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Pellaea rotundifolia (G.Forst.) Hook.

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Threat status: Not threatened
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Pellaea rotundifolia (G.Forst.) Hook., Sp. Fil. 2, 136 (1858)
Pellaea rotundifolia (G.Forst.) Hook.

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region
present on Norfolk Island

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(G.Forst.) Hook.
Pellaea rotundifolia

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Pellaea rotundifolia (G.Forst.) Hook.

Rhizome rather stout, creeping, clad when young in brown linear-attenuate paleae c.3mm.long; stipites clustered along rhizome. Stipes stout, erect to procumbent, 5-15 cm. long, densely clad in dark reddish brown, squarrose, bristly paleae mingled with hairs. Rhachis similar to stipes, bearing numerous (up to 30 or more pairs) subopp. to alt. pinnae. Lamina narrow-oblong, coriac., glab. or nearly so, 15-30-(40) × 2-4cm., dull dark green above, paler below; veins hidden. Pinnae patent, narrow-oblong to oblong to suborbicular, shortly stalked or upper sessile (rarely all sessile by widened base), rounded to truncate or subcuneate at base, obtuse but us. apiculate at apex; 1-2 cm. × 5-15 mm.; margins ± crenulate, on barren pinnae often irregularly and very shallowly lobed or subpandurate. Sori becoming coalescent in broad band near margins, not reaching base or apex of pinna, at first ± protected by reflexed margin of pinna, up to c. 1·5 cm. × 2 mm.

Pellaea rotundifolia (G.Forst.) Hook.

n = 58
n = 58

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Allosorus rotundifolia (G.Forst.) Kunze
Pellaea rotundifolia (G.Forst.) Hook.
Hemionitis rotundifolia (G.Forst.) Christenh. 2018
Pellaea rotundifolia (G.Forst.) Hook.
Pellaea falcata sensu New Zealand Botanists
Pellaea rotundifolia (G.Forst.) Hook.
Pellaea rotundifolia (G.Forst.) Hook.
Pellaea rotundifolia (G.Forst.) Hook.
Pellaea rotundifolia (G.Forst.) Hook.
Pellaea rotundifolia (G.Forst.) Hook.
Pellaea rotundifolia (G.Forst.) Hook.
Pellaea rotundifolia (G.Forst.) Hook.
Pellaea rotundifolia (G.Forst.) Hook.
Pellaea rotundifolia (G.Forst.) Hook.
Pellaea rotundifolia (G.Forst.) Hook.
Pellaea rotundifolia (G.Forst.) Hook.
Pellaea rotundifolia (G.Forst.) Hook.
Pellaea rotundifolia (G.Forst.) Hook.
Pellaea rotundifolia (G.Forst.) Hook.
Pellaea rotundifolia (G.Forst.) Hook.
Pellaea rotundifolia (G.Forst.) Hook.
Pellaea rotundifolia (G.Forst.) Hook.
Pellaea rotundifolia (G.Forst.) Hook.
Pellaea rotundifolia (G.Forst.) Hook.
Pellaea rotundifolia (G.Forst.) Hook.
Pellaea rotundifolia (G.Forst.) Hook.
Pellaea rotundifolia var. oblongifolia Hook.
Pellaea rotundifolia (G.Forst.) Hook.
Pteris rotundifolia G.Forst.
Pellaea rotundifolia (G.Forst.) Hook.

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New Zealand
Political Region

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Pellaea rotundifolia (G.Forst.) Hook.
[Not available]
Pellaea rotundifolia (G.Forst.) Hook.
[Not available]
Pellaea rotundifolia (G.Forst.) Hook.
[Not available]
North Auckland
Pellaea rotundifolia (G.Forst.) Hook.
[Not available]
Pellaea rotundifolia (G.Forst.) Hook.
[Not available]
Pellaea rotundifolia (G.Forst.) Hook.
[Not available]

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scientific name
1 January 2000
9 February 2021
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