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Dacrydium kirkii F.Muell. ex Parl.

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F.Muell. ex Parl.
Dacrydium kirkii F.Muell. ex Parl.
Dacrydium kirkii
Type: New Zealand: ["Great Barrier Land(?)"], T. Kirk 81 (holotype not located, isotype K).

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Dacrydium kirkii F.Muell. ex Parl.

Tree up to 25 m., trunk up to 1 m. diam., bark greyish brown, wood pale brownish red. Lvs of juveniles and reversion shoots 1·5-4 cm. × 1-3 mm., patent, linear, obtuse to acute to mucronate; petiole short, twisted; of adults 2-3 mm. long, obtuse, ovate-oblong to rhomboid, coriac., margin hyaline. Final branchlets 1-2 mm. diam., subterete. Male strobili solitary, terminal, sessile up to 1 cm. long; apiculus obtusely triangular. Carpidia 3-5, clustered at tips of branchlets, larger than lvs with solitary ovules. Seeds ovoid-oblong somewhat compressed, striate, 3-8 mm. long. Epimatium completely covering seed, which is pend. from the summit and free. Aril orange.

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Dacrydium kirkii F.Muell. ex Parl.
Dacrydium kirkii F.Muell. ex Parl.
Dacrydium kirkii F.Muell. ex Parl.
Dacrydium kirkii F.Muell. ex Parl.

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Type: New Zealand: ["Great Barrier Land(?)"], T. Kirk 81 (holotype not located, isotype K).
GBIF has records of 10 syntypes, 9 at WELT, and 8 "types" of which 6 are at MEL, 1 at MO, and 1 at GH. The Welt syntypes are from Great Barrier Island (6), Maungapiko, Great Barrier Island (2), Kaiarara [Great Barrier Island] (1), as is the one in NY.

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scientific name
13 March 2002
22 January 2016
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