Celmisia monroi Hook.f.

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Celmisia monroi Hook.f., Handb. New Zealand Fl. 133 (1864)
Celmisia monroi Hook.f.
Celmisia monroi Hook.f.
Celmisia monroi
Vernacular names
Celmisia monroi Hook.f.
Tufted herb up to c. 20 cm. tall (shade forms may be distinctly larger) with simple to branched stock, pseudo-stem up to c. 15 cm., us. shorter. Lamina c. (7)-10-(15) cm. × (5)-10-(15)-(20) mm., lanceolate-elliptic to elliptic-oblong, coriac., us. rather stiff to almost rigid; upper surface ± sulcate, clad in silvery pellicle; lower densely clad in white silvery shining appressed tomentum, midrib us. prominent; apex sub-acute, margins slightly recurved, entire or nearly so, narrowed to petiole c. 2-3 cm. long. Sheath up to 10 cm. long, ± densely clad on outer surface and margins in white floccose deciduous tomentum. Scape up to ± 20 cm. long, rather stout, densely floccose; bracts ∞, lower up to c. 30 mm. long, clad in white subfloccose hairs. Capitula 25-30-(40) mm. diam.; phyll. ∞, linear, up to 25 mm. long, or linear-subulate, outer surface clad in floccose hairs, inner glab. except towards apex. Ray-florets ∞, c. 20 mm. long; tube slender, cylindric, limb narrowly obovate-oblong. Disk-florets narrow-funnelform, 6-9 mm. long, teeth narrow-triangular. Achenes glab., or with a very few short hairs on ribs, narrow compressed-cylindric, c. 5-6 mm. long. Pappus-hairs up to 8 mm. long, slender, white, very finely barbellate.
Celmisia monroi Hook.f.
n = 54
Celmisia monroi Hook.f.
Stout woody-based herb with branchlets arising from a multicipital stock, usually hidden; living leaves in large rosettes at the tips of branchlets, the whole plant forming patches of few to many rosettes; leaf sheaths densely imbricate and compacted, forming a pseudo-stem. Leaf lamina (12)—22—(55) × (1.0)—2.5—(3.2) cm, coriaceous, stiff and erect, lanceolate to oblong; upper surface sulcate, concolorous, somewhat rugose in some plants, dark green but generally masked by a thick lead-coloured, dull pellicle which is sometimes partly deciduous on older leaves; lower surface densely covered in glistening appressed tomentum, midrib moderately prominent; tip acute; margins entire, usually slightly recurved; base gradually narrowed to the petiole. Petiole up to 3 cm long. Sheath up to 8-(20) × 2 cm, greenish or rarely pale purple, clad in floccose white hairs. Scape densely clad in floccose white hairs, stout, up to 35 cm long; bracts very numerous, erect, usually up to 6 cm long and revolute, sometimes lowest bracts much larger and foliaceous; monocephalous. Ray florets 80-100, ligulate, the limb narrow-linear, white. Disc florets c. 250, 8-10 mm long, funneliform, yellow, tube with sparse long, eglandular biseriate hairs at base. Achene fusiformcylindric, strongly grooved, 3-8 mm long, usually slightly hairy; hairs short, appressed, bifid. Pappus unequal, 6-10 mm long, of c. 50 barbellate bristles.
Taxonomic concepts
Celmisia monroi Hook.f.
Celmisia monroi Hook.f.
Celmisia monroi Hook.f.
Celmisia monroi Hook.f.
Celmisia monroi Hook.f.
Celmisia monroi Hook.f.
Celmisia monroi Hook.f.
Celmisia monroi Hook.f.
Celmisia monroi Hook.f.
Celmisia monroi var. conspicua W.Martin
Celmisia monroi Hook.f.
Celmisia monroi Hook.f.
Celmisia monroi var. conspicua W.Martin
Celmisia monroi Hook.f.
Celmisia monroi var. robusta W.Martin
Celmisia monroi Hook.f.
Celmisia monroi Hook.f.
Celmisia monroi var. robusta W.Martin
Celmisia monroi Hook.f.
Identification keys
scientific name
1 January 2000
5 May 2006