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Carmichaelia williamsii Kirk

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Carmichaelia williamsii Kirk, Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 12: 394 (1879 [1880])
Carmichaelia williamsii Kirk

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New Zealand
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Carmichælia williamsi
Carmichaelia williamsii Kirk
Carmichaelia williamsii

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Carmichaelia williamsii Kirk

Erect shrub or small tree up to ± 4 m. tall; trunk up to c. 10 cm. diam. Branchlets c. 8-12 mm. wide, much-compressed, closely grooved, glab. Lvs of young plants 1-3-foliolate; lflts narrow-obcordate to obovate. Infl. of 1-2 racemes per notch, 1-5-fld on ± pubescent peduncles ± 10 mm. long. Fls falcate, 20-25-(30) mm. long, on ± pubescent stout pedicels 5-10 mm. long. Calyx 5-6 × 4-5 mm., campanulate; teeth narrow-triangular, acute. Standard, keel and wings yellowish, ± purple-veined and -blotched, auricles rounded or bluntly pointed. Ovary glab. Pods ± 20-30 × 6-7 mm., about elliptic-oblong, very dark brown to black. Seeds 6-15, up to 5 × 4 mm., red, black-mottled or not.

Carmichaelia williamsii Kirk

Upright and spreading shrub, up to 2-4 × 2—4 m. Branches 50-100 mm diameter, stout, ascending or spreading. Cladodes (130-)180-380 × (5—)8-12 mm, linear, striate, compressed, yellow-green or green, glabrous, apex obtuse; leaf nodes 7—16. Leaves 1—3-foliolate, present on seedlings and rarely on adult plants, terminal leaflet larger; lamina 6-23 × 5-15 mm, elliptic, obovate to broad-elliptic, fleshy, green with yellow marking on proximal part, terminal leaflet larger than lateral leaflets, adaxial surface glabrous, abaxial surface with scattered hairs, apex refuse, base cuneate; petiole 5—15 mm long, with scattered hairs; petiolule 1- 5 mm long, with scattered hairs. Leaves on cladodes reduced to scales, < 1 mm long, broad-triangular, abaxial surface with scattered hairs and becoming glabrous with age, apex subacute. Stipules c. 1.5 × c. 1 mm, free, broad-triangular, sometimes with a second pair of smaller denticles, adaxial surface glabrous, abaxial surface with scattered hairs, apex subacute, margin with scattered hairs. Inflorescence a raceme, often in fascicles of 3 or 4 per node, each with (1-)2-4(-5) flowers. Peduncle 1-6 mm long, hairy, green. Bracts 1—1.4 × 0.8-1.5 mm, narrowtriangular to broad-triangular, abaxial surface and margin hairy and becoming sparsely hairy or glabrous with age, apex subacute to obtuse. Pedicel 4— 8 mm long, hairy, pale green. Bracteoles 0.4-0.6 × c. 0.2 mm, narrow-triangular to linear, on pedicel, abaxial surface glabrous, or hairy and becoming glabrous with age, apex subacute, margin hairy. Calyx 8—9 × 4.7-5.5 mm, campanulate, green, outer surface glabrous. Calyx lobes triangular, green and usually flushed red, inner surface and margin hairy, appressed to corolla, apex acute. Bud green, becoming yellow-green at maturity. Standard 18-22 × 11— 13.5 mm, ovate, patent, keeled, margins incurved, positioned in proximal part of keel, apex subacute or often weakly retuse, yellow to pale yellow with central part of inner surface and marginal veins maroon-red; claw 8-9 mm long, green. Wings 20- 22 × 4-4.5 mm, oblong, falcate, shorter than keel, yellow to pale yellow, apex subacute, margin with a few scattered hairs; auricle 3.5-4.5 × 1.5—2 mm, oblong, pale yellow; claw 5.5-6 mm long, pale green. Keel (Fig. 2F) 25—27 × 7-8 mm, apex narrow and acute, yellow, distal part of inner surface maroon- red; auricle c. 1.5 × c. 1.5 mm, triangular, yellow- green, apex rounded; claw 9—10 mm long, pale green. Stamens 28—30 mm long; dorsal filaments connate for c. Vt of length, outer stamens free for 6— 11 mm. Pistil c. 32-33 mm long, exserted beyond stamens, glabrous except for a small tuft of hairs on inner surface below stigma; ovules (12—) 14-16(-17). Pods 23-34 × 6-12 mm, oblong to oblanceolate, laterally compressed, spreading, light to dark brown, valves dehiscent; beak 2-4 mm long, in central apical position, stout, pungent-tipped. Seeds 3-5 × 2 - 3 mm, reniform to oblong-reniform, (5—)8—15 per pod, dull red to orange-red and sometimes with black mottling, often remaining attached to funicle. Chromosome number 2n = 32 (Slade 1953). FL May-Nov, FT Oct-May.

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Carmichaelia williamsii Kirk
Carmichaelia williamsii Kirk
Carmichaelia williamsii Kirk
Carmichaelia williamsii Kirk
Carmichaelia williamsii Kirk
Carmichaelia williamsii Kirk
Carmichaelia williamsii Kirk
Carmichaelia williamsii Kirk
Carmichaelia williamsii Kirk
Carmichaelia williamsii Kirk
Carmichaelia williamsii Kirk
Carmichaelia williamsii Kirk
Carmichaelia williamsii Kirk
Carmichaelia williamsii Kirk
Carmichaelia williamsii Kirk
Carmichaelia williamsii Kirk
Carmichaelia williamsii Kirk
Carmichaelia williamsii Kirk
Carmichaelia williamsii Kirk
Carmichaelia williamsii Kirk
Carmichaelia williamsii Kirk
Carmichaelia williamsii Kirk

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Carmichaelia williamsii Kirk
New Zealand
Carmichaelia williamsii Kirk
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Carmichaelia williamsii Kirk
New Zealand
Gisborne Land District
Carmichaelia williamsii Kirk
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Carmichaelia williamsii Kirk
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Carmichaelia williamsii Kirk
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Carmichaelia williamsii Kirk
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
Carmichaelia williamsii Kirk
New Zealand
Wellington Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
27 May 2004
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