Aciphylla trifoliolata Petrie

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Aciphylla trifoliolata Petrie, Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 48: 186 (1915 [1916])
Aciphylla trifoliolata Petrie
Aciphylla trifoliolata Petrie
Aciphylla trifoliolata
Aciphylla trifoliolata Petrie
Stout, up to c. 4 dm. tall, with simple or branched stock. Lvs ± 20-25 cm. long, very firm to rigid. Sheaths narrow, ± 3 cm. long; stipules unequal, up to 2.5cm. long, linear-subulate, pungent; petioles ± 3cm. long, narrow; internodes c. 2 mm., Primary pinnae 1-(2) pairs (pinnae rarely absent), margins yellow finely crenulate-serrulate, (8)-12-16 cm. × 5-9 mm. (at greatest width), striate, acuminate, pungent; midrib distinct, canaliculate. Stems of male plants stout, grooved, up to 2.5dm. long. Bracts close-set, many; sheaths up to 6 cm. long, rather narrow-oblong; stipules acicular; lamina stiff, acicular, up to c. 10 cm. long. Umbels several, small, distant, on stout peduncles ± 9cm. long. Stems of female plant deeply grooved, ± 6 mm. diam., bearing an oblong infl. ± 15 cm. long. Bracts ± concealing umbels; sheaths 35 × 10 mm., ribbed; stipules c. 15 mm. long, pungent; lamina up to 8 cm. × 4 mm., with stout midrib and pungent apex. Fr. ± 5 mm. long.
Aciphylla trifoliolata Petrie
Plants of 1-several rosettes with ascending leaves. Leaves cartilaginous, yellow to orange-green, up to 40 cm long, once-pinnate with 1-2 pairs of leaflets; sheath up to 75 × 19-8 mm (width at base and apex respectively); stipules simple, up to 40 × 1 mm, up to 6 mm apart at insertions; petiole up to 110 × 4.5 mm, concave, margins acute, sheath joint evident, pulvinus evident, up to 10 mm long; lamina ± obtrullate in outline; lowermost leaflet up to 190 × 5.5 mm with an apical spine up to 3 mm long, margin and midribs yellow, up to 0.5 mm wide, the former not raised; marginal tubercules coarse, up to 0.15 mm wide, forming a continuous series.
Inflorescences narrow. Female inflorescences up to 45 cm long with stems up to 285 × 7 mm, reddish brown; head up to 170 × 17 mm, more or less lanceolate in outline; compound umbels up to 22; lower bracts up to 100 mm long with a sheath up to 28 × 8 mm, stipules up to 20 × 1.5 mm and a simple lamina up to 65 × 3.5, all segments ascending to appressed.
Lower compound umbels up to 30 mm long with peduncles up to 6 × 1 mm, primary bracteoles usually wanting; up to 4 simple umbels with peduncles up to 17 × 0.7 mm, the innermost umbels often sessile; secondary bracteoles few, up to 3 × 0.3 mm; a few accessory umbels in the bract axils.
Up to 10 flowers per umbel with a few in the centre reduced; pedicels up to 4 × 0.4 mm; sepals up to 0.5 mm long; petals c. 1.3 × 0.4 mm not inflexed and with a conspicuous red-brown median oil tube; staminodes up to 0.75 mm long with anthers 0.3 mm long; mature mericarps darkish brown and dull, up to 6 × 1.5, each pair with 5/3,5/4, or 4/3 ribs; lateral ribs c. 0.2 mm wide; oil tubes orange, up to 6 on commissure, 3-4 in the intervals, those in the ribs equal to or smaller than those of the intervals; styles up to 0.8 mm long.
Male inflorescences up to 32 cm long with stems up to 140 × 6 mm, reddish brown; head up to 180 × 50 mm, narrow-ovate in outline; compound umbels up to 26; lower bracts up to 100 mm long with a sheath up to 30 × 8 mm, stipules up to 30 × 1 mm and a simple lamina up to 74 × 4 mm, segments ascending.
Lower compound umbels up to 50 mm long with peduncles up to 30 × 1 mm, primary bracteoles usually wanting; up to 9 simple umbels with peduncles up to 10 × 0.5 mm, the innermost umbels often sessile or almost so; secondary bracteoles 4 or 5, up to 5.5 × 0.8 mm; a few simple to partly compound accessory umbels in the bract axils.
Up to 12 flowers per umbel; pedicels up to 2 × 0.1 mm; sepals up to 0.3 mm long; petals c. 1.1 × 0.5 mm, not inflexed and with a conspicuous redbrown median oil-tube; stamens c. 1.75 mm long with filaments 1.5 × 0.1 mm, and anthers 0.4 × 0.3 mm.
Taxonomic concepts
Aciphylla trifoliolata Petrie
Aciphylla trifoliolata Petrie
Aciphylla trifoliolata Petrie
Aciphylla trifoliolata Petrie
Aciphylla trifoliolata Petrie
Aciphylla trifoliolata Petrie
Aciphylla trifoliolata Petrie
Aciphylla trifoliolata Petrie
Aciphylla trifoliolata Petrie
Aciphylla trifoliolata Petrie
scientific name
1 January 2000
24 March 2010