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Celmisia bonplandii (Buchanan) Allan

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Threat status: Not threatened
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Celmisia bonplandii (Buchanan) Allan, Fl. New Zealand 1, 624 (1961)
Celmisia bonplandii (Buchanan) Allan

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New Zealand
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(Buchanan) Allan
Celmisia bonplandii

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Celmisia bonplandii (Buchanan) Allan

Stout, us. sparingly branched low-growing subshrub forming loose patches up to ± 5 dm. diam.; branches long-clad in reflexed Ivs; living Ivs viscid, in ± rosulate tufts at tips of branchlets. Lamina coriac., (4)-6-10 × (1·5)-2-3 cm., elliptic-obovate to elliptic-oblong to obovate; upper surface glab., ± lustrous, midrib ± evident; lower surface clad in closely appressed white satiny tomentum, midrib dark, prominent. Apex subacute to obtuse, sts apiculate; margins sinuate, sts distantly denticulate, cuneately narrowed to broad petiole up to c. 10 mm. long. Sheath submembr., glab., 2-3 × 1·5-2 cm., veins prominent. Scape rather stout, ± compressed, glab. or nearly so, ± glandular, ± 15-30 cm. long. Bracts several, linear-subulate, lowermost up to c. 25 mm. long, ± floccose at junction with sheath. Capitula c. 3-5 cm. diam.; phyll. Up to c. 11 mm. long, thin, pale, glab. or nearly so in lower half, pilose and ciliate in upper half, glandular towards apex. Ray-florets linear, up to c. 15 mm. long, widening to 5-toothed apex; disk-florets 7-8 mm. long, ± cylindric, widening to 5-toothed mouth. Anthers without tails. Achenes cylindric, 2.5-3 mm. long, with sparse hairs on ribs, sts papillose. Pappus-hairs sordid-white, slender, ± 6·5 mm. long, very obscurely barbellate.

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Celmisia bonplandii (Buchanan) Allan
Celmisia bonplandii (Buchanan) Allan
Celmisia bonplandii (Buchanan) Allan
Celmisia bonplandii (Buchanan) Allan
Celmisia bonplandii (Buchanan) Allan
Celmisia bonplandii (Buchanan) Allan
Celmisia bonplandii (Buchanan) Allan
Celmisia bonplandii (Buchanan) Allan
Celmisia bonplandii (Buchanan) Allan
Celmisia bonplandii (Buchanan) Allan
Celmisia bonplandii (Buchanan) Allan
Celmisia bonplandii (Buchanan) Allan
Celmisia bonplandii (Buchanan) Allan
Celmisia bonplandii (Buchanan) Allan
Celmisia bonplandii (Buchanan) Allan
Celmisia bonplandii (Buchanan) Allan
Celmisia bonplandii (Buchanan) Allan
Celmisia bonplandii (Buchanan) Allan
Celmisia bonplandii (Buchanan) Allan
Celmisia discolor var. β Hook. f.
Celmisia bonplandii (Buchanan) Allan
Erigeron bonplandii Buchanan
Celmisia bonplandii (Buchanan) Allan
Erigeron bonplandii Buchanan
Celmisia bonplandii (Buchanan) Allan
Erigeron bonplandii Buchanan
Celmisia bonplandii (Buchanan) Allan
Erigeron bonplandii Buchanan
Celmisia bonplandii (Buchanan) Allan

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Celmisia bonplandii (Buchanan) Allan
[Not available]

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scientific name
1 January 2000
15 September 2024
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