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Aciphylla leighii Allan

Scientific name record
Names_Plants record source
Is NZ relevant
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This is indigenous
Threat status: Naturally uncommon

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Aciphylla leighii Allan
Aciphylla leighii Allan

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New Zealand
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Aciphylla leighii Allan
Aciphylla leighii

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Aciphylla leighii Allan

Stock stout, multicipital, producing approximate rosettes c. 7 cm. diam.; taproot stout, deeply descending. Lvs c. 5 cm. long, spreading, 3-foliolate (including the diverging stipules); sheaths ± 3·5 cm. long, white with hyaline margins, thickening above and curving outwards, striate, narrowing upwards to c. 6 mm. from base 10 mm. wide, milky juice cop. Lamina c. 1·6 cm. × 4 mm., linear-oblong, dark green, shallowly canaliculate; margins cartilaginous, apex blunt to retuse (but with short mucro). Male plants with striate stems up to c. 5 cm. long, surrounded by paniculately arranged compound umbels forming an infl. ± 4-6 cm. diam. Primary rays 3-4, rather stout, unequal, up to c. 4 cm. long, invested by general involucre of lflike bracts ± 2 cm. long. Secondary umbels up to 2-2.5 cm. diam., with narrow-linear acicular bracteoles c. 10 mm. long (occ. with trifoliolate lamina); rays 7-10, up to c. 6 mm. long. Tertiary umbels crowded, 5-6 mm. long; bracteoles filiform. Sepals greenish, incurved, linear, acute, enlarging after petal-fall to 2 mm. long, with short claw. Stamens exserted at anthesis; petals minute, white. Female plants not seen.

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Aciphylla leighii Allan
Aciphylla leighii Allan
Aciphylla leighii Allan
Aciphylla leighii Allan
Aciphylla leighii Allan
Aciphylla leighii Allan
Aciphylla leighii Allan
Aciphylla leighii Allan
Aciphylla leighii Allan
Aciphylla leighii Allan
Aciphylla leighii Allan
Aciphylla leighii Allan

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Aciphylla leighii Allan
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Aciphylla leighii Allan
New Zealand
Southland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
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