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Celmisia thomsonii Cheeseman

Scientific name record
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This is indigenous
Threat status: Naturally uncommon

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Celmisia thomsonii Cheeseman, Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 48: 211 (1916)
Celmisia thomsonii Cheeseman

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New Zealand
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Celmisia thomsonii Cheeseman
Celmisia thomsonii
After W.A. Thomson, who collected the type specimen.
Type: New Zealand. South Island, Eyre Mts, Central Otago, in rocky-crevices on faces of cliffs, alt. 5,000–6,000 ft., W.A. Thomson & J. Speden s.n. (holotype AK 9976)

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Celmisia thomsonii Cheeseman

Stems rather stout, hard, closely branched; living lvs forming dense flat rosettes at tips of branchlets. Lamina ± 10-15 × 3-5 mm., obovate-to narrow-oblong, obtuse, sts apiculate, coriac.; upper surface dull green, ± plicate, ± setulose; lower setulose, glab. or with scattered hairs, sts forming a distinct pellicle, midrib distinct; margins minutely irregularly denticulate towards apex, cuneately narrowed into petiole c. 3 mm. long, then expanded into short sheath. Scape slender, glandular-pubescent, ± 4-7 cm. long; bracts linear-oblong, up to 1 cm. long. Capitula 15-20 mm. diam.; phyll. narrowly lanceolate to oblong, up to c. 10 mm. long. Ray-florets ∞, slender, ± 15 mm. long, with pilose tube and long linear limb; disk-florets funnelform, 5-6 mm. long, teeth narrow-triangular. Achenes cylindric, 2.5-3 mm. long, densely clad on strong ribs in long ascending silky hairs. Pappus-hairs white, up to c. 5 mm. long, barbellate.

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Celmisia thomsonii Cheeseman
Celmisia thomsonii Cheeseman
Celmisia thomsonii Cheeseman
Celmisia thomsonii Cheeseman
Celmisia thomsonii Cheeseman
Celmisia thomsonii Cheeseman
Celmisia thomsonii Cheeseman
Celmisia thomsonii Cheeseman
Celmisia thomsonii Cheeseman
Celmisia thomsonii Cheeseman
Celmisia thomsonii Cheeseman
Celmisia thomsonii Cheeseman
Celmisia thomsonii Cheeseman
Celmisia thomsonii Cheeseman
Celmisia thomsonii Cheeseman
Celmisia thomsonii Cheeseman
Celmisia thomsonii Cheeseman
Celmisia thomsonii Cheeseman
Celmisia thomsonii Cheeseman
Celmisia thomsonii Cheeseman
Celmisia thomsonii Cheeseman
Celmisia thomsonii Cheeseman
Celmisia thomsonii Cheeseman

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Celmisia thomsonii Cheeseman
New Zealand
Southland Land District

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Type: New Zealand. South Island, Eyre Mts, Central Otago, in rocky-crevices on faces of cliffs, alt. 5,000–6,000 ft., W.A. Thomson & J. Speden s.n. (holotype AK 9976)
After W.A. Thomson, who collected the type specimen.

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scientific name
1 January 2000
7 June 2024
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