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Raoulia hookeri Allan

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Raoulia hookeri Allan, Fl. New Zealand 1, 705 (1961)
Raoulia hookeri Allan

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New Zealand
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Raoulia hookeri Allan
Raoulia hookeri

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Raoulia hookeri Allan

Main stems slender, much-branched, prostrate and rooting; branchlets close-set, forming flat patches up to 5 dm. or more diam. Lvs closely imbricate, membr. towards 3-nerved base, subcoriac. towards rounded to retuse and apiculate apex, ± 2 × 1 mm., narrowly obovate-spathulate, ± inflexed; both surfaces ± glab. in basal part; dorsal surface clad in appressed white to buff, occ. tinged pale yellow, tomentum in apical portion; ventral surface with woolly hairs towards apex. Capitula ± 5-7 mm. diam. Florets c. 15, ± narrow-funnelform. Outer phyll. subfoliaceous; inner up to 5 mm. long, linear, obtuse, not radiate, ± stramineous, margins scarious. Achenes minutely pubescent to nearly glab., us. < 1mm. long; pappus-hairs c. 4 mm. long, very slender, not or hardly thickened at tips; papillae obscure, claviform.

Raoulia hookeri Allan

2n = 84
2n = 84
2n = 84

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Raoulia hookeri Allan
Raoulia hookeri Allan
Raoulia hookeri Allan
Raoulia hookeri Allan
Raoulia hookeri Allan
Raoulia hookeri Allan
Raoulia hookeri Allan
Raoulia hookeri Allan
Raoulia hookeri Allan
Raoulia hookeri Allan
Raoulia hookeri Allan
Raoulia hookeri Allan
Raoulia hookeri Allan
Raoulia hookeri Allan

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Raoulia hookeri Allan
[Not available]

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scientific name
1 January 2000
29 May 2006
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