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Ranunculus royi G.Simpson

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Ranunculus royi G.Simpson, Trans. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 79: 420 (1952)
Ranunculus royi G.Simpson

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New Zealand
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Ranunculus royi G.Simpson
Ranunculus royi

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Ranunculus royi G.Simpson

Small, rather sparsely hairy, rosette plant with stout stock ± 1 cm. diam., bearing ∞ rather thick roots. Lvs all radical, on hirsute petioles up to 5 cm. long; sheath broad, membr. Lamina broadly ovate-cuneate, ± 1·5 cm. diam., 3-lobed, lobes crenately 1-2-toothed. Scape stout, 2-3 mm. long at anthesis, becoming up to 10 cm. or more at fruiting stage. Sepals 5, ± 5 mm. long, oblong, membr.; petals 0 (one specimen found with a single petal 7 × 2 mm., sharply clawed, gland 1 near base). Fruiting heads ± globose, 5-9 mm. diam.; receptacle small, pilose. Achenes ± 2 mm. long, obliquely suborbicular, slightly compressed and margined; style ± 1 mm. long, hooked.

Ranunculus royi G.Simpson

2n = 48
2n = 48
2n = 32
2n = 48
2n = 48

Ranunculus royi G.Simpson

Tufted, scapose perennial, to 15 cm tall; rhizome 0. Lvs simple, broadly ovate to orbicular, shallowly 3-lobed, bluntly toothed or crenate, hairy, 10-15-(25) × 10-18-(25) mm. Fls solitary, sessile, 10-15 mm diam. Scape elongating at fruiting, terete, hairy; hairs wavy. Sepals spreading, hairy. Petals (0)-5, yellow, narrowly obovate; nectary single, c. 1 mm from petal base, covered by a small triangular scale. Receptacle hairy. Achenes 25-35, flattened, glabrous, 2-2.5 mm long; beak curved to hooked, 0.5-1 mm long.

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Ranunculus aff. royi (CHR 513327; Waihao)
Ranunculus royi G.Simpson
Ranunculus royi G.Simpson
Ranunculus royi G.Simpson
Ranunculus royi G.Simpson
Ranunculus royi G.Simpson
Ranunculus royi G.Simpson
Ranunculus royi G.Simpson
Ranunculus royi G.Simpson
Ranunculus royi G.Simpson
Ranunculus royi G.Simpson
Ranunculus royi G.Simpson
Ranunculus royi G.Simpson
Ranunculus royi G.Simpson
Ranunculus royi G.Simpson
Ranunculus royi G.Simpson
Ranunculus royi G.Simpson
Ranunculus royi G.Simpson
Ranunculus royi G.Simpson
Ranunculus royi G.Simpson
Ranunculus royi G.Simpson
Ranunculus royi G.Simpson
Ranunculus royi G.Simpson
Ranunculus royi G.Simpson
Ranunculus royi G.Simpson
Ranunculus royi G.Simpson
Ranunculus royi G.Simpson

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Ranunculus royi G.Simpson
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Ranunculus royi G.Simpson
New Zealand
Hawke's Bay Land District
Ranunculus royi G.Simpson
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Ranunculus royi G.Simpson
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Ranunculus royi G.Simpson
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Ranunculus royi G.Simpson
New Zealand
Wellington Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
5 March 2007
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