Rumex neglectus Kirk

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Rumex neglectus Kirk, Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 9: 493 (1877)
Rumex neglectus Kirk
Rumex neglectus Kirk
Rumex neglectus
Vernacular names
Rumex neglectus Kirk
Glab. herb up to 20 cm. tall, us. less; stock long, stout, often branched above. Lvs in clusters on flattened petioles up to 6 cm. long; ochrea up to 3 cm. long; lamina (2)-5-8-(12) × (1)-2-4 cm., narrow-oblong, cuneate to truncate at base; margins subcrenate-sinuate. Infl. lvs narrow-oblong to linear, decreasing from 3 cm. Infl. of dense axillary clusters up to ± 16-fld, on short stout, simple or 1-2-branched axis. Fls on short ± deflexed pedicels to subsessile. Outer tepals ± 2 mm. long, oblong; inner ovate-lanceolate ± 4 mm. long; tubercle ± 1 mm. long. Fr. c. 2-2.5 × 1 mm., pale brown, sublustrous, triquetrous, tightly invested by thickened per.; fimbriate stigma persistent.
Rumex neglectus Kirk
2n = 40
n = 20
Rumex neglectus Kirk
Glabrous herb 1-12-(20) cm tall; rootstock long, stout, often branched above. Lvs in clusters, with flattened petioles to 6 cm long. Lamina (1)-2-9-(12) × (0.5)-1-3-(5) cm, narrow-oblong, oblong, or oblong-elliptic; margins subcrenate to sinuate; base cuneate to truncate; apex rounded to obtuse. Ochreae prominent, long. Infl. lvs narrower, decreasing in size upwards. Infl. of dense axillary clusters of up to c. 16 ☿ fls; axes 1-2-branched, short, stout; pedicels short or very short, glabrous. Outer perianth segments ± 2 mm long, oblong, remaining forward pointing at fruiting; inner segments ovate-lanceolate. Fr. valves c. 2.2-2.5 mm long, pale brown; margins entire or with a tooth or lobe; valves with an elongated tubercle. Fr. sharply angled, tightly invested by thickened perianth.
Taxonomic concepts
Rumex neglectus Kirk
Rumex neglectus Kirk
Rumex neglectus Kirk
Rumex neglectus Kirk
Rumex neglectus Kirk
Rumex neglectus Kirk
scientific name
1 January 2000
14 June 2007