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Cupressaceae Gray

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Cupressaceae Gray

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Cupressaceae Gray

Plants monoec. or dioec.; cone scales whorled or opp., us. woody Microsporophylls with 3-5 sporangia; ovules 2 to ∞.About 15 genera of trees and shrubs with wide distribution.

Cupressaceae Gray

Evergreen, ± resinous, trees and shrubs, monoecious or dioecious. Winter buds naked. Lvs usually opposite or whorled, rarely alternate, usually scale-like, decurrent and hiding the stem, needle-like when young, sometimes this juvenile form persisting. Cones of opposite or whorled scales, terminal or axillary. ♂ strobili (cones) with 3-5 pollen sacs (microsporangia) on lower surface of each scale. ♀ cones with 2-numerous, erect ovules on upper surface of the ovuliferous scales (megasporophylls). Bract completely united with scale. Fr. usually a woody cone, more rarely the scales becoming fleshy and coalescent. Seeds winged or not; cotyledons 2-6.
Medium-sized to huge, monoecious trees, very rarely shrubs, deciduous or evergreen, resinous, with thick, often soft, fibrous bark. Lvs usually alternate and spirally arranged, less commonly opposite, usually linear, lanceolate, or cultrate, sometimes scale-like. Short shoots usually not evident. ♂ strobili (cones) terminal, of numerous spirally arranged stamens (microsporophylls), each stamen with 2-9 anthers (microsporangia). Pollen lacking bladders. ♀ cones terminal; bract and ovuliferous scales (megasporophylls) ± fused and indistinguishable, spirally arranged, numerous, each bearing 2-12, erect or inverted ovules on the upper surface. Mature cones ± globose, woody, dehiscent, ripening in second year. Seed often with narrow wing; cotyledons 2-9.

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Cupressaceae Gray
Cupressaceae Gray
Cupressaceae Gray
Cupressaceae Gray
Cupressaceae Gray
Cupressaceae Gray
Cupressaceae Gray

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scientific name
1 January 2000
12 August 2015
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