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Taraxacum magellanicum Comm. ex Sch.Bip.

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Threat status: Not threatened

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Taraxacum magellanicum Comm. ex Sch.Bip. (1855)
Taraxacum magellanicum Comm. ex Sch.Bip.

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Recorded in error
New Zealand
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Comm. ex Sch.Bip.
Taraxacum magellanicum Comm. ex Sch.Bip.
Taraxacum magellanicum

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Taraxacum magellanicum Comm. ex Sch.Bip.

Taproot stout, up to 1 cm. diam., uni- or pauci-cipital. Lvs 4-10 cm. × 5-10 mm., narrow obovate-oblong to oblanceolate or almost linear in outline, tapering to petiole < lamina; glab. or nearly so; uncinately toothed to lobed or pinnatifid, lobes diminishing towards petiole. Scapes 2-10 cm. or more long, slender, glab. to sparsely hairy, especially towards capitulum. Capitula c. 1-2 cm. long, 1-2 cm. diam., campanulate. Florets ∞, yellow. Phyll. thin, with scarious to hyaline margins; outer imbricate, at first appressed, later spreading, nearly glab., ovate, up to 5 mm. long; inner tapering from broad base, glab., very thin, erect, narrowly to broadly margined, up to 12 mm. long. Receptacle shallowly convex, alveolate, c. 5 mm. diam. Achenes c. 3 mm. long, oblanceolate to oblong, compressed, strongly ribbed, muricate to smooth, with longer teeth above; narrowed abruptly before junction with beak. Beak slender, glab., c. 5-6 mm. long. Pappus-hairs c. 5 mm. long, slender, very obscurely barbellate.

Taraxacum magellanicum Comm. ex Sch.Bip.

2n = 16

Taraxacum magellanicum Comm. ex Sch.Bip.

Perennial rosette herb. Lvs all basal, linear to oblong or linear- oblanceolate, simple, usually dentate, sometimes runcinate-pinnatifid, glabrous or with sparse multicellular hairs, especially above, (3)-5-15-(30) × (0.7)-1-1.5-(4.5) cm; terminal lobe narrowly deltoid to oblong, obtuse, truncate at base; lateral lobes triangular, deflexed or recurved, entire or toothed on distal margin; petiole and proximal part of midrib hollow. Scape stout, hollow, usually sparsely cobwebby above, sometimes glabrous, (2)-5-20-(30) cm tall. Capitula 1.5-3-(4) cm diam. Involucral bracts glabrous; outer bracts lanceolate to ovate, ± attenuate, green or reddish, erect at flowering, suberect to patent at fruiting, with scarious margins; inner bracts narrowly triangular to linear, acute, green, erect, with scarious margins. Florets usually golden yellow, rarely paler. Achene body usually orange-brown to dull greenish brown, rarely cream, ribbed, clavate-fusiform, 2.5-4 mm long; ribs each with (3)-5-7 teeth on distal ⅓-⅔, the distal teeth slightly > the proximal; cone tapering or narrowly cylindric, (0.5)-1-2 mm long, concolorous with the body. Beak usually pale, sometimes dark, slender, 4.5-8 mm long. Pappus white, 4-7 mm long.

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Taraxacum magellanicum Comm. ex Sch.Bip.
Taraxacum magellanicum Sch.Bip.
Taraxacum magellanicum Comm. ex Sch.Bip.
Taraxacum magellanicum Comm. ex Sch.Bip.
Taraxacum magellanicum Sch.Bip.
Taraxacum magellanicum Comm. ex Sch.Bip.
Taraxacum magellanicum Sch.Bip.
Taraxacum magellanicum Comm. ex Sch.Bip.
Taraxacum magellanicum Sch.Bip.
Taraxacum magellanicum Comm. ex Sch.Bip.
Taraxacum magellanicum Comm. ex Sch.Bip.
Taraxacum magellanicum Sch.Bip.
Taraxacum magellanicum Comm. ex Sch.Bip.
Taraxacum magellanicum Comm. ex Sch.Bip.
Taraxacum magellanicum Sch.Bip.

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region

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Taraxacum magellanicum Comm. ex Sch.Bip.
Taraxacum magellanicum Comm. ex Sch.Bip.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Taraxacum magellanicum Comm. ex Sch.Bip.
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Taraxacum magellanicum Comm. ex Sch.Bip.
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Taraxacum magellanicum Comm. ex Sch.Bip.
New Zealand
Westland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
7 November 2024
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