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Epilobium hirtigerum A.Cunn.

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Epilobium hirtigerum A.Cunn., Ann. Nat. Hist. 3: 33 (1839)
Epilobium hirtigerum A.Cunn.

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region

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Epilobium hirtigerum A.Cunn.
Epilobium hirtigerum
Original material (according to the protologue): "New Zealand (Northern Island). Skirts of forests round Wangaroa Harbour. – 1833, R. Cunningham". Type: Allan (1961: 279) stated the following: "Type locality: Skirts of forests round W[h]angaroa Harbour. Type: R. Cunningham 1833". Raven and Raven (1976) refined that typification statement: "Skirts of forest on west side of Whangaroa Harbour, North Auckland, New Zealand, 1833, Richard Cunningham 546 (K. Isotype, WELT)".

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Epilobium hirtigerum A.Cunn.

Stock woody; stems several, stiff, erect from arcuate base, clad in villous hairs, simple or branched; branches ± virgate, hoary with mingled long and short hairs. Lower lvs subopp., rest alt., ± crowded, ascending, sessile or very nearly so. Lamina narrow-lanceolate, 25-50-(65) × 3-8-(10) mm., subcoriac., densely (sts sparsely) hairy, becoming glab.; margins ± entire in lower part, coarsely denticulate towards apex. Fls ± 6·5 mm. diam.; calyx-lobes lanceolate, villous; petals purplish, a little > calyx. Capsules 50-60 mm. or more long, rather stout, densely villous; peduncles 5-12 mm. long, ± pilose. Seeds densely papillose.

Epilobium hirtigerum A.Cunn.

n = 18
2n = 36

Epilobium hirtigerum A.Cunn.

Robust herb, 20-140 cm tall, usually not branched, with numerous vigorous leafy stolons from base, hirsute, densely covered everywhere with long spreading hairs, and often greyish, usually with a layer of shorter erect hairs and also with glandular hairs in infl. Lvs linear to very narrowly lanceolate, 1.5-6 × 0.2-0.8 cm. Floral tube 0.5-0.9 mm deep, with a conspicuous ring of long white hairs inside. Petals white or rose-purple, 2.8-8 × 1.8-5.2 mm, often < sepals. Capsule densely hairy, 3.5-6 cm long; fruiting pedicel 0.6-1.5 cm long.

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Epilobium brasiliense Hausskn.
Epilobium hirtigerum A.Cunn.
Epilobium hirtigerum A.Cunn.
Epilobium hirtigerum A.Cunn.
Epilobium hirtigerum A.Cunn.
Epilobium hirtigerum A.Cunn.
Epilobium hirtigerum A.Cunn.
Epilobium hirtigerum A.Cunn.
Epilobium hirtigerum A.Cunn.
Epilobium hirtigerum A.Cunn.
Epilobium hirtigerum A.Cunn.
Epilobium hirtigerum A.Cunn.
Epilobium hirtigerum A.Cunn.
Epilobium hirtigerum A.Cunn.
Epilobium hirtigerum A.Cunn.
Epilobium hirtigerum A.Cunn.
Epilobium hirtigerum A.Cunn.
Epilobium hirtigerum A.Cunn.
Epilobium hirtigerum A.Cunn.
Epilobium hirtigerum A.Cunn.
Epilobium hirtigerum A.Cunn.
Epilobium hirtigerum A.Cunn.
Epilobium hirtigerum A.Cunn.
Epilobium junceum var. hirtigerum Hook.f.
Epilobium hirtigerum A.Cunn.
Epilobium junceum var. hirtigerum (A.Cunn.) Curtis
Epilobium hirtigerum A.Cunn.

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Epilobium hirtigerum A.Cunn.
Epilobium hirtigerum A.Cunn.
Epilobium hirtigerum A.Cunn.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Epilobium hirtigerum A.Cunn.
New Zealand
Gisborne Land District
Epilobium hirtigerum A.Cunn.
New Zealand
Hawke's Bay Land District
Epilobium hirtigerum A.Cunn.
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Epilobium hirtigerum A.Cunn.
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Epilobium hirtigerum A.Cunn.
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Epilobium hirtigerum A.Cunn.
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
Epilobium hirtigerum A.Cunn.
New Zealand
Wellington Land District

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Original material (according to the protologue): "New Zealand (Northern Island). Skirts of forests round Wangaroa Harbour. – 1833, R. Cunningham". Type: Allan (1961: 279) stated the following: "Type locality: Skirts of forests round W[h]angaroa Harbour. Type: R. Cunningham 1833". Raven and Raven (1976) refined that typification statement: "Skirts of forest on west side of Whangaroa Harbour, North Auckland, New Zealand, 1833, Richard Cunningham 546 (K. Isotype, WELT)".

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scientific name
1 January 2000
15 May 2008
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