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Abrotanella muscosa Kirk

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Threat status: Naturally uncommon
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Abrotanella muscosa Kirk, Trans. New Zealand Inst. 24: 422, t.36 (1892)
Abrotanella muscosa Kirk

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New Zealand
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422, t.36
Abrotanella muscosa Kirk
Abrotanella muscosa

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Abrotanella muscosa Kirk

Stock slender, stems occ. solitary, us. close-set forming mosslike patches up to 5 cm. diam. Lvs densely imbricate, coriac., 3-4 × < 1 mm., linear-oblong, retuse, margins thickened above sheathing-base. Capitula sessile, terminal, minute, invested by lvs; phyll. c. 5, oblong, obtuse to apiculate, obscurely veined. Florets 4-8; ♀ with slender, cylindric, obscurely toothed corolla-tube; disk-florets with tubular more distinctly toothed corolla-tube. Achenes pubescent to setose, clavate, 4-angled; angles produced into slender setae.

Abrotanella muscosa Kirk

Very small, solarity or matted herbs with poorly developed roots. Leaves linear, erect, 4 × 0.7 mm; apex retuse; margins glabrous and scariose in upper half. Capitula sessile; peduncle not elongated in fruit. Phyllaries 5, oblong, obtuse-acute, c. 3 mm long. Outer florets 1-2, tubular, 3--4-lobed, greenish with often purplish lobes, 1.4-1.7 mm long; vascular tissue absent. Central florets 2-3, perfect, 3--4-lobed, coloured as the outer florets, 1.7-1.8 mm long; vascular tissue marginal; anthers 0.7-0.9 mm long. Cypsela obovoid, often 4-angled, ribbed, hairy at base, c. 2 mm long including the awns at the apex.

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Abrotanella muscosa Kirk
Abrotanella muscosa Kirk
Abrotanella muscosa Kirk
Abrotanella muscosa Kirk
Abrotanella muscosa Kirk
Abrotanella muscosa Kirk
Abrotanella muscosa Kirk
Abrotanella muscosa Kirk
Abrotanella muscosa Kirk
Abrotanella muscosa Kirk
Abrotanella muscosa Kirk
Abrotanella muscosa Kirk
Abrotanella muscosa Kirk
Abrotanella muscosa Kirk
Abrotanella muscosa Kirk
Abrotanella muscosa Kirk
Abrotanella muscosa Kirk

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Abrotanella muscosa Kirk
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Abrotanella muscosa Kirk
New Zealand
Southland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
26 January 2006
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