Parahebe planopetiolata (G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson) W.R.B.Oliv.

Parahebe planopetiolata (G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson) W.R.B.Oliv., Rec. Domin. Mus. 1: 229 (1944)
G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
(G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson) W.R.B.Oliv.
Parahebe planopetiolata
Parahebe planopetiolata (G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson) W.R.B.Oliv.
Slender, prostrate, softly woody subshrub rooting at nodes and forming patches up to 2 dm. diam. or more; branches ascending, lfy, 2-4 cm. long, sts elongated and up to 15 cm., glab. or pubescent, sts purplish. Lvs us. crowded, 5-10-(12) × 1·5-6-(8) mm. including petiole; lamina oblong to ovate to obovate to suborbicular, obtuse to subacute, entire or with 1-3 pairs of shallow teeth, glab., fleshy, shining, dark green to purplish, conspicuously dotted with stomata, spathulately narrowed into flat broad petiole < or = lamina, expanded and sparsely ciliolate at sub-sheathing persistent base. Infls. 1-2-fld, subsessile or shortly peduncled; bracts subfoliaceous, linear- to obovate-spathulate, entire, obtuse, ciliolate at base; pedicels up to 5-(7) mm. long, us. < bracts, glab. or pubescent. Calyx 4-6-(8) mm. long, glab. or sparsely pubescent at base, lobes spathulate or obovate-spathulate, obtuse. Corolla pink or lavender or white, 5-8 mm. long and 4-6 mm. diam.; tube c. 2 mm. broad, ± = lobes, < or = calyx; lobes 4-5, unequal, obovate to suborbicular, obtuse, only slightly spreading. Capsule 3-4 × 4-4·5 mm., much < calyx, broad-obcordate, compressed, glab.
Parahebe planopetiolata (G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson) W.R.B.Oliv.
2n = 84
Parahebe planopetiolata (G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson) W.R.B.Oliv.
Subshrub or loose cushion or matforming subshrub, 2–5 cm tall. Old stems brown. Branches prostrate. Branchlets red-brown. Vegetative internodes (1–)2–5(–7) mm long. Stem pubescence sparsely bifarious or absent, eglandular pubescent. Leaves decussate, erecto-patent to spreading. Lamina oblanceolate or oblong or elliptic or rhomboid, (2–)4–7(–10) × (1–)2–4(–6) mm. Adaxial surface of leaves green or dark green, glossy. Abaxial surface of leaves green or pale green or purple, dull. Leaf hairs absent. Apex obtuse to rounded. Base cuneate. Margin glabrous or ciliate (on petiole only), entire or crenate (shallowly). Marginal teeth or lobes in 0–3 pairs. Petiole (1–)2– 3(–5) mm long. Inflorescence a solitary bibracteolate flower or a pair of flowers (rarely), 0.5–0.8 cm long at fruiting. Indumentum of peduncle, rachis, and pedicels absent. Peduncle 0.1–0.2 cm long, glabrous. Bracts paired and opposite, obtuse or subacute, glabrous or eglandular ciliate (at base), spathulate to obovate. Bract margins entire. Pedicels erecto-patent at anthesis, straight at fruiting or incurved at fruiting, 1–5(–7) mm long, glabrous. Flowers: Calyx 4(–5)-lobed (small 5th lobe rarely present), (3.5–)4– 5(–7) mm long. Calyx lobes oblanceolate or obovate or spathulate, obtuse. Calyx hairs absent (calyx glabrous). Calyx lobe margins usually entire or toothed (rarely). Corolla white at anthesis or pink at anthesis or violet at anthesis. Nectar guides absent. Corolla throat same colour as lobes. Corolla 7–9 mm diam. Corolla tube 2–4 mm long, 1–1.5 mm wide, glabrous. Corolla lobes glabrous. Posterior corolla lobe circular or elliptic or rhomboid, obtuse, 3.5–4.5 × 2– 4 mm. Lateral corolla lobes asymmetrically elliptic or oblong or ovate or deltoid, obtuse, flat, not enfolding stamens, 2.5–5.5 × 2–4 mm. Anterior corolla lobe elliptic or oblong or rhomboid, subacute or obtuse, 2.5–4.5 × 1.5–2.5 mm. Stamen filaments white, 1.5–2.5 mm long, not narrowed at base. Anthers magenta, 1 mm long. Nectarial disc minutely ciliolate. Ovary ovoid or fusiform, acute or subacute, glabrous, 1 mm long. Style 2.5–3.5 mm long. Stigma 0.5 mm wide. Capsules hygrochastic, narrowly angustiseptate (i.e., strongly flattened), emarginate or didymous, (3–)3.5–4 × 4–4.5 mm, 2 mm thick, glabrous. Septicidal split of capsule extending to base. Loculicidal split of capsule extending 1⁄4–1⁄2 way to base. Seeds 25–35 per locule, strongly flattened, smooth-surfaced, ellipsoid or obovoid, pale brown, 0.8–1 × 0.5–0.6 mm.
Taxonomic concepts
Parahebe planopetiolata (G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson) W.R.B.Oliv.
Parahebe planopetiolata (G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson) W.R.B.Oliv.
Parahebe planopetiolata (G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson) W.R.B.Oliv.
Parahebe planopetiolata (G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson) W.R.B.Oliv.
Parahebe planopetiolata (G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson) W.R.B.Oliv.
Parahebe planopetiolata (G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson) W.R.B.Oliv.
Parahebe planopetiolata (G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson) W.R.B.Oliv.
Parahebe planopetiolata (G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson) W.R.B.Oliv.
Parahebe planopetiolata (G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson) W.R.B.Oliv.
Parahebe planopetiolata (G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson) W.R.B.Oliv.
Parahebe planopetiolata (G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson) W.R.B.Oliv.
Parahebe planopetiolata (G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson) W.R.B.Oliv.
Parahebe planopetiolata (G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson) W.R.B.Oliv.
Identification keys
scientific name
1 January 2000
6 January 2023