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Cassinia leptophylla sensu A.Cunn.

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Cassinia leptophylla

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Cassinia leptophylla sensu A.Cunn.

Shrub < 0.5-5 m tall. Stems densely tomentose and sometimes glandular, but without long straight hairs. Lvs from almost glabrous to moderately clothed in white tomentum on upper surface, with dense white tomentum on lower surface and sometimes with sparse to dense covering of glandular hairs giving a yellow appearance to lf, apetiolate, usually oblong to narrow-obovate or elliptic, rarely linear or ± obtriangular, slightly revolute but lower surface not greatly obscured, 1.5-10-(15) × 1-3-(4) mm. Capitula in small, dense, rounded corymbs. Involucral bracts sparsely to moderately hairy especially on stereome of outer bracts, 1-4 mm long, mostly translucent, sometimes tinged pink or red in bud, often the inner bracts with milky white radiating lamina. Florets 4-15-(25) per capitulum; receptacular scales few to many or 0, with white radiating lamina slightly exceeding corollas. Achenes glabrous or with scattered antrorse hairs, square in section and slightly narrowed to base, 1-1.7 mm long; pappus denticulate, scarcely to distinctly thickened at apex.

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Cassinia leptophylla sensu A.Cunn.
Cassinia leptophylla sensu A.Cunn.
Cassinia leptophylla sensu A.Cunn.
Cassinia leptophylla sensu A.Cunn.
Cassinia leptophylla sensu A.Cunn.
Cassinia leptophylla sensu A.Cunn.

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scientific name
23 February 2004
5 July 2021
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