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Lepidium obtusatum Kirk

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Lepidium obtusatum Kirk, Trans. New Zealand Inst. 24: 423 (1892)
Lepidium obtusatum Kirk

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New Zealand
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Lepidium obtusatum Kirk
Lepidium obtusatum
Although the exact meaning of the species “obtusatum” was not given by Kirk (1891) it seems that he took the name from the shape of the hypogynous glands (i.e. the nectaries) which he specifically noted (Kirk 1899) are “very short and obtuse”.
Holotype: New Zealand: Port Nicholson, n.d., Miss Kirk, WELT SP030109! Notes: Kirk’s protologue for L. obtusatum states “Hab. North Island: Maritime rocks at the entrance to Port Nicholson, Miss Kirk” (Kirk 1892). Only one herbarium sheet annotated 'Lepidium obtusatum n.s., Port Nicholson, Miss Kirk' and so matching the protologue as to name, collector (Miss [Lily] Kirk), type locality, and labelled in the naming authors hand could be located in the WELT (the main herbarium where Kirk material has come to be lodged) so this sheet is regarded here as the holotype.

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Lepidium obtusatum Kirk

Glab. herb with branched, leafy, prostrate to suberect stems up to 3 dm. long. Lower lvs on broad flat petioles up to 5 cm. long; lamina up to 5 cm. long, oblong-cuneate, coarsely crenate-serrate; upper lvs subsessile, about ovate. Racemes ∞; fls c. 3 mm. diam.; pedicels slender, c. 5 mm. long; sepals broadly ovate-oblong, ± 1·5 mm. long; petals slightly longer; stamens 4, glands 4, oblong, very short. Silicles broadly ovate, 4-5 mm. long, slightly winged above, notch broad, shallow; style stout, about = notch. Seed compressed-ovoid, ± 2.5 mm. long, yellowish brown.

Lepidium obtusatum Kirk

Glabrous perennial. Stems decumbent to ascending, stout, flexuous, 20-30 cm tall. Lvs all similar, obovate-spathulate, crenate to bluntly dentate. Rosette lvs 3-7 × 0.5-2 cm, cuneately narrowed to broad, flat petiole > lamina. Stem lvs toothed at apex, (0.5)-1-2-(5) × (0.3)-0.5-1.5 cm; petiole < lamina or 0. Racemes terminal on short leafy branchlets, (2)-3-5 cm long; pedicels erecto-patent, 3-5 mm long at fruiting. Sepals c. 1.5 × 0.8 mm. Petals white, obovate, < or = sepals. Stamens 4 or 6. Silicle broadly ovate, shallowly notched at apex, slightly winged, 4.5-5.5 × 4-4.5 mm; style very short; stigma = notch. Seeds broadly ovoid to triangular, brown, not winged, c. 2 x 2 mm.

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Lepidium obtusatum Kirk
Lepidium obtusatum Kirk
Lepidium obtusatum Kirk
Lepidium obtusatum Kirk
Lepidium obtusatum Kirk
Lepidium obtusatum Kirk
Lepidium obtusatum Kirk
Lepidium obtusatum Kirk
Lepidium obtusatum Kirk
Lepidium obtusatum Kirk
Lepidium obtusatum Kirk
Lepidium obtusatum Kirk
Lepidium obtusatum Kirk
Lepidium obtusatum Kirk
Lepidium obtusatum Kirk
Lepidium obtusatum Kirk
Lepidium obtusatum Kirk

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Lepidium obtusatum Kirk
New Zealand
Wellington Land District

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Holotype: New Zealand: Port Nicholson, n.d., Miss Kirk, WELT SP030109! Notes: Kirk’s protologue for L. obtusatum states “Hab. North Island: Maritime rocks at the entrance to Port Nicholson, Miss Kirk” (Kirk 1892). Only one herbarium sheet annotated 'Lepidium obtusatum n.s., Port Nicholson, Miss Kirk' and so matching the protologue as to name, collector (Miss [Lily] Kirk), type locality, and labelled in the naming authors hand could be located in the WELT (the main herbarium where Kirk material has come to be lodged) so this sheet is regarded here as the holotype.
Although the exact meaning of the species “obtusatum” was not given by Kirk (1891) it seems that he took the name from the shape of the hypogynous glands (i.e. the nectaries) which he specifically noted (Kirk 1899) are “very short and obtuse”.

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scientific name
1 January 2000
18 June 2013
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