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Hebe canterburiensis (J.B.Armstr.) L.B.Moore

Scientific name record
Names_Plants record source
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Hebe canterburiensis (J.B.Armstr.) L.B.Moore in Allan, Fl. New Zealand 1, 899 (1961)

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(J.B.Armstr.) L.B.Moore
Hebe canterburiensis

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Hebe canterburiensis (J.B.Armstr.) L.B.Moore

Low-growing us. erect shrub up to 1 m. tall. Branchlets us. fully minutely pubescent, length of internodes 1-2 × diam. Lvs partly imbricate and at the same time ± distichously arranged, 7-17 mm. long, ± obovate, subcoriac., ± glossy above; lf-bud with long narrow sinus; lamina subacute, blunt at extreme apex, entire; petiole, lf-margin and sts upper surface of midrib minutely pubescent. Infls lateral, simple, rarely > 2.5 cm. long, rather dense-fld; peduncle short, us. hidden. Fls very shortly pedicellate in axils of short ciliolate bracts. Calyx-lobes c. 2.5 mm. long, subacute, ciliolate on membr. margin. Corolla white, tube at least = calyx, often rather longer, lobes 4-5 mm. long when dry. Capsule erect, acuminate, glab., dark, barely 2 × calyx.

Hebe canterburiensis (J.B.Armstr.) L.B.Moore

2n = 40
n = 20
n = 20
2n = 40

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Hebe canterburiensis (J.B.Armstr.) L.B.Moore
Hebe canterburiensis (J.B.Armstr.) L.B.Moore
Hebe canterburiensis (J.B.Armstr.) L.B.Moore
Hebe canterburiensis (J.B.Armstr.) L.B.Moore
Hebe canterburiensis (J.B.Armstr.) L.B.Moore
Hebe canterburiensis (J.B.Armstr.) L.B.Moore
Hebe canterburiensis (J.B.Armstr.) L.B.Moore
Hebe canterburiensis (J.B.Armstr.) L.B.Moore
Hebe canterburiensis (J.B.Armstr.) L.B.Moore
Hebe canterburiensis (J.B.Armstr.) L.B.Moore
Hebe canterburiensis (J.B.Armstr.) L.B.Moore
Hebe canterburiensis (J.B.Armstr.) L.B.Moore
Hebe canterburiensis (J.B.Armstr.) L.B.Moore
Hebe canterburiensis (J.B.Armstr.) L.B.Moore
Hebe canterburiensis (J.B.Armstr.) L.B.Moore
Hebe canterburiensis (J.B.Armstr.) L.B.Moore

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scientific name
1 January 2000
3 January 2023
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