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Hymenophyllum sanguinolentum (G.Forst.) Sw.

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Threat status: Not threatened
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Hymenophyllum sanguinolentum (G.Forst.) Sw., J. Bot. (Schrader) 1800(2): 101 (1801)
Hymenophyllum sanguinolentum (G.Forst.) Sw.

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region

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(G.Forst.) Sw.
Hymenophyllum sanguinolentum

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Hymenophyllum sanguinolentum (G.Forst.) Sw.

Rhizome rather stout to slender, much-branched; clad in reddish bristly hairs when young, becoming glab.; stipites distant to approximate. Stipes rather stout, 4-8 cm. long, narrowly winged above or throughout (except in age), with bristly hairs at base. Rhachis rather stout, winged throughout or in upper part, glab. or with sparse hairs. Lamina 5-15 cm. long or more, broad-ovate to oblong, dull olive-green, strongly scented, staining paper while drying; 3-pinnatifid to almost pinnate; final segs oblong to narrowly oval, often crowded. Sori on short lateral segs, mostly in upper part of frond, free or very slightly immersed. Indusium 1-1·5 mm. long, broad-ovate to suborbicular; 2-valved almost to base, valves entire, often crested on back. Receptacle not exserted.

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Hymenophyllum cristulatum Rosenst.
Hymenophyllum sanguinolentum (G.Forst.) Sw.
Hymenophyllum lophocarpum Colenso
Hymenophyllum sanguinolentum (G.Forst.) Sw.
Hymenophyllum polyanthos sensu Raoul
Hymenophyllum sanguinolentum (G.Forst.) Sw.
Hymenophyllum polyanthos var. sanguinolentum (G.Forst.) Hook. ex Hook.f.
Hymenophyllum sanguinolentum (G.Forst.) Sw.
Hymenophyllum sanguinolentum (G.Forst.) Sw.
Hymenophyllum sanguinolentum (G.Forst.) Sw.
Hymenophyllum sanguinolentum (G.Forst.) Sw.
Hymenophyllum sanguinolentum (G.Forst.) Sw.
Hymenophyllum sanguinolentum (G.Forst.) Sw.
Hymenophyllum sanguinolentum (G.Forst.) Sw.
Hymenophyllum sanguinolentum (G.Forst.) Sw.
Hymenophyllum sanguinolentum (G.Forst.) Sw.
Hymenophyllum sanguinolentum (G.Forst.) Sw.
Hymenophyllum sanguinolentum (G.Forst.) Sw.
Hymenophyllum sanguinolentum (G.Forst.) Sw.
Hymenophyllum sanguinolentum (G.Forst.) Sw.
Hymenophyllum sanguinolentum (G.Forst.) Sw.
Hymenophyllum sanguinolentum (G.Forst.) Sw.
Hymenophyllum sanguinolentum var. lophocarpum (Colenso) Domin
Hymenophyllum sanguinolentum (G.Forst.) Sw.
Mecodium sanguinolentum (G.Forst.) C.Presl
Hymenophyllum sanguinolentum (G.Forst.) Sw.
Sphaerocionium sanguinolentum (G.Forst.) C.Presl
Hymenophyllum sanguinolentum (G.Forst.) Sw.
Trichomanes sanguinolentum G.Forst.
Hymenophyllum sanguinolentum (G.Forst.) Sw.

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Hymenophyllum sanguinolentum (G.Forst.) Sw.
[Not available]
Hymenophyllum sanguinolentum (G.Forst.) Sw.
[Not available]
Hymenophyllum sanguinolentum (G.Forst.) Sw.
[Not available]
North Auckland
Hymenophyllum sanguinolentum (G.Forst.) Sw.
[Not available]
Hymenophyllum sanguinolentum (G.Forst.) Sw.
[Not available]
Hymenophyllum sanguinolentum (G.Forst.) Sw.
[Not available]
Hymenophyllum sanguinolentum (G.Forst.) Sw.
[Not available]
Volcanic Plateau
Hymenophyllum sanguinolentum (G.Forst.) Sw.
[Not available]

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The name Hymenophyllum polyanthos Sw. has been widely misapplied to this species.

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scientific name
1 January 2000
14 June 2024
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