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Myosotis spatulata G.Forst.

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Threat status: Naturally uncommon
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Starting with Brown (1810), all authors have spelled the species epithet with an ‘h’, in spite of the original description by Forster (1786): ‘M. spatulata, seiminibus laevibus, foliis spatulatis hispidis, pedunculis axillaribus, solitariis unifloris. F. Nova Zeelandia.’ Nicolson and Fosberg (2003, p. 338) state: ‘Botanical usage favours ‘spathulata’, although the original spelling was ‘spatulata’’. The original spelling is retained here because it is not a typographical or orthographic error to be corrected nor does it fall into any of the other exceptions stated in Article 60.1 of the Melbourne Code (McNeill et al. 2012), as was also the case for Drosera spatulata (Salmon 2001).Meudt, H.M.; Prebble, J.M. 2018: Species limits and taxonomic revision of the bracteate-prostrate group of southern hemisphere forget-me-nots (Myosotis, Boraginaceae), including description of three new species endemic to New Zealand. Australian Systematic Botany 31: 48–105.
Myosotis spatulata G.Forst.
Myosotis spatulata

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Myosotis spatulata G.Forst.

Perennial herb us. with adventitious roots on decumbent lateral branches. Rosette-lvs 1·5-3·5 × 0·5-1·5 cm., lamina orbicular to broadly ovate, mucronate, us. shorter than the slender well-defined petiole; hairs short, straight. ± appressed, not crowded, us. similar on both surfaces. Lateral branches 5-30 cm. long, themselves branched and sts bearing subsidiary rosettes distal to the fls; internodes = or > lvs. Stem-lvs orbicular to broad-elliptic, 5-20 mm. long, shortly petiolate; hairs like those of rosette-lvs. Fls borne singly, each associated with a If, sts 6-10 suceeding one another over a length of 10 cm. or more; pedicels 2-6 mm. long in fr. Calyx 1-3 mm. long, lobed almost to base, lobes narrow, acute, spreading in fr.; hairs spreading, scattered over lobes and base, not uniform in size, the largest ± hooked. Corolla white, 1-3 mm. diam., tube cylindric, lobes spreading but not flat; filaments fixed about level of small scales, carrying anthers halfway up lobes; anthers much <1mm. long; style little > mature calyx in fr.; stigma clavate. Nutlets ± 1 mm. long, brown.
Hairs short and ± appressed, on stem mostly lying rather close. Pedicel c. = calyx; corolla rarely as much as 2 mm. diam. Plant creeping. sts rooting close up to ends of branches.
All parts rather hispid, stem-hairs particularly spreading almost at right angles. Pedicel much > calyx in fr.; corolla c. 3 mm. diam. Plant straggling, roots on branches rather few, occ. almost lacking.

Myosotis spatulata G.Forst.

Branches decumbent, sometimes with subsidiary rosettes, with some roots from nodes. Lf lamina orbicular to broadly ovate; hairs short, straight, ± appressed, not crowded, usually similar on both surfaces. Stem lvs = or < internodes. Fls solitary, each associated with a lf. Calyx lobed almost to base; hairs spreading, not uniform, the largest ± hooked. Corolla white, 1-3 mm diam.; tube cylindric; anthers wholly exserted.

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Anchusa spatulata (G.Forst.) R.Br. ex Roem. & Schult.
Myosotis spatulata G.Forst.
Gymnomyosotis spatulata (G.Forst.) O.D.Nikif.
Myosotis spatulata G.Forst.
Myosotis orbiculata G.Simpson
Myosotis spatulata G.Forst.
Myosotis orbiculata G.Simpson
Myosotis spatulata G.Forst.
Myosotis spatulata G.Forst.
Myosotis spathulata G.Forst.
Myosotis spatulata G.Forst.
Myosotis spathulata G.Forst.
Myosotis spatulata G.Forst.
Myosotis spathulata G.Forst.
Myosotis spatulata G.Forst.
Myosotis spatulata G.Forst.
Myosotis spathulata G.Forst.
Myosotis spatulata G.Forst.
Myosotis spatulata G.Forst.
Myosotis spathulata G.Forst.
Myosotis spatulata G.Forst.
Myosotis spatulata G.Forst.
Myosotis spathulata G.Forst.
Myosotis spathulata var. radicata L.B.Moore
Myosotis spatulata G.Forst.
Myosotis spathulata G.Forst. var. spathulata
Myosotis spatulata G.Forst.

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New Zealand
Southland Land District
Myosotis spatulata G.Forst.
New Zealand
Myosotis spatulata G.Forst.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Myosotis spatulata G.Forst.
New Zealand
Hawke's Bay Land District
Myosotis spatulata G.Forst.
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Myosotis spatulata G.Forst.
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Myosotis spatulata G.Forst.
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
Myosotis spatulata G.Forst.
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Myosotis spatulata G.Forst.
New Zealand
Wellington Land District
New Zealand
Gisborne Land District
New Zealand
Hawke's Bay Land District
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
New Zealand
Southland Land District
New Zealand
Wellington Land District
New Zealand
Wellington Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
21 March 2019
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