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Euphrasia revoluta Hook.f.

Scientific name record
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Threat status: Not threatened
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Euphrasia revoluta Hook.f.
Euphrasia revoluta Hook.f.

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New Zealand
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Euphrasia revoluta Hook.f.
Euphrasia revoluta

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Euphrasia revoluta Hook.f.

Low tufted perennial herb sts with woody stock up to 2 mm. diam.; stems slender, rooting at nodes and stoloniferous, branches ∞, erect, up to c. 5 cm. tall, slender to filiform, white-pubescent. Lvs sessile, us. rather close-set, 2-10 × 1-5 mm., narrow- to rhomboid-cuneate with 1 pair of small acute teeth below large triangular or rounded terminal lobe, glab., margins thickened and revolute. Fls single or few at tips of branches, subsessile or on white-pubescent pedicels up to c. 5 mm. long. Calyx 5-8 mm. long, white-pubescent, evenly or subevenly divided c. ⅓ way; lobes acute to subacute, margins and midribs thickened and reddish. Corolla white, 10-15 mm. long and diam.; tube us. much > calyx; lobes of lower lip 3-5 mm. wide, entire or shallowly emarginate. Anthers red-brown, margins hairy, awns unequal, stout. Capsule ± = calyx, c. 6-7 × 3-4 mm., oblong to obovate, sparsely setose at apex; seeds ∞, 1-1·5 mm. long.

Euphrasia revoluta Hook.f.

Low tufted perennial herb, sometimes with fairly stout woody stock; stems slender and stoloniferous; branches numerous, erect, to c. 5 cm long, slender to filiform, white-hairy. Lvs sessile, 2-10 × 1-5 mm, rhomboid-cuneate or narrower, with 1 pair of small acute teeth below large triangular or rounded terminal lobe, glabrous. Fls subsessile or on pedicels to c. 5 mm long. Calyx 5-8 mm long, white-hairy, evenly or subevenly divided c. ⅓ way. Corolla white, 10-15 mm long. Anthers red-brown; margins hairy; awns unequal, stout. Capsule ± = calyx, c. 6-7 × 3-4 mm.

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Euphrasia revoluta Hook.f.
Euphrasia revoluta Hook.f.
Euphrasia revoluta Hook.f.
Euphrasia revoluta Hook.f.
Euphrasia revoluta Hook.f.
Euphrasia revoluta Hook.f.
Euphrasia revoluta Hook.f.
Euphrasia revoluta Hook.f.
Euphrasia revoluta Hook.f.
Euphrasia revoluta Hook.f.

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Euphrasia revoluta Hook.f.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Euphrasia revoluta Hook.f.
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Euphrasia revoluta Hook.f.
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Euphrasia revoluta Hook.f.
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Euphrasia revoluta Hook.f.
New Zealand
Wellington Land District
Euphrasia revoluta Hook.f.
New Zealand
Westland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
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