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Lepidium banksii Kirk

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Lepidium banksii Kirk, Stud. Fl. New Zealand 35 (1899)
Lepidium banksii Kirk

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New Zealand
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Lepidium banksii Kirk
Lepidium banksii
Although Kirk (1899) did not explain his choice of epithet, 'banksii' commemorates Sir Joseph Banks FLS, FRS (1743–1820) who together with Dr Daniel Solander made the first gatherings of New Zealand plants to be described by European botanists during the Endeavour voyage of discovery (1768–1771).
Type Collection: “SOUTH Island: Queen Charlotte Sound and Astrolabe Habrour, A. Richard, l.c.” Lectotype: Herbarium Richard, Paris!

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Lepidium banksii Kirk

Kirk's description is: "Glabrous. Stems much branched, terete, flexuous, suberect, 1 ft.-11/2 ft. long. Leaves distant, narrow, oblong-cuneate or oblong-spathulate, acutely toothed or incised above, sessile or very shortly petioled. Racemes terminal. Stamens 4. Pedicels strict, slender, more than twice as long as the pods. Pods ovate, cordate at the base, truncate at the apex, with a broad notch, slightly keeled and winged; style slightly exceeding the notch.― , A. Rich. Fl. N.Z. 310, t. 35 (not of Forst.).

Lepidium banksii Kirk

Perennial, glabrous except for distinctive pale clavate hairs on pedicels and slender hairs on sepals. Stems spreading to erect, stout, barely flexuous, 20-50 cm tall. Lvs all similar, oblanceolate-spathulate, sharply and finely serrate, cuneately narrowed to broad flat petiole about = lamina, 1.5-5-(7) × 0.5-0.8-(1.5) cm. Racemes terminal on short leafy branchlets, 2-6 cm long; pedicels erecto-patent, 5-8 mm long at fruiting. Sepals c. 1.5 × 1 mm. Petals white, narrowly obovate, c. = sepals. Stamens 4. Silicle broadly ovate, notched at apex, slightly winged, 5-5.5 × 4-5 mm; style very short; stigma slightly > notch. Seeds broadly ovoid, brown, narrowly winged, c. 2.5 × 2 mm.

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Lepidium banksii Kirk
Lepidium banksii Kirk
Lepidium banksii Kirk
Lepidium banksii Kirk
Lepidium banksii Kirk
Lepidium banksii Kirk
Lepidium banksii Kirk
Lepidium banksii Kirk
Lepidium banksii Kirk
Lepidium banksii Kirk
Lepidium banksii Kirk
Lepidium banksii Kirk
Lepidium banksii Kirk
Lepidium banksii Kirk
Lepidium banksii Kirk
Lepidium banksii Kirk
Lepidium banksii Kirk
Lepidium banksii var. ovatum Kirk 1899
Lepidium banksii Kirk

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Lepidium banksii Kirk
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Lepidium banksii Kirk
New Zealand
Nelson Land District

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Type Collection: “SOUTH Island: Queen Charlotte Sound and Astrolabe Habrour, A. Richard, l.c.” Lectotype: Herbarium Richard, Paris!
Although Kirk (1899) did not explain his choice of epithet, 'banksii' commemorates Sir Joseph Banks FLS, FRS (1743–1820) who together with Dr Daniel Solander made the first gatherings of New Zealand plants to be described by European botanists during the Endeavour voyage of discovery (1768–1771).

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scientific name
1 January 2000
18 June 2013
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