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Myosotis lyallii Hook.f.

Scientific name record
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Threat status: Naturally uncommon
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New Zealand
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Myosotis lyallii Hook.f.

Rosette-lvs c. 1·5-3·5 cm. × 4-7 mm., elliptic- to ovate-spathulate, petiole c. = lamina-length, tip obtuse, sts apiculate; hairs flexuous, longer on margins, few or absent on undersurface. Lateral branches few, decumbent, rarely > 8 cm. long, internodes = or < lvs. Stem-lvs smaller and narrower than rosette-lvs, tip subacute; hairs flexuous, sparser on undersurface. Cymes us. simple, few-fld, 1-2 cm. long, bracts us. associated with lowermost 2-3 fls; internodes us. < calyx in fr. Calyx 4-6 mm. long, lobes c. 1/2 length or less, subacute; hairs of several lengths, flexuous, long on margins. Corolla white, us. c. 7-8 mm. diam., tube distinctly > calyx, cylindric, lobes c. 3 × 2 mm., oblong; filaments fixed between or just below scales, = or > anthers which are held wholly above scales; style c. 2 × calyx in fr., stigma capitate. Nutlets c. 1·5 × 1.1 mm., pointed.

Myosotis lyallii Hook.f.

Rosette lvs elliptic- to ovate-spathulate; hairs flexuous, few or 0 abaxially. Lateral branches few, decumbent; internodes = or < lvs. Cymes simple, few-flowered, the lowest 2-3 fls usually associated with bracts. Calyx hairs flexuous, long on margins. Corolla white, c. 7-8 mm diam.; tube cylindric, distinctly > calyx; filaments = or > wholly exserted anthers.

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Myosotis lyallii Hook.f.
Myosotis lyallii Hook.f.
Myosotis lyallii Hook.f.
Myosotis lyallii Hook.f.
Myosotis lyallii Hook.f.
Myosotis lyallii Hook.f.
Myosotis lyallii Hook.f.
Myosotis lyallii Hook.f.
Myosotis lyallii Hook.f.
Myosotis lyallii Hook.f.
Myosotis lyallii Hook.f.
Myosotis lyallii Hook.f.
Myosotis lyallii Hook.f.
Myosotis lyallii Hook.f. var. lyallii
Myosotis lyallii Hook.f.
Myosotis lyallii var. townsonii (Cheeseman) L.B.Moore
Myosotis lyallii Hook.f.
Myosotis townsonii Cheeseman
Myosotis lyallii Hook.f.

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Myosotis lyallii Hook.f.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Myosotis lyallii Hook.f.
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Myosotis lyallii Hook.f.
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Myosotis lyallii Hook.f.
New Zealand
Westland Land District
New Zealand
Nelson Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
2 March 2018
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