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Anisotome latifolia Hook.f.

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Anisotome latifolia Hook.f., Bot. Antarct. Voy. I. (Fl. Antarct.) Part I, 16, t.8 (1844)
Anisotome latifolia Hook.f.

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New Zealand
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16, t.8
Anisotome latifolia Hook.f.
Anisotome latifolia

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Anisotome latifolia Hook.f.

Very robust herb with watery sap, up to ± 2 m. tall; stem branched, grooved, up to ± 10 cm. diam. at base; stock very stout, taproot very deeply descending; offset plants arising from short stout rhizomes. Petioles (15)-20-30(40) cm. × (5)-10-20 mm., concave with stout median rib on ventral, convex on dorsal surface; sheath broad, tapering to petiole, with short broad rounded to toothed ligule, or ligule obsolete. Lamina about oblong to ovate-oblong in outline, 2-pinnate or sts ± 3-pinnate, (1)-2-4(6) dm. × (5)-15-20-(25) cm., coriac., light to rather dark green; veins evident on both surfaces. Primary pinnae, 5-10-(15) pairs, distant, broad ovate-oblong in outline, (5)-15-(20) × (3)-4-10 cm., with short slightly sheathing petiolule. Secondary pinnae 3-5 pairs, obliquely ovate-oblong, up to 5-(10) × 1-3 cm., sessile by very broad base, unequally 3-5 lobed; lobes about ovate-oblong, with cartilaginous margins produced into pungent points 2-3 mm. long. Stem-bracts with open concavo-convex sheaths up to 10 × 6 cm., narrowed to lamina up to c. 6 cm. long. Umbels compound, ± 4-8 cm. diam., us many ± aggregated into heads up to c. 2 dm. diam. Primary rays many, stout, unequal, up to ± 3 cm. long; involucral bracts linear, acute, pungent, 3-5 cm. × 5-10 mm. Secondary rays and bracts similar, shorter. Fls ∞; calyx-lobes unequal, narrowly ovate-triangular, subacute; petals broad-ovate, abruptly acute; ♂ with pistillodes bearing minute styles, ♀ with conical stylopodia and long styles. Fr. 4-5 mm. long; mericarps unequal, with 5-(4-3) ridges; vittae long, 1 per furrow.

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Anisotome latifolia Hook.f.
Anisotome latifolia Hook.f.
Anisotome latifolia Hook.f.
Anisotome latifolia Hook.f.
Anisotome latifolia Hook.f.
Anisotome latifolia Hook.f.
Anisotome latifolia Hook.f.
Anisotome latifolia Hook.f.
Anisotome latifolia Hook.f.
Anisotome latifolia Hook.f.
Anisotome latifolia Hook.f.
Anisotome latifolia Hook.f.
Anisotome latifolia Hook.f.
Anisotome latifolia Hook.f.
Anisotome latifolia Hook.f.
Calosciadium latifolium (Hook.f.) ex Walp.
Anisotome latifolia Hook.f.
Ligusticum latifolium Hook.f.
Anisotome latifolia Hook.f.

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Anisotome latifolia Hook.f.
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Anisotome latifolia Hook.f.
New Zealand
Wellington Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
19 June 2012
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