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Callitriche petriei R.Mason

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Callitriche petriei R.Mason, Austral. J. Bot. 7: 315 (1959)
Callitriche petriei R.Mason

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New Zealand
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Callitriche petriei R.Mason
Callitriche petriei

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Callitriche petriei R.Mason

Plants creeping, with ascending or erect branches 3-7 cm. high. dioec. or almost so. Lvs spathulate, thin, c. 2·2 mm. long (1·2-(6) mm.), the larger lvs often with short side veins arising from the midrib and two lateral veins. Fls solitary, us. alternately on either side of stem, ebracteate. Filaments elongating to 2-4 mm.; anthers c. 0·4 mm. wide. Styles 1·7-2·2 mm. long. Fr. broader than long, 0.6-0.75 × 0.7-0.9 mm., thicker at base than at top; commissural groove narrow and shallow; lobes rounded, not keeled, not winged; pedicel c. 0·2 mm. long.

Callitriche petriei R.Mason

Monoecious or dioecious herb of wet ground with creeping unbranched stems ascending 3-7 cm, less often aquatic with submerged stems to 20 cm or more long, without definite rosettes. Terrestrial lvs (1)-2.2-(8) mm long, thin, spathulate or obovoid to suborbicular, entire, 3-5-nerved; submerged lvs slightly longer and linear or linear-spathulate, 1-nerved. Fls usually solitary in 1 lf axil of each pair, ebracteolate. Filaments 2-4 mm long; Style 1.7-2.2 mm long, ± persistent. Fr. 0.6-0.9 × 0.7-1.1 mm, suborbicular and broader than long; wing 0; faces strongly convex; commissural groove shallow and narrow.

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Callitriche petriei R.Mason
Callitriche petriei R.Mason
Callitriche petriei R.Mason
Callitriche petriei R.Mason
Callitriche petriei R.Mason
Callitriche petriei R.Mason
Callitriche petriei R.Mason
Callitriche petriei R.Mason
Callitriche petriei R.Mason subsp. petriei
Callitriche petriei R.Mason

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Callitriche petriei R.Mason
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Callitriche petriei R.Mason
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Callitriche petriei R.Mason
New Zealand
Taranaki Land District
Callitriche petriei R.Mason
New Zealand
Wellington Land District
Callitriche petriei R.Mason
New Zealand
Westland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
25 May 2022
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