Ranunculus lyallii Hook.f.

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Ranunculus lyallii Hook.f., Handb. New Zealand Fl. 4 (1864)
Ranunculus lyallii Hook.f.
Ranunculus lyallii Hook.f.
Ranunculus lyallii
Vernacular names
Ranunculus lyallii Hook.f.
Tufted glab. to glabrate herb up to 15 dm. tall; stock very stout, main roots fleshy; main stems up to 2 cm. diam.; branches few to several, up to 3 dm. long. Radical lvs with petioles up to 30 cm. long, pilose at the broad sheathing bases; laminae simple, subcoriac., us. quite glab., peltate, 12-30 cm. diam., suborbicular; margins crenate, sts very shallowly lobed. Lower cauline lvs subsessile, up to 10 cm. diam.; mid smaller, sts deeply lobed, merging into bracts ± 1 cm. long, lanceolate to ovate, alt., entire to ± deeply toothed. Infl. paniculate; fls ∞, ± 5 cm. diam., on pedicels up to 20 cm. long. Sepals ± villous, obovate, 7 × 5 mm. long; petals white, c. 2.5 cm. long, obovate-oblong, rounded to emarginate at apex; nectary gland very small, basal. Fruiting heads 1-3 cm. long; receptacle cylindric, pilose. Achenes pale, ± villous, obliquely obovoid, turgid, c. 3 × 1 mm.; style slender, c. 3 mm. long.
Ranunculus lyallii Hook.f.
2n = 48
2n = 48
2n = 48
Ranunculus lyallii Hook.f.
Tufted perennial; rhizome stout. Stems erect, glabrous or sparsely hairy below, 30-120 cm tall. Lvs simple, fleshy, crenate, glabrous or nearly so; basal lvs peltate, orbicular, (5)-10-40 cm diam.; upper lvs truncate or cordate and amplexicaul, smaller than basal. Fls 5-15 per stem, 5-8 cm diam.; pedicels hairy. Sepals spreading, hairy. Petals 10-16, white, cuneate-obovate; nectary single, (1)-2-4 mm from petal base, naked. Receptacle hairy. Achenes very numerous, not flattened, hairy; body 2-3 mm long; beak straight or curved, 3-5 mm long.
Taxonomic concepts
Ranunculus lyallii Hook.f.
Ranunculus lyallii Hook.f.
Ranunculus lyallii Hook.f.
Ranunculus lyallii Hook.f.
Ranunculus lyallii Hook.f.
Ranunculus lyallii Hook.f.
Ranunculus lyallii Hook.f.
Ranunculus lyallii Hook.f.
Ranunculus lyallii Hook.f.
Ranunculus lyallii Hook.f.
Ranunculus lyallii Hook.f.
Ranunculus lyallii var. araneosa Hook.f.
Ranunculus lyallii Hook.f.
Identification keys
scientific name
1 January 2000
1 March 2007