Myosotis pygmaea Colenso

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Myosotis pygmaea Colenso, Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 16: 334 (1883 [1884])
Myosotis pygmaea Colenso
Myosotis pygmæa
Myosotis pygmaea Colenso
Myosotis pygmaea
Myosotis pygmaea Colenso
Rosette-lvs 1-3 cm. long (sts more), lamina obovate to spathulate, obtuse, petiole broad; upper surface hairy except towards base, undersurface almost or quite glab. Lateral branches few to many, decumbent, up to 9 cm. long, occ. branched, internodes us. < lvs. Stem-lvs similar to rosette-lvs near base, becoming sessile above, bracts diminishing in size, the lowest up to 10 × 5 mm. Cymes us. simple, few- to many-fld, bracteate throughout; internodes us. < bracts, sts very short; pedicels much < calyx, very hairy. Calyx us. lobed < halfway, lobes subacute; hairs us. long and short, ± stiff, none hooked but often some shortest retrorse. Corolla 0·5-3 mm. diam., tube cylindric, lobes narrow with obtuse tip; filaments very short, anthers < 1 mm. long, wholly included, tips occ. reaching level of scales; style < calyx, stigma capitate.
Hairs rather stiff, spreading. Calyx with long hairs rather stiff, not appressed. short hairs retrorse towards base. Corolla us. white, 1·5-3 mm. diam., tube c. 2 mm. long. Nutlets c. 1·2 × 1 mm., tips often visible between calyx-lobes.
Myosotis pygmaea Colenso
Rosettes 1-several cm diam., ground-hugging; lvs obovate to spathulate; upper surface hairy; undersurface almost or quite glabrous. Lateral branches few to many, decumbent; internodes usually < lvs. Cymes usually simple, few- to many-flowered, bracteate throughout; bracts usually > internodes; pedicel < calyx. Corolla white to cream, 0.5-3 mm diam.; tube cylindric; filaments very short; anthers wholly included.
Taxonomic concepts
Myosotis aff. pygmaea (CHR 244566; Volcanic Plateau)
Myosotis pygmaea Colenso
Myosotis aff. pygmaea (CHR 244566; Volcanic Plateau)
Myosotis aff. pygmaea (CHR 244566; Volcanic Plateau)
Myosotis aff. pygmaea (CHR 244566; Volcanic Plateau)
Myosotis pygmaea Colenso
Myosotis pygmaea Colenso
Myosotis pygmaea Colenso
Myosotis pygmaea Colenso
Myosotis pygmaea Colenso
Myosotis pygmaea Colenso
Myosotis pygmaea Colenso
Myosotis pygmaea Colenso
Myosotis pygmaea Colenso var. pygmaea
Myosotis pygmaea Colenso
Myosotis pygmaea var. pygmaea
Myosotis pygmaea Colenso var. pygmaea
Myosotis pygmaea var. pygmaea
Myosotis ramificata G.Simpson
Myosotis pygmaea Colenso
scientific name
1 January 2000
30 April 2004