
- Abelmoschus
- Abutilon
- Alcea
- Althaea
- Anisodontea
- Anoda
- Apeiba
- Astrapaea
- Bartramia
- Brachychiton
- Callianthe
- Ceiba
- Chiranthodendron
- Chorisia
- Corchorus
- Dombeya
- Entelea
- Firmiana
- Fremontodendron
- Gossypium
- Grewia
- Guazuma
- Hibiscus
- Hoheria
- Lagunaria
- Lavatera
- Malachra
- Malope
- Malva
- Malvaviscus
- Melochia
- Modiola
- Modiolastrum
- Pavonia
- Philippodendrum
- Plagianthus
- Sida
- Sidalcea
- Sparrmannia
- Sphaeralcea
- Theobroma
- Tilia
- Trichosiphon
- Walcuffa
Infl. of simple or compound cymes to solitary; fls mostly 5-merous, regular, perfect; sepals valvate, ± connate, sts with epicalyx of free or connate bracts; petals free, contorted or imbricate; stamens ∞, hypog., monadelphous; tube bearing 1-celled anthers by division of filaments, dehiscing longitudinally; pollen grains large, us. spiny. Ovary with 2-several locules, often 5, with axile placentae. Fr. dry (rarely baccate), loculicidally dehiscent or separating into cocci. Herbs, shrubs, or trees with us. stellate or lepidote indumentum and alt., us. palmately nerved stipulate lvs. Subcosmopolitan family with some 80 genera and 1500 spp.
Fls us. perfect, regular, in cymes; sepals us. 5, valvate; petals us. 5, sts sepaloid; stamens 10- ∞, filaments free or in fascicles, anthers 2-celled dehiscing by apical pores or slits. Pistil 1; ovary superior, 2-10-loculed; placentae axile; style with stigmas us. as many as locules. Embryo straight. Fr. drupaceous or capsular. Mostly trees or shrubs, pubscent with branched hairs, lvs alt., simple, stipulate. Over 40 genera and 400 spp., mostly tropical and subtropical. The N.Z. genus endemic.
Herbs, shrubs or trees, with mucilaginous juice, often with stellate hairs. Lvs alternate, usually simple, entire or palmately lobed, divided or toothed, stipulate. Fls usually ☿, rarely unisexual, regular, in axillary or terminal fascicles, cymes, spikes, racemes, or panicles, or axillary and solitary. Calyx usually 5-, rarely 3-merous, variously united, sometimes subtended by a whorl of free or united bracts (epicalyx). Petals 5, free. Stamens numerous; filaments united into a staminal column; anthers 1-locular by division. Ovary (1)-2-many-, often 5-locular; style branches as many as or twice ovules; ovules 1 or more per loculus, erect or pendulous. Fr. usually dry (rarely fleshy), capsular or schizocarpic, dehiscent or not, and separating or remaining attached to axis.
Trees, shrubs or herbs, often with stellate hairs. Bark tough with very strong fibres. Lvs alternate, rarely opposite, often asymmetric, simple; stipules present, usually small and caducous. Infl. cymose or paniculate, terminal or axillary. Fls usually ☿, actinomorphic or nearly so. Sepals (3)-5, free or connate, valvate; epicalyx sometimes present. Petals usually (3)-5, less commonly 0, valvate or imbricate, often glandular at base. Stamens usually numerous, sometimes as few as 10, free or in bundles, inserted at base of petals or on an androphore; anthers 2-celled, dehiscing by apical pores or slits. Ovary superior, 2-10-(many)-locular; ovules 1-many on axile placentae; style simple; stigma lobed or capitate. Fr. usually a capsule or indehiscent drupe, berry or nut, sometimes a schizocarp. Seed endospermic.
Taxonomic concepts
scientific name
1 January 2000
3 August 2011