrie
- Ranunculus biternatus Sm.
- Ranunculus buchananii Hook.f.
- Ranunculus buchananii var. latilobus Allan
- Ranunculus buchananii var. multifidus Allan
- Ranunculus carsei Petrie
- Ranunculus cheesemanii Kirk
- Ranunculus clivalis Allan
- Ranunculus crithmifolius Hook.f.
- Ranunculus depressus Kirk
- Ranunculus depressus var. stewartiae G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
- Ranunculus enysii Kirk
- Ranunculus foliosus Kirk
- Ranunculus geraniifolius sensu Hook.f.
- Ranunculus godleyanus Hook.f.
- Ranunculus gracilipes Hook.f.
- Ranunculus grahamii Petrie
- Ranunculus haastii Hook.f.
- Ranunculus insertus G.Simpson
- Ranunculus insignis Hook.f.
- Ranunculus insignis var. glabratus Allan
- Ranunculus kirkii Petrie
- Ranunculus L.
- Ranunculus lappaceus sensu Allan
- Ranunculus limosella F.Muell. ex Kirk
- Ranunculus lobulatus (Kirk) Cockayne
- Ranunculus lyallii Hook.f.
- Ranunculus macropus Hook.f.
- Ranunculus maculatus Cockayne & Allan
- Ranunculus monroi Hook.f.
- Ranunculus novae-zelandiae Petrie
- Ranunculus novae-zelandiae var. repens Simpson & J.S.Thomson
- Ranunculus pachyrrhizus Hook.f.
- Ranunculus paucifolius Kirk
- Ranunculus petriei Allan
- Ranunculus pinguis Hook.f.
- Ranunculus porrectus G.Simpson
- Ranunculus recens Kirk
- Ranunculus recens var. lacustris G.Simpson
- Ranunculus rivularis Banks & Solander ex DC.
- Ranunculus royi G.Simpson
- Ranunculus sericophyllus Hook.f.
- Ranunculus sericophyllus var. simpsonii G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
- Ranunculus sinclairii Hook.f.
- Ranunculus stenopetalus Hook.
- Ranunculus subscaposus Hook.f.
- Ranunculus tenuicaulis Cheeseman
- Ranunculus ternatifolius Kirk
- Ranunculus urvilleanus Cheeseman
- Ranunculus verticillatus Kirk
- Raoulia ×gibbsii Cheeseman
- Raoulia ×loganii (Buchanan) Cheeseman
- Raoulia australis Hook.f. ex Raoul
- Raoulia australis var. lutescens Kirk
- Raoulia brownii Kirk
- Raoulia bryoides Hook.f.
- Raoulia buchananii Kirk
- Raoulia cinerea Petrie
- Raoulia eximia Hook.f.
- Raoulia eximia var. lata Kirk
- Raoulia glabra Hook.f.
- Raoulia goyenii Kirk
- Raoulia grandiflora Hook.f.
- Raoulia grandiflora var. fasciculata (Buchanan) Cheeseman
- Raoulia haastii Hook.f.
- Raoulia hectorii Hook.f.
- Raoulia hectorii var. mollis Buchanan
- Raoulia Hook.f. ex Raoul
- Raoulia hookeri Allan
- Raoulia hookeri var. albosericea (Colenso) Allan
- Raoulia hookeri var. apicinigra (Kirk) Allan
- Raoulia hookeri var. laxa Allan
- Raoulia lutescens Beauverd
- Raoulia mackayi Buchanan
- Raoulia mammillaris Hook.f.
- Raoulia monroi Hook.f.
- Raoulia parkii Buchanan
- Raoulia petriensis Kirk
- Raoulia rubra Buchanan
- Raoulia subsericea Hook.f.
- Raoulia subulata Hook.f.
- Raoulia tenuicaulis Hook.f.
- Raoulia tenuicaulis var. dimorpha Allan
- Raoulia tenuicaulis var. pusilla Kirk
- Raoulia youngii (Hook.f.) Beauverd
- Rapanea australis (A.Rich.) W.R.B. Oliver
- Rapanea chathamica (F.Muell.) W.R.B. Oliver
- Rapanea coxii (Cockayne) W.R.B.Oliver
- Rapanea dentata W.R.B.Oliver
- Rapanea divaricata (A.Cunn.) W.R.B.Oliver
- Rapanea kermadecensis (Cheeseman) Mez
- Rapanea nummularia (Hook.f.) W.R.B.Oliver
- Rapanea salicina (Hook.f.) Mez
- Rhabdothamnus A.Cunn.
- Rhabdothamnus solandri A.Cunn.
- Rhagodia nutans sensu Cheeseman
- Rhagodia R.Br.
- Rhagodia triandra (G.Forst.) Aellen
- Rhamnaceae
- Rorippa gigantea (Hook.f.) Garn.-Jones
- Rorippa islandica (Oeder) Borbás
- Rorippa palustris (L.) Besser
- Rorippa Scop.
- Rorippa stylosa (DC.) Allan
- Rosaceae
- Rubiaceae
- Rubus australis G.Forst.
- Rubus australis var. cissoides (A.Cunn.) Hook.f.
- Rubus australis var. glaber Hook.f.
- Rubus australis var. glaber sensu Kirk
- Rubus australis var. schmidelioides (A.Cunn.) Hook.f.
- Rubus cissoides A.Cunn.
- Rubus cissoides var. coloratus Kirk
- Rubus cissoides var. pauperatus Kirk
- Rubus cissoides var. subpauperatus (Cockayne) Cheeseman
- Rubus L.
- Rubus parvus Buchanan
- Rubus schmidelioides A.Cunn.
- Rubus schmidelioides A.Cunn. var. schmidelioides
- Rubus schmidelioides var. subpauperatus (Cockayne) Allan
- Rubus squarrosus Fritsch
- Rubus subpauperatus Cockayne
- Rumex brownianus A.Cunn.
- Rumex cunninghamii Meisn.
- Rumex flexuosus Sol. ex G.Forst.
- Rumex L.
- Rumex neglectus Kirk
- Rumohra adiantiformis (G.Forst.) Ching
- Rumohra aristata (G.Forst.) Ching
- Rumohra hispida (Sw.) Copel.
- Rumohra Raddi
- Rutaceae
- Salicornia australis Sol. ex. Benth.
- Salicornia L.
- Samolus L.
- Samolus repens (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) Pers.
- Samolus repens (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) Pers. var. repens
- Samolus repens var. procumbens R.Knuth
- Samolus repens var. strictus Cockayne
- Santalaceae
- Sapindaceae
- Sapotaceae
- Scaevola gracilis Hook.f.
- Scaevola L.
- Scandix glochidiata Labill.
- Schefflera cunninghami Miq.
- Schefflera digitata J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Schefflera J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Schizaea bifida Willd.
- Schizaea dichotoma (L.) Sm.
- Schizaea fistulosa Labill.
- Schizaea fistulosa var. australis (Gaudich.) Hook.f.
- Schizaea Sm.
- Schizaeaceae Kaulf.
- Schizeilema (Hook.f.) Domin
- Schizeilema allanii Cheeseman
- Schizeilema cockaynei (Diels) Cheeseman
- Schizeilema colensoi Domin
- Schizeilema exiguum (Hook.f.) Domin
- Schizeilema haastii (Hook.f.) Domin
- Schizeilema haastii (Hook.f.) Domin var. haastii
- Schizeilema haastii var. cyanopetalum (Domin) Cheeseman
- Schizeilema hydrocotyloides (Hook.f.) Domin
- Schizeilema nitens (Petrie) Domin
- Schizeilema pallidum (Kirk) Domin
- Schizeilema reniforme (Hook.f.) Domin
- Schizeilema roughii (Hook.f.) Domin
- Schizeilema trifoliolatum (Hook.f.) Domin
- Scleranthus biflorus (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) Hook.f.
- Scleranthus biflorus var. uniflorus Cockayne
- Scleranthus brockiei P.A.Will.
- Scleranthus L.
- Scleranthus uniflorus P.A.Will.
- Scopolia J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Scopolia lucida J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Scorzonera scapigera G.Forst.
- Scorzonera scapigera Sol. ex A.Cunn.
- Scrophulariaceae Juss.
- Scutellaria L.
- Scutellaria novae-zelandiae Hook.f.
- Sebaea ovata (Labill.) R.Br.
- Sebaea Sol. ex R.Br.
- Selenodesmium (Prantl) Copel.
- Selliera Cav.
- Selliera microphylla Colenso
- Selliera radicans Cav.
- Senecio ×spedenii Petrie
- Senecio banksii Hook.f.
- Senecio banksii var. β velleia Hook.f.
- Senecio banksii var. γ scabrosus Hook.f.
- Senecio bellidioides Hook.f.
- Senecio bellidioides var. glabratus Kirk
- Senecio bennettii Simpson & J.S.Thomson
- Senecio bidwillii Hook.f.
- Senecio bifistulosus Hook.f.
- Senecio cassinioides Hook.f.
- Senecio cockaynei G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
- Senecio colensoi Hook.f.
- Senecio colensoi var. lobulatus Allan
- Senecio colensoi var. obtusifolius Allan
- Senecio compactus Kirk
- Senecio elaeagnifolius Hook.f.
- Senecio glaucophyllus Cheeseman
- Senecio greyi Hook.f.
- Senecio haastii Hook.f.
- Senecio hectorii Buchanan
- Senecio huntii F.Muell.
- Senecio kirkii Hook.f. ex Kirk
- Senecio kirkii var. angustior Allan
- Senecio L.
- Senecio lagopus Raoul
- Senecio lautus G.Forst. ex Willd.
- Senecio laxifolius Buchanan
- Senecio lyallii Hook.f.
- Senecio monroi Hook.f.
- Senecio monroi var. elongatus Allan
- Senecio perdicioides Hook.f.
- Senecio pumiceus Colenso
- Senecio pumiceus var. angustatus Kirk
- Senecio radiolatus F.Muell.
- Senecio reinoldii Endl.
- Senecio reinoldii var. ambiguus (Cheeseman) Allan
- Senecio revolutus Kirk
- Senecio rufiglandulosus var. sinuatifolius (Kirk) Allan
- Senecio rufiglandulosus var. solandri (Allan) Allan
- Senecio saxifragoides Hook.f.
- Senecio sciadophilus Raoul
- Senecio scorzoneroides Hook.f.
- Senecio solandri Allan
- Senecio southlandicus Cockayne
- Senecio southlandicus var. albidulus Allan
- Senecio stewartiae J.B.Armstr.
- Senecio traversii F.Muell.
- Senecio turneri Cheeseman
- Shawia arborescens Raoul
- Shawia avicenniifolia Raoul
- Shawia furfuracea (A.Rich.) Raoul
- Shawia paniculata J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Shawia paniculata var. elliptica Kirk
- Shawia paniculata var. obtusa Kirk
- Shawia paniculata var. viscosa G.Simpson
- Sheffieldia repens J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Sicyos L.
- Sideroxylon costatum (Endl.) F.Muell.
- Sideroxylon novo-zelandicum (F.Muell.) Hemsl.
- Sigesbeckia L.
- Sigesbeckia orientalis L.
- Siphonidium J.B.Armstr.
- Siphonidium longiflorum J.B.Armstr.
- Sisymbrium heterophyllum G.Forst.
- Sisymbrium islandicum Oeder
- Sisymbrium novae-zelandiae Hook.f.
- Skinnera excorticata J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Solanaceae
- Solanum aviculare G.Forst.
- Solanum L.
- Solanum laciniatum Aiton
- Solanum nodiflorum Jacq.
- Solidago arborescens G.Forst.
- Sonchus L.
- Sonchus littoralis (Kirk) Allan
- Sonchus littoralis Rchb.
- Sophora L.
- Sophora microphylla Aiton
- Sophora microphylla var. fulvida Allan
- Sophora microphylla var. longicarinata (G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson) Allan
- Sophora prostrata Buchanan
- Sophora tetraptera J.F.Mill.
- Sophora tetraptera var. prostrata (Buchanan) Kirk
- Spergula affinis Hook.
- Spergula apetala Labill.
- Spergularia J.Presl & C.Presl
- Sphaerocionium
- Stackhousia minima Hook.f.
- Stackhousia Sm.
- Stackhousiaceae
- Staehelina fimbriata G.Forst.
- Steiractis aborescens DC.
- Stellaria decipiens Hook.f.
- Stellaria decipiens Hook.f. var. decipiens
- Stellaria decipiens var. angustata Kirk
- Stellaria elatinoides Hook.f.
- Stellaria gracilenta Hook.f.
- Stellaria L.
- Stellaria parviflora Hook.f.
- Stellaria roughii Hook.f.
- Stilbocarpa A.Gray
- Stilbocarpa bollonsii Cockayne ex Watson
- Stilbocarpa polaris (Hombr. & Jacquinot ex Hook.f.) A.Gray
- Streblus heterophyllus (Blume) Corner
- Strongylosperma australe (Spreng.) Less.
- Stylidiaceae
- Styphelia fraseri F.Muell.
- Styphelia parviflora Andrews
- Styphelia richei Labill.
- Suaeda Forssk.
- Suaeda novae-zelandiae Allan
- Suttonia australis A.Rich.
- Suttonia chathamica (F.Muell.) Mez
- Suttonia coxii Cockayne
- Suttonia dentata W.R.B.Oliver
- Suttonia divaricata (A.Cunn.) Hook.f.
- Suttonia kermadecensis (Cheeseman) Cheeseman
- Suttonia nummularia Hook.f.
- Suttonia salicina Hook.f.
- Swainsona novae-zelandiae Hook.f.
- Swainsona novae-zelandiae var. glabra G.Simpson
- Swainsona Salisb.
- Swammerdamia glomerata Raoul
- Taraxacum F.H.Wigg.
- Taraxacum magellanicum Comm. ex Sch.Bip.
- Taraxacum officinale var. glabratus Kirk
- Taxotrophis microphylla (Raoul) F.Muell.
- Tecomanthe Baill.
- Tecomanthe speciosa W.R.B.Oliv.
- Tetrachondra hamiltonii Petrie ex Oliv.
- Tetrachondraceae
- Tetragonia cornuta Gaertn.
- Tetragonia expansa Murray
- Tetragonia halimifolia G.Forst.
- Tetragonia inermis F.Muell.
- Tetragonia L.
- Tetragonia tetragonoides (Pall.) Kuntze
- Tetragonia trigyna Banks & Sol. ex Hook.f.
- Tetranthera calicaris Hook.f.
- Tetranthera tangao R.Cunn. ex A.Cunn.
- Tetrapathaea australis Raoul.
- Tetrapathaea tetrandra (Banks ex DC.) Cheeseman
- Teucridium Hook.f.
- Teucridium parvifolium Hook.f.
- Teucridium parvifolium Hook.f. var. parvifolium
- Theleophyton (Hook.f.) Moq.
- Theleophyton billardierei (Moq.) Moq.
- Thelypteridaceae Pic.Serm.
- Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P.St.John
- Thelypteris pennigera (G.Forst.) Allan
- Thelypteris Schmidel
- Thelypteris uliginosa (Kunze) Ching
- Thlaspi australe Hook.f.
- Thlaspi oleraceum Poir.
- Thymelaeaceae
- Tiliaceae
- Tillaea kirkii Allan
- Tillaea L.
- Tillaea moschata (G.Forst.) DC.
- Tillaea multicaulis Petrie
- Tillaea novae-zealandiae Petrie
- Tillaea purpurata Hook.f.
- Tillaea sieberiana Schult. & Shult.f.
- Tillaea sinclairii Hook.f.
- Tillaea verticillaris DC.
- Tmesipteris Bernh.
- Tmesipteris tannensis (Spreng.) Bernh.
- Tmesipteris tannensis sensu Allan
- Tmesipteris tannensis sensu Allan
- Todea barbara (L.) T.Moore
- Todea hymenophylloides A.Rich.
- Todea superba Colenso
- Todea Willd. ex Bernh.
- Traversia baccharoides Hook.f.
- Traversia Hook.f.
- Trichilia monophylla A.Rich.
- Trichilia spectabilis G.Forst.
- Tricholoma elatinoides Benth.
- Trichomanes colensoi Hook.f.
- Trichomanes elongatum A.Cunn.
- Trichomanes endlicherianum C.Presl
- Trichomanes L.
- Trichomanes reniforme G.Forst.
- Trichomanes strictum Menzies ex Hook. & Grev.
- Trichomanes venosum R.Br.
- Tupeia antarctica (G.Forst.) Cham. & Schltdl.
- Tupeia Cham. & Schltdl.
- Tupeia cunninghamii Miq.
- Tupeia pubigera Miq.
- Umbelliferae
- Urtica aspera Petrie
- Urtica australis Hook.f.
- Urtica debilis Endl.
- Urtica ferox G.Forst.
- Urtica incisa Poir.
- Urtica incisa var. linearifolia (Hook.f.) Cheeseman
- Urtica L.
- Urtica linearifolia (Hook.f.) Cockayne
- Urtica lucifuga var. linearifolia Hook.f.
- Urticaceae
- Utricularia delicatula Cheeseman
- Utricularia L.
- Utricularia monanthos Hook.f.
- Utricularia novae-zelandiae Hook.f.
- Utricularia protrusa Hook.f.
- Utricularia subsimilis Colenso
- Utricularia vulcanica Colenso
- Verbenaceae
- Veronica armstrongii Johnson ex J.B.Armstr.
- Veronica carnosula (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
- Veronica decumbens J.B.Armstr.
- Veronica laevis var. carnosula Hook.f.
- Veronica macrantha Hook.f.
- Veronica odora Hook.f.
- Veronica pinguifolia Hook.f.
- Viola cunninghamii Hook.f.
- Viola cunninghamii var. gracilis Hook.f.
- Viola filicaulis Hook.f.
- Viola L.
- Viola lyallii Hook.f.
- Violaceae
- Viscum antarcticum A.Cunn.
- Viscum lindsayi Oliv. ex Hook.f.
- Viscum pubigerum A.Cunn.
- Viscum salicornoides A.Cunn.
- Vitex L.
- Vitex littoralis sensu A.Cunn.
- Vitex lucens Kirk
- Vittadinia A.Rich.
- Vittadinia australis A.Rich.
- Wahlenbergia albomarginata Hook.
- Wahlenbergia brockiei J.A.Hay
- Wahlenbergia cartilaginea Hook.f.
- Wahlenbergia colensoi N.E.Br.
- Wahlenbergia congesta (Cheeseman) N.E.Br.
- Wahlenbergia gracilis (G.Forst.) A.DC.
- Wahlenbergia gracilis sensu Allan
- Wahlenbergia matthewsii Cockayne
- Wahlenbergia pygmaea Colenso
- Wahlenbergia pygmaea var. laxa (G.Simpson) Allan
- Wahlenbergia Schrad. ex Roth
- Wahlenbergia simpsonii J.A.Hay
- Wahlenbergia trichogyna Stearn
- Weinmannia betulina A.Cunn.
- Weinmannia L.
- Weinmannia racemosa L.f.
- Weinmannia sylvicola Sol. ex A.Cunn.
- Weinmannia sylvicola var. betulina (A.Cunn.) Hook.f.
- Wintera axillaris (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) G.Forst.
- Wintera colorata Tiegh.
- Wintera monogyna Tiegh.
- Wintera terminalis Tiegh.
- Winteraceae R.Br. ex Lindl.
- Xeranthemum bellidioides G.Forst.
- Zanthoxylum novae-zeelandiae A.Rich.
26 September 2012