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Paesia scaberula (A.Rich.) Kuhn

Scientific name record
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Threat status: Not threatened
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Paesia scaberula (A.Rich.) Kuhn, Chaetopt., 27 (1882)
Paesia scaberula (A.Rich.) Kuhn

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New Zealand
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(A.Rich.) Kuhn
Paesia scaberula

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Paesia scaberula (A.Rich.) Kuhn

Rhizome stiff, far-creeping and branching, 1-2 mm. diam., clad in slender dark brown hairs; stipites distributed along rhizome. Stipes 10-30 cm. × 1-2 mm., stiff, densely hairy at base, muricate in lower half or throughout or smooth; often glandular-pubescent. Rhachis strongly to slightly zigzag, strongly muricate to smooth. Lamina 15-45 × 5-20 cm., deltoid to ovate, acuminate, coriac., stiff, yellow-green, ± glandular-pubescent, 2-3-(4)-pinnate; veins obscure. Larger primary pinnae shortly stalked, subopp. to alt., 7-20 × 3-5 cm., ovate to lanceolate, acuminate. Secondary pinnae shortly stalked, up to 25 × 10 mm., lanceolate. Segs decurrent, pinnatisect to almost pinnate, up to 5 × 2 mm., narrow, sharply toothed or incised, often apiculate. Sori us. cop., extending along both margins of segs, but not reaching base or apex. Indusium delicate, sts obsolete.

Paesia scaberula (A.Rich.) Kuhn

n = 26
n = 26

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Paesia scaberula (A.Rich.) Kuhn
Paesia scaberula (A.Rich.) Kuhn
Paesia scaberula (A.Rich.) Kuhn
Paesia scaberula (A.Rich.) Kuhn
Paesia scaberula (A.Rich.) Kuhn
Paesia scaberula (A.Rich.) Kuhn
Paesia scaberula (A.Rich.) Kuhn
Paesia scaberula (A.Rich.) Kuhn
Paesia scaberula (A.Rich.) Kuhn
Paesia scaberula (A.Rich.) Kuhn
Paesia scaberula (A.Rich.) Kuhn
Paesia scaberula (A.Rich.) Kuhn

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Paesia scaberula (A.Rich.) Kuhn
Cook Islands
Paesia scaberula (A.Rich.) Kuhn
New Zealand
Paesia scaberula (A.Rich.) Kuhn
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Paesia scaberula (A.Rich.) Kuhn
New Zealand
Gisborne Land District
Paesia scaberula (A.Rich.) Kuhn
New Zealand
Hawke's Bay Land District
Paesia scaberula (A.Rich.) Kuhn
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Paesia scaberula (A.Rich.) Kuhn
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Paesia scaberula (A.Rich.) Kuhn
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Paesia scaberula (A.Rich.) Kuhn
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Paesia scaberula (A.Rich.) Kuhn
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
Paesia scaberula (A.Rich.) Kuhn
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Paesia scaberula (A.Rich.) Kuhn
New Zealand
Taranaki Land District
Paesia scaberula (A.Rich.) Kuhn
New Zealand
Wellington Land District
Paesia scaberula (A.Rich.) Kuhn
New Zealand
Westland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
13 March 2018
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