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Veronica odora Hook.f.

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Veronica odora Hook.f., Bot. Antarct. Voy. I. (Fl. Antarct.) Part I, 62, Plate 41 (1844)
Veronica odora Hook.f.

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New Zealand
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62, Plate 41
Veronica odora Hook.f.
Veronica odora
The epithet odora is a reference to scent; Hooker (1844) originally referred to the “delicious fragrance of the flowers”, but this has not been noted by other workers.
Holotype: among the woods in LD Auckland’s Islands, [J. D. Hooker] 1460, Nov 1840, Herb. Hookerianum, K

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Shrubs of various habit, to 1·5 m. or more tall. Branchlets bifariously pubescent, length of internodes c. = diam. Lvs imbricate, patent, or ± distichous through twisting of some petioles, 1-2-(3) cm. long, us. rather uniform on one plant, elliptic-ovate, coriac. and rigid to submembr., upper surface glossy, undersurface dull with ∞ stomata; lf-bud with broad heart-shaped sinus, lamina-base rounded, petiole narrow above its broad ± pulvinate base; lamina subacute, ± concave, quite glab., entire, the margin bevelled, or milled like a coin, sts (as in type) also thickly cartilaginous and minutely crenulate; midrib sts forming keel. Infl. us. composed of 1-2 pairs of lateral spikes surmounted by a terminal one, and then forming a conical mass of crowded fls at the branch-tip; often simpler and sts reduced to only one spike, either terminal or occ. lateral; peduncles very short and hidden, bifariously pubescent. Fls sessile in strictly opp. pairs. Bracts broadly triangular, ± keeled, the lowest ones on each spike with lf-like texture except at membr. ciliolate margin, = calyx. Calyx-lobes 3-5 mm. long, subcoriac., ± keeled, ciliolate, the anterior two subacute, overlapping and slightly > posterior pair. Corolla-tube narrow-cylindric, = or > calyx, lobes = or > tube, us. rather narrow. Capsule erect, glab., to 2 × calyx.
2n = 42
2n = 42
n = 21, 42
2n = 84, c. 84
2n = 84
2n = 42
n = 21
2n = 42
n = 40
n = 42
n = 21
2n = 84
2n = 84
n = 42

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Hebe anomala (Armstr.) Cockayne
Veronica odora Hook.f.
Hebe buxifolia (Benth.) Andersen
Veronica odora Hook.f.
Hebe buxifolia var. odora (Hook.f.) Andersen
Veronica odora Hook.f.
Hebe buxifolia var. prostrata (Cockayne) Andersen
Veronica odora Hook.f.
Hebe buxifolia var. prostrata (Cockayne) Andersen
Veronica odora Hook.f.
Hebe haustrata (J.B.Armstr.) Andersen
Veronica odora Hook.f.
Hebe odora (Hook.f.) Cockayne
Veronica odora Hook.f.
Leonohebe odora (Hook.f.) Heads
Veronica odora Hook.f.
Veronica anomala Armstr.
Veronica odora Hook.f.
Veronica buxifolia Benth.
Veronica odora Hook.f.
Veronica buxifolia var. odora (Hook.f.) Kirk
Veronica odora Hook.f.
Veronica buxifolia var. patens Cheeseman
Veronica odora Hook.f.
Veronica buxifolia var. prostrata Cockayne
Veronica odora Hook.f.
Veronica elliptica var. odora (Hook.f.) Cheeseman
Veronica odora Hook.f.
Veronica elliptica var. odora (Hook.f.) Cheeseman
Veronica odora Hook.f.
Veronica haustrata J.B.Armstr.
Veronica odora Hook.f.
Veronica odora Hook.f.
Veronica odora Hook.f.
Veronica odora Hook.f.
Veronica odora Hook.f.
Veronica odora Hook.f.
Veronica odora Hook.f.
Veronica odora Hook.f.
Veronica odora Hook.f.
Veronica odora Hook.f.
Veronica odora Hook.f.
Veronica odora Hook.f.
Veronica odora Hook.f.
Veronica odora Hook.f.
Veronica odora Hook.f.

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Veronica odora Hook.f.
[Not available]
Veronica odora Hook.f.
[Not available]
Veronica odora Hook.f.
[Not available]
Veronica odora Hook.f.
[Not available]
Volcanic Plateau

Click to collapse Notes Info

Holotype: among the woods in LD Auckland’s Islands, [J. D. Hooker] 1460, Nov 1840, Herb. Hookerianum, K
The epithet odora is a reference to scent; Hooker (1844) originally referred to the “delicious fragrance of the flowers”, but this has not been noted by other workers.

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17 September 2002
5 January 2023
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