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Celmisia alpina (Kirk) Cheeseman

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Threat status: Not threatened
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Celmisia alpina (Kirk) Cheeseman, Man. New Zealand Fl., ed. 2, 328 (1925)
Celmisia alpina (Kirk) Cheeseman

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New Zealand
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(Kirk) Cheeseman
Celmisia alpina

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Celmisia alpina (Kirk) Cheeseman

Tufted herb with us. much and closely branched woody stock up to ± 6 cm. long, pseudo-stems up to c. 2 cm. long, close-set. Lvs very narrow-linear, subcoriac.; lamina ± 15-30 × (0·5)-0.75-1 mm.; upper surface canaliculate, grey-green, glab.; lower densely clad in appressed soft white tomentum, midrib evident; apex acute, sts shortly apiculate; margins us. much recurved, entire, narrowed to glab., pale, thin sheath c. 10 × 1 mm., with evident midrib. Scape 3-5 cm. long, very slender, finely grooved, ± clad in deciduous floccose hairs; bracts almost filiform, ascending, up to 10 mm. long. Capitula ± 15-20 mm. diam. Outer phyll. narrow-ovate, c. 7 mm. long; inner narrowly linear-subulate to narrow-lanceolate, c. 9 mm. long; both series almost scarious, midrib evident, margins sparingly hairy, tips acute, dark. Ray-florets ± 12 mm. long, tube very slender, limb widening to apex; disk-florets ± 5 mm. long, tubular to very narrowly funnelform, teeth narrow-triangular. Achenes narrow-cylindric, finely ribbed, c. 2.5-3 mm. long, glab. Pappus-hairs white, slender, up to 5 mm. long, very finely barbellate.

Celmisia alpina (Kirk) Cheeseman

n = 108
2n = 216

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Celmisia alpina (Kirk) Cheeseman
Celmisia alpina (Kirk) Cheeseman
Celmisia alpina (Kirk) Cheeseman
Celmisia alpina (Kirk) Cheeseman
Celmisia alpina (Kirk) Cheeseman
Celmisia alpina (Kirk) Cheeseman
Celmisia alpina (Kirk) Cheeseman
Celmisia alpina (Kirk) Cheeseman
Celmisia alpina (Kirk) Cheeseman
Celmisia alpina (Kirk) Cheeseman
Celmisia alpina (Kirk) Cheeseman
Celmisia alpina (Kirk) Cheeseman
Celmisia alpina (Kirk) Cheeseman
Celmisia longifolia var. alpina Kirk
Celmisia alpina (Kirk) Cheeseman
Celmisia longifolia var. alpina Kirk
Celmisia alpina (Kirk) Cheeseman

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Celmisia alpina (Kirk) Cheeseman
[Not available]

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scientific name
1 January 2000
8 May 2006
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