Hebe brachysiphon Summerh.

Hebe brachysiphon Summerh., Kew Bull. 1927: 397 (1927)
Hebe brachysiphon Summerh.
Hebe brachysiphon
Lectotype (designated by Bayly & Kellow 2004): from Sir J. D. Hooker’s garden, 26 June 1893, K, flowering pieces on top left and bottom right only (these are mounted on the same sheet as pieces collected in March 1893, and another specimen – comprising two pieces – collected at Edinburgh Botanical Gardens)
Hebe brachysiphon Summerh.
Rounded bushy shrub to 1 m. tall. Branchlets very finely pubescent, length of internodes 1-3 × diam. Lvs erecto-patent to occ. deflexed, 1·5-2.5 cm. × 4-6 mm., elliptic to lanceolate, rather light green, smooth above, dull with ∞ stomata beneath; lf-bud with long narrow sinus, the lamina cuneately narrowed into short winged petiole; lamina acute, entire, glab. except for fine pubescence on slightly bevelled margin. Infls lateral, mostly simple but a few bi- or tri-partite on many plants, c. 2-4 cm. long; peduncle < adjacent lvs, finely pubescent. Bracts narrow, ciliolate, lowest acute, upper ones obtuse, mostly > pedicels which decrease from c. 2.5 mm. at base of raceme to < 1 mm. near its tip. Calyx-lobes c. 1·5 mm. long, obtuse to subacute in same fl., ciliolate. Corolla white, tube c. 3 mm. long, rather broad, lobes c. = tube. Capsule erect, c. 4 × 3 mm., glab.
Hebe brachysiphon Summerh.
n = 60
n = 60
2n = 120
2n = 120
2n = 120
n = 60
Taxonomic concepts
Hebe brachysiphon Summerh.
Hebe brachysiphon Summerh.
Hebe brachysiphon Summerh.
Hebe brachysiphon Summerh.
Hebe brachysiphon Summerh.
Hebe brachysiphon Summerh.
Hebe brachysiphon Summerh.
Hebe brachysiphon Summerh.
Hebe brachysiphon Summerh.
Hebe brachysiphon Summerh.
Lectotype (designated by Bayly & Kellow 2004): from Sir J. D. Hooker’s garden, 26 June 1893, K, flowering pieces on top left and bottom right only (these are mounted on the same sheet as pieces collected in March 1893, and another specimen – comprising two pieces – collected at Edinburgh Botanical Gardens)
The epithet brachysiphon means short tube, a reference to the corolla tube in relation to that of V. traversii, with which it had been confused.
scientific name
1 January 2000
14 January 2023