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Pellaea falcata (R.Br.) Fée

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New Zealand
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(R.Br.) Fée
Pellaea falcata

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Pellaea falcata (R.Br.) Fée

Rhizome stout, creeping, clad when young in pale to dark brown subulate-attenuate paleae, c. 3 mm. long; stipites clustered along rhizome. Stipes rather stout, erect to spreading, wiry, very dark brown, 5-15- (25)cm. long, clad in dark brown squarrose, stiff, linear-attenuate paleae c. 5 mm. long, mingled with hairs, becoming glab. (rarely glabrate also when young). Rhachis similar to stipes, bearing numerous, (up to c. 40 or more pairs) subopp. to alt. pinnae. Lamina coriac., dark dull green above, paler below, ± paleate below, veins hidden; (20)-30- 40-(50) × 3·5-7·5 cm. Lower pinnae shortly stalked, subpandurate, obtuse, widened at cordate-truncate base, with small tooth near base of upper margin. Mid pinnae 2-5 cm. × 5-10 mm., shortly stalked, shading into uppermost sessile smaller pinnae; about lanceolate-oblong, subpandurate, subfalcate, caudate-truncate at base, us. apiculate at acute to subacute apex; auricle varying from a triangular tooth to 1cm. × 5 mm., obtuse to subacute. Sori in broad band near margin, reaching nearly to apex and to base on lower side, up to 4·5 cm. × 3 mm., at first protected by reflexed margin.

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Pellaea falcata (R.Br.) Fée
Pellaea falcata (R.Br.) Fée
Pellaea falcata (R.Br.) Fée
Pellaea falcata (R.Br.) Fée
Pellaea falcata (R.Br.) Fée
Pellaea falcata (R.Br.) Fée
Pellaea falcata (R.Br.) Fée
Pellaea falcata (R.Br.) Fée
Pellaea falcata (R.Br.) Fée
Pellaea falcata (R.Br.) Fée
Pellaea falcata (R.Br.) Fée
Pellaea falcata (R.Br.) Fée
Pellaea falcata (R.Br.) Fée
Pellaea falcata (R.Br.) Fée
Pellaea falcata (R.Br.) Fée
Pellaea falcata (R.Br.) Fée
Pellaea falcata (R.Br.) Fée
Pellaea falcata (R.Br.) Fée
Pellaea falcata (R.Br.) Fée

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region

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Pellaea falcata (R.Br.) Fée
Pellaea falcata (R.Br.) Fée
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Pellaea falcata (R.Br.) Fée
New Zealand
Taranaki Land District
Pellaea falcata (R.Br.) Fée
Sri Lanka

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scientific name
1 January 2000
16 July 2020
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