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Pseudopanax linearis (Hook.f.) K.Koch

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Threat status: Not threatened
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Pseudopanax linearis (Hook.f.) K.Koch, Wochenschr. Gärtnerei Pflanzenk. 2: 366 (1859)
Pseudopanax linearis (Hook.f.) K.Koch

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New Zealand
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(Hook.f.) K.Koch
Pseudopanax linearis

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Pseudopanax linearis (Hook.f.) K.Koch

Shrub up to c. 3 m. tall; branches few, spreading, with scattered small simple to trifid scales. Lvs of juveniles ascending, c. 15-25 × 0·5-1 cm., narrow-linear, subacute to retuse, obscurely sinuately crenate-serrate, midrib pale, prominent, c. 1-1·5 mm. wide, veins obscure; petioles very short, stout. Lvs of adults on stout petioles c. 5 mm. long, linear to linear-lanceolate, acute and mucronate to obtuse, 5-10 × 0.75-1 cm., obscurely to distinctly and distantly crenate-serrate. Umbels us. compound, terminal and occ. axillary; primary rays 3-10, umbellules 5-10-fld. Ovary 3-5-loculed, style-branches 3-5, connate at base, recurved at tips. Fr. broadly oblong-ovoid, c. 5 × 4 mm.

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Nothopanax linearis (Hook.f.) Harms
Pseudopanax linearis (Hook.f.) K.Koch
Panax linearis Hook.f.
Pseudopanax linearis (Hook.f.) K.Koch
Pseudopanax linearis (Hook.f.) K.Koch
Pseudopanax linearis (Hook.f.) K.Koch
Pseudopanax linearis (Hook.f.) K.Koch
Pseudopanax linearis (Hook.f.) K.Koch
Pseudopanax linearis (Hook.f.) K.Koch
Pseudopanax linearis (Hook.f.) K.Koch
Pseudopanax linearis (Hook.f.) K.Koch
Pseudopanax linearis (Hook.f.) K.Koch
Pseudopanax linearis (Hook.f.) K.Koch
Pseudopanax linearis (Hook.f.) K.Koch
Pseudopanax linearis (Hook.f.) K.Koch
Pseudopanax linearis (Hook.f.) K.Koch

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New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Pseudopanax linearis (Hook.f.) K.Koch
New Zealand
Pseudopanax linearis (Hook.f.) K.Koch
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Pseudopanax linearis (Hook.f.) K.Koch
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Pseudopanax linearis (Hook.f.) K.Koch
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Pseudopanax linearis (Hook.f.) K.Koch
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Pseudopanax linearis (Hook.f.) K.Koch
New Zealand
Westland Land District

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K.Koch -- Karl(Carl) Heinrich Emil (Ludwig) Koch -- is probably the correct authority, rather than C.Koch

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scientific name
1 January 2000
6 April 2004
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