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Ischnocarpus novae-zelandiae (Hook.f.) O.E.Schulz

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(Hook.f.) O.E.Schulz
168-169, t. 29
Ischnocarpus novae-zelandiae

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Ischnocarpus novae-zelandiae (Hook.f.) O.E.Schulz

Stock rather slender with deeply descending taproot, crowned by rosette of basal lvs. Radical lvs up to 10 cm. long, us. shorter, clad in stellate hairs; narrow- to broad-spathulate, narrowed into flat petiole, subentire to bluntly pinnatifid to pinnatisect. Lower cauline lvs spathulate to linear, entire or lobed, c. 2-1 cm. long; uppermost much reduced. Stems up to 30 cm. tall, slender, stiff, sparingly branched, ± stellate-pubescent, produced into slender racemes elongating in fr. Sepals c. 1·5 mm. long, oblong, subacute to obtuse and hooded, with scattered hairs towards apex, margins hyaline. Petals white, c. 3 mm. long, narrow-spathulate, long- clawed. Siliques glab., almost straight to arcuate, ± 3-5 cm. × 1 mm.: style minute; pedicels subpatent, c. 1-1·5 cm. long. Seeds ∞, c. 0·5- 0.75 mm. long, light brown.

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Ischnocarpus novae-zelandiae (Hook.f.) O.E.Schulz
Ischnocarpus novae-zelandiae (Hook.f.) O.E.Schulz
Ischnocarpus novae-zelandiae (Hook.f.) O.E.Schulz
Ischnocarpus novae-zelandiae (Hook.f.) O.E.Schulz

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Ischnocarpus novae-zelandiae (Hook.f.) O.E.Schulz
New Zealand
Otago Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
28 April 2004
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