Utricularia L.

Utricularia L., Sp. Pl. 18 (1753)
Utricularia L.
Utricularia L.
- Utricularia arenaria
- Utricularia australis
- Utricularia biflora
- Utricularia biflora
- Utricularia bisquamata
- Utricularia canacorum
- Utricularia capensis
- Utricularia colensoi
- Utricularia delicatula
- Utricularia dichotoma
- Utricularia dusenii
- Utricularia fibrosa
- Utricularia geminiscapa
- Utricularia gibba
- Utricularia juncea
- Utricularia lateriflora
- Utricularia livida
- Utricularia longifolia
- Utricularia mairii
- Utricularia menziesii
- Utricularia monanthos
- Utricularia nephrophylla
- Utricularia novae-zelandiae
- Utricularia praelonga
- Utricularia prehensilis
- Utricularia protrusa
- Utricularia pubescens
- Utricularia sandersonii
- Utricularia simplex
- Utricularia subsimilis
- Utricularia tricolor
- Utricularia uliginosa
- Utricularia vulcanica
Vernacular names
Utricularia L.
Scapes with 1-several fls; calyx deeply 2-lobed, segs often enlarging as capsule matures. Corolla spurred at back, 2-lipped; upper lip erect, entire or 2-lobed; lower lip spreading, us. 3-6-lobed; palate us. well-developed; stamens 2, ± curved; style short; stigma 2-lobed. Capsule subglobose, 2-valved, or dehiscing irregularly; seeds ∞. Herbs with filiform lvs and ∞ to few bladders that trap small animals. Widespread genus with some 250 spp. occurs also in Tasmania, and in Tasmania and Australia. The other N.Z. spp. appear to be endemic.
Utricularia L.
Annual or perennial, aquatic, terrestrial or epiphytic herbs. Roots 0, but root-like structures present. Stems modified to form rhizoids, stolons and leafy shoots. Lvs usually small, entire when terrestrial or emergent, capillary and much-divided when submerged, all with small bladder-like traps. Infl. racemose, emergent in aquatic spp., usually with a simple scape or peduncle. Fls 1-several. Calyx 2-lipped, divided almost to base, usually accrescent. Corolla yellow, white or purple; upper lip entire or lobed, mainly small; lower lip entire or 2-5-lobed, generally larger than upper lip, with palate or pouch present at base, ± raised and often gibbous; spur usually subulate or conic. Filaments usually curved, often dilated and flattened; anthers convergent. Stigma unequally lobed. Ovules 1-numerous. Capsule globose or ovoid, dehiscing in various ways. Seed very variable in shape and sculpturing.
Taxonomic concepts
scientific name
1 January 2000
18 February 2014