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Cotula willcoxii Cheeseman

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Cotula willcoxii Cheeseman
Cotula willcoxii

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Cotula willcoxii Cheeseman

Stems and ∞ branches wiry, creeping, rooting, sparsely hairy to nearly glab., us. forming rather compact patches. Lvs us. rather densely fascicled at nodes, on petioles ± 5-12 mm. long, sheathing. Lamina narrow-obovate to narrow-oblong, gland-dotted, ± fleshy, glab. or very nearly so, sts with sparse marginal hairs, (5)-7-10 × (5)-7-10 mm. Pinnae few, sts 1 pair with a terminal lobe, 2-4 pairs, or sts the lamina is irregularly cut into several segs. Scape 1-3-(5) cm. long, slender, ± clad in subappressed silky hairs, nude. Capitula 6-8-10 mm. diam., receptacle convex. Phyll. in 1-2 series, ± clad in dense appressed hairs on outside; outer linear, ± 4 mm. long, inner ovate to oval, ± 2 mm. long, midvein evident, tips purplish, erose, margins scarious. ♀ in 2-3 series (not seen by me); ♂ c. 3 mm. long, narrow-funnelform, with 4 minute triangular teeth. Achenes narrow-obovoid, compressed, eglandular, 1-1·5 mm. long, weakly ribbed.

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scientific name
24 June 2002
23 May 2006
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