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Asplenium shuttleworthianum Kunze

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Threat status: Naturally uncommon
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Asplenium shuttleworthianum Kunze, Farrnkräuter 26, t. 14 (1840)
Asplenium shuttleworthianum Kunze

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
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26, t. 14
Asplenium shuttleworthianum Kunze
Asplenium shuttleworthianum
Named in honour of a Mr Shuttleworth, to whom Cuming sent his collection of this species, probably R.J. Shuttleworth (1810–1874), a British botanist who lived in Switzerland and France and who built up an important herbarium, now in BM.
Holotype: Pitcairn’s Island, Cuming 1374, BM 001045305!

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Asplenium shuttleworthianum Kunze

Rhizome short, ascending; stipites tufted. Stipes stout, up to 15 cm. long. Rhachis stout, smooth, nude, with about 20 alt. to subopp. pinnae. Lamina about ovate-oblong, 20-90 × 5-20 cm., coriac., yellowish green, subacuminate, 3-(4)-pinnate. Primary pinnae up to 10 × 3·5 cm., stalked, ovate-lanceolate, subacute (barren pinnae with broader, less dissected pinnules). Secondary pinnae stalked, c. 3 × 1 cm., about ovate-oblong to lanceolate. Tertiary pinnae c. 1 cm. long, pinnatifid to pinnatisect; segs linear to narrow-oblong, subacute, slightly expanded in region of sori. Sori near tips of segs, solitary, submarginal, oblong, c. 2 mm. long, us. plentiful.

Asplenium shuttleworthianum Kunze

Rhizome short, erect, bearing redbrown, linear attenuate scales. Stipes up to 15 cm long, green above, brown below, sparingly covered in small linear scales with long filiform apices (Fig. 24 O-P). Laminae oblong to elliptic, 15-90 × 10-25 cm, yellow-green, coriaceous, 3- to 4-pinnate. Raches green, almost lacking scales, prominently grooved. Pinnae ovate to narrowly ovate, acuminate, stalked, up to 12 × 5 cm. Secondary pinnae linear to lanceolate, up to 15 × 2 mm, often pinnatifid. Ultimate segments linear, subacute, slightly expanded in the region of the sori. Sori near tips of ultimate segments, solitary, broad, submarginal, c.2mm long. Spores (46)51-63(71) mcm long, (32)34-44(50) mcm wide (3 populations), perispore prominently winged, granular, but not conspicuously ridged (Fig. 30C-D).

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Asplenium flaccidum var. shuttleworthianum (Kunze) Hook.f.
Asplenium shuttleworthianum Kunze
Asplenium shuttleworthianum Kunze
Asplenium shuttleworthianum Kunze
Asplenium shuttleworthianum Kunze
Asplenium shuttleworthianum Kunze
Asplenium shuttleworthianum Kunze
Asplenium shuttleworthianum Kunze
Asplenium shuttleworthianum Kunze
Asplenium shuttleworthianum Kunze
Asplenium shuttleworthianum Kunze
Asplenium shuttleworthianum Kunze
Asplenium shuttleworthianum Kunze
Asplenium shuttleworthianum Kunze
Asplenium shuttleworthianum Kunze
Asplenium shuttleworthianum Kunze
Asplenium shuttleworthianum Kunze
Asplenium shuttleworthianum Kunze

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Asplenium shuttleworthianum Kunze
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District

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Holotype: Pitcairn’s Island, Cuming 1374, BM 001045305!
Named in honour of a Mr Shuttleworth, to whom Cuming sent his collection of this species, probably R.J. Shuttleworth (1810–1874), a British botanist who lived in Switzerland and France and who built up an important herbarium, now in BM.

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scientific name
1 January 2000
23 March 2018
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