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Epilobium cinereum A.Rich.

Scientific name record
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Threat status: Not threatened

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Epilobium cinereum A.Rich.
Epilobium cinereum

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Epilobium cinereum A.Rich.

Stems stiff, erect, us. much-branched from a stout woody base, up to 6 dm. tall; branches ± virgate, terete, lfy, ashy-pubescent, becoming glab.; branchlets very slender. Lvs subopp., sts fascicled, sessile. Lamina linear, ± spathulate, us. mucronulate, 6-15 × 1-3 mm., with occ. ones up to ± 20 mm. long, submembr., clad in ash-grey pubescence on both surfaces; margins distinctly, rather coarsely denticulate to subentire. Fls us. extending well down stems, ± 3-4 mm. diam.; calyx 3-4 mm. long, cut to ± halfway into ovate, pubescent lobes; petals reddish to rose, rarely white, ± 4-5 mm. long. Capsule ashy-pubescent, obscurely tetragonous, 40-50 mm. long; peduncles very slender, finely pubescent, 15-20 mm. long. Seeds minutely papillose.

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Epilobium cinereum A.Rich.
Epilobium cinereum A.Rich.
Epilobium cinereum A.Rich.
Epilobium cinereum A.Rich.
Epilobium cinereum A.Rich.
Epilobium cinereum A.Rich.
Epilobium cinereum A.Rich.
Epilobium cinereum A.Rich.

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Epilobium cinereum A.Rich.
[Not available]

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scientific name
13 March 2002
11 March 2008