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Cotula villosa G.Simpson

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Cotula villosa G.Simpson
Cotula villosa

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Cotula villosa G.Simpson

Rather stout herb, creeping, rooting; all parts ± clad in long greyish hairs; branches us. short, stout. Lvs ± fascicled or close-set; lamina of narrow-obovate order, somewhat fleshy, densely clad in appressed to spreading long hairs, (1·5)-2.5-3·5-4 cm. × 5-7 mm., suboppositely pinnatisect to pinnate, costa winged; pinnae c. 5 pairs, obovate-cuneate, subacute, entire or occ. with 1-2 minute apical teeth, to 5 × 1·75 mm. Scape very slender, clad in dense short ascending hairs, (1·5)-3-6 cm. long, nude or with 1 minute bract. Capitula (5)-6-8-(10) mm. diam.; receptacle slightly convex. Phyll. in 2-3 series, obovate-oblong to oblong-lanceolate, 2.5-3·75 mm. long, purple and scarious at apex, veins ± evident. ♀ in 1-2 series, tubular, bluntly 4-lobed; ♂ funnelform, lobes 4, triangular. Achenes obovoid-compressed, ribbed, minutely glandular-pubescent, 1-2 mm. long.

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Cotula villosa G.Simpson
[Not available]

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scientific name
24 June 2002
10 November 2005
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