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Epilobium nerteroides A.Cunn.

Scientific name record
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Epilobium nerteroides A.Cunn., Ann. Nat. Hist. 3: 32 (1839)
Epilobium nerteroides A.Cunn.

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New Zealand
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The species epithet was originally published by Cunningham (l.c.) as "nerterioides" and that spelling was and still is followed in many publications and databases (IPNI, 2020–onward; POWO, 2020–onward); However, some authors think that the original spelling should be corrected to nerteroides, following Art. 60.10 of the ICN (Turland et al., 2018) because the species was compared to a Nertera Gaertn. The corrected spelling is accepted here!
Epilobium nerteroides A.Cunn.
Epilobium nerteroides
Original material (according to the protologue): "New Zealand (Northern Island). Bogs, near the Kana-Kana river, bay of Islands. – 1826, A. Cunningham". Type: Allan (1961: 261) stated the type locality as "Bogs near the Kana Kana [Kawakawa – P.dL.] river, Bay of Islands. Type: BM. There are 3 imperfect specimens at K that very doubtfully belong here". Raven and Raven (1976: 274) typified the name using a K specimen: "Bogs near the Kana Kana [Kawakawa] River, Bay of Islands, North Auckland, New Zealand, 1826, Allan Cunningham 541 (K)".

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Epilobium nerteroides A.Cunn.

Herb forming patches up to 20 cm. or more diam.; branchlets greenish or reddish, glab. or very faintly bifariously pubescent. Lvs opp., crowded, sessile or nearly so; lamina broad-elliptic to suborbicular or sts ovate, green to reddish, us. rugulose, at least below, ± 3-5 mm. diam., coriac. to slightly fleshy, glab.; margins entire or minutely denticulate. Fls 2-3 mm. diam., calyx-lobes ovate-lanceolate, acute, but little < white or pale rose petals. Capsules glab. or very faintly pubescent, (5)-10-25 mm. long; peduncles glab. (10)-25-50-(65) mm. long, very slender. Seeds densely papillose.
Stems slender, pale green; lamina oblong to ovate-oblong to suborbicular, remotely and rather obscurely denticulate, up to ± 7 mm. diam. Cockayne says: "pedunculis brevibus 5-11 mm. longis; capsulis circ 2·8 cm. longis; viridibus secundum suturam brunneo tinctis."

Epilobium nerteroides A.Cunn.

2n = 36
n = 18
n = 18
2n = 36

Epilobium nerteroides A.Cunn.

Loosely matted, creeping, stem-rooting herb forming patches up to 0.4 m across, glabrous or rarely the stems with a very few strigillose hairs in lines decurrent from margins of petioles. Lamina of lf broadly elliptic to ovate, (3)-4-11 × (2)-3-8 mm. Floral tube 0.5-1.1 mm deep, sparsely strigillose outside. Petals usually white, rarely pale pink, 2.5-5.3 × 1.5-4 mm. Capsule glabrous, (1.5)-2-4.2 cm long; fruiting pedicel (2.7)-3.5-9-(15) cm long.

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Epilobium nerteroides A.Cunn.
Epilobium nerteroides A.Cunn.
Epilobium nerteroides A.Cunn.
Epilobium nerteroides A.Cunn.
Epilobium nerteroides A.Cunn.
Epilobium nerteroides A.Cunn.
Epilobium nerteroides A.Cunn.
Epilobium nerteroides A.Cunn.
Epilobium nerteroides A.Cunn.
Epilobium nerteroides A.Cunn.
Epilobium nerteroides A.Cunn.
Epilobium nerteroides A.Cunn.
Epilobium nerteroides A.Cunn.
Epilobium nerteroides A.Cunn.
Epilobium nerteroides A.Cunn.
Epilobium nerteroides A.Cunn.
Epilobium nerteroides A.Cunn.
Epilobium nerteroides A.Cunn.
Epilobium nummulariifolium var. ovatum Kirk
Epilobium nerteroides A.Cunn.
Epilobium pedunculare sensu Hausskn.
Epilobium nerteroides A.Cunn.
Epilobium pedunculare var. aprica Hausskn.
Epilobium nerteroides A.Cunn.
Epilobium pedunculare var. viride Cockayne
Epilobium nerteroides A.Cunn.

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Epilobium nerteroides A.Cunn.
New Zealand
Epilobium nerteroides A.Cunn.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Epilobium nerteroides A.Cunn.
New Zealand
Gisborne Land District
Epilobium nerteroides A.Cunn.
New Zealand
Hawke's Bay Land District
Epilobium nerteroides A.Cunn.
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Epilobium nerteroides A.Cunn.
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Epilobium nerteroides A.Cunn.
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Epilobium nerteroides A.Cunn.
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
Epilobium nerteroides A.Cunn.
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Epilobium nerteroides A.Cunn.
New Zealand
Wellington Land District
Epilobium nerteroides A.Cunn.
New Zealand
Westland Land District
Epilobium nerteroides A.Cunn.
United Kingdom

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Original material (according to the protologue): "New Zealand (Northern Island). Bogs, near the Kana-Kana river, bay of Islands. – 1826, A. Cunningham". Type: Allan (1961: 261) stated the type locality as "Bogs near the Kana Kana [Kawakawa – P.dL.] river, Bay of Islands. Type: BM. There are 3 imperfect specimens at K that very doubtfully belong here". Raven and Raven (1976: 274) typified the name using a K specimen: "Bogs near the Kana Kana [Kawakawa] River, Bay of Islands, North Auckland, New Zealand, 1826, Allan Cunningham 541 (K)".

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scientific name
1 January 2000
15 May 2008
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