Cotula potentillina (F.Muell.) Druce

Cotula potentillina (F.Muell.) Druce, Bot. Soc. Exch. Club Brit. Isles 4 Suppl.: 617 (1917)
(F.Muell.) Druce
Cotula potentillina
Cotula potentillina (F.Muell.) Druce
Stems creeping, rooting, branched, ± clad in ascending hairs; lvs alt., often tufted at nodes. Lamina membr., gland-dotted, obovate to narrow-obovate, glab. or nearly so, (2)-4-5-(8) × 1-2 cm.; lower part pinnatisect, upper pinnatifid; pinnae ± irregularly crenately to serrately toothed, ± 15 mm. long, uppermost close-set, subentire. Petioles 2-5 cm. long, flat; bases expanded, semiamplexicaul. Scape axillary, ± 5-8 cm. long, nude, ± pubescent. Capitula 8-10 mm. diam.; receptacle convex. Phyll. ± 30 in 2-3 series, broad-ovate to ovate-oblong, subacute to obtuse, sparsely hairy. Florets eglandular; ♀ in c. 3 series with ovoid corolla, style-arms very short; ♂ tubular, 4-toothed, style undivided. Achenes slightly glandular, ± clavate, tetragonous, narrowly winged.
Cotula potentillina (F.Muell.) Druce
A diffusely creeping perennial herb. Rhizomes on soil surface, rather thick, pale, sparsely pilose; branches usually single at flowering nodes; leaves in two rows, single at apex, 0.5-4.0 cm apart. Short shoots alternate on both sides of the rhizome, with clustered leaves, sts converted into rhizomes with distant leaves. Roots slender and weak, up to 0.5 mm diam. Leaves 1-pinnatifid, 2-12 × 0.4-2.5 cm; blade 1-8 cm, obovate, subfleshy, yellow-green, without brown pigment, glabrous or almost so, midrib slightly raised on proximal part of ventral surface: pinnae 6-15 pairs, not overlapping, cut to rhachis or distalmost sinuses not quite reaching rhachis in larger leaves, elliptic; teeth on most pinnae, up to 12 per pinna, almost equally on distal and proximal margins, cut ca. ¼ across pinna, triangular, obtuse or acute, occ. themselves with 1-2 teeth. Peduncles us. borne on rhizomes, us. longer than leaves, 2-7 cm, nude or with 1 simple bract, sparsely pilose. Monoecious. Heads 5-8 mm diam., surface hemispherical to steeply convex; involucre flat or spreading; phyllaries 15-30 in 2 or more subequal rows, elliptic to oblong, green, almost glabrous, with a narrow transparent scarious margin, not growing after anthesis; pistillate florets 60-200 in 4-6 rows, ca. 2.0 mm long, slightly curved, yellow-green; corolla slightly longer than wide, with unequal teeth; staminate florets more numerous. Achenes up to 1.5 × 0.8 mm, slightly compressed, almost round or irregularly angled, with a pale unwrinkled papery surface turning brown and smooth. Flowers in spring and summer.
Taxonomic concepts
Cotula potentillina (F.Muell.) Druce
Cotula potentillina (F.Muell.) Druce
Identification keys
scientific name
13 March 2002
23 June 2008