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Rubus parvus Buchanan

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Threat status: Not threatened
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Rubus parvus Buchanan, Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 6: 243 (1874)
Rubus parvus Buchanan

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New Zealand
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Rubus parvus Buchanan
Rubus parvus

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Rubus parvus Buchanan

Low-growing dioec. shrub with creeping main stem up to 1 m. long, rooting at nodes, unarmed when mature, bark reddish; sts semi-lianoid. Lvs 1-foliolate, coriac., dark to bronze-green above, paler below, linear to linear-oblong or narrow-lanceolate, acute, shallowly cordate at base, spinulose-dentate on margins; midrib sparingly prickly; lamina 2.5-9 cm. × 5-20 mm., with petiole c. 2 cm. long, stipules narrow-linear. Fls solitary and lf-opposed or in small, few-fld panicles; sepals ovate-long-acuminate, c. 5-8 mm. long, pubescent; petals 5, white, ovate to broad-ovate, obtuse, c. 1 cm. or less long. ♂ with ∞ stamens; ♀ with ∞ carpels; fr. c. 1-2.5 cm. long, of ∞ aggregated drupelets, flesh red.

Rubus parvus Buchanan

Low-growing shrub; creeping stems up to 1 m long, rooting at nodes, terete, glabrous; armature of small prickles restricted to young stems. Lvs reduced to a single leaflet; leaflet lamina coriaceous, linear-lanceolate to linear-oblong or ovate-lanceolate, (20)-25-90 × 5-22 mm, sometimes with a pair of obscure lobes near base, glabrous on both surfaces or with sparse scattered hairs on midrib, veins and margins, bronze-green on upper surface, paler on lower, sharply serrate-dentate. Infl. a few-flowered panicle or fls solitary. Petals white. Drupelets red.

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Rubus parvus Buchanan
Rubus parvus Buchanan
Rubus parvus Buchanan
Rubus parvus Buchanan
Rubus parvus Buchanan
Rubus parvus Buchanan
Rubus parvus Buchanan
Rubus parvus Buchanan
Rubus parvus Buchanan
Rubus parvus Buchanan
Rubus parvus Buchanan
Rubus parvus Buchanan

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Rubus parvus Buchanan
New Zealand
Rubus parvus Buchanan
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Rubus parvus Buchanan
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Rubus parvus Buchanan
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Rubus parvus Buchanan
New Zealand
Wellington Land District
Rubus parvus Buchanan
New Zealand
Westland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
27 June 2007
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