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Planchonella costata (Endl.) Pierre

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Planchonella costata (Endl.) Pierre, Not. Bot. Sapot. (1890)
Planchonella costata (Endl.) Pierre

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
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(Endl.) Pierre
Planchonella costata

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Tree up to c. 15 m. tall; trunk up to 1 m. diam.; closely branched, branchlets clad in appressed hairs and ± lactescent. Lvs on pubescent, lactescent petioles up to ± 10 mm. long. Lamina (4)-5-10-(15) × 2-5 cm., entire, coriac., lustrous, glab. except on midrib below, elliptic-to obovate-oblong, obtuse or occ. lvs retuse, cuneately narrowed to base. Lateral veins ∞, at rather wide angle to midrib. Fls axillary (cauliflory occ.), solitary or rarely 2 together, ± (3)-4-(6) mm. diam., on stout curved peduncles up to 12 mm. long. Calyx 4-(5)-toothed, teeth about ovate, pubescent, obtuse; hairs centrally affixed. Corolla but little > calyx, deeply 4-5-partite; lobes obovate-oblong, ± 4 mm. long. Stamens 5, filaments thick; staminodes 5, subulate. Ovary 4-5-loculed; fr. c. 2.5 cm. long, ovoid to ellipsoid. Seeds (1)-2-3-(4), hard, curved, almost as long as fr.

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Achras costata Endl.
Planchonella costata (Endl.) Pierre
Achras costata A.Cunn.
Planchonella costata (Endl.) Pierre
Achras novozelandica F. Muell.
Planchonella costata (Endl.) Pierre
Mimusops laurina A.Cunn.
Planchonella costata (Endl.) Pierre
Planchonella costata (Endl.) Pierre
Planchonella costata (Endl.) Pierre
Planchonella costata (Endl.) Pierre
Planchonella costata (Endl.) Pierre
Planchonella costata (Endl.) Pierre
Planchonella costata (Endl.) Pierre
Planchonella costata (Endl.) Pierre
Planchonella costata (Endl.) Pierre
Planchonella costata (Endl.) Pierre
Planchonella costata (Endl.) Pierre
Planchonella costata (Endl.) Pierre
Planchonella costata (Endl.) Pierre
Planchonella costata (Endl.) Pierre
Planchonella costata (Endl.) Pierre
Planchonella costata (Endl.) Pierre
Planchonella costata (Endl.) Pierre
Planchonella costata (Endl.) Pierre
Planchonella novo-zelandica (F.Muell.) Allan
Planchonella costata (Endl.) Pierre
Pouteria costata (Endl.) Baehni
Planchonella costata (Endl.) Pierre
Pouteria costata var. austro-montana (H.J.Lam) Baehni
Planchonella costata (Endl.) Pierre
Pouteria costata var. austro-montana (H.J.Lam) Baehni
Planchonella costata (Endl.) Pierre
Sapota costata (Endl.) A.DC.
Planchonella costata (Endl.) Pierre
Sersalisia costata (Endl.) Domin
Planchonella costata (Endl.) Pierre
Sideroxylon costatum (Endl.) F.Muell.
Planchonella costata (Endl.) Pierre
Sideroxylon novo-zelandicum (F.Muell.) Hemsl.
Planchonella costata (Endl.) Pierre

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Planchonella costata (Endl.) Pierre
New Zealand
Planchonella costata (Endl.) Pierre
New Zealand
Gisborne Land District
Planchonella costata (Endl.) Pierre
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Planchonella costata (Endl.) Pierre
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District

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scientific name
13 March 2002
18 July 2011
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