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Myosotis concinna Cheeseman

Scientific name record
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Threat status: Naturally uncommon

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Myosotis concinna Cheeseman, Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 17: 235 (1885)
Myosotis concinna Cheeseman

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New Zealand
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Myosotis (Exarrhena) concinna
Myosotis concinna Cheeseman
Myosotis concinna
Type: South Island. Mount Owen, Nelson, alt. 4500 feet (1370 m), T.F.Cheeseman s.n. (lecto, designated by L. B.Moore in H. H. Allan (Ed.), Fl.New Zealand 1: 828 (1961): AK 7549!*; isolecto: WELT SP002360!; syn: South Island. Mount Owen, Nelson, alt. 3500 feet (1065 m), Jan. 1882, T.F.Cheeseman s.n. (AK 7548! and AK 210592!*). Excluded syn: South Island. Mount Arthur, alt. 4000 feet (1200 m), T.F.Cheeseman s.n., represent M. brockiei subsp. brockiei (note there are two specimens at AK that match the locality and collector information from the original description but they are both dated ‘Jan. 1886’, which postdates Cheeseman (1885; AK 7550!, AK 221074!)).

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Myosotis concinna Cheeseman

Rosette-lvs 5-11 × 0.7-1.1 cm., narrowly elliptic-spathulate, petiole slender and almost = lamina-length, tip subacute; hairs very finely silky, appressed, ± overlapping on upper surface, on undersurface similar but regularly retrorse. Lateral branches ascending to erect, 15-20 cm. long, lfless below cyme, lower internodes < lvs. Stem-lvs c. 25 × 7 mm., lanceolate with rounded base and narrowing to subacute tip, sessile; hairs similar to those on rosette-lvs but less closely appressed, on undersurface many retrorse especially on lower lvs. Cymes us. forked, ebracteate, many-fld, 1-2 cm. long or more, internodes very short, pedicels up to 3-(6) mm. long. Calyx 5-8 mm. long, lobes c. 1/2 length, ± oblong and obtuse, hairs crowded, silky, appressed, ± flexuous but not hooked, many retrorse at base. Corolla "bright pale yellow", c. 9-12 mm. diam., tube c. 6 mm. long, flaring slightly at mouth, scales prominent, lobes spreading, up to 4 mm. long, ± oblong; filaments long and conspicuous, standing well above corolla, anthers c. 1·5 mm. long, versatile; style > stamens, stigma capitate. Nutlets 2.5 mm. long when immature.

Myosotis concinna Cheeseman

Rosette lvs narrowly elliptic-spathulate; hairs finely silky, appressed, ± overlapping, abaxially regularly retrorse. Lateral branches ascending; stem lvs > lower internodes. Cymes ebracteate, usually branched, many-flowered, compact. Calyx narrow; lobes c. 1/2 length. Fls scented. Corolla yellow, to 12 mm diam.; tube cylindric to above calyx; filaments long and conspicuous.

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Myosotis concinna Cheeseman
Myosotis concinna Cheeseman
Myosotis concinna Cheeseman
Myosotis concinna Cheeseman
Myosotis concinna Cheeseman
Myosotis concinna Cheeseman
Myosotis concinna Cheeseman
Myosotis concinna Cheeseman
Myosotis concinna Cheeseman
Myosotis concinna Cheeseman
Myosotis concinna Cheeseman
Myosotis concinna Cheeseman
Myosotis concinna Cheeseman
Myosotis concinna Cheeseman
Myosotis concinna Cheeseman
Myosotis concinna Cheeseman
Myosotis concinna Cheeseman

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Myosotis concinna Cheeseman
New Zealand
Nelson Land District

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Type: South Island. Mount Owen, Nelson, alt. 4500 feet (1370 m), T.F.Cheeseman s.n. (lecto, designated by L. B.Moore in H. H. Allan (Ed.), Fl.New Zealand 1: 828 (1961): AK 7549!*; isolecto: WELT SP002360!; syn: South Island. Mount Owen, Nelson, alt. 3500 feet (1065 m), Jan. 1882, T.F.Cheeseman s.n. (AK 7548! and AK 210592!*). Excluded syn: South Island. Mount Arthur, alt. 4000 feet (1200 m), T.F.Cheeseman s.n., represent M. brockiei subsp. brockiei (note there are two specimens at AK that match the locality and collector information from the original description but they are both dated ‘Jan. 1886’, which postdates Cheeseman (1885; AK 7550!, AK 221074!)).

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scientific name
1 January 2000
24 May 2021
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