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Adiantum fulvum Raoul

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Adiantum fulvum Raoul
Adiantum fulvum
From the Latin fulvus (tawny), a reference to the hairs on the rachises and pinna costae of this species.
Holotype: Nouvelle-Zélande, Presqu’ile de Banks [Banks Peninsula, New Zealand], Raoul, 1843, P! (photo WELT E476/1)

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Adiantum fulvum Raoul

Rhizome rather slender, creeping, clad in dark to bright brown subulate-attenuate paleae, c. 3 mm. long; stipites often approximate. Stipes rather stout, black-brown, scabrid, ± clad in slender hairs, paleate in lower portion, 10-30 cm. long. Rhachis similar, flexuose, ± clad in dark to fulvous stiff hairs, as are secondary rhachides and costae. Lamina ovate-deltoid to deltoid, 2-3-pinnate, 15-40 × 7-24 cm., olive to pale green, firm; lower surface ± clad in setulose hairs. Primary pinnae up to 15 × 7 cm., alt. distant, ovate-deltoid, with 2-4 lateral and a terminal pinna. Secondary pinnae rather distant, up to 8 × 2 cm. Pinnules up to 2.5 cm. × 5 mm., very shortly stalked, approximate, dimidiately narrow-oblong, ± subfalcate; lower margin entire, concave-convex; upper margin with alternately shallow and rather deep crenate to serrate lobes. Sporangia in sinuses of shallow lobes, protected by reniform reflexed margins, in about 6 rather distant groups.
Rhizome rather slender to stout, far-creeping; paleae dark brown, not very glossy, hardly denticulate, to 4 mm long; stipites distributed along rhizome. Stipes rather stout, red-brown to purple-brown, 13-36 cm long, clad in long to very long hairs, mainly in groove, but some on stipe generally, paleate in lower portion. Rachis similar, flexuous, clad in long curved to flexuous red-brown hairs, mainly in the groove, as are secondary rachises and costae. Lamina ovate-deltoid to deltoid, 2-3 pinnate, 11-31 × 7-33 cm, olive green, glabrous above and below. Primary pinnae 1-4 pairs, to 16 × 13 cm, alternate, distant, deltoid, with 2-4 lateral pinnae and a terminal pinna. Secondary pinnae rather distant, to 9 × 2.5 cm. Pinnules up to 1.9 × 0.5 cm, shortly stalked, dimidiate, oblong to narrow oblong, lower margin entire, upper margin lobed, incisions usually reaching below the sorus, up to ^ of pinna depth. Sporangia in sinuses of shallow lobes, on upper and outer pinna margins, protected by reniform reflexed marginal indusium; up to 10 groups to each pinna.

Adiantum fulvum Raoul

Rhizomes far-creeping, scaly. Stipes and rachises stiffly hairy. Laminae ovate or broadly ovate, 15-35 × 10-25 cm, (2)-3-pinnate. Primary pinnae alternate, 2-5 on each side of rachis bearing secondary pinnae, and a terminal portion with 10-18 undivided primary pinnae on each side. Ultimate pinnules ± oblong or parallelogrammoid, often curved acroscopically at the apices, 6-25 × 3-8 mm; stalk attached at proximal corner; upper and outer margins irregularly lobed, lower and inner margins entire; upper surface glabrous, lower stiffly hairy, both surfaces dark green. Indusia ± reniform with prominent sinuses, glabrous, up to 14 per pinnule on upper and outer margins, sometimes extending to apical part of lower margin.
Rhizomes far-creeping, scaly. Stipes and rachises stiffly hairy. Laminae ovate or broadly ovate, 15-35 × 10-25 cm, (2)-3-pinnate. Primary pinnae alternate, 2-5 on each side of rachis bearing secondary pinnae, and a terminal portion with 10-18 undivided primary pinnae on each side. Ultimate pinnules ± oblong or parallelogrammoid, often curved acroscopically at the apices, 6-25 × 3-8 mm; stalk attached at proximal corner; upper and outer margins deeply lobed, lower and inner margins entire; both surfaces glabrous, dark green. Indusia ± reniform with prominent sinuses, glabrous, up to 14 per pinnule on upper and outer margins, sometimes extending to apical part of lower margin.

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Adiantum fulvum Raoul
Adiantum fulvum Raoul
Adiantum fulvum Raoul
Adiantum fulvum Raoul
Adiantum fulvum Raoul
Adiantum fulvum Raoul
Adiantum fulvum Raoul
Adiantum fulvum Raoul
Adiantum fulvum Raoul
Adiantum fulvum Raoul
Adiantum fulvum Raoul
Adiantum fulvum Raoul
Adiantum fulvum Raoul
Adiantum fulvum Raoul
Adiantum fulvum Raoul
Adiantum fulvum Raoul
Adiantum fulvum Raoul
Adiantum fulvum Raoul
Adiantum fulvum Raoul
Adiantum fulvum Raoul
Adiantum fulvum Raoul
Adiantum fulvum Raoul
Adiantum fulvum Raoul

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Adiantum fulvum Raoul
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Adiantum fulvum Raoul
New Zealand
Gisborne Land District
Adiantum fulvum Raoul
New Zealand
Hawke's Bay Land District
Adiantum fulvum Raoul
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Adiantum fulvum Raoul
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Adiantum fulvum Raoul
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Adiantum fulvum Raoul
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
Adiantum fulvum Raoul
New Zealand
Taranaki Land District
Adiantum fulvum Raoul
New Zealand
Wellington Land District
New Zealand
Gisborne Land District
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
New Zealand
Taranaki Land District
New Zealand
Wellington Land District

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Holotype: Nouvelle-Zélande, Presqu’ile de Banks [Banks Peninsula, New Zealand], Raoul, 1843, P! (photo WELT E476/1)
From the Latin fulvus (tawny), a reference to the hairs on the rachises and pinna costae of this species.

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scientific name
1 January 2000
17 September 2019
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