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Pygmea armstrongii (Buchanan) Ashwin

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Pygmea armstrongii (Buchanan) Ashwin in Allan, Fl. New Zealand 1, 875 (1961)

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(Buchanan) Ashwin
Pygmea armstrongii

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Pygmea armstrongii (Buchanan) Ashwin

Low, much-branched, rigid, prostrate shrub with ascending branches 1·5-3 cm. tall and c. 5 mm. diam. including lvs. Lvs densely quadrifariously imbricate, closely appressed, 3·5-4 × 2-2*5 mm., ± ovate, subacute, coriac., ± concavo-convex, margins thickened above, ciliate in lower part, inner surface bearing small patch of hairs near apex and sts a few at tip when young. Calyx c. 4 mm. long, cut c. 3/4 way into slender lobes hispid on outer surface and margins. Corolla c. 5 mm. diam., funnelform. Ovary ciliate near apex. Capsule not seen.

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Pygmea armstrongii (Buchanan) Ashwin
Pygmea armstrongii (Buchanan) Ashwin
Pygmea armstrongii (Buchanan) Ashwin
Pygmea armstrongii (Buchanan) Ashwin
Pygmea armstrongii (Buchanan) Ashwin
Pygmea armstrongii (Buchanan) Ashwin
Pygmea armstrongii (Buchanan) Ashwin
Pygmea armstrongii (Buchanan) Ashwin

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scientific name
13 March 2002
7 January 2023
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