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Fls perfect, regular, in modified cymes or solitary. Receptacle adnate to ovary; calyx (3)-5-10-lobed. Corolla campanulate to tubular; lobes 5, valvate. Stamens alt. with corolla-lobes, inserted near base or on disk; filaments free; anthers 2-celled, dehiscing lengthwise. Ovary inferior, 2-10-loculed; placentae axile, ovules ∞. Fr. capsular to baccate. Mostly herbs or subshrubs with milky sap, alt. simple exstipulate lvs. Widely distributed family of some 40 genera and 1000 spp.
Fls perfect, 5-merous; receptacle adnate to ovary; corolla irregular, epig., 1-2-lipped, of valvate variously united petals; stamens alt. with corolla-lobes; anthers cohering into a tube around style. Ovary ± inferior, 2-(3)-celled; ovules ∞, axile; style girt by ring of hairs. Fr. fleshy or capsular; seeds ∞, embryo straight, endosperm cop. Herbs to small shrubs with often milky sap; lvs alt., simple, exstipulate. Some 20 widespread genera and 530 spp.
Herbs, rarely small shrubs or arborescent, nearly always with milky latex. Lvs usually alternate, simple, exstipulate. Fls in spikes, racemes, panicles or often solitary, actinomorphic, ☿. Calyx 3-5-(10)-lobed; lobes imbricate or valvate; tube adnate to ovary. Corolla gamopetalous, tubular to campanulate, generally blue or white; lobes usually 5, valvate. Stamens as many as corolla lobes, inserted near to corolla base or on disc, free or connate. Ovary usually inferior, very rarely superior, 2-5-(10)-celled; placentation axile or parietal, rarely basal or apical; ovules mostly numerous; style 1; stigmas 1-several. Fr. usually capsular and variously dehiscent, rarely baccate. Seeds numerous.
Herbs or subshrubs, rarely tall shrubs, often with milky sap. Lvs simple, alternate, exstipulate. Fls solitary or in racemes, spikes or panicles, usually ☿, zygomorphic. Calyx 5-lobed, adnate to ovary. Corolla gamopetalous, the 5 lobes variously united, 1-2-lipped, valvate. Stamens 5, sometimes epipetalous, otherwise inserted at base of corolla; anthers cohering and forming a tube around style. Ovary ± inferior, 2-3-locular, with numerous ovules; style simple or 2-lobed, with ring of hairs. Fr. fleshy and berry-like or capsular. Seeds many, small; endosperm copious.
Taxonomic concepts
scientific name
1 January 2000
4 August 2011